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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da especificidade do anticorpo \"mouse anti-mouse-uNK clone 1\" e a localização da molécula antigênica correspondente nas células uNK de camundongos / Evaluation of the antibody \"mouse anti-mouse-uNK clone 1\", specificity and localization of the correspondent epitopes in mice uNK cells

Ferraz, Thalita Martins 20 December 2006 (has links)
No útero gestante dos animais com placentação do tipo hemocorial, ocorre uma migração e acúmulo transitório de linfócitos natural killer (NK) , cuja atuação na gestação não está totalmente elucidada. Estas células NK do ambiente uterino (uNK) apresentam comportamento distinto daquelas encontradas no sangue circulante (cNK), constituindo uma sub-população das células NK com expressão gênica específica ditada pelo ambiente uterino gestante. De fato, se estas células isoladas do útero de camundongos prenhes forem inoculadas em machos da mesma espécie eram capazes de induzir a resposta imunológica com produção de anticorpos que reagem especificamente com as células uNK. No presente trabalho foi utilizado um destes anticorpos monoclonais denominados de \"mouse anti-mouse uterine natural killer cell clone 1 (mam-uNK1)\" obtidos anteriormente em nosso laboratório para avaliar a especificidade deste anticorpo e a localização da molécula antigênica correspondente. Para tanto, foram utilizados cortes histológicos do útero no 9º dia de gestação, dos órgãos linfóides (baço, timo e linfonodo), do cérebro, do fígado e do coração submetidos à reações imunocitoquímicas com o anticorpo mam-uNK1 em nível da microscopia de luz e, pela imunomicroscopia eletrônica nas células uNK do útero gestante e células estriadas cardíacas do miocárdio. Foram obtidos homogenados teciduais dos mesmos órgãos avaliados pela imunocitoquímica para realização do SDS-PAGE e Western-blot com o intuído de identificar as frações protéicas reativas e homologia entre os diversos órgãos. Os padrões de imunomarcação com o mam-uNK1 foram comparadas com o padrão de reatividade da lectina DBA (Dolichos biflorus) tanto nos cortes histológicos quanto nos homogenados submetidos ao Western-blot. Os resultados demonstraram reação positiva distribuída difusamente no citoplasma, com maior intensidade no perímetro das células uNK, e marcação difusa no citoplasma das células deciduais e das células musculares lisas do miométrio. Reações positivas foram encontradas também no citoplasma das células musculares cardíacas, no citoplasma das células reticulares dos órgãos linfóides, nos feixes de nervos do sistema nervoso central e no citoplasma dos hepatócitos. Pela imunomicroscopia eletrônica foram observadas partículas de ouro coloidal em maior número no citoplasma que preenchem os prolongamentos citoplasmáticos tipo microvilosidades e no citoplasma marginal abaixo da membrana plasmática nas células uNK. Nas células musculares cardíacas as marcações mais intensas foram constatadas no citoplasma da extremidade destas células onde as miofibrilas eram menos organizadas e se ancoravam à membrana plasmática. Pelo Western-blot, foram identificadas duas bandas reativas ao mam-uNK1 com peso molecular de 52 e 54 kDa comuns a todos os órgãos analisados. Estes dados demonstram que a molécula reconhecida pelo anticorpo mam-uNK1 tem ampla distribuição em diversos tipos celulares não sendo específica para as células uNK, porém apresentam uma localização peculiar nestas células e nas células musculares cardíacas. Pelo padrão de localização identificado em imunomicroscopia eletrônica, presume-se que estas moléculas estejam associadas com a modulação do citoesqueleto nas diversas atividades que estes componentes estruturais desempenham nas células, sendo particularmente interessante a relação com a motilidade celular. / In the pregnant uterus of animals developing hemochorial type placentation occurs a transient migration and accumulation of natural killer lymphocytes (NK) which activity in the pregnancy has not been fully elucidated. These NK cells from uterine environment (uNK) present a distinct behavior from those found in the peripheral circulating blood (cNK), composing a subset of NK cells with specific gene expression that is regulated by pregnant uterus. Actually, these cells isolated from pregnant mice uteri were inoculated in the male mice of same strains, they induced immune response with production of antibodies reactivity specifically to uNK cells. In the present work it was used one of these mouse anti-mouse uterine natural killer cells clone 1 (mam-uNK1) monoclonal antibody that was obtained previously in our laboratory, in the aim to evaluate the specificity of this antibody and localization of corresponding antigenic molecule. It was used histological sections of uteri on 9º gestational day, lymphoid organs (spleen, thymus and lymph node), brain, liver and heart processed for immunocytochemistry with mam-uNK antibody at light microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy for uNK cells in pregnant uterus and cardiac muscle cells. Tissue homogenates from the same organs that were evaluated by immunocytochemistry were obtained to perform SDS-PAGE and Western-blot primary to identify the proteins fractions reactive with mam-uNK antibody and possible homology among the tissues. The immunolabeling pattern using mam-uNK both, in histological sections and Western-blot were compared with pattern of Dolichos biflorus (DBA) lectin reactions. The results showed diffuse positive reaction distributed in the cytoplasm with higher intensity on perimeter of uNK cells and diffuse labeling in the cytoplasm of decidual cells and, in smooth muscle cells of miometrium. Positive reaction was also found in the cytoplasm of cardiac muscle cells, reticular cells of lymphoid organs, hepatocytes and in the axon bundles of the brain. By immunelectron microscopy, were observed higher number of gold particles in the cytoplasm of microvillous-like cell processes and in the marginal cytoplasm near the plasma membrane of uNK cells. In the cardiac muscle cells the most conspicuous labeling was seen in the cytoplasm of muscle cells at the end portions, that is, where the myofibrills were less organized and anchoring to plasma membrane. The Western-blot identified two bands with 52 and 54 kDa reactive do mam-uNK constantly found in all organs analyzed. These data show that the molecule that is recognized by mam-uNK1 antibody is widely distributed in several cell types, not specific for mouse uNK cells, but has a very peculiar localization in these cells and in the cardiac muscle cells. To the localization pattern that was identified by immunelectron microscopy it was suggested that, these molecules were associated to the modulation of the cytoskeleton in many activities that these structural component potentially could carry out in the cells, being particularly attractive those related to cell motility.

