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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional Change in Urban Environmentalism: A case study analysis of state-level land use legislation in California and New York

Connolly, James J. T. January 2012 (has links)
This study examines how community development and mainstream environmental groups form coalitions in state-level urban environmental legislation and the effect these coalitions have upon larger processes of institutional change. I argue that the alignment of community development and environmental interests is essential in the efforts to flatten the existing power hierarchy around land use decision-making and open up new possibilities for urban form. It helps to form a "counter-institutional" response which combines "pragmatic" and "purist" interests to resolve the social and environmental dilemmas of land use. This study begins by establishing the extent of the institutional divide between community development and environmentalism through an archival analysis of the 1970s debate over national land use legislation. It then presents two case studies of policies which seek to close this divide: (1) the New York Brownfield Opportunity Area Program of 2003 which was initiated by community groups and (2) the California Senate Bill 375 of 2008 which was initiated by environmental groups. The case studies employ interview data, surveys of organizations, observations of public meetings, and document review. The cases examined provide examples of attempts to expand potential governance outcomes by forming "heterarchic" alliances across policy silos in order to make land use regulation responsive to the wider concerns of urban environmentalists. I find that heterarchy is achieved in the California case, but not in the New York case. The varying degrees to which urban and environmental advocacy groups are able to bridge the institutional divide between them is determinant of these outcomes. The extent to which heterarchic governance is achieved, in turn, impacts the ability of each policy to change the institutional structure of land use regulation.

Resigned Urbanization: Migration, Dwelling, and Freedom in Contemporary China

Ou, Tzu-Chi January 2018 (has links)
In the media, rural migrants are often seen as a homogeneous social group, displaced from hometowns, economically marginalized, and deprived of urban citizenship. Anything but freedom characterizes their subjectivities. In recent years, however, migrant workers have played a leading role in urbanizing small towns and cities. My two-year ethnographic research closely documents the phenomenon of “double dwelling,” in which rural migrants settle into the rental housing of Beijing’s urban villages, on the one hand, but own empty houses in rural villages and counties, on the other. I employ the idea of dwelling to conceptualize the interrelationship between identity and place as well as existence and space. Rather than being static, floating, or unfinished, double dwelling is dynamic, restricted by the household registration (hukou) division but also continually remaking the rural-urban divide. It is rooted in various sites, neither here nor there but always here and there. Migrant workers create and search for the nature of dwelling. To doubly dwell is to build and rebuild identities and existence. The dissertation engages with the study of class politics by reconsidering the role of housing in class formation. On the one hand, home-making practices bring new opportunities to migrant workers. While in Beijing, the housing conditions of migrant workers suggest a common ground on which a new social class of migrant tenants may form. Also, “self-help urbanization” from below is marked by significant migrant homeownership. Thus, holding an urban hukou is not the only criterion for becoming urban. On the other hand, the dynamics of bottom-up urbanization and state-led urban policies reconstruct double dwelling. The government-directed urbanization programs imply a specific imaginary of urban lives that conflicts with migrants’ claim to the city. Urban policies may hold the process of proletarianization back. Lastly, I examine how the divergent even seemingly contradictory developments of class politics and urbanization are embodied in the freedom and resignation of migrant workers. A dialectical relationship between freedom and resignation, I argue, mirrors the tension between strong economic growth and tightening political control in China. I explore this relationship in migrants’ extended identities in the space of suspension, in their endeavor to build a community on bandit land, in the furnished but empty houses, in the reconciliation between migrant desire and the institutional barriers, and, lastly, in migrant aspirations for living at the center of the country yet in conflict with the state’s population control. Becoming urban is a process in which migrant workers come to terms with the bitter reality of society through strength and freedom.

