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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contaminant Migration Through Soil-Cement Materials

Goreham, Vincent 21 March 2014 (has links)
To assess the long-term performance of soil-cement materials used in source-control remediation methods (i.e. cement-based solidification/stabilization), procedures to measure or estimate contaminant migration parameters are essential. Previous research indicates that diffusion may be an important mechanism in contaminant transport through soil-cement materials. However, there is a paucity of information regarding the diffusion of contaminants through these materials. The development of a single-reservoir diffusion apparatus and methodology to assess the effective diffusion coefficient (De) and effective porosity (ne) of dissolved, conservative, inorganic chemicals for saturated, cured, monolithic soil-cement specimens is discussed. This is the only study known to investigate these parameters for these materials. The results of tritiated water diffusion tests on 14 different soil-cement mixtures are presented and the influence of curing time and mixture properties such as water-to-cement ratio, cement content, and grain-size distribution are examined. Results suggest that, to determine reasonable assessments of the longer-term parameters, soil-cement samples should be cured for a minimum of 70 days before commencing diffusion testing. Values of ne (0.21 to 0.41) and De (2.50×10-10 m2/s to 7.0×10-10 m2/s) determined are similar to those previously determined for a number other low-hydraulic conductivity materials (i.e. saturated inactive clays). The water content of the initial mixture is shown to have a substantial effect on the diffusive properties as the results indicate that both the total porosity (n) and the effective porosity, ne, generally increase with increasing initial water content. For the range of soils used in this investigation, grain-size distribution did not have a substantial effect on the values of ne or De determined from diffusion testing. The adaptation of a double-reservoir diffusion testing apparatus and methodology to evaluate the distribution coefficient (Kd) and De of organic contaminants is also presented. This apparatus is used to evaluate Kd and De of benzene, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, and trichloroethylene for three soil-cement mixtures. Values of Kd (0 to 2.5 cm3/g depending on the compound and soil-cement mixture tested) determined from diffusion testing, batch testing, and theoretical estimates from the literature were in general agreement. Values of De for the organic compounds ranged from 1.50×10-10 to 3.0×10-10 m2/s.

Aeracijos zonos modeliai ir jų taikymai radioaktyviųjų atliekų kapinyno saugos analizei / Unsaturated zone models and their application for radioactive waste repository safety analyse

Skuratovič, Žana 15 November 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe eksperimentiniais ir modeliavimo metodais buvo nagrinėjami skirtingose hidrogeologinėse sąlygose esančių branduolinių objektų aikštelių aeracijos zonos gruntuose vystantys drėgmės (ir priemaišų) pernašos procesai. Aeracijos zonos profiliai buvo palyginti atlikus eksperimentinius tyrimus ir apibendrinus duomenis apie gruntų hidraulines savybes, drėgnį ir izotopinę sudėtį. Krituliuose ir aeracijos zonos grunto profilių drėgmėje buvo nustatyti globaliai paplitusio radionuklido tričio bei vandens molekulės izotopinių traserių pasiskirstymo ypatumai. Nustatyta, kad krituliuose pasireiškiančios stabiliųjų izotopų sezoninės variacijos aeracijos zonoje ir ypač gruntiniame vandenyje beveik išnyksta, tačiau išlieka nežymūs sezoninių smailių pėdsakai, kurie Maišiagalos aikštelėje yra šiek tiek kontrastiškesni nei Stabatiškės aikštelėje, kadangi Maišiagalos aikštelėje drėgmės tranzito aeracijos zonoje laikas trumpesnis. Priėmus hipotetines žemės paviršiaus užtvindymo sąlygas esant žemam, vidutiniškam ir aukštam slėgiui, momentiniam ir pastoviam priemaišų įvedimui, palyginimui buvo išnagrinėti šeši scenarijai. Sudarytas tričio pernašos aeracijos zonoje modelis parodė, kad paros įvesties parametrų suvidurkinimas atskiram mėnesiui gali riboti tričio koncentracijos aeracijos zonos profilyje ir vandens balanso elementų pasiskirstymo atkūrimą. / Two nuclear waste disposal sites (Maišiagala radioactive waste storage facility site and Stabatiškė near surface repository site) were compared in terms of the contaminant movement through the unsaturated zone. Extensive data sets of the hydraulic properties, water content and isotope composition have been collected and summarized. Distribution features of globally widespread radionuclide tritium and the water molecule tracer isotopes in precipitation, unsaturated zone soil moisture profiles and groundwater were determined. Stable isotopes seasonal variation occurring in precipitation almost disappears in the unsaturated zone soil moisture and especially in shallow groundwater, but in both sites slight seasonal peak traces remain, which at the Maišiagala site are a bit more contrasting in comparison with the Stabatiškė site. Both sites were modelled by using unsaturated flow and transport models. Six scenarios have been developed to simulate the water and solute movement under low, moderate, and high water input, and instantaneous and continuous solute input conditions. In order to validate the representativeness of the hydraulic parameters, the model has been used to estimate the tritium distribution in the unsaturated zone, which properly represents the dynamics of the unsaturated zone. The uniformity of the daily input in each month should be kept in mind in the evaluation of the smooth changes of the tritium profile and water budget elements.

