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Atributos físicos de solos submetidos à escarificação na linha de plantio e em área total para cultivo da cana-de-açúcar /Souza, Francisco Carlos Almeida de. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Carolina Fernandes / Banca: Ricardo Augusto Martins Cordeiro / Banca: José Eduardo Corá / Resumo: O preparo do solo é uma operação de alto custo na reforma do canavial, portanto medidas para a redução desse custo são desejáveis, desde que propiciem boas condições físicas para o desenvolvimento das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos físicos de Latossolo Vermelho e de Argissolo Amarelo após o preparo do solo e após o plantio da cana-de-açúcar. O delineamento experimental foi em parcelas grandes e uniformes com dois tratamentos e dez repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram no preparo do solo para plantio da cana-de-açúcar: escarificação na linha de plantio e escarificação em área total. Após o preparo do solo e após o plantio, foram coletadas amostras indeformadas de solo em cada parcela experimental, em quatro camadas: 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,40 e 0,40-0,60 m em dois locais de amostragem, na linha e na entrelinha de plantio. Foi avaliada a resistência à penetração, a densidade do solo, a porosidade total, a macroporosidade e a microporosidade. Os resultados indicaram que o Latossolo Vermelho foi mais susceptível que o Argissolo Amarelo às alterações nos atributos físicos do solo após as operações de plantio da cana-deaçúcar até a camada de 0,40 m. Para o Latossolo Vermelho, após as operações de plantio da cana-de-açúcar foi verificado redução nos valores dos atributos físicos do solo na camada superficial. Para o Argissolo Amarelo, as operações de plantio da cana-de-açúcar não influenciaram nos valores dos atributos físicos. A escarificação do s... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The soil tillage demands a high cost operation to repair the canebrake. So, it is necessary some activities to reduce these costs to get good physical conditions for plant development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical attributes of Oxisol and Ultisol, after the soil have been prepared and after sugar cane plantation. The experimental approach was in big and uniforms parcels with two treatments and ten repetitions. The treatment was made in the prepare of soil and in the cane plantation: chiselling in the planting line and in total area. After the soil has been prepared, also after planting sugar cane, some undeformed samples of soil was collected in each experimental parcel, in four layers: 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,40 and 0,40-0,60 m in two different place, in the line and between line of planting area. It was also evaluated the resistance and penetration, soil density, total porosity, macro and micro porosity. The results indicates that Oxisol was more susceptible than Ultisol to alterations in the soil physical attributes after operations in cane plantation until the layer 0,40 m. For the Oxisol, after the plantation of sugar cane, was verified some reduction of values in soil physical attributes in the superficial layer. For Ultisol, the operations in the planted area of sugar cane did not influence in these attributes values. The chiselling of soil was done just in the planting line of sugar cane, it indicates that the chiselling is more recommended ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Temporal changes in the soil pore size distribution and variability of soil hydraulic properties under long-term conventional and conservation tillageKreiselmeier, Janis Leonhard 01 December 2020 (has links)
Conservation tillage systems are increasingly adapted replacing conventional turnover moldboard plowing practices worldwide. This is part of a sustainable intensification of agriculture to meet future global food demand while at the same time sustaining environmental resources. The choice of tillage system affects soil structure and thereby also soil hydraulic properties (SHP) such as the water retention characteristic (WRC) and the hydraulic conductivity characteristic (HCC). Effects of agricultural management on SHP have been widely studied in the past decades. Thereby, temporal variations were identified as a major source of variability in the quantification of soil pore space and SHP. Such variability is introduced by tillage creating a loose soil matrix that eventually settles due to gravity, wetting-drying cycles and temperature fluctuations but also variable soil organic matter distributions in the soil and biological activity.
Past efforts to model soil water dynamics showed that consideration of time-variable SHP may significantly improve simulation results. This involves both the seasonal variability as well as long-term land-use changes from conventionally to untilled soil. A prerequisite for such an approach is the periodic quantification of the WRC and HCC in the field and laboratory. In addition to the direct provision of modeling parameters, the quantification of WRC and HCC over time yields information on soil structural changes in the shape of a soil pore size distribution (PSD). The evolution of derived PSDs can be modeled and with that, the evolution of SHP might be predicted. However, there is little data available and the processes happening over one cropping season or between land-use changes need to be better understood.
