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Microstructures and multifunctional microsystems based on highly crosslinked polymersSingamaneni, Srikanth 02 July 2009 (has links)
The work elucidates the novel physical and thermal properties of thin and ultra-thin films of crosslinked polymer and organized microstructures with a special emphasis on surface and interfacial effects and the structure-property relationships. Two major crosslinked polymer coatings have been thoroughly investigated: polymer microstructures fabricated by multi-laser interference lithography (IL), and plasma polymer coatings. We unveiled intriguing thermal properties of plasma polymer films originating from their physical state and exploiting the same for the design of ultrasensitve chemical sensors.
A novel paradigm of surface coatings, single and bi-component periodic, porous crosslinked polymeric structures, has been introduced and thoroughly studied. Surface, interfacial, and mechanical properties of these novel class crosslinked polymer coatings clearly demonstrate the enormous potential of the IL microstructures as organized multicomponent polymer systems. When subjected to external or internal stresses the periodic porous structures can exhibit a sudden and dramatic pattern transformation resulting in remarkable change in the photonic, phononic and mechanical properties of these structures. Furthermore, the confinement of these instabilities to localized regions results in complex hierarchical structures. The two polymer coatings (plasma polymers and IL microstructures) with complementary attributes (such as periodic structure, vertical stratification, residual internal stresses, and high surface and interface tunability) enabled us to understand and design novel multifunctional polymer coatings.
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Critical Behavior of Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction in the Vicinity of the First order transition at the Curie Point of Gd5(SixGe1-x)4Mangui Han January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (US); 19 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 2309" Mangui Han. US Department of Energy 12/19/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.
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Θεωρητική και πειραματική μελέτη της απόκρισης ζεολίθων σε μεταβολές θερμοκρασίας, πίεσης και συγκέντρωσης ροφημένων ουσιώνΚροκιδάς, Παναγιώτης 10 May 2012 (has links)
Οι ζεόλιθοι ανήκουν στα νανοπορώδη υλικά ή αλλιώς και μοριακά κόσκινα. Βρίσκουν δε εφαρμογή σε πληθώρα εφαρμογών, καλύπτοντας ένα μεγάλο θερμοκρασιακό φάσμα. Η γνώση της απόκρισής τους κατά τις μεταβολές της θερμοκρασίας είναι καθοριστικής σημασίας για την αποδοτικότητά τους, ακόμα περισσότερο όταν εμφανίζονται ανώμαλα φαινόμενα, όπως αρνητικός συντελεστής θερμικής διαστολής. Η παρούσα εργασία επικεντρώνεται στην ερμηνεία αυτού του φαινομένου με την χρήση προσομοιώσεων και πειραμάτων σκέδασης ακτίνων Χ. Ένα νέο πεδίο δυνάμεων αναπτύχθηκε και χρησιμοποιήθηκε σε προσομοιώσεις δυναμικής πλέγματος, όπου για πρώτη φορά προβλέπεται η συστολή της μοναδιαίας κυψελίδας του σιλικαλίτη, όπως και η διαστολή της μοναδιαίας κυψελίδας του αργιλοπυριτικού φωγιασίτη (NaX) πάνω από την θερμοκρασία δωματίου. Περαιτέρω ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων δείχνει πως υπεύθυνες για την συστολή κατά την θέρμανση είναι οι περιστροφές των τετραέδρων SiO4 και AlO4 από τα οποία απαρτίζεται η δομή. Αυτό το αποτέλεσμα είναι σύμφωνο με τον μηχανισμό των περιστροφών άκαμπτων μονάδων που προτείνεται στην βιβλιογραφία (R.U.M.). Στη συνέχεια υπολογίζονται μηχανικές ιδιότητες του υλικού, όπως το μέτρο Young και το μέτρο ελαστικότητας όγκου. Τέλος μελετήθηκε η απόκριση της δομής των ζεολίθων σε ερεθίσματα πέραν της θερμοκρασίας, όπως μεταβολή πίεσης και ρόφηση μορίων. Χαρακτηριστικά καταλήγουμε πως η δομή αποκρίνεται στην άσκηση της πίεσης μέσω του ίδιου μηχανισμού που καθορίζει της θερμοκρασιακή της απόκριση, δηλαδή τις περιστροφές των άκαμπτων ή σχεδόν άκαμπτων τετραέδρων. Επίσης, σε ό, τι αφορά την επίδραση της ρόφησης, η παρουσία των μορίων εξανίου, παρόλο επιφέρει δομικές αλλαγές που βελτιώνουν την αποδοτικότητα