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Biosocial reciprocity in environmental communication: a study of giant panda conservation communication in ChinaYang, Liuqing 25 April 2007 (has links)
This study proposes biosocial reciprocity framework in environmental
communication, which suggests the interdependent relationships between mass media,
people's attitudes, and the physical environment. Biosocial reciprocity is applied to
analyze the mass media's possible roles in giant panda conservation in China. The mass
media's image construction of giant pandas is assessed through a content analysis of
People's Daily (1995 to 2004); the conservation awareness, activities, and environment
changes are assessed by a review of the country's giant panda conservation history and
policies. The result suggests active interrelations among the media, Chinese attitudes
toward wildlife, and the loss of wild panda population and habitat. The study urges that
to positively influence the natural world, much needs to be done to improve the Chinese
media's effectiveness in fostering grassroots environmental value and awareness.
Biosocial reciprocity provides a practical conceptual framework for this study to sort out
media-related linkages between the social and physical world of giant panda
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Inclination to Join Farming among College Students in Southern TaiwanChen, Wei-Fu 11 February 2009 (has links)
Since recent years, while issues of environmental protection and green industries have been discussed globally, Taiwan¡¦s agricultural industry has attracted much attention. The local and central governments alike began to promote many agri-facilitating strategies and measures, such as agri-tourism, green technology, and renovation of rural villages. However, on the other hand, the farming population keep on declining through the years, as percentage which youngsters choose farming as an occupation remain significantly low. The current research explored the contemporary Taiwanese college student¡¦s perception of farm living, cognition of agricultural industries, their intentions to choose farming career in various situations, and factors influencing their occupation decisions. The theoretic constructs involved in the present study included: perception of rural living, attitude toward agriculture, knowledge of agricultural industries, values of occupation and intention to join farming. In addition, family supports and understanding of government¡¦s promotion for farming were included also as two practical considerations. The valid empirical sample of the study are 543 college students randomly collected from five public or private universities in southern Taiwan. Data analysis revealed that the reliability and validity of the measuring scales all reached adequate standards, showing good quality of the data. In the research results, regarding the interactive relationship among the main variables, most of the hypothesis obtained supports from the data with statistically significance. Yet, only a few clues could be seen vis-à-vis the higher level of variable relationships, due to the limitation of the applied analysis tool of regression.
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A Study on the Consumer Attitudes Toward Location-based Mobile AdvertisingLiu, Li-kuan 08 July 2009 (has links)
The location-based advertising utilizes location-tracking technology to provide users commercial information according to the locations of their mobile devices. This study discussed impact factors on audience¡¦s attitudes toward the location-based advertising. The results of the survey found that entertainment, personalization, privacy concerns, types of advertising and situational context significantly influenced on consumers¡¦ attitudes. The results indicate some implications for future research and marketers.
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Sustainable Cities : Realizing the Seven Forms of Community CapitalMohareb, Adrian, Murray, Kate, Ogbuagu, Chidi January 2009 (has links)
This report aimed to understand the reasoning that leads cities to undertake efforts to move towards sustainability. Interviews and surveys were undertaken with cities that are following the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development and other models in moving towards sustainability to understand the motivators and drivers, the barriers and challenges, and the benefits that these cities have encountered and realized through the move to sustainability. The motivators and drivers, barriers and challenges, and benefits were categorized within seven forms of community capital – natural, economic/financial, physical/built, social, cultural, human, and political. Returns on investment were categorized, and those that were pronounced were highlighted. A guidebook has been developed to assist sustainability practitioners and sustainability leaders in cities to engage senior-level decision-makers with language that would encourage them to move towards sustainability. / <p>If you would like to contact the authors, you can reach them at the email addresses below. Please replace (AT) with @ and (DOT) with . and remove all spaces. Adrian Mohareb - akmohareb (AT) gmail (DOT) com Kate Murray - katemariemurray (AT) gmail (DOT) com Chidi Ogbuagu - chidiogbuagu (AT) gmail (DOT) com</p>
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Darbuotojų kognityvinių kompetencijų bei empatiškumo sąsajos su jų požiūriu į etišką elgesį organizacijoje / Employees Cognitive Competencies and Empathy Relationship with Their Attitude toward Ethical Behavior in OrganizationNaujokaitienė, Justina 07 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti darbuotojų kognityvinių kompetencijų bei empatiškumo sąsajas su jų požiūriu į etišką elgesį organizacijoje.
