Spelling suggestions: "subject:"treatment wetland""
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Évaluation de la résilience de marais filtrant : influences du triclosan sur le fonctionnement et la santé de l’écosystèmeBédard, Laurianne 12 1900 (has links)
Le triclosan, un biocide aujourd’hui largement répandu dans l’environnement, peut engendrer des effets négatifs sur les organismes qui y sont exposés. Une infrastructure bleue, les marais filtrants, est proposée comme une solution appropriée pour mitiger les risques liés à ce contaminant. Cependant, les recherches sont toujours incomplètes quant aux impacts du triclosan sur l’état écologique et les performances de cette phytotechnologie. Mon projet de recherche a ainsi pour but d’établir les effets du triclosan en mésocosme de marais filtrants. Pour ce faire, des monocultures et polycultures de trois plantes indigènes au Canada ont été étudiées, en détaillant les impacts du triclosan sur l’efficacité du dispositif expérimental et sur la santé l’écosystème associé. Bien que les végétaux sélectionnés possèdent des taux d’enlèvement des polluants typiques (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate et orthophosphate) très variés, ainsi que des biomasses très divergentes, contrairement à d’autres études, le triclosan n’a pas eu d’impacts sur ces paramètres. Le biocide a toutefois affecté négativement l’Eutrochium maculatum au niveau physiomorphologique, mais Sporobolus michauxianus et Phragmites australis subsp. americanus présentent à l’inverse des signes de résilience. Le potentiel d’oxydo- réduction ainsi que la biomasse algale et bactérienne photosynthétique de l’effluent sont significativement réduits en présence du polluant. Le triclosan a également influencé le microbiote du substrat, des racines et de la rhizosphère, notamment en modifiant la structure des communautés bactériennes et en réduisant significativement la diversité alpha du substrat des monocultures. Cependant, les mésocosmes de polyculture exposés au triclosan semblent résistants, et l'analyse in vivo BIOLOGTM EcoPlate de la caractérisation des fonctions métaboliques des communautés a permis d'identifier la dégradation possible de molécule comparative au triclosan résiduel au sein des mésocosmes.Cette recherche contribue à approfondir la compréhension des conséquences liées au triclosan sur les marais filtrants, en plus de proposer la diversité végétale pour mitiger les impacts sur les communautés microbiennes. / Triclosan, a biocide now widely present in the environment, can have negative effects on exposed organisms. A blue infrastructure, treatment wetlands, is proposed as an appropriate solution to mitigate the risks associated with this contaminant. However, research is still incomplete on the impacts of triclosan on the ecological health and performance of this phytotechnology. The aim of my research project is therefore to establish the effects of triclosan in treatment wetland mesocosms. Thus, monocultures and polycultures of three plants native to Canada were studied, detailing the impacts of triclosan on the efficiency and ecosystem health of the experimental set-up. Although the plants selected had widely differing rates of removal of typical pollutants (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and orthophosphate), as well as extensively divergent biomass, unlike other studies, triclosan had no impact on these parameters. The pollutant did, however, adversely affect Eurtochium maculatum physiomorphologically, but Sporobulus michauxianus and Phragmites australis subsp. americanus showed signs of resilience. The oxidation-reduction potential as well as the algal and photosynthetic bacterial biomass of the effluent were significantly reduced in the presence of the contaminant. Triclosan also influenced the substrate and rhizosphere microbiota, notably by modifying the structure of bacterial communities and by significantly reducing the alpha diversity of the monoculture’s substrate. However, "polyculture" mesocosms exposed to triclosan appear to be more resilient, and in vivo BIOLOGTM EcoPlate characterization analysis of the community’s functionalities has even identified the possible degradation of molecule comparable to residual triclosan within the mesocosms. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the consequences of triclosan on treatment wetlands, as well as proposing plant diversity to mitigate impacts on microbial communities.
