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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jorge Saavedra Garcia (5930216) 17 January 2019 (has links)
<div>The dynamic performance of the momentum and thermal boundary layer linked to the acoustic response dictate the efficiency of heat exchangers and the operational limits of fluid machinery. The specific time required by the boundary layer to establish or adapt to the free stream variations is vital to optimize flow control strategies as well as the thermal management of fluid systems. The proper understanding of the wall fluxes, separated flow regions and free stream response to transient conditions becomes the fulcrum of the further improvement of fluid machinery performance and endurance. Throughout this dissertation the establishment sequence and the main parameters dictating the acoustic response and the boundary layer settlement are quantified together with their implication on the wall fluxes and boundary layer detachment. </div><div><br></div><div>Unsteady Reynolds Average Navier Stokes evaluations, Large Eddy Simulations, Direct Numerical Simulations and wind tunnel experiments are exploited to analyze the transient behavior of attached and detached flow aerodynamics. The core of the research is built upon URANS simulations allowing the realization of multiple detailed parametric analyses. Thanks to its reduced computational cost, hundreds of transient flow evaluations are carried out, enabling the determination of the establishment sequence, the main flow features and relevant non-dimensional numbers. The URANS methodology is verified against experimental and analytic results on the flow conditions of the study. The Large Eddy Simulations and Direct Numerical Simulations allow further characterization of the near wall flow region behavior with much higher resolution while providing an additional source of verification for the coarser numerical tools. An experimental campaign on a novel full visual access linear wind tunnel explores the impact of mean flow sudden accelerations on the boundary layer detachment and reattachment phenomena over an ad-hoc wall mounted hump. The wind tunnel is designed based on the premises of: full visual access, spatial and temporal stability of total and static pressure together with the total temperature and fast flow settlement, minimizing the start-up phase duration of the wind tunnel. A wall mounted hump that mimics the behavior of the aft portion of a low pressure turbine is inserted in the wind tunnel guaranteeing a 2D flow separation phenomena. After steady state test article characterization series of sudden flow discharge experiments reveal the impact of mean flow transients on the boundary layer detachment inception. Finally, taking advantage of the knowledge on transient flow performance, optimum flow control mechanisms to abate boundary layer detachment are proposed. The recommended control approach effectively prevents the boundary layer separation while minimizing the energy requirement.</div>

Flow structure/particle interaction in the small bronchial tubes

Soni, Belabahen 11 December 2009 (has links)
The laminar flow in the small bronchial tubes is quite complex due to the presence of vortex-dominated, secondary flows. Contributing to this complexity are the geometrical characteristics of the bronchial tubes that include asymmetric and nonplanar branching. These secondary flow fields play a crucial role in particle deposition; however, the actual mechanisms that determine the particle distributions are not fully understood. The research reported here increases understanding of this phenomenon by studying flow structure/ particle interaction in the small bronchial tubes for steady and unsteady respiratory conditions. Specifically, the effects of simultaneous nonplanar and asymmetric branching were investigated. The nonplanar model was generated by applying a 90◦ out-of-plane rotation to the third-generation branches. Steady-state inspiratory flows for a Reynolds number of 1,000 and unsteady periodic flows with a 30-respiration-per-minute breathing frequency were simulated in three-generation, asymmetric, planar and nonplanar models. The asymmetry and nonplanarity produced asymmetric secondary flow patterns and unequal mass flow partitioning in the third-generation branches. Ten micron water droplet deposition in the nonplanar model was found to be significantly different from the planar model, demonstrating the impact of simultaneous nonplanar and asymmetric branching. The unsteady nature of the flow also affected particle deposition. Particles released at the same instantaneous inflow conditions during off-peak inhalation conditions, generated significantly different particle deposition patterns. The differences were attributed to the high temporal variations of the fluid velocities at these off-peak times and history effects in the flows. It was also observed that the initial particle velocities had a significant impact on particle deposition. The study of flow structure and particle interaction was facilitated by the development of a novel visualization technique that employs finite-time Lyapunov exponents (FTLE). This research provides a better understanding of the fluid dynamics driving the particle deposition in the bronchial tubes.

