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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stöttning av miljöteknikföretag : Erfarenheter från fyra svenska miljöteknikcentrum

Rehnmark, Henric, Nyström, Josefin January 2008 (has links)
<p>På senare år har begreppet miljöteknik blivit alltmer omdiskuterat. För att arbetet kring miljöteknik ska kunna förankras i samhället bör de svenska företagens konkurrenskraft öka både på nationell och internationella marknader. Regionala miljöteknikcentrum har därför skapats i Sverige på senare år för att komma närmare företagen samt att kunna få lokala synergieffekter mellan företagen. I och med detta blir miljöteknik alltmer vanligt i Sverige, trots detta har relativt få studier gjorts kring begreppet och fenomenet miljöteknikcentrum.</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga fenomenet miljöteknikcentrum i Sverige genom att studera fyra stycken aktiva centrum. Syftet med kartläggningen är att belysa för- och nackdelar med de utvalda centrumen samt belysa deras drivkrafter. Denna kartläggning ska därefter kunna fungera som ett bra underlag vid nystartandet av ytterligare centrum samt ge lärdomar till verksamma centrum. Metod för att genomföra denna kartläggning skedde i form utav en kvalitativ intervjustudie där representanter från fyra olika centrum gav sin syn av respektive verksamhet. Resultatet från intervjustudien har sedan analyserats i en SWOT - analys.</p><p>Slutsatserna för studien visar på att centrumens verksamheter skiljer sig åt vad anbeträffar relationen till medlemsföretagen, syfte och aktiviteter. När det gäller hur centrumen valt att organisera sina verksamheter så skiljer sig även detta åt. I vår kartläggning har vi identifierat centrum i bolagsform, projekt eller som ideell förening. Centrumens framgångsfaktorer är individuellt utformade och utvärderingsformerna varierar.</p>

Duell der Diplomaten : die Propaganda der Mittelmächte und ihrer Gegner in Italien während des Ersten Weltkrieges /

Ostermann, Patrick. January 1900 (has links)
Diss.--Philosophische Fakultäten--Freiburg im Breisgau--Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, 1997. Titre de soutenance : Die Propaganda der Mittelmächte in Italien während des Ersten Welkriesges. / Bibliogr. p. 346-376.

Stöttning av miljöteknikföretag : Erfarenheter från fyra svenska miljöteknikcentrum

Rehnmark, Henric, Nyström, Josefin January 2008 (has links)
På senare år har begreppet miljöteknik blivit alltmer omdiskuterat. För att arbetet kring miljöteknik ska kunna förankras i samhället bör de svenska företagens konkurrenskraft öka både på nationell och internationella marknader. Regionala miljöteknikcentrum har därför skapats i Sverige på senare år för att komma närmare företagen samt att kunna få lokala synergieffekter mellan företagen. I och med detta blir miljöteknik alltmer vanligt i Sverige, trots detta har relativt få studier gjorts kring begreppet och fenomenet miljöteknikcentrum. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga fenomenet miljöteknikcentrum i Sverige genom att studera fyra stycken aktiva centrum. Syftet med kartläggningen är att belysa för- och nackdelar med de utvalda centrumen samt belysa deras drivkrafter. Denna kartläggning ska därefter kunna fungera som ett bra underlag vid nystartandet av ytterligare centrum samt ge lärdomar till verksamma centrum. Metod för att genomföra denna kartläggning skedde i form utav en kvalitativ intervjustudie där representanter från fyra olika centrum gav sin syn av respektive verksamhet. Resultatet från intervjustudien har sedan analyserats i en SWOT - analys. Slutsatserna för studien visar på att centrumens verksamheter skiljer sig åt vad anbeträffar relationen till medlemsföretagen, syfte och aktiviteter. När det gäller hur centrumen valt att organisera sina verksamheter så skiljer sig även detta åt. I vår kartläggning har vi identifierat centrum i bolagsform, projekt eller som ideell förening. Centrumens framgångsfaktorer är individuellt utformade och utvärderingsformerna varierar.