Reflexões sobre a departamentalização e urbanização na Martinica / Reflections on departmentalization and urbanization in Martinique

Carolina Massuia de Paula 05 September 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma reflexão a respeito de aspectos da produção do espaço implicados na modernização e urbanização da Martinica, a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Compondo o ultramar francês desde 1946, na condição de departamento, essa ilha do Caribe apresenta desde então um amplo processo de modernização e urbanização que toca profundamente a vida cotidiana. Embora muitas vezes apresentada e entendida pela ótica do benefício e do direito, essa situação provoca incômodos e gera críticas no sentido de uma imposição cultural e de uma continuidade da dominação colonial. No quadro de um desenvolvimento crítico e contraditório, o processo de modernização e urbanização da ilha acena com a ideia e progresso e melhoria das condições de vida, mas revela uma ilusão de acesso à cidade, direito à cidade e cidadania, que vão sendo reduzidos à noção de direito ao consumo, e mesmo nesse âmbito realizam-se precariamente. / This work proposes a reflection on aspects of the production of space involved in the modernization and urbanization of Martinique, from the second half of the twentieth century. Compounding the French overseas since 1946, on condition that department, this Caribbean island has since then an extensive process of modernization and urbanization that deeply touches everyday life. Although often presented and understood from the perspective of the benefit and the rights, this situation causes discomfort and generates critical towards a cultural imposition and a continuity of colonial domination. Under a critical development and contradictory process of modernization and urbanization of the island beckons with the idea and progress and improvement of living conditions, but revealed an illusion of access to the city, right to the city and citizenship, which will be reduced to concept of the right to consumer, and even in this context are held precariously.

Turismo e urbanizaÃÃo: gestÃo de impactos no litoral de Aquiraz-CE. / Tourism and urbanization: management of impacts in the coast of Aquiraz-CE.

IgnÃcio Ribeiro Pessoa Montenegro JÃnior 07 December 2004 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A temÃtica estudada retoma a questÃo dos conflitos gerados pela atividade turÃstica, diante da precariedade dos instrumentos de controle urbano e ambiental que, em grande medida, ocasionaram os inÃmeros impactos gerados pela ocupaÃÃo desordenada no litoral. Composto de duas etapas distintas, o trabalho inicia por uma abordagem teÃrica fazendo a releitura da problemÃtica ambiental da Zona Costeira brasileira e cearense, para contextualizar a evoluÃÃo do planejamento turÃstico no Brasil e, mais detalhadamente, no CearÃ, procurando compreender porque o turismo à considerado o maior impacto, em extensÃo e intensidade, fazendo uma reflexÃo sobre a importÃncia da gestÃo dos subsistemas ambientais e urbanos. A segunda fase da pesquisa, de abordagem empÃrica, tem como objetivo analisar as transformaÃÃes urbanas no litoral de Aquiraz, focalizando em primeiro plano a localidade do Porto das Dunas, por representar a nova imagem do turismo cearense e o modelo de desenvolvimento turÃstico vigente no estado, buscando compreender o processo de produÃÃo e consumo do espaÃo construÃdo, visando extrair desse exercÃcio, informaÃÃes capazes de contribuir com a gestÃo dos impactos gerados pelo turismo. Para isso, partimos do conceito de produÃÃo e consumo do espaÃo, desenvolvidos por RODRIGUES (1998 e 1999), procurando identificar os agentes sociais responsÃveis pelas transformaÃÃes espaciais, identificando sua percepÃÃo, o comportamento e os instrumentos utilizados na dinÃmica de materializaÃÃo do novo espaÃo urbano-turÃstico litorÃneo. Como ferramenta de anÃlise, utilizamos os procedimentos metodolÃgicos da percepÃÃo ambiental, baseados nos estudos e pesquisas de FERRARA (1988, 1999,2000,2002), usando como material analisado as informaÃÃes emitidas pelos usuÃrios, atravÃs da linguagem verbal, obtidas de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, como tambÃm da linguagem nÃo-verbal, flagrada atravÃs do atrito interpretativo de recortes seletivos de imagens obtidas em fotografias. Desse modo, identificamos pontos crÃticos, capazes de sugerir aÃÃes de gestÃo e controle, vinculados aos instrumentos jurÃdicos e instÃncias polÃticas, relacionadas Ãs leis ambientais e urbanas, propondo ao final, uma reflexÃo sobre o modelo de desenvolvimento adotado, comparando-o com outro, utilizado pelo IBAMA na Reserva Extrativista do Batoque, analisando tambÃm os novos investimentos em outras localidades litorÃneas do municÃpio, alertando para os seus futuros impactos. / The present study retakes the conflicts generated by touristic activities before the lack of instruments of urban and environmental control which, to a large extent, brings about a large number of impacts occasioned by a chaotic occupancy of seashore areas. Comprising two distinct parts, the study starts out from a theoretical approach towards reinterpreting the environmental problem of both Brazilian and âCearenseâ coastal areas, to contextualize the evolution of touristic planning in Brazil in general and, more specifically, in CearÃ, attempting to understand why tourism is considered to be the most serious cause of impact, both in extension and intensity, by thinking over the importance of the management of environmental and urban subsystems. The second phase of the research, as an empirical investigation, has the scope of analysing the urban transformations along Aquiraz seacoast, focusing its first plane on the site known as Porto das Dunas, because it represents a new image of tourism in the State of CearÃ, as well as its model of current touristic development, in an effort to understand the origination process as well as the process of the use of the occupied spaces, aiming at teasing out from such an exercise, the information capable of contributing to the handling of the impacts generated by tourism. For that reason, we started out from the concept of creation and use of space developed by RODRIGUES (1998,1999), in an attempt to identify the social agents responsible for spatial transformations, by detecting their perception, their behavior and the instruments used in the materialization dynamics of the novel space of urban-touristic seacoast. As the tool of the analysis, we used the methodological procedures of environmental perception based on the studies and research of FERRARA (1988, 1999, 2000, 2002), by using analytical material, the information gathered from users by means of verbal language obtained from semi-structured interviews, as well as from non-verbal language perceived through interpretive friction of selective samples of images obtained from photographs. Thus we identified critical points capable of suggesting new actions for the management and control connected with juridical instruments and political instances related to environmental and urban laws, proposing, in the end, a reflection on the model of developement adopted, comparing it with another used by IBAMA at the extractive reserve of Batoque, analysing also new investments at other seacost sites within the county and their future impacts.

