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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ефекти екскурзије ученика основне школе као облик образовно-рекреативних и туристичких кретања у Војводини / Efekti ekskurzije učenika osnovne škole kao oblik obrazovno-rekreativnih i turističkih kretanja u Vojvodini / The effects of excursions of students in primary schools as a form of educational,recreational and touristic movement in Vojvodina

Ostojić Natalija 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ђачки туризам заузима посебно место у Војводини захваљујући изузетним природним богатствима који пружају изванредне могућности за упражњавање образовно-рекреативних активности. Екскурзије имају незамењиву улогу место у систему васпитно-образовних активности, јер осим одмора, рекреације и забаве, представљају могућност задовољења жеља и потреба за упознавањем, информисањем и стицањем знања о друштвеним заједницама, културама и срединама. У овом раду бавили смо се испитивањем статистичких разлика између ученика седмих и осмих разреда основне школе и наставник у ставу према екскурзијама на територији Војводине. Као инструменти у истраживању су кориштени: УСДП (Упитник социо-демографских података) конструисан за ово истраживање, Упитник ставова према екскурзијама и упитник ставова наставника према екскурзијама. Ради испитивања утицаја старосне границе испитаници су били подељени на млађу (седми разред) и старију децу (осми разред основне школе), као и на спортисте и неспортисте. Наставници и ученици имају позитиван став према екскурзији као облику образовно-рекреативних и туристичких кретања. Старосна доб као независна варијабла није се показала релевантна, наиме старији и млађи ученици не разликују се статистички значајно ни у једној од зависних варијабли. Пол не утиче статистички значајно на формирање става. Резултати нам потврђују да разноврсност садржаја као елемената туристичке понуде Војводине позитивно утиче на квалитет те понуде туристичких путовања за ученике. Туристичка дестинација Војводине има велике туристичке потенцијале које нису у довољној мери искоришћене.</p> / <p>Đački turizam zauzima posebno mesto u Vojvodini zahvaljujući izuzetnim prirodnim bogatstvima koji pružaju izvanredne mogućnosti za upražnjavanje obrazovno-rekreativnih aktivnosti. Ekskurzije imaju nezamenjivu ulogu mesto u sistemu vaspitno-obrazovnih aktivnosti, jer osim odmora, rekreacije i zabave, predstavljaju mogućnost zadovoljenja želja i potreba za upoznavanjem, informisanjem i sticanjem znanja o društvenim zajednicama, kulturama i sredinama. U ovom radu bavili smo se ispitivanjem statističkih razlika između učenika sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole i nastavnik u stavu prema ekskurzijama na teritoriji Vojvodine. Kao instrumenti u istraživanju su korišteni: USDP (Upitnik socio-demografskih podataka) konstruisan za ovo istraživanje, Upitnik stavova prema ekskurzijama i upitnik stavova nastavnika prema ekskurzijama. Radi ispitivanja uticaja starosne granice ispitanici su bili podeljeni na mlađu (sedmi razred) i stariju decu (osmi razred osnovne škole), kao i na sportiste i nesportiste. Nastavnici i učenici imaju pozitivan stav prema ekskurziji kao obliku obrazovno-rekreativnih i turističkih kretanja. Starosna dob kao nezavisna varijabla nije se pokazala relevantna, naime stariji i mlađi učenici ne razlikuju se statistički značajno ni u jednoj od zavisnih varijabli. Pol ne utiče statistički značajno na formiranje stava. Rezultati nam potvrđuju da raznovrsnost sadržaja kao elemenata turističke ponude Vojvodine pozitivno utiče na kvalitet te ponude turističkih putovanja za učenike. Turistička destinacija Vojvodine ima velike turističke potencijale koje nisu u dovoljnoj meri iskorišćene.</p> / <p>Students&#39; tourism occupies a special place in Vojvodina, thanks to the extraordinary natural resources which provide excellent opportunities for the usage of educational and recreational activities. Excursions have an irreplaceable role and place in the system of educational activity, because, apart from the vacation, recreation and entertainment, they present the possibility for satisfying the desire and need for introducing, informaing and acquiring knowledge of communities, cultures and environments. In this paper, we dealt with the examination of the statistical differences between the seventh and eighth graders of primary school and teacher&rsquo;s attitudes towards excursions in teritory of Vojvodin. In this study we used instruments: USDP (Questionnaire for socio - demographic data ) designed for this study, questionnaire of the attitudes towards excursions and the questionnaire for teacher&rsquo;s attitudes towards the excursions. In order to examine the influence of age, subjects were divided into younger (seventh grade) and older children (eighth grade), as well as athletes and non-athletes. Teachers and students have a positive attitude towards the excursion as a form of educational, recreational and tourist movements. Age as an independent variable has not shown as relevant,namely older and younger students do not differ significantly in any of the dependent variables. Gender does not influence significantly in the formation of the attitude. The results confirm us that diversity of content as elements of Vojvodina&rsquo;s touristic offer possitively affects on the quality of the touristic trips offer for students. Vojvodina&rsquo;s tourist destinations has great touristic potentials that are not exploited enough.</p>

