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Does township tourism contribute to government's strategic goals for the tourism sector? : a case study of bed and breakfast entrepreneurs in Gugulethu and Langa, Cape TownJoseph, Hilary January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to address the question: Does Township Tourism contribute to the South African government's strategic goals for the tourism sector? A qualitative case study was done in the two Cape Town townships, Gugulethu and Langa to identify and interview a number of Township Tourism Entrepreneurs (TTEs). Selected works of C.M. Rogerson are used as a framework to compare these TTEs, to those studied in a number of other townships in South Africa. Rogerson described TTEs as having identified an economic opportunity and categorised them as Opportunistic Entrepreneurs, who share numerous qualities with white Lifestyle Entrepreneurs, such as being approximately 50 years old, predominantly females, who use their own funding to start accommodation businesses in picturesque rural towns, as a second career or income generator. The study has 5 TTEs in the sample, which is a convenient sample drawn from Cape Town Tourism ' s membership list of 14 members who are operating accommodation businesses in these areas. In-depth interviews were conducted with five TTEs, a senior staff member from the City of Cape Town Tourism Department, another from the Provincial Destination Marketing Organization and one tour operator. Informal discussions were held with staff at the Tourism visitors centres in Langa and Gugulethu and other tourism stakeholders prior to doing the interviews. The study also drew on multiple data sources, including policy documents. The study explored the TTEs' motivations for starting their accommodation businesses, and looked at how they conform to the entrepreneurial characteristics and categorisation given by Rogerson and the Global Entrepreneur Monitor Report, i.e. Survivalist/Opportunistic/Lifestyle Entrepreneurs. The study explores how this categorisation aligns TTEs with the vision and goals for the sector that policymakers and government have set, and whether this enables them to access the appropriate support. The findings suggest that TTEs should not all be assumed to have business growth as a primary goal, and that a number could be categorised as Lifestyle Entrepreneurs rather than Opportunistic Entrepreneurs, albeit in an urban township setting. This study also suggests that township Lifestyle Entrepreneurs have a key function in the tourism sector and consideration should be given to place them in a form of clustering with opportunistic high growth entrepreneurs. This would enhance this sector's contribution to the ambitious goals set for tourism as a transformation, job creation, and poverty alleviation tool.
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An investigation into the co-producers of preferred strategic behaviour in small, micro and medium tourism enterprises in South AfricaTassiopoulos, Dimitri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African tourism industry has undergone transformation with numerous
“windows of opportunity” having been opened for tourism entrepreneurs. The South
African small, micro and medium tourism enterprises (SMMTE) sector, however, faces
numerous challenges. To ensure long-term sustainability, according to Whittle (2000: 8),
the owners of SMMTEs need to make efficient and effective business decisions about the
internal and external threats and challenges their businesses face. This will ensure that
they have sufficient strategic information on which to base decisions in order to maintain
their competitive advantage in the tourism industry.
Motivation/problem statement: Small business planning behaviour is described as
unstructured, irregular and incomprehensive. This characterises SMMTE strategising as
incremental, sporadic and reactive. A clear need for strategic planning and management
coordination of SMMTEs is identified in the light of increasing competition in the tourism
industry and the dominance of large international companies in most sectors of the tourism
industry (Cooper & Buhalis, 1996: 101).
This study examines determinants of strategic behaviour through a sample frame of formally
registered SMMTEs in South Africa. Because of the importance of the issue for a developing
economy such as South Africa, the study contributes toward an improved understanding of
strategic determinants of sustainable business performance at SMMTE level.
It is against this background that the study examines the extent to which linkages or
relationships can be established between the characteristics or attributes that are unique to
SMMTE owners and manifestations of strategic behaviour. The overall research question in
this study is: Do relationships exist between the attributes of SMMTE owners and strategic
Methods/procedure/approach: The research design for the proposed study primarily
involves descriptive and explanatory research. The purpose of using this methodology is to
determine predictors of strategic behaviour of SMMTEs in South Africa. Primary and
secondary data gathering methods are used in this study. The target-sampling frame is the
formally registered SMMTEs in South Africa, and the research sample is determined
through using a systematic random sampling method, stratified by province. The study
focuses on two elements, namely profile attributes of the SMMTE owner and preferred
strategic behaviour that has manifested within the SMMTE. The possible preferred
relationship between these two elements is addressed from a theoretical perspective with
the basic premise that some of the manifestations of the SMMTE owners’ strategic
behaviour have a better likelihood of success. On the basis of this conceptual framework,
the development of a suitable data-gathering instrument is discussed and developed to
determine the degree of SMMTE strategic behaviour in the ventures.
