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Alterações do tubo digestório de cães da raça Golden Retriever afetados pela distrofia muscular / Alterations of digestory tube in the Golden Retriever dogs affecteds by muscular dystrophyCatelli, Alida Abatemarco 28 August 2006 (has links)
O modelo experimental canino Golden Retriever portador da Distrofia Muscular (GRMD) é o melhor substituto entre os modelos animais para estudar a Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. Os principais sinais clínicos observados no cão afetado são disfagia, hipertrofia da língua, emagrecimento progressivo, fraqueza muscular, desvio de eixo dos membros e contraturas. A doença é determinada pela ausência da distrofina, uma proteína da membrana muscular, que tem papel vital na manutenção da estrutura e função da célula muscular. A GRMD não afeta apenas a musculatura estriada esquelética, podendo afetar inclusive o funcionamento do trato digestório, já que o músculo liso é o elemento primário dos órgãos tubulares. Objetivou-se neste trabalho, através do estudo morfológico, verificar se a distrofia muscular afeta a arquitetura geral do trato digestório e como está disposta sua estrutura muscular. Foram realizadas avaliações descritivas macroscópicas e microscópicas ópticas com colorações de Hematoxilina-Eosina, Tricrômio de Masson e Picrosirius. Em conjunto, nove cães GRMD afetados foram submetidos à avaliação da implantação de um novo manejo alimentar, num período de um ano, direcionado à correção dos problemas envolvidos na disfagia do cão distrófico. O esôfago e o estômago apresentaram-se como as porções mais afetadas do tubo digestório. Suas fibras musculares apresentavam-se com diâmetros variados e estavam entremeadas com abundante deposição de tecido conjuntivo, fibroblastos e infiltrado mononuclear com distribuição intersticial. O esôfago apresentou alterações muito severas, refletindo na sua funcionalidade, e levando ao megaesôfago secundário, devido à constituição por músculo estriado em toda a totalidade. O intestino não apresentou alterações histopatológicas significativas. Observou-se diferença de severidade entre lesões que ocorrem na musculatura estriada e na musculatura lisa, que pode ser devido à distribuição distinta do complexo distrofina-glicoproteína existentes nesses dois tipos de musculaturas. Desta forma, a ausência da proteína distrofina tende a ser menos crítica para a função muscular lisa no intestino, tal como é para o músculo esquelético. A musculatura lisa do estômago apresentava-se mais afetada que a do intestino, podendo ser explicado pelo fato do primeiro sofrer maiores ciclos de contrações e distenções, o que pode resultar em aumento de área de colágeno no tecido muscular e conseqüente perda de sua arquitetura. No cão afetado GRMD, a apreensão é uma fase crítica. Houve significativas respostas na implantação do novo manejo alimentar, quando aquela etapa foi substituída por auxílio humano. Assim a regurgitação mecânica tendeu a zero e pareceu diminuir o gasto energético excessivo. O modo como foram oferecidos o alimento e água preveniu o aparecimento de pneumonias por aspiração. A quantidade de água adicionada ao alimento seco foi suficiente para manter os animais hidratados. O manejo atual determinou manutenção dos pesos, ausência de desidratação clínica e ausência de óbitos, sendo assim indicado como manejo base a ser aplicado para a disfagia e megaesôfago adquirido secundário a distrofia muscular. Conclui-se que o manejo adequadamente direcionado torna-se especialmente importante para prevenir complicações e reflete em manutenção de equilíbrio e fortalecimento do sistema imune, e conseqüentemente, suporte perante a doença, proporcionando uma sobrevida com qualidade / The experimental dog model Golden Retriever affected by muscular dystrophy (GRMD) is the most appropriate substitute among animal models to study Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The main clinical signs observed in affected dogs are dysfagy, tongue hypertrophy, progressive weight loss, weakness, splaying of the limbs and contractures. The disease is due to the absence of dystrophin, a transmembrane muscle protein, which has a vital role on the maintence of structure and function of the muscle cell. GRMD doesn?t affect only skeletal muscle, also acted including in the digestory tract function, since the smooth muscle corresponds to0 the primary component of the digestive tube. