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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läkemedelsutveckling med hjälp av fragmentscreening

Phan, Hilda January 2010 (has links)
<p>Trombin är ett trypsinliknande serinproteas som har stor del i kroppens reglering av blodets fluiditet och koagulation genom att det klyver faktorer som slutligen leder till att blodet kan koagulera och fibrin bildas. Syftet med det här projektet har varit att syntetisera fragment som designats med datorgrafiska metoder på Astra Zeneca och sedan analysera fragmenten med affinitetskromatografi med trypsin immobiliserad på kiselgelspartiklar. I projektet har även ett nytt koncept prövats, nämligen att analysera reaktionsblandningarna direkt med hjälp av trypsinkolonnen utan att först isolera och rena föreningarna. De designade fragmenten har syntetiserats med standardmetoder, bl.a. har N,N’dicyklohexylkarbodiimid (DCC) använts. DCC är ett kopplingsreagens som kopplar ihop aminer med karboxylsyror genom skapande av en amidbindning, peptidbindning. Ibland då lite mer komplicerade peptider skall göras, kan aminoänden eller karboxyländen skyddas med en skyddsgrupp, för att dessa inte ska reagera under reaktionssteget och för att man ska få den peptiden man är ute efter. Vätskekromatografi-masspektrometri, LC-MS har använts för identifiering av reaktionblandningarna (substanserna). Resultaten visade att två av de framställda föreningarna retarderades på trypsinkolonnen, vilket innebär att de växelverkar med trypsin och att s.k. hits, träffar erhållits. Synteserna verkar ha gått bra, då LC-MS har visat att det är rätt produkt som finns i kolven. Projektet har visat att det går att designa fragment som man syntetiserar och sen analyserar med AFC-MS. AFC-MS har dessutom visat vara en lämplig metod för screening av svagt bindande fragment.</p> / <p>Through different, intricate mechanisms, the body regulates the coagulation and the fluidity of the blood. This is an important part of the hemostasis if for example bleeding occurs, or to provide the body with oxygen and nutrition.</p><p>Thrombin is a trypsin like serine protease that plays an important role in this process since it is cleaving factors that eventually lead to coagulation of the blood and production of fibrin.</p><p>The aim of this project has been to synthesize fragments that have been designed with computer graphical methods by Astra Zeneca and then to analyze the fragments with affinity chromatography that has trypsin immobilized on silica particles. The project also introduces a new concept i.e. to analyze reaction mixtures on the trypsin column without first isolating and purifying the compounds.</p><p>The design fragments are synthesized by earlier reported standard methods. N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) was used as coupling reagents to form amide or peptide bonds between carboxylic acids and amines.</p><p>In some of the reactions the amino group or the carboxylic groups of the amino acid were protected, to prevent these from interfering in the reaction and avoid to formation of unwanted substances. After the reactions the protecting groups were removed in different ways. If it is attached to the amine as a Boc-group (the most common protecting group to protect amino groups) it would be removed with trifluoracetic acid, and if the carboxyl group was protected, the protecting group would be removed with catalytical hydrogenolysis, for example by adding sodium hydroxide. To analyze if the right product has been acquired, analyzes with liquid chromatography-masspectrometry has been performed.</p><p>The results showed that two of the prepared fragments were retarded on the trypsin column meaning that they interact with trypsin i.e. hits were obtained.</p><p>The results showed that the two fragments that were analyzed with the trypsin column did retard a bit, which implies that they interact with trypsin. The synthesis seems to have been successful since the liquid-chromatography has shown that the right product has been made. This project has proven that it is possible to design fragments with computer graphical methods before synthesizing and analyzing with AFC-MS. AFC-MS has also been shown to be a suitable method for screening of weak binding fragments.</p>

