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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kirche und Frömmigkeit in der Würzburger Amtsstadt Karlstadt am Main vom Spätmittelalter bis zum Ende des 30jährigen Krieges (1400 bis 1648) / Church and piety in the market town Karlstadt am Main in the bishopric of Würzburg from the late middle ages till the end of the 30 years war (1400 till 1648)

Emmert, Jürgen January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit setzt sich aus kirchenhistorischer Sicht mit dem Phänomen „Kirche und Stadt“ im Spätmittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit auseinander. Dabei steht jedoch keine Residenz- oder Reichsstadt, sondern eine fränkische Landstadt im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. In die Untersuchung werden sämtliche Äußerungen des kirchlichen wie auch des volksfrommen Lebens, die aus den Quellen hervortreten oder durch Realien erschlossen werden können, einbezogen. Forschungsgegenstand sind dabei sämtliche bürgerliche Stiftungen, wie eben die Benefizien sowie die weniger aufwändigen Jahrtage und die weiteren liturgischen oder paraliturgischen Fundationen, aber auch das bürgerliche Engagement beim Bau und Unterhalt der Kirchen und Kapellen. Untrennbar mit dem religiösen Engagement ist jenes verbunden, das aus unseren heutigen Sicht explizit sozialen Charakter hat, im Mittelalter aber aus der Jenseitsvorsorge erwuchs. Im gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum ist somit eine Unterscheidung nach sozialen und religiösen Gesichtspunkten unzulässig, weshalb jene im Folgenden auch unterbleiben wird. Daneben treten aus den Quellen immer wieder Informationen hervor, die Rückschlüsse auf die Frömmigkeit des einzelnen zulassen, diese werden hier ebenso wiedergegeben. Es wird für die einzelnen Abschnitte des Untersuchungszeitraumes jeweils eine gleich strukturierte Gliederung angewandt. Aufgrund des gleich lautenden Fragekataloges können somit Brüche, Veränderungen und Entwicklungen, aber auch eventuelle Kontinuitäten über die Jahrhunderte hinweg herausgearbeitet werden. Die Kirchengebäude als die Realien für Liturgie und Frömmigkeit schlechthin stehen jeweils am Anfang, darauf folgen die Pfarrer und für die Zeit nach 1573 - soweit vorhanden - auch Angaben zum Pfarrhaus und die Pfarrpfründe. Waren doch die einzelnen Pfarrer die Vertreter der kirchlichen Obrigkeit vor Ort, sie spiegeln in idealtypischer Weise das Priesterbild ihrer Zeit wieder. Die Errichtung von Vikarien wiederum führte zu einem Ausbau des geistlichen Elementes in der Stadt, das jedoch an einer Schnittstelle zur bürgerlichen Gemeinde angesiedelt war, wie die Patronate des Stadtrates über die Vikarien deutlich machen. Auf jene folgen dann sämtliche weiteren bürgerlichen Stiftungen im kirchlichen Raum, deren erster Zweck in den allermeisten Fällen die Jenseitsvorsorge war und unter denen daher zahlenmäßig die Jahrtage überwiegen. Aus den unterschiedlichsten Quellen wie auch durch die Realien lässt sich zudem ein jeweils mehr oder weniger vollständiges Bild der Liturgie und Frömmigkeit gewinnen. Die abschließend aufgeführten Studenten sowie deren Studienorte ermöglichen Rückschlüsse auf den Bildungsgrad vor Ort sowie die Beziehungen der Stadt in weiter entfernte Regionen. Die Zahl der Priesterweihen wie auch die Personen, die das Amt eines Prädikanten übernahmen, lassen wiederum auf den Zustand des religiösen Lebens in der Stadt schließen. Dieses Gliederungsschema wurde wesentlich im dritten Kapitel durch den Punkt 6 „Evangelische in Karlstadt“ unterbrochen wie auch im darauf folgenden vierten Kapitel durch den Punkt 6 „Echtersche Reform 1585/86“. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt somit den Ausbau der kirchlichen Strukturen bis hin zu den Jahrzehnten der Glaubensspaltung und die darauf folgende Ära der katholischen Reform bis zum Beginn des Barockzeitalters. Im 15. Jahrhundert konnten die kirchlichen Strukturen in Karlstadt nämlich wesentlich ausgebaut werden, dies hielt bis in das 16. Jahrhundert hinein an. Daher wurde der Beginn des Untersuchungszeitraumes auf das Jahr 1400 festgelegt. In den Jahren nach 1525 kam es in Folge zu einer Stagnation des kirchlichen Lebens, wenn nicht sogar zu einem Verfall! In der regionalen Geschichtsschreibung gilt das Episkopat des Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn als eine Phase der Wiederbelebung der kirchlichen Strukturen wie des religiösen Lebens allgemein. Um zu klären, ob dies wirklich der Fall war und die damals ergriffenen Maßnahmen auch nachhaltig wirkten, wurde das Ende des Untersuchungszeitraumes mit dem Ende des 30jährigen Krieges im Jahre 1648 gleichgesetzt. Es ergaben sich somit vier große Zeitabschnitte für die vorliegende Untersuchung: 1400 bis 1525, 1526 bis 1572, 1573 bis 1617 und 1618 bis 1648. Vor allem das Jahr des Bauernkrieges 