Aeracijos zonos modeliai ir jų taikymai radioaktyviųjų atliekų kapinyno saugos analizei / Unsaturated zone models and their application for radioactive waste repository safety alalyse

Skuratovič, Žana 15 November 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe eksperimentiniais ir modeliavimo metodais buvo nagrinėjami skirtingose hidrogeologinėse sąlygose esančių branduolinių objektų aikštelių aeracijos zonos gruntuose vystantys drėgmės (ir priemaišų) pernašos procesai. Aeracijos zonos profiliai buvo palyginti atlikus eksperimentinius tyrimus ir apibendrinus duomenis apie gruntų hidraulines savybes, drėgnį ir izotopinę sudėtį. Krituliuose ir aeracijos zonos grunto profilių drėgmėje buvo nustatyti globaliai paplitusio radionuklido tričio bei vandens molekulės izotopinių traserių pasiskirstymo ypatumai. Nustatyta, kad krituliuose pasireiškiančios stabiliųjų izotopų sezoninės variacijos aeracijos zonoje ir ypač gruntiniame vandenyje beveik išnyksta, tačiau išlieka nežymūs sezoninių smailių pėdsakai, kurie Maišiagalos aikštelėje yra šiek tiek kontrastiškesni nei Stabatiškės aikštelėje, kadangi Maišiagalos aikštelėje drėgmės tranzito aeracijos zonoje laikas trumpesnis. Priėmus hipotetines žemės paviršiaus užtvindymo sąlygas esant žemam, vidutiniškam ir aukštam slėgiui, momentiniam ir pastoviam priemaišų įvedimui, palyginimui buvo išnagrinėti šeši scenarijai. Sudarytas tričio pernašos aeracijos zonoje modelis parodė, kad paros įvesties parametrų suvidurkinimas atskiram mėnesiui gali riboti tričio koncentracijos aeracijos zonos profilyje ir vandens balanso elementų pasiskirstymo atkūrimą. / Two nuclear waste disposal sites (Maišiagala radioactive waste storage facility site and Stabatiškė near surface repository site) were compared in terms of the contaminant movement through the unsaturated zone. Extensive data sets of the hydraulic properties, water content and isotope composition have been collected and summarized. Distribution features of globally widespread radionuclide tritium and the water molecule tracer isotopes in precipitation, unsaturated zone soil moisture profiles and groundwater were determined. Stable isotopes seasonal variation occurring in precipitation almost disappears in the unsaturated zone soil moisture and especially in shallow groundwater, but in both sites slight seasonal peak traces remain, which at the Maišiagala site are a bit more contrasting in comparison with the Stabatiškė site. Both sites were modelled by using unsaturated flow and transport models. Six scenarios have been developed to simulate the water and solute movement under low, moderate, and high water input, and instantaneous and continuous solute input conditions. In order to validate the representativeness of the hydraulic parameters, the model has been used to estimate the tritium distribution in the unsaturated zone, which properly represents the dynamics of the unsaturated zone. The uniformity of the daily input in each month should be kept in mind in the evaluation of the smooth changes of the tritium profile and water budget elements.