ES struktūrinių fondų lėšų panaudojimas Neries regioninio parko turizmo ir poilsio infrastruktūros plėtrai / The EU structural funds for the Neris Regional Park tourism and recreation infrastructure development

Kološevska, Zita 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbo pirmoje dalyje išanalizuota saugomų teritorijų samprata ir jų klasifikacija, saugomų teritorijų veiklos finansavimo šaltiniai. Taip pat aptarta Neries regioninio parko esama būklė. Antroje darbo dalyje pristatoma tyrimo metodologija, naudoti tyrimo instrumentai. Trečioje darbo dalyje atliktas ES struktūrinių fondų lėšų panaudojimo Neries regioninio parko turizmo ir poilsio infrastruktūros plėtrai tinkamumo tyrimas. Darbas yra sudarytas iš įvado, trijų pagrindinių dalių, išvadų bei rekomendacijų. Darbo apimtis – 75 puslapiai. Darbe pateikiama 60 paveikslų, 25 lentelės ir 9 priedai. / The first part of Master work analyzes the concept of protected areas and their classification of protected areas financing sources. It also discusses the existing state of the Neris Regional Park. The second part presents the research methodology used to test instruments. The third part examined the EU structural funds of the Neris Regional Park tourism and recreation infrastructure development suitability. The work consists of an introduction, three main parts, conclusions and recommendations. Scope of work -75 pages. The paper contains 60 figures, 25 tables and 7 accessories.

Planejamento turístico - recreativo dos ambientes recifais das praias dos Seixas , Penha e Arraial (PB) / Touristic-recreational planning of reef environments at the beaches of Seixas, Penha, and Arraial, in Paraíba State