A Novel Approach For the Simulation of Multiple Flow Mechanisms and Porosities in Shale Gas Reservoirs

Yan, Bicheng 16 December 2013 (has links)
The state of the art of modeling fluid flow in shale gas reservoirs is dominated by dual porosity models that divide the reservoirs into matrix blocks that significantly contribute to fluid storage and fracture networks which principally control flow capacity. However, recent extensive microscopic studies reveal that there exist massive micro- and nano- pore systems in shale matrices. Because of this, the actual flow mechanisms in shale reservoirs are considerably more complex than can be simulated by the conventional dual porosity models and Darcy’s Law. Therefore, a model capturing multiple pore scales and flow can provide a better understanding of complex flow mechanisms occurring in these reservoirs. Through the use of a unique simulator, this research work establishes a micro-scale multiple-porosity model for fluid flow in shale reservoirs by capturing the dynamics occurring in three separate porosity systems: organic matter (mainly kerogen); inorganic matter; and natural fractures. Inorganic and organic portions of shale matrix are treated as sub-blocks with different attributes, such as wettability and pore structures. In the organic matter or kerogen, gas desorption and diffusion are the dominant physics. Since the flow regimes are sensitive to pore size, the effects of smaller pores (mainly nanopores and picopores) and larger pores (mainly micropores and nanopores) in kerogen are incorporated in the simulator. The separate inorganic sub-blocks mainly contribute to the ability to better model dynamic water behavior. The multiple porosity model is built upon a unique tool for simulating general multiple porosity systems in which several porosity systems may be tied to each other through arbitrary transfer functions and connectivities. This new model will allow us to better understand complex flow mechanisms and in turn to extend simulation to the reservoir scale including hydraulic fractures through upscaling techniques

Production Data Analysis of Tight Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Siddiqui, Shahab Kafeel Unknown Date
No description available.

An Evaluation of a Group Intervention for the Parents of Youth Offenders

Newcombe, Victoria Jane January 2011 (has links)
Youth offending is an issue that receives attention at many levels, and which crosses the already broad domains of justice, education, mental health and social services. The role of parents in the development of antisocial behaviour, and their responsibilities with regard to addressing the consequences of this, are controversial. This article reviews a selection of interventions for managing teenage behaviour, and specifically criminal offending. A trend emerges from this review whereby the most effective treatments for young offenders are those that achieve change within the family system, not just the young person. The current study examined the effect of implementing Group Teen Triple P, one of a suite of well established and effective behavioural parent training programmes, with the parents of teenagers who had been recently involved in offending. The group was a collaborative partnership between Presbyterian Support, a non-government organization, and Child, Youth and Family Services, the national, statutory provider of care and protection and youth justice services. The six participating families had previously been involved with one or both of these agencies. Participants completed questionnaires and interviews at three data collection points, and the researcher also took part in aspects of the intervention. The results indicate positive changes within some of the participating families, but are inconsistent due to the drop-out rate and the reluctance of participating parents to consistently implement the skills and strategies learned. This unexpected but nevertheless important finding necessitated further consideration of the reasons why it occurred, and these are discussed in the context of earlier research into variables which influence attendance and adherence to parent training interventions. This study offers insights into the provision of behavioural parent training programmes with vulnerable, fragile or high-risk families.

