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Confusio hos AugustinusBårman, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats börjar i tänkandet hos Augustinus, som förutom med hans egen definition av tänkandet som ett samlande också ser tänkandet som ett välvande [volvere] och ett fusionerande [fusio]. Tänkandet som ett välvande sker genom att ord revolverar [revolvere]. Detta leder till upptäckten av att vara involverad [involvere] i världen. Eftersom man är involverad vill man försöka evolvera [evolvere] det i vilket man är involverad: strukturen är volvere–revolvere–involvere–evolvere. Detta hänger samman med varats utgjutning [diffusio] som ingjuts [infusio] i människorna, varför människan ur förskingring vill fusionera [fusio] sin verklighet. Ur detta uppstår confusio. Hos Augustinus bestäms människan av ett tredelat confusio: kosmologiskt som upphov, biologiskt som skam och kognitivt som förvirring. / The following thesis takes as its point of departure the implicit Augustinian view of thinking. Besides his own definition of thinking as a ”collecting” in the Confessions (and his view of thinking in On the Trinity), Augustine also suggests thinking as volving [volvere]. This kind of thinking is structured by words revolving [revolvere] in the mind. This, is suggested, by necessity leads to an involvement [involvere] in the world. The fact of being involved in the world also means striving to evolve [evolvere] that in which you are involved: the structure is volvere–revolvere–involvere–evolvere. This, in turn, is due to ”being” being diffused [diffusio], which then is infused [infusio] into human beings. As a result, the human being tries by thinking to fuse [fusio] reality from dispersion into unity. From this, confusion [confusio] emerges. Here, the structure is diffusio–infusio–fusio–confusio. The aim of this thesis is to envelope and place what for Augustine is predominantly a negative notion of confusio in the right manner as a generative and dynamic notion, structured in a threefold manner: cosmologically as origin, biologically as shame, cognitively as confusion. These being three aspects defining the ego.
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