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Translation quality issues : aspects and prospects /Palnau, Kenneth E. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Monterey Institute of International Studies, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.
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'n Nuwe vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans : 'n perspektief op die teorie en praktyk /Van Rensburg, Alta. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.
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A saving grace de Lorna Crozier, traduction et commentaireCrozier, Lorna January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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德勒茲和伽塔里「動態形成」理論視角下的翻譯研究: 以兩個西方自傳譯敘文本為例= A Delezuean-Guattarian approach of "becoming" to translation: illustrated by two case studies in the Chinese translation of Western autobiographical narratives王瓊, 15 October 2015 (has links)
「動態形成」哲學思想源自法國後現代哲學家吉爾·德勒茲和菲力克斯·伽塔里 。該思想的三個核心概念即「疆域解構與重構」、「根狀派生網絡」和「差異 與重複」。本研究試圖在翻譯研究領域,將這三個概念運用於解釋翻譯的動態 過程和翻譯產品的差異化形成現象。傳統描寫翻譯學,關注目標文本形成過程 的宏觀社會文化現象,注重詮釋目標文本與源文本之間的靜態、單一和結構式 的對等關係。這種思維方式把目標文本的形成現象,想象成必須符合某种預先 設定的概念,忽略了目標文本多元形成的可能性。運用德勒茲和伽塔里的「動 態形成」後現代哲學思想,是為了改變傳統的思維範式,即放棄從抽象概念進 行思考,而聚焦於實際文本數據,並且從中找出某种形成的規律和提煉理論概 念。「動態形成」後現代哲學思想將翻譯看作是一種多元網狀派生的動態過程 ,譯者在實際語用環境中進行語際轉換時,各種圍繞文本派生的異質元素之間 得以相遇、碰撞和轉變,形成多元可能的聯結和聚合,而正是這種動態隨機的 意義重複過程,才内聚形成了差異性的翻譯產品。 本研究運用「動態形成」哲學思想闡述自傳文本的譯敍過程,旨在於爲翻譯 學增添新的理論視角,以拓寬翻譯學的研究疆域。本研究者從「動態形成」哲 學思想切入,結合當代自傳敘事學理論,建構一個適用於本研究的理論框架, 並在此基礎上建構一個適用於自傳譯敘文本分析研究模式的「網狀多元分析法 」。研究者選取兩篇自傳文本作爲案例研究,一篇選自海倫・凱勒自傳《假如 給我三天光明》和三個差異化形成的簡體譯本;另一篇選自《喬布斯傳記》中 ,喬布斯本人的自傳敘事,和中國內地及港澳臺地區兩個不同動態形成的譯本 。通過分析翻譯文本微觀層面的語言轉換細節,以及影響目標文本形成的各種 宏觀條件(包括譯者的身心參與、社會文化因素、目標群體的受衆等因素), 本研究得出以下三點結論:(一)翻譯即文本疆域解構與重構的「動態形成」 過程;(二)自傳譯敘文本即敘事重複與差異化產品;(三)文本對等即譯敘 過程中「本地映射」的網狀派生對等。 Abstract The philosophy of ‘Becoming’, developed by the postmodern French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, encompasses three core concepts: ‘de/reterritorialisation’, ‘rhizome’ and ‘difference and repetition’. This thesis attempts to apply these concepts to translation studies by developing an approach which both advocates the dynamic process of translation and the production of differentiated translations that emerge from the process of ‘becoming’. Traditional descriptive translation studies proceeds from abstract macro-sociocultural concepts and a belief in the static, singular and structuralist equivalent relationship between the source and target texts. It seeks to conceptualize the production of a target text by presupposing that it will ultimately in some way match these concepts. Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy of ‘becoming’, in contrast, begins with a completely different paradigm. Instead of starting with abstraction, it starts from empirical data, from which it seeks to extract patterns and concepts. It regards translating as a dynamic, ‘rhizomatic’ process in which the translator generates and establishes new textual connections out of an engagement with the pragmatic world. The encountering, collision and transformation of the heterogeneous linguistic-cultural elements invoke multiple possibilities of linkages and ‘assemblages’. Within this random and dynamic mechanism, meaning is revived through repetition and in turn gives rise to an immanently ‘becoming-different’ translated product. The research aims to offer a different perspective from traditional translation theories. Adopting a theoretical framework that incorporates the philosophy of ‘becoming’ and contemporary (autobiographical) narrative theories, it seeks to explain the ‘becoming’ of multiple translated versions of autobiographical narrative texts. Through a ‘rhizoanalysis’ of two cases: 1) Helen Keller’s autobiography The Story of My Life and its three translated versions, and 2) the autobiographical writings embedded within Steve Jobs’ biography and its translations in simplified and traditional Chinese, the research presents a model of analysis comprising the examination of translation shifts on the micro level of the text and the designation of these shifts in terms of their relation to macro-level conditions (including translatorial somatic intervention, sociocultural conditioning and reception by the target readers). Three major conclusions are drawn from the research: 1) translating is found to be a textual de/reterritorialising process of becoming; 2) the translating of an autobiographical text is a process of repetition of the narration that results in the generation of a ‘becoming-different’ target product; and 3) textual equivalence in transnarration is necessarily a rhizomatic type of equivalence governed by the local mapping of a multiplicity of forces through the transnarration process.
