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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A management by delegation smart object aware system for the internet of things

Marotta, Marcelo Antonio January 2013 (has links)
Os objetos inteligentes (SObjs) são numerosos e irão comunicar-se diretamente através da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Esse grande número de SObjs, pode levar a IoT a enfrentar severas condições de rede, em termos de congestionamento na rede e atrasos na comunicação fim-a-fim. Assim, o gerenciamento de SObjs torna-se fundamental para evitar futuros problemas da IoT. Em tal gerenciamento, switches, network-boxes e roteadores, também chamados de gateways, são configurados para gerenciar SObjs através de reconfigurações e atualizações de software seguidas por reinicializações nos gateways. Entretanto, a dinamicidade da IoT, causa a necessidade de se reconfigurar os gateways frequentemente, i.e., a configuração vigente dos gateways torna-se rapidamente desatualizadas por lidar a todo momento com a entrada e saída de novos SObjs da rede. Assim, propõe-se uma abordagem chamada Management by Delegation Smart Object Aware System (MbDSAS), para reconfigurar gateways e gerenciar SObjs, sem a necessidade de uma atualização de software ou aplicação de patches, lidando com a dinamicidade da rede IoT. MbDSAS foi prototipado e uma avaliação foi realizada, através de um cenário, onde o fluxo de dispositivos existentes se assemelha com o de um aeroporto. Em adição, MbDSAS foi testado experimentalmente, em termos de desempenho, para avaliar sua qualificação como uma solução de gerenciamento para cenários da IoT e determinar a melhor combinação de tecnologias para implementar essa solução. Os resultados encontrados mostram que MbDSAS desempenha melhor quando desenvolvida com uma arquitetura de acesso baseada em recursos e através do uso de um módulo Open Service Gateway initiative (OSGi). MbDSAS quando comparada a um sistema de gerenciamento tradicional, se mostra superior em termos de consumo de memória e processamento, se classificando como uma importante solução para o gerenciamento de SObjs da IoT. / The smart objects (SObjs) are numerous and will communicate directly through the Internet of Things (IoT). Such huge number of SObjs may lead the IoT to face severe network conditions, in terms of network congestion and large delays. Thus, the management of SObjs is fundamental to avoid future IoT network problems. In such a management, network boxes, also called gateways, have been configured to manage SObjs with software updates or reconfiguration followed by a warm start. However, gateways configuration become soon outdated because SObjs join and leave the network quite frequently. Therefore, we propose an approach called MbDSAS to reconfigure gateways without the need of a software updating or patching to manage and detect SObjs and deal with the dynamicity of the IoT network. An evaluation of MbDSAS was performed through an airport modeled scenario. In addition, MbDSAS was experimentally tested to be qualified as a management solution to IoT scenarios and to determine the best performance combination of technologies to implement MbDSAS. The results shown that MbDSAS has its performance improved when developed with an architecture based on resources and through the use of a module textit Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi). Mb- DSAS when compared to a traditional management system shows superior in terms of memory consumption and processing, being classified as an important solution for the managing of SObjs from the IoT.

Prediktiv analys och prediktiva modeller för bättre beslutsfattande : En explorativ studie av företags datainsamlingsprocess, användningsprocess samt de affärsmässiga effekter som uppstår / Predictive Analytics and Predictive Models for Better Decision Making : A Explorative Study of Firms Data Collection Process, Use Process as well as the Business-Related Effects that Arise

Erikson, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Beslutsfattandet är en process som är central i alla företag. För att effektivisera och hantera de enorma datamängder som samlas in hos företag har arbetet med prediktiva modeller och prediktiv analys ökat lavinartat de senaste åren. Genom en gedigen datainsamling av både öppna och historiska data från olika tekniker exempelvis Internet of Things (IoT) -sensorer kan företag skapa en automatiserad prediktiv modell. Den prediktiva modellen hjälper sedan företaget att förutse mönster och sannolikheter som den mänskliga motsvarigheten eller vanlig statistik modellering inte hade klarat av på samma sätt. Syftet med denna explorativa kandidatuppsats i informatik är att beskriva och analysera företags datainsamlingsprocess, användningsprocess samt vilka affärsmässiga effekter företagen får med arbetssättet prediktiv analys och prediktiva modeller som ligger till grund för bättre beslutsfattande. För att besvara syftet har författaren valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie där den empiriska insamlingen genomfördes genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Vidare kopplads den empiriska insamlingen med tidigare forskning där analysmodellen står för strukturen. Intervjuerna har genomförts med personer på tre olika företag som besitter hög kunskap inom området. Resultatet av studien visar på att datainsamlingsprocessen ligger till grund för att arbetet med prediktiva modeller och prediktiv analys ska ge bättre beslutsfattande. För att effektivisera arbetet på bästa sätt så måste de data som samlas in hålla en hög grad av kvalité. När företag arbetar med prediktioner är inte alltid alla de data som samlas in intressanta för att slutföra uppgiften. Detta innebär att företaget måste rengöra de data som samlas in. Studien har kommit fram till att konsekvent data är nyckeln till att hålla kvalitén hög. För att kunna utföra användningen av prediktiva modeller och prediktiv analys måste det existera kunddata i olika former exempelvis historiska och öppna data. Slutligen uppstår det vid ett lyckat arbete olika affärsmässiga effekter hos företagen i form av ökad produktivitet och ökad kundnöjdhet.