Läkemedelsutveckling med hjälp av fragmentscreening

Phan, Hilda January 2010 (has links)
Trombin är ett trypsinliknande serinproteas som har stor del i kroppens reglering av blodets fluiditet och koagulation genom att det klyver faktorer som slutligen leder till att blodet kan koagulera och fibrin bildas. Syftet med det här projektet har varit att syntetisera fragment som designats med datorgrafiska metoder på Astra Zeneca och sedan analysera fragmenten med affinitetskromatografi med trypsin immobiliserad på kiselgelspartiklar. I projektet har även ett nytt koncept prövats, nämligen att analysera reaktionsblandningarna direkt med hjälp av trypsinkolonnen utan att först isolera och rena föreningarna. De designade fragmenten har syntetiserats med standardmetoder, bl.a. har N,N’dicyklohexylkarbodiimid (DCC) använts. DCC är ett kopplingsreagens som kopplar ihop aminer med karboxylsyror genom skapande av en amidbindning, peptidbindning. Ibland då lite mer komplicerade peptider skall göras, kan aminoänden eller karboxyländen skyddas med en skyddsgrupp, för att dessa inte ska reagera under reaktionssteget och för att man ska få den peptiden man är ute efter. Vätskekromatografi-masspektrometri, LC-MS har använts för identifiering av reaktionblandningarna (substanserna). Resultaten visade att två av de framställda föreningarna retarderades på trypsinkolonnen, vilket innebär att de växelverkar med trypsin och att s.k. hits, träffar erhållits. Synteserna verkar ha gått bra, då LC-MS har visat att det är rätt produkt som finns i kolven. Projektet har visat att det går att designa fragment som man syntetiserar och sen analyserar med AFC-MS. AFC-MS har dessutom visat vara en lämplig metod för screening av svagt bindande fragment. / Through different, intricate mechanisms, the body regulates the coagulation and the fluidity of the blood. This is an important part of the hemostasis if for example bleeding occurs, or to provide the body with oxygen and nutrition. Thrombin is a trypsin like serine protease that plays an important role in this process since it is cleaving factors that eventually lead to coagulation of the blood and production of fibrin. The aim of this project has been to synthesize fragments that have been designed with computer graphical methods by Astra Zeneca and then to analyze the fragments with affinity chromatography that has trypsin immobilized on silica particles. The project also introduces a new concept i.e. to analyze reaction mixtures on the trypsin column without first isolating and purifying the compounds. The design fragments are synthesized by earlier reported standard methods. N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) was used as coupling reagents to form amide or peptide bonds between carboxylic acids and amines. In some of the reactions the amino group or the carboxylic groups of the amino acid were protected, to prevent these from interfering in the reaction and avoid to formation of unwanted substances. After the reactions the protecting groups were removed in different ways. If it is attached to the amine as a Boc-group (the most common protecting group to protect amino groups) it would be removed with trifluoracetic acid, and if the carboxyl group was protected, the protecting group would be removed with catalytical hydrogenolysis, for example by adding sodium hydroxide. To analyze if the right product has been acquired, analyzes with liquid chromatography-masspectrometry has been performed. The results showed that two of the prepared fragments were retarded on the trypsin column meaning that they interact with trypsin i.e. hits were obtained. The results showed that the two fragments that were analyzed with the trypsin column did retard a bit, which implies that they interact with trypsin. The synthesis seems to have been successful since the liquid-chromatography has shown that the right product has been made. This project has proven that it is possible to design fragments with computer graphical methods before synthesizing and analyzing with AFC-MS. AFC-MS has also been shown to be a suitable method for screening of weak binding fragments.

Estrutura cristalográfica do inibidor de tripsina purificada de sementes de Enterolobium contortisiloquum e modelagem molecular de seus complexos com tripsina, trombina e fator Xa. / Crystallographic structure of the trypsin inhibitor purified from Enterolobium contortisiliquum seeds and the molecular modeling of its complexes with trypsin, trombin and Xa factor.