των ζεολιθικών μεμβρανών, αυτές οι αλλαγές δεν επηρεάζουν τις ροφητικές ιδιότητες στο εσωτερικό του κρυστάλλου. / Zeolites are nanoporous materials, otherwise called molecular sieves. The knowledge of the response of a zeolite structure to temperature changes or to the presence of host molecules in the pore system is of critical significance for the performance of zeolites as molecular sieves, especially if they are prepared in the form of membranes. Crack formation or grain boundary openings may appear between the substrate and the membrane due to a mismatch between the thermal expansion coefficient of the two materials, affecting the sorption and selectivity properties of the membrane. The problem is enhanced when the zeolite shows negative thermal expansion coefficient. The present work focuses in the mechanism that lies behind contraction upon heating, with the use of simulations and powder XRD experiments. A new force field was developed and was implemented in lattice dynamics simulations. It’s the first time that simulations predict the contraction of silicalite unit cell as well as the expansion of aluminosilicate faujasite (NaX) unit cell above room temperature. Further analysis of the simulation data shows that the Rigid Unit Mode (R.U.M.) mechanism that is proposed in the literature is the dominant mechanism of thermal contraction of the zeolite. Furthermore, mechanical properties such as Young modulus and bulk modulus were computed with the use of the newly derived force field. Finally, the response of framework upon pressure change and sorption of molecules was investigated. The zeolite structure response upon pressure change is similar to this of the temperature response, meaning that the volume and atomic positions change with the help of the rotations of the rigid AlO2/SiO2 tetrahedra. Concerning the response upon sorption, is was found with the help of theoretical calculations that although unit cell size variations that are induced by temperature changes and/or sorption may affect the efficiency of silicalite-1 membrane performance through alteration of the size of the non-zeolitic pores, such changes appear to affect negligibly the bulk sorption capacity of the silicalite-1 crystals.
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Matériaux composites Aluminium/Carbone : architecture spécifique et propriétés thermiques adaptatives / Development of bulk MMC materials with specific architectures and thermal propertiesChamroune, Nabil 26 September 2018 (has links)
Les matériaux composites à matrice métallique (CMM) sont actuellement étudiés pour être utilisés dans de nombreux domaines d’application. L’une des applications potentielles concerne leur utilisation en tant que drain thermique pour les modules de puissance. Pour cette application, deux conditions sont requises : une conductivité thermique (CT) élevée pour évacuer la chaleur générée par la puce électronique et un coefficient d’expansion thermique (CTE) proche du substrat céramique (2-8×10-6 /K) utilisé dans le module de puissance.Ainsi des matériaux composites à matrice aluminium (Al : CT de 217 W/m.K et CTE de 24×10-6 /K) et à renfort plaquette de graphite (GF : CT de 1000 W/m.K et CTE de -1×10-6 /K dans le plan de la plaquette) ont été élaborés. Ces matériaux composites ont été fabriqués par Métallurgie des Poudres (MP) conventionnelle mais aussi par un procédé original nommé Flake Powder Metallurgy (FPM). Ce procédé, qui consiste à utiliser une poudre métallique à morphologie plaquette, a permis d’optimiser l’orientation des renforts plaquette dans un plan perpendiculaire à la direction de densification sous l’action d’une pression uniaxiale. De plus, ce procédé a permis d’obtenir une meilleure adhésion entre la matrice et le renfort comparé aux matériaux composites élaborés par MP conventionnelle. Cela a abouti à une amélioration de la CT qui est passée de 400 W/m.K à 450 W/m.K pour un taux de renfort de 50%vol. Néanmoins, concernant la dilatation thermique, des CTE de 21,8×10-6 /K et 21,7×10-6 /K ont été obtenus par MP et FPM respectivement, ce qui est incompatible avec l’application visée.Pour surmonter cette problématique, des matériaux composites à renfort