The aim of this dissertation was to shed light on soil pore space and associated hydraulic property changes on a long-term (23 years) tillage experiment in Eastern Germany. Three treatments with varying tillage intensity were investigated: conventional tillage with a turnover moldboard plow (CT), reduced mulch tillage with a cultivator (RT) and no tillage with direct sowing (NT). The soil was a Haplic Luvisol with silt loam texture. Objectives were twofold:
• Objective 1) was to quantify the temporal variability in PSD over one winter wheat cropping season by frequently measuring SHP. Soil physical quality of the three treatments was assessed using this data.
• Objective 2) was to characterize the soil structural differences between the treatments by relating hydraulic conductivity over a wide soil moisture range to other soil physical and chemical properties.
For Objective 1), undisturbed soil cores (250 cm3) were taken over one winter wheat cropping cycle on five occasions from December 2015 to after the harvest in August 2016. Those soil cores were used to determine the saturated hydraulic and the WRC as well as the HCC in the laboratory. The data was parametrized with the bimodal Kosugi and Mualem model. Soil physical quality was assessed by the relative field capacity and air capacity as suggested in recent literature.
Results showed that tilled soil, i.e. CT and RT, exhibited a distinct bimodal PSD with a structural and a textural mode. However, this structural mode was temporally instable and diminished after the winter and throughout the early growing season. Likely processes behind those changes were wetting-drying cycles, rainfall impact and freeze-thaw cycles. Shortly before and after the harvest some of the structural mode was restored which was probably induced by decomposing organic matter mixed into the topsoil from the previous winter wheat harvest during stubble breaking. Described changes were evident in decreases of transmission pores (⌀ 50 - 500 µm) during winter and increases during summer. Untilled soil, i.e. NT, tended towards a unimodal PSD with less transmission but more storage (⌀ 0.5 - 50 µm) pores. Temporally this soil was rather inert. This was attributed to natural compaction in absence of annual tillage for more than 20 years. Soil physical quality varied with the changes in PSD. Water availability was not an issue. Overall, the soil physical quality indicators for soil aeration were outside of an optimal range for indicators for most of the time.
For Objective 2), field infiltration measurements were conducted with a hood (tension) infiltrometer to obtain (near-) saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil cores were taken to quantify unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Other properties for correlation and multiple regression analysis were bulk density, the bubbling pressure, organic C, as well as macro- and mesoporosity. X-ray µCT imaging on undisturbed soil cores from CT and NT treatments gave additional information on soil pore metrics.
Results pointed towards a distinctly different soil structure between tilled and untilled soil. Near-saturated hydraulic conductivity of tilled soil was negatively correlated with bulk density as well as macro- and mesoporosity. None of the properties was meaningful for untilled soil. Imaging results confirmed the hypothesis, that (near-) saturated hydraulic conductivity on NT is governed by few well-connected large pores, while the soil matrix is comparably dense conducting only small amounts of infiltrating water. On tilled soil, the overall porosity is relevant for water transmission. Large continuous pore systems, however, get destroyed by annual tillage.
In summary, the study showed distinct differences in soil structure and inherently also SHP between conservation and conventional tillage treatments. Differences in SHP, both in (near-) saturated hydraulic conductivity as well as WRC and HCC were large between some occasions. Therefore, this study confirmed the notion that on arable soils one-off measurements of SHP are not enough for their proper quantification. This was especially true for tilled soil. Modeling tasks over one cropping period, i.e. for example for irrigation schedules, will make periodic measurements necessary, i.e. unless an accurate modeling of the PSD becomes feasible. Current restraints are that most PSD models only consider a short-term post-tillage loss of porosity while a restored macropore system is not accounted for. In contrast to CT and RT, NT soil was temporally stable. While water retention was improved, (near ) saturated hydraulic conductivity was overall lower than on tilled soil. Correlation and regression analysis in combination with X-ray µCT explained some of the differences observed by tension infiltration measurements. Results highlighted that for arable soil, tillage treatments and probably other agricultural management practices, need to be considered when developing pedotransfer functions for an accurate estimation of SHP.:Table of Contents
Declaration of conformity I
Acknowledgements II
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VII
List of Tables XI
Nomenclature XIII
Abstract XV
Zusammenfassung XVIII
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The sustainable development agenda and conservation tillage 1
