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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão mercadológica de destinos turísticos urbanos periféricos: a cidade de Porto Alegre

Antunes, Vânia Oliveira 07 July 2006 (has links)
Esta investigação tem como objeto o estudo do gerenciamento dos mercados turísticos urbanos periféricos e as práticas que os compõe, tendo como estudo de caso a cidade de Porto Alegre. Foram utilizados os pressupostos metodológicos da Dialética Histórico-Estrutural, na triangulação entre o mercado global, produto turístico e sujeito turístico. Busca-se o entendimento e análise através da releitura das categorias de destino turístico periférico, produto turístico, marketing turístico, competitividade sustentável e sujeito turístico. O componente principal deste projeto é a análise das práticas do mercado turístico de Porto Alegre frente aos desafios e tendências de um mercado globalizado. / Esta investigação tem como objeto o estudo do gerenciamento dos mercados turísticos urbanos periféricos e as práticas que os compõe, tendo como estudo de caso a cidade de Porto Alegre. Foram utilizados os pressupostos metodológicos da Dialética Histórico-Estrutural, na triangulação entre o mercado global, produto turístico e sujeito turístico. Busca-se o entendimento e análise através da releitura das categorias de destino turístico periférico, produto turístico, marketing turístico, competitividade sustentável e sujeito turístico. O componente principal deste projeto é a análise das práticas do mercado turístico de Porto Alegre frente aos desafios e tendências de um mercado globalizado.

Komunikační mix hotelu / Communication Mix of the Hotel

Řezníčková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis deals with improving communication mix of the hotel. Theoretical part describes marketing, environment analysis, marketing mix, communication mix, tourism marketing and risk. Analytical part describes the current situation in the hotel, current communication and marketing mix, including analysis of occupational and general environment, marketing research, SWOT analysis and risk analysis. In the last part I will try to propose a new communication mix to improve the situation in the hotel and suggestions resulting from risk analysis.

El discurso comunicativo de los microinfluencers y cómo satisface las necesidades de interacción de los millennials

Llaja Marquez, Luz Maria del Pilar 12 November 2019 (has links)
Vivimos en una era digital, donde las redes sociales han cobrado protagonismo y son parte de nuestra rutina diaria. En este escenario, han surgido “celebridades” del mundo digital, quienes afectan en las opiniones de sus seguidores. Esto ha generado interés en las marcas en especial en las que están relacionadas al turismo, que buscan llegar a su público objetivo de formas no tradicionales. Por esta razón, este estudio tiene como objetivo indagar cómo el discurso comunicativo de los microinfluencers de viaje, en este caso Viajar de a 2 satisface las necesidades de interacción de los millennials en la red social Instagram. Para lograr esto, se utilizará la metodología cualitativa, la cual consistirá en cinco entrevistas a profundidad a tres públicos involucrados en el tema: los microinfluencers, una especialista de Marketing y jóvenes de 20 a 35 años de Lima, seguidores de Viajar de a 2. / We live in a digital era, where social networks have gained prominence and are part of our daily routine. In this context, celebrities of the digital world have emerged. They affect the opinions of their followers. This has generated interest in brands especially in those related to tourism, which seek to reach their target audience in non-traditional ways. For this reason, this study aims to investigate how the communicative discourse of travel microinfluencers, in this case “Viajar de a 2” satisfies the millennial interaction needs in the social network Instagram. To achieve this, the qualitative methodology will be used, which will consist of five in-depth interviews with three audiences involved in the subject: the microinfluencers, a Marketing specialist and young people from 20 to 35 years of Lima, followers of “Viajar de a 2”. / Trabajo de investigación

Промоција нових туристичких дестинација - београдских приградских општина / Promocija novih turističkih destinacija - beogradskih prigradskih opština / Promotion of new tourist destinations on the example of Belgrade's suburban municipalities