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Efterpolering med våtmark : Hur kan det användas vid Haga reningsverk?Carlsen, Inger-Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this report is to present a proposal for a constructed wetland as a complement toHaga treatment plants, Surahammar. First, a literature study in the subject was made andthen a case study was conducted, where Ekeby and Trosa wetland was visited. Parallel anarchival study was performed and several field visits were made to the proposed site toinvestigate the local conditions for constructing a wetland adjacent to Haga treatment plants.Finally, a proposal for the design of the constructed wetland was made. The proposalincludes an oxygenating area for reduction of ammonium to nitrate followed by a system ofdams and channels to convert nitrate to nitrogen diffuses into the air. Phosphorus removaltakes place throughout the residence time in the wetland, as well as reduction of the bacterialload. Expected results for the outgoing water from the wetland is that P-tot can be reduced to0.10-0.11 mg / l, N-tot can be reduced to 11-14 mg / l, a reduction of E. coli, fecal streptococciand intestinal streptococci by 70-99% and a little reduction of residues from drugs take placedue to oxygenation and the UV-irradiation of the water. / Allt vatten här på jorden ingår i den hydrologiska cykeln, så även det renade avloppsvattnet.Avloppsvatten innehåller bland annat kväve och fosfor vilka bidrar till övergödningen avsjöar, vattendrag och hav. Övergödningen är ett utbrett problem och i Västmanland är 53 %av länets sjöar och vattendrag utsatta för det.Syftet med den här rapporten är att ta fram ett förslag till våtmark för Haga reningsverk,Surahammar. Först har information om hur en våtmark kan användas för efterpolering avrenat avloppsvatten tagits fram för att därefter nyttjas som grund i ett förslag till våtmark förHaga reningsverk, Surahammar. Först gjordes en litteraturstudie inom ämnesområdet ochdärefter gjordes en fallstudie där Ekeby och Trosa våtmark besöktes. Parallellt utfördes enarkivstudie och flera områdesbesök på den tilltänkta platsen för att få fram vilkaförutsättningar som finns för att anlägga en våtmark i anslutning till Haga reningsverk ochsist gjordes ett förslag på en våtmark.Anledningen till att anlägga en våtmark kan vara flera, men att avskilja fosfor, kväve samtbryta ner organiskt material är vanliga orsaker. En våtmark fungerar som ett kompletterandesteg till det ordinarie reningsverket och minskar belastningen på recipienten. Hur mycketutsläppen reduceras beror på många faktorer och egenskaper där utformning, vattnetsuppehållstid, syresättning och tillgång till organiskt material är viktiga men även parametrarsom förbehandling av avloppsvattnet och belastningen på våtmarken spelar stor roll. Ävenväxtligheten i våtmarken påverkar det slutliga resultatet, både vad det gäller vad och hurmycket som avskiljs. Avskiljningen av fosfor och kväve sker främst genom sedimentation ochnäringsupptag till växter samt att kväve även avskiljs vid denitrifikation. För den långsiktigaavskiljningen av kväve från vattnets kretslopp är nitrifikation och denitrifikation de som harstörst betydelse. Nitrifikationsprocessen är när ammoniumjoner omvandlas till nitratjoneroch det kräver god tillgång på syre, därefter följer denitrifikationen när nitratjonerna undersyrefria förhållanden omvandlas till kvävgas som diffunderar upp i atmosfären. För attnitrifikationsprocessen ska kunna fungera krävs antingen att det finns ennitrifikationsanläggning i reningsverket eller en syresättningsfas i våtmarken. Det kan skapasgenom att börja våtmarken med en översilningsäng, där det renade avloppsvattnet får strilaner över en bevuxen äng. Vattnet syresätts av luften och nitrifikationsbakterier som trivs bra iväxtligheten utför nitrifikationsprocessen och omvandlar ammoniumjonerna till nitratjoner.Därefter följer ett system av dammar och kanaler där denitrifikationsprocessen tar vid ochomvandlar nitratjonerna till harmlöst kväve. Även i dammar och kanaler har växtlighetenstor betydelse eftersom det bildas biofilm, ett tunt lager av bakterier på växterna, som deltar iden biologiska processen av nedbrytning av organiskt material samt avskiljning av fosfor ochkväve i vattnet.När vattnet passerar genom våtmarken sker också en reducering av antalet bakterier somfinns i det renade avloppsvattnet. Mätningar av E. coli, fekala streptokocker, Koliformabakterier och intestinala enterokocker visar på att halterna kan reduceras kraftigt. Även vissaläkemedel visar tendenser till att brytas ned, men läkemedel är en komplex grupp och detfinns begränsad kunskap om deras omvandling och påverkan i miljön. Det finns dock indikationer om att nedbrytningen av läkemedelsrester är högre i de våtmarker som harsyresättande delar som till exempel översilningsäng.Haga reningsverk är beläget strax utanför Surahammars tätort och har idag en kulvert somleder ut det renade avloppsvattnet från verket till recipienten. Mellan Haga och recipientenligger ett markområde på cirka 750 gånger 750 meter som skulle kunna utnyttjas till envåtmark. Redan idag ligger utsläppsvärdena för Haga reningsverk under de tillåtna halternamen en önskan att ytterligare minska belastningen på miljön finns. Vid analysering avutsläppsvärden för Haga reningsverk framkom att ammoniumkväve utgör en stor andel avutgående totalkväve samt att halterna av totalfosfor, BOD7 och suspenderade ämnen är lågatill måttliga. Ett förslag på våtmark anpassat till de förutsättningar som råder vid Hagareningsverk har tagits fram och presenteras i rapporten. Våtmarken föreslås innehålla tvåsektioner med först en översilningsäng för att reducera den höga andelen ammoniumkväveoch därefter ett damm och kanalsystem för att reducera nitratkvävet. Under hela processensker avskiljning av fosfor samt reducering av bakterier och en viss nedbrytning avläkemedelsrester. Förväntade resultat för det utgående vattnet från våtmarken är att P-totkan reduceras till 0,10–0,11 mg/l, N-tot kan reduceras till 11–14 mg/l, en reducering av E.coli, fekala streptokocker och intestinala streptokocker med 70-99 % samt att en vissminskning sker av läkemedelsrester tack vare syresättning och solens UV-bestrålning avvattnet.
