Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then early modern era"" "subject:"them early modern era""
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Historiekultur : Bilden av det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien skildrad i två historieläroböcker / Historiculture : The picture of early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia described in two history textbooksMEDIC, EMIRA January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken historiekultur konstrueras i en svensk och i en bosnisk gymnasielärobok då fokus ligger på det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien. Frågeställningar är följande: Hur beskrivs det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien i de analyserade gymnasieläroböckerna det vill säga vilka politiska och kulturella händelser skildras? Förekommer några likheter och/eller skillnader i framställningen av det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien? Finns det några jämförbara förhållanden eller idéer? Handlar det alltså om kontrasterande eller generaliserande komparation? Vilken bild av historiekultur konstrueras i respektive gymnasielärobok? Metoden som används är kvalitativ textanalys av läromedel och komparativ metod. Resultatet visar att politisk historia dominerar i beskrivningen av det tidigmoderna Sverige medan kulturell historia upptar mindre plats. I beskrivningen av det tidigmoderna Bosnien uppmärksammas politisk och kulturell historia lika mycket. Komparationen mellan framställningen av det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien är i lika hög grad kontrasterande som generaliserande eftersom den karakteriseras av både likheter och skillnader i historieskrivningen. Likheter handlar om allmänna historiska drag som politik, kultur, händelser och personer medan skillnader innebär själva händelser och personer som är specifika för Sveriges respektive Bosniens historiska utveckling. Bilden av den svenska och den bosniakiska historiekultur är jämförbara och består av de händelser och personer som var betydande för ländernas territoriella expansion, politiska och kulturella utveckling. / The purpose of this study is to examine witch historiculture is constructed in a Swedish and in a Bosnian school textbook where the focus is on early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia. Questions are: How describes early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia in the analyzed secondary school textbooks that is to say, which political and cultural events depicted? There are some similarities and/or differences in the production of early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia? There are no comparable conditions or ideas? It is therefore about contrasting or excessively broad comparison? What image of historical-cultural constructs in each secondary school textbook? The method used is the qualitative text analysis of the textbooks and the comparative method. The result shows that political history dominate in the description of early modern Sweden while cultural history occupies less space. In the description of early modern Bosnia calls attention to the political and cultural history as much. The comparison between the production of early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia is just as much contrast as excessively broad because it is characterized by both similarities and differences in the writing of history. Similarities are general historical features policy, culture, events and persons while differences involve the events and people that are specific to Sweden's respective Bosnia's historical development. The image of the Swedish and the Bosnian history culture are comparable and consists of the events and persons who were significant for countries ' territorial expansion, political and cultural development.
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Biblistické výklady Jeronýma Hirnhaima ve spise Theologia universalis / Biblical Introduction in Jerome Hirnhaim's Theologia UniversalisMatějec, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Biblical Introduction in Jerome Hirnhaim's Theologia Universalis" contributes to a deeper understanding of the early modern thinking about the Holy Scripture. Theological compendium "Theologia universalis" was composed by Jerome Hirnhaim, abbot of the Premonstratensian monastery at Strahov, in the second half of the 17th century, and was used as a teaching aid for the monastic clergy. The thesis analyses the extracts from the Hirnhaim's compendium which are dedicated to the questions of relationship between Scripture and Tradition, biblical inspiration, interpretation of the biblical text and laity reading of Scripture. A comparison with Robert Bellarmine's "De Controversiis" shows that Hirnhaim's lectures were largely based on this Bellarmine's work. Numerous correspondences between the Hirnhaim's compendium and Gaspard Juénin's "Institutiones theologicae", a textbook compiled for use in the French seminaries in the nineties of the 17th century, shows a transnational character of early modern Catholic theology and teaching practice. Differences between the early modern and current view of Scripture can be observed in the area of pastoral practice.
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Reality vs. Perceptions: The Treatment of Early Modern French Jews in Politics and Literary CultureWoods, Michael 05 May 2014 (has links)
Although historians have written extensively on both the early modern era and the development of an absolute monarchy, the history of Jewish communities in France and the role they played has been largely ignored. Beginning with the French Wars of Religion, this study analyzes to what extent France’s religious situation affected the growth of absolutism and how this in turn affected the Jews. Taking advantage of the fractured nature of the early French monarchy, Jews began settling in provinces along the border of both Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. Affected by economic jealousies and cultural perceptions of Jews, the treatment of these communities by local officials led to requests by Jews for royal intervention in these regions. Perceptions of Jews evolved through the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as the French Enlightenment influenced the way Jewish characters were presented. This study then ties these perceptions of Jews to the political and economic reality of these communities in an attempt to create a unified history of France’s early modern Jewish population.