Triple learning : The journey from student to scholar

2015 February 1900 (has links)
Triple Learning: The Journey from Student to Scholar emanates from a phenomenological exploration of the lived experiences of six international graduate students studying at the University of Saskatchewan. Grounded in the knowledge of the growing numbers of students studying at post-secondary institutions, I aimed to unearth and re-present the daily lives of the selected participants to shed light on the experience of being an international graduate student. A phenomenological inquiry through in-depth and semi-structured interviews and observations, undergirded by an interdisciplinary culture, allowed me to explore their daily experiences. Exploring and airing their daily practices, though difficult, illuminated the worlds of international graduate students as they study in and negotiate communities of practice overseas. Furthermore, by examining and ventilating their stories I was able to portray and clarify the essence or meaning of being an international graduate student at a Canadian university in a new way. This research reaches into the lives of the selected students uniquely, revealing their personal and academic experiences while studying at the university. To date, such experiences have been minimally addressed by university officials and prior qualitative research. The anecdotes and reflections shared by participants bordered on and were based in lingua-cultural, social, and academic adaptations, and, ultimately, transformation. Participants were enthralled by the adaptive process of living in a new community. Being newcomers, these students viewed themselves fundamentally as outsiders within the community of practice. Yet their stories encapsulated change from being dependent “scholars to be” to becoming independent scholars. Essentially, findings pointed to the international graduate experience being similar to advancing from student to scholar. Through participation in the academic community of practice, they were learning to become independent scholars in the university. Participant accomplished the non-linear movement from student to scholar by seeking to engage in the communities of practice through situated learning and a process of triple learning. Triple learning emerged as a lingua-cultural phenomenon and was a significant finding borne of participants’ storied experiences. Qualitative data revealed that, in learning, participants were constantly weaving around and through three distinct registers of English lingua-cultures. They were negotiating the English lingua-culture acquired in their home countries, which positioned English as a formal language; that of the provincial community, which seemingly was less formal; and the academic English language specific to their area of study in the university. The academic language includes a variety of discipline-specific language skills, such as vocabulary, syntax, and discipline-specific terminology, and rhetorical conventions that allow students to acquire and develop knowledge and academic skills. These lingua cultures differed significantly, so students constantly shifted among the three to make approximations deemed appropriate for their academic purposes. A significant implication of this research is that it highlights the daily experiences of international graduate students, their perceptions, and conceptualized meanings of these experiences. Findings from this study also have implications for social learning theories and places learning as lingua-cultural in nature. In addition, an understanding of the phenomenon of being an international student can inform universities’ policy makers, recruiters, faculty members, and other staff of the daily plights and experiences of international students as they study. This knowledge has the potential to inform policies and plans to attract and retain a diverse international student body.

Hållbarhetsredovisning och dess användbarhet : En studie ur svenska kreditgivares perspektiv

Bredbacka, Christoffer, Ölmhagen, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hållbarhetsredovisningar har blivit allt mer populära på senare tid. Genom dessa kommunicerar företaget ut till sina intressenter om verksamhetens påverkan på samhället ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Tidigare forskning har till stor del koncentrerat sig på företagens perspektiv och vilken nytta de har av hållbarhetsredovisningar, men det finns även en mottagande sida av kommunikationen som utgörs av företagens intressenter. Bland intressenterna finns det ett forskningsgap om hur kreditgivarna uppfattar hållbarhetsredovisningarna, trots att de är en av de viktigaste intressentgrupperna. Forskning med utgångspunkt i legitimitetsteorin och signaleringsteorin, har även visat att den nytta företagen har av hållbarhetsredovisningarna kan ske på bekostnad av hållbarhetsredovisningarnas användbarhet ur kreditgivarnas perspektiv.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur användbara hållbarhetsredovisningar är för svenska kreditgivare, samt att bidra till diskussionen i forskningen kring hållbarhetsredovisningens användbarhet utifrån hur den ser ut idag. Studien har även som delsyften att skapa en djupare förståelse för varför det ser ut som det gör, samt att bidra med underlag, dels till företag hur de ska bedriva sin hållbarhetsredovisning med kreditgivare i åtanke, men även till standardsättare vid utveckling av ramverk för hållbarhetsredovisning.   Teoretisk utgångspunkt: Arbetet innehåller en referensram som innefattar ämnen som hållbarhetsredovisning, kvaliteten på informationen, extern granskning och kreditgivning. Arbetet innehåller också en teoridel där vi tar upp intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, signaleringsteorin och Carrolls CSR pyramid.   Metod: För att besvara syftet med studien har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det empiriska materialet består av sju intervjuer med åtta personer som arbetar med kreditgivning till företag. Studien är gjord ur en hermeneutisk synvinkel där fokus har legat på att tolka respondenternas uppfattning av hållbarhetsredovisningarnas användbarhet utifrån intervjuerna.   Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visade att det finns individuella skillnader kreditgivarna emellan om vilket behov av hållbarhetsrelaterad information de har och det varierar därför hur användbara hållbarhetsredovisningarna är från kreditgivare till kreditgivare. Informationsbehovet för de individuella kreditgivarna visades i sin tur kunna bero på vilken nivå av ansvarstagande de befinner sig på, storleken på de lån och kunder de kommer i kontakt med, samt på vilken bransch deras kunder är verksamma inom. Vi kom fram till att kreditgivarna uppfattade att det finns utrymme för förbättring vad gäller kvaliteten på hållbarhetsredovisningarna. Utifrån de samhällsekonomiska teorierna fann vi att kritiken mot hållbarhetsredovisningarnas kvalitet kan bero på att de riktar sig till flera intressenter och inte bara kreditgivare samt misstanken om att företag använder hållbarhetsredovisningarna av strategiska orsaker. Vi kom dock fram till att hållbarhetsredovisningarna håller en tillräckligt god kvalitet för att kreditgivarna ska kunna ha användning av dem. Däremot visade studien att kreditgivarna föredrog att inhämta informationen genom personlig kontakt med företaget framför hållbarhetsredovisningarna, vilket kan förklaras av kreditgivarnas interna struktur och redovisningsmiljön.