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Optimisation de la filière Filtre Planté de Roseaux appliquée au traitement des effluents domestiques pour différents niveaux de performances / Optimization of French Vertical Flow Treatment Wetlands applied to domestic wastewater treatment for different levels of performancesRuiz, Hernan 27 October 2017 (has links)
Les limites de rejets deviennent de plus en plus strictes pour les petites collectivités et les zones sensibles à l’eutrophisation. L’objectif est de mettre en conformité les collectivités au titre des nouvelles obligations (jusqu’au 15 mgNGL.L⁻¹ et 2 mgPtot.L⁻¹) avec une attention particulière sur l’amélioration du traitement des eaux usées des petites collectivités (< 2000 EH).En France, l'utilisation de stations d’épuration par filtres plantés de roseaux (FPR) pour traiter les effluents domestiques de petites communautés (< 2 000 EH) a suivi une augmentation exponentielle au cours des dernières années. La filière de FPR classique permet de bonnes performances épuratoires en termes de MES, DCO et TKN, néanmoins ce procédé présente de faibles taux de dénitrification (NGL) et d'élimination du phosphore (PTOT).L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de développer des solutions innovantes pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques pour les petites collectivités < 2000 EH en utilisant différentes voies d’intensifications et de combinaison de procédés. Une approche intégrée a été suivie avec des expériences en laboratoire, et une étude sur pilotes en conditions réelles pendant 26 mois. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus sur les pilotes avec des résultats obtenus sur des démonstrateurs de pleine échelle a également été effectuée.L’utilisation de zéolite a permis d’améliorer les performances par l’adsorption de NH4-N, avec des concentrations inférieures à 15 mg.L⁻¹ en été, dans une configuration plus profonde des filtres (95 cm) avec de dispositifs d’aération passive. Cependant, des fluctuations ont été observées à baisses températures.Une configuration basée sur la combinaison de conditions non saturées – saturés pour favoriser la pour l’élimination de NGL a été évaluée. De la même façon, la zéolite a permis d’améliorer l’élimination de NH₄-N et favoriser la nitrification. Les concentrations en sortie ont été de 40 et 52 mgNGL.L⁻¹ pour le filtre de zéolite et gravier respectivement.L'utilisation de la recirculation à pleine échelle a permis d'améliorer les performances dans un seul étage non saturé/saturé. Ces résultats sont toutefois préliminaires dans la mesure où ces stations sont en période de démarrage et de maturation et que peu de Bilan 24h étaient disponibles, ce qui rend difficile la comparaison avec les pilotes. / Discharge limits are becoming increasingly stringent for small communities and sensitive eutrophication areas. The objective is to established new community obligations by setting environmental quality targets (up to 15 mgNGL.L⁻¹ and 2 mgPtot.L⁻¹) especially to the improvement of wastewater treatment in small communities (<2000 p.e). In France, the use of Treatment Wetlands to treat domestic wastewater from small communities (<2 000 p.e.) has increased exponentially in recent years. The classical Vertical Flow Treatment Wetland (VFTW) enable very good performances removal in terms of TSS, COD and TKN, nevertheless denitrification (TN) and phosphorus removal (Ptot) are limited. The aim of this work was to develop innovative solutions, allowing the reduction of the footprint and the improvement of the classical French VFTW in terms of nitrogen (N) removal. An integrated approach was followed with pilot scale experiments and full scale systems using real wastewater during 26 months. A comparison between results of pilots and full-scale was also carried out.The use of zeolite allowed to improve the performances by the adsorption of NH₄-N, with lower concentrations in summer (15 mg.L⁻¹), using a compact filter (95 cm) with passive aeration pipes. However, fluctuations were observed at low temperatures decreasing the removal performances.Similarly, a configuration based on the combination of unsaturated-saturated conditions for NGL removal was evaluated. The zeolite was used in the unsaturated layer to improve the NH₄-N removal and nitrification. Indeed, it has been observed that the zeolite improves the purifying performance compared to a filter filled only with gravel. The outlet concentrations were 40 and 52 mgNGL.L⁻¹ for zeolite and gravel filters respectively.The use of recirculation in full scale systems has improved removal performances in unsaturated / saturated single stage. However, these are preliminary results as these stations are in the start-up and maturation period, few 24 h samples were available, which makes the comparison difficult.