Results/findings/product: The descriptive statistical aspect of the research is discussed in
detail. The business characteristics, profiles of the typical attributes or traits of the SMMTE
owners, as well as their demographic profiles are discussed in detail. This study further
investigates a possible relationship between strategic behaviour (the dependent variable)
and entrepreneurial attributes (independent variables) using inferential statistics. The
relationships and constructs, as depicted in the a priori model, are empirically tested by
means of various statistical techniques:
• Reliability testing of the data set is conducted (ref. Section 7.5);
• The validity of the research instrument is determined (ref. Section 7.6);
• The reliability of the new constructs after exploratory factor analysis is determined
(ref. Section 7.6.2);
• The relationships between the selected variables are investigated through
Spearman’s rho and ANOVA (ref. Section 7.7); and
• The relationships between the selected variables of the hypothesis are further
investigated (ref. Section 7.7.2) through regression analysis.
The research results support an overall statistically significant association between the
independent and dependent variables, and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis
(and the rejection of the null hypothesis), namely that there is an association between
certain attributes of the owners of the SMMTEs (which is characterised by locus of control,
reasons for starting a business, holistic capabilities, formal management education and prior
experience) and preferred strategic behaviour. However, the research findings do not
support an overall statistically significant association between the risk propensity
independent variable and strategic behaviour dependent variables. Consequently the
following null sub-hypothesis (ref. Section 7.2.2) is accepted: There is no relationship
between risk propensity and strategic behaviour.
Conclusion/implications: The study makes various recommendations for further
research (ref. Section 8.5.1) and explains the practical implications (ref. Section 8.5.2)
The findings of this study have identified entrepreneurial attributes that have a significant
association with strategic behaviour and have made a contribution toward the largely underresearched
subject of the role of strategy in entrepreneurship. The study has further applied
this to a largely under-researched economic sector in South Africa, namely tourism.
The results in this study have produced a foundation for further analysis of the attributes of
SMMTE entrepreneurs and the manifestation of strategic behaviour in SMMTEs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse toerismebedryf is getransformeer en dit het talle geleenthede vir
toerisme-entrepreneurs in dié bedryf laat ontstaan. Die sektor vir klein, mikro- en
middelgrootte toerismeondernemings (KMMTO’s) in Suid-Afrika staan egter voor talle
uitdagings. Om volhoubaarheid op lang termyn te verseker, moet die eienaars van
KMMTO’s volgens Whittle (2000: 8) doeltreffende en doelmatige sakebesluite neem oor die
interne en eksterne bedreigings en uitdagings waarvoor hul ondernemings te staan kom. Dit
sal verseker dat hulle oor voldoende strategiese inligting beskik waarop hulle besluite kan
grond sodat hulle 'n mededingende voordeel in die toerismebedryf kan volhou.
Motivering/probleemstelling: Die beplanningsgedrag van klein ondernemings word as
ongestruktureerd, onreëlmatig en onvolledig beskryf. Dit tipeer die strategiese beplanning
van KMMTO’s as inkrementeel, sporadies en reaktief. 'n Duidelike behoefte aan
strategiese beplanning en bestuurskoördinering word by KMMTO’s geïdentifiseer in die lig
van groter mededinging in die toerismebedryf en die oorheersing van groot internasionale
maatskappye in die meeste sektore van die toerismebedryf (Cooper & Buhalis, 1996: 101).
Hierdie studie ondersoek die bepalers van strategiese gedrag deur middel van 'n
steekproefraamwerk van formeel geregistreerde KMMTO’s in Suid-Afrika. Omdat hierdie
kwessie vir 'n ontwikkelende ekonomie soos dié van Suid-Afrika belangrik is, dra die studie
by tot 'n beter begrip van die strategiese bepalers van volhoubare sakeprestasie op
Dit is die agtergrond wat die studie gebruik om vas te stel tot watter mate daar
verwantskappe of verhoudings bestaan tussen die kenmerke of eienskappe wat uniek aan
KMMTO-eienaars is en die manifestering van strategiese gedrag. Die oorkoepelende
navorsingsvraag in hierdie studie is: Bestaan daar verwantskappe tussen die kenmerke van
KMMTO-eienaars en strategiese gedrag?
