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Numerical Simulation of Moving Boundary ProblemVuta, Ravi K 04 May 2007 (has links)
Numerical simulation of cell motility is one of the difficult problems in computational science. It belongs to a class of problems which involve moving interfaces between flowing or deforming media. Different numerical techniques are being developed for different application areas and in this work an attempt is made to apply two popular numerical techniques used in the field of computational multiphase flows to a cell motility problem. An unsteady cell motility problem is considered to simulate numerically based on a two-dimensional mathematical model. Two important numerical methods, the Level set method and the Front tracking methods are applied to the cell motility problem to study several cases and to verify the convergence of the solution. With the assumption of no mechanical or physical obstructions to the cell, the results of the numerical simulations show that the domain shapes converge to a circular shape as they reach the steady state condition. The final steady state velocities with which the domains move and the final steady state area to which they converge are observed to be independent of domain shapes. Moreover all shapes converge to exactly same radius of circle and move with same velocity after reaching steady state condition.
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Computational Studies of Electrorheological EmulsionsBehjatian Esfahani, Ali 01 December 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we report the results of investigations on the rheological response of emulsions to the application of the electric field. A front-tracking finite difference scheme is used in conjunction with Taylor-Melcher leaky dielectric theory to study the problem. The numerical results in different regions of the deformation-circulation map show that the structure formation in regions I and III can be hindered by the hydrodynamic effect. This is opposite to what is observed in the perfect dielectric cases and region II of the map. For perfect dielectric systems, where the electrohydrodynamics effects are absent, droplets form chain-like structures spanning the distance between the electrodes after the application of the electric field. Subsequently, the chains interact with each other to form columns comprising two or more chains. Point-dipole approximation is used to analyze the structure formation and it is shown that it is also applicable to region II where the hydrodynamic effect is weak and the behavior of the system is mainly governed by the dielectrophoretic forces. It is shown that the chain formation is not possible in regions I and III due to the competition between the dipolar force and torque on one side and hydrodynamic effect on the other side. In region I, the hydrodynamic torque prevents the chain formation by competing with the dipolar torque, which tends to align the drops with the electric field. On the other hand, in region III, the repulsive nature of the hydrodynamic effect opposes the attractive dipolar force and does not allow the particles to form stable chains.
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A non-intrusive video tracking method to measure movement of a moored vesselKieviet, Johan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are several ports around the world currently experiencing problems with moored vessel
motions. Extreme vessel motions are mainly caused by long waves, which can become trapped
inside a harbour basin. The extreme motions can cause downtime in port operations and in some
instances cause mooring lines to break.
Methods and procedures currently available to measure motions of moored vessels require vessel
specific information as input. The implementation of these methods is seen as impractical to
implement on every vessel visiting the port and require the physical measurement of some points on
the vessel and/or the placement of some kind of measurement device on the vessel.
A new Six Degree of Freedom (6DOF) motion measurement system for a moored vessel is presented
in this document. The system analyses a video image sequence from one camera. The method
estimates the 3D rigid motion for an object of known size by using a Pose from Orthography and
Scaling with ITerations (POSIT) algorithm. The object for which the motion is estimated is located on
the deck of the vessel and within the camera field of view. Geometric rigid body calculations allow
for the calculation of camera perspective rotations and translation of an object on the vessel.
Further geometric calculations allow for converting camera perspective motions to the 6DOF object
The primary objective of this study was to validate and verify the motions obtained from two
proof-of-concept tracking systems. For evaluation purposes, the validation was done by using a small
scale physical model set-up in a hydraulics laboratory and using a known method as reference. The
Keoship system from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is currently one of the
most accurate small scale vessel motion measurement systems and was used as reference.
The first method tested was the tracking of a 2D LED rectangle mounted on the vessel. This method
tracked a 2D object and was primarily used as a stepping stone to measure movement of a 3D
object. The second method tracked a 3D object on the vessel. Each tracking method was tested for
four different wave conditions with each condition additionally repeated twice as repeatability tests,
resulting in a total of 12 tests for each tracking method.
