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Kampaň Baracka Obamy - Trendy politického marketingu / Barack Obama´s Campaign - Trends of political marketingLaresová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
Based on theoretical background and Barack Obama's campaign analysis this paper is aiming to define the trends in the field of political marketing. The conclusion is (a) a complex employment of marketing tools and strategies with focus on synergy of "new" and "old" media ("postmodern campaigns"), (b) necessity of "permanent campaigning", (c) profesionalization of strategy and execution, (d) personalization of message, political supply and of citizens and (e) change of electorate's reaction to campaign communication, which has been caused by usage of digital technologies and influence of pop culture.
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Vztahy Kolumbie a USA .- Od Plánu Kolumbie do současnosti. / Relations between USA and Colombia. - From Plan Colombia till todayKurzová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
I analyze relations between the USA and Colombia in my diploma thesis. I focus on security and drug aspect of their relations. I investige influence of the USA on situatin in Colombia.
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Zahraniční politika Kanady a Spojené státy / Canadian foreign policy and the United StatesZázvorka, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Subject of the thesis is the Canadian foreign policy towards the USA. It deals with its historic development from beginnings up to now. Special accent is put on the last 30 years. The thesis is divided into three parts. The actual Canadian-American relation is laid out in the third part, where as the broader context of the Canadian foreign policy is outlined in the first two chapters. Domestic environment of foreign policy such as geographic, demographic, institutional and economic aspects are highlighted in the first chapter. Canada is a former British colony and had to evolve to attain its status as an international agent, this process is introduced in the second chapter.
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Design och konstruktion av balanscykel i bambuBjartmarz, Freyr January 2017 (has links)
Projektet är genomfört i USA i samarbete med Kansas University och organisationen HERObike som är en icke vinstdrivande organisation som vill öka samhällsutvecklingen på Alabamas landbyggd. Målet med projektet var att konstruera en sparkcykel i bambu då HERObike kan använda sig av lokala material i tillverkningen. Syftet är att öka sysselsättningen i Greensboro samt att ge arbetserfarenhet inom tillverkning för lokalbefolkningen. Konstruktionen är ett komplement till nuvarande cykeltillverkning då deras nuvarande tillverkning kräver hantverkserfarenhet. HERObike vill med hjälp av detta projekt hjälpa Greensboro, där Alabamas fattiga medborgare bor, till nya arbeten. / This project was carried out in the USA in cooperation with Kansas University and the organization HERObike. HERObike is a nonprofit organization that wants to develop the society in the impoverished countryside areas of Alabama. The aim of the project was to construct a balance-bike in bamboo since bamboo is a local material in Alabama that HERObike can easily use in the production. The purpose was to increase the employment of the people living in Greensboro Alabama and give them experience within the manufacturing industry. The construction of the bike is a complementary to the current bikes that are manufactured since the balance-bike does not require earlier knowledge in craftsmanship. With this project HERObike wish to give more working possibilities for the poor people in Greensboro, Alabama.
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Retailing v USA (se zaměřením na potraviny) / Retailing in the USA (with focus on food retailing)Gajdošová, Radka January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with food retailing in the USA. It is divided into 9 chapters. The first chapter includes important theoretical definitions and classifications. The next one explains the formats that are used in food retailing in the USA. The third one adds the area of logistics into the matter, which is also very important in retailing. The next chapter provides general introduction into the US market, like macro-economic data and socio-cultural specifications. The fifth chapter is the most important as it deals with the analysis of food retailing in the USA. The last parts of the thesis are dedicated to the comparison of the US food retailing market and the European food retailing market.
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Strategické přístupy USA, Kanady a Mexika ke klíčovým obchodním dohodám: NAFTA versus TPP / The strategic approaches of USA, Canada and Mexico to the key trade agreements: NAFTA versus TPPKnotková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze the approaches of members of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The work is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of NAFTA, primarily to its creation and approaches of the individual members during negotiations, main provisions and objectives of this free trade area. The second chapter analyzes the main reasons that led the states to join NAFTA and their current positions within the zone. The last chapter is dedicated to TPP, its main provisions and position of NAFTA members in this agreement.
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Taxation in the United States / Daňový systém Spojených státůMikhalkina, Ekaterina January 2012 (has links)
The content of this thesis is the evaluation of the United States' tax system. The paper describes particular taxes, its influence on the government budget and the tax policy in the states. The work includes an international comparison of various tax systems among OECD countries, Japan and the U.S. The first part observes general economic indicators of the U.S. The second part describes the historical development of particular taxes since the U.S. Declaration of Independence. The third part is dedicated to tax legislation, description of main taxes, its structures and concepts where all taxes are divided for the simplicity into direct, indirect, property and others taxes. The next part reflects framework for tax analysis. And the last part of the thesis consists of basic comparison between the United States, Japan and OECD counties. The analysis in the last chapter is applicable for the last decade. The conclusion presents main results of analysis and description performed in the work.
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Att koka trolldryck på ett barn : En mytanalys av den amerikanska konspiratoriska QAnon-rörelsenFriberg von Sydow, Rikard January 2020 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen så undersöks de mytiska utgångspunkterna i denNordamerikanska QAnon-rörelsen. QAnon dök upp på den politiska scenen i slutet av2017 i samband med att källan ”Q” började posta politiska förutsägelser i internetforumsom 4Chan och 8Chan. ”Q” startade en rörelse som nu sprider sig över världen och somanvänder sig av ett potpurri av konspirationsteorier för att föra fram sitt budskap. I dethär arbetet kommer några av de mytologiska teman vi hittar hos Qanon-rörelsen attanalyseras med hjälp av bland annat den mytanalys vi finner hos amerikanskareligionshistorikern Joseph Campbells. / In this thesis I investigate the mythical foundations of the North AmericanQAnon-movement. QAnon entered the political right-wing scene during 2017 when thesource ”Q” started posting ”drops” on the 4Chan and 8Chan message boards. ”Q”started a movement now spreading across the world by connecting different conspiracytheories to a ”big tent conspiracy theory”. In this text I will analyse some of the themesused by the QAnon-movement using the myth-analysis of, among others, the americanmythologist Joseph Campbell.
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United We Stand, or Else? - Exploring Organizational Attempts to Control Emotional Expression by Employees on September 11, 2001Driver, Michaela 22 October 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore the control of emotions in organizations. An analysis of stories collected from members of different organizations who experienced the events of September 11, 2001 (when the USA was attacked by terrorists killing thousands of people) in their workplaces seems to validate previous findings that organizations respond to the expression of strong emotion with equally strong controls. However, organizations seem to differ by the types of emotional control they use and the reactions these controls elicit in their members. All four of Ashforth and Humphrey's organizational control behaviors were used. While buffering, prescribing and normalizing employee emotions seemed to have a somewhat positive effect on employee morale, the use of neutralizing controls seemed to be damaging to employee commitment. A contingency model of organizational control of emotional expression is developed.
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Improving Quality of Life in a Region: A Survey of Area Residents and Public Sector ImplicationsRiecken, Glen, Yavas, Ugur 01 January 2001 (has links)
Proposes to determine the relative importance of factors on which people rely in choosing a place to live and their assessments of a local area in the Southeastern USA. Presents recommendations to aid local authorities in improving quality of life in the region. Concludes that this should be done in partnership with non-governmental entities such as Parent/Teacher Associations or trustees of local art councils for effective changes to be made.
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