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through of morphologic studies, if the muscular dystrophy affects the general architecture of digestory tract and how is arranged its muscular structure. There were evaluated the tubular viscera of GRMD affected dogs, through gross and light microscopic description, stained with Hematoxilin and Eosin, Masson trichrome and Picrossirus technique. Jointly, nine GRMD affected dogs were submitted on evaluation of the establishment of a new alimentary management, during a year, directed to the correction of problems involved on the dysphagy of dystrophic dog. The esophagus and the stomach presented the most affected portions. Muscle fibers presents varied diameter and were intermixed with abundant connective tissue, fibroblast and mononuclear infiltrate. The esophagus presents severe alterations, reflecting on its functionability, and leading to secondary megaesophagus, due to total constitution of striated muscle. The gut doesn?t presented significative histopathologic alterations. There was observed difference of severity between lesions that occurs on the striated muscle and the smooth muscle, and this fact could be due to the distinct distribution of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex that occurs in these types of muscles. In this way, the absence of dystrophin was inclined to be less critical to the function of the intestine smooth muscle than of the skeletal striated muscle. The stomach smooth muscle presented more affected than the intestine smooth muscle, being explained to the fact of the first to suffer more contraction and distention cycles, which results in increase of collagen area on the muscle tissue and consequently, loss of its architecture. On the GRMD affected dog, the apprehension is a critical phase. There were significative answers on new management, since those phases was substituted by human relief. The mechanic regurgitation was inclined to zero and seems to decrease the excessive energetic caloric burned. The way which was offered the food and water warned the occurrences of aspiration pneumonia. The amount of water added to dry food was enough to hidric maintenance. The present management determined weight maintenance, absence of clinic dehydration and absence of death, being indicated as basal management to be applied on the dysphagy and secondary megaesophagus acquired in the muscular dystrophy. Concluding, the management adequately directed became especially important to warn complications and reflects on maintenance of the balance and strength of immune system, consequently, support in front of the disease, given then life with quality
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Gasification of biomass : an investigation of key challenges to advance acceptance of the technologyLe, Chien Dinh January 2012 (has links)
Although the general principles of biomass gasification are broadly understood, at a larger scale of operation (e.g. > 200 kg/h) there is a lack of confidence in the translation of the basic scientific concepts into a financially viable operation that satisfies regulatory requirements. Looking in particular at the operation of a down-draft type of gasifier, a number of challenges were identified and studied in greater detail. Gasification experiments were performed on wood and straw pellets in a small scale, 21 mm i.d. quartz-tube reactor. These provided useful insight into what was occurring inside the gasifier, and the complexity and roles of the various reaction zones. In order to perform on-line gas analysis measurements in real time, a method was developed which enabled a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) to be used. This was tested in a laboratory environment, and then used on a commercial pilot-plant gasifier (150 to 250 kg/h). This enabled the composition of the gas to be monitored while the plant was started up, and then operated at various levels of gas flow through the plant. In general the concentrations measured during a stable operation were as follows: CO = 16.0 vol.%, H2 = 11.9 vol.%, CO2 = 15.8 vol.%, N2 = 54.1 vol.%, CH4 = 1.9 vol.%, O2 = 0.3 vol.%. Measurements of O2 concentrations in the gas stream on start-up provide useful information on conditions when a flammable atmosphere could exist in the lines/vessels. To help with the development of suitable gas clean-up strategies, the presence of two key sulphur species, H2S and carbonyl sulphide (COS), was studied in more detail. Experimental measurements were taken on the laboratory reactor (e.g. H2S = 286 ppmv, COS = 28 ppmv for gasification of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) pellets), and the commercial pilot-scale gasifier (e.g. H2S = 332 ppmv, COS = 12 ppmv). This data was also compared with theoretical thermodynamic predictions. The steam gasification of char was also studied in a laboratory 9.5 mm i.d. reactor, and kinetic expressions were determined for RDF-derived char. It was shown that high concentrations of H2 (20 vol.%) and CO (15 vol.%) can be achieved, and the temperature at which reactions were initiated was > 700 ºC, and significant at 900 ºC. Interestingly, the RDF-derived char (at carbon conversion from 10 to 70 %) appears to be more reactive than other biochars reported in the literature. However, at high conversion (> 50 %), its apparent reactivity decreases with carbon conversion, behaving in a similar manner to coal chars.