When comparing the 2D LED tracking and 3D Object tracking data to data measured with the
Keoship system, results show that in general, the 3D Object tracking data compared better to the
Keoship data. Tests under controlled conditions enabled a direct estimation of the absolute accuracy
of the two developed methods.
The verification and accuracy test results, indicated that the 2D LED tracking system should not be
pursued further. The results also indicated that for prototype motions exceeding 0.6 m (i.e. storm
events) the 3D Object tracking system would have an accuracy close to the maximum allowable accuracy criterion of 0.1 m. This makes the system viable at its current proof-of-concept stage for
further development which would enable rapid deployment during a storm event in a prototype situation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is verskeie hawens regoor die wêreld wat tans bewegings probleme op gemeerde skepe ervaar.
Hierdie buitensporige bewegings word veroorsaak deur lang periode golwe wat binne die hawe
bekkens vasgekeer word. Dit kan daartoe lei dat hawe bedrywighede tot stilstand kom en in
ernstige gevalle ook veroorsaak dat meringslyne breek.
Huidige metodes vir die meet van skeepsbewegings op vasgemeerde skepe, vereis skeep spesifieke
inligting as inset. Die toepassing van hierdie metodes op elke skip wat die hawe besoek, word as
onprakties beskou, aangesien dit die fisiese meting van sekere punte op die skip behels. In sekere
gevalle is dit selfs nodig om meet toestelle op die skip te plaas.
In hierdie dokument word ‘n nuwe metode aangebied om die ses grade van vryheid bewegings vir ‘n
vasgemeerde skip te meet. Hierdie stelsel analiseer ‘n video beeld reeks van een kamera. Die
metode bereken die 3D rigiede beweging van ‘n voorwerp, waarvan die grootte bekend is. ’n ‘Pose
from Orthography and scaling with Iterations’ (POSIT) algoritme word hiervoor gebruik. Die
voorwerp waarvoor beweging gemeet word is op die dek van die skip en in kamera sig. Rigiede
geometriese voorwerp berekeninge word gebruik om die rotasie en translasie vanuit ‘n kamera
perspektief te bereken. Verdere geometriese berekeninge maak dit moontlik om die bewegings
vanuit die kamera perspektief te omskep in die ses grade van vryheid bewegings van die voorwerp.
Die hoof doelwit van hierdie ondersoek was om die gemete bewegings van twee beweging stelsels
te valideer en te verifieer. Die validasie en verifiëring was in ‘n hidrolise laboratorium met ‘n klein
skaal model opstelling getoets. ‘n Meet metode van skeepsbeweging op klein skaal wat reeds
bekend is, is gebruik as ‘n verwysingsraamwerk waarteen die metings vergelyk kan word. Die
Keoship stelsel van die Wetenskaplike Nywerheids Navorsings Raad (WNNR) is tans een van die
mees akkurate klein skaal skeepsbeweging meet stelsels, en was as verwysing gebruik.
Die eerste bewegings metode is getoets op ‘n 2D reghoek vervaaridig uit ligstralede diodes. Hierdie metode het die 2D voorwerp gevolg en is hoofsaaklik gebruik as ‘n boublok om die beweging van ‘n
3D voorwerp te volg. Die tweede metode het die beweging van ‘n 3D voorwerp op ‘n skip gevolg.
Vir elke meet metode was daar vier verskillende golf toestande. Elke golf toestand was ook ‘n
verdere twee keer herhaal vir herhaalbaarheids doeleindes. Saam met die herhaalbaarheids toetse
was daar in totaal, 12 toetse vir elkeen van die twee metodes gedoen.
Met die Keoship metode as verwysing, bewys hierdie toetse dat die 3D metode beter resultate lewer
as die 2D metode. Toetse onder beheerde toestande, het dit moontlik gemaak om die absolute
akkuraatheid van albei sisteme wat ontwikkel was, te evalueer.
Verifikasie en akuraatheids toetse het aangedui dat verdere ontwikkeling van die 2D metode gestuit
moet word. Die resultate het ook aangedui dat die 3D metode ‘n akuraatheid baie na aan die
maatstaf van 0.1 m sal hê wanneer prototipe bewegings 0.6 m oorskrei (b.v. gedurende ‘n storm).
