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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Video coding using compressed transportation plans / Videokodning med komprimerade transportplaner

Lissing, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>A transportation plan is a byproduct from the calculation of the Kantorovich distance between two images. It describes a transformation from one of the images to the other. This master thesis shows how transportation plans can be used for video coding and how to process the transportation plans to achieve a good bitrate/quality ratio. Various parameters are evaluated using an implemented transportation plan video coder.</p><p>The introduction of transform coding with DCT proves to be very useful, as it reduces the size of the resulting transportation plans. DCT coding roughly gives a 10-fold decrease in bitrate with maintained quality compared to the nontransformed transportation plan coding.</p><p>With the best settings for transportation plan coding, I was able to code a test sequence at about 5 times the bitrate for MPEG coding of the same sequence with similar quality.</p><p>As video coding using transportation plans is a very new concept, the thesis is ended with conclusions on the test results and suggestions for future research in this area.</p>

Video coding using compressed transportation plans / Videokodning med komprimerade transportplaner

Lissing, Johan January 2007 (has links)
A transportation plan is a byproduct from the calculation of the Kantorovich distance between two images. It describes a transformation from one of the images to the other. This master thesis shows how transportation plans can be used for video coding and how to process the transportation plans to achieve a good bitrate/quality ratio. Various parameters are evaluated using an implemented transportation plan video coder. The introduction of transform coding with DCT proves to be very useful, as it reduces the size of the resulting transportation plans. DCT coding roughly gives a 10-fold decrease in bitrate with maintained quality compared to the nontransformed transportation plan coding. With the best settings for transportation plan coding, I was able to code a test sequence at about 5 times the bitrate for MPEG coding of the same sequence with similar quality. As video coding using transportation plans is a very new concept, the thesis is ended with conclusions on the test results and suggestions for future research in this area.

Video Coding Based on the Kantorovich Distance / Video Kodning Baserat på Kantorovich Avstånd

Östman, Martin January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this Master Thesis, a model of a video coding system that uses the transportation plan taken from the calculation of the Kantorovich distance is developed. The coder uses the transportation plan instead of the differential image and sends it through blocks of transformation, quantization and coding. </p><p>The Kantorovich distance is a rather unknown distance metric that is used in optimization theory but is also applicable on images. It can be defined as the cheapest way to transport the mass of one image into another and the cost is determined by the distance function chosen to measure distance between pixels. The transportation plan is a set of finitely many five-dimensional vectors that show exactly how the mass should be moved from the transmitting pixel to the receiving pixel in order to achieve the Kantorovich distance between the images. A vector in the transportation plan is called an arc. </p><p>The original transportation plan was transformed into a new set of four-dimensional vectors called the modified difference plan. This set replaces the transmitting pixel and the receiving pixel with the distance from the transmitting pixel of the last arc and the relative distance between the receiving pixel and the transmitting pixel. The arcs where the receiving pixels are the same as the transmitting pixels are redundant and were removed. The coder completed an eleven frame sequence of size 128x128 pixels in eight to ten hours.</p>

Video Coding Based on the Kantorovich Distance / Video Kodning Baserat på Kantorovich Avstånd

Östman, Martin January 2004 (has links)
In this Master Thesis, a model of a video coding system that uses the transportation plan taken from the calculation of the Kantorovich distance is developed. The coder uses the transportation plan instead of the differential image and sends it through blocks of transformation, quantization and coding. The Kantorovich distance is a rather unknown distance metric that is used in optimization theory but is also applicable on images. It can be defined as the cheapest way to transport the mass of one image into another and the cost is determined by the distance function chosen to measure distance between pixels. The transportation plan is a set of finitely many five-dimensional vectors that show exactly how the mass should be moved from the transmitting pixel to the receiving pixel in order to achieve the Kantorovich distance between the images. A vector in the transportation plan is called an arc. The original transportation plan was transformed into a new set of four-dimensional vectors called the modified difference plan. This set replaces the transmitting pixel and the receiving pixel with the distance from the transmitting pixel of the last arc and the relative distance between the receiving pixel and the transmitting pixel. The arcs where the receiving pixels are the same as the transmitting pixels are redundant and were removed. The coder completed an eleven frame sequence of size 128x128 pixels in eight to ten hours.