Modelo computacional para análise de transiente hidráulico em canais / Computational model for the study unsteady open-channel flows

Venâncio, Stênio de Sousa 03 July 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho representa a continuidade de estudos envolvendo a problemática dos escoamentos com superfície livre, contemplando a análise do fenômeno transiente em canais, a partir do modelo matemático unidimensional de Saint-Venant. Para tanto, é desenvolvido um modelo computacional em linguagem FORTRAN, capaz de avaliar o comportamento do escoamento não permanente. As equações hidrodinâmicas completas são discretizadas por um esquema completamente implícito de diferenças finitas e aplicadas no modelo computacional para a avaliação de dois casos. O modelo é previamente testado para um caso simples, cujos resultados são analisados viabilizando o modelo. No primeiro caso, o modelo é aplicado ao canal de alimentação da Usina Hidrelétrica Monjolinho em São Carlos-SP, para avaliar a necessidade de vertedouro quando se dá o fechamento brusco da turbina, e a ocorrência da entrada de ar na mesma quando da sua abertura repentina. No segundo caso, procurou-se avaliar o desenvolvimento do escoamento no Canal do Trabalhador, responsável pelo abastecimento da cidade de Fortaleza-CE. Com manobras de enchimento e esvaziamento do sistema, é possível determinar o tempo de antecedência de liga-desliga do sistema de recalque a partir das alturas dágua e velocidades de ocorrência, permitindo também a automação para as operações de controle. Em ambos os casos o modelo reproduziu resultados que ilustram com coerência os conceitos pré-estabelecidos, constituindo numa ferramenta útil para análise do fenômeno transiente nos escoamentos em condutos livres. / This work presents a computational model developed in FORTRAN language for the study of unsteady open-channel flows with the use of Saint-Venant one-dimensional equation. The discretization of hydrodynamic equations are presented in a completely implicit method of finite differences and applied in the model for the investigation of two cases, besides the one used previously to test the model. In the first case, the model is applied for a channel that supplies the Monjolinho hydroelectric plant in Sao Carlos SP, aiming to evaluate the need of a spillway when the turbine is closed and the flow abruptly stopped, as well as the occurrence of air entering the turbine when it is opened instantaneously. In the second case, the model simulates the development of the flow in the Trabalhador channel, responsible for the water supply in the city of Fortaleza - CE, in order to make possible the automation of operational control, based on data of flow velocity and water level. In both cases the model is presented as a useful tool for the analysis of unsteady open-channel flows, showing results and coherency with theory.

Study of shear-driven unsteady flows of a fluid with a pressure dependent viscosity

Srinivasan, Shriram 15 May 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, the seminal work of Stokes concerning the ow of a Navier-Stokesuid due to a suddenly accelerated or oscillating plate and the ow due to torsionaloscillations of an innitely long rod in a Navier-Stokes uid is extended to a uid withpressure dependent viscosity. The viscosity of many uids varies signicantly withpressure, a fact recognized by Stokes; and Barus, in fact, conducted experiments thatshowed that the variation of the viscosity with pressure was exponential. Given sucha tremendous variation, we study how this change in viscosity aects the nature of thesolution to these problems. We nd that the velocity eld, and hence the structureof the vorticity and the shear stress at the walls for uids with pressure dependentviscosity, are markedly dierent from those for the classical Navier-Stokes uid.

Numerical and Experimental study of shock boundary layer interaction in unsteady transonic flow

Bron, Olivier January 2003 (has links)
A prerequisite for aeroelastic stability prediction inturbomachines is the understanding of the fluctuatingaerodynamic forces acting on the blades. Unsteady transonicflows are complex because of mutual interactions betweentravelling pressure waves, outlet disturbances, shock motion,and fluctuating turbulent boundary layers. Complex phenomenaappear in the shock/boundary layer region and produce phaselags and high time harmonics, which can give a significantcontribution to the overall unsteady lift and torque, andtherefore affect flutter boundaries, cause large localstresses, or even severely damage the turbomachine. The present research work is concerned with theunderstanding of phenomena associated with travelling waves innon-uniform transonic flows and how they affect the unsteadypressure distribution on the surface as well as the far fieldradiated sound. In similitude with turbomachines potentialinteraction, the emphasis was put on the unsteady interactionof upstream propagating acoustic waves with an oscillatingshock in 2D and 3D nozzle flows. Both numerical andexperimental studies are carried out and compared with eachother. Results shows that the unsteady pressure distribution, bothon the bump surface and within the channel, results from thesuperposition of upstream and downstream propagating waves. Itis believed that outlet pressure perturbations propagateupstream in the nozzle, interact in the high subsonic flowregion according to the acoustic blockage theory, and arepartly reflected or absorbed by the oscillating shock,depending on the frequency of the perturbations and theintensity of the SBLI. Furthermore the shock motion amplitudeis found to be related to the mean flow gradients and localwave length of the perturbations rather than to the shockboundary layer interaction. The phase angle between incomingpressure perturbations and the shock motion increases with theperturbation frequency but also depends on the intensity of theSBLI. Additionally the phase angle "shift" observed underneaththe shock location linearly increases with the perturbationfrequency and the shock strength. Such phase shift is criticalregarding aeroelastic stability and might have a significantimpact on the phase angle of the overall aerodynamic forceacting on the blade and shift the aerodynamic damping fromstable to exciting. <b>Keywords:</b>Shock Boundary Layer Interaction, ShockMotion, Unsteady Flows, Nozzle Flows, Potential Interaction,Back Pressure Perturbations.