1525 ist hier lediglich als „terminus post quem“ angesetzt, nicht als eigentliche Schwelle zu Neuem. Die Wahl Karlstadts für die Untersuchung hat zunächst nicht nur biografische Gründe, da ich dort geboren wurde. Darüber hinaus jedoch weitaus wichtiger ist, dass Karlstadt zu den bedeutendsten Orten des Hochstiftes Würzburg gehörte und somit eine spezifisch städtische Struktur ausbilden konnte. Die Stadt stand daher unter der Herrschaft des Fürstbischofs, während das Domkapitel lange Zeit das Patronat über die Pfarrei besaß. Somit agierten in Karlstadt die beiden wichtigsten Kräfte des Hochstiftes parallel nebeneinander. / This treatise deals with the relationship of church and town in the late middle ages and early modern times out of sight of church history. However the interest goes to a Franconian market town not a residential or free imperial city. The examination makes use of all sorts of expressions of ecclesiastical and religious life, which can be found in written sources in archives or be traced back by the means of objects. In the centre of research are all civic foundations as benefices as well as the less elaborate masses for the dead and further liturgical and pseudo-liturgical foundations. Furthermore the commitment of the citizens regarding the building and maintenance of the churches and chapels is researched into. The engagement which has a more social character can´t be separated from the religious one in the middle ages because it resulted out of the care for the hereafter. In the whole period this research spans there is no such thing like a separation of social and religious affairs. Besides that the sources reveal informations about the religious life of single persons every now and again. There will be always the same structure for the single paragraphs of the treatise: The church buildings as the one and only subjects of liturgy and piety stand at the beginning. They are followed by the parish priests and after 1573 – as far as they are - by informations about the presbitery and the benefice itself. This is because the parish priests were the local representatives of the religious authorities. Thus they reflect the idea of the priestly ideal of their own times. The foundation of benefices lead to a strengthening of the religious element in town, which however was embedded in a strong civic element as can be seen by the patronage of the municipal council. The single benefices developed out of confraternities however they are named first as they were more structured than these. Then further civic foundations with a religious character follow because they were mostly meant as a care for the hereafter. They were mainly masses for the dead. Out of the different sources and by the help of objects we can get a more or less complete picture of liturgy and piety. Finally the lists of students and universities give an insight into the grade of literaricy in town as well as into the contacts between home and abroad. The numbers of persons ordained to priests or becoming preachers give us a clue about the state of religious life in town. This structure was left in the third chapter as point 6 „Protestants in Karlstadt“ was added as well as in the fourth chapter were point 6 „Reform by Echter 1585/86“ came in. The treatise spans around 250 years and thus comprises the late middle ages and early modern times, if one wants to mark epochs. So this dissertation does describe the rise of the ecclesiastical structures up to the decades of the reformation and the following era of the catholic reform till the beginning of the Baroque age. The ecclesiastical structures were strongly built up in the 15th century which lasted till the beginning of the 16th. This is why the start was fixed with the year 1400. In the years after 1525 religious life stagnated or even deteriorated! Local history sees the time of prince bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn (1573-1617) as a turning point in reviving structures of church and religious life. In order to find out about the true nature of his time the end of the treatise is set by the year 1648, the end of the thirty years war. So we have four big eras: 1400 till 1525, 1526 till 1572, 1573 till 1617 and 1618 till 1648. Especially the year of the peasant revolt, 1525, is merely a „terminus post quem“, which means it is be no means a step into a new era! The choice of Karlstadt for this dissertation is first of all for biographical reasons because I was born there. Furthermore and more important Karlstadt was one of the most important places in the bishopric of Würzburg and thus had developed specific civic structures. The town was under the rule of the prince bishop, while the cathedral chapter had the patronage of the parish for a very long time. So the two main powers of the bishopric took actions in Karlstadt side by side.

