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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

REFLECT : logiciel de restitution des réflectances au sol pour l’amélioration de la qualité de l'information extraite des images satellitales à haute résolution spatiale

Bouroubi, Yacine M. 10 1900 (has links)
RÉSUMÉ - Les images satellitales multispectrales, notamment celles à haute résolution spatiale (plus fine que 30 m au sol), représentent une source d’information inestimable pour la prise de décision dans divers domaines liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles, à la préservation de l’environnement ou à l’aménagement et la gestion des centres urbains. Les échelles d’étude peuvent aller du local (résolutions plus fines que 5 m) à des échelles régionales (résolutions plus grossières que 5 m). Ces images caractérisent la variation de la réflectance des objets dans le spectre qui est l’information clé pour un grand nombre d’applications de ces données. Or, les mesures des capteurs satellitaux sont aussi affectées par des facteurs « parasites » liés aux conditions d’éclairement et d’observation, à l’atmosphère, à la topographie et aux propriétés des capteurs. Deux questions nous ont préoccupé dans cette recherche. Quelle est la meilleure approche pour restituer les réflectances au sol à partir des valeurs numériques enregistrées par les capteurs tenant compte des ces facteurs parasites ? Cette restitution est-elle la condition sine qua non pour extraire une information fiable des images en fonction des problématiques propres aux différents domaines d’application des images (cartographie du territoire, monitoring de l’environnement, suivi des changements du paysage, inventaires des ressources, etc.) ? Les recherches effectuées les 30 dernières années ont abouti à une série de techniques de correction des données des effets des facteurs parasites dont certaines permettent de restituer les réflectances au sol. Plusieurs questions sont cependant encore en suspens et d’autres nécessitent des approfondissements afin, d’une part d’améliorer la précision des résultats et d’autre part, de rendre ces techniques plus versatiles en les adaptant à un plus large éventail de conditions d’acquisition des données. Nous pouvons en mentionner quelques unes : - Comment prendre en compte des caractéristiques atmosphériques (notamment des particules d’aérosol) adaptées à des conditions locales et régionales et ne pas se fier à des modèles par défaut qui indiquent des tendances spatiotemporelles à long terme mais s’ajustent mal à des observations instantanées et restreintes spatialement ? - Comment tenir compte des effets de « contamination » du signal provenant de l’objet visé par le capteur par les signaux provenant des objets environnant (effet d’adjacence) ? ce phénomène devient très important pour des images de résolution plus fine que 5 m; - Quels sont les effets des angles de visée des capteurs hors nadir qui sont de plus en plus présents puisqu’ils offrent une meilleure résolution temporelle et la possibilité d’obtenir des couples d’images stéréoscopiques ? - Comment augmenter l’efficacité des techniques de traitement et d’analyse automatique des images multispectrales à des terrains accidentés et montagneux tenant compte des effets multiples du relief topographique sur le signal capté à distance ? D’autre part, malgré les nombreuses démonstrations par des chercheurs que l’information extraite des images satellitales peut être altérée à cause des tous ces facteurs parasites, force est de constater aujourd’hui que les corrections radiométriques demeurent peu utilisées sur une base routinière tel qu’est le cas pour les corrections géométriques. Pour ces dernières, les logiciels commerciaux de télédétection possèdent des algorithmes versatiles, puissants et à la portée des utilisateurs. Les algorithmes des corrections radiométriques, lorsqu’ils sont proposés, demeurent des boîtes noires peu flexibles nécessitant la plupart de temps des utilisateurs experts en la matière. Les objectifs que nous nous sommes fixés dans cette recherche sont les suivants : 1) Développer un logiciel de restitution des réflectances au sol tenant compte des questions posées ci-haut. Ce logiciel devait être suffisamment modulaire pour pouvoir le bonifier, l’améliorer et l’adapter à diverses problématiques d’application d’images satellitales; et 2) Appliquer ce logiciel dans différents contextes (urbain, agricole, forestier) et analyser les résultats obtenus afin d’évaluer le gain en précision de l’information extraite par des images satellitales transformées en images des réflectances au sol et par conséquent la nécessité d’opérer ainsi peu importe la problématique de l’application. Ainsi, à travers cette recherche, nous avons réalisé un outil de restitution de la réflectance au sol (la nouvelle version du logiciel REFLECT). Ce logiciel est basé sur la formulation (et les routines) du code 6S (Seconde Simulation du Signal Satellitaire dans le Spectre Solaire) et sur la méthode des cibles obscures pour l’estimation de l’épaisseur optique des aérosols (aerosol optical depth, AOD), qui est le facteur le plus difficile à corriger. Des améliorations substantielles ont été apportées aux modèles existants. Ces améliorations concernent essentiellement les propriétés des aérosols (intégration d’un modèle plus récent, amélioration de la recherche des cibles obscures pour l’estimation de l’AOD), la prise en compte de l’effet d’adjacence à l’aide d’un modèle de réflexion spéculaire, la prise en compte de la majorité des capteurs multispectraux à haute résolution (Landsat TM et ETM+, tous les HR de SPOT 1 à 5, EO-1 ALI et ASTER) et à très haute résolution (QuickBird et Ikonos) utilisés actuellement et la correction des effets topographiques l’aide d’un modèle qui sépare les composantes directe et diffuse du rayonnement solaire et qui s’adapte également à la canopée forestière. Les travaux de validation ont montré que la restitution de la réflectance au sol par REFLECT se fait avec une précision de l’ordre de ±0.01 unités de réflectance (pour les bandes spectrales du visible, PIR et MIR), même dans le cas d’une surface à topographie variable. Ce logiciel a permis de montrer, à travers des simulations de réflectances apparentes à quel point les facteurs parasites influant les valeurs numériques des images pouvaient modifier le signal utile qui est la réflectance au sol (erreurs de 10 à plus de 50%). REFLECT a également été utilisé pour voir l’importance de l’utilisation des réflectances au sol plutôt que les valeurs numériques brutes pour diverses applications courantes de la télédétection dans les domaines des classifications, du suivi des changements, de l’agriculture et de la foresterie. Dans la majorité des applications (suivi des changements par images multi-dates, utilisation d’indices de végétation, estimation de paramètres biophysiques, …), la correction des images est une opération cruciale pour