multiple ont été élaborés par frittage en phase liquide. Ainsi des fibres de carbone (FC) ont été rajoutées à l’aluminium et aux plaquettes de graphite. L’ajout de ce second renfort au graphite a permis de diminuer de manière importante le CTE des composites Al/(GF+FC) avec une faible proportion en FC tout en maintenant une haute CT. De plus les matériaux composites Al/(GF+FC) présentent des CTE nettement inférieurs aux composites Al/FC avec un %vol. de FC équivalent. Ainsi des matériaux composites Al/(GF+FC) ont été élaborés par frittage en phase liquide permettant d’obtenir une CT de 400 W/m.K (comparable à la CT du cuivre) et un CTE de 8×10-6 /K (comparable au CTE de l’alumine). De plus la légèreté de l’aluminium confère aux matériaux composites Al/C une faible densité (d=2,4). Par conséquent, les matériaux développés dans cette étude sont prometteur en tant que drain thermique léger, notamment dans le domaine de l’électronique embarquée. / Many carbon/metal composites are currently used in several applications. One of them concerns their use as heat sinks in microelectronics. Concerning this application, two conditions are required: a high thermal conductivity (TC) in order to evacuate the heat generated by the electronic chip and a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) similar to the used material type of the electronic device (2-8×10-6 /K).Therefore, graphite flakes (GF; TC: 1000 W/m.K and CTE: -1×10-6 /K in the graphite plane) reinforced aluminum matrix (Al; TC: 217 W/m.K and CTE: 25×10-6 /K) composites were fabricated. These composite materials were fabricated by Powder Metallurgy (PM) and Flake Powder Metallurgy (FPM). This process, which consist to use a flattened metallic powder, helped to improve the in-plane orientation (perpendicular to the pressure direction) of GF under uniaxial pressure. Moreover, this process provided a better Al-C interface thanks to a planar contact between the matrix and the reinforcements. This resulted in an improvement of the CT from 400 W/m.K to 450 W/m.K for a reinforcement content of 50 vol.%. Nevertheless, regarding thermal dilation, CTEs of 21.8×10-6 /K and 21.7×10-6 /K were obtained by MP and FPM respectively, which is incompatible with the intended application.To overcome this problem, composite materials with multiple reinforcement were developed by solid-liquid phase sintering. Then, carbon fibers (CF) have been added to aluminum and graphite flakes. The addition of CF to GF reinforcement reduced significantly the CTE of the Al/(GF+CF) composites with a small proportion of CF, while preserving a high TC. In addition, the Al/(GF+FC) composite materials have significantly lower CTEs than the Al/CF composites with a equivalent vol.% of CF. Therefore, Al/(GF+CF) composite materials were developed by solid-liquid phase sintering to obtain a TC of 400 W/m.K (comparable to the TC of copper) and a CTE of 8×10-6 /K (comparable to the CTE of alumina). In addition, the lightweight of aluminum gives composite materials Al/C a low density (d = 2.4 g/cm3). Therefore, the composite materials developed in this study are promising as a lightweight heat sink in microelectronic industries.
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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia de síntese de pós nanométricos a submicrônicos de Y2W3O12, como também relacionar as propriedades óticas, térmicas e mecânicas do Al2W3O12 com métodos distintos de sinterização. As partículas de Y2W3O12 foram obtidas pelo método de co-precipitação reversa modificada mantendo pH constante, com o intuito de manter a supersaturação elevada, garantindo alta taxa de nucleação evitando o crescimento indesejável dos núcleos. As metodologias para cristalização empregadas (tratamento hidrotérmico e calcinação) permitiram obter pós submicrônicos de Y2W3O12 (0.3 ̶ 0.5 Mm) com menor grau de aglomeração em relação ao previamente reportado na literatura. O envelhecimento da dispersão de Y2W3O12 revelou diminuição do tamanho médio de aglomerados em 50 por cento quando comparado à distribuição primária de aglomerados precursores. A dispersão utilizando surfactante CTAB reduziu a aglomeração em 50 por cento. O pó de