Reforma psiquiátrica na região oeste do Paraná: o discurso dos enfermeiros e suas práticas / The nurses participation in the process of the psychiatric reform in the West region of Paraná State

Dias, Terezinha Alves 14 November 2008 (has links)
A Reforma Psiquiátrica é um processo de transformações que vem inquietando os profissionais da área da Saúde e alguns seguimentos da sociedade. Isto porque, as transformações paradigmáticas que estão ocorrendo no campo da saúde mental pressupõem a presença de profissionais com uma postura inovadora e criativa para desenvolverem no cotidiano práticas que concretizem a proposta de desinstitucionalização. No Paraná, continua sendo um desafio: para as universidades, o desafio é a formação de profissionais com uma concepção do novo paradigma que se comprometam com o processo; para os gestores, o entendimento do processo priorizando ações de assistência à saúde mental e, para os profissionais, a tenacidade em insistir na efetivação, apesar das adversidades. Na região oeste do Estado, a mobilização para implantar a reforma intensificou-se nos últimos cinco anos com o fechamento de um dos hospitais da região e a criação de novos dispositivos de atenção à saúde mental. Nesse contexto, os enfermeiros deparam-se com o desafio de refletir sobre seus conceitos e sua atuação profissional. O presente estudo buscou conhecer a concepção dos enfermeiros sobre o processo da Reforma Psiquiátrica e o seu cotidiano nesses serviços. Ao ser considerada a complexidade do momento, foram elencados dois objetivos: descrever a prática cotidiana dos enfermeiros nos serviços de assistência à saúde mental na região oeste do Estado do Paraná; relacionar e analisar a prática destes enfermeiros com as propostas da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com a estratégia metodológica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. A investigação foi por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, com treze enfermeiros, compreendendo a totalidade destes profissionais nos serviços de saúde mental da região no período de agosto de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. O conteúdo deu origem a 17 Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo, que apontaram para oito temas geradores de significações: qualidade de vida, envolvimento profissional/social, necessidade de mudanças na maneira de conduzir o processo, a estrutura da rede de atenção psicossocial, cuidado de enfermagem nos serviços de atenção psicossocial, a família e o processo terapêutico, recursos humanos na atenção psicossocial. Os discursos evidenciaram o acompanhamento crítico do processo da Reforma Psiquiátrica e convergiram com a idéia de que a proposta significa qualidade de vida para os pacientes. A prática cotidiana dos enfermeiros acontece essencialmente na sede do serviço e as ações desenvolvidas são: acolhimento, trabalho com grupos de pacientes e família, monitoramento de oficinas terapêuticas e orientações, sendo esta última a mais mencionada. Percebeu-se que, em concomitância com os esforços dos enfermeiros nas transformações dos serviços de saúde mental, ainda permeiam alguns argumentos próprios do modelo biomédico / The Psychiatric Reformation is a process of transformations that worries the professionals of the health area and some segments of the society. The paradigmatic transformations that are occurring in the field of the mental health, estimate the presence of professionals with an innovative and creative position to develop daily practical activities that will perform the proposal the service not to be institutionalized. In Paraná it continues being a challenge: for the universities, the challenge is the formation of professionals with a conception of the new paradigm who will compromise to the process; for the managers, the agreement of the process prioritizing action of assistance to Mental Health and, for the professionals, the tenacity in insisting in making it effective, even though the adversities. In West region of the state, the mobilization to implant the reform was intensified in the last five years with the closing down of one of the hospitals of the region and the creation of new devices of attention to the mental health. In this context the nurses came across to the challenge to reflect on their concepts and their professional performance. The present study searched to know the conception of the nurses on the process of the psychiatric reform and their daily activities in these services. Considering the complexity of the moment, two objectives had been listed: to describe practical daily activities of the nurses in the services of assistance to the mental health in the West Region of the State of Paraná; to relate and analyze the practical activities of these nurses with the proposals of the psychiatric reform. This is a qualitative research with the methodological strategy of the Speech of the Collective Subject. The research was through half-structuralized interview, with thirteen nurses, understanding the totality of these professionals in the services of mental health of the region, in the period of August of 2006 the January of 2007. The content gave to origin the 17 Speeches of the Collective Subject that led to eight generating subjects of meanings: quality of life, social professional envolvement/, necessity of changes in the way to lead the process, the structure of net of the psicossocial, well-taken care of attention of nursing in the services of psicossocial attention, the family and the therapeutical process, human resources in the psicossocial attention. The speeches had evidenced the critical accompaniment of the process of the psychiatric reform and had converged with the idea that the proposal means quality of life for the patients. Practical daily activities of the nurses happens essentially in the headquarters of the service and the developed actions are: the shelter, the work with groups of patients and family, monitoring of therapeutical workshops and orientations, being the last one the most mentioned one. It was realized that in concurrence with the efforts of the nurses in the transformations of the services of mental health, still some proper arguments of the biomedical model are kept