Avaliação da especificidade do anticorpo \"mouse anti-mouse-uNK clone 1\" e a localização da molécula antigênica correspondente nas células uNK de camundongos / Evaluation of the antibody \"mouse anti-mouse-uNK clone 1\", specificity and localization of the correspondent epitopes in mice uNK cells

Thalita Martins Ferraz 20 December 2006 (has links)
No útero gestante dos animais com placentação do tipo hemocorial, ocorre uma migração e acúmulo transitório de linfócitos natural killer (NK) , cuja atuação na gestação não está totalmente elucidada. Estas células NK do ambiente uterino (uNK) apresentam comportamento distinto daquelas encontradas no sangue circulante (cNK), constituindo uma sub-população das células NK com expressão gênica específica ditada pelo ambiente uterino gestante. De fato, se estas células isoladas do útero de camundongos prenhes forem inoculadas em machos da mesma espécie eram capazes de induzir a resposta imunológica com produção de anticorpos que reagem especificamente com as células uNK. No presente trabalho foi utilizado um destes anticorpos monoclonais denominados de \"mouse anti-mouse uterine natural killer cell clone 1 (mam-uNK1)\" obtidos anteriormente em nosso laboratório para avaliar a especificidade deste anticorpo e a localização da molécula antigênica correspondente. Para tanto, foram utilizados cortes histológicos do útero no 9º dia de gestação, dos órgãos linfóides (baço, timo e linfonodo), do cérebro, do fígado e do coração submetidos à reações imunocitoquímicas com o anticorpo mam-uNK1 em nível da microscopia de luz e, pela imunomicroscopia eletrônica nas células uNK do útero gestante e células estriadas cardíacas do miocárdio. Foram obtidos homogenados teciduais dos mesmos órgãos avaliados pela imunocitoquímica para realização do SDS-PAGE e Western-blot com o intuído de identificar as frações protéicas reativas e homologia entre os diversos órgãos. Os padrões de imunomarcação com o mam-uNK1 foram comparadas com o padrão de reatividade da lectina DBA (Dolichos biflorus) tanto nos cortes histológicos quanto nos homogenados submetidos ao Western-blot. Os resultados demonstraram reação positiva distribuída difusamente no citoplasma, com maior intensidade no perímetro das células uNK, e marcação difusa no citoplasma das células deciduais e das células musculares lisas do miométrio. Reações positivas foram encontradas também no citoplasma das células musculares cardíacas, no citoplasma das células reticulares dos órgãos linfóides, nos feixes de nervos do sistema nervoso central e no citoplasma dos hepatócitos. Pela imunomicroscopia eletrônica foram observadas partículas de ouro coloidal em maior número no citoplasma que preenchem os prolongamentos citoplasmáticos tipo microvilosidades e no citoplasma marginal abaixo da membrana plasmática nas células uNK. Nas células musculares cardíacas as marcações mais intensas foram constatadas no citoplasma da extremidade destas células onde as miofibrilas eram menos organizadas e se ancoravam à membrana plasmática. Pelo Western-blot, foram identificadas duas bandas reativas ao mam-uNK1 com peso molecular de 52 e 54 kDa comuns a todos os órgãos analisados. Estes dados demonstram que a molécula reconhecida pelo anticorpo mam-uNK1 tem ampla distribuição em diversos tipos celulares não sendo específica para as células uNK, porém apresentam uma localização peculiar nestas células e nas células musculares cardíacas. Pelo padrão de localização identificado em imunomicroscopia eletrônica, presume-se que estas moléculas estejam associadas com a modulação do citoesqueleto nas diversas atividades que estes componentes estruturais desempenham nas células, sendo particularmente interessante a relação com a motilidade celular. / In the pregnant uterus of animals developing hemochorial type placentation occurs a transient migration and accumulation of natural killer lymphocytes (NK) which activity in the pregnancy has not been fully elucidated. These NK cells from uterine environment (uNK) present a distinct behavior from those found in the peripheral circulating blood (cNK), composing a subset of NK cells with specific gene expression that is regulated by pregnant uterus. Actually, these cells isolated from pregnant mice uteri were inoculated in the male mice of same strains, they induced immune response with production of antibodies reactivity specifically to uNK cells. In the present work it was used one of these mouse anti-mouse uterine natural killer cells clone 1 (mam-uNK1) monoclonal antibody that was obtained previously in our laboratory, in the aim to evaluate the specificity of this antibody and localization of corresponding antigenic molecule. It was used histological sections of uteri on 9º gestational day, lymphoid organs (spleen, thymus and lymph node), brain, liver and heart processed for immunocytochemistry with mam-uNK antibody at light microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy for uNK cells in pregnant uterus and cardiac muscle cells. Tissue homogenates from the same organs that were evaluated by immunocytochemistry were obtained to perform SDS-PAGE and Western-blot primary to identify the proteins fractions reactive with mam-uNK antibody and possible homology among the tissues. The immunolabeling pattern using mam-uNK both, in histological sections and Western-blot were compared with pattern of Dolichos biflorus (DBA) lectin reactions. The results showed diffuse positive reaction distributed in the cytoplasm with higher intensity on perimeter of uNK cells and diffuse labeling in the cytoplasm of decidual cells and, in smooth muscle cells of miometrium. Positive reaction was also found in the cytoplasm of cardiac muscle cells, reticular cells of lymphoid organs, hepatocytes and in the axon bundles of the brain. By immunelectron microscopy, were observed higher number of gold particles in the cytoplasm of microvillous-like cell processes and in the marginal cytoplasm near the plasma membrane of uNK cells. In the cardiac muscle cells the most conspicuous labeling was seen in the cytoplasm of muscle cells at the end portions, that is, where the myofibrills were less organized and anchoring to plasma membrane. The Western-blot identified two bands with 52 and 54 kDa reactive do mam-uNK constantly found in all organs analyzed. These data show that the molecule that is recognized by mam-uNK1 antibody is widely distributed in several cell types, not specific for mouse uNK cells, but has a very peculiar localization in these cells and in the cardiac muscle cells. To the localization pattern that was identified by immunelectron microscopy it was suggested that, these molecules were associated to the modulation of the cytoskeleton in many activities that these structural component potentially could carry out in the cells, being particularly attractive those related to cell motility.

Análise do efeito do líquido amniótico nas células uNK do útero pseudogestante de camundongos / Analysis of the effect of aminiotic fluid on uNK cells in the mice pseudopregnant uterus