Al2W3O12 foi sinterizado pelo método de spark plasma sintering (SPS) e comparado com Al2W3O12 sinterizado pelo método de três etapas 1. As propriedades óticas e mecânicas foram estudadas, revelando comportamento distinto entre os materiais consolidados por vias diferentes, evidenciando a importância do método de sinterização sobre a microestrutura final e sobre formação de defeitos pontuais. A espectroscopia de refletância difusa revelou que as amostras obtidas por SPS apresentam absorbância total na faixa da luz visível, sendo coerente com sua coloração preta fosca, assim, a energia de banda proibida dessas amostras situa-se abaixo da energia do espectro visível (EGAP menor que 1,7eV). A amostra sinterizada em três etapas, de coloração branca, possui absorbância parcial no UV-Vis, absorvendo todos os comprimentos de onda até 300nm e conforme o comprimento de onda aumenta e adentra na região visível a absorbância diminui e se torna nula. As amostras de SPS apresentaram ganho expressivo no módulo de Young (80 por cento) e dureza (61-116 por cento) quando comparado com o material obtido por sinterização convencional, previamente descrito na literatura 2, 1. As amostras de SPS quando comparadas com a amostra sinterizada em três etapas 1, apresentou módulo de Young 47 por cento maior e aumento de dureza entre 19-59 por cento, embora, ambas apresentem mesma densidade relativa de 96 por cento, sendo as amostras de SPS com microestrutura de grãos nanométricos proporcionando maior resistência mecânica. O CTE das amostras SPS foi medido, sendo similar ao valor encontrado para a amostra em três etapas 2, constatando que o CTE não foi afetado pela intorução dos defeitos pontuais na Al2W3O12 durante SPS. / [en] The aim of this work is to establish a methodology for the synthesis of submicron nanocomposites of Y2W3O12, as well as to relate the properties, optical and mechanical, of Al2W3O12 with different methods of sintering. The Y2W3O12 particles were obtained by the modified reverse co-precipitation method, maintaining a constant pH along the drip, in order to maintain a high super saturation, ensuring a high nucleation rate, avoiding the undesirable growth of the nuclei. As the methodologies for the crystallization used (hydrothermal treatment and calcination) allowed to obtain post-submicron of Y2W3O12 (0.3 - 0.5 Mm) with lower degree of agglomeration in relation to the report published in the literature. The aging of the dispersion was studied and showed a decrease of 50 percent the average size of agglomerates when compared to the primary distribution of precursor agglomerates. A dispersion using CTAB surfactant reduced 50 percent the agglomeration, as verified by characterization techniques. The Al2W3O12 powder was sintered by the Sintering of Spark Plasma method (SPS) and compared with Al2W3O12 sintered by the three-step method (TSS) 1. The optical and mechanics properties were studied, revealing a differentiated behavior between materials consolidated by different paths, evidencing the importance of the sintering method in a final microstructure. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy showed that the samples obtained by SPS, it is able to absorb the total wavelengths in the visible light range, being consistent with its black matte color, so the energy gap is below the energy of the spectrum visible (EGAP less than 1.7 eV). The conventional (white) sample absorb all wavelengths up to 300 nm and increasing wavelength decreases absorption and renders it zero. The samples by SPS showed significant gain in the Young s modulus (80 percent) and hardness (61-116 percent) when compared to TSS sample 2, 1. The SPS samples when compared to TSS sample [1], the Young s modulus increased 47 percent and the hardness increased 19-59 percent, although both of them obtained 96 percent relative densities. The reason for the improve of mechanical properties of SPS samples is justified by nanosized grain microstructure providing greater mechanical resistance. The CTE of the SPS samples was measured, being similar to the value found for a three-step sample 2, noting that the CTE was not affected by the introduction of defects in Al2W3O12 after SPS.