Dit sal die oplossing lewensvatbaar maak by die huidige bewys van konsep fase vir die verdere
ontwikkeling wat vinnige ontplooiing gedurende ‘n storm sal moontlik maak.
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Advanced control for power density maximization of the brushless DC generatorLee, Hyung-Woo 17 February 2005 (has links)
This dissertation proposes a novel control technique for power density maximization of the brushless DC (BLDC) generator which is a nonsinusoidal power supply system. In a generator of given rating, the weight and size of the system affect the fuel consumption directly, therefore power density is one of the most important issues in a stand-alone generator. Conventional rectification methods cannot achieve the maximum power possible because of a distorted or unsuitable current waveform. The optimal current waveform for maximizing power density and minimizing machine size and weight in a nonsinusoidal power supply system has been proposed theoretically and verified by simulation and experimental work. Also, various attributes of practical interest are analyzed and simulated to investigate the impact on real systems.
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Advanced control for power density maximization of the brushless DC generatorLee, Hyung-Woo 17 February 2005 (has links)
This dissertation proposes a novel control technique for power density maximization of the brushless DC (BLDC) generator which is a nonsinusoidal power supply system. In a generator of given rating, the weight and size of the system affect the fuel consumption directly, therefore power density is one of the most important issues in a stand-alone generator. Conventional rectification methods cannot achieve the maximum power possible because of a distorted or unsuitable current waveform. The optimal current waveform for maximizing power density and minimizing machine size and weight in a nonsinusoidal power supply system has been proposed theoretically and verified by simulation and experimental work. Also, various attributes of practical interest are analyzed and simulated to investigate the impact on real systems.
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On the Detection of Retinal Vessels in Fundus ImagesFang, Bin, Hsu, Wynne, Lee, Mong Li 01 1900 (has links)
Ocular fundus image can provide information on pathological changes caused by local ocular diseases and early signs of certain systemic diseases. Automated analysis and interpretation of fundus images has become a necessary and important diagnostic procedure in ophthalmology. Among the features in ocular fundus image are the optic disc, fovea (central vision area), lesions, and retinal vessels. These features are useful in revealing the states of diseases in the form of measurable abnormalities such as length of diameter, change in color, and degree of tortuosity in the vessels. In addition, retinal vessels can also serve as landmarks for image-guided laser treatment of choroidal neovascularization. Thus, reliable methods for blood vessel detection that preserve various vessel measurements are needed. In this paper, we will examine the pathological issues in the analysis of retinal vessels in digital fundus images and give a survey of current image processing methods for extracting vessels in retinal images with a view to categorize them and highlight their differences and similarities. We have also implemented two major approaches using matched filter and mathematical morphology respectively and compared their performances. Some prospective research directions are identified. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Water Quality Simulation with Particle Tracking MethodSun, Yuanyuan 18 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In the numerical simulation of fluid flow and solute transport in porous media, finite element method (FEM) has long been utilized and has been proven to be efficient. In this work, an alternative approach called random walk particle tracking (RWPT) method is proposed. In this method, a finite number of particles represent the distribution of a solute mass. Each particle carries a certain fraction of the total mass and moves in the porous media according to the velocity field.
The proposed RWPT model is established on a scientific software platform OpenGeoSys (OGS), which is an open source initiative for numerical simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in porous media. The flow equation is solved using finite element method in OGS. The obtained hydraulic heads are numerically differentiated to obtain the velocity field. The particle tracking method does not solve the transport equation directly but deals with it in a physically stochastic manner by using the velocity field. Parallel computing concept is included in the model implementation to promote computational efficiency.