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Translation hypotheses re-ranking for statistical machine translationLiu, Yan January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Science and Technology / Department of Computer and Information Science
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A qualitative analysis of government documents translated into IsixhosaSaliwa, Ncebakazi Faith 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa declared all 11 South African languages official to bring back dignity to
all citizens of this country and to ensure that communication reaches all people in the
language of their choice. In an effort to meet this constitutional mandate, government
institutions are obliged to translate documents into all official national or provincial
Before 1998, only two languages were used in official documentation -and those were
English and Afrikaans. That meant that a lot of money was invested in and committed
into developing these two languages, especially Afrikaans, so that they could be
used readily in all official and general communication. African languages were not
developed as much then and this became a problem when they were declared official
as they were not ready to meet the challenges of official and technical use.
Government has not been able to identify this as a problem and has therefore lightly
and ignorantly regarded tasks such as translation as easy tasks that can be handled
by any speaker of the language concerned. This has resulted in very poor
This study begins with an introduction that entails the hyphothesis. According to the
hyphothesis, most government documents translated into isiXhosa do not
communicate with their target audiences because of their poor quality. This makes it
difficult for target readers to follow the message. The poor quality results from the
use of either untrained translators or people who claim that they can translate -as well
as the use of any language speaker to translate by the virtue of being able to speak
the language concerned. In other instances, the issue is not the quality but rather
transliteration because of the use of language professionals such as lecturers who
are conversant with the language and grammar, but who have no expertise, training
or experience in translation.
Chapter 2 explores the three main approaches of translation, namely the linguistic
approach, the text-linguistic approach and the functional approach. In this chapter,
the results of extensive research and development over the years in the translation
field are presented. In Chapter 3, two government documents are analysed by the
researcher and by a group of participants who were given relevant questionnaires
and others interviewed. In Chapter 4, the reasons for poor quality are identified and, in Chapters 5 and 6, solutions to problems and reasons for poor translation are
suggested. It is hoped that the research will stimulate a new subject for discussion
and a field of study concerning translation into African languages so that government
can seriously regard translation as a specialist field. / (ISIXHOSA) AMAGQABANTSHINTSHI: UMzantsi Afrika umisele zonke iilwimi ezilishumi elinanye zeli lizwe
njengezisemthethweni ukubuyisela isidima sabemi bell lizwe. Oku kwenzelwa
nokuqinisekisa ukuba wonke ubani ufumana ulwazi ngolwimi afuna ukulufumana
ngalo. Kwimizamo yokuphumeza le njongo yoMgago-siseko, amaziko karhulumente
kuye kwanyanzeleka ukuba aguqulele onke amaxwebhu kuzo zonke iilwimi
ezisemthethweni zelizwe okanye zephondo.
Phambi ko-1998, zimbini kuphela iilwimi ebezisemthethweni, ibisisiNgesi nesiBhulu.