Stojanović Radomir 04 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Докторска&nbsp; дисертација &bdquo;Промоција&nbsp; нових&nbsp; туристичких&nbsp; дестинација &ndash;<br />београдских&nbsp; приградских&nbsp; општина&ldquo;&nbsp; односи&nbsp; се&nbsp; на&nbsp; седам&nbsp; суседних&nbsp; општина&nbsp; које окружују&nbsp; централне&nbsp; делове&nbsp; Београда:&nbsp; Барајево,&nbsp; Гроцку,&nbsp; Младеновац,&nbsp; Лазаревац, Обреновац, Сопот и Сурчин.<br />Промоција,&nbsp; у&nbsp; условима&nbsp; све&nbsp; израженије&nbsp; конкуренције&nbsp; на&nbsp; туристичком<br />тржишту,&nbsp; представља&nbsp; незаобилазни&nbsp; инстумент&nbsp; у&nbsp; позиционирању&nbsp; туристичких<br />дестинација&nbsp; у&nbsp; свести&nbsp; туриста.&nbsp; Ова&nbsp; констатација&nbsp; се&nbsp; посебно&nbsp; односи&nbsp; на&nbsp; нове&nbsp; и недовољно&nbsp; познате&nbsp; географске&nbsp; целине&nbsp; које&nbsp; тек&nbsp; треба&nbsp; да&nbsp; валоризују&nbsp; своје&nbsp; садржаје, као што је то случај са београдским приградским општинама(БПО).<br />Уважавајући&nbsp; значај&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; промоције&nbsp; за&nbsp; излазак&nbsp; нових&nbsp; дестинација&nbsp; на<br />туристичко тржиште, треба јасно нагласити да промоција мора да се посматра само као&nbsp; део&nbsp; ширих&nbsp; активности,&nbsp; односно&nbsp; као&nbsp; битан&nbsp; елеменат&nbsp; управљања&nbsp; дестинацијом, најчешће кроз активности дестинацијских менаџмент организација (ДМО).<br />Применом&nbsp; одговарајућих&nbsp; метода&nbsp; и&nbsp; техника&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; за&nbsp; потребе<br />докторске&nbsp; дисертације (методе&nbsp; посматрања,&nbsp; методе&nbsp; испитивања,&nbsp; статистичка<br />метода,&nbsp; техника&nbsp; анкетирања,&nbsp; теренско&nbsp; истраживање),&nbsp; утврђено&nbsp; је&nbsp; да&nbsp; БПО<br />располажу&nbsp; са&nbsp; бројним&nbsp; и&nbsp; разноврсним&nbsp; потенцијалима&nbsp; за&nbsp; развој т уризма,&nbsp; да&nbsp; имају&nbsp;&nbsp; формиран&nbsp; туристички&nbsp; производ,&nbsp; али&nbsp; да&nbsp; ипак&nbsp; туристи&nbsp; то&nbsp; подручје&nbsp; углавном&nbsp; не доживљавају као могућа места за одмор, разоноду, рекреацију, односно још&nbsp; увек га не виде као привлачну туристичку дестинацију.<br />Даља&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; указују&nbsp; да&nbsp; је&nbsp; последњих&nbsp; година&nbsp; приметан&nbsp; одређен<br />напредак&nbsp; по&nbsp; питању&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; понуде&nbsp; и&nbsp; спровођења&nbsp; промотивних&nbsp; активности, али&nbsp; и&nbsp; да&nbsp; истовремено&nbsp; постоји&nbsp; значајан&nbsp; простор&nbsp; за&nbsp; побољшање&nbsp; постојеће организације &bdquo;туристичке&nbsp; администрације&ldquo;,&nbsp; а&nbsp; самим &nbsp;тим&nbsp; и&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; промоције на нивоу БПО.<br />Имајући&nbsp; у&nbsp; виду&nbsp; резултате&nbsp; истраживања,&nbsp; у&nbsp; овој&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; тези&nbsp; се&nbsp; предлаже<br />конкретан&nbsp; нови&nbsp; модел&nbsp; управљања&nbsp; Београдом&nbsp; као&nbsp; туристичком&nbsp; дестинацијом<br />(обухватајући и БПО као саставни део града&nbsp; Београда). Предложени&nbsp; модел&nbsp; уважава примере добре праксе из иностранства, али и све специфичности постојећег начина организовања&nbsp; туризма,&nbsp; спровођења&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; промоције&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; садашњег&nbsp; обима&nbsp; и квалитета&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; понуде&nbsp; посматраног&nbsp; подручја.&nbsp; Посебно&nbsp; се&nbsp; истиче&nbsp; значај&nbsp; и неопходност&nbsp; професионализације&nbsp; и&nbsp; деполитизације&nbsp; тела&nbsp; задужених&nbsp; за&nbsp; промоцију&nbsp; и управљање&nbsp; дестинацијама (локалне&nbsp; ТО&nbsp; и&nbsp; градска&nbsp; ДМО)&nbsp; и&nbsp; укључивање&nbsp; приватног<br />сектора&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; јавно-приватно&nbsp; партнерство,&nbsp; као&nbsp; основних&nbsp; принципа&nbsp; на&nbsp; којима&nbsp; би&nbsp; се се заснивале будуће активности.</p> / <p>Doktorska&nbsp; disertacija &bdquo;Promocija&nbsp; novih&nbsp; turističkih&nbsp; destinacija &ndash;<br />beogradskih&nbsp; prigradskih&nbsp; opština&ldquo;&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; se&nbsp; na&nbsp; sedam&nbsp; susednih&nbsp; opština&nbsp; koje okružuju&nbsp; centralne&nbsp; delove&nbsp; Beograda:&nbsp; Barajevo,&nbsp; Grocku,&nbsp; Mladenovac,&nbsp; Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Sopot i Surčin.<br />Promocija,&nbsp; u&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; sve&nbsp; izraženije&nbsp; konkurencije&nbsp; na&nbsp; turističkom<br />tržištu,&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; nezaobilazni&nbsp; instument&nbsp; u&nbsp; pozicioniranju&nbsp; turističkih<br />destinacija&nbsp; u&nbsp; svesti&nbsp; turista.&nbsp; Ova&nbsp; konstatacija&nbsp; se&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; na&nbsp; nove&nbsp; i nedovoljno&nbsp; poznate&nbsp; geografske&nbsp; celine&nbsp; koje&nbsp; tek&nbsp; treba&nbsp; da&nbsp; valorizuju&nbsp; svoje&nbsp; sadržaje, kao što je to slučaj sa beogradskim prigradskim opštinama(BPO).<br />Uvažavajući&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; promocije&nbsp; za&nbsp; izlazak&nbsp; novih&nbsp; destinacija&nbsp; na<br />turističko tržište, treba jasno naglasiti da promocija mora da se posmatra samo kao&nbsp; deo&nbsp; širih&nbsp; aktivnosti,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; kao&nbsp; bitan&nbsp; elemenat&nbsp; upravljanja&nbsp; destinacijom, najčešće kroz aktivnosti destinacijskih menadžment organizacija (DMO).