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Preliminary Design of Tall BuildingsPaulino, Madison Radhames 23 April 2010 (has links)
Techniques for preliminary analysis of various tall building systems subjected to lateral loads have been studied herein. Three computer programs written in Matlab® graphical user interface language for use on any personal computer are presented. Two of these programs incorporate interactive graphics. A program called Wall_Frame_2D is introduced for two-dimensional analysis of shear wall-frame interactive structures, using the shear-flexural cantilever analogy. The rigid outrigger approach was utilized to develop a program called Outrigger Program to analyze multi-outrigger braced tall buildings. In addition, a program called Frame Tube was developed which allows analysis of single and quad-bundled framed tube structures. The tube grids are replaced with an equivalent orthotropic plate, and the governing differential equations are solved in closed form. Results for lateral deflections, rotations, and moment, shear, and torque distributions within the various resisting elements are compared against other preliminary and "exact" matrix analysis methods for several examples. SAP2000 was used to obtain "exact" results. The approximate analyses are found to give reasonable results and a fairly good indication of the behavior of the actual structure. These programs are proposed for inclusion in a knowledge-based approach to preliminary tall building design. The tall building design process is outlined and criteria are given for the incorporation of these "Resource Level Knowledge Modules" into an integrated tall building design system.
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Stability Analysis of Frame Tube BuildingUrs, Amit 22 January 2003 (has links)
The frame tube buildings have been the most efficient structural system used for building which is in the range of 40-100storey. The soaring heights and the demanding structural efficiency have led to them having smaller reserves of stiffness and consequently stability. In this thesis a Non-linear analysis and stability check of frame-tube building is done. Nonlinear analysis offers several options for addressing problems of nonlinearity and in this work focus is on Geometric Non-linearity. The main sources can be identified as P-Æ’´ effect of gravity loading acting on a transversely displaced structure due to lateral loading and can also be due to member imperfections, such as member camber and out of plumb erection of the frame. During analysis the element response keep continuously changing as a function of the applied load so simple step computing methods have been employed instead of direct analytical methods. The problem here is dealt in a piece wise linear way and solved. In this thesis a program using the matrix approach has been developed. The program developed can calculate the buckling load and can do Linear and Non-linear analysis using the Mat-lab as the computing platform. Numerical results obtained from the program have been compared with the Finite Element software Mastan2. The comparative solutions presented later on in the report clearly prove the accuracy of the program and go on to show, how exploiting simple matrix equation can help solve the most complex structures in fraction of seconds. The program is modular in structure. It provides opportunity for user to make minor manipulation or can append his own module to make it work for his specific needs and will get reliable results.
