Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grade theory.""
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A comparative study of foreign investment decisions by small and medium-sized British and German manufacturing companiesBriemann, Norbert January 1989 (has links)
'!he subject of this stuiy is the small am nalium-sized IlI.ll.tinational manufacturirg ent:ezprise. It examines am c:::cup:rres the nDtives am process of direct investment in foreign manufacturirg facilities of a sample of sixty-two British am GentIan c:x:upmies. A cx:.ITprehensive approach to the analysis has been chosen which, because of the nature of smaller c:x:upmies facilitates urDerst:an:iin:. '!he study falls into three broad parts. In part one (sections 1-5), theories of international trade am theories of the finn are examined for the contribution they make to an urDerst:an:iin: of direct investment am inferences are drawn for the researc:::h stratay. Part two (section 6), c:::cup:rres the structure of nDtives of the sample c:x:upmies am the degree of their fulfilment. In the final part (section7), the process of settirg up manufacturirg subsidiaries is examined in the light of a three-P'lase framework of decision, start-up am managin] stages. Wherever awropriate or possible, reference is made to existin] empirical evidence. '!he conclusion is reached that direct investment by smaller c:x:upmies is increasirxJ in seep! am pace. Market mtives predaninate in all cases. British c:x:upmies invest in search of J'leiI markets, whereas Geman finns are mre concerned with securirg existirg market positions. FUrther llDti ves vary aoc:x>rdin::J to ci.rcumst:aJx:es, perceptions am inlividual factors. In their nDSt recent investments finns prefer full a..mership am control. '!he quality am potential of management is a critical factor for success.
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Direct foreign investment and welfare in a small open economy : a theoretical analysisRaimondos, Pascalis January 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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The effects of the EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement on trade flowsAndersson, Jesper, Sundqvist, Linn January 2018 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mexico and the countries that resembles the European Union(EU) prior to the expansion in 2004, hereafter(EU15). The purpose is to analyze the effects of the FTA between the trading parties and investigate whether the FTA has resulted in positive effects on export volumes. The model includes 16 countries and is estimated with panel data between the years 1997-2016. We apply a gravity model as econometric framework and perform two regressions, one with fixed effects and one with random effects. Our results suggest that export volumes from Mexico to the EU on an aggregated level have increased for Mexico and the EU has increased. However, in contrast to previous estimates, our results show that the FTA have generated negative effects on trade creation between the trading parties.
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Classical Free Trade: A Policy Towards Economic Growth and DevelopmentMorales Meoqui, Jorge 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The central aim of this dissertation is to make an unambiguous international trade policy recommendation for developing countries grounded on rigorous economic theory. As is generally known, trade models featuring increasing returns to scale and imperfect competition have challenged the mainstream case for free trade which is built upon unrealistic assumptions like constant return to scale and perfect competition. In this context, the core contribution of this dissertation is the restatement of the original free-trade case made by the classical political economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo. This restatement is based on the accurate interpretation of Ricardo's famous numerical example in chapter 7 of the Principles. The classical case for free trade formulated by Smith and Ricardo neither relies on unrealistic assumptions nor the laissez-faire doctrine. On the contrary, it stipulates that free trade should always be accompanied by public policies that expand the provision of public education, job training, health care and infrastructure. Moreover, a widespread policy change towards free trade should always be implemented gradually, in order to take care of those groups who might be affected in the short run by the increased level of international competition and technological progress. The main conclusion of the dissertation is that free trade - as conceived by classical political economy - is the most suitable international trade policy for developed as well developing countries for achieving sustainable economic growth and development. (author's abstract)
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The effect of Mercosur on trade : How have Mercosur effected trade between member countries?Habtu, Besrat, Ahmed, Intisar January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines whether there is an effect of the Mercosur free trade agreement on export and import between member countries. The study uses an extended gravity model framework on a panel data between the years 1975 to 2017 for 34 countries, including the member countries. Two different regressions were run using OLS and country fixed effect. A Linder effect was also added to the regressions to further understand the impact on trade. The results show a significantly positive effect of the FTA on imports. The FTA yielded insignificant and significantly negative result for OLS and FEM respectively on exports.
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Trading transparency: How it affects the coffee farmers?Edwardsson, Evelina, Giannisi, Elena January 2019 (has links)
Trading processes are occurring every day in all industries, and people within these processes are constantly faced with inequalities due to different power structures and opportunities. In particularly, the coffee industry is one industry that is affected by these trading differences. The purpose of this thesis is to examine two different trading concepts within the coffee industry; blockchain and direct trade, and how these are affecting the livelihood of the coffee farmers. This thesis was analysed from consumer’s and supplier’s perspective, which correspond to blockchain and direct trade respectively. Further, through a deductive qualitative research we gathered empirical findings which prove that farmers of developing countries such as Ethiopia and Guatemala can better off through a transparent and essential relationship, which either concept provides. Particularly, while blockchain encourages ethical customer to channel its purchasing power to the farmer, in order to improve their livelihood, a direct trade relationship between farmer and the buyer provides a personal connection in a vision to thrive together.