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Behandlingsvåtmarkers reningseffekt på aktiva läkemedelssubstanser under vinterförhållanden : En studie av fyra svenska våtmarker för avloppsrening / Removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals in treatment wetlands during winter conditions : A study of four Swedish wetlands for waste water treatmentNäslund, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Pharmaceuticals that are found in marine ecosystems are a threatening environmental concern, which is known to harm both animal and plant life. One of the reasons for this problem is that the waste water treatment techniques are not optimized to clear waste water from its pharmaceuticals contain. In this master thesis four Swedish treatment wetlands were studied, and their ability to reduce numerous pharmaceuticals in waste water. The four treatment wetlands that were studied were those in Oxelösund, Trosa, Nynäshamn and Eskilstuna. Two ecotoxicological tests and chemical analysis were used. The ecotoxicological tests were performed on the copepod <em>Nitocra spinipes</em> and macro algae <em>Ceramium tenuicorne</em>, but the results were ambiguous and could not be related to the chemical analysis. The result from the chemical analysis showed that 50-70 % of the substances were reduced to some degree, and of which 15 % were almost completely reduced. In Nynäshamn’s wetland and Oxelösund’s wetland the pharmaceutical treatment were more efficient than in Trosa’s wetland and Eskilstuna’s wetland. This was probably due to the, at the time, more efficient biological activity. The pharmaceuticals that dominated the incoming waters to all the wetlands were more or less the same. On the contrary, substances were reduced to different degrees in the four wetlands. However, the reduction patterns for both Nynäshamn and Oxelösund were similar, which suggest that the same processes dominated in both wetlands. As the study was performed in cold winter conditions with bad oxygen supply it is likely that greater reduction would be obtained in warmer conditions.</p>
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Behandlingsvåtmarkers reningseffekt på aktiva läkemedelssubstanser under vinterförhållanden : En studie av fyra svenska våtmarker för avloppsrening / Removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals in treatment wetlands during winter conditions : A study of four Swedish wetlands for waste water treatmentNäslund, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Pharmaceuticals that are found in marine ecosystems are a threatening environmental concern, which is known to harm both animal and plant life. One of the reasons for this problem is that the waste water treatment techniques are not optimized to clear waste water from its pharmaceuticals contain. In this master thesis four Swedish treatment wetlands were studied, and their ability to reduce numerous pharmaceuticals in waste water. The four treatment wetlands that were studied were those in Oxelösund, Trosa, Nynäshamn and Eskilstuna. Two ecotoxicological tests and chemical analysis were used. The ecotoxicological tests were performed on the copepod Nitocra spinipes and macro algae Ceramium tenuicorne, but the results were ambiguous and could not be related to the chemical analysis. The result from the chemical analysis showed that 50-70 % of the substances were reduced to some degree, and of which 15 % were almost completely reduced. In Nynäshamn’s wetland and Oxelösund’s wetland the pharmaceutical treatment were more efficient than in Trosa’s wetland and Eskilstuna’s wetland. This was probably due to the, at the time, more efficient biological activity. The pharmaceuticals that dominated the incoming waters to all the wetlands were more or less the same. On the contrary, substances were reduced to different degrees in the four wetlands. However, the reduction patterns for both Nynäshamn and Oxelösund were similar, which suggest that the same processes dominated in both wetlands. As the study was performed in cold winter conditions with bad oxygen supply it is likely that greater reduction would be obtained in warmer conditions.
