Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thought anda thinking"" "subject:"thought ando thinking""
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Kognitiewe kartering as strategie in wiskunde-onderrigLoubser, Anelda 04 September 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / Die leerder met Wiskunde sukkel omdat hy nie 'n metode het om Wiskunde te leer nie. Groot druk word op die onderwyser geplaas, want hy moet nou vir die leerder leer hoe om Wiskunde te leer. Die vraag ontstaan of daar 'n strategie of benadering van Wiskunde-onderrig bestaan wat die onderwyser kan help om die leerders te help om die nodige konsepte vir insigleer te verkry.
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Enhancing the social studies: A literature based program for fifth gradeGibson, Michael K. 01 January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of language in constructing consciousness in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's TaleDiBenedetto, Tamra Elizabeth 01 January 1992 (has links)
Relationship between thought and language -- Whorf's hypothesis of linguistic determinism -- Linguistic relativism -- Sociopolitics, oppression, and language.
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Using guided imagery as an instructional strategy for developing creativity, Learning and relaxation with first grade studentsKilpatrick, Jennifer Lynn 01 January 2001 (has links)
This project examines the theories of guided imagery as a basis for a teaching strategy for developing a student's creativity, promoting learning by increasing concentration techniques and relaxing students. This study discusses how one first grade teacher used guided imagery with her students. The strategy was first used as a morning practice and later incorporated into the language arts program. The topics addressed in this project include: (a) What is guidedimagery? (b) How can guided imagery be applied within a classroom setting? and (c) What guided imagery exercises are appropriate for first grade students? The project concludes that guided imagery can be effectively used with first grade students to enhance the learning process.
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The Perceptions of Teachers of United States History in Traditionally Black Colleges with Regard to their Efforts to Promote Cognitive Development in StudentsJohnson, Stanley W. (Stanley Webster) 08 1900 (has links)
The problem for this investigation was the extent to which instruction in the traditionally black colleges and universities was directed toward higher cognitive skills as perceived by teachers of United States history in these institutions. The purposes of the study were to determine whether teachers (1) in state supported as opposed to private black colleges, (2) in urban-based as opposed to non-urban-based black colleges, (3) at non-denominational as opposed to denominational black colleges, (4) of age forty or older as opposed to teachers under age forty at black colleges,(5) categorized according to gender at black colleges, (6) categorized as United States citizens as opposed to non-citizens at black colleges, and (7) taught at black colleges and those who taught at white colleges differed significantly in their reported efforts to promote higher cognitive development. The following conclusions were drawn: Teachers at black colleges, as well as black teachers and white teachers at black colleges appeared to recognize the need to develop the higher mental powers of theirs students. Emphasis upon higher cognitive development is not likely to vary significantly according to academic degrees attained by the teacher, the geographic area in which the teacher was reared, or the gender of the teacher. Graduates of black colleges who taught at black colleges were apparently more attuned to the need for teaching higher cognitive development than were other teachers at black colleges.
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Social Addictive Gameful Engineering (SAGE): A Game-based Learning and Assessment System for Computational ThinkingBender, Jeff January 2023 (has links)
At an unrivaled and enduring pace, computing has transformed the world, resulting in demand for a universal fourth foundation beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic: computational thinking (CT). Despite increasingly widespread acceptance of CT as a crucial competency for all, transforming education systems accordingly has proven complex. The principal hypothesis of this thesis is that we can improve the efficiency and efficacy of teaching and learning CT by building gameful learning and assessment systems on top of block-based programming environments. Additionally, we believe this can be accomplished at scale and cost conducive to accelerating CT dissemination for all.
After introducing the requirements, approach, and architecture, we present a solution named Gameful Direct Instruction. This involves embedding Parsons Programming Puzzles (PPPs) in Scratch, which is a block-based programming environment currently used prevalently in grades 6-8. PPPs encourage students to practice CT by assembling into correct order sets of mixed-up blocks that comprise samples of well-written code which focus on individual concepts. The structure provided by PPPs enable instructors to design games that steer learner attention toward targeted learning goals through puzzle-solving play. Learners receive continuous automated feedback as they attempt to arrange programming constructs in correct order, leading to more efficient comprehension of core CT concepts than they might otherwise attain through less structured Scratch assignments. We measure this efficiency first via a pilot study conducted after the initial integration of PPPs with Scratch, and second after the addition of scaffolding enhancements in a study involving a larger adult general population.
We complement Gameful Direct Instruction with a solution named Gameful Constructionism. This involves integrating with Scratch implicit assessment functionality that facilitates constructionist video game (CVG) design and play. CVGs enable learner to explore CT using construction tools sufficiently expressive for personally meaningful gameplay. Instructors are enabled to guide learning by defining game objectives useful for implicit assessment, while affording learners the opportunity to take ownership of the experience and progress through the sequence of interest and motivation toward sustained engagement. When strategically arranged within a learning progression after PPP gameplay produces evidence of efficient comprehension, CVGs amplify the impact of direct instruction by providing the sculpted context in which learners can apply CT concepts more freely, thereby broadening and deepening understanding, and improving learning efficacy. We measure this efficacy in a study of the general adult population.
