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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Investigation Of A Dc Glow Discharge In An Argon Gas: Two-component Plasma Model

Kemaneci, Efe H 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with a one and two dimensional numerical modeling of a low-pressure DC glow discharge in argon gas. We develop two-component fluid model which uses the diffusion-drift theory for the gas discharge plasma and consists of continuity equations for electrons and ions, as well as Poisson equation for electric field. Numerical method is based on the control volume technique. Calculations are carried out in MATLAB environment. Computed results are compared with the classic theory of glow discharges and available experimental data.

La régulation de la virulence de l’agent de la coqueluche Bordetella pertussis : signalisation par le senseur-kinase BvgS / Virulence regulation of the whooping cough agent, Bordetella pertussis : signaling by the BvgS sensor-kinase

Lesne, Elodie 29 September 2016 (has links)
Bordetella pertussis est l’agent responsable de la coqueluche. Pour coloniser le tractus respiratoire humain, cette bactérie à Gram négatif, aérobie stricte, produit de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont l’expression est sous la dépendance du système à deux composants BvgAS. BvgS est un senseur-kinase dimérique. Chaque monomère est constitué de trois domaines putatifs de perception - deux domaines Venus flytrap périplasmiques et un domaine PAS cytoplasmique -, suivis du domaine enzymatique et deux autres domaines, de phospho-transfert et receveur, impliqués dans la cascade de phosphorylation. L’expression du régulon de virulence est activée suite à la phosphorylation par BvgS du régulateur de réponse BvgA. BvgS est en mode kinase à l’état basal, et la perception de basses températures ou de signaux chimiques comme les ions sulfate ou nicotinate cause son passage en mode phosphatase. L’étude présentée dans ce manuscrit vise à caractériser le senseur-kinase BvgS en analysant les domaines putatifs de perception ainsi que la transduction de signal qui s’effectue au sein de la molécule. L’étude de la portion périplasmique a permis de mettre en évidence, à l’état basal, un gradient de dynamique décroissant. En se fixant au domaine VFT2 proximal à la membrane, le nicotinate induirait une diminution de la dynamique du second lobe du VFT1, causée par la formation d’un bloc compact entre le domaine VFT2 et le deuxième lobe du domaine VFT1. Cette rigidification exercerait une tension sur les hélices α qui précèdent les segments transmembranaires, provoquant une transition de la portion cytoplasmique vers l’état phosphatase. La perception de modulateurs par le domaine VFT2 - ou possiblement la fixation d’un ligand dans la cavité du VFT1- modifierait cette dynamique et causerait le changement d’activité de BvgS. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle dans lequel le VFT1 est considéré comme le moteur du système, lui impulsant une dynamique qui serait relayée ou atténuée par le domaine VFT2. Une recherche de ligands antagonistes pour le domaine VFT1 a été entreprise, selon l’idée que la fixation d’un ligand réduirait la dynamique de ce dernier. Au sein du dimère, des connecteurs prédits pour former des enroulements d’hélices α (‘coiled coil’) relient entre eux les domaines VFT et PAS, et les domaines PAS et kinase de BvgS. La transduction d’information entre les domaines périplasmiques et le site enzymatique de BvgS a été analysée par mutagénèse dirigée et ‘cysteine scanning’. Des contacts proches sont observés entre les hélices constituant le segment transmembranaire, qui ne semblent pas être modifiés après perception de modulateur. Nous suggérons donc un modèle de piston symétrique pour la transmission d’information au travers de la membrane. Le coiled coil putatif précédant le domaine PAS présente une certaine dynamique rotationnelle à l’état basal. La perception de modulateurs semble induire l’écartement de ces hélices, ce qui pourrait permettre un changement de l’interface des domaines PAS. L’étude de la topologie du domaine PAS confirme une modification