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The Toronto Scheme: The Undergraduate Curriculum in the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto, 1945-2000Greenleaf, Emily 28 February 2011 (has links)
Over the course of the second half of the twentieth century, undergraduate degree requirements in the Faculty of Arts (later the Faculty of Arts & Science) at the University of Toronto were comprehensively reviewed and revised seven times. The records of these reviews demonstrate that the curricular changes of the second half of the twentieth century were substantial, reflecting attempts by curricular planners to shape the undergraduate program of study to accommodate broader social, economic, demographic, and epistemological changes. These changes therefore reflect the connections between the University and its local, provincial, and international communities.
These substantial changes, however, are balanced by consistent and recurrent patterns in curriculum across this period as curricular planners sought ways to implement sustained curricular goals into a changed institutional environment and a changed curricular framework. Collectively, these reviews demonstrate that the U of T maintained a distinct approach to undergraduate education from the beginning of this period through the end. This approach, referred to here as the “Toronto Scheme,” is characterized by the belief that specialized study can lead to liberal education, and that students should have access to multiple pathways through the degree.
This analysis of degree requirements over time has important implications for understanding higher education at the University of Toronto, in Canada, and internationally. Most importantly, this research helps to explain both the strong similarities and significant differences between American curricular structures and those in place at the U of T. Additionally, this study of curriculum provides valuable insight into the role of the U of T’s colleges in undergraduate instruction, further illuminating the effect of this relatively unique institutional structure on the history of the U of T. On a broader scale, the relationship indicated by this history of the curriculum between the U of T and other institutions in Ontario and Canada deepens our understanding of the nature of a Canadian system of or approach to higher education (or lack thereof). As such, the Toronto Scheme informs – and sometimes challenges – many of the assumptions currently made about Ontario, Canadian, and North American higher education.
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Evasão do ensino superior de Física segundo a tradição disposicionalista em sociologia da educaçãoLima Júnior, Paulo January 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado, dedicamo-nos a identificar as razões da evasão em cursos de graduação em Física a partir de um caso particular: o Instituto de Física da UFRGS. A pesquisa consiste de três níveis de análise (estrutural, individual e institucional), articulados sob o marco teórico da tradição disposicionalista em pesquisa sociológica, que tem em Pierre Bourdieu seu maior expoente. Na análise estrutural, identificou-se que filhos de classe popular e dominante são igualmente propensos a evadir ou concluir o curso. No entanto, identificou-se que filhos de classe popular são sensivelmente mais propensos a ficar retidos no curso e acumular reprovações nas disciplinas de Física Básica. Nesse sentido, a análise estrutural permite sustentar que, embora tenham todos a mesma chance de evasão, os filhos das elites são mais propensos a evadir em direção a carreiras mais prestigiadas enquanto os filhos de classe popular são mais propensos a evadir por fracasso escolar. Na transição para a análise individual, foi preciso e possível lançar um olhar crítico sobre as conclusões tiradas na análise anterior. Partindo das contribuições de Bernard Lahire, identificaramse, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e retratos sociológicos, as condições materiais e os patrimônios de competências e disposições que constituem razão da evasão de cinco ex-alunos do curso de Física. Enfim, na análise institucional, elaboramos uma apropriação disposicionalista do modelo paradigmático de Vincent Tinto. Nela, avançamos o conceito de disposição institucional e aplicamos esse conceito para caracterizar a vida e o funcionamento do Instituto de Física. Foi entrevistada uma amostra representativa dos alunos atualmente matriculados no curso (n=35) e foi realizada uma análise do conteúdo de suas entrevistas. Como resultado, foi possível identificar que o Instituto de Física, em vista de suas próprias disposições institucionais, não pode ser considerado capaz de proporcionar a todos os seus alunos as mesmas oportunidades de aprender. Em vista disso, sugerimos uma agenda de ação para a Instituição baseada nos próprios resultados dessa pesquisa. / In this thesis, we strived to identify reasons for dropout in undergraduate physics’ courses from studying a particular case: the Institute of Physics at UFRGS. The research consists of three levels of analysis (structural, institutional and individual), articulated under the theoretical framework of the dispositionalist tradition in sociological research, which finds in Pierre Bourdieu its greatest representative. In structural analysis, we found that working class and elite students are equally susceptible to dropout. However, we found that working class students are much more likely to be retained in the course and accumulate low grades physics. In this sense, structural analysis supports the that, although they are equally likely to evade, elite students are more likely to dropout the course toward more prestigious careers while working class students are more likely to evade due to school failure. In the individual analysis, it was necessary and possible to cast a critical eye on the conclusions drawn in the previous analysis. Building on the contributions of Bernard Lahire, we identified through in-depth interviews and sociological portraits, material conditions, skills and dispositions that responsible for the dropout of five former physics’ students. Finally, for the institutional analysis, we developed a dispositionalist appropriation to the paradigmatic model of Vincent Tinto. Here, we advance the concept of institutional arrangement and apply this concept to characterize the life and functioning of the Institute of Physics. We interviewed a representative sample of students currently enrolled in the course (n = 35) and performed a content analysis of their interviews. As a result, it was identified that the Institute of Physics, due to its own institutional arrangements, can not be considered capable of providing all students equal opportunities to learn. From this conclusion, we suggest an agenda for institutional action based on our research findings.
