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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samband mellan höftrörlighet och bålrotation hos professionella golfspelare : Proas majors inverkan på bålrotationen / Correlation between hip mobility and trunk rotation among professional golf players : The effect of m. Psoas Major on trunk rotation

Risberg, Pär January 2018 (has links)
Golf är en komplex sport som ställer höga krav på utövarens rörlighet i framförallt höfter, rygg och axlar. Begränsad rörlighet i dessa delar leder inte sällan till skada. I denna studie undersöktes om det finns något samband mellan höftrörlighet och bålrotation hos 27 professionella golfspelare. Studien innehöll även en interventionsdel där 16 idrottsaktiva män fick sina höfter behandlade med stretching för att se om detta påverkar bålrotationsförmågan. Hypotesen var att det finns ett samband och att stretchning av psoas major ökar bålrotationen. Golfspelarnas medelålder var 29 år (SD ±4 år), de hade olika nationaliteter och spelade aktivt på någon av de ledande golftourerna i världen. Deltagarna i interventionsstudiens medelålder var 30 år (SD ±2 år) och de var bosatta i Stockholm. Höftrörlighet mättes med hjälp av modifierat Thomas test och bålrotation i sittande på brits. Mätverktyget var digital goniometer. Stretchbehandlingen utfördes av testledaren med försökspersonen liggande på brits i samma position som vid modifierat Thomas test. Signifikant korrelation(-0,40) ses mellan bålrotation vänster och höftextension vänster höft hos golfspelarna. Interventionsgruppen ökar sin bålrotation från 68 grader (SD ±9 grader) till 70 grader (SD ±9 grader) till vänster och från 70 grader (SD ±12 grader) till 73 grader (SD ±11 grader) till höger. Båda ökningarna är signifikanta. Vald signifikansnivå α=0,05. Resultatet av denna studie är att bålrotationen kan förbättras genom stretchning av höftens flexorer och att det kan finnas ett samband mellan höftens rörlighet och rotationsförmågan i bålen. Denna kunskap kan vara en hjälp för fysioterapeuter som är verksamma inom idrotter som kräver både god höftrörlighet och bålrotation. / Golf is a complex sport that require great mobility in hips, back and shoulders. Limited mobility in these parts of the body can cause injury. This study is investigating the possible correlation between hip mobility and trunk rotation among 27 professional golf players. The study also includes an intervention group of 16 sport active males that got their hips treated with stretching, to examine possible effects on the trunk rotation. The hypothesis was that there is a correlation and that stretching of psoas major increases the trunk rotation. The average age of the golf players was 29 years (SD±4 years), they were of different nationalities but were all professionally active within one of the leading international golf tours. The participants of the intervention study had an average age of 30 years (SD ±2 years), and were all Stockholm residents. The hip rotation was measured through a modified Thomas test, and the trunk rotation were performed in sitting position on a regular treatment table. The measuring instrument was a digital goniometer. The stretching treatment was done by the test leader with the subjects lying on the treatment table in the same position as when performing the modified Thomas test. Significant correlation (-0.40) is seen between left trunk rotation and left hip extension among the golf players. The intervention group increases their left trunk rotation from 68 degrees (SD ±9 degrees) to 70 degrees (SD ±9 degrees) and from 70 degrees (SD ±12 degrees) to 73 degrees (SD ± 11 degrees) on their right trunk rotation. Both increases are to be considered as significant. Chosen significance level is α=0.05. The result of this study is that the trunk rotation can be improved by stretching of the hip muscles and that there is a plausible correlation between the mobility of the hip and the trunk rotation. This knowledge can be used by physiotherapists that are specialised on sports that requires both good hip mobility and trunk rotation.

Iliotibial Band Length and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Relationship Between Two Measurement Techniques

Scotti, Duane Michael 01 January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: To determine the relationship between iliotibial band (ITB) length and the presence of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), compare the difference in ITB length between the painful knee and the non-painful knee in subjects with unilateral PFPS, determine the test-retest reliability, standard error of measurement, and minimal detectable change (MDC) of the Ober test and modified Thomas test, and explore the relationship between the Ober test and the modified Thomas test in measuring ITB length. Subjects: Forty-eight subjects were recruited (PFPS group n=24, control group n=24) from three different outpatient physical therapy clinics. Methods: The Ober test and modified Thomas test was conducted on both legs of each subject to determine ITB length with the use of a digital inclinometer. Examiners were blinded to group assignment and an independent observer recorded all the results. Results: The mean values for hip adduction during the Ober test was 7.2 degrees in the control group and 2.3 degrees in the PFPS group. One way ANOVA revealed a significant difference between groups (p= .011). There were no differences in ITB length comparing the painful knee to the non-painful knee for both the Ober test and modified Thomas test. The ICC values calculated for the test-retest reliability were .95 for the Ober test and .86 for the modified Thomas test. Pearson correlational analysis revealed a weak negative correlation (r=-.40, p=.005) between the Ober test and modified Thomas test on the left side and no correlation on the right side. Discussion and Conclusion: The Ober test is better at distinguishing between a PFPS group and a control group than the modified Thomas test supporting the clinical utility of the Ober test. The use of a digital inclinometer for both the Ober test and modified Thomas test appears to be a reliable method for the measurement of ITB length. However, given the lack of relationship found between the two tests, the two examination procedures should not be used interchangeably for the measurement of ITB length.