Digitalisierung in den Köpfen verankern – am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Unternehmens

Döppler, Peter 27 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Deutsche Unternehmen sind seit Beginn der 2000er Jahre mit zwei entscheidenden technischen Veränderungen konfrontiert: Web 2.0 und Internet der Dinge. Die zunehmende Nutzung mobiler Endgeräte wie Smartphones und Tablet Computer sowie der Einsatz von Social Media im Unternehmensumfeld steigt stetig an (ACC1, BIT2). Aus diesen beiden Entwicklungen ergibt sich neben neuen technischen Möglichkeiten, auch ein Verhaltenswechsel der Mitarbeiter. Durch die verstärkte Anwendung von Social Media-Technologien innerhalb der Unternehmen werden die Mitarbeiter und ihre Vorgesetzten vor neue Herausforderungen gestellt.

A management by delegation smart object aware system for the internet of things

Marotta, Marcelo Antonio January 2013 (has links)
Os objetos inteligentes (SObjs) são numerosos e irão comunicar-se diretamente através da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Esse grande número de SObjs, pode levar a IoT a enfrentar severas condições de rede, em termos de congestionamento na rede e atrasos na comunicação fim-a-fim. Assim, o gerenciamento de SObjs torna-se fundamental para evitar futuros problemas da IoT. Em tal gerenciamento, switches, network-boxes e roteadores, também chamados de gateways, são configurados para gerenciar SObjs através de reconfigurações e atualizações de software seguidas por reinicializações nos gateways. Entretanto, a dinamicidade da IoT, causa a necessidade de se reconfigurar os gateways frequentemente, i.e., a configuração vigente dos gateways torna-se rapidamente desatualizadas por lidar a todo momento com a entrada e saída de novos SObjs da rede. Assim, propõe-se uma abordagem chamada Management by Delegation Smart Object Aware System (MbDSAS), para reconfigurar gateways e gerenciar SObjs, sem a necessidade de uma atualização de software ou aplicação de patches, lidando com a dinamicidade da rede IoT. MbDSAS foi prototipado e uma avaliação foi realizada, através de um cenário, onde o fluxo de dispositivos existentes se assemelha com o de um aeroporto. Em adição, MbDSAS foi testado experimentalmente, em termos de desempenho, para avaliar sua qualificação como uma solução de gerenciamento para cenários da IoT e determinar a melhor combinação de tecnologias para implementar essa solução. Os resultados encontrados mostram que MbDSAS desempenha melhor quando desenvolvida com uma arquitetura de acesso baseada em recursos e através do uso de um módulo Open Service Gateway initiative (OSGi). MbDSAS quando comparada a um sistema de gerenciamento tradicional, se mostra superior em termos de consumo de memória e processamento, se classificando como uma importante solução para o gerenciamento de SObjs da IoT. / The smart objects (SObjs) are numerous and will communicate directly through the Internet of Things (IoT). Such huge number of SObjs may lead the IoT to face severe network conditions, in terms of network congestion and large delays. Thus, the management of SObjs is fundamental to avoid future IoT network problems. In such a management, network boxes, also called gateways, have been configured to manage SObjs with software updates or reconfiguration followed by a warm start. However, gateways configuration become soon outdated because SObjs join and leave the network quite frequently. Therefore, we propose an approach called MbDSAS to reconfigure gateways without the need of a software updating or patching to manage and detect SObjs and deal with the dynamicity of the IoT network. An evaluation of MbDSAS was performed through an airport modeled scenario. In addition, MbDSAS was experimentally tested to be qualified as a management solution to IoT scenarios and to determine the best performance combination of technologies to implement MbDSAS. The results shown that MbDSAS has its performance improved when developed with an architecture based on resources and through the use of a module textit Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi). Mb- DSAS when compared to a traditional management system shows superior in terms of memory consumption and processing, being classified as an important solution for the managing of SObjs from the IoT.