Tyrime dalyvavo 324 Lietuvoje dirbantys darbuotojai iš skirtingų įvairaus dydžio ir pobūdžio organizacijų. Statistinėje analizėje tiriamųjų imtį sudarė 252 darbuotojai, iš jų 90 vyrų ir 162 moterys, kurių amžiaus vidurkis 32,10 (SD = 9,75). Didžioji dalis apklaustųjų darbuotojų dirbo vidutinio dydžio, privataus kapitalo organizacijose, paslaugų srityje.
Tiriamiesiems buvo pateikiamas klausimynas, kurį sudarė požiūrio į etišką elgesį matavimo skalės (etinės problemos atpažinimo, pritarimo priimtam etiškam sprendimui, etiško elgesio ketinimo), kognityvines kompetencijas matuojančios skalės (rizikos vertinimo tikslumo, atsispyrimo formulavimo efektui bei pasipriešinimo įsipareigojimo eskalavimo euristikai), empatijos skalė bei įvairūs demografines charakteristikas tiriantys klausimai.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbuotojai, kurie tiksliau vertina kylančią riziką bei mažiau priešinasi įsipareigojimų eskalavimo euristikai, vienodai tiksliai atpažįsta etinę problemą, vienodai pritaria priimtam etiškam sprendimui bei išreiškia tokį patį etiško elgesio ketinimą kaip ir darbuotojai, kurie mažiau tiksliai vertina kylančią riziką ir labiau priešinasi įsipareigojimų eskalavimo euristikai. Darbuotojai, kurie yra labiau priklausomi nuo formulavimo efekto, vienodai tiksliai atpažįsta etinę problemą bei vienodai pritaria priimtam etiškam sprendimui kaip ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to investigate whether employees cognitive competences and empathy is related to their attitude to ethical behavior.
The subjects of the study were 324 Lithuanian employees from different kind organizations. In the statistical analysis there was used data of 252 employees, which were 90 men and 162 women. The mean of their age was 32,10 (SD = 9,75). The biggest part of the respondents was working in the medium size private capital organizations in the facilities sphere.
There was given the questionnaire for the respondents, which consisted of three scales: attitude towards ethical behavior (recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision, and formulation of ethical behavior intent), cognitive competencies (consistency of risk perception, resistance to framing effect, and resistance to sunk cost effect) and empathy. Also there were demographic questions given to the respondents.
The results showed that there was no statistical difference between consistency of risk perception, resistance to sunk cost effect and recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision, and formulation of ethical behavior intent. Employees which are more dependent from the framing effect will not differ according to recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision from employees which are less dependent from the framing effect. Notwithstanding employees who are more dependent from the framing effect and employees who are less dependent from the... [to full text]
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Depresija ir cukriniu diabetu sergančiųjų asmenybės savybių sąsajos su pozityviu požiūriu į ligą / Relationship between positive attitude toward illness and personality characteristics among depression and diabetes patientsKerpaitė, Audronė 09 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kurios asmenybės savybės įtakoja pozityvius asmens pokyčius, susirgus depresija ar cukrinio diabeto II tipu.
Tyrime dalyvavo 228 respondentai, sergantys cukriniu diabetu arba depresija, iš kurių 183 anketos buvo tinkamos tolesniems skaičiavimams. Tarp cukriniu diabetu sergančiųjų buvo 21 (18,8 procentai) vyras ir 91 (81,3 procentai) moteris: amžiaus vidurkis 51,17 +/ - 14,648 metai. Depresija sergančiųjų buvo 71, iš kurių 26 (36,6 procentai) vyrai ir 45 (63,4 procentai) moterys: amžiaus vidurkis 46,52 +/ - 14,249 metai.
Apklaustos dvi grupės žmonių: viena – sergantys depresija ir besigydantys Žiegždrių psichiatrijos ligoninės depresijos skyriuje, kiti – sergantys cukrinio diabeto II tipu ir besilankantys cukrinio diabeto draugijose, „Aronija“, „Insula“.