Several benchmarks are developed for the particle tracking method in OGS to simulate solute transport in porous media and pore space. The simulation results are compared to analytical solutions and other numerical methods to test the presented method. The particle tracking method can accommodate Darcy flow as it is the main consideration in groundwater flow. Furthermore, other flow processes such as Forchheimer flow or Richards flow can be combined with as well. Two applications indicate the capability of the method to handle theoretical real-world problems. This method can be applied as a tool to elicit and discern the detailed structure of evolving contaminant plumes. / Bei der numerischen Simulation von Strömung und Stofftransport in porösen Medien hat die Nutzung der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) eine lange Tradition und wird sich als effizient erweisen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein alternativer Ansatz, die random walk particle tracking (RWPT) Methode vorgeschlagen. Bei diesem Verfahren stellt eine endliche Anzahl von Partikeln die Verteilung eines gelösten Stoffes dar. Jedes Teilchen trägt einen bestimmten Bruchteil der Gesamtmasse und bewegt sich in den porösen Medien gemäß des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes.
Das vorgeschlagene RWPT Modell basiert auf der wissenschaftlichen Softwareplattform OpenGeoSys (OGS), die eine Open-Source-Initiative für die numerische Simulation thermo-hydro-mechanisch-chemischen (THMC) in porösen Medien darstellt. Die Strömungsgleichung wird in OGS mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode gelöst. Der Grundwasserstand wird numerisch berechnet, um das Geschwindigkeitsfeld zu erhalten. Die Partikel-Tracking-Methode löst die Transportgleichung nicht direkt, sondern befasst sich mit ihr in einer physikalisch stochastische Weise unter Nutzung des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes. Zur Berücksichtigung der Recheneffizienz ist ein Parallel Computing-Konzept in der Modell-Implementierung enthalten.
Zur Simulation des Stofftransports in porösen Medien und im Porenraum wurden mehrere Benchmarks für die Partikel-Tracking-Methode in OGS entwickelt. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit analytischen Lösungen und andere numerische Methoden verglichen, um die Aussagefähigkeit des vorgestellten Verfahrens zu bestätigen. Mit der Partikel-Tracking-Methode kann die Darcy-Strömung gelöst werden, die das wichtigste Kriterium in der Grundwasserströmung ist. Außerdem bewältigt die Methode auch andere Strömungsprozesse, wie die Forchheimer-Strömung und die Richards-Strömung. Zwei Anwendungen zeigen die Leistungsfähigkeit der Methode bei der prinzipiellen Handhabung von Problemen der realen Welt. Die Methode kann als ein Instrument zur Aufdeckung Erkennung der detaillierte Struktur von sich entwickelnden Schadstofffahnenangewendet werden.
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Měření trajektorie malých cílů pomocí sítě CW radarů / Small Target Trajectory Measurement Using CW Radar NetworkFuchs, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on target trajectory identification using CW radar sensor network measuring. An omni-directional radar based on single mixing is considered for measurement in ballistic tunnel, where information about direction of target approaching is a priory known. Applied experimental radar network setup with system controller and acquisition units is demonstrated. Mathematical models and optimized structures have been developed for fitting of system parameters and presented in the theoretical part. The second part is aimed to the multi-trajectory identification. New methodical techniques of this work consist in identification of the points of the closest approach with V model function and utilizing gradient methods for path identification.
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Novel Colorimetric Sensors with Extended Lifetime for Personal Exposure MonitoringJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Air pollution has been linked to various health problems but how different air pollutants and exposure levels contribute to those diseases remain largely unknown. Researchers have mainly relied on data from government air monitoring stations to study the health effects of air pollution exposure. The limited information provided by sparse stations has low spatial and temporal resolution, which is not able to represent the actual exposure of individuals. A tool that can accurately monitor personal exposure provides valuable data for epidemiologists to understand the relationship between air pollution and certain diseases. It also allows individuals to be aware of any ambient air quality issues and prevent air pollution exposure. To build such a tool, sensors with features of fast response, small size, long lifetime, high sensitivity, high selectivity, and multi-analyte sensing are of great importance.