de cette interface entre les modes kinase et phosphatase de BvgS. Enfin, le coiled coil reliant les domaines PAS et kinase est sujet à une forte dynamique rotationnelle à l’état basal, en accord avec un modèle de régulation de l’activité kinase proposé dans d’autres systèmes. Suite à la perception de modulateur, une rigidification marquée de ce coiled coil est observée, permettant le passage en mode phosphatase. L’existence de deux états dynamiques différents de ce coiled coil a également été mise en évidence en absence du domaine PAS.Ces études ont permis d’avancer dans la compréhension de BvgS et de proposer un modèle de la signalisation au sein de ce senseur-kinase, qui pourrait s’appliquer aux autres membres de la famille de BvgS. / Bordetella pertussis is the agent of an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease, whooping cough. In order to colonize the human respiratory tract, this strictly aerobic Gram negative bacterium produces many virulence factors, the expression of which is regulated by the BvgAS two-component system. BvgS is a sensor-kinase composed of three putative domains of perception –two periplasmic Venus flytrap domains and a cytoplasmic PAS domain -, followed by the enzymatic domain and two other domains called phosphotransfert and receiver involved in the phophorelay. The expression of the virulence regulon is activated after the phosphorylation by BvgS of the response regulator BvgA. BvgS is in a kinase mode at the basal state, and the perception of low temperatures or chemical signals like sulfate ions or nicotinate causes a shift to the phosphatase state. The study presented in this manuscript has focused on the characterization of the BvgS sensor-kinase. We have analyzed its putative domains of perception and the mechanisms of signal transduction.Investigations into the dynamics of the periplasmic moiety has provided evidence for a decreasing gradient of dynamics from N to C-terminus at the basal state. Nicotinate binding to the membrane-proximal VFT2 domains decreases the dynamics of the second lobe of VFT1. Tighter interactions between the latter and the VFT2 domain cause a tension on the α helices that precede the transmembrane segments, triggering the transition to the phosphatase state of the enzymatic portion. Perception of modulator by the VFT2 domains –or possibly binding of a ligand in the VFT1 cavity- thus appears to modify periplasmic dynamics, which shifts BvgS activity. We propose that the VFT1 domains are the motor for BvgS activity, and their dynamics are relayed or attenuated by the VFT2 domains. A search for antagonistic VFT1 ligands has been undertaken, along the idea that ligand binding may reduce their dynamics.The VFT and PAS domains, and the PAS and kinase domains are joined to each other by long α helices predicted to form coiled coils. We performed directed mutagenesis and cysteine scanning analyses to decipher signal transduction between the periplasmic domains and the enzymatic moiety of BvgS. The close contacts between the helices of the transmembrane segment are not modified after perception of the modulator, suggesting that signal transduction across the membrane is mediated by symmetrical piston motions. The putative coiled coil before the PAS domain shows rotational dynamics at the basal state. Modulator perception causes the helices to splay, and this motion may modify the PAS domains interface. Our topology analyses of the PAS domain confirm that changes occur at this interface between the kinase and phosphatase states of BvgS. Finally, the coiled coil between the PAS and kinase domains presents a strong rotational dynamics at the basal state, which is consistent with the model of regulation of kinase activity proposed for other sensor-kinases. After perception of a modulator, this coiled coil becomes more rigid, allowing the shift to the phosphatase state. The occurrence of two states of dynamics for this coiled coil has also been demonstrated in the absence of the PAS domain.These studies have advanced our understanding of BvgS and allow us to propose a model of signaling by this sensor-kinase, which may apply more broadly to other family members.