Oku kwenza ukuba ezi lwimi zimbini ziphuhliswe, ingakumbi isiBhulu, ukulungiselela
ukuba zikwazi ukusetyenziswa kumaxwebhu asemthethweni nakunxibelelwano
ngokubanzi. lilwimi zesintu azizange ziphuhliswe kangako, nto leyo ekhokelele
ekubeni zijongane nemiceli-mngeni emva kokuba zamiselwa ngokusemthethweni.
Urhulumente akakuboni ukuba oku kuseyingxaki kangangokuba imisebenzi efana
noguqulo-lwimi uyithatha njengemisebenzi elula nenokwenziwa nguye nabani na
okwazi ukuthetha ulwimi olo. Oku kubangela ukuba sibe namaxwebhu aguqulwe
kakubi nangafundekiyo.
Le thisisi iqala ngokubeka ingxaki yokuba, amaxwebhu amaninzi karhulumente
aguqulelwe esiXhoseni akafundeki ngenxa yokuba uguqulo olo lukumgangatho
ophantsi. Oku kwenza ukuba abo bantetho isisiXhosa abafanele ukufunda la
maxwebhu, bangayilandeli into ebhalwe kuwo. Olu luguqulo lungafundekiyo
lwenziwa kukusetyenziswa kwabaguquli-lwimi abangawuqeqeshelwanga lo
msebenzi kwakunye nabo bathi bayakwazi ukuguqula ukuya kuma ekusetyenzisweni
kwaye nawuphi na umntu othetha olu lwimi. Ngamanye amaxesha, ingxaki kukuba
abo baguqulayo bavele balandele ulwimi olo basukuba beguqula kulo
nokusetyenziswa kweengcali zolwimi ezifana nabahlohli zibe zingenabungcali
naluqeqesho lokutolika okanye loguqulo-lwimi.
lsahluko sesibini sichaza ngokubanzi ngezifundo zoguqulo nophando osele lwenziwe
kwezi zifundo. Sichaphazela iindlela-ndlela zoguqulo eziphambili. Eyokuqala yileyo
yokuguqula uqinisekisa ukuba onke amagama akuxwebhu aguquliwe kunye nazo
zonke izigaba zentetho ezilapha. Eyesibini yileyo iqinisekisa ukuba ingxam
yoxwebhu iguquliwe ze eyesithathu ibe yekuguqulwa kulandelwa injongo efanele ukuphunyezwa luxwebhu olo nokuqinisekisa ukuba uyazanezisa iimfuno nolwazi
lwabantu abaza kulusebenzisa.
KwiSahluko sesi-3, umbhali nomphandi wolu xwebhu uye waphonononga waza
wehla amahlongwane amaxwebhu amabini karhulumente, wawanika nabanye
abantu ukuba bakhe bawajonge yaye banike izimvo zabo ngawo. KwiSahluko sesi-4,
Izizathu ezenza ukuba la maxwebhu angafundeki kamnandi zichaziwe ze kwiSahluko
sesi-5 nesesi-6 kwanikwa iingcebiso nezisombululo eziya kunceda ukuba kuguqulwe
ngendlela engcono. Umphandi lo unomnqweno nethemba lokuba olu phando luya
kubangela ukuba lo mba ukhe uqwalaselisiswe. Ukwathemba kananjalo ukuba
ngenxa yolu phando kuya kuthi kuntshule ezinye izifundo ezijonga le ngxaki, ukuze
urhulumente ayithathele ingqalelo into yokuba uguqulo-lwimi lufanele ukwenziwa
ngabo bantu bawuqeqeshelweyo okanye bawufundeleyo lo msebenzi. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het al elf Suid-Afrikaanse tale amptelik verklaar om waardigheid terug te
bring na al die landsburgers en om te verseker dat kommunikasie almal in die taal
van sy of haar keuse bereik. Ten einde uitvoering te gee aan hierdie grondwetlike
mandaat, is staatsinstellings verplig om dokumente in al die nasionale of provinsiale
tale te vertaal.