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A study of the coefficient of thermal expansion of nuclear graphitesHacker, Paul John January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um novo tratamento termodinamico para dissociação por pressão de macromoleculasBispo, Jose Ailton Conceição 16 October 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Francisco Sampaio Bonafe / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T21:45:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Sistemas reacionais em fase líquida compreendem boa parte dos processos físicoquímicos que são estudados para fins de pesquisa e aplicação industrial. Estes estudos são conduzidos em geral de forma a se obter parâmetros de caracterização que tornem possível a padronização e otimização de processos, sejam eles de aplicação químico industrial ou biotecnológica. Em meio a esta necessidade de compreensão de diversos processos físicoquímicos, um ponto que chama a atenção de muitos grupos de pesquisa é a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento dos sistemas de caracterização e modelagem destes processos de forma a tornálos mais informativos e eficientes, tanto no que diz respeito à sua capacidade de caracterização quanto à sua capacidade de previsão. Neste contexto, a maior parte dos sistemas estudados têm como base a metodologia de caracterização desenvolvida por Gibbs-Duhem a aprtir do comportamento de gases ideais. Desvios no comportamento pressão volume são, nestes casos, corrigidos através do parâmetro definido como atividade. Assim, a estrutura de base desenvolvida por Gibbs-Duhem para gases ideais é mantida, deixando praticamente inalterada a relação que expressa a variação do potencial químico. No presente estudo observou-se que este tipo de abordagem e caracterização não produz resultados satisfatórios para o processo de dissociação por pressão de grandes agregados protéicos, e em alguns casos gerou dificuldades matemáticas que impediram a sua implementação em processos bastante comuns. A solução encontrada e o objetivo desta tese foram então o de conduzir uma nova abordagem para a caracterização destes sistemas que envolvem a dissociação por pressão de macromoléculas a partir de equações mais flexíveis para as mudanças de volume que as dos g ases ideais utilizadas por Gibbs-Duhen. O resultado desta nova abordagem foram relações com grande potencial de informação, de fácil aplicação e com uma alta capacidade de previsão / Abstract: The reaction processes involving macromolecules in liquid phase represent a significant part of the studies aiming industrial and technological applications.These studies are in general performed aiming access the parameters of characterization that allows the optimiz ation of chemical and biotechnological processes. In this view, the needing of understand distinct physicochemical processes represent a point that deserves the attention of many laboratories due to the needing of improvement modeling systems that furnish more efficient and precise information about the protein behavior under solution. Although the most of the studies performed aiming to reach this goal are based on the processes of characterization developed by Gibbs-Duhen, deviations on the pressure/volume furnished by the ideal gas equation are usually observed and corrected by means of the activity coefficient. Thus, the structural basis of the Gibbs-Duhem approach is maintained in despite of more complexes systems sho ws a nonlinearbehavior that produces in some cases significant deviations. In the present studie s we observed that the processes of pressure dissociation/denaturation of macromolecules leads to significant errors in respect to the experimental data. In this case the correction of these approach by means of the activity coefficient was not possible since the characterization equations became very complex. The goal of the present work was than to find a new description for these complex systems that allows to determine the properties of system and a precise thermodynamic modeling of these kind of processes / Doutorado / Bioquimica / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular
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Determinação dos coeficientes de expansão térmica das fases Ta5Si3 e Cr5Si3 e a investigação da formação da fase (Hf,Ti)5Si3 por difratometria de raios X de alta resolução / Determination of the thermal expansion coefficients for the Ta5Si3 and Cr5Si3 phases and the investigation of (Hf, Ti)5Si3 phase formation by high resolution X-ray diffractionLívia de Souza Ribeiro 16 October 2009 (has links)