Study of shear-driven unsteady flows of a fluid with a pressure dependent viscosity

Srinivasan, Shriram 15 May 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, the seminal work of Stokes concerning the ow of a Navier-Stokesuid due to a suddenly accelerated or oscillating plate and the ow due to torsionaloscillations of an innitely long rod in a Navier-Stokes uid is extended to a uid withpressure dependent viscosity. The viscosity of many uids varies signicantly withpressure, a fact recognized by Stokes; and Barus, in fact, conducted experiments thatshowed that the variation of the viscosity with pressure was exponential. Given sucha tremendous variation, we study how this change in viscosity aects the nature of thesolution to these problems. We nd that the velocity eld, and hence the structureof the vorticity and the shear stress at the walls for uids with pressure dependentviscosity, are markedly dierent from those for the classical Navier-Stokes uid.

Numerical and Experimental study of shock boundary layer interaction in unsteady transonic flow

Bron, Olivier January 2003 (has links)
<p>A prerequisite for aeroelastic stability prediction inturbomachines is the understanding of the fluctuatingaerodynamic forces acting on the blades. Unsteady transonicflows are complex because of mutual interactions betweentravelling pressure waves, outlet disturbances, shock motion,and fluctuating turbulent boundary layers. Complex phenomenaappear in the shock/boundary layer region and produce phaselags and high time harmonics, which can give a significantcontribution to the overall unsteady lift and torque, andtherefore affect flutter boundaries, cause large localstresses, or even severely damage the turbomachine.</p><p>The present research work is concerned with theunderstanding of phenomena associated with travelling waves innon-uniform transonic flows and how they affect the unsteadypressure distribution on the surface as well as the far fieldradiated sound. In similitude with turbomachines potentialinteraction, the emphasis was put on the unsteady interactionof upstream propagating acoustic waves with an oscillatingshock in 2D and 3D nozzle flows. Both numerical andexperimental studies are carried out and compared with eachother.</p><p>Results shows that the unsteady pressure distribution, bothon the bump surface and within the channel, results from thesuperposition of upstream and downstream propagating waves. Itis believed that outlet pressure perturbations propagateupstream in the nozzle, interact in the high subsonic flowregion according to the acoustic blockage theory, and arepartly reflected or absorbed by the oscillating shock,depending on the frequency of the perturbations and theintensity of the SBLI. Furthermore the shock motion amplitudeis found to be related to the mean flow gradients and localwave length of the perturbations rather than to the shockboundary layer interaction. The phase angle between incomingpressure perturbations and the shock motion increases with theperturbation frequency but also depends on the intensity of theSBLI. Additionally the phase angle "shift" observed underneaththe shock location linearly increases with the perturbationfrequency and the shock strength. Such phase shift is criticalregarding aeroelastic stability and might have a significantimpact on the phase angle of the overall aerodynamic forceacting on the blade and shift the aerodynamic damping fromstable to exciting.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Shock Boundary Layer Interaction, ShockMotion, Unsteady Flows, Nozzle Flows, Potential Interaction,Back Pressure Perturbations.</p>

Modelo computacional para análise de transiente hidráulico em canais / Computational model for the study unsteady open-channel flows