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Vídeo, comunicação e Educação Matemática : um olhar para a produção dos licenciandos em Matemática da Educação a distância /Fontes, Bárbara Cunha January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo de Carvalho Borba / Resumo: A pesquisa relatada nesta dissertação faz parte do projeto E-licm@t-Tube e teve como objetivo investigar como diferentes fatores influenciaram a maneira como a matemática foi comunicada nos vídeos produzidos pelos licenciandos em matemática em um curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul. Os participantes da pesquisa foram os estudantes de duas turmas de Estágio Obrigatório III do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática a distância da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul. Tal investigação possui uma abordagem qualitativa visto que ela possui caráter descritivo; a fonte dos dados foi o contexto natural desses estudantes dessa modalidade de ensino; foi dada importância aos significados dados pelos sujeitos e às suas ações que estão presentes no vídeo de forma implícita; bem como a análise foi um processo indutivo. Os procedimentos e instrumentos para a produção dos dados foram: observação, atividade de produção dos vídeos, entrevistas semiestruturadas e caderno de campo. No total foram produzidos sete vídeos. Durante a análise dos dados procurou-se identificar ações que não foram expressas diretamente pelos estudantes, mas que revelam conhecimentos implícitos e compreensões dos futuros professores relacionados à matemática e seus processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Para atingir esse fim, foi utilizada uma adaptação do Método Documentário para interpretação de filmes para ter acesso ao conhecimento ateórico dos estudantes que estava implícito nos vídeos. ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The research reported in this dissertation is part of the E-licm@t-Tube project and aimed to investigate how different factors influenced the way mathematics was communicated in videos produced by undergraduate students enrolled in the distance Mathematics Education degree at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The participants in the research were students from two classes of Required Internship III. The research employed a qualitative approach since it has a descriptive character; the source of the data was the natural context of these students on this teaching modality; importance was given to the meanings attributed by the subjects and their actions that were shown implicitly on the video; analysis was an inductive process. The procedures and instruments for the production of the data were: observation, video production activity, semi-structured interviews and field notes. A total of seven videos were produced. During the data analysis, we tried to identify actions that weren’t expressed directly by the students, but which revealed implicit knowledge and understandings of the future teachers related to mathematics and its teaching and learning processes. To achieve this goal, an adaptation of the Documentary Method for film interpretation was used to gain access to the atheoretical knowledge of students that was implicit on the videos. Analysis of the data revealed that the way the students communicated the mathematics in the videos is (implicitly or explicitly)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Assessment of Subcooled Choking Flow Models in RELAP5 with Experimental Data in Simulated Steam Generator Tube CracksMark A. Brown (5930558) 03 January 2019 (has links)
Choking flow plays an integral part not only in the engineered safeguards of a nuclear power plant (NPP), but also to everyday operation. Current pressurized water reactor steam generators operate on the leak-before-break approach. The ability to predict and estimate a leak rate through a steam generator tube crack is an important safety parameter. Knowledge of the maximum flow rate through a crack in the steam generator tube allows the coolant inventory to be monitored accordingly. Here an assessment of the choking flow models in thermal-hydraulics code RELAP5/MOD3.3 is performed and its suitability to predict choking flow rates through small simulated cracks of steam generator tubes is evaluated based on collected experimental data. Six samples of the data were studied in this work which correspond to steam generator tube crack<br>samples 6-11. Each sample has a wall thickness, channel length (L), of 1.14 mm. Exit areas of these samples, 6-11, are 2.280E-06 m^2, 2.493E-06 m^2, 1.997E-06 m^2, 1.337E-06 m^2, and 2.492E-06. Samples 6-11 have a channel length to hydraulics diameter ratio (L/D) between 3.0-5.3. Two separate pressure differentials of 6.89 MPa and 4.13 MPa were applied across the samples with a range of subcooling from 20℃ to 80℃ and 20℃ to 60℃. Flow rates through these samples were modeled using the thermal-hydraulic system code RELAP5/MOD3.3. Simulation results are compared to experimental values and modeling techniques are discussed. It is found that both the Henry-Fauske and Ransom-Trapp models better predict choking mass flux for longer channels.