Entre os rios e as favelas: o PAC nas baixadas da Bacia da Estrada Nova e da Comunidade Taboquinha - Belém (PA) / Between rivers and favelas: the PAC in the lowlands of the Estrada Nova Basin and the Taboquinha Community

Brandão, Ana Júlia Domingues das Neves 18 May 2016 (has links)
A estruturação urbana da Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB) é estritamente relacionada à sua rede hídrica. A várzea dos rios e igarapés da região conforma um território classificado como baixada, conceituado por condicionantes físicas (cotas altimétricas suscetíveis à inundação) e socioeconômicas do sítio referentes ao perfil da população residente. Sob o contexto de desigualdades estruturais no país, observadas na concentração de renda e benefícios, incluindo o acesso à terra, as baixadas são a expressão local para favelas que se formaram como a alternativa viável para moradia da população migrante que se estabeleceu na capital entre os anos 1950 e 1970. A omissão do Estado na provisão de habitação de interesse social e de infraestrutura urbana básica, aliada a um padrão de rendimentos baixos fazem com que a RMB figure entre as metrópoles mais precárias do país. Dados censitários de 2010 a classificam como a metrópole brasileira com maior percentual de população vivendo em aglomerados subnormais (53,9%). Por outro lado, nos últimos 10 anos, houve uma inédita e vultosa provisão de investimentos para o desenvolvimento urbano da RMB, por meio do incentivo federal dado pelo Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC), em eixos voltados para a Urbanização de Assentamentos Precários e para a provisão de Saneamento Básico nas áreas de baixadas. Esta pesquisa pretende analisar, à luz da morfologia urbana e de conceitos compreensivos de soluções de drenagem, as seguintes intervenções do PAC em desenvolvimento em Belém: a Macrodrenagem e Urbanização da Bacia da Estrada Nova e a Urbanização da Comunidade Taboquinha. Busca-se identificar quais as alterações físico-urbanísticas previstas e qual padrão de soluções sanitárias e ambientais dado aos igarapés e canais das áreas em questão. Isso porque intervenções desta natureza na cidade partem, historicamente, de um padrão conservador e sanitarista que não alcança as melhorias pretendidas com projetos de urbanização de favelas. Pretende-se, portanto, contribuir na discussão sobre os modelos de intervenção desenvolvidos pelo PAC, identificando os avanços e limites que o programa apresenta para RMB. / The Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB) urban structure is strictly related to its water bodies and hydrologic network. The rivers and streams floodplains in the region conforms a territory classified as lowlands, conceptualized by its physical (elevations susceptible to flooding) and socioeconomic constrains concerning the resident population profile. In the context of structural inequalities in the country, observed in the concentration of income and benefits, including access to land, lowlands are the slums local expression that were formed as a viable housing alternative to migrants who settled in the capital between 1950s and 1970s. The State\'s omission in providing social interest housing and basic urban infrastructure, combined with a low incomes standard means that the RMB is among the poorer cities in the country. This Brazilian city is classified by the 2010 census data as with the highest percentage of population living in subnormal settlements (53.9%). On the other hand, in the last 10 years there has been an unprecedented and massive provision of investments for RMB urban development, through federal incentive given by the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), in axes focused on the Urbanization of Slums and for sanitation provision in the lowland areas. This research aims to examine, in the light of urban morphology and comprehensive concepts of drainage solutions, the following in progress interventions of PAC in Belém: the Macrodrainage and Urbanization of Estrada Nova Bacin and the Urbanization of Taboquinha Community. The aim is to identify the physical and urban expected changes and what standard of basic sanitation and environmental solutions is given to streams and drainage channels in question. That\'s because interventions of this nature in the city depart, historically, from a conservative and sanitary standard that does not reach the intended improvements in slums urbanization projects. It is intended, therefore, to contribute in the discussion of intervention models developed by the PAC and to identify the advances and limitations that the program provides for RMB.