<br />Primenom&nbsp; odgovarajućih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; i&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; za&nbsp; potrebe<br />doktorske&nbsp; disertacije (metode&nbsp; posmatranja,&nbsp; metode&nbsp; ispitivanja,&nbsp; statistička<br />metoda,&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; anketiranja,&nbsp; terensko&nbsp; istraživanje),&nbsp; utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; BPO<br />raspolažu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; brojnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; raznovrsnim&nbsp; potencijalima&nbsp; za&nbsp; razvoj t urizma,&nbsp; da&nbsp; imaju&nbsp;&nbsp; formiran&nbsp; turistički&nbsp; proizvod,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; da&nbsp; ipak&nbsp; turisti&nbsp; to&nbsp; područje&nbsp; uglavnom&nbsp; ne doživljavaju kao moguća mesta za odmor, razonodu, rekreaciju, odnosno još&nbsp; uvek ga ne vide kao privlačnu turističku destinaciju.<br />Dalja&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; poslednjih&nbsp; godina&nbsp; primetan&nbsp; određen<br />napredak&nbsp; po&nbsp; pitanju&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; i&nbsp; sprovođenja&nbsp; promotivnih&nbsp; aktivnosti, ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; da&nbsp; istovremeno&nbsp; postoji&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; prostor&nbsp; za&nbsp; poboljšanje&nbsp; postojeće organizacije &bdquo;turističke&nbsp; administracije&ldquo;,&nbsp; a&nbsp; samim &nbsp;tim&nbsp; i&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; promocije na nivou BPO.<br />Imajući&nbsp; u&nbsp; vidu&nbsp; rezultate&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovoj&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; tezi&nbsp; se&nbsp; predlaže<br />konkretan&nbsp; novi&nbsp; model&nbsp; upravljanja&nbsp; Beogradom&nbsp; kao&nbsp; turističkom&nbsp; destinacijom<br />(obuhvatajući i BPO kao sastavni deo grada&nbsp; Beograda). Predloženi&nbsp; model&nbsp; uvažava primere dobre prakse iz inostranstva, ali i sve specifičnosti postojećeg načina organizovanja&nbsp; turizma,&nbsp; sprovođenja&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; promocije&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; sadašnjeg&nbsp; obima&nbsp; i kvaliteta&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; posmatranog&nbsp; područja.&nbsp; Posebno&nbsp; se&nbsp; ističe&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; i neophodnost&nbsp; profesionalizacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; depolitizacije&nbsp; tela&nbsp; zaduženih&nbsp; za&nbsp; promociju&nbsp; i upravljanje&nbsp; destinacijama (lokalne&nbsp; TO&nbsp; i&nbsp; gradska&nbsp; DMO)&nbsp; i&nbsp; uključivanje&nbsp; privatnog<br />sektora&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; javno-privatno&nbsp; partnerstvo,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; osnovnih&nbsp; principa&nbsp; na&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se se zasnivale buduće aktivnosti.</p> / <p>The doctorial dissertation &quot;The promotion of new tourist destinations - Belgrade suburban municipalities&quot; refers to the seven neighboring municipalities that surround the central parts of Belgrade: Barajevo, Grocka, Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Sopot and Surčin.</p><p>The promotion in conditions of strong competition in the tourism market, is an indispensable instrument in the positioning of tourist destinations in the minds of tourists. This statement especially applies to the new and insufficiently known geographical units which are yet to valorize their contents, as is the case with the Belgrade suburban municipalities (BSM).</p><p>Recognizing the importance of tourism promotion forthe entry of new destinations on the tourist market, it should be clear, that&nbsp; promotion must be seen only as part of broader activities or as an essential element of destination management, mainlythrough the activities of destination management organizations (DMO).</p><p>By applying appropriate research methods and techniques for the purpose of a doctoral dissertation (observation methods, test methods, statistical methods, survey techniques, field work), it has been found out, that BSM have numerous and varied potentials for tourism development, that they have formed a tourism product, but generally tourists do not see this area as possible places for rest, leisure, recreation, andstill do not see it as an attractive tourist destination.</p><p>The further researches indicate that in recent years there has been some progress, in &nbsp;terms of tourist offer and the implementation of promotional activities, but at the same&nbsp;time there is considerable scope for improving theexisting organization &quot;tourist&nbsp;administration&quot;, and therefore tourism promotion atthe level of BSM.</p><p>Having in mind the results of research, in this doctoral thesis it is proposed a&nbsp;concrete new management model Belgrade as a touristdestination (including the BSM as&nbsp;part of the City of Belgrade). The proposed model takes into account the examples of&nbsp;good &nbsp;practice from abroad, and all the peculiarities of the existing ways of organizing&nbsp;tourism, the implementation of tourism promotion aswell as the current volume and&nbsp;quality of tourist offer of the observed area. The&nbsp; importance and necessity of&nbsp;professionalisation and depolitisation of the body&nbsp; responsible for the promotion and&nbsp;destination management (local TO and urban DMO), and the involvement of the private&nbsp;sector through public-private partnerships, as wellas the basic principles on which it is&nbsp;premised future activities.</p>