Since these approaches leverage low fidelity yet motivating gameful techniques, they facilitate the development of learning content at scale and cost supportive of widespread CT uptake. We conclude this thesis with a glance at future work that anticipates further progress in scalability via a solution named Gameful Intelligent Tutoring. This involves augmenting Scratch with Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) functionality that offers across-activity next-game recommendations, and within-activity just-in-time and on-demand hints. Since these data-driven methods operate without requiring knowledge engineering for each game designed, the instructor can evolve her role from one focused on knowledge transfer to one centered on supporting learning through the design of educational experiences, and we can accelerate the dissemination of CT at scale and reasonable cost while also advancing toward continuously differentiated instruction for each learner.
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The evaluation of the outcome of a thinking skills programme for middle management in a financial services industry organisationHermanson, Christina Magdalena 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The globalisation of business is probably the most important topic
of discussion in business around the world. Globalisation impacts on
business processes, and changes in the processes of economic and
political liberalisation signify a radical shift in thinking about how
the world works and how it should be organised. The process of
change consequently means having to deal with increasing
complexity. It is the complexity of change that prompts the urgency
to improve the thinking of management in an organisation. As
adult learners, managers need different competencies to operate; in
addition their thinking skills need to be developed, as they are the
key drivers in an organisation going through transformation.
In a needs' assessment in a financial services organisation
operating in the global environment, a need for training of middle
managers to help them improve their thinking skills in order to
become more effective thinkers was determined. The need to train
adults to develop cognitive skills prompted a specific thinking skills
intervention and the facilitation thereof. A Thinking Skills
Programme aimed at teaching thinking dispositions and thinking
skills was implemented as a programme to teach the managers to
become effective thinkers. The study was approached from a
programme evaluative perspective. The purpose of the programme
was an improvement-orientated evaluation and was designed to
evaluate the outcomes of the programme.
Qualitative data was collected through a pre- assessment and postassessment
process. Open-ended questionnaires as well as other qualitative methods were used in the assessment to capture the
data. The data analysis was done through content analysis. In the
process of determining the patterns and processes in the preassessment,
observations, semi-structured interviews, field notes
and post-assessment, the researcher looked for themes or
interconnections that emerged in the units, sub-categories and
categories. The sub-categories that emerged were derived from the
frequency of appearance in the answers of the participants in the
The post-assessment feedback categories indicated that a shift in
effective thinking had taken place in the participants. The most
significant difference in their thinking was the awareness of their
They reflected on their thinking while solving problems, which is
evidence of effective thinking. They used the thinking tools to help
them solve problems. The intervention influenced the participants
to be more creative in solving problems, which was not evident in
the pre-assessment.
The evaluation of the outcome of the programme through the
application of a Thinking Skills Programme was successful. This was
demonstrated by the fact that in the measurement of the outcome
of the programme it was evident that the middle managers had
become more aware of their thinking and that they applied the
thinking dispositions and thinking tools in their daily managerial
activities. They had become more effective thinkers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die globalisering van die sakewêreld is waarskynlik die belangrikste
besprekingspunt in dié sektor regoor die wêreld. Globalisering het 'n
impak op sakeprosesse, en veranderings in die prosesse van
ekonomiese en politieke liberalisering dui op 'n radikale verandering
in denke oor hoe die wêreld werk en hoe dit georganiseer behoort te
word. Die proses van verandering dui gevolglik daarop dat daar
rekening gehou moet word met toenemende kompleksiteit. Dit is
die kompleksiteit van verandering wat aanleiding gee tot die
belangrikheid daarvan om die denkvaardighede van die bestuur in 'n
organisasie te verbeter. As volwasse leerders benodig bestuurders
verskillende vaardighede om hulle taak te verrig, en hulle
denkvaardighede moet ontwikkel word aangesien hulle die dryfkrag
is van 'n organisasie wat transformasie ondergaan.