An assessment of urbanization impact in China by using WRF-Chem and configuration optimization

Yu, Man 01 December 2014 (has links)
Urbanization is an inevitable process for every developing and developed country. In China this process accelerated after the reform and open-door policies initialed in 1980s. Urbanization can bring tremendous influences on air quality and in turn adverse health effects. Therefore it is of importance to access and evaluate urbanization process. In this Thesis, we focus on three major impacts in China: land-cover change (from nature land type to urban land type), anthropogenic heat emission (due to human activity), and pollutant emission increase (mainly from industry, power, transportation and residential). The model tool used in this paper is called WRF-Chem (the fully coupled Weather Research and Forecast Model with Chemistry Module). After designing and performing three different sensitivity runs, it turns out that all of these three impacts from urbanization tend to worsen air quality conditions in Beijing, especially for ozone and PM2.5 concentrations. The first impact from land-cover change in Chapter 2 increases temperature by 2.4 C; for Beijing and ozone by 20 ppb. Adding human heat release (the second impact) also increases surface temperature by 0.8 C; at daytime and 1.2 C; at nighttime (Chapter 4). Consequently, model outputs a more polluted scenario in Beijing, with 18 ppb more ozone during nocturnal time. When exploring the third impact from emission change, we found out that the government's mitigation regulations on emissions in Beijing has in effect. Around Beijing area, the emissions for CO and SO2 remains the same level from 2006 to 2010, while other cities inside North China Plain are experiencing rapid growths in anthropogenic emissions. Results show a slightly increase in surface temperature and ozone concentrations. Meanwhile, the concentration of particulate matters tends to increase near surface and decrease in the upper atmosphere. For future study, it is highly recommended to include these impacts into model configurations. Additional sensitivity runs were conducted to optimize forecast computing in China, concerning both spatial and vertical resolutions. This sensitivity studies represented 4 different grid resolutions and three different vertical meshes. Regards to the analysis with available observation data, a resolution of 9 km and 27 vertical layers is determined to be the best option for future efficient and accurate forecasts in China. For horizontal aspects, both 81-km and 27-km resolutions are not able to capture pollutant distributions and no significant discrepancy is found out between 9-km and 3-km case. In vertical resolution sensitivity runs, we use 9 layers, 27 layers, and 54 layers mesh with same top and bottom staggers. Analysis reveals totally different vertical profile between 9 layers and 27 layers cases and similar profile between 27 layers and 54 layers. Therefore, we recommend spatial settings with 9-km resolution and a vertical mesh with 27 layers. Finally, the updated 3-d model, involving three urbanization impacts and using recommended resolution settings is used to support a field campaign in summer 2013 for North China Plain. Some preliminary results show a confidence using our model, by capturing both meteorological and chemical trends in Beijing.

