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Military intelligence analysis : institutional influenceBang, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Intelligence is vital for the outcome of battles. As long as humans wage war, there will be a need for decision support to military and civilian leaders regarding adversaries or potential adversaries. However, the production of intelligence is neither easy nor without pitfalls. There is a need to better understand the predicaments of intelligence analysis. Intelligence is bureaucratically produced as well as socially constructed and created in a distinct cultural context. The ‘institution’ captures these three aspects of influence. Therefore, with a particular focus on military intelligence, this thesis aims to deepen the understanding regarding institutional influence on intelligence assessments. The literature regarding intelligence has grown steadily over the last three decades. However, theories and frameworks aimed to understand the phenomenon are still sparse. This is even more true for literature regarding contemporary military intelligence. This thesis intends to contribute to bridging these research gaps. This is done by studying the Swedish military intelligence institution from several different perspectives: its rules-in-use, shared beliefs, and the incoming stimuli primarily related to conducting threat assessments. More precisely the thesis investigates the use of quantitative methods, doctrines (i.e. the formal rules), and shared beliefs connected to epistemological assumptions and threat assessments. The main contribution of this thesis is that it establishes and describes a casual link between a military intelligence institution and an assessment, by drawing upon rulesin-use and belief systems and their effect on the mental model and consequently the perception of the situation connected to a cognitive bias, and thereby its effect on a given assessment. The thesis makes an effort to render intelligence studies more generalizable, by way of adopting the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework. The metatheoretical language of the IAD is a promising avenue for explaining and describing the institutional influence on intelligence assessments. / Underrättelse är en avgörande komponent för utfallet av väpnad strid. Så länge människor krigar, kommer det att finnas ett behov av beslutsstöd till militära och civila ledare angående dess motståndare och potentiella motståndare. Produktionen av underrättelse är dock inte lätt eller utan fallgropar. Det finns där för ett behov av att öka förståelsen för de predikamenten kopplade till underrättelseanalys. Underrättelse som produkt är byråkratiskt såväl som socialt konstruerad och skapas i ett distinkt kulturellt sammanhang. Konceptet "Institution" kan ses fånga alla dessa tre aspekter. Därför handlar det speciellt om militär intelligens, som handlar om att förstå det institutionella inflytandet på intelligensbedömningar. Den tillgängliga underrättelselitteraturen har ökat stadigt under de senaste tre decennierna. Dock gällande teorier och ramverk på området som syftar till att förstå fenomenet är det emellertid fortfarande lite gjort. Detta gäller i än högre utsträckning för det specifika området modern militärunderrättelse verksamhet. Avhandlingen avser att bidra till att överbrygga dessa forskningsgap. Detta görs genom att studera den svenska militärunderrättelseinstitutionen ur flera perspektiv. Dess regler-i-bruk, delad trossystem/övertygelser samt den inkommande stimuli(data/information) primärt kopplade till hur hotbedömningar genomförs. Mer exakt granskar avhandlingen användningen av kvantitativa metoder, doktriner (dvs de formella reglerna) och delade föreställningar kopplade till epistemologiska antaganden och hotbedömningar. Huvudresultatet av denna avhandling är att det etablerar och beskriver en länk mellan en militärunderrättelseinstitution och de bedömningar som görs. Det går att se en direkt länk mellan de regler-i-bruk samt institutionens trossystem och deras inverkan på individens mentalmodellen. Detta sker genom att de rådande reglerna påverkar förekomesten av kognitivt bias vilket där med påverkar analytikerns uppfattning av en given situation. Avhandlingen har där med en ambition att göra studier i underrättelseanalys mer generaliserbara, genom att applicera och utveckla ramverket för institutionell analys och utveckling (IAD). Det metadeteoretiska språket i IAD är en lovande aveny för att förklara och beskriva det institutionella inflytandet på intelligensbedömningar.
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Ontogenetic and Gender Dimensions in a Normative Study of the Dreams of CanadiansDale, Allyson January 2017 (has links)
The current dissertation examined gender, cultural, and ontogenetic dimensions in the dreams of Canadians. Normative studies in the United States, Europe, and other countries have documented normative data including gender differences and compared their findings to American data to investigate cultural differences. The purpose of the present study was to extend research of this nature by establishing normative data for Canadians. Furthermore, age differences in dreams have been mostly investigated for females, with only a few studies with males, and have used a variety of methodologies and age ranges. Another objective of this study was to document, for the first time, the ontogenetic pattern of the main dream content categories from adolescence to old age for males and females. The rigorous and detailed dream diary method was used to collect dreams which were analyzed using the Hall and Van de Castle method of content analysis.
