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The community pharmacist's role enhancing medicines management for type II diabetes in Tripoli, Libya : a randomised controlled trial in community pharmacy to investigate knowledge and practice in relation to type II diabetes and glycaemic controlElhatab, Nesrin M. January 2016 (has links)
Aim/Objectives: There were two aims; improving type II diabetes glycaemic control; and enhancing the role of community pharmacists by engaging them in type II diabetes medicine management. Methods: This quantitative study collected data from both community pharmacists and patients. In a premises survey, 426 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to community pharmacies. In a knowledge survey, 125 questionnaires were distributed to community pharmacists. In a clinical trial, 40 community pharmacies were randomly assigned to be control (18) and intervention (22) premises. Each pharmacy recruited 4 or 5 patients with type II diabetes. 225 patients were recruited and assigned to receive usual pharmacist care (n=100) or a pre-defined pharmacist intervention (n=125). Results: Community pharmacists had good knowledge of diabetes with average scores 21/29 (±3.18). The differences between control and intervention groups in patients' HbA1c and FPG changes were not significant. In the intervention group patients' diabetes knowledge was significantly improved (p=0.031). In the intervention group HbA1c and FPG improved significantly and in the control group FPG improved significantly and HbA1c did not. Patients' self-reported self-management activities improved significantly around blood glucose measurements (p < 0.001) and physical exercising (p=0.001). Attitudes around the value of tight control of diabetes improved (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The findings suggest that community pharmacists in Libya may have the ability to improve type II diabetes care. The primary outcomes were not improved in intervention versus control. The before/after analysis showed significant improvement in primary outcomes in the intervention group and also in one of the primary outcomes in the control group. Patients' self-reported self-care activities and attitudes improved significantly in the intervention group.
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The Community Pharmacists’ Role Enhancing Medicines Management for Type II Diabetes in Tripoli, Libya. A Randomised Controlled Trial in Community Pharmacy to Investigate Knowledge and Practice in Relation To Type II Diabetes and Glycaemic ControlElhatab, Nesrin M. January 2016 (has links)
Aim/Objectives: There were two aims; improving type II diabetes glycaemic control; and enhancing the role of community pharmacists by engaging them in type II diabetes medicine management.
Methods: This quantitative study collected data from both community pharmacists and patients. In a premises survey, 426 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to community pharmacies. In a knowledge survey, 125 questionnaires were distributed to community pharmacists. In a clinical trial, 40 community pharmacies were randomly assigned to be control (18) and intervention (22) premises. Each pharmacy recruited 4 or 5 patients with type II diabetes. 225 patients were recruited and assigned to receive usual pharmacist care (n=100) or a pre-defined pharmacist intervention (n=125).
Results: Community pharmacists had good knowledge of diabetes with average scores 21/29 (±3.18). The differences between control and intervention groups in patients' HbA1c and FPG changes were not significant. In the intervention group patients' diabetes knowledge was significantly improved (p=0.031). In the intervention group HbA1c and FPG improved significantly and in the control group FPG improved significantly and HbA1c did not. Patients' self-reported self-management activities improved significantly around blood glucose measurements (p<0.001) and physical exercising (p=0.001). Attitudes around the value of tight control of diabetes improved (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The findings suggest that community pharmacists in Libya may have the ability to improve type II diabetes care. The primary outcomes were not improved in intervention versus control. The before/after analysis showed significant improvement in primary outcomes in the intervention group and also in one of the primary outcomes in the control group. Patients' self-reported self-care activities and attitudes improved significantly in the intervention group.
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La traite des esclaves noirs en Lybie dans les temps modernes / the black slaves’ trade in Libya in the modern eraAbu alkhir, Saleh 24 May 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, sur la traite des esclaves noirs en Libye, dans les temps modernes, en particulier aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, a nécessité une recherche à partir de questions telles que : quelles sont les origines et les catégories des esclaves noirs qui arrivèrent en Libye ? Les divers prix pratiqués ? Les stations commerçantes les plus importantes du Sahara ? Les routes caravanières empruntées pour le transport des esclaves vers l’Afrique du Nord et plus particulièrement la Libye ? La thèse porte sur les principaux marchés libyens, les méthodes d’achat et de vente, les prix des esclaves, les impôts, les douanes. La Libye a servi, en premier lieu, de plaque tournante pour l’exportation des esclaves vers d’autres destinations et notre étude s’est attachée à ses ports d’où partaient les esclaves en direction de l’Egypte, de l’Empire ottoman, du Levant et des pays du Maghreb. La thèse met aussi l’accent sur la vie sociale des esclaves, leurs rituels religieux, leurs traditions et coutumes, leur habitat, leurs relations avec leurs maîtres, leur intégration dans la communauté libyenne et musulmane jusqu’à en faire partie, le point de vue de la société libyenne sur ce phénomène de l’esclavage. La dernière partie de la thèse aborde la diminution du phénomène de l’esclavage en Libye, puis l’interdiction et l’abolition du commerce à partir de la pression internationale exercée sur l’Empire ottoman. Une évaluation est faite sur la qualité des mesures gouvernementales à cet égard, à travers un récit historique des évènements jusqu’à la fin du commerce à partir de l’occupation italienne, en 1911. / This thesis is about the black slaves’ trade in Libya in the modern era especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It illustrates a range of research issues such as, the sources of black slaves which came to Libya, its types and prices, the important commercial stations in the desert, the routes of the caravans which carried the slaves to North Africa and to Libya in particular. The research study comes across the most important markets on the Libyan soil, the methods of purchasing and buying, the slaves’ prices, the taxes and the customs. Hence, Libya was the area of re-exporting the slaves in the first place, the theses will mention the important exporting harbours and the important destinations such as Egypt, the Ottoman State (Turkey), and the Levant and the Maghreb countries. The thesis extends its scope to cover the social life of the slaves, their religious rituals, their customs and traditions, their houses, their relationships with their masters, the perception of the Libyan society to the slave phenomenon until they become an important component of the Libyan society and the Islamic societies in general. The last part of the thesis deals with the history of abolition of the slave trade and the disappearance of the slave phenomenon totally in Libya. This will be done by following the sequence of events starting with the international pressure on the Ottoman Empire for the abolition of slavery, the assessment of the seriousness of the governmental measures (procedures) and recalling the historical events until the end of the slave trade by the Italian occupation to Libya in 1911.