obtenir des résultats fiables. D’un point de vue informatique, le logiciel REFLECT se présente comme une série de menus simples d’utilisation correspondant aux différentes étapes de saisie des intrants de la scène, calcul des transmittances gazeuses, estimation de l’AOD par la méthode des cibles obscures et enfin, l’application des corrections radiométriques à l’image, notamment par l’option rapide qui permet de traiter une image de 5000 par 5000 pixels en 15 minutes environ. Cette recherche ouvre une série de pistes pour d’autres améliorations des modèles et méthodes liés au domaine des corrections radiométriques, notamment en ce qui concerne l’intégration de la FDRB (fonction de distribution de la réflectance bidirectionnelle) dans la formulation, la prise en compte des nuages translucides à l’aide de la modélisation de la diffusion non sélective et l’automatisation de la méthode des pentes équivalentes proposée pour les corrections topographiques. / ABSTRACT - Multi-spectral satellite imagery, especially at high spatial resolution (finer than 30 m on the ground), represents an invaluable source of information for decision making in various domains in connection with natural resources management, environment preservation or urban planning and management. The mapping scales may range from local (finer resolution than 5 m) to regional (resolution coarser than 5m). The images are characterized by objects reflectance in the electromagnetic spectrum witch represents the key information in many applications. However, satellite sensor measurements are also affected by parasite input due to illumination and observation conditions, to the atmosphere, to topography and to sensor properties. Two questions have oriented this research. What is the best approach to retrieve surface reflectance with the measured values while taking into account these parasite factors? Is this retrieval a sine qua non condition for reliable image information extraction for the diverse domains of application for the images (mapping, environmental monitoring, landscape change detection, resources inventory, etc.)? Researches performed in the past 30 years have yielded a series of techniques to correct the parasite factors among which some allow to retrieve ground reflectance. Some questions are still unanswered and others require still more scrutiny to increase precision and to make these methods more versatile by adapting them to larger variety of data acquisition conditions. A few examples may be mentioned: - How to take into account atmospheric characteristics (particularly of aerosols) adapted to local and regional conditions instead of relying on default models indicating long term spatial-temporal trends that are hard to adjust to spatially restricted instantaneous observations; - How to remove noise introduced by surrounding objects. This adjacency effect phenomenon is particularly important for image resolutions smaller than 5m; - What is the effect of the viewing angle of the sensors that are increasingly aiming off-nadir, a choice imposed by the imperatives of a better temporal resolution or the acquisition of stereo pairs? - How to increase the performances of automatic multi-spectral image processing and analysis techniques in mountainous high relief area by taking into account the multiple effects of topography on the remotely sensed signal? Despite many demonstrations by researchers that information extracted from remote sensing may be altered due to the parasite factors, we are forced to note that nowadays radiometric corrections are still seldom applied, unlike geometric corrections for which commercial software possess powerful and versatile user-friendly algorithms. Radiometric correction algorithms, when available, are hard to adapt black boxes and mostly require experts to operate them. The goals we have delineated for this research are as follow: 1) Develop software to retrieve ground reflectance while taking into account the aspects mentioned earlier. This software had to be modular enough to allow improvement and adaptation to diverse remote sensing application problems; and 2) Apply this software in various context (urban, agricultural, forest) and analyse results to evaluate the accuracy gain of extracted information from remote sensing imagery transformed in ground reflectance images to demonstrate the necessity of operating in this way, whatever the type of application. During this research, we have developed a tool to retrieve ground reflectance (the new version of the REFLECT software). This software is based on the formulas (and routines) of the 6S code (Second Simulation of Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) and on the dark targets method to estimated the aerosol optical thickness, representing the most difficult factor to correct. Substantial improvements have been made to the existing models. These improvements essentially concern the aerosols properties (integration of a more recent model, improvement of the dark targets selection to estimate the AOD), the adjacency effect, the adaptation to most used high resolution (Landsat TM and ETM+, all HR SPOT 1 to 5, EO-1 ALI and ASTER) and very high resolution (QuickBird et Ikonos) sensors and the correction of topographic effects with a model that separate direct and diffuse solar radiation components and the adaptation of this model to forest canopy. Validation has shown that ground reflectance estimation with REFLECT is performed with an accuracy of approximately ±0.01 in reflectance units (for in the visible, near-infrared and middle-infrared spectral bands) even for a surface with varying topography. This software has allowed demonstrating, through apparent reflectance simulations, how much parasite factors influencing numerical values of the images may alter the ground reflectance (errors ranging from 10 to 50%). REFLECT has also been used to examine the usefulness of ground reflectance instead of raw data for various common remote sensing applications in domains such as classification, change detection, agriculture and forestry. In most applications (multi-temporal change monitoring, use of vegetation indices, biophysical parameters estimation, etc.) image correction is a crucial step to obtain reliable results. From the computer environment standpoint, REFLECT is organized as a series of menus, corresponding to different steps of: input parameters introducing, gas transmittances calculation, AOD estimation, and finally image correction application, with the possibility of using the fast option witch process an image of 5000 by 5000 pixels in approximately 15 minutes. This research opens many possible pathways for improving methods and models in the realm of radiometric corrections of remotely sensed images. In particular, these include BRDF integration in the formulation, cirrus clouds correction using non selective scattering modelling and improving of the equivalent slopes topographic correction method.