Bianco, Juares Ednaldo Romero 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Áureo Tatsumi Yamada / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T23:37:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianco_JuaresEdnaldoRomero_D.pdf: 17105644 bytes, checksum: 64a116dab9ebcd72e51d45d800243157 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-16T20:37:19Z / Resumo: As células Natural Killer uterinas (uNK) participam da interação materno fetal atuando ativamente como elemento imuno-modulador do micro-ambiente uterino na gestação bem sucedida. Apesar das uNK possuírem um potencial lítico, relacionado com a sua resposta imune inata, este não se manifesta em uma gestação normal. Por outro lado, diversos relatos sugerem o envolvimento destas células em abortos e interrupções da gestação. No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o possível envolvimento das células uNK em atividade citotóxica sob a influência "in loco" do líquido amniótico no útero pseudogestante de camundongos. Para tanto, camundongos fêmeas foram acasaladas com machos vasectomizados, e os cornos uterinos injetados com óleo mineral para indução do útero pseudogestante. O líquido aminótico coletado em condições assépticas dos sítios de desenvolvimento embrionário normal no 10° dia de gestação (dg), foi inoculado no volume constante de 3uL através de micro-injeção na parede uterina da região antímesometrial nosnódulos de decidualização dos animais no 9o dia de pseudogestação (dpg). Amostras dos sítios inoculados com líquido amniótico foram coletadas nos intervalos de 30 minutos, 1, 2 e 6 horas para análises morfológicas, citoquímicas, imunocitoquímicas, imunoquímica e expressões gênicas. Como controles, foram utilizados úteros gestantes normais no 8o dg e úteros pseudogestantes submetidos à introdução de agulha hipodérmica na parede do corno uterino e/ou inoculados com 3uL de solução fisiológica estéril.Pelas análises morfológicas realizadas em cortes histológicos avaliados pela coloração de hematoxilina-eosina, o endométrio decidualizado da região mesometrial e antímesometrial do útero pseudogestante inoculado com salina ou simples introdução da agulha hipodérmica não apresentaram variações. Igualmente, a morfologia das células uNK através da citoquímica com lectina DBA, não apresentou diferenças entre os grupos controles. Ainoculação de LA no útero pseudogestante promoveuhiperemia local após 30 minutos que, em cortes histológicos, foi constatada como estagnação do sangue e dilatação dos vasos venosos no endométrio. Nestes locais foram constatadas alterações degenerativas nas células uNK com perda de reatividade da superfície celular e no conteúdo dos grânulos através da lectina DBA. A análise immunocitoquímica, RT-PCR e ELISA para as citocinas IFN-y e TNF-a e, das proteínas perforina e granzima-A revelaram que, o líquido amniótico acentuava a expressão destas moléculas ou dos seus genes relacionados à resposta pró-inflamatória, enquanto não alteravam a expressão de moléculas anti-inflamatórias como a IL-10. A geração do óxido nítrico (NO), através da quantificação de nitrato e nitrito, demonstrou um aumento nas concentrações, principalmente do nitrito após a inoculação do líquido amniótico. O teste de TÚNEL e a imunocitoquímica para anti-caspase-3 revelaram aumento de marcações positivas nas células uNK e deciduais sob o efeito do líquido amniótico em relação aos grupo controles, enquanto se verificava uma relação inversa para a imunocitoquímica com o anti-PCNA aos 2 a 6 horas após líquido amniótico. O conjunto dos resultados obtidos comprovam que as células uNK são sensíveis à ação local do líquido amniótico, com padrão de