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Safeguarding Free Trade in Recessions : - A Game-Theoretic Interpretation of the Multilateral Policy Response to the 2008 Crisisvon Seth, Carl Johan January 2011 (has links)
I propose a simple approach to trade cooperation in economic shocks. A two-country, two-good trade model provides a stage setting. In a dynamic model, international demand for traded goods is allowed to be subject to sudden shocks. Numerical simulations predict that negative, sustained demand shocks may spark trade wars. Negative demand shocks that are short relative to the period it takes for governments to detect violations render instead incentives in free trade agreements more robust. I find that the multilateral policy response to the 2008 crisis - to temporarily enhance multilateral information mechanisms - may have worked to strengthen this effect. / I den här uppsatsen analyseras incitament i handelsavtal under ekonomiska chocker utifrån grundläggande spelteori. Jag finner att långa lågkonjunkturer påverkar incitamenten på ett sätt som kan få parterna att frångå avtalet och starta ett tullkrig. Korta lågkonjunkturer stärker i stället incitamenten i avtalet. Jag argumenterar för att brytpunkten mellan en tullkrigsutlösande lågkonjunktur och en incitamentstärkande lågkonjunktur kan regleras genom att tillfälligt stärka informationsmekanismerna kring avtalet och att de multilaterala åtgärderna i krisens spår kan ha haft den effekten.
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Heckscher-Ohlin Model - Theory and Empirical Performance / Heckscher-Ohlinův Model - Teorie a EmpirieAndo, Juraj January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with one of the building blocks of the classical theory of international trade, known as the Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) model. It consists of two parts -- in the first one, the model is briefly introduced and related theorems - theoretical extensions of the model - are presented. This introduction is then followed by a discussion on the empirical performance of the model. In the second part, the factor price equalization theorem, closely related to the original H-O model, is both theoretically and empirically analysed.
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A economia política dos acordos preferenciais de comércio: aplicação de um jogo não-cooperativo de Stackelberg na análise da Área de Livre-Comércio das AméricasMotta, Daniel Augusto 04 November 2005 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar a economia política dos acordos preferenciais de comércio (APC) a partir de um jogo político seqüencial não-cooperativo de Stackelberg entre uma grande economia e uma pequena economia, onde a disputa política entre grupos lobistas rivais define as preferências unilaterais dos governos no primeiro estágio e o equilíbrio coalitionproof de Stackelberg define o formato do acordo de livre comércio no segundo estágio. Então se modifica a estrutura inicial do jogo político bilateral para um processo de barganha entre n países. Finalmente, aplica-se o modelo teórico ao caso particular da ALCA. / The purpose of this paper is to analyse the political economy of preferential trade agreements (PTA) based on a sequential non-cooperative Stackelberg political game between a large economy and a small economy, in which the political dispute of rival lobby groups defines the unilateral stance of both governments in the first stage and the Stackelberg coalition-proof equilibrium defines the format of the free trade agreement in the second stage. Then the initial bilateral political game hypothesis is relaxed to accomplish a more complex bargaining game with n economies. Finally the theoretical framework is applied to FTAA.
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Inomföretagshandel : en deskriptiv studie av de gängse ekonomiska modellernas förmåga att förklara inomföretagshandelAndersson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay in economic geography describes what intra-firm trade as a concept is and different ways to determine in which cases trade is to be labeled as intra-firm trade (IFT) or not. The method used by the author is most easily described as descriptive. This method was chosen in order to test if existing theories; classic and neoclassic economics, new trade theory and international business studies, are capable to explain the phenomena of IFT. The theories are tested trough primary and secondary literature but also trough reasoning by the author.</p><p>The conclusion is that the most reasonable way to determine whether trade occurs intra-firm or not, is to decide upon a 5-% rule where it when one part owns 5-% of the voting strength in the other company is to be considered intra-firm trade. This is a conclusion based on several reasons; the strongest one being that a common view on IFT could boost comparative studies as the U.S already collects data based on the 5-% rule.</p><p>Classic and neoclassic economics are incapable of explaining IFT as aprerequisite for these theories is that markets are perfect. IFT can only beexplained by models building on imperfect markets hence new trade theory and international business are more successful in explaining IFT.</p>
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