Adoção tecnológica: fatores de decisão de adoção da internet das coisas em ambiente empresarial / Technology adoption: decision factors for the adoption of the internet of things in a business environment

Flávio Destri Lobo 28 January 2016 (has links)
A Internet das Coisas, ou Internet of Things (IoT), representa um novo paradigma de integração de várias tecnologias e soluções de comunicação e encontra aplicações em muitos domínios diferentes, tais como ambientes inteligentes (residencial e comercial), automação industrial, saúde, agricultura de alta precisão, gerenciamento inteligente de energia (smart grids, conservação de energia em edifícios), transporte e logística, setor automotivo em geral, cidades inteligentes e muitas outras áreas. A realização da visão de IoT ainda necessita de mais investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento devido à sua novidade e complexidade. Além das questões técnicas, a adoção em larga escala também é dificultada pela falta de clareza dos fatores determinantes na decisão de adoção destas tecnologias. A questão- problema que esse trabalho de pesquisa busca elucidar é o desafio da adoção de inovações baseadas na Internet das Coisas, mais especificamente fatores que afetam a decisão de adoção. O tema adoção de inovação é relevante para quem desenvolve a inovação e deseja que ela seja adotada e para quem tem que decidir se adota ou não uma inovação. Como a taxa de adoção é influenciada por fatores e decisões tanto do lado de quem fornece quando do lado de quem adota uma determinada inovação tecnológica, o trabalho se baseia em estudos que buscam integrar as diversas variáveis afim de refletir a natureza sistêmica deste processo. O modelo proposto pode ser aplicado tanto para quem adota quanto para quem fornece a inovação, integrando questões externas e internas à empresa, bem como questões da tecnologia IoT em si e do fornecedor. A pesquisa utiliza o modelo proposto em três estudos de caso com o objetivo de identificar e analisar os fatores de decisão de adoção da Internet das Coisas nas respectivas empresas, e apresenta sugestões de como aplicar o modelo na avaliação e eventual seleção de inovações tecnológicas, tanto do ponto de vista de quem fornece quanto de quem adota a inovação. / The Internet of things (IoT) represents a new paradigm of integration of various technologies and communication solutions, and finds applications in many different domains, such as intelligent environments (residential and commercial), industrial automation, health, high precision agriculture, intelligent power management (smart grids, energy conservation in buildings), transport and logistics, the automotive industry in general, smart cities and many other areas. The realization of the vision of IoT still requires more investment in research and development because of its novelty and complexity. Beyond the technical issues, large-scale adoption is also hampered by the lack of clarity of the determining factors in the decision of adoption of these technologies. The problem this research seeks to elucidate is the challenge of adopting innovations based on the Internet of things, more specifically factors that affect the adoption decision. The theme adoption of innovation is relevant to those who develop an innovation and want it to be adopted as well as for those who have to decide whether to adopt an innovation or not. As the adoption rate is influenced by factors and decisions that lie both on the side of the supplier as well as the adopter of a particular technological innovation, this work is based on studies that seek to integrate variables from both sides in order to reflect the systemic nature of this process. The proposed model can be applied to both suppliers and adopters of the technological innovation, integrating factors that are external and internal to the company, as well as factors of the IoT technology and factors of the supplier. This research used the proposed model in three case studies in order to identify and analyze the factors of decision of adoption of the Internet of things in each company, and offers suggestions of how to apply the model in the evaluation and eventual selection of technological innovations, both from the point of view of suppliers as well as adopters of the innovation.

Využití internetu věcí v řízení dodavatelského řetězce / Use of the Internet of Things in Supply Chain Management

Prokopová, Iva January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the description of possibilities of using the Internet of Things in supply chain management and explores the use of the Internet of Things in the supply chain management among Czech companies. The theoretical part deals with the possibilities of using the Internet of Tings in the supply chain management as well as the developing standards and technologies, which make it possible to use these possibilities. The theoretical part further includes the challenges and risks of the Internet of Things that need to be dealt with when implementing it and the further anticipated development in this area. A survey based on the findings of the theoretical part of the thesis revealed the awareness of Czech businesses about the Internet of Things and how they plan to use it. The practical part of the thesis contains the evaluation of the hypotheses formulated on the basis of the results of this survey and discussion of the facts.