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Braid-winding of quadriaxial composite tubesRoy, Sree Shankhachur January 2014 (has links)
This research investigates composite tubes developed with hybrid preform manufacturing techniques of braiding and filament winding (FW). A quadriaxial braid-wound (QBW) preform [(±45°/0°/90°)2/(±45°/0°)] and a triaxial braided (TB60) preform [(±60°/0°)3] were developed. Quasi-isotropic (QI) fibre orientations were selected for both the lay-ups for comparison of mechanical properties. The large diameter of the tubes led to incomplete surface coverage with (±45°/0°)3 braided preforms (TB45). Circumferential distribution of multiple layers improved the coverage by reducing through the thickness resin pockets. Also addition of hoop winding improved the coverage and consolidated the braided preform. The use of braiding together with FW resulted in an improved fibre volume fraction. Also predicting surface coverage was a fundamental interest for a triaxial braided preform. An equation was proposed for cover factor estimation and was verified by using image analysis. Resin infusion of the preforms was carried out and composite tubes were fabricated. During resin infusion of braided preforms wrinkles were formed. A brief study on wrinkle formation was carried out and the reasons of wrinkle formation for braided tubes were identified based on existing literature. Longitudinal tensioning in conjunction with optimization of fibre amount in a layup and over-winding on braid was established to minimize wrinkle formation. This was primarily due to compaction of braided layers with hoop winding. Hence braid-winding has the additional advantage of manufacturing wrinkle free composite tubes. Finally composite tubes were tested under tension and torsion loads. One of the major findings was the effect of hoop winding on transverse deformation of the braid-wound tubes. As axial fibre percentage for QBW tube was less than that of TB45, the tensile strength was compromised. However presence of hoop winding resulted in lower transverse strain contributing to higher tensile modulus of QBW tubes along with lower Poisson's ratio. Although shear modulus of TB60 tube was exceptionally high for its fibre orientation, for QBW tubes, shear modulus was not significantly higher than that of other tubes. An aluminium tube was also tested for comparing the elastic properties of the QI tubes with those of an isotropic material. QBW tubes specific modulus was higher than that of the aluminium. The shear modulus of the QI and aluminium tubes was estimated by applying the theory for isotropic materials. In comparison to aluminium, for QBW tube the differences between estimated and actual shear modulus was higher. However QBW tube properties were in closer relation to those of the aluminium tube than TB60 tubes. Hence a QBW hybrid layup technique has the potential for manufacturing composite tubes without losing comparative composite material properties.
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A Geometallurgical Forecast Modelfor Predicting Concentrate Quality in WLIMS Process for Leveäniemi OreSingh, Kartikay January 2017 (has links)
Previous studies have suggested that Davis tube (DT) experiment can used to study wet low intensitymagnetic separation (WLIMS) for magnetic iron ores. But DT process has never been used to mapWLIMS process, specifically in a geometallurgical framework. This thesis work is a step towardsfulfilling this gap by studying the Davis tube experiment performed on 13 different samples fromLeveäniemi iron ore deposit. The methodology adapted to map WLIMS concentrate quality includesstudy and analysis of feed, DT and WLIMS. Analyses were made using experimental data, processingdata using some analytical tools, some data-processing tools and post processing tools. For coveringthe geometallurgical aspect the analysis was done for both elements and minerals. The results fromthis study has reviled that DT can be used to predict WLIMS concentrate quality to an acceptablelevel of confidence. Furthermore, results show that a combination of DT and WLIMS informationproduce very accurate and highly reliable models for predicting and mapping WLIMS concentratequality. This work serves as the first step towards studying an unexplored field pertaining to magneticiron ore concentrate and has opened door to possible future work that could take this work a stepfurther. Supplementing this study with more data from different sample is required not only tovalidate the model but also to make it better. A better modal mineralogy of the samples is needed tounlock the full potentials of mineralogical modelling approach used in this work. / <p>I am a graduate from the of Erasmus Mundus masters in Georesource Engineering, 2017.</p> / Primary Resource Efficiency by Enhanced Prediction (PREP)
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Medidor de vazão de água, tipo \"Pitot-Cole\", com configuração prismática hexagonal. / Water flow meter, as \"Pilot-Cole\", with hexagonal prismatic configuration.Natally Annunciato Siqueira 22 June 2018 (has links)
A medição de vazão é fundamental para a gestão de processos que envolvem fluidos. Em empresas de saneamento, contabilizar as entradas e saídas de água é essencial para gerir faturamentos e perdas. A vazão pode ser mensurada através de diversos instrumentos com diferentes princípios de aplicação. O Tubo Pitot Cole é capaz de determinar a vazão em tubulações através do diferencial de pressão. Trata-se se um equipamento inventado em 1732 por Henri Pitot para determinar a velocidade, e aperfeiçoado por Eduard Cole, em 1896, permitindo sua aplicação em tubulações. As principais vantagens são o baixo custo e fácil instalação, que pode ocorrer com a tubulação em carga. Em contrapartida, a fragilidade e complexidade das suas peças motivaram este trabalho: a elaboração de um instrumento simples e robusto para medir a vazão. Propõe-se a construção de um protótipo com tomadas de pressão instaladas em faces opostas de um prisma hexagonal e a avalia-se a sua viabilidade na medição de vazão. Os resultados mostraram-se promissores dada a estabilidade e forte correlação linear obtida no coeficiente de calibração. / Flow measurements are essential for processes management that include fluids. In water companies, measuring inlets and outlets of water is essential to manage revenue and water losses. The water flow can be measured through different instruments with different application principles. The Pitot Cole Tube is able to determine flow in pipes through the pressure differential. This device was invented in 1732 by Henri Pitot to determine fluid velocity and it was improved by Eduard Cole in 1896, allowing to apply the instrument in pipes. The main advantages are the low cost and easy installation, that may occur with the pipe under load. However, the fragility and complexity of its pieces motivated this study: the construction of a simple and robust instrument to measure the water flow. It is proposed the construction of a prototype with pressure plugs installed on opposite faces of a hexagonal prism, then evaluation of its effectiveness in water flow measurements. The results were promising given the stability obtained in the calibration coefficient.