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Evasão do ensino superior de Física segundo a tradição disposicionalista em sociologia da educaçãoLima Júnior, Paulo January 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado, dedicamo-nos a identificar as razões da evasão em cursos de graduação em Física a partir de um caso particular: o Instituto de Física da UFRGS. A pesquisa consiste de três níveis de análise (estrutural, individual e institucional), articulados sob o marco teórico da tradição disposicionalista em pesquisa sociológica, que tem em Pierre Bourdieu seu maior expoente. Na análise estrutural, identificou-se que filhos de classe popular e dominante são igualmente propensos a evadir ou concluir o curso. No entanto, identificou-se que filhos de classe popular são sensivelmente mais propensos a ficar retidos no curso e acumular reprovações nas disciplinas de Física Básica. Nesse sentido, a análise estrutural permite sustentar que, embora tenham todos a mesma chance de evasão, os filhos das elites são mais propensos a evadir em direção a carreiras mais prestigiadas enquanto os filhos de classe popular são mais propensos a evadir por fracasso escolar. Na transição para a análise individual, foi preciso e possível lançar um olhar crítico sobre as conclusões tiradas na análise anterior. Partindo das contribuições de Bernard Lahire, identificaramse, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e retratos sociológicos, as condições materiais e os patrimônios de competências e disposições que constituem razão da evasão de cinco ex-alunos do curso de Física. Enfim, na análise institucional, elaboramos uma apropriação disposicionalista do modelo paradigmático de Vincent Tinto. Nela, avançamos o conceito de disposição institucional e aplicamos esse conceito para caracterizar a vida e o funcionamento do Instituto de Física. Foi entrevistada uma amostra representativa dos alunos atualmente matriculados no curso (n=35) e foi realizada uma análise do conteúdo de suas entrevistas. Como resultado, foi possível identificar que o Instituto de Física, em vista de suas próprias disposições institucionais, não pode ser considerado capaz de proporcionar a todos os seus alunos as mesmas oportunidades de aprender. Em vista disso, sugerimos uma agenda de ação para a Instituição baseada nos próprios resultados dessa pesquisa. / In this thesis, we strived to identify reasons for dropout in undergraduate physics’ courses from studying a particular case: the Institute of Physics at UFRGS. The research consists of three levels of analysis (structural, institutional and individual), articulated under the theoretical framework of the dispositionalist tradition in sociological research, which finds in Pierre Bourdieu its greatest representative. In structural analysis, we found that working class and elite students are equally susceptible to dropout. However, we found that working class students are much more likely to be retained in the course and accumulate low grades physics. In this sense, structural analysis supports the that, although they are equally likely to evade, elite students are more likely to dropout the course toward more prestigious careers while working class students are more likely to evade due to school failure. In the individual analysis, it was necessary and possible to cast a critical eye on the conclusions drawn in the previous analysis. Building on the contributions of Bernard Lahire, we identified through in-depth interviews and sociological portraits, material conditions, skills and dispositions that responsible for the dropout of five former physics’ students. Finally, for the institutional analysis, we developed a dispositionalist appropriation to the paradigmatic model of Vincent Tinto. Here, we advance the concept of institutional arrangement and apply this concept to characterize the life and functioning of the Institute of Physics. We interviewed a representative sample of students currently enrolled in the course (n = 35) and performed a content analysis of their interviews. As a result, it was identified that the Institute of Physics, due to its own institutional arrangements, can not be considered capable of providing all students equal opportunities to learn. From this conclusion, we suggest an agenda for institutional action based on our research findings.