resposta compatível à ativação da sua capacidade citotóxica e pró-inflamatória relacionada com a resposta imune inata. / Abstract: Uterine Natural Killer (uNK) cells participate on the maternal fetus interaction actively playing as a immunomodulator element of the uterine micro-enviroment during a well successful gestation. Despite uNK having a lytic potencial that is related to its innate immune responsive, this does not manifest in a normal gestation. Moreover, several reports suggest the involvement of these cells in abortions and interruptions of gestation. In this study, we investigated the possible involvement of uNK cells in cytotoxic activity under the influence "in loco" of amniotic fluid in the uterus of mice pseudopregnant. For this, female mice were mated with vasectomized males and the uterine horns injected with mineral oil for induction of the pseudopregnant uterus. The amniotic fluid collected aseptically from sites of normal embryonic development in the 10 th day of gestation (dg) was inoculated on the constant volume of 3ul_ through microinjection on the uterine wall in the antimesometrial region into uterine nodules from animals on the 9th day of pseudopregnancy (dpg). Samples of inoculated sites with amniotic fluid were collected at intervals of 30 minutes, 1, 2 and 6 hours for morphological, cytochemical, immunocytochemical, immunochemical and relative gene expressions analyses. As controls, normal pregnant uteri on the 8th dg, and uterus on 9th dpg were submitted to the introduction of a hypodermic needle into the wall of the uterus and/or inoculated with 3uL of sterile saline.For the morphological analysis performed on histological sections evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin, the decidualized endometrium of the mesometrial and antimesometrial regions of the pseudopregnant uterus were inoculated with saline or simple introduction of the hypodermic needle showed no variations. Also, the morphology of uNK cells by DBA lectin cytochemistry, evidenced no differences among control groups.The amniotic fluid inoculation on the pseudopregnant uterus promote Hyperaemia after 30 min, in histological slides that was observed as blood interruption flow and dilatation of the vessels on the endometrium. On these areas it was observed degenerative modifications on uNK cells with loss in the positive reaction to DBA lectin in the cellular membranes and in the granules.The immunocytochemical analysis, RT-PCR and ELISA for the cytokines IFN-y and TNF-a, and the perforin and granzyme-A protein revealed that the amniotic fluid enhanced the expression of these molecules or their genes related to pro-inflammatory response, while not altering the expression of anti-inflammatory molecules such as IL-10.The generation of nitric oxide (NO), was observed through the quantification of nitrate and nitrite that demonstrated an increase in concentrations, primarily of nitrite after inoculation of amniotic fluid.The TUNEL assay and immunocytochemistry for anti-caspase-3 revealed an increase on positive uNK and decidual cells under the effect of amniotic fluid in relation to the control group, while there was an inverse relationship to immunocytochemistry with anti-PCNA at 2 and 6 hours after the amniotic fluid. The overall results show that uNK cells are sensitive to local action of amniotic fluid, compatible with standard response to the activation of their cytotoxic and proinflammatory that are related to the innate immune response. / Doutorado / Biologia Celular / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Role for oestrogen in dynamic interactions between cell types within the human endometrium