Melo, Rodrigo de Sousa 21 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:49:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Reef environments attract yearly, a huge influx of tourists and recreationists who relentlessly pursue the leisure and knowledge of marine biodiversity, generating a significant profit for the economy of locales with peculiarities for tourism and recreation. However, the touristicrecreational activity at environmental reefs presents negative implications for local biodiversity if not associated to a planned process, mainly when not interrelated to social, economical, and biological dimensions throughout the planning. The reef environments at the beaches of Seixas, Penha, and Arraial (on southern littoral of João Pessoa, capital of Paraíba state, Northeast Brazil) have a lower touristic-recreational influx as compared to other reefs in the state of Paraíba. However, there is already a timid touristic promotion advertising the reefs of that part of southern littoral of Paraíba, mostly the ones at Penha beach. Therefore, it was aimed in the present dissertation to present a proposal concerning tourism planning and recreation on environmental reefs situated at the above-mentioned beaches, through zoning and evaluation of recreational carrying capacity. Firstly, it was performed a diagnosis of the areas by focusing socio-economic and biological aspects that generated important information for constructing the zoning proposal and estimating the recreational carrying capacity (Cifuentes, 1992). With respect to the biological aspects, it was performed an analysis of the distribution of the cnidofauna (with emphasis on scleractinian corals, zoanthidean, and calcareous hydroids) in areas with and without recreational use, through visual records carried out in October and November 2005. With respect to the socioeconomical aspects, the artisanal fishermen s way of life at the Penha beach was characterized, as well as their perceptions on several subjects, like the reef environments, conservation units, and excluded zones for fishing and tourism, by applying structured interviews as data collection technique which was carried out in June and July 2005. The following cnidarians species were identified: five scleractinians (Siderastrea stellata, Mussismilia harttii, Montastrea cavernosa, Agaricia agaricites and Porites astreoides; four zoanthideans (Palythoa caribaeroum, Protopalythoa variabilis, Zoanthus sociatus, and Zoanthus nymphaeus); and one calcareous hydroid (Millepora alcicornis). A greater biodiversity was observed in the area without recreational use. The fishermen at the Penha beach usually go to the reef areas for fishing and leisure, and they showed to be receptive to tourism and to the proposal for the establishment of a conservation unit in the area. Four zone types were defined for the zoning, with distinct uses and patterns, besides a buffer zone adjacent to the continent, since indirect impacts caused by local human actions may reduce the reefs health. The recreational carrying capacity was established from 26 visits per day or 4,680 per year carried out to the reefs of Seixas beach. It is proposed here a flexible and adjustable touristic-recreational planning for the study area, which might be partly modified throughout time, as new data on local biota, physicochemical parameters, and increase of touristic-recreational influx may come out / Os ambientes recifais atraem, anualmente, um contingente de turistas e recreacionistas ávidos pelo divertimento e conhecimento da biodiversidade marinha, gerando um aporte financeiro significativo para as economias de locais com peculiaridades para o turismo e recreação. No entanto, a atividade turístico-recreativa em ambientes recifais reveste-se de um caráter destrutivo para a biodiversidade local quando desvinculado de um processo de planejamento, sobretudo quando não interrelaciona as dimensões sociais, econômicas e biológicas no transcorrer do planejamento. Os ambientes recifais das praias dos Seixas, Penha e Arraial (litoral sul da cidade de João Pessoa-PB) possuem um fluxo turísticorecreativo inferior ao de outros ambientes recifais da Paraíba. No entanto, já existe uma tímida promoção turística divulgando os recifes da área, sobretudo os da Penha. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação foi o de apresentar uma proposta de planejamento do turismo e da recreação para os ambientes recifais das praias acima mencionadas, através do zoneamento e da avaliação da capacidade de carga recreativa. Num primeiro momento, o diagnóstico das áreas de estudo fez-se necessário, enfocando aspectos biológicos e sócioeconômicos, que geraram subsídios para a construção da proposta de zoneamento e para a determinação da capacidade de carga recreativa. Com respeito aos aspectos biológicos, foi realizada uma análise da distribuição da cnidofauna (com ênfase nos corais escleractínios, zoantídeos e hidróides calcários) em áreas com e sem uso recreativo, através de registro visual, nos meses de outubro e novembro de 2005. Quanto aos aspectos sócio-econômicos, o modo de vida dos pescadores artesanais da Penha foi caracterizado, bem como suas percepções sobre diversos assuntos, como ambientes recifais, unidades de conservação, zonas de exclusão de pesca e o turismo, utilizando a entrevista estrutura como técnica de coleta de dados, nos meses de junho e julho de 2005. Foram identificadas cinco espécies de corais escleractínios (Siderastrea stellata, Mussismilia harttii, Montastrea cavernosa, Agaricia agaricites e Porites astreoides; quatro de zoantídeos (Palythoa caribaeroum, Protopalythoa variabilis, Zoanthus sociatus, e Zoanthus nymphaeus); e um hidróide calcário (Millepora alcicornis). A maior biodiversidade foi observada na área sem uso recreativo. Os pescadores da Penha utilizam os ambientes recifais para o lazer e a pesca, e se mostraram receptivos ao turismo e a proposta de criação de uma unidade de conservação na área de estudo. Para o zoneamento foram definidos quatro tipos de zonas, com usos e padrões distintos, e uma zona de amortecimento na porção terrestre adjacente, pois os impactos indiretos provocados pela ação humana podem diminuir a saúde dos recifes. A capacidade de carga recreativa foi definida em 26 visitas/dia ou 4.680 anuais para o ambiente recifal da praia dos Seixas. Propõe-se aqui um planejamento flexível, ajustável e passível de ser modificado, ao longo do tempo, com o advento de dados referentes à biota local, aos parâmetros físico-químicos e ao aumento do fluxo turístico-recreativo


Vosyková, Magdaléna January 2021 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design of a hotel in the foothills of Králický Sněžník for 62 guests. The hotel has a restaurant, wellness center with swimming pool, fitness center, games room, ski room, sports equipment store, sports equipment rental, 40 covered parking places in the basement, rooms for bikes and baby carriages. This new building is located on the outskirts of the town of Králíky, in places of territorial development with a sports and recreational focus. The design concept is based mainly on the interaction with the future ski slope and works with maximum use of a quality view of the slope and the picturesque landscape. When solving the design, care was taken to ensure that the building complied with the design principles of passive structures.

Maloplošné lesní celky a jejich využití pro příměstskou rekreaci / Small-scale forest units and their usage for town side recreation

ZIEGLER, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with town side recreation. Natural environment, with forest as a dominating factor, is very important in this issue. Forests attract their visitors thanks to specific atmosphere and mostly they don{\crq}t need any additional equipment to fulfill their purpose within the frame of tourism. This doesn{\crq}t apply on smaller forest stands, so-called small-scale forest units, that attract just minimal attention by themselves. Small-scale forest units are offering relax potential, but this potential need to be developed. Through the use of convenient ground shaping, equipping and promotion of these small-scale forest units is possible to gain new recreation localities. This thesis is dealing with development of small-scale forest units nearby city Tábor.

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