1.2 Soil structure and soil hydraulic properties 3
1.3 Effects of conservation tillage on soil hydraulic properties 5
1.4 Temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties 8
1.5 Objectives and hypotheses 10
1.6 Structure of the dissertation 12
2 Materials and methods 15
2.1 Study area 15
2.1.1 Tillage experiment Lüttewitz (‘Schlag Gasthof’) 15
2.1.2 Treatments and agricultural management 16
2.2 Sample design 20
2.3 Field measurements 22
2.3.1 Hood infiltrometer measurements 22
2.3.2 Analysis of hood infiltrometer measurements 24
2.3.3 Macropore stability indicator 24
2.3.4 Undisturbed and disturbed soil sampling 25
2.4 Laboratory measurements 26
2.4.1 Saturated hydraulic conductivity 26
2.4.2 Water retention and hydraulic conductivity characteristic 26
2.4.3 Other soil properties 27
2.5 Model fitting procedure 28
2.5.1 Bimodal models for the water retention and hydraulic conductivity characteristic 28
2.5.2 Parametrization to quantify changes in the pore size distributions and pore volume fractions 29
2.5.3 Parametrization to infer unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for variability analysis 31
2.6 Capacitive soil physical quality indicators 32
2.7 Relationship between imaged pore metrics and field near-saturated hydraulic conductivity 32
2.8 Statistical analysis 33
3 Results 35
3.1 Rainfall patterns 35
3.2 Field (near-) saturated hydraulic conductivity 36
3.3 Threshold pore radius 37
3.4 Laboratory saturated hydraulic conductivity 38
3.5 Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity 39
3.6 Soil pore size distributions and pore volume fractions over one cropping season 40
3.7 Capacitive soil physical quality indicators 45
3.8 Correlation and linear regression of hydraulic conductivity with other soil properties 46
3.9 Other soil properties 49
3.9.1 Bulk density 49
3.9.2 Soil organic carbon and nitrogen 50
3.10 Imaged soil structure and hydraulic conductivity 52
3.10.1 Comparison of hydraulic conductivity obtained through three methods in Spring 2018 52
3.10.2 Soil pore metrics 52
3.10.3 Correlation between hydraulic conductivity and pore metrics 53
4 Discussion 55
4.1 Soil pore size distributions over one cropping cycle 55
4.1.1 Soil pore size distribution is bimodal on tilled soil and varies with time 55
4.1.2 Summary Objective 1) Hypotheses A and B 58
4.2 The effects of a changing pore system on soil physical quality 59
4.2.1 Suboptimal soil physical quality indicators change with time 60
4.2.2 Summary Objective 1) Hypothesis C 62
4.3 Tillage effects on variability of hydraulic conductivity 62
4.3.1 (Near ) saturated hydraulic conductivity 62
4.3.2 Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity 64
4.3.3 Summary: Objective 2) Hypothesis D and E 65
4.4 Factors influencing water transmission and its temporal variation 65
4.4.1 Soil properties partly explain variability in hydraulic conductivity on CT 65
4.4.2 Imaged pore metrics explain differences in field hydraulic conductivity 67
4.4.3 Summary Objective 2) Hypothesis F 68
5 Summary and outlook 69
References 73
Appendix 93
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Resilience to crusting of soils under conventional tillage and conservation agricultureTshigoli, Vhonani Lucadia 03 1900 (has links)
MSCAGR (Soil Science) / Department of Soil Science / Soil resilience is the ability of a soil to recover its function or capacity after applied stress such as crusting. Some soils have high potential for recovery while others have poor resilience. Soils with poor resilience are much more vulnerable to degradation. Many soils in South Africa are susceptible to crust formation, which affects many soil surface properties and processes and hence productivity. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate how soil resilience to crust formation is affected by conventional tillage and conservation agriculture in selected soils in South Africa. Soil samples were collected from four different soils (Hutton, Shortland, Glenrosa and Dundee) using PVC pipes with the length of 20 cm and diameter of 5cm and scanned using micro xray computed tomography for total pores. Total porosity from Luvisols, Ferrosols, Leptsols and Fluvisols under both conventional tillage and conservation agriculture was used to find soil resilience index. Soil crusting was influenced by both soil texture and clay mineralogy. The dominance of kaolinitic mineral caused the soil to be more stable as compared to soil dominated by quartz. Luvisols, Ferrosols and Leptsols were more stable and had aggregate stability of 57%, 69,5% and 32,7%, respectively. On the other hand, Fluvisols had poor aggregate stability with the value of 14,2%. Total porosity was in the order of 34,3%>32,2%>23,5%>16,3% for Ferrosols, Luvisols, Leptsols and Fluvisols, respectively. Soil crusting influenced the total porosity. Tillage practices had influence on soil crust formation hence, total porosity of the soils. Total porosity was higher under conservation agriculture as compare to conventional tillage. Resilience total porosity was in the order of 37,5> 23,9> 4,1> -30,1 on Luvisols, Ferrosols, Leptsols and Fluvisols, respectively. Soil resilience to crust formation was influenced by tillage practices. Soil resilience of Luvisols, Ferrosols and Leptsols can be achieved through conservation agriculture however, soil resilience of Fluvisols can be achieved through conventional tillage. / NRF
