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Getting the College Experience: Exploring the Effect of the Residential Component of the Upward Bound Summer ProgramKrehbiel, Riley M 08 1900 (has links)
Upward Bound is a federally funded program designed to help low-income and first-generation high school students become college graduates by providing them with academic enrichment, financial aid information, and relevant educational experiences. Many Upward Bound programs throughout the country include a 6-week summer program when participants stay in residence halls on a university campus. The Upward Bound program at the University of North Texas is one such program. The goals of this research project are to understand how the residential component of the summer program affects the experience of participants in Upward Bound and the possible benefits it may have towards meeting the overall goals of the program. Participant observation during the 2016 UNT Upward Bound summer program and interviews with participants, RAs, program alumni, and organizational leaders uncovered the ways in which the residential component benefits and enriches the experience of participation in Upward Bound.
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Predicting Academic Achievement from Study Skills Habits among Upward Bound StudentsMcDougle, Kenny O. (Kenny Odell) 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine if study habits can be used to predict academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between selected study skill habits and attitudes and achievement of secondary students in English, mathematics, and spelling. The sample for this study consisted of 82 secondary school students participating in Upward Bound programs at two universities in the north Texas area in a six week period during the summer of 1988. Eighteen different high schools were represented in the study. The sizes of the schools ranged from small to very large. Instruments used were the Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes, (SSHA) the Stanford Test of Academic Skills, (TASK), and the Otis-Lennon Mental Abilities Test (OLMAT). The statistical analysis indicated that the four subscores of the SSHA are not accurate predictors of academic achievement. However, some of the correlations among the subscores for the SSHA and the TASK were significant. Most noteable of these were work methods and mathematics, teacher acceptance and mathematics, and work methods and spelling. The recommendation is made that the SSHA should not be used to predict academic achievement in Upward Bound programs. Improving study habits and attitudes should be addressed as a method of refining academic programs, not of predicting academic achievement.
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Avaliação clínica, radiográfica e ultra-sonográfica da articulação fêmuro-tíbio-patelar pós desmotomia patelar medial experimental em eqüinos / Clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluation of the femurotibiopatellar joint after experimental medial patellar desmotomy in horsesMartins, Edivaldo Aparecido Nunes 22 November 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar através do exame clínico, radiográfico e ultra-sonográfico a articulação fêmuro-tíbio-patelar pós desmotomia patelar medial. Foram utilizados oito equinos, machos e fêmeas, de peso, raça e idade variáveis. Todos animais foram submetidos a desmotomia patelar medial no membro pélvico direito. Os exames clínico e ultra-sonográfico foram realizados no 7º, 14º, 21º, 28º, 43º, 58º, 88º e 118º dia do pós-operatório. Os exames radiográficos e do líquido sinovial foram realizados no 15º, 30º, 60º, 90º e 120º dia do pós-operatório. No pós-operatório foi observado durante exame radiográfico do joelho direito, aumento do ângulo entre a superfície articular proximal da patela e a superfície cranial distal do fêmur, formação óssea na crista tibial, entesofitos na patela, deslocamento da patela e irregularidade óssea na superfície patelar lateral. No exame ultra-sonográfico foi observado aumento da espessura (p<0,05) no segmento proximal e médio do ligamento patelar intermédio do membro pélvico direito, desmite do patelar intermédio, enteseofitos na patela, distensão do recesso articular medial do fêmur, efusão articular e irregularidade da cartilagem do sulco troclear femoral. Conclui-se que a desmotomia patelar medial causa alterações no joelho devido a instbilidade articular e deve ser indicada apenas nos casos que não responderam a outras forma de tratamento. / This study aimed the evaluation of the femurotibiopatellar joint trough clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations after experimental medial patellar desmotomy. Medial patellar desmotomy was performed on the right hindlimb in eight mixed-breed horses. The clinical and ultrasonographic evaluation was performed on day 7, 14, 21, 28, 43, 58, 88 e 118 after surgery. The radiographic and synovial fluid evaluation was performed on day 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 after surgery. It was observed during radiographic evaluation of the right stifle, an increase of the angle between the patellar proximal articular surface and the cranial distal femur surface. During ultrasonographic evaluation it was observed thickening (p<0,05) on the proximal and midlle segment of the midlle patellar ligament on the right hindlimb, entesophyte at the patella, femoral medial joint recess distending, joint effusion and cartilage irregularity of the femoral troclear groove. The medial patellar desmotomy causes stifle changes and must be performed only in animals non responsive to other treatment.