Spatial regulation of motility in the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus / Régulation spatiale de la motilité chez la bactérie sociale Myxococcus xanthus

Zhang, Yong 02 December 2011 (has links)
Tous les organismes, les animaux, les plantes et les microbes, sont composés de cellules polarisées, en affichant un positionnement asymétrique des organites sub-cellulaires ou des structures. Le contrôle de polarité a été étudié chez les eucaryotes pendant une longue période, et a été montré pour être impliqués dans de nombreux processus physiologiques, tels que l'embryogenèse, le cancer métastatique et les maladies dégénératives des neurones. Chez les procaryotes, des études de polarité ne sont apparues récemment avec le développement de la microscopie à fluorescence sensibles. Ces études ont révélé que les cellules procaryotes sont en fait très organisé et une masse croissante de la littérature a montré que les cellules bactériennes également utiliser des radeaux lipidiques, courbure membranaire, la paroi cellulaire et un cytosquelette complexe pour diriger le positionnement spécifique de structures subcellulaires.Petites GTPases de la superfamille Ras sont des éléments réglementaires polarisation répandue chez les eucaryotes. Malgré l'existence depuis longtemps de ces petites GTPases dans les génomes procaryotes, leur fonction a jamais été étudiée. Pendant ce travail de thèse, nous avons trouvé, pour la première fois, qu'une petite GTPase, MglA et de sa protéine apparentée Activation GTPase (GAP) MglB, directe une dynamique axe antéro-postérieur à la motilité directe en forme de tige deltaproteobacterium Myxococcus xanthus. Dans ce processus, MglA s'accumule dans son état lié au GTP au niveau du pôle leader de cellules, en activant les machineries motilité. Ce schéma de localisation est maintenue par MglB, qui localise le pôle opposé, le blocage de l'accumulation MglA à ce pôle à travers son activité GAP. Remarquablement, les deux protéines passer leur localisation synchrone, ce qui correspond à un changement dramatique dans la direction du mouvement cellulaire (inversion). Ce commutateur est réglementé par un système chimiosensoriels-like, Frz. Dans une deuxième partie de ce travail, nous avons identifié un régulateur de protéine de réponse, RomR qui est essentiel pour le regroupement polaire de MglA. Interdépendances complexes entre la localisation RomR, MglA et MglB indiquent que ces protéines pourraient constituer un complexe de polarité dynamique de trois protéines qui reçoit Frz de signalisation pour passer l'axe de polarité. En conclusion, les résultats de ce travail de thèse suggère que M. xanthus intégré un module de polarité eucaryotes-like (MglAB) dans un procaryote spécifique (Frz) réseau de signalisation pour réguler sa motilité. Une telle réglementation est distincte sous forme de petites protéines G des règlements, qui sont généralement couplés à la protéine G récepteurs couplés (GPCR) chez les eucaryotes. Enfin, ce travail ouvre la voie pour comprendre comment la réglementation seule la motilité cellulaire sont intégrés pour générer des comportements commandés multicellulaires donnant naissance à des structures primitives de développement, par exemple, la morphogenèse du corps fructifères. D'autre part, ce travail fournit également un exemple d'analyser les étapes évolutives donnant lieu à des réseaux de signalisation. / All organisms, animals, plants and microbes, are composed of polarized cells, displaying asymmetric positioning of sub-cellular organelles or structures. Polarity control has been studied in eukaryotes for a long time, and has been shown to be involved in many physiological processes, such as embryogenesis, cancer metastasis and neuron degenerative diseases. In prokaryotes, polarity studies only emerged recently with the development of sensitive fluorescent microscopy. These studies revealed that prokaryotic cells are in fact highly organized and a growing body of literature has shown that bacterial cells also use lipid rafts, membrane curvature, the cell wall and a complex cytoskeleton to direct the specific positioning of subcellular structures.Small GTPases of the Ras superfamily are widespread polarization regulatory elements in eukaryotes. Despite the long known existence of such small GTPases in prokaryotic genomes, their function has never been studied. During this thesis work, we found, for the first time, that a small GTPase, MglA and its cognate GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) MglB, direct a dynamic anterior- posterior axis to direct motility of the rod-shaped deltaproteobacterium Myxococcus xanthus. In this process, MglA accumulates in its GTP-bound state at the leading cell pole, activating the motility machineries. This localization pattern is maintained by MglB, which localizes at the opposite pole, blocking MglA accumulation at this pole through its GAP activity. Remarkably, both proteins switch their localization synchronously, which correlates with a dramatic change in the direction of cell movement (reversal). This switch is regulated by a chemosensory-like system, Frz. In a second part of this work, we identified a response regulator protein, RomR which is essential for the polar clustering of MglA. Intricate localization interdependencies between Romr, MglA and MglB indicate that these proteins might constitute a dynamic three-protein polarity complex that receives Frz-signaling to switch the polarity axis. In conclusion, the results from this thesis work suggest that M. xanthus integrated a eukaryotic-like polarity module (MglAB) into a prokaryotic- specific (Frz) signaling network to regulate its motility. Such regulation is distinct form small G- protein regulations, which are generally coupled to G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) in eukaryotes. Finally, this work paves the way to understand how single cell motility regulations are integrated to generate ordered multicellular behaviors giving rise to primitive developmental structures, for example fruiting body morphogenesis. On the other hand, this work also provides an example to analyze the evolutionary steps giving rise to signaling networks.