Gibson, Douglas Alistair January 2012 (has links)
The human endometrium is a complex multicellular tissue, located within the cavity of the uterus. Its luminal surface is defined by a layer of epithelial cells supported on a multicellular stroma containing fibroblasts, glands (lined by a secretory epithelium), blood vessels (lined with endothelial cells) and several populations of immune cells; the latter includes a unique population of natural killer (uNK) cells. The endometrium undergoes dynamic remodelling across the menstrual cycle in response to fluctuating levels of sex steroids secreted by ovarian cells. The phases of the endometrial cycle include an oestrogendominated proliferative phase, a progesterone-dominated secretory phase and menses (endometrial shedding precipitated by falling levels of progesterone). A key feature of the secretory phase is differentiation (decidualisation) of endometrial stromal fibroblasts (ESC) an event characterised by transformation of cell shape, secretion of growth factors/cytokines, angiogenesis/vascular remodelling and an increase in the numbers of resident immune cells. Decidualisation ensures an appropriate nutritional and hormonal environment exists during the establishment of pregnancy. Studies in mice suggest that de novo biosynthesis of oestrogen within the uterus may play an essential role in regulation of decidualisation but no data exist for human. Endometrial endothelial and uNK cells both contain oestrogen receptors but the impact of oestrogens on their function has not been explored. In the current studies three questions have been addressed: 1. Is oestrogen biosynthesis a feature of human endometrial stromal cell decidualisation? 2. What is the impact of oestrogen on uNK cell function? 3. What role (if any) does oestrogen play in the interplay between decidual, immune and vascular cells within the human endometrial stroma? Results obtained provide the first evidence that de novo biosynthesis of oestrogens occurs during decidualisation of human ESC. This was attributed to changes in expression patterns of mRNAs encoding proteins that play a critical role in regulation of oestrogen biosynthesis (STAR, CYP11A1, CYP19A1 [aromatase], HSD17B2 [17βHSD2] and STS [steroid sulphatase]). Changes in the pattern of metabolism were confirmed using thin layer chromatography and analysis of concentrations of oestrone (E1) and oestradiol (E2) in culture media. Secretion of E1 and E2 was reduced by addition of an aromatase inhibitor. Data derived from studies described within this thesis also show for the first time that incubation of uNK cells with E2 not only enhanced cell migration but also stimulated secretion of factors that had a significant impact on endothelial cell angiogenesis. These findings were supported by novel evidence that E2 had a significant impact on expression of genes associated with cell motility and angiogenesis. In addition, factors, including E1/E2, secreted by decidualised stromal cells, stimulated chemotaxis of uNK cells. Future experiments will focus on determining the identity of the angiogenic factors secreted by uNK cells in response to E2 and the mechanisms responsible for uNK cell movement. In summary, new data presented in this thesis provide evidence that local biosynthesis of oestrogens within the endometrial stroma may play a previously unrecognised role in regulating the function of uNK cells and endometrial endothelial cells in women. These results have implications for treatment of disorders such as infertility, heavy menstrual bleeding and endometriosis.

Epigenetic Regulation of Hematopoiesis in Zebrafish

Huang, Hsuan-Ting 02 November 2012 (has links)
The initiation of the hematopoietic program is orchestrated by key transcription factors that recruit chromatin regulators in order to activate or inhibit blood target gene expression. To generate a complete compendium of chromatin factors that establish the genetic code during developmental hematopoiesis, we conducted a large-scale reverse genetic screen targeting 425 chromatin factors in zebrafish and identified over 30 novel chromatin regulators that function at distinct steps of embryonic hematopoiesis. In vertebrates, developmental hematopoiesis occurs in two waves. During the first and primitive wave, mainly erythrocytes are produced, and we identified at least 15 chromatin factors that decrease or increase formation of \(scl^+\), \(gata1^+\), and \(\beta-globin e3^+\) erythroid progenitors. In the definitive wave, HSCs capable of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple lineages are induced, and we identified at least 18 chromatin factors that decrease or increase the formation of \(c-myb^+\) and \(runx1^+\) stem and progenitor cells in the aorta gonad mesonephros (AGM) region, without disruption of vascular development. The majority of the chromatin factors identified from the screen are involved in histone acetylation, histone methylation, and nucleosome remodeling, the same modifications that are hypothesized to have the most functional impact on the transcriptional status of a gene. Moreover, these factors can be mapped to subunits of chromatin complexes that modify these marks, such as HBO/HAT, HDAC/NuRD, SET1A/MLL, ISWI, and SWI/SNF. One of the strongest phenotypes identified from the screen came from knockdown of chromodomain helicase DNA binding domain 7 (chd7). Morpholino knockdown of chd7 resulted in increased primitive and definitive blood production from the induction of stem and progenitor cells to the differentiation of myeloid and erythroid lineages. This expansion of the blood lineage is cell autonomous as determined by blastula transplantation experiments. Though chromatin factors are believed to function broadly and are often expressed ubiquitously, the combined results of the screen and chd7 analysis show that individual factors have very tissue specific functions. These studies implicate chromatin factors as playing a major role in establishing the programs of gene expression for self-renewal and differentiation of hematopoietic cells.