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Se confronter à bien meilleur que soi peut-il être bénéfique ? : influence de l’intensité de la comparaison ascendante sur l’évaluation de soi et la performance / To confront with much better than can one be beneficial? : influence of the intensity of the ascending comparison on the evaluation of one and the performanceCharrier, Maxime 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à étudier les effets, bénéfiques ou délétères, de l’intensité de la comparaison ascendante sur l’évaluation de soi et la performance. Dans une série de cinq études, nous avons placé au coeur de nos investigations une controverse relative aux effets d’une comparaison ascendante forte par rapport à une comparaison ascendante modérée.La comparaison ascendante forte se révèle bénéfique à court terme, les participants améliorant leur performance, ce qui n’est pas systématiquement le cas pour une comparaison ascendante modérée (études 1, 2 et 3). En revanche, en ce qui concerne l’évaluation de soi, à l’exception de l’étude 1, une comparaison ascendante forte n’entraîne pas toujours une évaluation de soi inférieure à une comparaison ascendante modérée.Nous avons également cherché à clarifier cette controverse en interrogeant le rôle joué par les attributions causales (Weiner, 1985) dans l’évolution constatée de la performance. En interrogeant les attributions des participants, nous constatons une prévalence des attributions à l’effort (étude 2) ainsi qu’une corrélation positive entre celles-ci et les attentes de réussite (études 3, 4 et 5) dans la condition de comparaison ascendante forte. D’autre part, en manipulant les attributions de la cible de comparaison, il apparaît que les participants exposés à un feedback d’échec et des attributions à l’habileté présentent un niveau d’évaluation de soi plus faible qu’en l’absence de feedback d’échec (étude 4). De surcroît, les attributions à l’effort contribuent au maintien de l’évaluation de soi uniquement en présence de trois cibles en comparaison d’une seule cible (étude 5). / This thesis aims to study the beneficial or deleterious effects of intensity of upward comparison on self-evaluation and performance. In a series of five studies, we have placed at the heart of our investigations a controversy which deals with the effects of a strong upward comparison with regard to a moderate upward comparison.The strong upward comparison is beneficial in the short term, participants improving their performance, which is not always the case for a moderate upward comparison (Studies 1, 2 and 3). In contrast, as regards of self-evaluation, except for Study 1, a strong upward comparison does not always mean a lower self-evaluation than a moderate upward comparison.We also sought to clarify this controversy by questioning the role of causal attributions (Weiner, 1985) in the observed evolution of performance. By measuring participants’ causal attributions, we see a prevalence of effort attributions (Study 2) and a positive correlation between them and expectations of success (studies 3, 4 and 5) in the strong upward comparison condition. Furthermore, by manipulating causal attributions of the comparison target, it appears that participants exposed to a failure feedback and ability attributions have a lower level of self-evaluation than in the absence of feedback of failure (study 4). Moreover, effort attributions contribute to the maintenance of self-evaluation only in the presence of three targets compared to only one target (Study 5).
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Football Wishes and Fashion Fair Dreams: Class and the Problem of Upward Mobility in Contemporary U.S. Literature and CultureAppel, Sara Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
<p>Through an analysis of contemporary films, novels, comics, and other popular texts, my dissertation argues that upward class mobility, as the progress narrative through which the American Dream has solidified itself in literary and cultural convention, is based on a false logic of "self-made" individualism. The texts I examine tell a new kind of mobility story: one that openly acknowledges the working-class community interdependence underpinning individuals' ability to rise to their accomplishments. My work spotlights distinctly un-rich communities invested in the welfare of their most vulnerable citizens. It also features goal-oriented individuals who recognize the personal impact of this investment as well as the dignity of poor and working-class people from "heartland" Texas to Lower East Side Manhattan. American-exceptionalist stories no longer ring true with popular audiences faced with diminishing access to economic resources and truly democratic political representation. The growing wealth gap between the corporate elite and everyone else has resulted in a healthy mass skepticism toward simplistic narratives of hard work guaranteeing the comforts of a middle-clas life. The archive I have identified displays a fundamental commitment to the social contract that is perhaps the greatest of U.S. working-class values, offering a hopeful vision of collective accountability to readers and viewers struggling to avoid immobilizing debt, foreclosure, and the unemployment line.</p> / Dissertation
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"Tu não está ali, tu não existe" : violência psicológica e assédio moral vertical ascendente com docentes de ensino públicoPrisco, Cristina Maria Fagundes January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de pesquisa exploratória, sobre as relações conflituosas entre alunos e professores de quintas séries do ensino fundamental, em duas escolas públicas na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo envolvido constituiu-se por 18 docentes, de perfis sócio demográficos diferenciados. As análises realizadas demonstram que essas relações conflituosas ocorridas no cotidiano podem transformar-se em fenômenos relacionados à Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente, sem contudo, serem percebidos como tais pelo grupo. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) e Dejours (2004; 1999) dentre outros. Adotou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo e análise de resultados de caráter qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e Análise de Conteúdo, subsidiadas pelas propostas de Bauer e Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001) e Bardin (1977). Foi constatado a partir do material analisado que as repercussões em termos de doença, descritas de maneira muito contundente, relataram o sofrimento causado pela Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral e os consequentes transtornos psicossomáticos, como depressão, herpes, problemas na voz, entre outros, além, da desmotivação e decepção com a carreira profissional. Identificou-se estratégias de enfrentamento como racionalização, reclamação e vitimização e tentativas de exercício de autoridade. Discutiu-se a dificuldade dos docentes em serem protagonistas de seus papéis como educadores quando alvos da Violência Psicológica e do Assédio Moral. Segue como importante o aprofundamento das pesquisas no campo escolar público, com o intuito delimitar e desvelar as ocorrências de Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente. / This study is the result of a research about conflicting relations between teachers and students from the fifth grade of two elementary public schools in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The group studied was constituted by 18 teachers with different socio-demographic profiles. The analysis showed that these daily conflicting relations can be transformed into instances related to Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment without being noticed as such by the group involved. Were used as theoretical reference the authors: Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) and Dejours (2004; 1999), among others. A qualitative field research methodology was employed, using individual interviews and focus groups, based on authors such as Bauer and Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001), and to analyze the findings the technique of Bardin (1977) was chosen. On the basis of the data collected and analyzed it was found out that the repercussions in terms of illness, described with very strong words by the teachers when talking about the suffering caused by Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment, related psychosomatic disorders, like depression, herpes, vocal problems, among others, besides lack of motivation and disappointment with their careers. Strategies of confrontation were identified, like rationalization, complaining and victimization, and instances of the use of authority. The difficulties presented by the teachers to fulfill their roles as educators when victims of Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment were discussed. The deepening of researches in the field of public schools, in order to mark out and uncover the incidents of Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment remains of great importance.
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"Tu não está ali, tu não existe" : violência psicológica e assédio moral vertical ascendente com docentes de ensino públicoPrisco, Cristina Maria Fagundes January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de pesquisa exploratória, sobre as relações conflituosas entre alunos e professores de quintas séries do ensino fundamental, em duas escolas públicas na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo envolvido constituiu-se por 18 docentes, de perfis sócio demográficos diferenciados. As análises realizadas demonstram que essas relações conflituosas ocorridas no cotidiano podem transformar-se em fenômenos relacionados à Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente, sem contudo, serem percebidos como tais pelo grupo. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) e Dejours (2004; 1999) dentre outros. Adotou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo e análise de resultados de caráter qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e Análise de Conteúdo, subsidiadas pelas propostas de Bauer e Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001) e Bardin (1977). Foi constatado a partir do material analisado que as repercussões em termos de doença, descritas de maneira muito contundente, relataram o sofrimento causado pela Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral e os consequentes transtornos psicossomáticos, como depressão, herpes, problemas na voz, entre outros, além, da desmotivação e decepção com a carreira profissional. Identificou-se estratégias de enfrentamento como racionalização, reclamação e vitimização e tentativas de exercício de autoridade. Discutiu-se a dificuldade dos docentes em serem protagonistas de seus papéis como educadores quando alvos da Violência Psicológica e do Assédio Moral. Segue como importante o aprofundamento das pesquisas no campo escolar público, com o intuito delimitar e desvelar as ocorrências de Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente. / This study is the result of a research about conflicting relations between teachers and students from the fifth grade of two elementary public schools in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The group studied was constituted by 18 teachers with different socio-demographic profiles. The analysis showed that these daily conflicting relations can be transformed into instances related to Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment without being noticed as such by the group involved. Were used as theoretical reference the authors: Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) and Dejours (2004; 1999), among others. A qualitative field research methodology was employed, using individual interviews and focus groups, based on authors such as Bauer and Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001), and to analyze the findings the technique of Bardin (1977) was chosen. On the basis of the data collected and analyzed it was found out that the repercussions in terms of illness, described with very strong words by the teachers when talking about the suffering caused by Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment, related psychosomatic disorders, like depression, herpes, vocal problems, among others, besides lack of motivation and disappointment with their careers. Strategies of confrontation were identified, like rationalization, complaining and victimization, and instances of the use of authority. The difficulties presented by the teachers to fulfill their roles as educators when victims of Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment were discussed. The deepening of researches in the field of public schools, in order to mark out and uncover the incidents of Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment remains of great importance.