Impacto das Áreas de Preservação Permanente sobre a erosão hídrica na bacia hidrográfica do Rio da Prata, Castelo-ES / Impact of Permanent Preservation Areas on water erosion in the watershed of River Silver, Castelo-ES

Coutinho, Luciano Melo 08 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:51:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Luciano Melo Coutinho.pdf: 3367778 bytes, checksum: 40800cad5c76869e0227b5f438c91f96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-08 / A watershed is the primary unit of water resource management, because their behavior affects the hydrological occurrence and magnitude of water erosion. Hydrologic simulation models, which allow to estimate the hydrology and water erosion, consisting of important management tool to minimize environmental degradation in these units. The Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) are defined for protection of natural resources by density of vegetation. The aim of the present work was undertaken, in Silver Basin (Castelo ES) studies relief (guided by different sources of elevation data and interpolation procedures) and quantification of the annual erosion (under different scenarios of land use). This end, we worked in an environment of Geographic Information Systems, data relief (topographic maps and radar images) and land use (aerial photography), which allowed the manipulation of data and generation of factors of interest on the proposed procedures, and: a) evaluate the delimitation of the Silver Bowl from different digital elevation models; b) classify the forms of natural cover and use and land cover; c) delimit the areas considered as PPA; d) apply Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) the scenarios of land use and occupancy with respect to PPA. The delineation manual, generated by the topographical map of Castelo-ES and interpolation by interpolating isolines Topo to Raster , supported consisted hydrography, respectively, the method delimitation and interpolating the best performance the delimitation of basin, therefore, alternatives adopted for subsequent studies. The main physical characteristics of the River Plate basin are drainage area 132.28 Km², average elevation 593m and mean slope 39.77%. Pastures are the main form of land use in the basin, clean pasture (24.01%) and dirty pasture (6.62%), followed by permanent crops (27.26%). The portion corresponding to PPA equivalent to 55.48% of the basin (73.39 km²). The average annual erosion are 85.43 ton/ha/ year actual use of soil and 27.50 ton/ha/ year when adopting PPA, difference of 32.20% / A bacia hidrográfica consiste na principal unidade de gestão de recursos hídricos, pois seu comportamento hidrológico condiciona a ocorrência e magnitude da erosão hídrica. Modelos de simulação hidrológica, que permitem estimar o comportamento hidrológico e a erosão hídrica, consistem em importante ferramenta de gestão para minimizar a degradação ambiental nestas unidades territoriais. As Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP) são delimitadas para proteção dos recursos naturais pelo adensamento da vegetação. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, desenvolver, na bacia da Prata (Castelo-ES), estudos do relevo (pautados em diferentes fontes de dados altimétricos e procedimentos de interpolação) e quantificação da erosão anual (sob diferentes cenários de uso do solo). Para tanto, foram trabalhados, em ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, os dados de relevo (carta topográfica e imagens de radar) e de uso do solo (aerofotos), os quais permitiram a manipulação de dados e a geração dos fatores de interesse diante os procedimentos propostos, sendo: a) avaliar a delimitação da bacia da Prata a partir de diferentes modelos digitais de elevação; b) classificar as formas de cobertura natural e de uso e ocupação do solo; c) delimitar as áreas consideradas como APP s; e d) aplicar da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solos (EUPS) nos cenários de ocupação do solo e ocupação com respeito às APP s. A delimitação manual, gerada por intermédio de carta topográfica de Castelo-ES, e a interpolação de isolinhas pelo interpolador Topo to Raster , com suporte de hidrografia consistiram, respectivamente, no método de delimitação e interpolador de melhor desempenho na delimitação da bacia, sendo, portanto, as alternativas adotadas para os estudos subsequentes. As principais características físicas da bacia do rio da Prata são área de drenagem de 132,28 km², altitude média 593m e declividade média 39,77%. As pastagens são a principal forma de uso do solo na bacia, pasto limpo (24,01%) e pasto sujo (6,62%), seguido das culturas permanentes (27,26%). A porção correspondente à APP equivale a 55,48% da bacia (73,39 km²). Os valores médios de erosão anual são de 85,43 ton/ha/ano pelo uso real do solo e de 27,50 ton/ha/ano quando da adoção de APP, diferença de 32,20%

Modélisation numérique de la marée interne : contrôles hydrauliques et topographiques / Internal tide modeling : hydraulic & topographic controls