Innehållsanalys av cykelplaner med ett jämställdhetsperspektiv : En granskning av sex svenska kommuner

Karlsson, Anette, Lasses, Mimmi January 2018 (has links)
Genom integrering av jämställdhet kan medborgarnas intressen och rättigheter tillgodoses och beaktas. Ett jämställdhetsperspektiv är ett brett begrepp och fångar in flera olika aspekter och bidrar till ökad social hållbarhet. Jämställdhet uppnås när kvinnor och män, flickor och pojkar har lika rättigheter, villkor och möjligheter att forma sina liv. Det inkluderar även rättvis makt och inflytande av samhällsutvecklingen. I ett urbaniserat samhälle krävs det att markanvändningen effektiviseras. Här kan ett hållbart transportsystem bidra till ett hållbart samhälle med god livsmiljö. För att uppnå de nationella och globala hållbarhetsmålen kommer cykeln få större betydelse för samhället. I Sverige är cykelplaner ett relativt nytt strategiskt dokument för kommuner att arbeta med. I nuläget finns det inga nationella riktlinjer och strategier för hur detta arbete ska gå till. Det är upp till kommunerna själva att arbeta fram ett sådant strategiskt cykeldokument. Syftet med detta arbete var att med hjälp av en innehållsanalys ta reda på om jämställdhetsperspektivet är integrerat i cykelplaner, där sex svenska kommuners planer granskats. Arbetets målsättning är att skapa ett underlag som kan användas för att säkerställa jämställdheten i cykelplaner. Jämställdhet är komplext och genom litteraturstudien har begreppet brutits ner till åtta aspekter för att göra begreppet mer konkret. För att genomföra innehållsanalysen utformades en checklista. Checklistan baserades på två befintliga checklistor från SKL och Alingsås kommun, som sedan utvecklades succesivt genom abduktion mellan cykelplanerna och checklistan. Resultatet av studien visar att jämställdhet kan vara svårt att integrera i cykelplaner. Studien har bidragit med en analysmetod som möjliggör en granskning av jämställdhet i plandokument på ett kvalitativt sätt. För att kommuner ska kunna öka jämställdheten i plandokument har denna studie gett ett förslag på ett verktyg, en jämställdhetkonsekvensbeskrivning. Detta verktyg ska fungera som ett stöd till kommuner för att integrera jämställdhet tidigt i arbetsprocesser och användas kontinuerligt under utvecklingen av samhället. / By implementing gender equality, citizens' interests and rights may be met by considering various aspects of its perception. A gender equality perspective captures different aspects of the notion and contribute to an increase in social sustainability. Gender equality is achieved when women, men, girls, and boys have equal rights, conditions and opportunities to shape their lives in accordance to their own free will. This also includes a fair power balance between the genders and their ability to actively influence on social development. In an urbanized society, the use of land needs to be optimized and effective. Therefore, a sustainable and optimized transportation system, can contribute to a sustainable society. In the long-term perspective, this could mean a better day to day living situation for the future urban citizen.  To achieve national and global sustainability goals, the bicycle will be more important for the society. Regarding the bicycle as means of a more active and modern way of transportation, strategic planning for bicycles is a relatively new phenomena in Swedish municipalities. Currently there are no national guidelines or strategies for how such planning and development should be executed. Today the municipalities themselves are responsible to develop their own strategic documents regarding how the bicycle could be implemented into their future local community. The purpose of this study was to find out if gender equality is integrated into bicycling transportations plans from six Swedish municipalities, using a content analysis. The aim of the study was to create a basis of analysis that can be used to ensure equality in bicycle transportation plans. Gender equality is a complex issue and through the literature study, the term have been broken down to eight aspects to create an easier understanding. To perform the content analysis, a checklist was created. The checklist was based on two existing checklists from SKL (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting) and Alingsås municipality, which subsequently was developed by abduction between bicycle transportation plans and the checklist. The results of the study show that gender equality is difficult to integrate into bicycle transportation plans. The study has contributed to an analytical method that enables a qualitative review of gender equality in strategic planning documents. For municipalities to increase gender equality in planning documents, this study has provided a proposal for an instrument, a gender equality impact report. This instrument will serve as a support for municipalities to integrate gender equality early in work processes and be used continuously in the development of society.

Stavebně technologická příprava prodejny Smart Light v Bratislavě / Construction-technological preparation of the Smart Light shop in Bratislava

Huková, Martina January 2019 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is elaboration of construction and technological preparation for the main structure of the Smart Light shop in Bratislava. For main structure has been processed time schedule of the construction, single item budget, machine configuration design, drawing of building site, coordination situation of the building with connection to the infrastructure, safety and health protection during work on building site. Part of the thesis is processing study of main construction technological parts. Diploma thesis in technological prescript focuses on implementation of floor structure with cast epoxy walking surface. There has been elaborated testing and quality plan of this technological part. Additional chapter approximates built-in technology – cooling ceiling structure. For elaboration of this diploma thesis were used programs AutoCAD, CONTEC, BuildPowerS, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word.

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