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"Tu não está ali, tu não existe" : violência psicológica e assédio moral vertical ascendente com docentes de ensino públicoPrisco, Cristina Maria Fagundes January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de pesquisa exploratória, sobre as relações conflituosas entre alunos e professores de quintas séries do ensino fundamental, em duas escolas públicas na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo envolvido constituiu-se por 18 docentes, de perfis sócio demográficos diferenciados. As análises realizadas demonstram que essas relações conflituosas ocorridas no cotidiano podem transformar-se em fenômenos relacionados à Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente, sem contudo, serem percebidos como tais pelo grupo. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) e Dejours (2004; 1999) dentre outros. Adotou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo e análise de resultados de caráter qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e Análise de Conteúdo, subsidiadas pelas propostas de Bauer e Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001) e Bardin (1977). Foi constatado a partir do material analisado que as repercussões em termos de doença, descritas de maneira muito contundente, relataram o sofrimento causado pela Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral e os consequentes transtornos psicossomáticos, como depressão, herpes, problemas na voz, entre outros, além, da desmotivação e decepção com a carreira profissional. Identificou-se estratégias de enfrentamento como racionalização, reclamação e vitimização e tentativas de exercício de autoridade. Discutiu-se a dificuldade dos docentes em serem protagonistas de seus papéis como educadores quando alvos da Violência Psicológica e do Assédio Moral. Segue como importante o aprofundamento das pesquisas no campo escolar público, com o intuito delimitar e desvelar as ocorrências de Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente. / This study is the result of a research about conflicting relations between teachers and students from the fifth grade of two elementary public schools in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The group studied was constituted by 18 teachers with different socio-demographic profiles. The analysis showed that these daily conflicting relations can be transformed into instances related to Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment without being noticed as such by the group involved. Were used as theoretical reference the authors: Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) and Dejours (2004; 1999), among others. A qualitative field research methodology was employed, using individual interviews and focus groups, based on authors such as Bauer and Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001), and to analyze the findings the technique of Bardin (1977) was chosen. On the basis of the data collected and analyzed it was found out that the repercussions in terms of illness, described with very strong words by the teachers when talking about the suffering caused by Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment, related psychosomatic disorders, like depression, herpes, vocal problems, among others, besides lack of motivation and disappointment with their careers. Strategies of confrontation were identified, like rationalization, complaining and victimization, and instances of the use of authority. The difficulties presented by the teachers to fulfill their roles as educators when victims of Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment were discussed. The deepening of researches in the field of public schools, in order to mark out and uncover the incidents of Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment remains of great importance.
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Avaliação clínica, radiográfica e ultra-sonográfica da articulação fêmuro-tíbio-patelar pós desmotomia patelar medial experimental em eqüinos / Clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluation of the femurotibiopatellar joint after experimental medial patellar desmotomy in horsesEdivaldo Aparecido Nunes Martins 22 November 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar através do exame clínico, radiográfico e ultra-sonográfico a articulação fêmuro-tíbio-patelar pós desmotomia patelar medial. Foram utilizados oito equinos, machos e fêmeas, de peso, raça e idade variáveis. Todos animais foram submetidos a desmotomia patelar medial no membro pélvico direito. Os exames clínico e ultra-sonográfico foram realizados no 7º, 14º, 21º, 28º, 43º, 58º, 88º e 118º dia do pós-operatório. Os exames radiográficos e do líquido sinovial foram realizados no 15º, 30º, 60º, 90º e 120º dia do pós-operatório. No pós-operatório foi observado durante exame radiográfico do joelho direito, aumento do ângulo entre a superfície articular proximal da patela e a superfície cranial distal do fêmur, formação óssea na crista tibial, entesofitos na patela, deslocamento da patela e irregularidade óssea na superfície patelar lateral. No exame ultra-sonográfico foi observado aumento da espessura (p<0,05) no segmento proximal e médio do ligamento patelar intermédio do membro pélvico direito, desmite do patelar intermédio, enteseofitos na patela, distensão do recesso articular medial do fêmur, efusão articular e irregularidade da cartilagem do sulco troclear femoral. Conclui-se que a desmotomia patelar medial causa alterações no joelho devido a instbilidade articular e deve ser indicada apenas nos casos que não responderam a outras forma de tratamento. / This study aimed the evaluation of the femurotibiopatellar joint trough clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations after experimental medial patellar desmotomy. Medial patellar desmotomy was performed on the right hindlimb in eight mixed-breed horses. The clinical and ultrasonographic evaluation was performed on day 7, 14, 21, 28, 43, 58, 88 e 118 after surgery. The radiographic and synovial fluid evaluation was performed on day 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 after surgery. It was observed during radiographic evaluation of the right stifle, an increase of the angle between the patellar proximal articular surface and the cranial distal femur surface. During ultrasonographic evaluation it was observed thickening (p<0,05) on the proximal and midlle segment of the midlle patellar ligament on the right hindlimb, entesophyte at the patella, femoral medial joint recess distending, joint effusion and cartilage irregularity of the femoral troclear groove. The medial patellar desmotomy causes stifle changes and must be performed only in animals non responsive to other treatment.
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A General Inception Criteria For The Positive Upward Leaders In Cloud-to-Ground LightningPrasanth Kumar, B 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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