Naudotos metodikos: LOT-R, Rosenbergo savigarbos, bendra saviveiksmingumo, atsparumo 30 teiginių, atsistatymo, suvoktos naudos skalės.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog asmenybės savybės labiau įtakoja pozityvų požiūrį į ligą nei sociodemografiniai rodikliai: cukrinio diabeto grupėje pozityvų požiūrį į ligą prognozuoja konstanta, atsistatymas ir amžius. Tuo tarpu depresijos grupėje pozityvų požiūrį į ligą prognozuoja konstanta ir amžius. Konstanta, neigiamas savigarbos rodiklis, teigiami atsistatymo ir amžiaus rodikliai prognozuoja pozityvų požiūrį į ligą, neišskiriant lėtinės ligos tipo. Cukrinio diabeto grupėje aukštesni savigarbos rodikliai siejasi su neigiamais dvasingumo rodikliais, aukštesni... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to ascertain which personality features influence positive person‘s changes in groups of depression and diabetes II type.
The subjects of the study were people positive attitude toward their chronic illness: diabetes or depression. There participated 228 respondents, but only 183 questionnaire form were available for continuing processing. 21 (18,8 percent) men and 91 (81,3 percent) women were in diabetes group. 51,17 +/ - 14,648 year was their average of age. 26 (36,6 percent) men and 45 (63,4 percent) women were in depression group. 46,52 +/ - 14,249 year was their average of age. Persons with diabetes illness were from diabetes association „Aronija“ and „Insula“ in Kaunas. Persons with depression illness were from Žiegždriai psychiatry hospital depression department.
Used methods: Life Orientation Test-Revised, Rosenberg‘s Self-esteem Scale, General Self-efficacy Scale, Hardy 30 Item Scale, Resilience Scale, Perceived Benefit Scale.
The results of the study showed that personality characteristics are more connected with the positive attitude toward illness than sociodemographic indicators: constant, positive resilience and age prognosticate positive attitude toward illness among diabetes patients. Constant and age prognosticate positive attitude toward illness among depression group. Constant (p < 0,001), negative self-esteem (β = -0,211, p = 0,035), positive resilience (β = 0,510, p < 0,001) and age (β = 0,253, p = 0,001) prognosticate positive... [to full text]
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Canadian social workers and complementary and alternative therapies: a web based survey of their knowledge, use and attitudes.Partyka, Elzbieta 15 January 2014 (has links)
The growing interest and use of complementary and alternative approaches by the general public has created pressure on many health care providers to broaden their traditional scope of practice and integrate complementary and alternative therapies into their repertoire. This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and level of integration of complementary and alternative approaches by Canadian social workers. Due to limited literature on social work use of complementary and alternative approaches, a broad operational definition of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) was utilized in the study and a wide range of approaches were listed in the questionnaire.
This cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative research study included 311 Canadian social workers. A self-administered, web-based survey was developed for the study to examine social workers’ level of knowledge, use, as well as attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine.
Based on the findings of the study, Canadian social workers demonstrate general familiarity with CAM, however are less likely to be trained in the approaches. Despite lack of appropriate training, a significant number of social workers integrate complementary and alternative approaches into their practice. Overall, Canadian social workers hold a positive attitude toward complementary and alternative medicine. They express interest in broadening their knowledge in CAM as well as are open to integrating some approaches into their practice.
Implications of the findings and further research suggestion are offered at the conclusion of the thesis.
There are several implications from this study, most importantly the need for clear guidelines around integration of those approaches into social work practice and inclusion of complementary and alternative methods into social work educational curriculum.
There exists number of external and internal threats to validity of the study.
The limitations of the study include lack of participation from a number of Canadian provincial social work regulatory bodies. Also the use of web based, English only survey, and may have deterred some social workers. Self-selection process may have attracted those with extreme opinions about the topic. The descriptive nature of the study did not require manipulation of the variables, the analysis was bi-variate, and, therefore could not account for confounding factors.
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Canadian social workers and complementary and alternative therapies: a web based survey of their knowledge, use and attitudes.Partyka, Elzbieta 15 January 2014 (has links)
The growing interest and use of complementary and alternative approaches by the general public has created pressure on many health care providers to broaden their traditional scope of practice and integrate complementary and alternative therapies into their repertoire. This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and level of integration of complementary and alternative approaches by Canadian social workers. Due to limited literature on social work use of complementary and alternative approaches, a broad operational definition of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) was utilized in the study and a wide range of approaches were listed in the questionnaire.
This cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative research study included 311 Canadian social workers. A self-administered, web-based survey was developed for the study to examine social workers’ level of knowledge, use, as well as attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine.
Based on the findings of the study, Canadian social workers demonstrate general familiarity with CAM, however are less likely to be trained in the approaches. Despite lack of appropriate training, a significant number of social workers integrate complementary and alternative approaches into their practice. Overall, Canadian social workers hold a positive attitude toward complementary and alternative medicine. They express interest in broadening their knowledge in CAM as well as are open to integrating some approaches into their practice.
Implications of the findings and further research suggestion are offered at the conclusion of the thesis.
There are several implications from this study, most importantly the need for clear guidelines around integration of those approaches into social work practice and inclusion of complementary and alternative methods into social work educational curriculum.
There exists number of external and internal threats to validity of the study.
The limitations of the study include lack of participation from a number of Canadian provincial social work regulatory bodies. Also the use of web based, English only survey, and may have deterred some social workers. Self-selection process may have attracted those with extreme opinions about the topic. The descriptive nature of the study did not require manipulation of the variables, the analysis was bi-variate, and, therefore could not account for confounding factors.
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A Study on Exploring People’s Affinity for SolitudeLee, Sunwoo 02 October 2013 (has links)
This study sought to investigate solitude as a phenomenon. People’s affinity for solitude and the antecedents of affinity for solitude were of crucial interest to the study because affinity for solitude has been considered a strong determinant of solitude behavior. Based on the review of existing solitude studies, major constructs believed to comprise an empirical model were theoretically and operationally defined: affinity for solitude, general attitudes toward solitude, subjective norms, perceived control, extraversion, intended solitude behavior, and actual solitude behavior. The relationships among latent factors were hypothesized for empirical tests.
A questionnaire was designed to measure the above constructs. Several items were based on previous studies although several items were developed by the investigator. A total of 395 college students, 162 male and 233 female students completed an online survey in exchange for extra credit. Preliminary analysis indicated the internal consistency of the battery of measurement scales used in this study were highly reliable; the measurement test also provided empirical evidence of the construct validity of the developed measures.
A test of the hypothesized model of people’s affinity for solitude revealed that there were well-defined path relationships between latent factors with a good fit between the measures and the sample data. Findings revealed that general attitudes toward solitude and subjective norms positively contributed to affinity for solitude; while extraversion negatively influenced affinity for solitude. Affinity for solitude effectively predicted intended solitude behavior and actual solitude behavior. Additionally, the study found that subjective norms and general attitudes toward solitude also significantly predicted intended solitude behavior.
A model of people’s affinity for solitude and solitude behavior allowed us to analytically view the latent social and cognitive factors that significantly inform people’s affinity for solitude and their solitude behavior. This study is valuable in two ways. First, theoretical and empirical approaches derived from this current study suggest ways of conceptualizing solitude attitudes and behavior. Second, study findings account for the antecedents and consequences of affinity for solitude.
Theoretical relations and several implications associated with college students and recreation management were presented. Additionally, the limitations of the study followed by suggestions for improvements and possible directions for future research were discussed.
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Modeling Of The Factors Affecting Science Achievement Of Eighth Grade Turkish Students Based On The Third International Mathematics And Science StudyOzdemir, Ertugrul 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that are related to students&rsquo / science achievement in TIMSS-R. Basically instructional activities, affective characteristics of students and socioeconomic status (SES) were taken as the variables of the model proposed within the Linear Structural Modeling (LSM) framework. This study examined the TIMSS data for Turkish students with the sample size of 7841 through the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Resulting path diagram showed that the largest relationship existed between science achievement and SES of students. It was also observed that students&rsquo / enjoyment of science did not seem to have a significant contribution on science achievement. In addition, science achievement had a negative relationship with the classroom activities considered as student-centered. On the other hand, the activities considered as teacher-centered had a positive impact on the science achievement scores of the TIMSS tests. It was also observed that science achievement and perception of success/failure in science were highly related with each other. The results were interpreted within the framework of Turkish educational system, and some suggestions for future research studies were proposed.
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