Analysis of Water Quality for Lake Tarpon, Pinellas County, Florida

Savio, Kristi Nichole 29 October 2014 (has links)
Urbanization has taken a major toll on the water quality of Lake Tarpon. In response, there have been management strategies and legislation put in place to help improve water quality. Our objective was to identify what management strategies and other environmental factors were driving changes in Lake Tarpons water quality from 1970 - 2010. Trends in water quality were analyzed against precipitation, land use and water quality management strategies to achieve this. Results found that two water quality management strategies, the creation of the Lake Tarpon Outfall Canal and the closing of the Lake Tarpon Sink, improved water quality the most. Other management strategies that undoubtedly helped improve water quality but were not able to be quantified were regulations that have made growth more sustainable (FAC 62 - 25, FAC 10D-6) and management strategies such as converting septic to sewer and lake level fluctuation.

New urban space in China: towns, rural labour and social inclusion.

Carrillo Garcia, Beatriz January 2006 (has links)
Since the late 1970s internal migration has become a fundamental feature of economic and social change in the People’s Republic of China. So has rapid urbanization as the rural population moves to the cities and towns in search for work. In the process, new urban spaces have been created that not only provide the springboard for economic development but also present challenges for social coherence and stability. Considerable attention has been focussed on the impact of this migration on the larger cities and on the migrants to those cities; processes that inevitably highlight the difficulties of China’s socio-economic transformation. Nonetheless, the experiences of those cities represent but one of the country’s urban realities. In fact, the majority of China’s urban population live in a highly dispersed system formed by thousands of small cities and towns. Through the examination of a county in North China (Hongtong County, Shanxi Province) and its county town (Dahuishu Town) this study suggests that outside the larger cities there may be alternative accounts of urban social change and the integration of rural migrant workers. Empirical findings point to greater openness and flexibility in the incorporation of rural workers. Though shortcomings are still observed, there is also considerable governmental and social awareness of the problems brought by rural -urban migration and urbanization processes; a willingness to act and a capacity to promote and deliver greater social inclusion. Dahuaishu Town’s distinct development experience has allowed for the construction of a more inclusive social environment, one which provides all inhabitants, including rural workers with a platform towards advancing their economic and social well-being. Impossible as it is to be representative of town development throughout China, this study provides an example of and a guide to alternative development processes to those documented in large urban centres. Small town urban development in Hongtong County is not a resolved issue, but it suggests that China’s transformation may not necessarily result in dysfunctional and socially polarized urban environments.

Mangrove Shoreline Fish Assemblages of Oleta River State Park: Baseline Conditions in an Urban System

De Angelo, Jacquelyn Alexis 01 January 2010 (has links)
Oleta River State Park (ORSP), located in North Miami-Dade County is known as the most highly urbanized State Park in all of Florida. The present study was conducted as part of an ongoing seasonally-resolved survey of fish utilization of the mangrove shorelines of Biscayne Bay. Previous Unit Management Plans published by the Division of Recreation and Parks have lacked information concerning the park?s prominent mangrove forests along with its icthyofauna. The main purpose of this thesis was to provide a baseline characterization of the mangrove-fish assemblages and microhabitat trends of ORSP, against which future changes in and around the Park can be gauged. Fish assemblages inhabiting the mangrove shorelines were examined using a visual ?belt-transect? census method over 11 consecutive seasons. Microhabitat variables including salinity, water temperature, water depth, water clarity and distance from Baker?s Haulover Inlet were examined for possible correlations with fish metrics. Several significant differences were evident in the taxonomic richness (number of taxa per unit area) and densities of the five most abundant taxa within the shoreline habitats in terms of seasonal variation and microhabitat variable distribution along the river. Taxonomic richness was typically greater in survey sites located closer to Baker?s Haulover Inlet. Oleta River?s mangrove shoreline fish assemblages appear to reflect (1) proximity of the mangroves that they occupy to Baker?s Haulover Inlet; (2) temperature regime along the shoreline; and (3) the salinity gradient found within the river. Fish assemblage and microhabitat information collected here could serve as a ?baseline? in future investigations of the effects of further urbanization or the effects of other anthropogenic changes to Oleta River and its mangrove habitat, including possible changes to freshwater flow associated with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan.

Main Street's changing role as a central place, an economic center, and a neighborhood regionalization, retail trade, and applying the new urbanism /

Tufts, Craig J. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio University, June, 2005. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 74-75)

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