Efeito da hipóxia e das deleções dos genes IL15 e PLP-A na vascularização do útero gestante mediada pelas células uNK / Effect of hypoxia and depletion of IL15 and PLP-A genes in the vasculature of pregnant uterus mediated by uNK cells

Lippe, Eliana Mara Oliveira 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Áureo Tatsumi Yamada, Michael Joseph Soares / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T04:12:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lippe_ElianaMaraOliveira_D.pdf: 1508385 bytes, checksum: f80492236b91aa11f6167dbfd5369199 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Um processo de remodelação progressiva da vascularização uterina precede a placentação em humanos e roedores para prover o suprimento sanguíneo adequado na interface materno-fetal, tendo as células NK um papel modulador através da produção de citocinas como o IFN'gama', fatores de crescimento como o VEGF e radicais livres como o óxido nítrico (NO). A regulação das células uNK nesta atividade tem sido atribuída à influência de fatores exógenos como a hipóxia e parácrinos como a prolactin-like protein-A (PLP-A). Contudo, como estes mecanismos são integrados no controle da angiogênese e vasculogênese da interface materno-fetal envolvendo as células uNK não são plenamente compreendidos. No presente trabalho, foram investigadas experimentalmente a resposta das células uNK relacionadas com os mecanismos de regulação dos fatores angiogênicos sob influência da hipóxia no período pré-placentário. Para tanto, foram avaliados camundongos CD1 e geneticamente modificados IL15-/-, PLPA-/- e IL15-/-/PLPA-/- gestantes no 8° dia de gestação (dg), mantidos em hipóxia (42 0Torr - 11%O2) durante 48 horas. Em comparação com os animais mantidos em normóxia (760Torr - 21%O2) a quantidade de sítios anormais apresentou incremento estatisticamente significativo sob hipóxia nos animais CD1, porém este índice era substancialmente maior nos animais depletados dos genes IL15 e PLPA. As amostras dos sítios uterinos de desenvolvimento embrionários coletados foram processados para obtenção de criocortes destinados às reações citoquímicas, imunocitoquímicas e hibridização in situ, e homogeneizados teciduais para extração do RNAm ou proteínas. Conforme esperado, os resultados da citoquímica com lectina DBA e imunocitoquímica de perforina comprovam a ausência de células uNK nos animais IL15-/- e IL15-/-/PLPA-/-, enquanto nos animais PLPA-/-, a incidência das células uNK perforina positivas não difere dos CD1 em normóxia ou hipóxia. A concentração protéica de VEGF e dos genes das isoformas VEGFA, VEGFB e VEGFC, assim como do IFN? e das isoformas iNOS e eNOS, o do TNF? e seus receptores TNFR1 e TNFR2 não apresentaram variações em suas concentrações ou níveis de expressões com padrões definidas de regulação negativa ou positiva entre os animais avaliados. Contudo a imunocitoquímica demonstrou redução de marcação de células endoteliais endoglinpositivas no endométrio e aumento no potencial invasivo de células trofoblásticas TROMA-I positivas dos animais IL15-/-. O conjunto destes resultados confirma que a ausência das células uNK afeta a vascularização normal do endométrio, a qual pode resultar em perdas gestacionais e induz a hipertrofia placentária, sem a participação direta da atividade citotóxica destas células. Comprovam também que os mecanismos de controle da expressão de fatores angiogênicos no útero gestante são multifatoriais, não sendo dependente de uma via única como o da PLPA/VEGF, ou exclusivamente das células uNK como fontes de fatores que modulam a angiogênese na interface maternofetal do útero gestante / Abstract: A gradual process of remodeling of uterine vasculature precedes placentation in humans and rodents to provide adequate blood supply in maternal-fetal interface, where NK cells producing cytokines like growth factor (VEGF) and IFN'gama' and free radical as nitric oxide (NO). Regulation of this uNK cells activity seems to be under influence of exogenous and endogenous factors such as hypoxia as paracrine effects of prolactin-like protein-A (PLPA). Nevertheless, how these mechanisms are integrated in the control of maternal-fetal interface angiogenesis and vasculogenesis involving uNK cells are not fully understood. In this study, we investigated experimentally the uNK cells response related to the mechanisms of regulation of angiogenic factor under hypoxia influence in pre-placental period. Thus, we evaluated genetically modified mice and CD1-IL15-/-, PLPA-/- and IL15-/- /PLPA-/-pregnant on the 8th day of gestation (dg), maintained in hypoxia (420Torr-11%O2) for 48h. When compared to the control animals in normoxia (760Torr-21%O2) the amount of abnormal embryo developing sites showed statistically significant increase under hypoxia in CD1 animals, but this rate was substantially higher in the PLPA and IL15 gene depleted animals. Uterine samples were processed to obtain cryosection for cytochemical, immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization reactions and extraction of mRNA or protein for PCR or ELISA reactions, respectively. As expected, the results of cytochemistry and immunocitochemistry with DBA lectin and perforin prove the absence of uNK cells in IL15-/- and IL15-/-/PLPA-/-animals, while in PLPA-/-animals, the incidence of uNK cells perforinpositive did not differ from CD1 animlas in normoxia or hypoxia. The concentration of protein VEGF and the gene isoforms expression of VEGF (A, B and C), as well as, IFN?, iNOS and eNOS, TNF? and their receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2 did not show constancy in the pattern of variations. However, the immunocytochemistry showed reduced staining of endoglin-positive endothelial cells in the endometrium and increase in invasive potential of trophoblast cells by TROMA-I positive in IL15-/- animals. This set of results confirms that the absence of uNK cells affects the normal vasculature of the endometrium which may increased intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or pregnancy failure rates and induces placental hypertrophy. This abnormality at the maternal-fetal interface does not seems to be involves direct participation of cytotoxic activity of uNK cells. Furthemore, the control mechanisms of angiogenic factors expression in the pregnant uterus are multifactorial rather than dependent of a single pathway like the PLP-A/VEGF, or limited to uNK cells as a source of factors that modulate angiogenesis in the maternal-fetal interface of pregnant uterus / Doutorado / Histologia / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Dualidade funcional das células uNK de camundongos durante a gestação / Dual capacities of mice uNK cells