Bordois, Lucie 06 October 2015 (has links)
La marée interne générée sur une topographie est un élément clé des transferts énergétiques des échelles de forçage de l'océan vers les échelles de mélange turbulent. Elle contribuerait à près de la moitié du mélange turbulent nécessaire au maintien de la stratification océanique. Une compréhension plus approfondie des processus mis en jeu est nécessaire pour décrire plus précisément son rôle dans le maintien de la circulation océanique. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la continuité des travaux d'Y. Dossmann (2012) portant sur les ondes internes solitaires générées au dessus d'une dorsale océanique. Ces travaux reposent sur une utilisation complémentaire d'expériences physiques menées dans le grand canal du CNRM-GAME et d'expériences numériques à l'échelle du laboratoire effectuées avec le modèle d'océanographie côtière SNH. L'utilisation simultanée de ces deux outils a notamment permis d'évaluer la validité des hypothèses sous-jacentes de ce modèle et le développement de nouveaux schémas numériques. Dans cette thèse, des simulations numériques utilisant la version non-hydrostatique et non-Boussinesq du modèle SNH sont utilisées pour décrire les différents régimes d'ondes internes dans des régions " supercritiques ". Le terme supercritique désigne à la fois des courants de marée intenses dont la vitesse U est supérieure à la vitesse de propagation des ondes internes cn, et des topographies très abruptes dont l'angle de la pente est supérieur à l'angle du rayon d'onde interne dans la pycnocline . De telles conditions environnementales correspondent à des régions de mélange intense, jusqu'à 10 000 fois supérieur au mélange turbulent observé dans l'océan ouvert. Les processus physiques ayant lieu dans ces régions restent encore mal compris et mal représentés par les paramétrisations d'ondes internes existantes. De plus, ces régions sont également des zones propices à la génération d'ondes internes non-linéaires pouvant se propager pendant plusieurs jours et entraînant ainsi des transferts d'énergie significatifs loin de leur zone de génération. La description des processus turbulents en jeu dans ces régions " extrêmes " constitue le cœur de ma thèse. Dans une première partie, des configurations académiques à l'échelle du laboratoire sont mises en place pour étudier les processus en jeu dans différents régimes " supercritiques " de génération d'onde internes. Des simulations numériques directes sont réalisées et permettent d'identifier un nombre limité de paramètres physiques adimensionnés contrôlant la dynamique des ondes internes dans ces régions. Une attention particulière est portée sur le rôle joué par la topographie sur la génération des modes verticaux d'ondes internes et sur la formation de modes " hauts " d'ondes internes solitaires. Le second objectif de cette thèse est de faire le lien entre les précédentes études académiques à l'échelle du laboratoire et l'échelle océanique. Pour cela, un principe de similitude permettant de conserver la dynamique des ondes internes tout en modifiant l'échelle de l'écoulement est mise en place. Par le biais de ce principe de similitude, nous partons de cas idéalisés à l'échelle du laboratoire, que nous transposons à l'échelle océanique, pour nous rapprocher de cas océaniques plus réalistes et de plus en plus complexes. Puis notre étude de régime est étendue à deux régions océaniques " supercritiques " bien connues : le détroit de Gibraltar et le plateau situé à l'entrée du golfe du Maine (nommé " Georges Bank " en anglais). L'applicabilité de nos paramètres clés est étudiée dans le cas de ces deux environnements complexes par le biais de simulations haute résolution de grande échelle (LES). / Internal tides are involved in the Meridional Overturning Circulation energy balance. The issue about the relative importance of the mechanical and thermodynamical energy sources induces a need for a quantitative evaluation of the energy transfers and for a clear understanding of the physical processes involved in these energy transfers. In supercritical regions such as the strait of Gibraltar or the Hawaiian Ridge, large topography variations and strong currents lead to more complex generation mechanisms of internal waves and environmental interactions. They can be subject locally to spectacular breaking, with turbulent structures observed hundreds of meters above the seafloor, and driving turbulence orders of magnitude higher than open-ocean levels. These regions are also effective at generating nonlinear internal waves (ISWs) which persist for days after their generation and are suspected to be responsible for important remote energy transfers. In these "extreme" regions, ISWs dynamics is also more difficult to model. These situations are highly non-hydrostatic and non-linear with strong instabilities, strong velocity and density gradients and steep slopes. Moreover, in these regions, actual internal wave's parameterizations are often inadequate. So there is a real need to understand and represent better the ISWs dynamic in these areas. This thesis follows the line of research of Dossmann (2012), on topographically induced internal solitary waves which used a complementary approach relying on numerical and experimental configurations at laboratory scale. In this context, we continue to explore internal tide regimes but in "supercritical" regions: internal tide generation area with supercritical topography and hydraulic control. Simulations are performed using the nonhydrostatic and non-Boussinesq version of the regional oceanic circulation model SNH. In a first part, taking an idealized modeling approach at laboratory scale, we examined a range of different internal waves regimes in "supercritical" regions. Relying on quasi-direct numerical simulations (quasi-DNS), a regime analysis has been proposed using and identifying key non-dimensional parameters for ISWs dynamics. This analysis has permitted to recover a topographic control on vertical mode generation characterized by the ratio of vertical mode wavelength to topography width, even above supercritical topography. The topographic selection criterion has proven to be a useful indicator of high mode solitary wave formation in non-linear regime. The purpose of the second part is to extend the previous studies at laboratory scales towards more realistic oceanic conditions. In this regard, the regime analysis is applied to a idealized large scale oceanic strait through a similitude principle. The idealized strait configuration succeeds in representing laboratory scale strait regime at largest and realistic scales. Then our analysis is applied to two well-known realistic cases: the Strait of Gibraltar and Georges Bank through large eddy simulations. These two oceanographic "supercritical" regions are particularly interesting for their specific topography and stratification conditions.