Development of new and improved labelling procedures for introducing isotopic hydrogen and carbon-11 into organic compounds

Al-Qahtani, Mohammed H. S. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The Geochemistry and Runoff Process in Wolf Creek Research Basin, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

Li, Tianjiao 05 December 2013 (has links)
This study investigates the runoff process and groundwater behavior in a subarctic watershed called Wolf Creek Research Basin, in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada. This basin is underlain by discontinuous permafrost that is typical of high latitude watersheds. Goundwater supports the stream flow year round and dominated the hydrology in most of the study period as baseflow. The baseflow was concentrated in dissolved ions. However, the baseflow was diluted during the melt season in May and June of 2012. Multiple chemical and isotopic tracers were used to develop a robust three-component (groundwater, soilwater and precipitation) mixing model for runoff generation. The concentrations of weathering ions decreased with the increased discharge during the melt. Soilwater was responsible for about 60% of the streamwater on the hydrograph in the melt season. The infiltration of the meltwater from the snowpack and the thawed water from the seasonal frost to the baseflow existed. The tritium concentrations indicated that there was fast moving hydrogeological system within the basin. The baseflow was also characterized as relatively enriched in both 13C and 14C, and concentrated in DIC. DIC was the major loss of carbon in Wolf Creek Research Basin.Le pergélisol est grandement sous-jacent dans les bassins-versants à haute latitude. Cette étude examine le processus de ruissellement et le comportement des eaux souterraines dans un bassin-versant subarctique de Wolf Creek, à Whitehorse, territoire du Yukon au Canada. Les eaux souterraines soutenaient l’écoulement fluvial et dominaient l’hydrographe comme débit de base durant la majorité de la période d’étude. Le débit de base était concentré d’ions dissipés. Par contre, le débit de base était dilué durant la saison des fontes au mois de mai et juin 2012. Plusieurs traceurs chimiques et isotopiques étaient utilisé afin de développer un modèle de trois composants (eau souterraine, eau interstitielle de sol et précipitation) de ruissellement. Les concentrations de la déségrégation des ions diminuaient avec l’augmentation du débit durant la fonte. Les eaux interstitielles des sols étaient responsables de 60% de l’eau de ruisseau sur l’hydrographe durant la saison de fontes. L’infiltration de l’eau de fonte du manteau neigeux et l’eau du gel du débit de base existaient. Les concentrations de tritium indiquent qu’il y avait un système hydrogéologique qui se déplaçait à grande vitesse dans les limites du bassin. Le débit de base était aussi caractérisé comme étant enrichi en 13C et 14C, avec des concentrations en carbone inorganique dissous.

Tritium Removal Facility High Tritium Distillation Simulation

Zahedi, Polad 10 July 2013 (has links)
A dynamic model was developed for the distillation mechanism of the Darlington Tritium Removal Facility. The model was created using the commercial software package MATLAB/Simulink. The goal was to use such a model to predict the system behaviour for use in control analysis. The distillation system was first divided into individual components including columns, condensers, controllers, heaters and the hydraulic network. Flow streams were then developed to transfer enthalpy, pressure and mass flow rate between the components. The model was able to perform various plant transients for validation and analysis purposes. A comparison of the different controllers was made with the introduction of various disturbances to the system. Also, the effect of the system disturbances when isolated from the transients was studied using the same controllers. Studying different plant transients and disturbances under each controller enabled a comparative analysis.

Tritium Removal Facility High Tritium Distillation Simulation

Zahedi, Polad 10 July 2013 (has links)
A dynamic model was developed for the distillation mechanism of the Darlington Tritium Removal Facility. The model was created using the commercial software package MATLAB/Simulink. The goal was to use such a model to predict the system behaviour for use in control analysis. The distillation system was first divided into individual components including columns, condensers, controllers, heaters and the hydraulic network. Flow streams were then developed to transfer enthalpy, pressure and mass flow rate between the components. The model was able to perform various plant transients for validation and analysis purposes. A comparison of the different controllers was made with the introduction of various disturbances to the system. Also, the effect of the system disturbances when isolated from the transients was studied using the same controllers. Studying different plant transients and disturbances under each controller enabled a comparative analysis.

Fuel cycle design and analysis of SABR subrcritical advanced burner reactor /

Sommer, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M. S.)--Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. / Committee Chair: van Rooijen, Wilfred; Committee Member: Hertel, Nolan; Committee Member: Stacey, Weston

Determinacao de tricio e estroncio-90 no controle radiologico do IPEN-CNEN/SP

LEONARDO, LUCIO 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:49:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:01:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 09815.pdf: 1279672 bytes, checksum: b0b13ac00bb4c31120dba8064c665328 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Metabolismo de quilomicrons em pacientes portadores de doenca arterial coronaria

BRANDIZZI, LAURA I.V. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:46:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 08289.pdf: 3549738 bytes, checksum: 91c401cfdc71f7626a33edd5a3a3e5ce (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

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