Bonfadini, Marcos Roberto 19 December 2003 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação da estrutura tridimensional do inibidor de tripsina purificado de sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (EcTI) e a modelagem molecular dos complexos EcTItripsina, EcTI-quimotripsina , EcTI-trombina, EcTI-fator Xa, e suas análises. O EcTI possui 19kDa de peso molecular inibe tripsina, quimotripsina, calicreína plasmática humana, plasmina humana e fator Xlla, mas não inibe fator Xa e ativador de plasminogênio. Monocristais apropriados à coleta de dados de difração de raios-X foram obtidos na condição 50 do fatorial da Hampton (PEG8000 - 0,5M, LiSO4 - 0,5M) através da técnica de acupuntura em gel à temperatura constante de 15&#176C após três semanas. O grupo espacial encontrado foi o P21 com uma molécula na unidade assimétrica. Os dados de difração foram coletados num detetor de placas de imagem MAR345 na linha de Cristalografia de Proteínas (PCr) no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS) em Campinas até uma resolução de 1,96&#197, completeza de 87% e Rsym=10,3%. A estrutura foi resolvida por Substituição Molecular tendo-se como molde a estrutura do inibidor de tripsina proveniente de Erythrina caffra que apresenta 39% de identidade seqüencial com a seqüência primária do EcTI. Divergências entre a seqüência primária esperada e a observada no mapa de densidade eletrônica levaram à suposição da existência de isoformas para este inibidor. Acatando esta hipótese e supondo que a isoforma cristalizada era diferente da isoforma cuja seqüência foi publicada, mudanças na seqüência guiadas pelo mapa de densidades foram realizadas. Um total de 33 substituições e 1 inserção foram feitos. Diferentemente das tentativas de refinamento com a seqüência original, após as substituições o refinamento convergiu para valores aceitáveis de Rfactor=17% e Rfree=25%. A estrutura apresenta o enovelamento &#946-trefoil com uma pseudo simetria de ordem 3. Os grampos de cabelo presentes na estrutura são espiralados mas isto não é resultado de repetições sistemáticas nos ângulo &#934/&#936 como esperado. Baseado nesta estrutura cristalográfica, um modelo da seqüência original foi construído por modelagem por homologia. A avaliação do modelo em termos de estereoquímica e compatibilidade estrutura-seqüência mostra uma boa qualidade, mesmo existindo a formação de uma ponte salina enterrada no núcleo hidrofóbico da molécula. Estruturas cristalográficas de complexos entre tripsina, quimotripsina, fator Xa e trombina foram usados para gerar modelos de complexos entre as serinoproteases correspondentes e o EcTI. A falta de atividade de EcTI contra fator Xa e trombina pode ser atribuída à incompatibilidade química e estrutural na interface do complexo. / The principal objective of this work was the 3D structural determination of a Trypsin inhibitor from Enterolobium contortisiliquum (EcTI) seeds as well as the modeling of the complexes between EcTI and trypsin, chymotrypsin, thrombin and factor Xa and their subsequent analysis. The inhibitor has a molecular weight of 19.5 kDa and inhibits trypsin, chymotrypsin, human plasma kallikrein, human plasmin and factor Xlla but not factor Xa and tissue type plasminogen activator. A single crystal appropriate for X-ray data collection was grown using condition 50 of Hampton\'s Research fatorial (PEG8000 - 15%, LiSO4 - 0.5mM) by the gel acupuncture technique at 15&#176C. The crystal grew in three weeks in the space group P21 with one molecule in the assymetric unit. Crystallographic data were acquired using an image plate detector MAR345 on the Protein Crystallography beam line at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), Campinas, out to 1,96&#197 resolution, with a completeness of 87% and Rsym= 10.3%. The structure was solved by the Molecular Replacement method using the previous determined structure of the trypsin inhibitor from Erythrina caffra which presented 39% sequence identity to EcTI. Discrepancies in the primary structure, as observed in the electron density map led to the supposition of the existence of isoforms for this particular inhibitor. In total 33 substitutions and 1 insertion were made. In contrast with the attempts made with the original sequence, after the amino acids were substituted the refinement converged to acceptable values for Rfactor=17% and Rfree=25%. The 3D fold of EcTI is a &#946-trefoil as expected. The hairpins present in this fold are coiled coils, but not as a result of the systematic alternation of the &#934/&#936 angles as expected. Using the crystallographic structure as a template a homology model for the original sequence was built. The model evaluation in terms of stereochemistry and structure-sequence compatibility showed it to be of generally good quality, despite the presence of a salt bridge buried in the hydrophobic core. Docking experiments using crystallographic structures of trypsin, chymotripsin, factor Xa and thrombin complexed with their respective inhibitors were undertaken. The lack of EcTI activity against factor Xa and thrombin is predicted to be due to chemical and structural incompatibility at the complex interface.

Estrutura cristalográfica do inibidor de tripsina purificada de sementes de Enterolobium contortisiloquum e modelagem molecular de seus complexos com tripsina, trombina e fator Xa. / Crystallographic structure of the trypsin inhibitor purified from Enterolobium contortisiliquum seeds and the molecular modeling of its complexes with trypsin, trombin and Xa factor.