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Uplatnění technologií diferencovaného zpracování půdy při pěstování kukuřiceMytyska, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The theoretical section of this thesis addresses corn characteristics and growing. Subsequently, it describes particular tillage technologies dividing them into conventional mouldboard ploughing technology, minimum tillage and introduces strip-till technology as a separate chapter. The major part describes the founding and evaluation of a 2016 field trial for study of different tillage technologies in terms of impact on silage corn growth quality, yield and physical characteristics of soil. The trial was based on five different technologies in two terms - strip tillage, ploughing and minimum tillage with two distinct tools at three depths. For trial evaluation, following parameters were observed: plant count, weight and height, dry matter content and yield and soil penetrometer resistance. The trial outcomes are commented and compared with trial results of other authors.
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Phosphorus sorption and release as influenced by fertilizer sources in conventional and no-tillage agroecosystemsJiao, You, 1966- January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluating cover crops to determine the best management practice for the suppression of tall waterhemp and Italian ryegrassReeves, Samuel R 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
To combat herbicide resistance among weeds, non-herbicide methods of control, such as cover crops, are becoming widely adapted. Experiments were conducted to determine how to effectively establish and manage cover crops in order to suppress tall waterhemp and Italian ryegrass and to assess their overall impact on soybean growth and yield. Various cover crop establishment methods were evaluated, and it was determined that interseeding at the R7 growth stage of soybean was the least effective method for proper cover crop establishment. Biomass data demonstrated that interseeding created the least amountof cover crop biomass, with no differences found among the other establishment methods that included drilling and sowing broadcast. At soybean planting timing, treatments with tillage had greater control of tall waterhemp than those without tillage. Wheat was shown to have the greatest weed suppressive capabilities, largely due to its ability to create high levels of residual biomass. Daikon radish produced the least biomass residue and had the poorest tall waterhemp control. The termination experiment of Elbon rye determined that treatments with rolling could impact soybean emergence and plant height largely due to dense biomass that lay flat onto the soil surface
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Soil Organic Carbon in Boreal Agricultural Soil : Tillage interruption and its effect on Soil Organic Carbon / Markbundet organiskt kol i boreala jordbruksmarker : Uppehåll av jordbearbetning och dess påverkan på organisktkol i markenAlfredsson, Hilda January 2023 (has links)
Farmers have been disrupting the carbon cycle ever since humans started converting forests to agricultural lands. But are there farming practices that can be applied to increase the carbon storage in the soil and subsequently counteract increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere? In this study I investigate if soil organic matter (SOM) and soil organic carbon (SOC) change with longer interruption between tillage events. The study was conducted by studying SOM concentrations and SOC pools in eight fields with different time since tillage (1 to 14 years). I found that SOM concentrations increased in the O horizon of the studied soil in response to increased time since tillage. Here, SOM concentrations were on average around 13 % one year after tillage, while fourteen-year-old farmland had a concentration around 15 %. In similar, SOC pool increased from around 0.1 kg C m-2 in the O horizon of 1 year old soil to 0.33 kg C m-2 14 years after tillage. While both SOM concentrations and SOC pools increased in the O horizon over time since tillage, the SOM concentration and SOC pools decreased in the subsoil. I found no net sequestering of SOC in response to less frequent tillage in comparison to more frequency tillage. My conclusion is that limiting tillage to 14-year cycles is not enough to increase carbon sequestration.
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Investigating the Presence and Population Densities of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes and the Influence of Soil Region, Cropping Practices and Soil Properties on these Nematodes in Corn Fields in OhioSimon, Abasola Compton Maurice 26 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Cryptosporidium studies: maintenance of stable populations through in vivo propagation and molecular detection strategiesRamirez, Norma E. 18 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of limestone applications and tillage on Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) growth in acid soils of the intermediate savannahs of GuyanaDookie, Edris Kamal. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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