Voor 1998 was daar net twee amptelike tale, naamlik Afrikaans en Engels. Dit het
behels dat baie geld bestee en verbind is om hierdie twee tale en veral Afrikaans te
ontwikkel sodat hulle maklik in alle amptelike en algemene kommunikasie gebruik
kon word. Pogings is nie dienooreenkomstig aangewend om die Afrikatale te
ontwikkel nie. Dit het onmiddellik aanleiding tot probleme gegee toe die Afrikatale as
amptelik verklaar is aangesien hulle nie gereed was om die uitdagings van amptelike
en tegniese gebruik die hoof te bied nie. Die regering het dit nie as 'n probleem
beskou nie en het dus ligtelik en onkundig sulke take soos vertaling as maklike take
beskou wat deur enige spreker van die taal gedoen kon word. Dit het gelei tot baie
swak vertalings.
Die studie begin met 'n inleiding wat die hipotese stel, naamlik dat die meeste
staatsdokumente wat in isiXhosa vertaal word, nie met hul teikengroepe
kommunikeer nie omdat die swak gehalte daarvan dit moeilik maak vir die
teikengroep om die boodskap te verstaan. Die swak gehalte spruit uit die gebruik van
of onopgeleide vertalers, Of enigeen wat daarop aanspraak maak dat hy of sy kan
vertaal, of uit die situasie waar enige spreker van 'n taal versoek word om te vertaal
omdat hy of sy die taal kan praat. In ander gevalle is die probleem nie die gehalte
nie, maar eerder transliterasie en die gebruik van akademici wat vertroud is met die
taal en die grammatika, maar geen vertaalkundigheid, -opleiding of —ervaring het nie.
Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die drie vernaamste benaderings tot vertaling, naamlik die
linguistiese benadering, die tekslinguistiese benadering en die funksionalistiese
benadering. Die resultate van omvattende navorsing en ontwikkeling ten opsigte van
hierdie benaderings wat oor die jare in die veld van vertaling gemaak is, word hier
aangebied. In hoofstuk 3 word twee staatsdokumente deur die navorser ontleed en ook deur 'n
groep deelnemers wat tersaaklike vraelyste moes invul en met wie onderhoude
gevoer is. Die oorsake van swak gehalte word bepaal en oplossings word in
hoofstuk 4 aanbeveel. In hoofstukke 5 en 6 word oplossings tot en redes vir
vertaalprobleme aangevoer.
Hierdie navorsing sal hopelik 'n nuwe onderwerp vir bespreking en 'n studieveld ten
opsigte van vertaling in Afrikatale bevorder sodat die regering ems kan maak
daarmee om vertaling as 'n spesialisveld te beskou.
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Tolkdienslewering in gesondheidsorg : 'n taalbeplanningsperspektief13 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / In terms of the new Constitution (Act 108 of 1996) South Africa has 11 official languages (RSA, 1996: 4). Because of past political imperatives, this de facto and constitutional multilingualism makes South Africa one of many countries experiencing language problems. Difficulties in the realm of language policy are therefore not unique to South Africa. To South Africans language is an emotional issue. Many believe that English, being a universally understandable language, should be the exclusive medium for communication. There is a great need to study language requirements and difficulties in multilingual hospitals (especially hospitals catering for the needs of people speaking African languages). The aim of this thesis is to study shortcomings and needs that may exist and to make recommendations for appropriate RDP intervention. The principle of multilingualism and of advancing the use of all official languages in South Africa is supported in this thesis. The main area of focus is therefore the identification of difficulties and the suggestion of remedies for these problems. To be able to make suggestions, it is necessary to identify the problems in health care. Because language planning is concerned with solutions to language-related problems, this study should be regarded as a language planning activity. To this end, the principles of language planning are discussed, with the focus on definitions of language planning, the types of language planning, the steps of language planning (mainly step 1, data accumulation), the responsibilities of the language planner and language planning already done in South Africa. An analysis of language needs will show that communication between physician and patient is unsuccessful in multilingual hospitals, because the parties involved do not understand each other's languages. To solve the problem, hospital staff and other individuals are being used as interpreters. However, this causes a multitude of difficulties, which are highlighted in the empirical study in chapter 4. The biggest problem in respect of interpreting is that the people who perform this function are not trained as interpreters. This leads to further problems, like misinterpreting as well as resistance to the fact that these people have to perform this function without remuneration. The opinions of hospital staff are reflected in the answers given to the questionnaires which they completed. These opinions are discussed in detail along with the problems referred to earlier as well as other problems identified. Because translation and interpreting are so closely related and because interpreting is the main focus of this thesis, a distinction between the two concepts is made. Criteria which interpreters must meet, as well as a literary overview concerning problems in health care with regard to interpreting, are addressed. From the information accumulated, suggestions are made in chapter 5 as to how these language problems might be solved. The most important suggestion to solve these problems in the field of interpreting is to make use of well-trained interpreters. A wide spectrum of aspects surrounding the training of interpreters is discussed and recommendations are made in chapter 5.