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Processo de trabalho do enfermeiro como foco da formação do graduando em enfermagem: visão dos professores de um Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem / Nurses\' work process and undergraduate nursing education: view of faculty of an undergraduate nursing programLuiza Hiromi Tanaka 07 March 2008 (has links)
O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa focalizou o processo de trabalho na formação profissional do enfermeiro, visualizada pelos professores do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem de uma Universidade Pública Federal do Município de São Paulo. O estudo teve como objetivos: identificar no Projeto Pedagógico do Curso (PPC) de Graduação em Enfermagem da UNIFESP os processos de trabalho na formação do graduando de enfermagem; verificar quais processos de trabalho do enfermeiro são focados com maior ênfase na formação profissional na perspectiva dos professores e subsidiar na elaboração do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso por meio de propostas apresentadas pelos professores, sujeitos da pesquisa. Para isso, optou-se pela metodologia de pesquisa-ação por conceber uma ampla e explícita interação entre o pesquisador e as pessoas envolvidas na situação investigada, cujo objetivo foi resolver ou esclarecer os problemas da situação observada, o que pressupõe um aumento do conhecimento e do \"nível de consciência\" das pessoas ligadas à situação, bem como o aumento do conhecimento do próprio pesquisador. Na fase diagnóstica analisou-se o PPC, que explorou e identificou por meio dos objetivos gerais do Curso, das séries e das Disciplinas, os processos de trabalho do enfermeiro que foram estudados na fase de ação, cuja técnica de coleta de dados utilizou o Grupo Focal (GF), que contou com a participação de 15 professores em cinco encontros. O observador foi uma psicóloga organizacional de um hospital de ensino. Os resultados mostraram que os objetivos gerais do PPC contemplaram os processos de trabalho cuidar, administrar, educar e pesquisar. O processo de trabalho cuidar foi o mais enfatizado tanto nos objetivos gerais como nos objetivos das séries e o processo de trabalho administrar foi mais relevante nas duas últimas séries. O processo de trabalho educar e pesquisar não foram evidenciados. O GF apontou que a essência do processo de trabalho na formação do enfermeiro foi o cuidar, nas competências do aprender a conhecer e a fazer na dimensão técnico-científica. Os processos de trabalho administrar e educar e pesquisar não foram relevantes para os sujeitos e foram considerados meios para o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro cuidar. O pesquisar foi um pouco mais discutido no GF e evidenciou a necessidade do graduando consumir pesquisa durante a formação para desenvolver a crítica e a reflexão sobre a prática profissional. E ainda destacaram alguns nós no processo ensino-aprendizagem, que na maioria das vezes, consideraram que o trabalho dos professores e das Disciplinas pouco integrado e leva os graduandos a terem uma visão fragmentada do processo de trabalho, especialmente o cuidar, na formação do enfermeiro. Os sujeitos do GF propuseram criar espaços de discussões a respeito da formação do enfermeiro na vertente do processo de trabalho e as competências da aprendizagem para subsidiar a reconstrução do PPC mais integrada e assegurar a qualificação do ensino aos graduandos / This study focused on the relationship between undergraduate nursing education and nurses\' work processes, as viewed by the faculty of an undergraduate nursing program of a Federal public university of the district of São Paulo. The objectives of the study were: 1) to identify the nurses\' work processes listed in the undergraduate pedagogical educational planning (Projeto Pedagogico do Curso [PPC]) of the São Paulo Federal University (Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP); and, 2) to determine which of the nurses\' work processes listed in the PPC were emphasized by faculty and subsidized the development of the PPC of the UNIFESP. To that end, action-research methodology guided the design and conduct of this study. This methodology was chosen because it allows explicit interactions between the researcher and the people involved in a specific situation. It is useful to clarify or solve identified issues, which in turn may lead to an increase in knowledge and awareness levels of those people involved in the situation as well lead to increase in knowledge among researchers. In the diagnosis phase, the PPC was analyzed by exploring its general objectives, objectives of each program level, and objectives of specific disciplines, to determine the presence of nurses\' work processes identified during the study\'s action phase. The action phase used a focus group approach to collect data from 15 faculty members during 5 meetings. An organizational psychologist from a teaching hospital moderated all focus group meetings. The results of the analysis of the diagnosis phase suggested that the general objectives listed in the PPC address nurse\'s work processes regarding nursing care, nursing management, nursing education, and nursing research. Nursing care was the most emphasized nurses\' work process on the general objectives and on the objectives of each program level and specific disciplines. Nursing management was most relevant on the objectives of the program levels in last two years of the undergraduate nursing program. There was no evidence that nursing education and research were relevant or emphasized on the objectives of each program levels or specific discipline of the undergraduate nursing program. The findings from the focus