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Determinação de parâmetros que caracterizam o fenômeno da biestabilidade em escoamentos turbulentosPaula, Alexandre Vagtinski de January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo acerca dos principais parâmetros que caracterizam o fenômeno da biestabilidade em dois tubos dispostos lado a lado submetidos a escoamento cruzado turbulento. A técnica experimental da anemometria de fio quente em canal aerodinâmico é aplicada na medição das flutuações de velocidade do escoamento após os tubos. As séries temporais obtidas são utilizadas como dados de entrada para determinação das funções densidade de probabilidade (PDF) usando um modelo de mistura finita, de acordo com uma função t de Student assimétrica e com o auxílio do método de Monte Carlo. Transformadas de ondaletas discretas e contínuas são aplicadas na filtragem das séries temporais para determinadas bandas de frequências e na análise do conteúdo de energia destes sinais. Através de conceitos de sistemas caóticos, é realizada a reconstrução do atrator do problema pelo método dos atrasos temporais, a partir das séries experimentais de velocidade, permitindo a determinação da dimensão de imersão e o cálculo do maior expoente de Lyapunov. Os resultados mostram a existência de dois patamares distintos de velocidade média nas séries temporais, correspondentes aos dois modos do escoamento, cada qual com números de Strouhal e funções densidade de probabilidade distintas. Uma análise conjunta das componentes axial e transversal do escoamento e suas PDF indicam as regiões no plano de medições onde o fenômeno se manifesta, sendo que reconstruções da trajetória filtrada das séries temporais para determinadas bandas de frequências apresentam características caóticodeterminísticas. O maior expoente de Lyapunov das séries experimentais é positivo, o que é um indício de comportamento caótico. / This work presents a study of the main parameters that characterize the phenomenon of bistability in two tubes placed side by side submitted to turbulent crossflow. The experimental technique of hot wire anemometry in aerodynamic channel is applied in the measurement of velocity fluctuations of the flow after the tubes. The time series obtained are used as input data for determining the probability density functions (PDF) using a finite mixture model, according to an asymmetric Student t function and with the aid of a Monte Carlo method. Wavelet transforms are applied in discrete and continuous filtering of time series for certain frequency bands and in the analysis of the energy content of these signals. By means of chaotic systems concepts, the attractor reconstruction of the problem is performed using the method of time delays from the experimental series of velocity, allowing the determination of the embedding dimension and calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent. The results show the existence of two different levels of mean velocity in time series, corresponding to two flow modes, each one with different Strouhal numbers and probability density functions. A joint analysis of axial and transverse components of flow and its PDF indicate the regions in the measurement plan where the phenomenon is manifested, and reconstructions of the trajectory of the filtered time series for certain frequency bands have chaotic-deterministic characteristics. The largest Lyapunov exponent of experimental series is positive, which is an indication of chaotic behavior.
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