Migrations of the holy : the devotional culture of Wimborne Minster, c.1400-1640

Cornish-Dale, Charles January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the religious culture of the market-town parish of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, from c.1403-1640. Broadly, it is a contribution to the history of the English Reformation (or Reformations, as the historian pleases; capital 'R' or lower-case). Religious change is the most significant focus, but over a longer period of time than is usually allowed for. Such themes as lay control, tithe controversies, relations with the ordinary, and popular support for preaching and church music are considered, as well as theological issues about the nature of English and European Protestantism. The thesis includes quantitative evidence drawn from the parish churchwardens' accounts and also wills. The date range was chosen for a number of reasons. First, because the available evidence for the parish is unusually rich, and allows for a kind of sustained attention that cannot be directed towards other such parishes: Wimborne has among the earliest and most complete surviving churchwardens' accounts in England (beginning in 1403), as well as myriad other sources, including hundreds of wills, and corporation and church-court records. Secondly, as a means of pursuing Alexandra Walsham's 'migrations of the holy' agenda. Walsham believes that investigation of religious change in the late medieval and early modern periods is hindered by those very periodisations, which are in fact products of the changes in question; how, then, to study religious change without presupposing too much? To that end, the structure of this thesis is both chronological and thematic; and an attempt has been made to preserve what was unique and so important about the changes of the mid-sixteenth century, during the reigns of Henry VIII and his progeny, at the same time as revealing deeper structural changes - and continuities too. The broad division of the thesis is into two parts. This first three chapters, part one, establish the early religious scene in the parish, examining the legacy of the Minster's place as a mother church in the Anglo-Saxon landscape of east Dorset, and how parish identity and forms of self-organisation were put to the test during the reigns of Henry VIII and his son, Edward VI. In part two, the focus is the interaction between the parishioners and the parish's new governing structure, a closed corporation of 12 lay worthies; in particular, the governors' attempts to provide regular preaching of the most sophisticated kind, as well as elaborate polyphonic music, and disputes arising from their management of the tithes and the divisive behaviour of one preacher in particular.