Unraveling the Evolutionary Advantages of Crosstalk Between Two-Component Signalling Systems of M tuberculosis

Bharadwaj, Vemparala January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
M. tuberculosis (Mtb) senses and responds to changes in its environment primar-ily through two-component signalling systems (TCSs). Each TCS contains a trans-membrane histidine kinase (HK ) protein and a cytoplasmic response regulator (RR) protein. HK detects a stimulus and gets phosphorylated. It then binds and transfers the phosphoryl group to the RR of the same TCS. Activated RR then triggers gene ex-pression, including upregulation of the HK and RR involved, eliciting responses that are essential for the bacterium to adapt. Though di erent TCSs detect distinct stimuli, the binding regions of the HK s and RRs share signi cant similarity. This raises the possibil-ity of crosstalk, where HK s dissipate signals to RRs that do not belong to the same TCS. Studies have argued that such dissipation of signals impairs the fitness of the organism, as it decreases the output levels as well as triggers unwanted responses. In contrast, a recent experimental study has discovered that TCSs of Mtb share extensive crosstalk, violating the widely accepted specificity paradigm. In this study, we have attempted to unravel the evolutionary underpinnings of this extensive crosstalk observed in Mtb. We hypothesised that such crosstalk may be advantageous in programmed environments, where there are well-defined sequences of stimuli. In such situations, crosstalk can up-regulate HK s and RRs of non-cognate TCSs. This up-regulation primes the latter TCSs for upcoming signals, increasing their sensitivity. We constructed a mechanistic model of the functioning of TCSs and a fitness variable to qualitatively measure the response of a TCS to a signal, to test the hypothesis. We performed population genetics simulations of the evolution of phenotypes of different crosstalk patterns. We found that in a random environment, the phenotype without any crosstalk is selected over time, which is in agreement with prevalent arguments in favour of specificity of TCSs. But when the environment is programmed, the phenotype with a crosstalk pattern mirroring the pattern of stimuli dominates the population. Finally, we found evidence for the evolutionary preference to preserve crosstalk in gene sequences of HK s and RRs encoded in Mtb. We found that the binding domains of HK s and RRs, which were predicted to share crosstalk, are under greater pressure to be similar than those domains which do not crosstalk. Our study thus provides a plausible explanation of the unexpected presence of crosstalk in Mtb. Since these cross-interactions aid the pathogen to adapt in the host, inhibitors of such interactions are likely to have therapeutic potential.

Novos reguladores de resposta envolvidos na virulência de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / New response regulators involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence

Gilberto Hideo Kaihami 29 March 2018 (has links)
Os sistemas de sinalização de dois componentes são sistemas prevalentes em bactérias, permitindo a adaptação a diferentes condições ambientais. O sistema de dois componentes classicamente possui uma proteína histidina quinase, o primeiro componente, capaz de reconhecer o estímulo ambiental e fosforilar o regulador de resposta, o segundo componente. Pseudomonas aeruginosa é uma proteobactéria ubíqua, capaz de infectar hospedeiros filogeneticamente distintos. Esse patógeno oportunista apresenta um dos maiores conjuntos de sistemas de dois componentes em bactérias, que permite que ela sobreviva numa grande gama de ambientes, incluindo humanos. P. aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14 apresenta pelo menos 64 histidina quinases e 76 reguladores de resposta codificados em seu genoma. Diversos sistemas de dois componentes já foram correlacionados com a virulência, sendo o sistema GacSA o exemplo melhor caracterizado. Há poucos estudos sistemáticos sobre o envolvimendo dos reguladores de resposta na virulência de P. aeruginosa e os sinais que induzem a ativação dos reguladores de resposta precisam ser encontrados. Para identificar novos reguladores de resposta envolvidos na patogenicidade, infecções in vitro em macrófagos e in vivo em Drosophila melanogaster foram realizadas neste trabalho. Os macrófagos foram infectados com cada mutante dos reguladores de resposta ou com a linhagem selvagem, e a produção da citocina pró-inflamatória TNF-α e o clearance bacteriano foram determinados. Alternativamente, as moscas foram infectadas utilizando-se a estratégia de feeding e a sobrevivência foi verificada. Utilizando-se essas abordagens, a identificação de diversos reguladores de resposta com papel na virulência foi alcançada, além de se corfirmar o papel de reguladores de resposta já estudados. Um dos novos genes envolvidos em virulência, PA14_26570 (nomeado neste trabalho de atvR), codifica um regulador de resposta atípico com substituição no aspartato fosforilável para glutamato, o que usualmente induz um estado sempre ativo. Um mutante não polar em atvR foi construído e macrófagos infectados com a linhagem ΔatvR confirmaram um maior clearance bacteriano e maior produção de TNF-α em comparação aos macrófagos infectados com a linhagem selvagem. Para comprovar a participação de AtvR durante a patogênese, um modelo de pneumonia aguda em camundongos foi utilizado. Camundongos infectados com a linhagem ΔatvR apresentaram uma maior sobrevivência em comparação aos camundongos infectados com a linhagem selvagem. Além disso, os camundongos infectados com ΔatvR apresentaram menor carga bacteriana, aumento no recrutamento de neutrófilos ativados e aumento na produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (TNF-α e IFN-γ). Utilizando-se uma abordagem transcritômica (RNA-Seq), foi determindo diversos genes são regulados positivamente na linhagem superexpressando AtvR em relação à linhagem controle. Dentre esses, os clusters de respiração anaeróbia nar, nir, nor e nos estão incluídos. Esse resultado foi confirmado por qRT-PCR e análises fenotípicas, em que a linhagem ΔatvR apresentou menor crescimento e expressão da nitrato redutase durante condições de hipóxia em comparação à linhagem selvagem. Em suma, neste trabalho foi demonstrado que diversos reguladores de resposta são importantes para a virulência de P. aeruginosa em macrófagos in vitro e in vivo em Drosophila, além de caracterizar o regulador de resposta atípico AtvR, que regula a respiração anaeróbica por desnitrificação, permitindo que P. aeruginosa possa infectar e colonizar o hospedeiro com maior eficiência. / Two-component systems are widespread in bacteria, allowing the adaptation to environmental changes. A two-component system is classically composed by a sensor kinase that phosphorylates a cognate response regulator. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous proteobacterium able to cause disease in several hosts. This opportunistic pathogen presents one of the largest sets of two-component systems known in bacteria, which certainly contributes to its ability to thrive in a wide range of environmental settings, including humans. P. aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14 genome codes for at least 64 sensor kinases and 76 response regulators. Some response regulators are already known to be related to virulence, with the GacSA system as the best characterized. There are no systematic studies about the involvement of P. aeruginosa response regulators in virulence. Moreover, the input signal that triggers the response regulator activation is yet to be uncovered for most systems. To find new response regulators involved in virulence, in vitro infections werecarried out using macrophages. Briefly, the macrophages were infected with each response regulator mutant or the wild-type strain, the pro-inflammatory cytokine production (TNF-α) and the bacterial clearance were evaluated. Using this approach, we identified several response regulators involved in virulence, and we also confirmed the involvement of known response regulators in this process. One of the novel virulence-related response regulators, PA14_26570 (named here as AtvR), is an atypical response regulator with a substitution in the phosphorylable aspartate to glutamate, that usually leads to an always-on state. A non-polar mutant was constructed, and macrophage infection with ΔatvR confirmed an increased bacterial clearance as well as a higher TNF-α production as compared to the wild-type strain. To ascertain the role of AtvR during the pathogenic process, an acute pneumonia model was used. Mice infected with ΔatvR showed an increased survival as compared to mice infected with the wildtype strain. In addition, ΔatvR infected mice showed reduced bacterial burden, increased neutrophil recruitment and activation, as well as increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production (TNF-α and IFN-γ). Also, using a transcriptomic approach (RNASeq), we showed that several genes were upregulated in the strain overexpressing AtvR. These genes include the anaerobic respiration clusters nar, nir, nor and nos. This result was confirmed by qRT-PCR and phenotypic analysis, in which ΔatvR showed reduced growth and nitrate reductase expression during hypoxic conditions as compared to the wild-type strain. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that several response regulators are important for P. aeruginosa virulence in vitro. In addition, we further characterized the atypical response regulator AtvR, which regulates anaerobic respiration via denitrification, allowing this bacterium to infect and colonize the host more efficiently.