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Challenging traditional notions of theory and practice in translator training and in the history of translation studies two exemplary cases /Moros, Edgar Andrés. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Interpreting services provided during consultations in the medical sector : identifying shortcomingsKhumalo, Thabani Robert 17 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Language Practice, Department of Media, Language and Communication, Durban University of Technology. Durban. South Africa, 2015. / The study focuses on the interpreting services provided during consultations in the medical setting. It looks broadly at the communication deficiencies created by the difference in the languages spoken by both medical practitioners and patients during consultations. Several times, the researcher’s personal experience has shown that isiZulu speaking patients are frequently consulted by English speaking doctors whenever they visit medical institutions. Consequently, as a result of this situation, these isiZulu speaking patients with limited English proficiency find it difficult to fully express all their medical conditions to the English speaking doctors and vice versa due to the existing language barriers. These language barriers are most likely to give rise to inferior medical assistance to isiZulu speaking patients. Furthermore, the nurses find themselves being ad hoc interpreters in this regard based on the assumption that they are bilingual. However, their linguistic and interpreting ability are not considered. The study therefore investigates the possible shortcomings and also looks at the implications most likely to occur as a result of reluctance to provide professional medical interpreting services. The data is collected from medical practitioners (doctors and nurses) and patients. From the results obtained, the researcher suggests possible recommendations in order to address the identified shortcomings.
Lolu cwaningo lumayelana nokutolika ezikhungweni zezempilo. Lugxile ekubhekeni izinkinga zokuxhumna ngokolimi ngenxa yokwehluka kwezilimi ezikhulunywa abasebenzi bezempilo kanye neziguli uma zize ezikhungweni zezempilo. Umcwaningi usebone izikhawu eziningi ukuthi uma iziguli ezikhuluma ulimi lwesiZulu ziya ezikhungweni zezempilo zivame ukusizwa odokotela abakhuluma isiNgisi. Ngenxa yalesi simo , iziguli ezingasazi kahle isiNgisi ziyehluleka ukuchazela odokotela ngokuphelele izinkinga zazo zezempilo, kanjanlo nodokotela bayehluleka ukuxhumana kahle nazo. Lezi zinkinga zokuxhumana, zingaba nomthelela omubi wokuthi iziguli ezikhuluma isiZulu zingatholi usizo olugculisayo lwezempilo. Ngenxa yalesi simo, abahlengikazi bagcina bezithola sebengotolika ngenxa yokuthi kucatshangelwa ukuthi bayakwazi ukukhuluma izilimi zombili. Akube kusabhekwa ukuthi bazazi kangakanani izilimi lezo kanye nokuthi bayakwazi yini ukutolika. Ucwaningo lubheka izingqinamba ezikhona kanye nezingenzeka ngenxa yokungahlinzekwa ngokutolika okusezingeni elifanele ezikhungweni zezempilo futhi kungahlinzekwa abantu abaqeqeshiwe.
Imininingwane yokwenza lolu cwaningo iqoqwe kubasebenzi bezempilo (odokotela kanye nabahlengikazi) kanye neziguli. Umcwaningi ube esenza izincomo ezingasiza ukuqeda izinkinga ezitholakele emuva kokuba esethole imiphumela.
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Translation tools and technologies in the Welsh language contextWatkins, Gareth Llewellyn January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates translation tools and technologies in the Welsh language context and provides translators working in the Welsh-English language pair with a method of evaluation of Translation Memory (TM).
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