"If Christ fulfilled the law, we are not bound" : the Westminster Assembly Against English Antinomian Soteriology, 1643-1647

Gamble, Whitney Greer January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses how and why the Westminster Assembly (1643-1653), the Long Parliament’s advisory committee for religious matters, attempted to suppress antinomianism, one of the fastest-growing radical religious movements of the early seventeenth century. The Assembly addressed antinomianism in its dual capacity as an arm of Parliament and, in its own self-understanding, as a body of theologians tasked with religious reformation. In the eyes of the Assembly, antinomianism presented a two-fold threat. Socially, antinomianism had the potential to bring anarchy and disorder: the Assembly responded to this threat by examining antinomian ministers, forming its own antinomian committee, and liaising with Parliament to determine whether antinomians should be branded as heretics with concomitant civil punishment. Theologically, for the Assembly, antinomianism encompassed more than simply the belief that obligation to the Ten Commandments had passed away; it contained a complex structure of soteriology that was fundamentally at odds with the Reformed tradition. Working in the overarching backdrop of the rise of English Arminianism, the divines debated soteriological questions raised by antinomianism, issues at the heart of the Reformation such as: the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, the continued effectiveness of the moral law, the nature of Christ’s propitiatory work of redemption, the role and timing of justifying faith, and the relationship between sanctification and justification. The Assembly’s 1643 debates over antinomian theology, conducted as it revised the Thirty-nine Articles, produced revised Articles, which formed the foundation for the Assembly’s 1646 Confession of Faith. The Assembly then used the Confession of Faith to present a concise but comprehensive refutation of antinomian theology. The study uncovers the significance of antinomianism for contextualising the Assembly’s debates, and thus advances and nuances current perception of both the Westminster Assembly and English antinomianism. Analysis of debates carried out on the floor of the Assembly provoked by antinomian theology reveals that, while the divines as a whole disagreed with antinomian tenets, they were far from united in their understanding of basic soteriological definitions and were also divided over the best way to thwart antinomianism. A detailed investigation of this state of affairs enhances interpretation of the Assembly’s documents, such as the Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms, which in and of themselves do not reveal the theological uncertainties and tensions present in the Assembly. The study also offers a new example of the Assembly functioning as a regulatory body. This thesis draws on a substantial new pool of primary material: The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly (edited by Chad van Dixhoorn, OUP 2012, 3200 pages), the first full critical edition of the Assembly’s debates; also, the first volume of Assembly member John Lightfoot’s journal, recently transcribed, which supplies the only record of crucial exchanges between the Assembly and antinomian theologians. A major contribution of this thesis, working with these new resources, is to demonstrate how the Assembly interacted far more with antinomianism than previous scholars have thought. The thesis breaks new ground by using both theological and historical methods to provide a fine-grained contextual account of the Assembly’s debates and actions against antinomianism.

Enzinas to Valera: motives, methods and sources in sixteenth-century Spanish Bible translation