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Reprezentace Indiánů v česky psaných pramenech v raném novověku / Representations of Native Americans in Czech Written Sources in the Early Modern PeriodLibánská, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of representations of Native Americans in Czech written sources from the 16th century which are related to the topic of european overseas exploration. Special emphasis is placed on the formation of representations of corporeality in the context of discourses present in the early modern literary production and on the representations of gender relations that discourses of the body help to produce in texts. Apart from other things, the textual representations were influenced by the europocentric interpretation of the world which emerging from christian discourse at that time. As well, the work shows how the practices of othering of American Indians and their societies are produced in analyzed sources. The othering was realized, beside other things, in the context of dichotomous discourses of civilization and barbarism, religious discourse and the discourse of power. Emphasis is also put on the changes and mutual similarities of discourses in the written sources. In order to analyze representations of American Indians, the work uses the method of Foucalt's discursive analysis. The work also uses the constructivist theory of representation and the theory of hegemonic gender configurations. Key words Native Americans, corporeality, gender, otherness, textual...
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Kláštery v ohroženíSpory o rušení českých a moravských klášterů v předbělohorském období / Monasteries in Danger. Disputes about Liquidation of Czech and Moravian Monasteries of the "Old Orders" in the Period before the Battle of White MountainChládek, Oldřich January 2016 (has links)
Liquidation of monasteries in the era of Reformations is a phenomenon which has been studied only to a certain level. There were very many cases of abolished or liquidated monasteries. The author concentrates only on two cases (Augustinian canonries in Kłodzko and Olomouc) where efforts to liquidate a monastery were met with resistance from the community or monastic structures. It is a multilayered topic, requiring a thorough analysis. Due to the fact that these disputes were interfered by a number of influential personalities (supreme provincial officials, nuncios, bishops, superiors of monastic orders etc.), it represents an ideal material to study the relationships within the high society in the era before the Battle of White Mountain. Besides the high politics we can also focus on other aspects - such as legal arguments of the conflicting parties or linguistic, art historical or theological layer. After research not only in Czech, but also in foreign archives (e.g. Rome, Kraków, Kłodzko, Wrocław, Vienna), the author refills or corrects older conclusions (Jan Tenora, Aloys Bach etc.). He also tries to verify the theory that within the Catholic Church those monasteries were abolished which were - in the economic and also spiritual layer - in a state of deep crisis.
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Církevní předpisy v praxi na příkladu vybraných ženských klášterů českých zemí na přelomu středověku a raného novověku / Church regulations in practice on the example of chosen female monasteries of Czech lands at the turn of the Middle Ages and Early Modern EraHejdová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the abbess focusing on her spiritual and secular duties, on the powers in the administration of the convent and in the care of the nunnery property at the turn of the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. For describing the ideal conception of the post of the abbess the study uses legislative regulations of various levels: the statutes and rules of women's contemplative and mendicant religious orders as welll as the decrees of the Council of Trent. On the example of three selected women's monasteries of three different orders - the Benedictine convent of St. George at Prague Castle, the Cistercian nunnery in Pohled, the monastery of the Poor Clares in Panenský Týnec - illustrates how the real influence of the Mother Superior differs from the ideal one. The text is based on an exploration of the written archival materials of the monasteries, from which were selected individual cases, that illustrate what the abbess had to deal with. According to the regulations, the authority for solution disputes inside the convent should be the Prague Archbishop, the King of Bohemia and his officers on property matters, but the archival sources show that secular and ecclesiastical law was very often intertwined. The most frequent sources for the diploma thesis were letters written...
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Instituce a organizace židovských obcí v Čechách v 17. a 18. století / Jewish Self-Government in Bohemia in 17th and 18th CenturiesHoleček, Kajetán January 2020 (has links)
The presented M.A. thesis pursues Jewish self-government in Bohemian towns and villages during the 17th and 18th centuries. Based on communal statutes of Jewish communities in Chodová Planá, Nové Sedliště, Rožmberk nad Vltavou, Rychnov nad Kněžnou and Tachov the study describes constitution of local self-government and agenda of communal officials. Even though the sources originate from communities scattered throughout Bohemia, we can find plenty of shared topics contained in the statutes. Thanks to this parallelism the study can outline common features of the Jewish self-government, of relation between Jewish communities and manorial lords and of everyday life in this communities.
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