Constraints experienced in managing Triple Helix in South Africa / Doret Potgieter.

Potgieter, Dorathea Maria January 2012 (has links)
Rapid changes in the global economy forces Industry to continuously seek competitive advantages; the University on the other hand pursue additional funding. Both Industry and University are trying to keep up with the accelerating pace of change, therefore partnership become critical in achieving key objectives. Research collaborations become essential and offer direct benefits for University and company participants. The impact extends well beyond the direct partners. When potential partners have the resources and knowledge to accomplish individual goals, working with outside experts can improve the quality of the research and help to reduce costs. Industry-sponsored research allows the University to obtain financial support as well as Industry exposure for its educational and research missions. The Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) aims to boost South African Industry by supporting research and technology development, and by enhancing the quality and quantity of appropriately skilled people. THRIP brings together the best of South Africa's researchers, academics and industry players in funding partnerships that enable participants to improve the quality of their products, services and people. In 13 years it has become a powerful formula for stimulating innovation in South Africa - innovation leads to competitiveness and competition leads to growth. There are many difficulties in managing projects across organisational boundaries; their cultures and their mission differ. The goal and the prime objective of the industries are to make a profit and build-value for shareholders. The universities‟ missions are to develop new knowledge and educate the next generation. Factors that may prevent research collaboration with Industry from being successfully accomplished are: • The practical difficulties of managing a collaboration, • Deleterious effects on faculty and students, • Impact on the mission, • Reputation and financing of the University. Industry needs to overcome the following hurdles in order to foster greater collaboration: • Respect the value of research collaboration, • Incorporate University research into product development, • Management barriers. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

A critical analysis of global sustainability indices / Brian Neville Keeling

Keeling, Brian Neville January 2013 (has links)
Nation states of the world are driven by socio-economic imperatives that are rapidly degrading the natural resources that sustain life on Earth. This paradox has led to numerous initiatives to better understand and measure sustainability and sustainable development through indices. The primary objective of this research is to critically analyse the plethora of indices developed and used by institutions and organisations globally that have a role to play in measuring the sustainability and sustainable development of nation states, and distil the analysis into one integrated Sustainable Development Index (SDI) that compares all countries. A secondary objective is to review South Africa‟s response to measure sustainability and determine how well it performs compared to other nation states. A qualitative approach is used to review the literature in three steps, namely to consider the challenges of measuring what matters, to reflect on the response to govern and measure sustainability, and then to identify outcomes in terms of specific indices related to triple bottom line dimensions. The review considers the scope and level of integration of global indices as well as South Africa‟s response to measure sustainability. The analysis phase normalizes all the data to establish an integrated SDI for all countries, it then analyses and interprets the data to determine the variation and correlation between all the global indices, and then benchmarks countries and specifically South Africa. The review finds that twenty-one years after the Agenda 21 agreement at the Rio Earth Summit, no acceptable or established SDI has been developed and implemented by the United Nations, and the analysis develops two options for an integrated SDI at nation state level. In terms of both these SDI‟s South Africa performs poorly from a benchmarked perspective. From both the nation state and global indices perspectives, the appraisal of the single integrated SDI finds significant variations in the results, coupled with a wide range of correlation outcomes which distil into well correlated single integrated SDIs. The findings indicate that recent SDI developments are moving towards human wellbeing indicators, however although environmental priorities are considered, they play a secondary role. This “inconvenient truth” alludes to a “business as usual” approach as the policy makers of the world continue to focus on short-term socio-economic imperatives. Environmental thresholds and “limits to growth” considerations need to be fundamental aspects of all SDIs. This argument continues by factoring thresholds and priorities into the triple bottom line dimensions - a Sustainability Intelligence Quotient is developed from the integrated SDI, which suggests that only two countries meet the requirements. / (Master of Environmental Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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