The first paper consisted of two dreams each from 150 male and female young adult Canadians, ages 18-24, totaling 600 dream reports. Findings provided support for the threat simulation theory as there were more negative than positive themes overall. Furthermore, dream gender differences were consistent with those in waking and the similarity of Canadian and American culture was reflected in dream imagery, supporting the continuity hypothesis of dream formation.
The final two papers examined the ontogenetic patterns of dream content for females and males respectively. The second paper consisted of 75 females across 5 age groups from adolescence to old age (12-17, 18-24, 25-39, 40-64, and 65-85) and the third paper consisted of 50 males across the same age groups with the exception of 31 males in the oldest group (65-85). The ontogenetic patterns of dream content from adolescence to old age reflected waking developmental patterns as proposed by social theories, neurobiological research, and recognized features of aging, supporting the continuity hypothesis.
In terms of the theoretical implications, this work provides support for the hypothesis of the threat simulation theory pertaining to the prevalence of negative content in dreams. It also provides support for the continuity between waking and dreaming hypothesis of dream formation. Implications of these findings regarding our understanding of the sources of dream formation are described. Finally, limitations and future directions, for research examining the evolution of gender differences across the lifespan, are discussed.
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The anatomy of Charles Dickens: a study of bodily vulnerability in his novelsGavin, Adrienne Elizabeth 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the pervasive presence of the vulnerability of the human body in
Charles Dickens’s writing. It demonstrates, through a collection and discussion of bodily
references drawn from the range of Dickens’s novels, that the the body’s vulnerability is, in
conjunction with the use of humour and the literalizing of metaphorical references to the body,
a crucial and fundamental element of both Dickens’s distinctive style and of his enduring
literary popularity.
Chapter one provides evidence for the contention that a sense of physical vulnerability
was particularly intense in the Victorian era and that Dickens shared this awareness as his
social and humanitarian interests and activities illustrate. The following chapter focuses on
Dickens’s more private concerns with the body, particularly upon his personal physical fears
and experiences, the public attention given to his body as a result of fame, his continual denial
of his own physical frailties, and the interplay between his body and his writing all of which
provided impetus to his literature.
Chapters three, four, and five examine consecutively the ways in which physical
vulnerability—to damage, disease, and death, but most importantly to dismemberment—
function in the novels. They do so on three broad levels: Character, Conversation, and
Expression which depict in ascending order increasing bodily insecurity in Dickens’s texts.
The Character level concerns the bodily forms and fates of Dickens’s characters. We
see here that the more a player’s body is described the more vulnerable it will become, thus
good-hearted heroes are virtually “bodiless” and suffer little physical pain while evil
characters are described in great anatomical detail and come to bodily harm. Dickens metes
out “bodily justice” on this level in that he ensures that characters who have transgressed the rules of good conduct in his fictional world are physically punished for their misdeeds and
that bodily punishment is in direct proportion to the “crime” committed.
On the Conversational level Dickens depicts extreme physical horrors by expressing
these things humorously, by putting descriptions of them in mouths variously and
interestingly accented, and, most significantly, by playing on the dual literal and metaphorical
meanings of bodily references. Most of this anatomical dialogue is anecdotal and therefore
unverifiable, hypothetical and therefore unlikely to happen, or professional, i.e., spoken by
“bodily experts” such as doctors or undertakers, and therefore irrefutable. Here exaggeration
and extremes attract readers who are simultaneously fascinated and repelled by what
characters say of the body.
Dickens’s methods of Expression reflect physical reality—all bodies are vulnerable to
sudden damage just as Dickens can dismember a body suddenly either with the stroke of a
pen or by delaying its complete description. We see that on this level the body is at it most
vulnerable and is damaged by methods of expression rather than by narrative. Dickens here
plays most intensively with the literalization of metaphor, linguistically insisting that if a head
appears around a doorway we can no longer assume that a body will follow. The novels are
filled with dictionally decapitated heads and severed limbs, but through the use of humour and
by reanimating these members Dickens ensures that his style elicits not simply a reaction of
horror in his readers but elicits a response to the grotesque—a strong instinctual attraction to
his work which is rooted in the body, not in the intellect.