Stênio de Sousa Venâncio 03 July 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho representa a continuidade de estudos envolvendo a problemática dos escoamentos com superfície livre, contemplando a análise do fenômeno transiente em canais, a partir do modelo matemático unidimensional de Saint-Venant. Para tanto, é desenvolvido um modelo computacional em linguagem FORTRAN, capaz de avaliar o comportamento do escoamento não permanente. As equações hidrodinâmicas completas são discretizadas por um esquema completamente implícito de diferenças finitas e aplicadas no modelo computacional para a avaliação de dois casos. O modelo é previamente testado para um caso simples, cujos resultados são analisados viabilizando o modelo. No primeiro caso, o modelo é aplicado ao canal de alimentação da Usina Hidrelétrica Monjolinho em São Carlos-SP, para avaliar a necessidade de vertedouro quando se dá o fechamento brusco da turbina, e a ocorrência da entrada de ar na mesma quando da sua abertura repentina. No segundo caso, procurou-se avaliar o desenvolvimento do escoamento no Canal do Trabalhador, responsável pelo abastecimento da cidade de Fortaleza-CE. Com manobras de enchimento e esvaziamento do sistema, é possível determinar o tempo de antecedência de liga-desliga do sistema de recalque a partir das alturas dágua e velocidades de ocorrência, permitindo também a automação para as operações de controle. Em ambos os casos o modelo reproduziu resultados que ilustram com coerência os conceitos pré-estabelecidos, constituindo numa ferramenta útil para análise do fenômeno transiente nos escoamentos em condutos livres. / This work presents a computational model developed in FORTRAN language for the study of unsteady open-channel flows with the use of Saint-Venant one-dimensional equation. The discretization of hydrodynamic equations are presented in a completely implicit method of finite differences and applied in the model for the investigation of two cases, besides the one used previously to test the model. In the first case, the model is applied for a channel that supplies the Monjolinho hydroelectric plant in Sao Carlos SP, aiming to evaluate the need of a spillway when the turbine is closed and the flow abruptly stopped, as well as the occurrence of air entering the turbine when it is opened instantaneously. In the second case, the model simulates the development of the flow in the Trabalhador channel, responsible for the water supply in the city of Fortaleza - CE, in order to make possible the automation of operational control, based on data of flow velocity and water level. In both cases the model is presented as a useful tool for the analysis of unsteady open-channel flows, showing results and coherency with theory.


WAI, THWE AUNG 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22055号 / 工博第4636号 / 新制||工||1723(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 細田 尚, 教授 戸田 圭一, 准教授 音田 慎一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Unsteady Metric Based Grid Adaptation using Koopman Expansion

Lavisetty, Cherith 05 June 2024 (has links)
Unsteady flowfields are integral to high-speed applications, demanding precise modelling to characterize their unsteady features accurately. The simulation of unsteady supersonic and hypersonic flows is inherently computationally expensive, requiring a highly refined mesh to capture these unsteady effects. While anisotropic metric-based adaptive mesh refinement has proven effective in achieving accuracy with much less complexity, current algorithms are primarily tailored for steady flow fields. This thesis presents a novel approach to address the challenges of anisotropic grid adaptation of unsteady flows by leveraging a data-driven technique called Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD). DMD has proven to be a powerful tool to model complex nonlinear flows, given its links to the Koopman operator, and also its easy mathematical implementation. This research proposes the integration of DMD into the process of anisotropic grid adaptation to dynamically adjust the mesh in response to evolving flow features. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through numerical experiments on representative unsteady flow configurations, such as a cylinder in a subsonic flow and a cylinder in a supersonic channel flow. Results indicate that the incorporation of DMD enables an accurate representation of unsteady flow dynamics. Overall, this thesis contributes to making advances in the adaptation of unsteady flows. The novel framework proposed makes it computationally tractable to track the evolution of the main coherent features of the flowfield without losing out on accuracy by using a data-driven method. / Master of Science / Simulating unsteady, high-speed fluid flows around objects like aircraft and rockets poses a significant computational challenge. These flows exhibit rapidly evolving, intricate pattern structures that demand highly refined computational meshes to capture accurately. However, using a statically refined mesh for the entire simulation is computationally prohibitive. This research proposes a novel data-driven approach to enable efficient anisotropic mesh adaptation for such unsteady flow simulations. It leverages a technique called Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) to model the dominant coherent structures and their evolution from snapshot flow field data. DMD has shown powerful capabilities in identifying the most energetic flow features and their time dynamics from numerical or experimental data. By integrating DMD into the anisotropic mesh adaptation process, the computational mesh can be dynamically refined anisotropically just in regions containing critical time-varying flow structures. The efficacy of this DMD-driven anisotropic adaptation framework is demonstrated in representative test cases - an unsteady subsonic flow over a circular cylinder and a supersonic channel flow over a cylinder. Results indicate that it enables accurate tracking and resolution of the key unsteady flow phenomena like vortex shedding using far fewer computational cells compared to static mesh simulations. In summary, this work makes anisotropic mesh adaptation computationally tractable for unsteady flow simulations by leveraging data-driven DMD modelling of the evolving coherent structures. The developed techniques pave the way for more accurate yet efficient unsteady CFD simulations.

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