Marcos Roberto Bonfadini 19 December 2003 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação da estrutura tridimensional do inibidor de tripsina purificado de sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (EcTI) e a modelagem molecular dos complexos EcTItripsina, EcTI-quimotripsina , EcTI-trombina, EcTI-fator Xa, e suas análises. O EcTI possui 19kDa de peso molecular inibe tripsina, quimotripsina, calicreína plasmática humana, plasmina humana e fator Xlla, mas não inibe fator Xa e ativador de plasminogênio. Monocristais apropriados à coleta de dados de difração de raios-X foram obtidos na condição 50 do fatorial da Hampton (PEG8000 - 0,5M, LiSO4 - 0,5M) através da técnica de acupuntura em gel à temperatura constante de 15&#176C após três semanas. O grupo espacial encontrado foi o P21 com uma molécula na unidade assimétrica. Os dados de difração foram coletados num detetor de placas de imagem MAR345 na linha de Cristalografia de Proteínas (PCr) no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS) em Campinas até uma resolução de 1,96&#197, completeza de 87% e Rsym=10,3%. A estrutura foi resolvida por Substituição Molecular tendo-se como molde a estrutura do inibidor de tripsina proveniente de Erythrina caffra que apresenta 39% de identidade seqüencial com a seqüência primária do EcTI. Divergências entre a seqüência primária esperada e a observada no mapa de densidade eletrônica levaram à suposição da existência de isoformas para este inibidor. Acatando esta hipótese e supondo que a isoforma cristalizada era diferente da isoforma cuja seqüência foi publicada, mudanças na seqüência guiadas pelo mapa de densidades foram realizadas. Um total de 33 substituições e 1 inserção foram feitos. Diferentemente das tentativas de refinamento com a seqüência original, após as substituições o refinamento convergiu para valores aceitáveis de Rfactor=17% e Rfree=25%. A estrutura apresenta o enovelamento &#946-trefoil com uma pseudo simetria de ordem 3. Os grampos de cabelo presentes na estrutura são espiralados mas isto não é resultado de repetições sistemáticas nos ângulo &#934/&#936 como esperado. Baseado nesta estrutura cristalográfica, um modelo da seqüência original foi construído por modelagem por homologia. A avaliação do modelo em termos de estereoquímica e compatibilidade estrutura-seqüência mostra uma boa qualidade, mesmo existindo a formação de uma ponte salina enterrada no núcleo hidrofóbico da molécula. Estruturas cristalográficas de complexos entre tripsina, quimotripsina, fator Xa e trombina foram usados para gerar modelos de complexos entre as serinoproteases correspondentes e o EcTI. A falta de atividade de EcTI contra fator Xa e trombina pode ser atribuída à incompatibilidade química e estrutural na interface do complexo. / The principal objective of this work was the 3D structural determination of a Trypsin inhibitor from Enterolobium contortisiliquum (EcTI) seeds as well as the modeling of the complexes between EcTI and trypsin, chymotrypsin, thrombin and factor Xa and their subsequent analysis. The inhibitor has a molecular weight of 19.5 kDa and inhibits trypsin, chymotrypsin, human plasma kallikrein, human plasmin and factor Xlla but not factor Xa and tissue type plasminogen activator. A single crystal appropriate for X-ray data collection was grown using condition 50 of Hampton\'s Research fatorial (PEG8000 - 15%, LiSO4 - 0.5mM) by the gel acupuncture technique at 15&#176C. The crystal grew in three weeks in the space group P21 with one molecule in the assymetric unit. Crystallographic data were acquired using an image plate detector MAR345 on the Protein Crystallography beam line at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), Campinas, out to 1,96&#197 resolution, with a completeness of 87% and Rsym= 10.3%. The structure was solved by the Molecular Replacement method using the previous determined structure of the trypsin inhibitor from Erythrina caffra which presented 39% sequence identity to EcTI. Discrepancies in the primary structure, as observed in the electron density map led to the supposition of the existence of isoforms for this particular inhibitor. In total 33 substitutions and 1 insertion were made. In contrast with the attempts made with the original sequence, after the amino acids were substituted the refinement converged to acceptable values for Rfactor=17% and Rfree=25%. The 3D fold of EcTI is a &#946-trefoil as expected. The hairpins present in this fold are coiled coils, but not as a result of the systematic alternation of the &#934/&#936 angles as expected. Using the crystallographic structure as a template a homology model for the original sequence was built. The model evaluation in terms of stereochemistry and structure-sequence compatibility showed it to be of generally good quality, despite the presence of a salt bridge buried in the hydrophobic core. Docking experiments using crystallographic structures of trypsin, chymotripsin, factor Xa and thrombin complexed with their respective inhibitors were undertaken. The lack of EcTI activity against factor Xa and thrombin is predicted to be due to chemical and structural incompatibility at the complex interface.

Antikoagulační faktory a příjem krve u monogeneí čeledi Diplozoidae / Anticoagulation factors and blood uptake by monogeneans of the family Diplozoidae

Skipalová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
For the successful food intake by organisms that feed on blood is essentials presence of antihaemostatic molecules such as vasodilators, anticoagulant molecules and apyrases., Although members of family Diplozoidae (Heteronchoinea) are blood-feeding parasites on the gills of the fish, these molecules, that could disrupt host hemostasis, have not yet been identified. Thus, the aim of this study was to find molecules with potential anticoagulant activity in homogenates of whole worm bodies and excretory/secretory products of the members of family Diplozoidae. Furthermore perform bioinformatics analysis of sequences obtained from transcriptom project of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae) and selected proteins (protein domain) then expressed in a recombinant form. We tested inhibitory activity in excretory-secretory products and homogenates of members family Diplozoidae towards coagulation factors IIa and Xa and their specific fluorogenic with 4 negative and 1 positive results. From the results of two transcriptome analysis we discovered three protein families of potential anticoagulants - annexins, serpins and Kunitz-domain proteins. For further analyses we focused on the Kunitz protein family. These proteins contain one or more structurally related active domains which are able to...

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