Os silicetos de metais de transição têm sido investigados para possíveis aplicações em altas temperaturas. A expansão térmica é uma das principais propriedades a serem consideradas nas aplicações. Este trabalho teve como objetivos a determinação dos coeficientes de expansão térmica das fases αTa5Si3 e Cr5Si3 e a investigação da formação da fase (Hf, Ti)5Si3. As ligas de Ta-Si e Cr-Si foram produzidas por fusão a arco. As ligas de Ta-Si foram tratadas termicamente a 1900 °C por 3 h em argônio, enquanto que as ligas de Cr-Si foram tratadas a 1200 °C por 24 h em argônio. As ligas foram caracterizadas por difratometria de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As medidas de difratometria de raios X de alta resolução com fonte de luz síncrotron foram realizadas nas amostras contendo as fases de interesse, αTa5Si3 e Cr5Si3 num intervalo de temperatura entre ambiente e 800 °C. A fase αTa5Si3, de estrutura tetragonal (T2), apresentou expansão térmica de αa = 5,9(3).10-6 K-1 e αc = 9,2(4).10-6 K-1 na liga Ta62,5Si37,5 e αa = 6,2(3).10-6 K-1 e αc = 9,5(4).10-6 K-1 na liga Ta62Si38, resultando em uma anisotropia de αc/αa de 1,5 para ambas as amostras. A fase Cr5Si3 de estrutura hexagonal (D88) apresentou expansão térmica de αa = 17,1(3).10-6 K-1 e αc = 11,1(4).10-6 K-1 na liga Cr62,5Si37,5 e αa = 17,2(3).10-6 K-1 e αc = 10,7(4).10-6 K-1 na liga Ta62Si38, com anisotropia αc/αa de 1,5 e 1,6, respectivamente. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, as ligas de composições Hf(62,5-x)TixSi37,5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 62,5) com diferentes proporções de Hf e Ti foram preparadas por fusão a arco e tratadas termicamente a 1200 °C por 24 h em atmosfera de argônio. A formação da fase (Hf,Ti)5Si3 foi observada em todas as amostras preparadas. As amostras de composições Hf38,9Ti23,6Si37,5 e Hf22,5Ti40Si37,5 a Ti62,5Si37,5, apresentaram-se monofásicas. A variação nos parâmetros de rede a e c da fase hexagonal (Hf,Ti)5Si3 contendo diferentes teores de Hf e Ti mostrou que a fase constitui uma solução sólida em toda a extensão entre Hf5Si3 e Ti5Si3, com substituição parcial dos átomos de Hf por Ti. / The transition metal silicides have been investigated aiming high temperature applications. The thermal expansion is one of main properties for applications. The aim of this work was the evaluation of the thermal expansion coefficients for αTa5Si3 and Cr5Si3 phases and the investigation of (Hf, Ti)5Si3 phase formation. The Ta-Si and Cr-Si alloys were prepared by arc-melting. The Ta-Si alloys were heat-treated at 1900 °C for 3 h in argon atmosphere. The Cr-Si alloys were treated at 1200 °C for 24 h in argon. The alloys were characterized by X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. The αTa5Si3 and Cr5Si3 phases were analyzed in high temperatures up to 800 °C using high-resolution X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation source. The thermal expansion coefficients for the αTa5Si3 tetragonal phase (T2) was found to be 5.9(3).10-6 K-1 and αc = 9.2(4).10-6 K-1 in Ta62.5Si37.5 composition alloy and αa = 6.2(3).10-6 K-1 and αc = 9.5(4).10-6 K-1 in Ta62Si38 composition alloy. The anisotropy αc/αa was determined to be 1.5 for both samples. The thermal expansion coefficients for Cr5Si3 hexagonal phase was found to be αa = 17.1(3).10-6 K-1 and αc = 11.1(4).10-6 K-1 for Cr62.5Si37.5 composition alloy and αa = 17.2(3).10-6 K-1 and αc = 10.7(4).10-6 K-1 for Ta62Si38 composition alloy. The values of the anisotropy αc/αa were respectively, 1.5 and 1.6. In the second part of this work, the alloys of Hf(62.5-x)TixSi37.5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 62.5) compositions with different proportion of Hf and Ti were prepared by arc-melting and heat-treated at 1200 °C for 24 h in argon atmosphere. The formation of (Hf,Ti)5Si3 phase was observed for all prepared alloys. The alloys of Hf38.9Ti23.6Si37.5 and Hf22.5Ti40Si37.5 to Ti62.5Si37.5 compositions were found to be single-phase. The variation in the lattice parameters a and c for the hexagonal (Hf,Ti)5Si3 phase with different proportion of Hf and Ti shown the formation of solid solution in all range between Hf5Si3 and Ti5Si3 with partial substitution of Hf by Ti.
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THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION IN THE URANIUM-ZIRCONIUM SYSTEMWalter James Williams (10686876) 25 April 2022 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Metallic uranium-zirconium (U-Zr) nuclear fuel is a primary candidate for future fast reactors. The U-Zr system has been studied for decades with thousands of fuel pins being irradiated, yet the phase boundaries and lattice evolution with respect to temperature and composition remain poorly quantified. Historic engineering scale testing has resulted in empirical models for fuel evolution and subsequent fuel performance. However, these historic tests are on a convoluted system, consisting of dynamic temperatures, evolving thermal gradients, varying irradiation damage and damage rates, evolving compositions via fission and redistribution of primary constituents, and morphological evolution. This system proves exceedingly difficult to describe mechanistically due to the coexistence of various intertwined thermodynamic driving forces (e.g., temperature, composition, fluence, and fission rate which all vary concurrently). The driving forces influence the manifestation of the primary life-limiting phenomena present within the U-Zr system, specifically fuel-cladding mechanical interaction, fuel-cladding chemical interaction, fuel swelling, and fuel constituent redistribution. Although the phenomena present in the U-Zr system are known and qualitatively described, they are lacking in fundamental descriptions due to the historic inability to deconvolve the effects of temperature, composition, and fission rate. This study evaluates the current understanding of U-Zr fuel swelling and constituent redistribution in a uniquely quantified manner using Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables. </p>