Glaciala och fluviala dalgångar i södra Norge : Ett resultat av mesozoisk sprickbildning och kenozoisk erosion

Eklöv Pettersson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The dramatic landscape of Norway has a long history of different events during the Phanerozoic. During the Caledonian orogeny, the basement became fractured, and during the warm climate in the Mesozoic, the fractures became deeply weathered. These fracture systems later became eroded, forming the main structures for valleys. The landscape today is characterized by an elevated plateau with deeply incised valleys. Several theories discuss when and how the landscape became elevated. The main theory for this suggests uplift events of the plateau during the Tertiary. The uplifts resulted in a later elevated landscape with erosional plateaux in different distinct levels. This often referred to as the Palaeic relief. The uplift events also followed formation of incised fluvial valleys. During the Quaternary, glaciers partly reshaped these valleys. This study aims to investigate the shape of these valleys, and how much they have been reshaped during the glaciations. The study further aims to investigates if the identified shapes within the valleys can be connected to pre-glacial landforms. To investigate this, satellite images and topographic maps have been studied. A digital terrain model (10 m resolution) were used to create topographic cross sections across eight valleys in southern Norway. This study identifies possible pre-glacial forms and fluvial generations within five of the investigated valleys. Three of the valleys show a gradual transition from a broad, glacial, U-shape near the coast to become a narrower, V-shaped, fluvial valley further inland. The analysis also shows that the joints and fractures affect the width of the valleys which has affected the amount of glacial erosion. The results of this study clearly show that old fluvial valley remains is common, even within these major glacial valleys of southern Norway.

Studium vlivu akustických podnětů na člověka / Study of the influence of acoustic stimuli on man

Schwanzer, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with EEG signals, their description, methods of quantitative analysis and the processes in time-frequency domains, or power spectrums. The relationsheep between brain electrical activity and acustic stimuli (Mozart´s “Sonata K448”) was studied using EEG analysis in relation to sound impulses from replayed extracts of. The proposed experiment protocol included recording of EEG of volunteers. In order to visualize and analyze the data, the software with the graphic user interface was created, which enables topological mapping of brain activity and its vizualization in the time-frequency domain.

Controles topográficos en pendientes pronunciadas para evitar deslizamientos utilizando vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) / Topographic control son steep slopes to prevent landslides using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)

Gibaja Bautista, Roberto Sebastian, Rojas Ruiz, Rodrigo David 18 August 2019 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación se realizó en la bajada de Armendáriz, acantilado de la Costa Verde, distrito de Miraflores, provincia de Lima, Perú. En este se propone la creación de una metodología de control topográfico en la zona anteriormente mencionada, esto debido a que se presentan constantes deslizamientos de rocas por diversos factores como la erosión marina y el tránsito vehicular cercano. Usando información del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN), información brindada por profesionales en el área e información obtenida del vuelo fotogramétrico con dron Mavic 2 Pro realizado, se elaboró la comparación de perfiles longitudinales de los años 2019, 2020 y 2021 en una zona del talud que sufre deslizamientos de manera constante. Con el fin de mantener la precisión y coherencia de los resultados, se procesó la información obtenida para lograr las mismas características entre los planos de curvas de nivel que sirvieron para la realización de los cálculos y el posterior análisis. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos se determinó que la parte superior del talud se redujo 1.30 m durante los años evaluados, la parte media una reducción de 0.50 m y la parte inferior un incremento de 1.20 m. Con los resultados mencionados anteriormente se determinó la tendencia a sufrir derrumbes que posee la zona del talud evaluada y se propuso la realización de vuelos fotogramétricos anuales para el seguimiento del comportamiento del talud con el fin de implementar obras de ingeniería de contención en las zonas vulnerables. / The following research work was carried out in the Bajada de Armendariz, cliff of the Costa Verde, district of Miraflores, province of Lima, Peru. In this, the creation of a topographic control methodology in the aforementioned area is proposed, due to the fact that there are constant rock slides due to various factors such as marine erosion and nearby vehicular traffic. Using information from the National Geographic Institute (IGN), information provided by professionals in the area and information obtained from the photogrammetric flight with a Mavic 2 Pro drone carried out. the comparison of longitudinal profiles of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 in an area of ​​the slope was elaborated that suffers landslides constantly. In order to maintain the precision and coherence of the results, the information obtained was processed to achieve the same characteristics between the contour planes that were used to carry out the calculations and the subsequent analysis. Among the main results obtained, it was determined that the upper part of the slope decreased 1.30 m during the evaluated years, the middle part a reduction of 0.50 m and the lower part an increase of 1.20 m. With the aforementioned results, the tendency to collapse in the area of ​​the evaluated slope was determined and it was proposed to carry out annual photogrammetric flights to monitor the behavior of the slope in order to implement containment engineering works in vulnerable areas. / Trabajo de investigación

Quantifying the Environmental Performance of a Stream Habitat Improvement Project