Determining the market profile of black visitors to a resort in the Vaal region.

Mojakisane, M.M. 11 1900 (has links)
B. Tech. (Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Human Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Tourism is considered one of the most important industries in the global economy and is still growing, especially in South Africa. Effective marketing is only possible if knowledge is available on tourists’ decisions, wants, needs and so forth. This will allow for effective market segmentation and improve the understanding of the market and what the market requires. This will also lead to more effective marketing campaigns, marketing spend and use of scarce resources. This can be achieved by studying the unique characteristics of the various markets in South Africa. Market segmentation refers to a technique used by tourism organisations to divide a market into smaller, more clearly defined, groups that share similar needs, wants and characteristics. This will allow for tailor-made products and services. Although the tourism industry in South Africa is well developed for the Caucasian market it is not as familiar with the black market and its needs. Therefore products cannot be developed according to the life styles of black South Africans. This requires more research to be conducted. The main purpose of the study was thus to segment the black market visiting Abrahamsrust Resort in the Vaal Region. This has enabled the researcher to identify important factors with regard to market segmentation to be implemented for black tourists in the Vaal Region and enable marketers to target the selected market segments in the region. A total number of 400 questionnaires were distributed among visitors of which 319 were completed and used. All questionnaires were distributed at Abrahamsrust Resort. Data were used and captured in the form of graphs and tables so as to design the profile. The main variables of this study were gender, occupation, language, province of origin, number of visits, number of children, number of days spent as well as average spend. The results found can contribute in the sense of helping marketers to target the selected target market. Suggestions from attendees were that management should improve facilities and services at the events. In order to cluster the segments, hierarchical clustering was done which revealed three significant clusters based on travel motivations, namely Social Relaxers, Quality Seekers and Loyal Relaxers. Cluster one is motivated by social and relaxing needs, cluster two focuses on quality and value for money aspects and cluster three seems to be the loyal visitors to the resort travelling for relaxation purposes. In terms of describing the three clusters it was found that the demographic segmentation variables did not differ significantly between the clusters, with only a small difference in terms of gender. In terms of describing the behavioural segmentation variables it was also found that the clusters did not differ significantly but differences were found on number of days at the resort and recreation activities preferred for the children. Besides the differences in travel motivations it was thus found that the current market is very much homogenous. This holds certain implications for the marketing strategy of the resort.

La importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico en Perú

Alvites Castro, Nandy Danitza January 2023 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación trata sobre el marketing de servicios aplicado al sector turístico y como se utiliza en los diferentes tipos de turismo en el Perú, acompañado de los elementos necesarios para su aplicación mediante un plan de marketing turístico. Por ende, se plantea la interrogante ¿Cuál es la importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico del Perú? Así, se tiene como objetivo principal describir la importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico del Perú y como objetivos específicos, definir el turismo y sus tipos en el sector turístico peruano, definir el marketing de servicios aplicado al turismo y su repercusión en el Perú y explicar los componentes de un plan de marketing turístico. De igual manera, este estudio será relevante a las empresas de sectores hoteleros, de transporte, restaurantes y otros organismos públicos vinculados con los servicios turísticos que necesiten saber la importancia y aplicación del marketing para impulsar o incrementar el consumo de sus servicios. / This research work deals with the marketing of services applied to the tourism sector and how it is used in the different types of tourism in Peru, accompanied by the necessary elements for its application through a tourism marketing plan. Therefore, the question arises: What is the importance of marketing services in the tourism sector of Peru? Thus, the main objective is to describe the importance of service marketing in the tourism sector of Peru and as specific objectives, define tourism and its types in the Peruvian tourism sector, define the marketing of services applied to tourism and its impact on Peru and explain the components of a tourism marketing plan. Similarly, this study will be relevant to companies in the hotel, transport, restaurant and other public organizations linked to tourism services that need to know the importance and application of marketing to promote or increase the consumption of their services.