Metodes/prosedure/benadering: Die navorsingsontwerp vir die voorgestelde studie
behels hoofsaaklik beskrywende en verduidelikende navorsing. Die doel van die gebruik
van hierdie metodologie is om die voorspellers van strategiese gedrag van KMMTO’s in
Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Primêre en sekondêre metodes van datainsameling is in die studie
gebruik. Die steekproefraamwerk bestaan uit formeel geregistreerde KMMTO’s in Suid-
Afrika en die navorsingsteekproef is bepaal deur 'n sistematies ewekansige
steekproefmetode te gebruik wat volgens provinsie gestratifiseer is. Die studie lê klem op
twee elemente, naamlik die profielkenmerke van KMMTO-eienaars en die voorkeur
strategiese gedrag wat in die KMMTO manifesteer. Die moontlike voorkeurverhouding
tussen hierdie twee elemente word vanuit 'n teoretiese perspektief beskou met die basiese
uitgangspunt dat sommige manifestasies van die KMMTO-eienaars se strategiese gedrag
'n beter kans op sukses het. Die ontwikkeling van 'n toepaslike datainsamelingsinstrument
word op grond van hierdie konseptuele raamwerk bespreek en ontwikkel om die graad van
strategiese gedrag in die ondernemings te bepaal.
Resultate/bevindings/produk: Die beskrywende statistiese aspek van die navorsing word
breedvoerig bespreek. Die besigheidskenmerke, profiele van die tipiese kenmerke of
eienskappe van die KMMTO-eienaars sowel as die demografiese profiele van die KMMTO eienaars
word ook breedvoerig bespreek. Hierdie studie ondersoek ook 'n moontlike
verwantskap tussen strategiese gedrag (die afhanklike veranderlike) en
entrepreneurskenmerke (onafhanklike veranderlikes) met behulp van inferensiële statistiek.
Die verhoudings en konstrukte, soos in die a priori-model uitgebeeld, word empiries deur
middel van verskeie statistiese tegnieke getoets:
• Betroubaarheidstoetsing van die datastel word uitgevoer (verw. Afdeling 7.5);
• Die geldigheid van die navorsingsinstrument word bepaal (verw. Afdeling 7.6);
• Die betroubaarheid van die nuwe konstrukte word ná verkennende faktorontleding
bepaal (verw. Afdeling 7.6.2);
• Die verhoudings tussen die geselekteerde veranderlikes van die hipotese word met
Spearman se rho en ANOVA (verw. Afdeling 7.7) getoets; en
• Die verhoudings tussen die geselekteerde veranderlikes van die hipotese word
verder (verw. Afdeling 7.7.2) deur regressieontleding getoets.
Die navorsingsresultate ondersteun 'n oorkoepelende en statisties beduidende verband
tussen die onafhanklike en afhanklike veranderlikes, en die aanvaarding van die
alternatiewe hipotese (en die verwerping van die nulhipotese), naamlik dat daar 'n verband
is tussen sekere van die eienskappe van die KMMTO-eienaars (wat gekenmerk word deur
lokus van beheer, redes vir die vestiging van 'n besigheid, konseptuele/perseptuele
vermoëns, formele bestuursopleiding en vorige ondervinding) en voorkeur strategiese
gedrag. Die navorsingsbevindinge ondersteun egter nie 'n oorkoepelende statisties
beduidende verband tussen risikogeneigdheid as onafhanklike veranderlike en strategiese
gedrag as afhanklike veranderlikes nie. Die volgende nulsubhipotese (verw. Afdeling 7.2.2)
word dus aanvaar: Daar is geen verwantskap tussen risikogeneigdheid en strategiese
gedrag nie.
Gevolgtrekking/implikasies: Die studie maak verskeie aanbevelings vir verdere
navorsing (verw. Afdeling 8.5.1) en verduidelik die praktiese implikasies hiervan (verw.
Afdeling 8.5.2).
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie identifiseer die entrepreneurskenmerke wat 'n beduidende
verband met strategiese gedrag toon en wat 'n bydrae lewer tot die rol van strategie in
entrepreneurskap – 'n onderwerp wat nie voldoende nagevors is nie. Die studie pas dit ook
toe op toerisme – 'n ekonomiese sektor in Suid-Afrika wat ook nie voldoende nagevors is
Die resultate van hierdie studie vorm 'n grondslag vir die verdere ontleding van die
eienskappe van KMMTO-entrepreneurs en die manifestering van strategiese gedrag in
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Dive tourism and the entrepreneurial process in the Perhentian IslandsJeyacheya, Julia, Hampton, M.P. 19 December 2016 (has links)
Yes / This chapter is an output from the PMI2 Project funded by the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) for the benefit of the Malaysian Higher Education Sector and the UK Higher Education Sector. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of BIS, nor British Council.