Morse, Cody 01 August 2018 (has links)
River restoration projects are being installed worldwide to rehabilitate degraded river habitat. Many of these projects focus on stream habitat improvement (SHI), and an estimated 60%of the 37,000 projects listed in the National River Restoration Science Synthesis Program focus on SHI for salmon and trout species. These projects frequently lack a sufficient monitoring program or account for the environmental costs associated with SHI. The present study used life cycle assessment (LCA) techniques and topographic effectiveness monitoring to quantify environmental costs on the basis of geomorphic change. This methodology was a novel approach to assessing the cost-benefit relationship of SHI. To test this methodology, two phases of the Lower Scotts Creek Floodplain and Habitat Enhancement Project (LSCR) were used as a case study. The LSCR was a SHI project installed along the northern coast of Santa Cruz County, California, USA. A limited scope LCA was used to quantify the life cycle impacts of raw material production, materials transportation, and on-site construction. Once these baseline results were produced, a topographic monitoring program was used to quantify the topographic diversity index (TDI) in pre- and post-project conditions. The TDI percent change was used to scale the baseline LCA results, which quantified the environmental impacts based on geomorphic change. Phase II outperformed phase I. Phase I had greater cumulative environmental impacts and experienced a 7.7 % TDI increase from pre- to post-project conditions. Phase II had 43% less cumulative environmental impacts and experienced a 7.9% TDI increase from pre- to post-project conditions. The impacts in phase I were greater because of the amount of material excavated to create off-channel features, which were a key feature of the LSCR. A scenario analysis also was conducted within the LCA component of this study. The scenario analysis suggests that life cycle impacts could be reduced by 30%-65% by using the accelerated recruitment method in place of importing materials to build large wood complexes. The results of this study suggest that managers may improve the environmental performance of SHI projects by: (1) using the accelerated recruitment method to introduce larger key pieces to the channel, reducing the need to import materials; (2) using nursery grown plants as opposed to excavating plants for revegetation; (3) minimizing fuel combustion in heavy equipment and haul trucks by ensuring clear access to the channel and streambank, using small engine equipment to clear access corridors during site preparation, running more fuel-efficient machinery or bio-fuel powered machinery, and by attempting to minimize haul distances by sourcing materials locally; and (4) utilizing a “franken-log” design (a ballasted LWC configuration with a rootwad fastened to the downstream end of a log) in LWCs which led to favorable TDI change. This study concluded that LCA could be a valuable tool for monitoring SHI and river restoration projects and that further research of the TDI analysis is justified.

Intrusions of South Atlantic Central Water on the Espírito Santo Basin shelf (18ºS-22ºS, Brazil) / Intrusões de Água Central do Atlântico Sul na Bacia do Espírito Santo (18ºS-22ºS)

Palóczy Filho, André 31 July 2015 (has links)
The intrusion pathways and physical mechanisms associated with intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) onto the continental shelf of the Espírito Santo Basin (ESB), off southeast Brazil (18°S-22°S), are investigated. The approach consists of analyses of a set of simplified, process-oriented, primitive-equation numerical models supported by the analyses of an independent, more realistic numerical model and available observations. The cross-isobath circulation is found to be strongly dominated by wind-driving, consistent with previous findings. In the model experiments, SACW enters the ESB shelf through two preferential pathways along the Tubarão Bight area (TB, 19.5°S-22°S). These pathways are found to be locations where an equatorward along-isobath pressure gradient force (PGFy∗) of ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2 develops in response to steady wind forcing. This equatorward PGFy∗ is essentially in geostrophic balance, and therefore induces onshore flow across the shelf edge and most of the shelf proper. The Brazil Current (BC) imparts an additional equatorward PGFy∗ on the shelf. The momentum budget reveals that the ageostrophic residue of the PGFy∗ is compensated mostly by momentum advection and bottom friction. Buoyancy arrest might be important under more intense SACW intrusion events, as suggested by the maximum observed values of the slope Burger number (0.32-0.92). Among the deep ocean forcing mechanisms considered, the intrinsic pycnocline uplifting effect of the BC seems to be responsible for ∼1.4°C colder upwelled water under