group discussions pointed out that nursing care was the most fundamental nurses\' work process that guides undergraduate nursing education. Regarding the technical and scientific domains, the emphasis is placed on the students\' competencies to learn, to gain knowledge, and to acquire skills to provide nursing care. The nurses\' work process regarding management, education, and research were not considered to relevant to undergraduate nursing education by faculty members. These processes are viewed as resources nurses use to provide nursing care. The nurses\' work process regarding research was further discussed during the focus groups; and, there was a consensus that there is a need of undergraduate nursing students to consume research findings to enhance their critical thinking regarding nursing practice. In addition, issues emerged related to the teaching-learning process; there is little integration among the various nursing disciplines, which lead students to perceive a fragmented undergraduate nursing education, especially concerning their preparation to provide nursing care. Faculty members, who were included as participants of the focus groups, expressed willingness to participate in discussion forums regarding nurses\' work processes and competencies to advance the development and implementation of PPC that guarantee a quality undergraduate nursing education
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Evasão do ensino superior de Física segundo a tradição disposicionalista em sociologia da educaçãoLima Júnior, Paulo January 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado, dedicamo-nos a identificar as razões da evasão em cursos de graduação em Física a partir de um caso particular: o Instituto de Física da UFRGS. A pesquisa consiste de três níveis de análise (estrutural, individual e institucional), articulados sob o marco teórico da tradição disposicionalista em pesquisa sociológica, que tem em Pierre Bourdieu seu maior expoente. Na análise estrutural, identificou-se que filhos de classe popular e dominante são igualmente propensos a evadir ou concluir o curso. No entanto, identificou-se que filhos de classe popular são sensivelmente mais propensos a ficar retidos no curso e acumular reprovações nas disciplinas de Física Básica. Nesse sentido, a análise estrutural permite sustentar que, embora tenham todos a mesma chance de evasão, os filhos das elites são mais propensos a evadir em direção a carreiras mais prestigiadas enquanto os filhos de classe popular são mais propensos a evadir por fracasso escolar. Na transição para a análise individual, foi preciso e possível lançar um olhar crítico sobre as conclusões tiradas na análise anterior. Partindo das contribuições de Bernard Lahire, identificaramse, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e retratos sociológicos, as condições materiais e os patrimônios de competências e disposições que constituem razão da evasão de cinco ex-alunos do curso de Física. Enfim, na análise institucional, elaboramos uma apropriação disposicionalista do modelo paradigmático de Vincent Tinto. Nela, avançamos o conceito de disposição institucional e aplicamos esse conceito para caracterizar a vida e o funcionamento do Instituto de Física. Foi entrevistada uma amostra representativa dos alunos atualmente matriculados no curso (n=35) e foi realizada uma análise do conteúdo de suas entrevistas. Como resultado, foi possível identificar que o Instituto de Física, em vista de suas próprias disposições institucionais, não pode ser considerado capaz de proporcionar a todos os seus alunos as mesmas oportunidades de aprender. Em vista disso, sugerimos uma agenda de ação para a Instituição baseada nos próprios resultados dessa pesquisa. / In this thesis, we strived to identify reasons for dropout in undergraduate physics’ courses from studying a particular case: the Institute of Physics at UFRGS. The research consists of three levels of analysis (structural, institutional and individual), articulated under the theoretical framework of the dispositionalist tradition in sociological research, which finds in Pierre Bourdieu its greatest representative. In structural analysis, we found that working class and elite students are equally susceptible to dropout. However, we found that working class students are much more likely to be retained in the course and accumulate low grades physics. In this sense, structural analysis supports the that, although they are equally likely to evade, elite students are more likely to dropout the course toward more prestigious careers while working class students are more likely to evade due to school failure. In the individual analysis, it was necessary and possible to cast a critical eye on the conclusions drawn in the previous analysis. Building on the contributions of Bernard Lahire, we identified through in-depth interviews and sociological portraits, material conditions, skills and dispositions that responsible for the dropout of five former physics’ students. Finally, for the institutional analysis, we developed a dispositionalist appropriation to the paradigmatic model of Vincent Tinto. Here, we advance the concept of institutional arrangement and apply this concept to characterize the life and functioning of the Institute of Physics. We interviewed a representative sample of students currently enrolled in the course (n = 35) and performed a content analysis of their interviews. As a result, it was identified that the Institute of Physics, due to its own institutional arrangements, can not be considered capable of providing all students equal opportunities to learn. From this conclusion, we suggest an agenda for institutional action based on our research findings.