Hasbrouck, Peter 12 March 2016 (has links)
This dissertation contributes to the understanding of sixteenth-century vernacular Bible translation by means of a comparative analysis of seven editions of the Old and New Testaments in Spanish: the New Testament (1543) of Francisco de Enzinas, the Old Testament (1553) in two editions by Abraham Usque and Yom Tob Atias, the New Testament (1556) of Juan Pérez de Pineda, the complete Bible of Casiodoro de Reina, the New Testament of Cipriano de Valera (1596) and Valera's revision of Reina's Bible (1602). These Spanish Bibles reflect both general trends in sixteenth-century scholarship and translation and the specific circumstances of Spanish Evangelicals and their communities in exile. In their prefaces, the motives and methods of the Spaniards for producing Bible translations are similar to those of Luther, Calvin, or Coverdale, yet there is a unique Spanish pride evident as well. The translations themselves provide examples both of a deliberately wooden, non-literary approach as well as a literary, pre-modern critical approach to translation. The Spaniards also negotiated questions of political and religious authority in their prefaces, though philological concerns are also important, especially for Reina and Valera. A close examination of the Spanish texts clearly shows a direct line of descent from Enzinas to Pérez and on to Reina and Valera, with each borrowing substantially from the previous translation. The Complutensian Polyglot (1520) and Erasmus' Novum Instrumentum (1516) as well as the traditional Vulgate influenced the Spanish translators, though not to the exclusion of their own independent judgment and their use of other vernacular translations such as the French of Olivétan. These earlier models of scholarship influenced the first translations of Enzinas, Usque-Atias, and Pérez, but after the middle of the sixteenth century Reina and Valera became increasingly reliant on the Genevan biblical scholarship pioneered by Theodore Beza. Despite the context in which Reina worked, distinctly Lutheran renderings left virtually no mark on the Spanish Bible tradition. As the confessional boundaries of Protestant factions hardened, so did the theological orientation of the Spanish Bibles. The irenic humanism of Enzinas gave way to the Calvinism reflected in Cipriano de Valera's translation.

The links of participant's customer value and customer experience in cooperative university and traditional university : Comparison case study between XJTLU Unversity and Soochow University

LIU, SIQI January 2015 (has links)
Education is always seeing as the flash of enlightenment, reputing as the sign of bright future on career and life. Along with the globalization and economic development, higher education is facing fierce international competition, so the international cooperation programs come into fashion. China has the biggest population in the world. The education resources are relatively limited, so they are changing to respond the growing numbers of new applicants and the trend of globalization. My research bases on the background, to assess the links of customer value and customer experience between different university system performances.The research will cover the employee and customer relation via service delivery and receiving, educational quality and sustain the positive effect to the students’ future life. The conceptual framework comprises the field of business model, value proposition, customer experience, service quality, which are related to the research questions and the linkage of assessment. It is focused on customer value and customer experience by researching on two selected universities.The purpose of this thesis is to study whether the sino-foreign cooperative university model creates different customer value and customer experience through the comparison with traditional university model. The research data and information are collected by interviewing employees and students with research questions. Based on the acquired literatures, it comprehensively evaluates and compares the collected data and information. Then the thesis discusses the research questions by assessing the linkage of customer value and customer experience between new model university performance and traditional university performance.The paper concludes with how to deal with the found problems, challenges and give future suggestions for future research in this field.

Keeping the Kirk : the practice and experience of faith in North East Scotland, 1560-1610

McMillan, Catherine Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the practice and experience of religion at the parish level in post-Reformation North East Scotland. It challenges the traditional view that the region was solidly and resolvedly "conservative" and argues that it became predominantly, but not uniformly, reformed in the first half-century following the Reformation. Kirk session and presbytery records drawn from the distinctive and diverse region of the North East provide the foundation of the primary research, allowing religion as lived by parishioners from all segments of society to be the focus of this study and offering the opportunity to map geographical variance. After introducing and defining the subject and setting it within its historiographical context, an overview is provided of the region's physical, social, political, and religious landscapes. The main body of the thesis explores the practice and experience of faith in the North East between 1560 and 1610 using three main themes. The first studies the Sabbath, the weekly fixture that was the heart of public worship and observance in the parish. Sacramental practice is the second theme with an in-depth study of the annual administration of Communion, which reinforced temporal and spiritual bonds among Kirk adherents and starkly exposed non-adherents and recusants. The final theme considers the role and position of ministers and readers in religious practice and investigates the relationship between them and their parishioners. From detailed analysis of these three themes, it is concluded that the North East as a whole was transformed into the general mould of Scottish Reformed Protestantism by 1610, but that there was a spectrum of practices and experiences of faith. More broadly, this thesis demonstrates that, whilst religious reform in Scotland was achieved, the religion as lived by Scots was nuanced and polychromed.