Análisis de los factores clave de éxito del destino de Lambayeque para desarrollar estrategias de marketing turístico

Idrogo Baca, Linda Sharon January 2022 (has links)
El artículo que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo general Analizar los factores clave de éxito del destino de Lambayeque para desarrollar estrategias de marketing turístico. Para obtener información de ambas variables se utilizó una entrevista con enunciados que se podían calificar por la escala de Likert y también preguntas abiertas, por consiguiente, los entrevistados fueron los actores del sector turismo y hotelero de la región Lambayeque, el tipo de investigación es cualitativa. En cuanto a la metodología empleada, tuvo un nivel descriptivo, de tipo aplicada, no experimental. Porsu lado los resultados que se obtuvieron de las entrevistas, fue que, existe poco apoyo de las autoridades para promover el turismo, y a falta de ello, muchas empresas dedicadas alturismo, trabajan de manera individual y la clave del éxito de un destino es que trabajen todos en conjunto, ya que así se puede lograr un mayor turismo no solo nacional, si no también internacional. Lo que se menciona más dentro de las respuestas obtenidas, es quese debe trabajar mucho más con las redes sociales, para promover el turismo, ya que es una pieza fundamental para dar a conocer el potencial del departamento de Lambayeque. Finalmente, se realizó una propuesta en relación a las estrategias que se pueden emplear para mejorar el turismo en Lambayeque. / The article presented below has the general objective of analyzing the key success factorsof the Lambayeque destination to develop tourism marketing strategies. To get information on both variables, an interview was used with statements that could be qualified by the Likert scale and also open questions, therefore, the interviewees were theactors of the tourism and hotel sector of the Lambayeque region, the type of research is qualitative. Regarding the methodology used, it had a descriptive level, applied, not experimental. On the other hand, the results obtained from the interviews were that there is little support from the authorities to promote tourism, and in the absence of this, many companies dedicated to tourism work individually and the key to the success of a destination is Let everyone work together, since in this way greater tourism can be achieved, not only national, but also international. What is mentioned more within the responses obtained is that much more work must be done with social networks to promotetourism, since it is a fundamental piece to publicize the potential of the department of Lambayeque. Finally, a proposal was made regarding the strategies that can be used to improve tourism in Lambayeque.