Lima, Patricia Daniele Azevedo, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Áureo Tatsumi Yamada / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T04:02:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lima_PatriciaDanieleAzevedo_D.pdf: 2840118 bytes, checksum: 470a2cf0b7d63e81fd8f48aba5af44fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Células Natural Killer uterina (uNK) produzem moléculas angiogênicas e citocinas críticas ao sucesso da gestação , assim como proteínas citolíticas relacionadas à resposta imune inata. Contudo, se as capacidades angiogênicas e citolíticas são provenientes de diferentes subpopulações de células uNK não é conhecido; da mesma forma, estes fenótipos ainda não são estabelecidos. Assim, a proposta inicial deste trabalho foi avaliar...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: Angiogenic and cytokine molecules produced by uterine natural killer (uNK) cells are critical for successful pregnancy. Cytolytic proteins are also express by uNK cells. However, it is unknown whether the angiogenic and cytolytic capacities are from different uNK subsets, or the same cells. Thus, we initially proposed to evaluate...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic document / Doutorado / Histologia / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Arquitetura e estrutura endometrial equina entre o 21º e 42º dias de gestação / Architecture and structure of equine endometrium between 21st and 42nd days of pregnancy

Winter, Gustavo Henrique Zimmermann January 2014 (has links)
O embrião equino apresenta um desenvolvimento dinâmico por um longo período entre a fertilização, sua entrada no útero, fixação e posterior invasão trofoblástica após o 36º dia da gestação. Durante todo este período o concepto é sustentado pelo histotrofo endometrial. Estas características dos equídeos favorecem o seu uso com modelo experimental in vivo para estudos nos desenvolvimentos e interações fetal e maternal. Os estudos em endométrio equino tiveram foco em eventos fisiológicos nas diferentes fases do ciclo estral, enquanto os estudos aos primeiros momentos da gestação são escassos. O entendimento do processo de remodelação e morfofisiologia do endométrio após a entrada do embrião no útero não é completamente entendido. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a morfofisiologia endometrial da gestação na égua envolvendo os períodos pós-fixação e peri-implantação, por histologia e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A característica mais marcante da transformação ou adaptação endometrial à gestação foi o quase total desaparecimento das células ciliadas na superfície epitelial em ambos cornos uterinos. A capacidade de secreção das células microvilosas também passou por mudanças com o avanço gestacional. Muitas células secretórias ingurgitadas e protusas formam a maioria da população do epitélio, onde o histotrofo se acumula, e apresentaram erosões em sua superfície, provavelmente pela secreção apócrina de vesículas. A superfície epitelial apresentou pleomorfismo celular e pseudoestratificação, promovida por intensa hiperplasia celular, acompanhada de adensamento das glândulas endometriais, desde o 21º dia da gestação diminuído após o 36º dia. Linfócitos, provavelmente uNK, foram encontrados no epitélio luminal do endométrio já aos 21 dias de gestação em ambos cornos, gravídico e não gravídico. Foi evidenciado o septamento no epitélio luminal, com sulcos formados aos 35 e 36 dias, tornando-se mais profundos aos 42 dias de gestação. Toda esta evolução e adaptação contínua aconteceram principalmente no corno gravídico acompanhados em menor intensidade pelo corno não gravídico. / The equine embryo plays a dynamic development for a long period between fertilization, its entry into the uterus, fixes and subsequent trophoblastic invasion after day 36 of gestation. Throughout this period, the conceptus is supported by endometrial histotrophe. These equids characteristics favor their use as an in vivo experimental model for studying the changes and interactions in fetal and maternal development. Studies