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“Emancipation from that Degrading Yoke”: Thomas Jefferson, William Eaton and “Barbary Piracy” from 1784 to 1805Meyers, Stacy 04 August 2011 (has links)
The following essay examines the image of "Barbary piracy" created by two prominent political figures, Thomas Jefferson and William Eaton, and by the American public from 1784 to 1805, and how those images shaped the policy of the American-Barbary War. Eaton‟s Orientalist approach to describing piracy and the North African population limited his views of this region, thus reducing the American conflict to the annihilation of animalistic "brutes." Jefferson‟s practical approach to describing piracy and the North African population focused on emancipating the region from the corrupting influence of greed, allowing him the necessary flexibility to solve the conflict by either by military force or with peace treaties, whichever was necessary. I will show the impact that categorizing piracy as either the result of a depraved society or as a corrupting force had on both American perceptions of the North Africa people and on the outcome of the American-Barbary War.
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La Romanie orientale : l'empire de Constantinople et ses avatars au Levant à l'époque des Croisades / Oriental Romania : the empire of Constantinople and his avatars in the Levant during the CrusadesBaraton, Édouard 11 June 2018 (has links)
L’empire de Constantinople, après un siècle (969-1085) de domination sur de vastes portions de l’Orient (Cilicie, Chypre, Syrie du Nord et Djézireh), et de rayonnement au-delà jusqu’à Jérusalem, dut reconstituer sa présence dans cet espace à partir de la fin du XIe siècle. L’arrivée de nouveaux acteurs chrétiens autonomes, Francs et Arméniens, compliqua l’équation politique de l’Empire, qui ne devait plus uniquement reconstruire sa domination sur ses anciens sujets, mais aussi compter avec ces forces. L’empire de Romanie vécut en Orient, parallèlement aux Croisades, une intense phase de redéfinition de sa réalité régionale, de ses modalités de fonctionnement et de son rôle politique. Cependant, cette expérience, qui se prolongea sur près de deux siècles, ne saurait se limiter à une simple projection de puissance de Constantinople sur cette périphérie. Malgré les bouleversements qui frappèrent le cœur de l’Empire de 1081 à 1289, la référence impériale se maintint en Orient sous les Comnènes, les empereurs latins et nicéens, puis sous les premiers Paléologues. Le processus ne fut durable que grâce à la redéfinition progressive de l’identité impériale locale. Ses contours varièrent par l’adjonction d’éléments hétérogènes, contribuant à complexifier l’empreinte de l’empire de Romanie en Orient. La Romanie orientale fut une solution à l’équation politique des pouvoirs locaux (la principauté d’Antioche, le comté de Tripoli et les royaumes de Chypre et d’Arménie principalement) pour réussir leur intégration régionale en la conjuguant avec un héritage impérial constantinopolitain, incluant l’Orient helléno-arabe. / The empire of Constantinople, after a century (969-1085) of domination over large part of oriental territories (Cilicia, Cyprus, North Syria and Djezireh) during which it exerted its influence over Jerusalem, had to restore its influence in this space from the end of the eleventh century. The arrival of new autonomous Christian players, Francs and Armenians, complicated the empire’s political equation, which had not just to rebuild his domination over its old subjects, but also had to allow for these forces.The empire of Romanie lived in the East, at the same time of the Crusades, an intense period of redefinition of its regional reality, of its modes of running and of its political role. However, this experience, which lasted for two centuries, can’t be confined to a simple projection of Constantinople’s powerful onto this periphery.Despite the disruptions which hit the heart of the empire, from 1081 to 1289, the imperial reference persisted in the East under the Comneni, the Latin and Nicene emperors, and under the firsts Paleologues.The process was lasting because of the gradual redefinition of regional imperial identity. Its contours were varied by the addition of heterogenic elements, which contributed to complicate the imperial mark in the East.Oriental Romania was a solution to the political equation of local authorities (Principality of Antioch, the County of Tripoli and the kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia mainly) to succeed in their regional integration, combined with an imperial Constantinopolitan heir, including the Hellenic and Arabic East.
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