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Understanding Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programs: What currently exists and how collegiate studies can be leveraged to address the gender gap in the fieldWeisburn, Madeline January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A Cross Sectional Study Exploring Barriers to Recruitment of African American College Students Into the Genetic Counseling ProfessionWolfe, Kami Sommers January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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"Care and authenticity is something that I was seeking": Mentoring experiences of African American undergraduate students studying agriculture at an 1862 Land Grant InstitutionHarris, Kayla Michelle 01 July 2019 (has links)
Studies show that mentoring has a significant impact on the educational successes of minority students and the development of their personal and professional identity within their particular field of study. Within these mentoring relationships an environment is created to where students feel comfortable to discuss their various personal concerns that impact their matriculation through their undergraduate experience in a variety of ways. The purpose of this study is to document the experiences of undergraduate African American students majoring in agriculture while enrolled at a predominately white land grant institutions and explore opportunities for using mentoring as a tool and factor in assisting these students in persisting towards their undergraduate degree at Virginia Tech. The foundation of the study was based on Bean and Eaton's Psychological Model of Retention and Rodgers and Summers' Revised model of retention for African American students at PWIs. Findings from this study were articulated by students conceptualization of mentors as a supportive guide in contrast to procedural advising relationships, additionally how students have experiences mentorship with mentors with a range of identities; student interactions within their colleges and departments as well as their both indirect and direct mentorship experiences; their support, interaction and connection to the African American community on campus during their undergraduate tenure; and how the university's bureaucratic structure has an impact on their experience as African American students. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Mentorship has a significant impact on the personal, academic and professional development of student during their undergraduate experiences at four-year institutions, having a large impact on their personal identity as well as how they view themselves within their particular field of study. Within these mentor and mentee relationship an environment is created where both parties develop rapport and understanding among each in order to be able to discuss concerns and interest that they may have that have an impact on their entire undergraduate experience in a number of ways. The purpose of this study is to document the experiences of undergraduate African American students majoring in agriculture while enrolled at a predominately white land grant institutions and explore opportunities for using mentoring as a tool and factor in assisting these students in persisting towards their undergraduate degree. The foundation of the study was based on two student development psychological models. Findings from this study were articulated by students conceptualization of mentors as supportive guide in contrast to procedural advising relationships, additionally how students have experiences mentorship with mentors with a range of identities; student interactions within their colleges and departments as well as their both indirect and direct mentorship experiences; their support, interaction and connection to the African American community on campus during their undergraduate tenure; and how the university’s bureaucratic structure has a impact on their experience as African American students.
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Ethics Education and Its Relationship to Undergraduate Construction Students' Professional Ethical SensitivitySands II, Kenneth Stafford 22 November 2014 (has links)
The construction industry is inundated with many ethical problems that have supported its negative stigma as an unethical and corrupt industry. This inundation instigates the requirements of ethics instruction by accrediting bodies of construction education with the art of teaching this secondary topic left up to construction educators. Literature offers suggestions; however, there is not much understood regarding pedagogical best practice to ensure students are ethically sensitive (aware) to ethical issues related to the construction industry. This research attempts to move toward an understanding of construction ethics education's influence on students' ethical sensitivity. Two research strands were employed. The first strand included the development of a broad collection of ethics pedagogical techniques used in construction education (independent variable), via the administration of a how ethics is taught in construction survey (HETC) to both faculty and students of purposefully selected construction programs. The second strand included the development and administration of a Test for Ethical Sensitivity in Construction (TESC) to evaluate construction students' ability to recognize ethical issues that are specific to the construction industry (dependent variable). Results of the first strand illustrate a wide range of pedagogical techniques available to teach ethics in construction programs to assist and inspire the improvement of construction ethics education. Results of the second strand illustrate various degrees of difficulty students had recognizing ethical issues of the TESC and how this related to ethical content coverage in construction programs' curricula. In addition, regarding participants of this study, there were significant differences found in student level of ethical sensitivity based on program of enrollment; however, there were no significant differences found based on student recollection of the placement of ethics in their curriculum, professional experience, age, or gender. It appears that ethics education has some influence on the professional ethical sensitivity of construction students; however, more research is necessary to confirm the degree of influence. Additional research is necessary to identify the most current and critical ethical issues of the construction industry to develop an auxiliary form of the TESC while controlling for other variables such as co-curricular and personal experiences. / Ph. D.
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Demographic Predictors of Accrued Undergraduate Federal Student Loan DebtBraun, Theresa Popp 20 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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