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Výzkum technologie vícestupňového filtračního systému kořenové čistírny / Research of the Multistage Constructed Treatment Wetlands TechnologyChaloupka, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The ways of purifying waste water produced by human society are nowadays a great deal. With the increasing pressure on sustainable construction, technology using principles close to natural processes are at the forefront. Treatment wetlands have been in use for almost 30 years and thanks mainly to developments abroad, they prove they are a suitable option for smaller producers of pollution. When designing a treatment wetland for municipalities with a larger amount of inhabitants, it is necessary to modify the proposal in order to eliminate all types of pollution. This thesis therefore compares three sewage treatment plants with a multistage filtration system. Comparing the achieved parameters will be beneficial for defining the rules for optimal design of these types of wastewater treatment plant.
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Modeling oxygen transfer and removal of organic carbon and nitrogen in aerated horizontal flow treatment wetlandsBoog, Johannes 12 March 2020 (has links)
Aerated treatment wetlands are an increasingly recognized nature–based technology for thetreatment of domestic and industrial wastewater. As biodegradation is the most importanttreatment mechanism in aerated wetlands, these systems heavily rely on mechanical aerationmediated oxygen transfer to supply the dissolved oxygen demand of the associated microbialcommunity. In the last decade, research on aerated wetlands has evolved, however, majorquestions on aeration, the associated oxygen transfer and the quantitative link to treatmentperformance still remain unknown. Answering these questions can further improve aeratedwetland design to optimize treatment efficacy and economical efficiency.
This dissertation investigated the link of oxygen transfer to the air flow rate of aerationand elucidated the associated impact on treatment performance for organic carbon and nitrogenin horizontal flow aerated wetlands. Therefore, a numerical process model includingone dimensional reactive transport was developed. This model describes the main processesinvolved in horizontal flow aerated wetlands: water flow, heat transport, transport of solubleand particulate wastewater pollutants, biodegradation by a network of bacterial communitiesand oxygen transfer through mechanical aeration. For model calibration and validation, pilot–scale experiments in horizontal flow aerated wetlands treating real wastewater were conducted.These included conservative tracer experiments as well as monitoring steady–state operationat variable air flow rates and aeration interruption.
In general, the model was able to simulate conservative tracer transport as well as treatmentperformance for organic carbon and nitrogen at steady–state operation and aeration interruptionwith sufficient accuracy. A local sensitivity analysis of the calibrated parameters revealedporosity, hydraulic permeability and dispersion length as well as the oxygen transfer coefficientkLa as most important. When operating the wetland systems at steady–state, aeration provideda mostly aerobe environment, except at the influent zone. However, when aeration wasinterrupted, anaerobe process started to take over and treatment performance declined within3–4 days. The modeling elucidated that methanogenic and sulphate reducing bacteria can playa significant role for organic carbon removal during aeration interruption. Moreover, the modelrevealed a non–linear declining relationship of the air flow rate with oxygen transfer coefficientkLa and of kLa with treatment performance. The alteration of oxygen transfer by wastewaterpollutant concentration was then investigated in a laboratory–scale column experiment. Basedon this experiment, an empirical equation describing the inhibitory effect of soluble chemicaloxygen demand (CODs) on the oxygen transfer coefficient kLa was derived and incorporatedinto the process model. With the extended model several simulation scenarios were analyzedto quantify the impact of the inhibited oxygen transfer on treatment performance. It turnedout that the reduction of oxygen transfer by CODs will, most likely, be relevant only at highinfluent wastewater strength (CODs 300 mg L-1), low aeration (air flow rate 50 L m-2h-1) or when the aerated wetland design includes zoned aeration. With respect to secondarytreatment of domestic effluents at similar strength using a spatially uniform aeration, an airflow rate of approximately 150–200 L m-2 h-1 can be recommended as a reasonable compromisebetween treatment efficiency and robustness. If zoned aeration is intended (e.g. to create a redox zonation), however, the air flow rate should be increased to approximately 400 L m-2 h-1 to supress the inhibition of oxygen transfer by CODs concentration. Furthermore, the air flow rate at steady–state operation (50–500 L m-2 h-1) did not substantially affect the response in effluent concentrations for organic carbon and nitrogen. This means that at steady–state air flow rates of 50–500 L m-2 h-1 operation, treatment efficacy during aeration interruption will deteriorate and recover in a similar time.