PA 7, souche atypique de Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Etude transcriptomique et caractérisation d'un troisième système de sécrétion de type II fonctionnel, Txc / PA7, an atypical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Transcriptomic study and characterization of a third functionnal type II secretion system, Txc

Cadoret, Frederic 07 July 2014 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa est une bactérie pathogène opportuniste qui est caractérisée par son ubiquité et sa grande capacité adaptative. Cette faculté lui est notamment permise par de nombreux systèmes de perception et de régulation, la sécrétion d'un large arsenal d'exoprotéines, une capacité à alterner entre deux modes de vie, une haute résistance naturelle aux antibiotiques ainsi qu'un génome riche soumis à une importante plasticité génomique. Cette dernière, associée aux pressions de sélection exercées par la grande diversité d'environnements rencontrés par P. aeruginosa, a permis l'émergence de nombreuses souches aux caractéristiques génotypiques et phénotypiques qui leur sont propres. Durant ma thèse, nous avons réalisé une analyse transcriptomique globale comparative entre les souches connues PA14, PAO1 et un nouvel isolat clinique atypique multirésistant aux antibiotiques, la souche PA7. Cette étude nous a permis de suggérer que cette souche, dépourvue des armes principales de la cytotoxicité, tendait naturellement vers un mode de développement associé à la formation de biofilm. Nous avons également caractérisé l'îlot génomique RGP69, unique à la souche PA7 qui code un troisième système de sécrétion de type II, Txc, qui sécrète dans le milieu extracellulaire une protéine d'affinité à la chitine, CbpE, sous le contrôle régulationnel d'un nouveau système de régulation à deux composants, Tts. Cet îlot génomique serait directement impliqué dans la physiologie particulière de la souche PA7. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen, characterized by its ubiquity and its high adaptative property. This faculty is particularly due to many systems of perception and regulation, the secretion of a wide arsenal of exoproteins, an ability to switch between two life styles, a high natural resistance to antibiotics and a rich genome submitted to an important genomic plasticity. The latter, combined with the selection pressure exerted by the wide variety of environments encountered by P. aeruginosa, has allowed the emergence of many strains with their own genotypic and phenotypic characteristics.During my thesis, we performed an overall comparative transcriptomic analysis between the known strains PA14 and PAO1, and a new atypical clinical isolate multiresistant to antibiotics, the PA7 strain. This study allowed us to determine that this strain, lacking the main weapons of cytotoxicity, naturally tended to a life-style associated with biofilm formation. We also characterized the RGP69 genomic island, unique in the PA7 strain, which encodes a third type II secretion system, Txc, that secretes in the extracellular medium a chitin-binding protein, CbpE, under the regulatory control of a component system, Tts. This genomic island could be directly involved in the particular physiology of the PA7 strain.

Characterization of Two Novel Gene Regulatory Systems in the Zoonotic Bacterium <i>Bartonella henselae</i>

Tu, Nhan 19 November 2015 (has links)
The genus Bartonella contains Gram-negative arthropod-borne bacteria that are found in many small animal reservoirs and are capable of causing human disease. Bacteria utilize a general stress response system to combat stresses from their surrounding environments. In α-proteobacteria, the general stress response system uses an alternate σ factor as the main regulator and incorporates it with a two-component system into a unique system. Our study identifies the general stress response system in the α-proteobacterium, Bartonella henselae, where the gene synteny is conserved and both the PhyR and alternate σ factor have similar sequence and domain structures with other α-proteobacteria. Furthermore, we showed that the general stress response genes are up-regulated under conditions that mimic the cat flea vector. We also showed that both RpoE and PhyR positively regulate this system and that RpoE also affects transcription of genes encoding heme-binding proteins and the BadA adhesin. Finally, we also identified a histidine kinase, annotated as BH13820 that can potentially phosphorylate PhyR. In addition, analysis of the transcriptome from the Houston-1 strain of B. henselae by RNA-Seq reveals a family of small RNAs (termed Brt1-Brt9 for Bartonella Regulatory Transcripts 1-9) that may rapidly adapt gene expression patterns to the diverse hosts of this bacterium. This family of RNAs consists of nine novel, highly expressed intergenic transcripts, ranging from 193-205 nucleotides with a high degree of homology (70-100%) and stable predicted secondary structures that are unique to the genus Bartonella. Northern blot analysis indicates that transcription of these sRNAs was highest under conditions mimicking those of the cat flea vector (low temperature, high hemin). The predicted promoters for Brt1-Brt9 have been cloned upstream of a β-galactosidase reporter gene in pNS2 to identify conditions altering transcription. Immediately downstream of each of the nine putative sRNAs is a helix-turn-helix DNA binding protein (termed Trp1-9 for Transcriptional Regulatory Protein 1-9) that is poorly transcribed as determined by RNA-Seq. This gene organization is suggestive of a potential cis-acting RNA mechanism or riboswitch with the RNA secondary structure controlling transcription of the cognate downstream trp.