steady, upwelling-favorable wind forcing, relative to a flat stratification scenario. The BC also seems to induce local intrusions by inertially overshooting the shelf edge, consistent with Rossby numbers of ∼0.3-0.5, as estimated for the area along the TB shelf edge. Finally, the planetary β-effect is also related to a background equatorward PGFy∗. In addition, the steady response of the continental shelf to a periodic (in the along-shelf direction) pressure forcing at the shelf edge is compared with the BC-forced primitive-equation numerical solutions. A simple Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) analytical model is found to be successful in representing the general features of the numerical solutions. The cross-shelf e-folding scales of the cross-shelf velocity estimated from the numerical solutions agree in order of magnitude with the cross-shelf penetration scale q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km predicted by the ATW, where r is a linear bottom resistance parameter, l is the along-shelf wavenumber of the forcing at the shelf edge, f is the Coriolis parameter and s is the bottom slope. Furthermore, the use of quadratic bottom stress accounts for some of the relative increase in the numerical onshore penetration scales, which are predicted to be qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½ [Ubot]½, where CD is a quadratic bottom friction parameter and Ubot is the near-bottom velocity magnitude. The kind of steady response to periodic deep ocean forcing examined here may provide insight into other continental shelves under the influence of western boundary currents. / Os caminhos e os mecanismos físicos associados ao fenômeno de intrusão da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) na plataforma continental da Bacia do Espírito Santo (BES) ao largo da costa sudeste (18°S-22°S) são investigados nesta dissertação. A abordagem consiste da análise de experimentos numéricos de equações primitivas simplificados, combinados com a análise de um modelo numérico mais completo, e com análise de observações disponíveis. Conclui-se que a circulação na direção perpendicular às isóbatas é fortemente dominada pelo vento, de acordo com resultados pretéritos. Nos experimentos numéricos, a ACAS ingressa na plataforma da BES através de dois caminhos preferenciais de intrusão no Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET, 19,5°S-22°S). Estes caminhos de intrusão coincidem com áreas em que uma Força do Gradiente de Pressão na direção paralela às isóbatas (PGFy∗), com magnitude de ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2, se forma em resposta ao vento. A PGFy∗ se encontra essencialmente em balanço geostrófico, e impulsiona um escoamento na direção da costa. A Corrente do Brasil (CB) induz uma PGFy∗ adicional favorável à intrusão. O balanço de momentum revela que o resíduo ageostrófico da PGFy∗ é balanceado principalmente pela advecção de momentum e pelo atrito de fundo. O mecanismo de desligamento da camada de Ekman de fundo por empuxo (tradução livre de buoyancy arrest) pode ser importante em eventos mais intensos de intrusão de ACAS, em razão das estimativas do número de Burger de inclinação (tradução livre de slope Burger number) observado (0,32-0,92). O efeito de soerguimento da termoclina ligado à CB aparenta diminuir em ∼1,4 °C a temperatura da água que aflora em eventos de ressurgência costeira. A CB também parece produzir intrusões locais na borda da plataforma por efeitos inerciais, de acordo com as estimativas de ∼0,3-0,5 para o número de Rossby ao longo da borda da plataforma. Por fim, o efeito β planetário também é associado a uma PGFy∗ básica na direção do equador. Adicionalmente, a resposta estacionária da plataforma continental a um campo de pressão periódico ao longo da borda da plataforma é comparada com as soluções numéricas. Um simples modelo analítico do tipo Onda Topográfica Aprisionada (OTA, tradução livre de Arrested Topographic Wave) representa as características gerais das soluções numéricas. As escalas de decaimento Neperiano (e) na direção perpendicular à plataforma estimadas a partir das soluções numéricas são comparáveis à escala de penetração q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km prevista pela OTA, onde r é um coeficiente linear de atrito de fundo, l é o número de onda da forçante, f é o parâmetro de Coriolis e s é a inclinação do fundo. O uso de uma parametrização quadrática para o atrito de fundo prevê parte da diminuição da e. A escala de penetração quadrática é qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½[Ubot]½, onde CD é um coeficiente quadrático de atrito de fundo e Ubot é a magnitude da velocidade próxima ao fundo. Este tipo de resposta estacionária da plataforma a uma forçante periódica ligada ao oceano profundo pode ajudar a elucidar processos físicos em outras plataformas continentais que se encontram sob a influência de correntes de limite oeste.