A brand loyalty model for arts festivals / Susanna Elizabeth Burger

Burger, Susanna Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
The number of festivals and events worldwide as well as in South Africa has increased significantly over the past decade. With more than 600 festivals being staged annually in South Africa, it is clear that festivals are competing with each other to attract and retain visitors in order to remain sustainable. For this reason, creating and sustaining a loyal visitor base through marketing and branding activities has become increasingly important for festivals. This, however, is a complex task since branding of a festival is challenging in several ways. Festivals are non-permanent tourism offerings with a variety of attributes that need to be considered when branding the festival. These include attractions, accommodation, entertainment and the natural environment. The competitive environment in which festivals operate and the complex nature of a festival as a brand require a specific approach whereby festivals can create and sustain brand loyalty. To remain a competitive and sustainable arts festival, marketers of festivals need to know how their marketing efforts can be applied to enhance visitors’ loyalty as well as the aspects that contribute to visitors’ loyalty. Although various studies have been concerned with brand loyalty in a tourism context, little research has focused on brand loyalty in a festival context and more specifically in a South African arts festival context. In the light of this, the following research question was formulated: “What are the components and the relationships between the components of a brand loyalty model for arts festivals in South Africa? The primary goal of this thesis was to develop a brand loyalty model for arts festivals. To achieve this goal, four objectives were formulated. The first objective was to analyse the role of marketing in creating and sustaining brand loyalty for arts festivals by means of an in-depth literature review. The definition of marketing and the distinguishing features of tourism offerings were analysed. It was indicated that aspects such as visitors’ motivation for attending festivals impacts on their loyalty. Furthermore it was established that marketing activities such as market research, market segmentation, positioning, branding and developing an effective festival marketing mix can assist marketers of festivals to achieve visitors’ loyalty. The second objective was to review the literature regarding brand loyalty and its constructs. Branding and brand loyalty were defined and the history of branding was discussed. More importantly, the constructs of brand loyalty and the items for measuring them were analysed. It was clear that a variety of constructs impact on festival visitors’ loyalty including brand attitude, brand personality, individuals’ characteristics, circumstances and purchase situation, organisations’ commitment to being customer orientated, brand equity, brand associations, brand awareness, product involvement, brand commitment, brand affect, quality, brand image, brand experience, brand trust, brand value and satisfaction. In addition, it was concluded that these aspects are related and affect one another. The third objective was to identify the components of a brand loyalty model, test the relationships between them and determine the variables influencing them. This was done with the aim of developing a brand loyalty model for arts festivals. For this purpose, data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire which was distritubuted to visitors at Vryfees and Aardklop. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed at each festival with 355 questionnaires obtained at Vryfees and 352 questionnaires obtained at Aardklop. Selected statistical techniques were employed to achieve this objective. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed on the items for measuring brand loyalty. From this, six brand loyalty components were revealed. Spearman Rank Order Correlation was used to determine the relationships between these brand loyalty components. An independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA between groups were employed to determine the impact of selected variables on the components of brand loyalty. Finally, the brand loyalty components were used in Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to develop the model. The results of the study confirmed that brand loyalty for festivals such as Aardklop and Vryfees are multidimensional and consist of satisfaction, affective image, festival experience, loyalty, personal value and cognitive image. Affective image and satisfaction are also major components of visitors’ loyalty towards these festivals. It was furthermore confirmed that variables such as occupation, province of residence, frequency of attendance and home language have an impact on festival visitors’ loyalty. The final objective of this study was to draw conclusions and make recommendations concerning the compilation and implementation of the brand loyalty model for arts festivals. This research makes important contributions theoretically, methodologically and practically. Theoretically, this study is unique since it is one of the first to indicate the role of marketing in enhancing brand loyalty and to analyse various brand loyalty constructs that can be further investigated by future researchers. Methodologically, this study developed a reliable and valid questionnaire for the measurement of brand loyalty in a festival context which can be used by other festivals to determine visitors’ loyalty. In addition, this study investigated distinctive relationships between the festival loyalty constructs and other demographic and festival-related variables. The impact of demographic variables on festival loyalty constructs was also explored. The greatest contribution of this study, however, is its practical contribution by developing a brand loyalty model for arts festivals which can be used by marketers of festivals to create, maintain and increase visitors’ loyalty towards their festivals. / PhD (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A brand loyalty model for arts festivals / Susanna Elizabeth Burger