This dissertation concludes that the body’s vulnerability is not only a continual
presence in Dickens’s novels but is an under-examined yet fundamental element in what
makes his writing style distinctive and what makes his work continually popular. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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Exopolitika a problém bezpečnosti v 21. století / Exopolitics and Security in the 21. CenturyZelinka, Ladislav January 2013 (has links)
The thesis introduces a new field of social sciences, the exopolitics, and poses a question, whether extra-terrestial intelligence constitutes a threat to security. The problem is discussed through analysis of primary data, which are in particular these: official documents, studies, letters, memoranda, witnesses' testimonies, official statements and other reliable evidence. Theoreticaly I refer to the existing exopolitical literature, mainly of M. Salla, and two selected papers. The aim is to show that the exopolitical study is actual, legitimate and well-founded and deserves more attention and credit. The thesis wishes to give an inspiring appeal to promote further study of the field through academia and other educational institutions.
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A geospatial tool for assessing potential wildland fire risk in central Texas.Hunter, Bruce Allan 08 1900 (has links)
Wildland fires in the United States are not always confined to wilderness areas. The growth of population centers and housing developments in wilderness areas has blurred the boundaries between rural and urban. This merger of human development and natural landscape is known in the wildland fire community as the wildland urban interface or WUI, and it is within this interface that many wildland fires increasingly occur. As wildland fire intrusions in the WUI increase so too does the need for tools to assess potential impact to valuable assets contained within the interface. This study presents a methodology that combines real-time weather data, a wildland fire behavior model, satellite remote sensing and geospatial data in a geographic information system to assess potential risk to human developments and natural resources within the Austin metropolitan area and surrounding ten counties of central, Texas. The methodology uses readily available digital databases and satellite images within Texas, in combination with an industry standard fire behavior model to assist emergency and natural resource managers assess potential impacts from wildland fire. Results of the study will promote prevention of WUI fire disasters, facilitate watershed and habitat protection, and help direct efforts in post wildland fire mitigation and restoration.
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Social anxiety and threat perception : An event-related potential studySutradhar, Adithi January 2020 (has links)
The late positive potential (LPP) is an event-related potential (ERP) component associated with increased affective processing which seems to strongly respond to threats and to be sensitive to emotional faces. Some studies indicate that the LPP is modulated by anxiety symptoms, while others fail to find support for these observations. The facial width-to-height ratio (FWHR) is a facial-masculinity metric that refers to cheekbone width, divided by upper facial height (top of the lip to between the brows). Consequently, FWHR has by some researchers been proposed to serve as a cue of threat. For example, high FWHR and diverse emotional faces (e.g., angry faces) are perceived as more threatening than low FWHR faces. Individuals with social anxiety are thought to be biased towards the threat. The literature has indicated that high FWHR faces in combination with angry facial expression can elicit larger LPPs compared to low FWHR and neutral faces. The current experiment investigated subjective ratings in addition to the LPP in response to high and low FWHR faces in combination with an angry and neutral expression, to examine how different facial morphology and affective cues influence the perception of threat to individuals with high social anxiety. This data, in combination, suggests that high FWHR is a salient threat-related social stimulus that might have a firm influence on the perception of other peoples’ faces. Initial results do not support a significant relationship between increased LPP modulation in individuals with high social anxiety compared to individuals with low social anxiety. However, it opens up for discussion regarding how social anxiety should be approached in future LPP research.
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Examining the Impact of Social Pressure on Golf Putting PerformanceKingsbury, Adam 07 January 2020 (has links)
Fine-motor skills in any domain (e.g., sports, surgery, music) are subject to performance decrements under pressure. A large majority of studies that have examined “choking under pressure” used golf putting as a paradigm to test participants. Golf putting is a fine-motor skill that is highly susceptible to deviations in performance, yet a skill that appears to be deceptively simple without a steep learning curve. The following thesis contained three studies that examined the influence of social evaluative threat on the objective outcome performance (holed or not holed, distance to the hole), as well as the kinematic variables associated with the putting stroke itself. Performance was measured using a high-speed infrared camera called the TOMI® which collected real-time 3D data about a number of different kinematic parameters for each putt that was struck. While it was expected that a learning effect would characterize the longitudinal trajectory of performance, it was also expected that state anxiety would moderate this trajectory.