Intrusions of South Atlantic Central Water on the Espírito Santo Basin shelf (18ºS-22ºS, Brazil) / Intrusões de Água Central do Atlântico Sul na Bacia do Espírito Santo (18ºS-22ºS)

André Palóczy Filho 31 July 2015 (has links)
The intrusion pathways and physical mechanisms associated with intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) onto the continental shelf of the Espírito Santo Basin (ESB), off southeast Brazil (18°S-22°S), are investigated. The approach consists of analyses of a set of simplified, process-oriented, primitive-equation numerical models supported by the analyses of an independent, more realistic numerical model and available observations. The cross-isobath circulation is found to be strongly dominated by wind-driving, consistent with previous findings. In the model experiments, SACW enters the ESB shelf through two preferential pathways along the Tubarão Bight area (TB, 19.5°S-22°S). These pathways are found to be locations where an equatorward along-isobath pressure gradient force (PGFy∗) of ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2 develops in response to steady wind forcing. This equatorward PGFy∗ is essentially in geostrophic balance, and therefore induces onshore flow across the shelf edge and most of the shelf proper. The Brazil Current (BC) imparts an additional equatorward PGFy∗ on the shelf. The momentum budget reveals that the ageostrophic residue of the PGFy∗ is compensated mostly by momentum advection and bottom friction. Buoyancy arrest might be important under more intense SACW intrusion events, as suggested by the maximum observed values of the slope Burger number (0.32-0.92). Among the deep ocean forcing mechanisms considered, the intrinsic pycnocline uplifting effect of the BC seems to be responsible for ∼1.4°C colder upwelled water under steady, upwelling-favorable wind forcing, relative to a flat stratification scenario. The BC also seems to induce local intrusions by inertially overshooting the shelf edge, consistent with Rossby numbers of ∼0.3-0.5, as estimated for the area along the TB shelf edge. Finally, the planetary β-effect is also related to a background equatorward PGFy∗. In addition, the steady response of the continental shelf to a periodic (in the along-shelf direction) pressure forcing at the shelf edge is compared with the BC-forced primitive-equation numerical solutions. A simple Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) analytical model is found to be successful in representing the general features of the numerical solutions. The cross-shelf e-folding scales of the cross-shelf velocity estimated from the numerical solutions agree in order of magnitude with the cross-shelf penetration scale q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km predicted by the ATW, where r is a linear bottom resistance parameter, l is the along-shelf wavenumber of the forcing at the shelf edge, f is the Coriolis parameter and s is the bottom slope. Furthermore, the use of quadratic bottom stress accounts for some of the relative increase in the numerical onshore penetration scales, which are predicted to be qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½ [Ubot]½, where CD is a quadratic bottom friction parameter and Ubot is the near-bottom velocity magnitude. The kind of steady response to periodic deep ocean forcing examined here may provide insight into other continental shelves under the influence of western boundary currents. / Os caminhos e os mecanismos físicos associados ao fenômeno de intrusão da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) na plataforma continental da Bacia do Espírito Santo (BES) ao largo da costa sudeste (18°S-22°S) são investigados nesta dissertação. A abordagem consiste da análise de experimentos numéricos de equações primitivas simplificados, combinados com a análise de um modelo numérico mais completo, e com análise de observações disponíveis. Conclui-se que a circulação na direção perpendicular às isóbatas é fortemente dominada pelo vento, de acordo com resultados pretéritos. Nos experimentos numéricos, a ACAS ingressa na plataforma da BES através de dois caminhos preferenciais de intrusão no Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET, 19,5°S-22°S). Estes caminhos de intrusão coincidem com áreas em que uma Força do Gradiente de Pressão na direção paralela às isóbatas (PGFy∗), com magnitude de ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2, se forma em resposta ao vento. A PGFy∗ se encontra essencialmente em balanço geostrófico, e impulsiona um escoamento na direção da costa. A Corrente do Brasil (CB) induz uma PGFy∗ adicional favorável à intrusão. O balanço de momentum revela que o resíduo ageostrófico da PGFy∗ é balanceado principalmente pela advecção de momentum e pelo atrito de fundo. O mecanismo de desligamento da camada de Ekman de fundo por empuxo (tradução livre de buoyancy arrest) pode ser importante em eventos mais intensos de intrusão de ACAS, em razão das estimativas do número de Burger de inclinação (tradução livre de slope Burger number) observado (0,32-0,92). O efeito de soerguimento da termoclina ligado à CB aparenta diminuir em ∼1,4 °C a temperatura da água que aflora em eventos de ressurgência costeira. A CB também parece produzir intrusões locais na borda da plataforma por efeitos inerciais, de acordo com as estimativas de ∼0,3-0,5 para o número de Rossby ao longo da borda da plataforma. Por fim, o efeito β planetário também é associado a uma PGFy∗ básica na direção do equador. Adicionalmente, a resposta estacionária da plataforma continental a um campo de pressão periódico ao longo da borda da plataforma é comparada com as soluções numéricas. Um simples modelo analítico do tipo Onda Topográfica Aprisionada (OTA, tradução livre de Arrested Topographic Wave) representa as características gerais das soluções numéricas. As escalas de decaimento Neperiano (e) na direção perpendicular à plataforma estimadas a partir das soluções numéricas são comparáveis à escala de penetração q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km prevista pela OTA, onde r é um coeficiente linear de atrito de fundo, l é o número de onda da forçante, f é o parâmetro de Coriolis e s é a inclinação do fundo. O uso de uma parametrização quadrática para o atrito de fundo prevê parte da diminuição da e. A escala de penetração quadrática é qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½[Ubot]½, onde CD é um coeficiente quadrático de atrito de fundo e Ubot é a magnitude da velocidade próxima ao fundo. Este tipo de resposta estacionária da plataforma a uma forçante periódica ligada ao oceano profundo pode ajudar a elucidar processos físicos em outras plataformas continentais que se encontram sob a influência de correntes de limite oeste.

Istanbul viewed : the representation of the city in Ottoman maps of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Orbay, İffet January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 361-395). / Starting from the premise that maps are essentially about visualizing space, this dissertation examines what the Ottoman maps of Istanbul reveal about the city's perception, as it evolved in connection to urban development after the conquest. The maps that form the subject of this study appear as illustrations in three manuscript books. The Istanbul maps contained in Mecmu'-i Menazil (1537-8) and HiinernAme (1584) respectively mark the beginning and the accomplishment of the city's architectural elaboration. The other twenty maps, featuring in manuscript copies of Kitab-i Bahriye (1520s), roughly span the period between 1550 and 1700. The variants of a design fixed around 1570 offer an image that fulfills its topographic elaboration in the late-seventeenth century. While the making of this map's design relates to Istanbul's sixteenth century urban development, its topographical elaboration reflects a new perception of the city. These picture-maps, produced in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, form a unique group of documents as the only known Ottoman pictorial representations showing the city as a whole. As revealed by the context of the books containing them, their making relates both to Ottoman Empire's territorial expansion and to the appropriation of Constantinople as its new capital. Their cartographic language combines, in different manners, the familiar conventions of Islamic miniature painting with artistic forms encountered and assimilated during territorial expansion, particularly in contact with Venice. / (cont.) Especially the making of the Istanbul maps in Kitfb-i Bahriye copies illustrates the crucial role of the Mediterranean seafaring culture, its navigation manuals, nautical charts and island books. These images of Istanbul can be related to the development of the urban landscape and its symbolic function. Their study as cartographic representations pays attention to both accuracy and emphasis in their topographic contents. Supported by contemporary European visual sources and travel accounts as well as Ottoman topographic and poetic descriptions of Istanbul, the viewing directions, the depictions of buildings, and the overall cartographic composition in these maps are interpreted as features shaping a symbolic landscape that developed from an ideal vision to an actual garden-like urban environment, structured by land, water, and architecture. / by İffet Orbay. / Ph.D.

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