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Åsnen, mer än bara en sjö? : En studie av turistföretagarnas åsikter om Destination ÅsnenKamrudin, Hawa, Söderlund, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Vid Åsnen pågår just nu arbetet att etablera en nationalpark för att bevara och presentera den unika naturen. Parallellt med detta arbete pågår ett projekt för att marknadsföra hela regionen som en destination. Denna uppsats behandlar turistföretagares åsikter av den pågående destinationsutvecklingen i Destination Åsnen. En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semi-strukturerade intervjuer har gjorts på ett urval av turistföretagarna i Åsnen. Denna metod har gett en kartläggning av turistföretagarnas åsikter och representerar den enskilda turistföretagaren i en stor destination. Dessa åsikter analyseras via jämförelser med tidigare forskning och därefter dras slutsatser om vilka följder åsikterna kan leda till för Destination Åsnen. Vår studie kommer fram till att turistföretagarnas åsikter kan få följder för destinationen. Turistföretagarnas uttryckta åsikter har identifierat brister i samarbetet som berör olika aspekter av Destination Åsnen. De identifierade bristerna som finns i destinationsutvecklingen kan innebära utmaningar för Destination Åsnens framtid. / A process has been started in order to establish a national park in the area of lake Åsnen in Småland in order to present and preserve the unique nature. Simultaneously there is another project focusing on marketing the whole region as one destination. This thesis deals with the opinions of tourism entrepreneurs of the ongoing development in Destinaion Åsnen. A qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews were conducted on a sample of the tourist companies in Åsnen. This method has identified opinions that represent individual tourism entrepreneurs in a big destination. These opinions are analyzed through comparisons with earlier research and then draws conclusions on the consequences that the opinions might lead to regarding Destination Åsnens future. Our study concludes that the opinions of the tourism entrepreneurs may have consequences for the destination. The expressed opinions have identified deficiencies in cooperation that affects various aspects of Destination Åsnen. The identified deficiencies in the present destination development may result in future challenges for Destination Åsnen.
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Vliv managementu destinace cestovního ruchu na efektivnost podniku / The Impact of the Destination Management to the Effectiveness of a CompanyŠTUMPF, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the dissertation was an identification of the role of a company on the horizontal and vertical level in the tourism management on the basement of analysis of subjects involved in the destination management. The aim of the work was also to propose a system model of tools and measures that will lead to an efficient participation of a destination management company on the management of a tourism destination and to increase of the efficiency of a company in tourism. The simulation model and the scenarios of the future development of the tourism destination, which are presented in the dissertation, create a value added above the main aim of the dissertation. The main methodological approach, which was used in the dissertation, was system dynamics. This method helped to reveal the complexity of a tourism system and to identify the connections among a number of stakeholders in the destination. The partial aim of the dissertation was also a comparison of the regions of South Bohemia and Upper Austria as tourism destinations. Not only the essential tourism indicators and figures, but also the systems of the destination management and a role of a destination management company were compared. The data from the above mentioned comparison were used in the proposed system dynamic model that simulates behaviour of the tourism destination represented by the Region of South Bohemia.
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Questioning women's empowerment through tourism entrepreneurship opportunities : the case of Omani womenSalim Al Mazro'ei, Lubna Badar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis adopts critical feminist theory, which is a combination of both critical theory and feminist theory, to explore the nature and experiences of Omani women involved in tourism entrepreneurship with particular regard to empowerment. Several studies have identified the potential role of tourism entrepreneurship to empower women due to the many benefits that it provides. However, this potential, and the extent that it empowers women, has been questioned. A review of the literature on women in tourism entrepreneurship reveals that there are several issues that have theoretical and practical implications for women's empowerment through this activity. Furthermore, a review of the development studies literature indicates that there are many prevailing issues and debates surrounding the concept of women's empowerment thatmerit further investigation. The fieldwork for this research took place in Oman during 2013-‐2014 and included an examination of a hosting group, sewing group and a number of women tourism entrepreneurs. Participant observations and semi-structured/unstructured interviews were conducted to collect information about these women. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the collected information and to develop three ethnographic case studies. The findings of this research reveal that tourism entrepreneurship does not inevitably bring about empowerment for Omani women. It is far from being an activity for women's individual and collective empowerment, given that the scope for such remains dependent on the embedded environment and is influenced by the nature of tourism enterprise work. An empirically informed conceptual framework was developed from the data to present this phenomenon. A grounded conceptualization was also developed from the data to conceptualize the process of women's empowerment for Omani women in tourism entrepreneurship. Theoretical implications of the findings areidentified in relation to the appropriate use of the concept of women's empowerment in tourism research. Practical implications of the findings are also identified in relation to local and international tourism organisations that utilises tourism entrepreneurship opportunities for women's empowerment purposes.
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