Burger, Susanna Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
The number of festivals and events worldwide as well as in South Africa has increased significantly over the past decade. With more than 600 festivals being staged annually in South Africa, it is clear that festivals are competing with each other to attract and retain visitors in order to remain sustainable. For this reason, creating and sustaining a loyal visitor base through marketing and branding activities has become increasingly important for festivals. This, however, is a complex task since branding of a festival is challenging in several ways. Festivals are non-permanent tourism offerings with a variety of attributes that need to be considered when branding the festival. These include attractions, accommodation, entertainment and the natural environment. The competitive environment in which festivals operate and the complex nature of a festival as a brand require a specific approach whereby festivals can create and sustain brand loyalty. To remain a competitive and sustainable arts festival, marketers of festivals need to know how their marketing efforts can be applied to enhance visitors’ loyalty as well as the aspects that contribute to visitors’ loyalty. Although various studies have been concerned with brand loyalty in a tourism context, little research has focused on brand loyalty in a festival context and more specifically in a South African arts festival context. In the light of this, the following research question was formulated: “What are the components and the relationships between the components of a brand loyalty model for arts festivals in South Africa? The primary goal of this thesis was to develop a brand loyalty model for arts festivals. To achieve this goal, four objectives were formulated. The first objective was to analyse the role of marketing in creating and sustaining brand loyalty for arts festivals by means of an in-depth literature review. The definition of marketing and the distinguishing features of tourism offerings were analysed. It was indicated that aspects such as visitors’ motivation for attending festivals impacts on their loyalty. Furthermore it was established that marketing activities such as market research, market segmentation, positioning, branding and developing an effective festival marketing mix can assist marketers of festivals to achieve visitors’ loyalty. The second objective was to review the literature regarding brand loyalty and its constructs. Branding and brand loyalty were defined and the history of branding was discussed. More importantly, the constructs of brand loyalty and the items for measuring them were analysed. It was clear that a variety of constructs impact on festival visitors’ loyalty including brand attitude, brand personality, individuals’ characteristics, circumstances and purchase situation, organisations’ commitment to being customer orientated, brand equity, brand associations, brand awareness, product involvement, brand commitment, brand affect, quality, brand image, brand experience, brand trust, brand value and satisfaction. In addition, it was concluded that these aspects are related and affect one another. The third objective was to identify the components of a brand loyalty model, test the relationships between them and determine the variables influencing them. This was done with the aim of developing a brand loyalty model for arts festivals. For this purpose, data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire which was distritubuted to visitors at Vryfees and Aardklop. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed at each festival with 355 questionnaires obtained at Vryfees and 352 questionnaires obtained at Aardklop. Selected statistical techniques were employed to achieve this objective. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed on the items for measuring brand loyalty. From this, six brand loyalty components were revealed. Spearman Rank Order Correlation was used to determine the relationships between these brand loyalty components. An independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA between groups were employed to determine the impact of selected variables on the components of brand loyalty. Finally, the brand loyalty components were used in Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to develop the model. The results of the study confirmed that brand loyalty for festivals such as Aardklop and Vryfees are multidimensional and consist of satisfaction, affective image, festival experience, loyalty, personal value and cognitive image. Affective image and satisfaction are also major components of visitors’ loyalty towards these festivals. It was furthermore confirmed that variables such as occupation, province of residence, frequency of attendance and home language have an impact on festival visitors’ loyalty. The final objective of this study was to draw conclusions and make recommendations concerning the compilation and implementation of the brand loyalty model for arts festivals. This research makes important contributions theoretically, methodologically and practically. Theoretically, this study is unique since it is one of the first to indicate the role of marketing in enhancing brand loyalty and to analyse various brand loyalty constructs that can be further investigated by future researchers. Methodologically, this study developed a reliable and valid questionnaire for the measurement of brand loyalty in a festival context which can be used by other festivals to determine visitors’ loyalty. In addition, this study investigated distinctive relationships between the festival loyalty constructs and other demographic and festival-related variables. The impact of demographic variables on festival loyalty constructs was also explored. The greatest contribution of this study, however, is its practical contribution by developing a brand loyalty model for arts festivals which can be used by marketers of festivals to create, maintain and increase visitors’ loyalty towards their festivals. / PhD (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Produkty cestovního ruchu v oblasti zážitkové turistiky / Tourism Product in the Sphere of Adventure Tourism

Pelejová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
Tourism is becoming an ever more important part of the national economy. In advanced economies, the majority of inhabitants are employed in the services sector, which includes tourism. Currently tourism is at the peak of its development in the Czech Republic. A new, modern infrastructure is being built to connect up the natural and cultural treasures. My personal judgement is that it is primarily the finances from European funds, which have been streaming into the country for several years now, that have a large influence in this development. I see the market deficit in the CR to be poor communications between individual stakeholders. The comprehensive interconnection of services, information systems and tourist destinations. The aim of my work is to propose possible future cooperation for individual original, attractive stakeholders in experiential tourism within the territories of the Czech Republic, above all the Jindřichův Hradec district with its overlap into Lower Austria (Waldviertel). These stakeholders will then jointly form an area where both marketing and the professions are connected; this is known in the EU under the title of a tourism learning area (TLA). They can also be understood as destinations where individual stakeholders involved in experiential tourism are interconnected. The basic idea of the TLA seems relatively simple, however its implementation requires precise coordination and multilateral cooperation, and it is this that I want to achieve within this thesis.

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