Kalkulace ceny a její uplatnění v řízení podniku / Price Calculation and its Application in the Management of a Firm

Vlašínová, Petra January 2008 (has links)
In the thesis a general method of cost calculation as a means of determining the price has been used in a selected company. The influence of the method of cost calculation on company management has been analyzed. The thesis is focused on the water treatment company Slovácké vodárny a kanalizace a.s. I researched the most suitable method of calculating fresh water and waste water tariff for the company. I came to the conclusion that using the two-component form should bring the company higher profits than using the single-component form and these could be used to cover running and maintenance cost. I recommend using the two-component form.

Le système CupE de la voie chaperonne - "usher" de Pseudomonas aeruginosa : assemblage, fonction et régulation. Identification du système à deux composants PprA-PprB et caractérisation de son régulon

Giraud, Caroline 13 July 2011 (has links)
La bactérie à Gram négatif Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste possédant de nombreux systèmes moléculaires contribuant à sa pathogénicité et à son développement selon un mode de vie en biofilm, qui permet une meilleure résistance aux défenses de l’hôte et aux antibiotiques. Parmi ces systèmes, on retrouve les fimbriae assemblés par la voie chaperonne – « usher » (CU). La voie CU implique une protéine formant un pore dans la membrane externe, la protéine « usher », une chaperonne périplasmique et au moins une sous unité piline qui va être assemblée en fimbriae à la surface de la bactérie.Mon travail de thèse a principalement porté sur l’étude du cluster de gènes cupE, qui code pour un système CU du clade &#963;-fimbriae. Ce système est différent des quatre autres systèmes CU cupA – cupD déjà caractérisés chez P. aeruginosa et appartenant au clade &#947;4-fimbriae. Indépendamment des gènes codant la protéine « usher » et la chaperonne, ce cluster comprend quatre autres gènes qui codent pour des sous unités pilines atypiques (une piline majeure, deux pilines mineures et une adhésine). Nous avons montré que le système CupE est fonctionnel et permet l’assemblage de fimbriae à la surface de la cellule, assemblage (oligomérisation de la sous unité majeure en fimbirae) pour lequel nous avons montré que l’adhésine est essentielle, au contraire des deux sous unités mineures. Ces fimbriae jouent un rôle important dans la formation et la structuration du biofilm, tant à des étapes précoces que lors des étapes tardives. Excepté une piline mineure, tous les éléments de la fibre sont importants pour la formation du biofilm. Ce cluster de gènes est spécifiquement exprimé en conditions de formation du biofilm et par une approche de mutagenèse aléatoire par transposition, le système à deux composants (TCS) PprA – PprB a été identifié comme un régulateur positif potentiel de ce cluster. L’implication de ce TCS dans la régulation de cupE a été vérifiée et nous avons pu démontrer par des techniques de retard sur gel que ce contrôle est direct et que PprB se lie sur des boites putatives en amont du +1 de transcription de cupE défini par 5’-RACE PCR.Ce TCS ayant été identifié au préalable comme un régulateur positif de pili de type IVB Flp, eux-mêmes acteurs du biofilm chez P. aeruginosa, nous avons caractérisé le régulon du régulateur de réponse PprB. Parmi les nouvelles cibles régulées positivement par PprB, nous avons identifié deux cibles nouvelles dont nous avons débuté la caractérisation. La première est un opéron de quatre gènes codant pour un transporteur ABC impliqué dans la résistance aux antibiotiques spécifiquement en conditions de biofilm et pour une protéine de haut poids moléculaire, substrat potentiel de ce transporteur ABC. Cette protéine, que nous avons renommé AdhA, est effectivement sécrétée par le transporteur ABC et est impliquée dans la cohésion des cellules au cours de la formation du biofilm. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle adhésine participant à la structuration du biofilm chez P. aeruginosa. La seconde cible est un gène codant pour une protéine que nous avons renommée Hvn, homologue aux halovibrines HvnA et HvnB de Vibrio fischeri. Le sécrétome d’une souche délétée du gène hvn est considérablement modifié et son absence d’effet sur la morphologie des cellules eucaryotes par rapport au sécrétome de la souche PAO1 suggère que la protéine Hvn pourrait jouer un rôle dans la virulence de P. aeruginosa.Au travers de ce travail, nous avons caractérisé le système CupE de la voie CU chez P. aeruginosa et montré qu’il assemblait des fimbriae atypiques pouvant avoir un rôle dans les différentes phases de la formation du biofilm et qu’il était sous la régulation directe et positive du TCS PprA – PprB. [...] / The Gram negative opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is equipped with molecular systems that contribute to bacterial pathogenesis and biofilm development, this latter being associated with increased resistance to host defenses and antibiotics. Among them, are the fimbriae assembled by the chaperone usher (CU) pathway. The CU pathway involves a protein called the usher that forms a pore in the outer membrane, a periplasmic chaperone and at least one fimbrial subunit assembled into fimbriae at the cell surface.My PhD study mainly focuses on the cupE gene cluster, encoding a CU system from the &#963;-fimbrial clade. This system is different from all the CU systems cupA – cupD already characterized in P. aeruginosa, all belonging to the &#947;4-fimbrial clade. Independently from the genes encoding the usher and the chaperone, this cluster comprises four other genes encoding atypical pilins (one major pilin, two minor pilins and one adhesin). We showed that this CupE system is functional and allows the assembly of fimbriae at the cell surface. Unlike the two minor pilins, the adhesin is necessary for the fimbriae assembly (oligomerisation of the major subunit into the fiber). These fimbriae play an important role in biofilm formation and structuration, at early and late steps. Except one minor pilin, all subunits are important for the CupE-dependent biofilm formation. This gene cluster is specifically expressed in biofilm conditions and a random transposon mutagenesis allowed us to identify the two component system (TCS) PprA-PprB as an activator of cupE genes. We verified the implication of this TCS in cupE regulation and, using EMSA, we showed that the PprB control on cupE is direct, with PprB binding onto putative boxes upstream the transcription start of cupE, defined by 5’-RACE PCR.As this TCS was identified before as a positive regulator for the type IVB Flp pilus, another actor in the biofilm formation, we defined the PprB regulon. Among the new targets positively controlled by PprB, we found two new targets that we started to characterize. The first one is a four gene operon encoding an ABC transporter involved in antibiotic resistance specifically in biofilm conditions and a high molecular weight protein, a potential substrate for this ABC transporter. This protein that we renamed AdhA is indeed secreted by this ABC transporter and is implicated in the cohesion between cells during the biofilm formation. It is a new adhesin participating into the biofilm structuration of P. aeruginosa. The second target is a gene encoding a protein that we renamed Hvn, and homologous to HvnA and HvnB halovibrins from Vibrio fischeri. Secretome from an hvn mutant is highly modified and the lack of effect on eukaryotic cell’s morphology in comparison to the PAO1 secretome suggests the Hvn protein can play a role in P. aeruginosa virulence.Through this work, we characterized the cupE system from the CU pathway and showed that this system can assemble atypical fimbriae having a role in the different phases of biofilm formation. This system is under the positive and direct regulation of the TCS PprA – PprB.[...]

Studies on molecular recognition and degradation mechanism of plant cell wall polysaccharides-assimilating Clostridium cellulovorans using proteome analysis / プロテオーム解析を用いたクロストリジウムセルロボランスの植物細胞壁多糖分解と分子認識機構の解析

Aburaya, Shunsuke 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第21808号 / 農博第2321号 / 新制||農||1066(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H31||N5180(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 植田 充美, 教授 渡邊 隆司, 教授 栗原 達夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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