<p>In response to these findings, a novel separate effects irradiation test vehicle, housing uniquely fabricated U-Zr alloys, was proposed, developed, and successfully fabricated to provide the community with a means to decouple temperature, composition, initial microstructure, and fission rate from one-another. Initial out-of-pile characterization was conducted with scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and neutron diffraction with in-situ heating on various U-Zr alloys (U- 6, 10, 20, and 30 wt.% Zr). This work quantifies the initial microstructure throughout the fabrication process and the thermal response of the material. Results include the phase morphology, phase boundaries, absolute lattice parameters, and lattice specific coefficients of thermal expansion. The phase boundaries identified in this study were then used to develop a new U-Zr phase diagram. The isolation of thermal and compositional dependencies furthers the understanding of the fuel system and can be used to increase fuel longevity.</p>
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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho foi sintetizar pós submicrônicos de Y2W3O12 e Al2W3O12 visando estudar o efeito da incorporação destas cargas no coeficiente de expansão térmica (CET) e nas propriedades mecânicas de compósitos de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD). As partículas de Y2W3O12 foram obtidas
pelos métodos de coprecipitação por mistura de reagentes e coprecipitação reversa modificada, com o intuito de avaliar a influência destas rotas no grau de aglomeração dos pós preparados. Ambos os métodos permitiram obter pós submicrônicos de Y2W3O12 0. 0.7 um) com tamanhos de partículas primárias e
graus de aglomeração semelhantes, conforme verificado por diversas técnicas de caracterização. As partículas de Al2W3O12 foram sintetizadas pelos métodos de coprecipitação por mistura de reagentes e coprecipitação normal, utilizando duas fontes de tungstênio e os precursores obtidos foram secos no micro-ondas. Os efeitos do pH da síntese (4.2 e 6.0) no estado de aglomeração dos pós sintetizados foram avaliados. Pós submicrônicos de Al2W3O12 0.22 0.87 um) foram produzidos utilizando estas rotas. A coprecipitação pela mistura de reagentes em pH=4.2 permitiram obter pós com aglomerados de menor tamanho (0.22 um). Os compósitos de PEAD foram fabricados por microextrusão-microinjeção, com
partículas de Al2W3O12 e Y2W3O12 (0.70 um) em frações volumétricas na faixa de 0.001 0.011. Os compósitos PEAD/Y2W3O12 exibiram reduções no CET de 20 25 porcento quando comparados ao PEAD na faixa de 25 70 °C, enquanto os compósitos PEAD/Al2W3O12 mostraram reduções no CET de 7 8 porcento. O módulo de Young aumentou 11 32 porcento e 21 porcento para os compósitos reforçados com Y2W3O12 e Al2W3O12, respectivamente, enquanto a estabilidade térmica do PEAD foi preservada para todos os compósitos. / [en] The aim of this work was to synthesize Al2W3O12 and Y2W3O12 submicronic powders and study the effect of incorporation of these fillers on thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) and mechanical properties of high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites. Y2W3O12 was synthesized via co-precipitation by mixing reactants and modified reverse strike co-precipitation, to assess the influence of the method on agglomeration degree of powders. Both methods produced Y2W3O12 submicronic powders (0.60 0.70 um), with similar primary particle sizes and agglomeration degrees, as verified by different characterization
techniques. Al2W3O12 was synthesized via co-precipitation by mixing reactants and normal strike method, using two distinct tungsten sources and the assynthesized precursors were microwave dryied. The effects of synthesis pH (4.2 and 6.0) on final agglomeration state of the as-synthesized powders were assessed.
Al2W3O12 submicronic powders (0.22 0.87 um) were synthesized by these routes. Co-precipitation by mixing reactants at pH=4.2 led to Al2W3O12 powders with smaller agglomerate sizes (0.22 um). HDPE composites were manufactured by micro-compounding, using Al2W3O12 and Y2W3O12 powders with similar particle sizes (0.70 um), at volume fractions in the range of 0.001 0.011. HDPE/Y2W3O12 composites presented CTE reductions of 20 25 porcento compared to neat HDPE, in the temperature range of 25 70 Celsius degrees, while HDPE/Al2W3O12 composites displayed reductions on CTE of 7 8 porcent. Young s moduli of composites were increased 11 32 porcent nd 21 porcent when filled with Y2W3O12 and
Al2W3O12, respectively, whilst thermal stability of HDPE was preserved for all composites.
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