In Study 1, 35 amateur golfers, completed a self-report measure of state anxiety and performed golf putting tasks under a neutral condition followed by a social-evaluative condition. Somatic anxiety was related to differential performance trajectories, while cognitive anxiety was associated with variability in the backstroke. In Study 2, 27 beginner participants participated in an improved design based on Study 1. Somatic anxiety temporarily moderated performance under pressure for the novices. In Study 3, 55 beginner participants were recruited and randomized to either a stress-free learning task (n = 29), or a social-evaluative learning task (n = 26), to address research limitations from the first two studies. Furthermore, methodological concerns present in both Study 1 and 2 were addressed, with the aim of contributing to the debate surrounding theoretical mechanisms of how performance decrements occur, specifically under social-evaluative threat. High levels of somatic anxiety moderated the objective performance trajectory of the experimental group, and surprisingly decreased the amount of time taken to prepare for each putt in the social-evaluative task.
In all three studies, somatic anxiety significantly moderated both objective and indirect performance (as indicated by kinematics and routine time). Taken together, these studies suggest that one’s interpretation of physiological symptoms while under social evaluative threat can temporarily impair performance trajectories of a fine-motor skill.
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Vnímání ruské hrozby v českém politickém a administrativním diskurzu / Perception of the Russian Threat in the Czech Political, and Administrative DiscourseKeřka, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Perception of the Russian Threat in the Czech Political, and Administrative Discourse Abstract The goal of this diploma thesis is to find how the Russian threat is perceived in the Czech political, and administrative discourse. The author decided to use constructivism, and discourse analysis to achieve the goal. Concretely he was inspired by Teun A. van Dijk's approach. The author chose actors, which in his opinion are the most important for shaping of the Russian threat construct in the Czech political, and administrative discourse. There are two categories of chosen actors. First category is composed of relevant institutions: The President of the Czech Republic, and his office, and The Government of the Czech Republic. The author chose five sub-actors to represent the government: The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Ministry of the Defence and Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, and Ministry of Industry and Trade. Second category is aimed on parliamentary political parties, and movements in the Chamber of Deputies. The discourse could be characterized like fragmented. Chosen institutions mostly recognize possibility of Russian threatening behavior. They do not perceive any military threat for the Czech...
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Teacher's Discipline Practices and Race: The Effect of "Fair" and "Unfair" Discipline on Black and White Student's Perceptions and BehaviorsRivera-Rodriguez, Adrian 01 July 2021 (has links)
Negative stereotypes characterizing Black males as prone to causing trouble can lead teachers to punish misbehaving Black boys more harshly than their White peers. Awareness of unfair discipline practices has been linked to future disciplinary infractions among Black males, hinting that some Black males may engage in defiant behavior in response to unfair discipline. Despite the documented links between awareness of unfair discipline and future disciplinary infractions among Black males, questions remain as to (1) the types of disciplinary practices from teachers that students perceive as fair and unfair; (2) the psychological processes that motivate Black male behavior after experiencing unfair discipline; and (3) whether these psychological processes differ from those that motivate White male behavior. Across three studies, the present research explores these questions by asking Black and White men to recall the type of treatment from teachers that they perceived as fair and unfair (Study 2), as well as how they would have perceived and responded to different scenarios describing instances of either fair and unfair discipline from teachers in middle and high school (Studies 1 and 3). Qualitative results from Study 2 highlights negotiable (i.e., a collaborative effort between a teacher and their pupil to discuss and analyze how and why a particular situation arose from all perspectives) and non-negotiable (i.e., teacher ignores the pupil’s explanation for the infraction) discipline as two contrasting practices that men viewed as fair and unfair, respectively. Quantitative results from Study 3 indicated that unfair (non-negotiable), compared to fair (negotiable) discipline from teachers triggered negative emotions associated with reputation threat (i.e., embarrassment, shame, anger, and sadness), which in turn predicted future defiant behavior among both Black and White men. Furthermore, the extent to which unfair discipline from teachers was attributed to racial bias also predicted greater negative emotions and defiant behavior for Black, but not White, men. Together, these findings shed light on a process through which unfair disciplinary practices may motivate defiance from students via negative emotions among both Black and White students; as well as the unique role that race bias attributions have on Black students’ perceptions of unfair discipline.
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Rizika elektronického obchodování v podniku na B2B trhu / The Risks of e-commerce in a Company on the B2B MarketVrbecký, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of risks associated with e-commerce of a company operating in the B2B market. The introductory part is devoted to a search of marketing issues, where the basics of online marketing tools and services needed for the operation of the e-shop are theoretically substantiated. Thanks to the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the work are set, which include the analysis of risks and the proposal of measures to reduce the probability of these risks. Risk analysis is performed using the FMEA method, as this method can analyze in detail the individual points in groups of problems. The final discussion presents individual proposals for measures, for which the benefits for society are given, as well as a table of estimated costs for these measures.
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