In 'n behoeftebepaling in 'n finansiële dienste organisasie wat op die
wêreldmark meeding, is die behoefte geïdentifiseer aan opleiding vir
middelvlak bestuurders om hulle denkvaardighede te help verbeter,
ten einde van hulle meer effektiewe denkers te maak. Die behoefte
om volwassenes op te lei in die ontwikkeling van kognitiewe
vaardighede het aanleiding gegee tot In spesifieke
denkvaardigheidsintervensie en die fasilitering daarvan. 'n
Denkvaardigheidsprogram gemik op die onderrig van
denkdisposisies en -vaardighede is as 'n program ingestelom
bestuurders op te lei om effektiewe denkers te word. Die studie is
benader vanuit 'n programevaluasie-perspektief. Die doel van die
program was 'n verbeteringsgeoriënteerde evaluasie en dit is
ontwerp om die uitkomstes van die program te evalueer. Kwalitatiewe data is versamel deur middel van 'n pre- en
postassesseringsproses. Oopeindevraelyste asook ander
kwalitatiewe metodes is in die assessering gebruik om data te
versamel. Die data-analise is gedoen deur inhoudsanalise. Vir die
bepaling van die patrone en prosesse in die pre-assessering, is
observasies, semigestruktureerde onderhoude en veldaantekeninge
gebruik. Vir die postassessering het die navorser gesoek na temas
of interkonneksies wat na vore gekom het in die eenhede,
subkategorieë en kategorieë. Die subkategorieë wat na vore gekom
het, is geïdentifiseer op grond van die frekwensie van voorkoms in
die antwoorde van die deelnemers wat die vraelyste voltooi het.
Die terugvoeringskategorieë in die postassessering het aangetoon
dat 'n verandering in effektiewe denke by die deelnemers
plaasgevind het. Die mees beduidende verandering in hulle denke
was die bewustheid van hulle denke.
Deelnemers het gereflekteer op hulle denke tydens
probleemoplossing, wat as bewys dien van effektiewe denke. Hulle
het die denkinstrumente gebruik om hulle te help om probleme op
te los. Die intervensie het tot gevolg gehad dat die deelnemers
meer kreatief tydens probleemoplossing was, wat nie tydens die
pre-assessering geblyk het nie.
Die evaluering van die uitkoms van die program deur die toepassing
van 'n Denkvaardigheidsprogram was suksesvol. Dit is
gedemonstreer deur die feit dat in die meting van die uitkoms van
die program dit duidelik geblyk het dat die middelvlak bestuurders
meer bewus geraak het van hulle denke en dat hulle die denkdisposisies en denkinstrumente in hulle daaglikse
bestuursaktiwiteite toegepas het. Hulle het meer effektiewe denkers
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Using strategy instruction to improve logical picture sequencing and narration of events by children with learning difficulties (CWLD)Hui, Wu-on, Louise., 許護安. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Master / Master of Philosophy
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The effectiveness of enhancing form seven students' speaking proficiency through cognitive training =Tang, Suk-yin., 鄧淑賢. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Education / Master / Master of Education
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The development and evaluation of a metacognitive programme for young learners in the South African context.Benjamin, Louis January 2005 (has links)
The Basic Concepts Mediated Learning Programme (BCMLP) was developed to enhance the cognitive and scholastic functioning of learners who experience barriers to learning in the early years of schooling in the South African context. The study aimed to initiate a process of evaluation of the efficacy of this metacognitive programme with Grade 2 learners from the &lsquo / Cape Flats&rsquo / , an historically disadvantaged community in Cape Town. The study was conducted simultaneously in two local education authorities by independent teams of fieldworkers in each of the education authorities. This quantitative, quasi-experimental, non-equivalent comparison group design study was implemented with learners who were equally assigned to an Experimental group (N=54) or Comparison group (N=55). English home-language and Bilingual (English and Afrikaans) learners made up a majority of the study sample. The study was conducted in English.<br />
<br />
Extensive pre-test and post-test batteries consisting of cognitive (information-processing), cognitive modifiability (dynamic assessment), and scholastic tests were used to collect data. A number of structured interview schedules including post-intervention teacher rating scales were also used for the purpose of data gathering. The results from the parametric and non-parametric methods of data analysis selected, revealed a pattern of significant pre- to post-study cognitive and scholastic gains in scores for learners in both the Experimental and Comparison groups (p< / 0.05). In addition, it was found that the study participants, irrespective of their designation to the Experimental or Comparison group became more modifiable and demonstrated enhanced information-processing abilities at the end of the study. Significantly greater gains were, however, attained by learners in the Experimental group in a majority of the areas assessed (7 out of 12) (p< / 0.05). Learners in the Experimental group were also found to be more responsive to instruction and modifiable than learners in the Comparison group.<br />
<br />
Learners who participated in the BCMLP were found to benefit with respect to their knowledge of basic concepts, cognitive and scholastic functioning. However, it was not possible to infer from the current study that findings were attributable to any one specific procedure (mediational teaching, concept teaching, vocabulary teaching and teaching to enhance information-processing) or process (Basic Concept Teaching Model) of this metacognitive programme. Furthermore, the study had a number of limitations and findings should be regarded with some caution until replication studies can be completed and the long-term effects of the study can be evaluated.<br />
<br />
The study provides some evidence for the efficacy of short-term, small group intervention programmes implemented by Learning Support Teachers within disadvantaged communities. The study also provides some initial evidence for the efficacy of the BCMLP (a specially designed metacognitive programme). The BCMLP was found to be both appropriate and manageable for Learning Support Teachers to implement in the South African context.
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