Optimering av datamängder med Machine learning : En studie om Machine learning och Internet of Things / Optimizing dataflow with Machine learning : a study about Machine learning and Internet of Things

Hellborg, Per January 2017 (has links)
This report is about how an Internet of Things (IoT) optimization can be done with Machine learning (ML). The IoT- devices in this report are sensors in containers that read how full the containers are. The report contains a case from Sogeti. Were a client can use this optimization to get better routes for their garbage truck, with this solution the garbage trucks will only go to full containers and be able to skip empty or close to empty containers. This will result in less fuel costs and a better environment. This solution can be used for every industry that needs a route optimization. To do this there must first be understanding for what IoT is and what is possible to do with it then there need to be understanding about ML. The report cover these parts and tell how the method Design science (DS) is being used to produce this solution and some information about the method. This project also works agile with iterations under the implementation stage in DS. On the ML part there is an argumentation of a comparison of witch algorithm should be used. There are two candidates: Hill- Climbing and K-means Cluster. For this solution K-means cluster will be the one being used. K-means clustering is an unsupervised algorithm that doesn’t need practice data, it pairs data that are very similar and builds clusters. It will do this with full containers and build clusters with the ones that have similar coordinates so the full containers are close to each other. When this is done the clusters exports to a database and then there is a brief description on how its possible to make a map that makes a route between the containers in the cluster.

EzMole: A new prototype for securing public Wi-Fi connections

Karlsson, Rickard January 2017 (has links)
When public Wi-Fi networks are being used, it can be hard to know who else that is using the same network or is monitoring the traffic that is traveling across the network. If the network is public and unencrypted anyone can monitor the traffic and to use these networks for work can be very risky. This is a big problem that needs a solution because the information that travels across the public network might have organizational secrets or sensitive personal information that shouldn’t be read by outsiders. One way to significantly increase the security while using these public networks is by configuring and setting up a VPN-tunnel, all traffic will then be sent encrypted. But nowadays many computers and mobile phones runs applications in the background that are actively asking for updates. It can for example be news apps, mail clients or instant messaging services like WhatsApp or Telegram. Since the apps is pushing for updates in the background there is a big risk that these programs are asking for updates and therefore transmit and receives information unencrypted over the public network before they have been able to set up their VPN-tunnel. People might be unaware about this problem and this research can be used to explain the problem and offer a solution to it and that is the reason why this research is important. This research tries to solve the problem and find answers to the research questions, “How to design and implement an affordable intermediate device that offers the user secure access to Internet on public Wi-Fi networks?" and “What are the design principles of that method?”. The proposed solution to solve this problem was to design and implement a new intermediate device, which was called EzMole, in between the public Wi-Fi and the users’ personal devices. The new device will operate and secure the users’ devices from potential malicious users on the public Wi-Fi while the VPN-tunnel is being established. It will also create a new encrypted wireless network that will be used to connect the personal devices to EzMole, for example mobile phone or laptop. The methodology that was used to design and develop the new EzMole-device was the Design Science Research Methodology. It includes six steps that was used during three phases of the project that worked in an iterative process with development, testing and evaluation until the device met the initial requirements of a successful device. There were tests for both functionality and security to make sure that it worked in the right way and that it didn’t have any known security weaknesses or flaws. This was very important since EzMole will be and represent an Internet-of-Things(IoT)-device and therefore the security had a big focus. After the tests, it was time to evaluate it against the initial requirements and the new device lived up to 9/12 requirements and was therefore classified as successful. The research contributes with a universal solution for the research problem and it gives answers to the research questions and in the meantime, reduces the gap in the literature. It also contributes with providing a new piece of hardware that will can help people to connect to the Internet in a more secure way when they are using public Wi-Fi networks.