In conclusion, this dissertation provides quantitative insights into the mechanisms of aeration and treatment performance for organic carbon and nitrogen in horizontal flow aerated treatment wetlands. The findings obtained can support aerated treatment wetland design for research experiments and engineering applications. Therefore, this dissertation represents a significant advancement in the field of aerated treatment wetland research.
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Water Quality Improvement and Methane Emissions from Tropical and Temperate WetlandsNahlik, Amanda Marie 24 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydraulic and Removal Efficiencies of Horizontal Flow Treatemnt Wetlands/Efficacité hydraulique et rendement épuratoire des filtres plantés à écoulement horizontal.Fonder, Nathalie 19 November 2010 (has links)
The hydraulic and removal efficiencies of a Horizontal Flow Treatment Wetlands (HF TW) were investigated through an internal three dimensional grid of sampling ports. Tracer tests and regular monitoring of water quality parameters were performed. Results demonstrated that the HF TW has generally good hydraulic and volumetric efficiencies, with relatively low dead zones. The application of models developed by chemical engineering provided the number of tanks in series and the calculated detention times which were input as parameters in the multi flow with dispersion hydraulic model. This second model identified that water fluxes were not homogeneous with depth inside the TW and 60% of the flow was along the bottom layer of the bed. It also indicated the water flow velocities, which were faster on the bottom of the bed, and the axial dispersion, which was higher where flow velocity was lower. The reviewed inflow rate distribution allowed review for all layers of the nominal detention time and of the hydraulic indexes, which are developed by the chemical engineering theory, and based on the incorrect assumption of homogeneous systems. The P-k-C* degradation model was applied in order to define degradation k-rate values of BOD and COD and the frequency distribution profiles were developed. The degradation rate coefficients for BOD ranked from less than 10 m/yr to more than 300 m/yr. Significant higher degradation rates were observed for all the bottom layers and for the closest sampling line from the inlet. The results of COD were similar to those observed for BOD. Finally, the specific pollutants of nitrogen and phosphorus were analysed for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). The global trend of the TN degradation coefficient values was a slow and regular decrease over length, having systematically higher degradation coefficients for the bottom layers. The saturation of the media sites for sorption capacity of TP was demonstrated being in progress.
Les efficacités hydraulique et épuratoire du filtre planté à écoulement horizontal ont été mesurées grâce à un dispositif de prélèvement tridimensionnel dans un filtre en fonctionnement. Des essais de traçage ont été réalisés ainsi que des analyses régulières de la qualité de leau en tous les points déchantillonnage. Les résultats ont démontré que le filtre présente des efficacités hydraulique et volumétrique généralement bonnes, avec relativement peu de zones mortes. Lapplication des modèles mathématiques issus du génie chimique ont permis la détermination du nombre N de réservoirs en série et de calculer les temps de séjour ; ceux-ci ont ensuite été introduit dans le modèle hydraulique de dispersion multi-couches. Ce second modèle a identifié que les flux en eau nétaient pas homogènes avec la profondeur à lintérieur du système et que 60 % de lécoulement se concentraient dans la couche de fond du filtre. Il a également fournit les vitesses découlement par couche, qui se présentent comme plus rapides dans le fond du filtre, et la dispersion axiale, dont la valeur augmente en corrélation avec une diminution de la vitesse. La distribution du débit par horizon a pu être revue comme non homogène avec la profondeur et a permis de recalculer les index hydrauliques et les temps de séjour par horizon en évitant lhypothèse erronée des modèles du génie chimique de lhomogénéité du système. Le modèle de dégradation des polluants P-k-C* a été appliqué pour définir les valeurs des coefficients de dégradation de la DBO, la DCO et lazote total. Les profils de distribution de fréquence ont été dressés. Les différences de coefficients de dégradation de la DBO sont très hautement significatives avec la profondeur et la longueur, en ayant des valeurs plus importantes pour la couche de fond et pour la première ligne de prélèvement la plus proche de la zone de distribution de leffluent dans le filtre. Les résultats obtenus pour la DCO ont été semblables. Les coefficients de dégradation de lazote total ont montré une décroissance lente et régulière avec la longueur, et des valeurs systématiquement plus importantes avec la profondeur. Finalement, il a été démontré que les sites dadsorption du phosphore total sont en cours de saturation.
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Key Influences on Hydraulic Efficiency in Treatment WetlandsWahl, Mark D. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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