In order to meet these requirements, three generations of novel colorimetric sensors have been developed. The first generation is mosaic colorimetric sensors based on tiny sensor blocks and by detecting absorbance change after each air sample injection, the target analyte concentration can be measured. The second generation is a gradient-based colorimetric sensor. Lateral transport of analytes across the colorimetric sensor surface creates a color gradient that shifts along the transport direction over time, and the sensor tracks the gradient shift and converts it into analyte concentration in real-time. The third generation is gradient-based colorimetric arrays fabricated by inkjet-printing method that integrates multiple sensors on a miniaturized sensor chip. Unlike traditional colorimetric sensors, such as detection tubes and optoelectronic nose, that are typically for one-time use, the presented three generations of colorimetric sensors aim to continuously monitor multiple air pollutants and the sensor lifetime and fabrication methods have been improved over each generation. Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide are chosen as analytes of interest. The performance of sensors has been validated in the lab and field tests, proving the capability of the sensors to be used for personal exposure monitoring. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Chemistry 2019
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Water Quality Simulation with Particle Tracking MethodSun, Yuanyuan 07 November 2013 (has links)
In the numerical simulation of fluid flow and solute transport in porous media, finite element method (FEM) has long been utilized and has been proven to be efficient. In this work, an alternative approach called random walk particle tracking (RWPT) method is proposed. In this method, a finite number of particles represent the distribution of a solute mass. Each particle carries a certain fraction of the total mass and moves in the porous media according to the velocity field.
The proposed RWPT model is established on a scientific software platform OpenGeoSys (OGS), which is an open source initiative for numerical simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in porous media. The flow equation is solved using finite element method in OGS. The obtained hydraulic heads are numerically differentiated to obtain the velocity field. The particle tracking method does not solve the transport equation directly but deals with it in a physically stochastic manner by using the velocity field. Parallel computing concept is included in the model implementation to promote computational efficiency.
Several benchmarks are developed for the particle tracking method in OGS to simulate solute transport in porous media and pore space. The simulation results are compared to analytical solutions and other numerical methods to test the presented method. The particle tracking method can accommodate Darcy flow as it is the main consideration in groundwater flow. Furthermore, other flow processes such as Forchheimer flow or Richards flow can be combined with as well. Two applications indicate the capability of the method to handle theoretical real-world problems. This method can be applied as a tool to elicit and discern the detailed structure of evolving contaminant plumes. / Bei der numerischen Simulation von Strömung und Stofftransport in porösen Medien hat die Nutzung der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) eine lange Tradition und wird sich als effizient erweisen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein alternativer Ansatz, die random walk particle tracking (RWPT) Methode vorgeschlagen. Bei diesem Verfahren stellt eine endliche Anzahl von Partikeln die Verteilung eines gelösten Stoffes dar. Jedes Teilchen trägt einen bestimmten Bruchteil der Gesamtmasse und bewegt sich in den porösen Medien gemäß des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes.
Das vorgeschlagene RWPT Modell basiert auf der wissenschaftlichen Softwareplattform OpenGeoSys (OGS), die eine Open-Source-Initiative für die numerische Simulation thermo-hydro-mechanisch-chemischen (THMC) in porösen Medien darstellt. Die Strömungsgleichung wird in OGS mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode gelöst. Der Grundwasserstand wird numerisch berechnet, um das Geschwindigkeitsfeld zu erhalten. Die Partikel-Tracking-Methode löst die Transportgleichung nicht direkt, sondern befasst sich mit ihr in einer physikalisch stochastische Weise unter Nutzung des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes. Zur Berücksichtigung der Recheneffizienz ist ein Parallel Computing-Konzept in der Modell-Implementierung enthalten.
Zur Simulation des Stofftransports in porösen Medien und im Porenraum wurden mehrere Benchmarks für die Partikel-Tracking-Methode in OGS entwickelt. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit analytischen Lösungen und andere numerische Methoden verglichen, um die Aussagefähigkeit des vorgestellten Verfahrens zu bestätigen. Mit der Partikel-Tracking-Methode kann die Darcy-Strömung gelöst werden, die das wichtigste Kriterium in der Grundwasserströmung ist. Außerdem bewältigt die Methode auch andere Strömungsprozesse, wie die Forchheimer-Strömung und die Richards-Strömung. Zwei Anwendungen zeigen die Leistungsfähigkeit der Methode bei der prinzipiellen Handhabung von Problemen der realen Welt. Die Methode kann als ein Instrument zur Aufdeckung Erkennung der detaillierte Struktur von sich entwickelnden Schadstofffahnenangewendet werden.
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