in equine endometrium were focused on physiological events in the different phases of the estrous cycle, while studies in early moments of pregnancy are scant. The process of endometrial remodeling and morphophysiology after the maternal recognition of pregnancy is not completely understood. The objective of this work was to study the endometrial morphophysiology in the mare comprising post-fixation and peri-implantation periods, by histology and scanning electron microscopy. The most striking feature of endometrial transformation or adaptation to pregnancy was the almost total ciliated cells disappearance of the epithelial surface in both uterine horns. In addition, the secretory capacity of microvillus cells underwent changes with gestational age. Many engorged and protruded secretory cells were the majority epithelium population where histotroph accumulates, and showed erosions on its surface, probably by apocrine vesicle secretion. The epithelial surface also showed cellular pleomorphic and pseudostratified epithelium as a result of intense cell hyperplasia. It was accompanied by thickening of the endometrial glands from day 21 of gestation, then decreasing after the 36th day. Lymphocytes, probably uNK, were found in the luminal epithelium of the endometrium since 21st day of gestation in both pregnant and not pregnant horns. Septation was evidenced in the luminal epithelium, with sulci formed at 35 days, becoming deeper at 42 days of pregnancy. All this continued evolution and adaptation occurred mainly in the gravid horn accompanied in less intensity by non-gravid horn.

Decidual Leukocyte Involvement in Human Spiral Artery Remodeling

Hazan, Aleah 16 September 2011 (has links)
The decidualized endometrium harbors abundant leukocyte populations that are proposed to regulate critical processes at the maternal fetal interface including transformation of decidual spiral arteries. The work in this thesis investigated the leukocyte subtypes in the decidua throughout the course of this vascular transformation. A particular focus was the role of the uterine Natural Killer (uNK) cells and macrophages in an in vitro model of vascular remodeling. A significant infiltration of uNK cells and macrophages, matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 activity, and evidence of apoptosis and phagocytosis were observed in remodeling arterioles. From first to second trimester, FACS analysis demonstrated dramatic changes in the decidual leukocyte subpopulations, including the decline of uNK cells and macrophages and substantial increase in T lymphocytes and neutrophils. These data demonstrate an integral role of uNK cells and macrophages in early vascular remodeling and provide evidence of unique and complex immune interactions in the decidual microenvironment during human pregnancy.

Decidual Leukocyte Involvement in Human Spiral Artery Remodeling

Hazan, Aleah 16 September 2011 (has links)
The decidualized endometrium harbors abundant leukocyte populations that are proposed to regulate critical processes at the maternal fetal interface including transformation of decidual spiral arteries. The work in this thesis investigated the leukocyte subtypes in the decidua throughout the course of this vascular transformation. A particular focus was the role of the uterine Natural Killer (uNK) cells and macrophages in an in vitro model of vascular remodeling. A significant infiltration of uNK cells and macrophages, matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 activity, and evidence of apoptosis and phagocytosis were observed in remodeling arterioles. From first to second trimester, FACS analysis demonstrated dramatic changes in the decidual leukocyte subpopulations, including the decline of uNK cells and macrophages and substantial increase in T lymphocytes and neutrophils. These data demonstrate an integral role of uNK cells and macrophages in early vascular remodeling and provide evidence of unique and complex immune interactions in the decidual microenvironment during human pregnancy.

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