Evaluating the use of ICN for Internet of things

Carlquist, Johan January 2018 (has links)
The market of IOT devices continues to grow at a rapid speed as well as constrained wireless sensor networks. Today, the main network paradigm is host centric where a users have to specify which host they want to receive their data from. Information-centric networking is a new paradigm for the future internet, which is based on named data instead of named hosts. With ICN, a user needs to send a request for a perticular data in order to retrieve it. When sent, any participant in the network, router or server, containing the data will respond to the request. In order to achieve low latency between data creation and its consumption, as well as being able to follow data which is sequentially produced at a fixed rate, an algortihm was developed. This algortihm calculates and determines when to send the next interest message towards the sensor. It uses a ‘one time subscription’ approach to send its interest message in advance of the creation of the data, thereby enabling a low latency from data creation to consumption. The result of this algorithm shows that a consumer can retrieve the data with minimum latency from its creation by the sensor over an extended period of time, without using a publish/subscribe system such as MQTT or similar which pushes their data towards their consumers. The performance evaluation carried out which analysed the Content Centric Network application on the sensor shows that the application has little impact on the overall round trip time in the network. Based on the results, this thesis concluded that the ICN paradigm, together with a ’one-time subscription’ model, can be a suitable option for communication within the IoT domain where consumers ask for sequentially produced data.

Effekter av Internet of Things : Scenariobaserad studie som beskriver inledande effekter av Internet of Things i en verksamhet / Effects of Internet of Things : Scenario based study about the initial effects of "Internet of Things" in a business

Camacho Andersson, Emil, Karlsson, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Med begreppet "Internet of Things" menas att ett objekt ur den riktiga världen blir en del av internet. Tunabyggen i Borlänge planerar att implementera ett sådant informationssystem som med hjälp av sensorer och en ständig internetuppkoppling håller uppsikt över temperatur och luftfuktighet i utvalda lokaler. Det är ett enkelt system som till synes inte har så stora effekter på den nuvarande verksamheten. De ekonomiska effekterna går ofta att räkna på i förhand men effekterna på personal, miljö och rutiner kan glömmas bort. Vi har därför med detta examensarbete undersökt vilka inledande effekter som kan tänkas uppkomma efter implementering av ett nytt informationssystem med "Internet of Things" funktionalitet i en verksamhet. Detta sker inom kategorierna ekonomi, arbetsmiljö, miljöpåverkan och systemförvaltning. För att kunna besvara detta har vi gjort en fallstudie baserad på en scenariometodik som består av fyra faser. Fas 1, där vi fick vårt Case och skapade en förståelse för scenariofältet. Fas 2, där vi identifierade nyckelfaktorer. Detta har gjorts genom en litteraturstudie samt intervju med berörd personal på Tunabyggen. Fas 3, där analysen av dessa nyckelfaktorer skedde genom nulägesanalys och framtidsanalys av nyckelfaktorer. Fas 4, där vi genererade scenarier av de analyserade nyckelfaktorerna. Det har sedan gjorts en SWOT-analys för att belysa styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot. Resultatet visar tydliga tecken på att det kommer att bli många effekter för Tunabyggen efter implementering av det nya informationssystemet som yttrar sig i alla kategorier. Slutsatsen är att vid implementation av ett informationssystem som detta är effekterna många. Detta är något som vi anser bör beaktas av alla verksamheter som har tankar på att införskaffa ett nytt informationssystem. De bör inte bara utvärdera informationssystem rent ekonomiskt utan borde ta i beaktning att det finns ett antal andra faktorer som har en avgörande roll om implementation av informationssystem ska bli lyckad. / The term "Internet of Things" refers to when an object from the real world becomes a part of the internet. Tunabyggen in Borlänge plans to implement an information system that will monitor temperature and humidity in selected facilities using a constant internet connection and different sensors. It is a simple system that doesn't seem to have a major impact on the current operations. The economic effects is often possible to calculate in advance, but the impact on staff, environment and routines may be forgotten. We have with this thesis examined the initial effects that may occur after the implementation of a new information system with Internet of Things functionality in a business, within the categories of economy, working environment, environmental impact and system management. To answer this we made a case study which is based on a scenario methodology that consists of four phases. Phase 1, where we got our case and created an understanding of the scenario field. Phase 2, identifying the key factors. It has been done through a literature study and interviews with relevant staff on Tunabyggen. Phase 3, where the analysis of these key factors were made through the situation and future analysis. Phase 4, where we generate scenarios of the analyzed key factors. Finally we have done a SWOT analysis to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The results clearly show signs that there will be many effects for Tunabyggen after the implementation of the new information system, which manifests itself in all categories. The conclusion is that even the implementation of a menial information system like this one, the impacts are many. This is something that we believe should be considered by all companies that are thinking of acquiring a new system so they do not only evaluate IT-systems in economic terms, but also other factors that play a crucial role for the implementation of an information system to be successful.

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