Sure foundation : Christology, covenant theology and hermeneutics in John Owen's discourses on Hebrews

Tweeddale, John W. January 2017 (has links)
John Owen's (1616-1683) four-volume commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews represents the apex of his literary career and exemplifies many of the exegetical methods of the post-Reformation. This thesis is the first detailed analysis of his introductory discourses, or "exercitations," on Hebrews. Owen's exercitations on the Messiah in particular are an ideal source for this examination, since they serve as the prolegomena for his exposition proper. More specifically, this thesis evaluates the hermeneutical function of Christological and covenantal patterns that arise from Owen's argument concerning the fulfilment of the messianic promise in the person and work of Christ. Therefore, this study is a descriptive analysis of the text and context of Owen's discourses on the Messiah. The topics considered in each chapter are based upon hermeneutical questions that are pertinent to Owen's promise-fulfilment scheme in general and to the relationship of Christology and covenant theology in particular. Chapter 1 examines scholarship on Owen's commentary and suggests possible reasons for its neglect. Chapter 2 places Owen's exercitations and exposition within the context of his life and times, and explains the central argument of his work. Chapters 3 and 4 provide the conceptual basis for this study, as they introduce two essential components of Owen's discourses on the Messiah. Chapter 3 establishes the importance of federal theology for Owen by examining his exegesis of Genesis 3:15, and its relationship to the covenant of redemption and covenant of grace. Chapter 4 considers the problem posed by a Christological reading of the Old Testament for those like Owen who are committed to the literal sense of Scripture. Chapters 5 and 6 consider aspects of continuity and discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments, and seek to illustrate the connection between Owen's exercitations and exposition. Chapter 5 considers the nature of faith in the Old Testament, noting especially the importance of the Abrahamic covenant for what Owen calls "the oneness of the church." In contrast, chapter 6 provides an extended analysis of the role of the law in the Mosaic covenant, considering in particular the highly problematic question of the recapitulation of the covenant of works and the nature of the old and new covenants. The conclusion summarises the findings of this study.

Stanisław Orzechowski (1513-1566)

Swiderska, Hanna January 1960 (has links)
No description available.

Jan Jiří Hering, malíř počínající protireformace / Jan Jiří Hering, painter at the beginning of the Counter-Reformation

MATĚJKOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Jan Jiří Hering, painter at the beginning of the Counter-Reformation This diploma thesis deals with Prague based painter Jan Jiří Hering, whose art refers to the first half of the 17th century. The artist's early style is closely associated with the art inspired by the drawings of the Rudolfine Mannerist Era, while the later forms of his paintings show a rather rigid style. It may be presumed that several years spent in Rome during the pontificate of Sixt V. alongside with artistically inspiring atmosphere of Post-Rudolfinian's Prague and consecutive fine art assignments in service of the Catholic Church mainly focused on interior designs, played an important role in developing Hering's artistic expression. As the first Prague painter to begin the Counter-Reformation, Hering dealt with a new kind of fine art assignments in various ways. On the one hand, he used classical patterns to inspire Baroque appearance, dynamism and expression, and on the other hand, he composed pictures of saints according to medieval schemes by combining several scenes into one image space. Given the directly opposed expression of drawing production of the Rudolphine type and the paintings from the period following the Battle of the White Mountain, Hering acts as an artist of two faces. The thesis will attempt to clarify Hering's art and its ties to the first stage of the Counter-Reformation. The research will also focus on the artist's bipolarity in artistic expression with the research for possible parallels and inclusion in the context of Prague's painting scene.

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