Storievoltooiing : 'n projeksiemedium vir gebruik by elf- tot veertienjariges

Joubert, Christina Margaretha 01 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Hierdie navorsing spruit uit die behoefte om doeltreffendheid van hulpverlening by kliente in die ouderdomsgroep elf- tot veertien jaar te verbeter. Die doel was om vas te stel of die projeksietegniek storievoltooiing by vroee adolessente nuttige responsies oplewer. Twee bestaande storievoltooiingsmedia, naamlik die Doss Fabels en die Madeleine Thomas Toets is toegepas saam met ander projeksiemedia en die responsies wat by storievoltooing gekry is, is geevalueer. Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie is die eienskappe van die vroee adolessent nagegaan. Daar is spesiale aandag gegee aan die probleme wat kliente in hierdie ouderdomsgroep by hulpverlening vir die hulpvertener oplewer. Navorsing dui daarop dat die vroee adolessent 'n relatief hoe risiko loop om wordingsprobleme te ontwikkel. Vanwee die kenmerke van hierdie spesifteke ontwikkelingstadium, is erkende metodes van hulpverlening soos onderhoudvoering, nie altyd die aangewese of mees suksesvolle metode van hulpverlening nie. Tydens die empiriese ondersoek is gevind dat die proefpersone gunstig gereageer het op die storievoltooiingsmedia en nuttige responsies gelewer het. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat storievoltooing as tegniek, moontlik 'n rol te speel het naas die meer bekende projeksiemedia soos die TAT en die OAP as hulpmiddel by diagnose van probleme by vroee adolessente. / This reseach evolved from the need to increase the efficiency of therapy with early adolescents. The objective was to establish whether story completion as projective technique elicits useful responses. Two existing story completion media, the Duss Fables and the Madeleine Thomas Test, were applied in addition to other projection media and the responses were evaluated. The characteristics of the early adolescent were studied as found in the literature. Research indicates that the early adolescent is at risk for various ontological and psychological problems. Because of the characteristics of clients in this specific developmental stage, accepted techniques in therapy, for example the interview, are not entirely successful when counseling early adolescents. It was found that testees responded positively to the story completion media and produced useful responses. The conclusion was that story completion may have a role to play as an instrument in diagnosing the problems of early adolescents. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Storievoltooiing : 'n projeksiemedium vir gebruik by elf- tot veertienjariges

Joubert, Christina Margaretha 01 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Hierdie navorsing spruit uit die behoefte om doeltreffendheid van hulpverlening by kliente in die ouderdomsgroep elf- tot veertien jaar te verbeter. Die doel was om vas te stel of die projeksietegniek storievoltooiing by vroee adolessente nuttige responsies oplewer. Twee bestaande storievoltooiingsmedia, naamlik die Doss Fabels en die Madeleine Thomas Toets is toegepas saam met ander projeksiemedia en die responsies wat by storievoltooing gekry is, is geevalueer. Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie is die eienskappe van die vroee adolessent nagegaan. Daar is spesiale aandag gegee aan die probleme wat kliente in hierdie ouderdomsgroep by hulpverlening vir die hulpvertener oplewer. Navorsing dui daarop dat die vroee adolessent 'n relatief hoe risiko loop om wordingsprobleme te ontwikkel. Vanwee die kenmerke van hierdie spesifteke ontwikkelingstadium, is erkende metodes van hulpverlening soos onderhoudvoering, nie altyd die aangewese of mees suksesvolle metode van hulpverlening nie. Tydens die empiriese ondersoek is gevind dat die proefpersone gunstig gereageer het op die storievoltooiingsmedia en nuttige responsies gelewer het. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat storievoltooing as tegniek, moontlik 'n rol te speel het naas die meer bekende projeksiemedia soos die TAT en die OAP as hulpmiddel by diagnose van probleme by vroee adolessente. / This reseach evolved from the need to increase the efficiency of therapy with early adolescents. The objective was to establish whether story completion as projective technique elicits useful responses. Two existing story completion media, the Duss Fables and the Madeleine Thomas Test, were applied in addition to other projection media and the responses were evaluated. The characteristics of the early adolescent were studied as found in the literature. Research indicates that the early adolescent is at risk for various ontological and psychological problems. Because of the characteristics of clients in this specific developmental stage, accepted techniques in therapy, for example the interview, are not entirely successful when counseling early adolescents. It was found that testees responded positively to the story completion media and produced useful responses. The conclusion was that story completion may have a role to play as an instrument in diagnosing the problems of early adolescents. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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