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Dům krátké cesty / 5-Minutes NeighbourhoodKyselá, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The locality is situated in the city quarter Brno-Židenice in close proximity of the railway line connecting Brno and Česká Třebová. The area is delimited by the Bubeníčkova Street from the South, the Koperníkova Street from the East, by Lazaretní Street from the North and by a road copying the railway line from the West. The elemental form of the projected compound is divided into three blocks by pass-through axes. The blocks are interconnected with a common basement where underground car park is located. The blocks have up to six floors above ground. On the first floor, there is a variety of commercial spaces for shops and restaurants and in the middle there is a supermarket. In the northern object, there are situated different types of amenities (kinder-garden, leisure activities for children, spa) on the second and higher floors. On the top floor of this object we can find the flats as well as in the middle building from the second floor. The commercial areas, offices and library are situated in the southern block.
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Intenzivní dům v Brně / Intensiv Urban Housing BrnoSpurná, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The diploma project designs architectural study of Intensive Urban Housing in the city of Brno, district Veveří. Its proposed a building of complex form on vacant site desined by Veveří, Kounicova, Pekárenská and Sokolská Streets which used to be a military grounds. Intensive Urban Housing includes wide community amenities and dwelling for different social groups. As it is located on within walking distance to services which makes the complex self-sufficient, the transport demands are reduced. The proposal works with differentiation of public space, main buildings volumes and facade arrangement that create a lovely city environment and new atractive location in the city of Brno.
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Využití komplexních SW produktů během přípravy a výstavby stavebního díla / Utilization of Complex SW Products during Preparation and Construction of Building ObjectPopílková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the master´s thesis is to analyze the current state of software products used in construction. The thesis is specifically focused on software products to support the preparation and realization of building object. Specifically, the thesis deals with software: KROS plus, BUILDpower, GALA. Analyzed and compared to their complexity, functionality, and that the resulting strengths and weaknesses.
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Městský dům - architektura kombinace funkcí / City House – Mixet Use ArchitectureMartochová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my disseration is an architecture study of multifunctional building which is surrounded by the streets Vranovská, Cejl and Jana Svobody and by the embankment of the river Svitava. Objective of the study was to design a building that would utilized the space of the plot effectively. The result of design is the construction which is characterized for its inner semi-public atrium space with link to the bank of Svitava and street Jana Svobody. It is five-storey house. In the first two stories there are different feature amenities (kindergarden, office building, restaurant, café, media library, gallery and other shops), and senior house. In the third floor and above there are designed flats for living. The part of the living area was also creating of new kind of housing called co-housing. The building has a basement, which is mostly for parking. The construction of the building is from monolithic reinforced concrete frame, horizontal structure consists of beamless slabs. Due to the huge area of the building, the facade is designed from the different kinds of materials: white plaster, light gray sheet metal, anthracite metail mesh and glass fiber.
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Dům krátké cesty v Brně / 5-Minutes NeighbourhoodArab, Albara January 2014 (has links)
The topic of my thesis is an architectural study of a multifunctional residental building located at Svitava river bank which is surrounded by streets named Masna, Krenova and Hladikova. The objective of the study is to design a building that would utilize the space effectively and restore its function. As a result of the study, my project is divided into three compounds with the inner being a semi-public space, linked to its sruroundings by many passages and two main boulevards. The three combounds are composed of one administration block which is four storeys and the other two compounds are five storeys high, with the ground and first floors being different facilities e.g. kindergarden, restaurant, bank ,café, clinics, library, gallery, shops and a senior center. From the third to the fifth floor there are designated housing apartments comprising of small economic flats. The building has a two-floor basement, with a supermarket, technical facilities and parking. The construction of the building is from monolithic reinforced concrete frame, with the horizontal structure composed of beamless slabs. The facade is designed by using a combination of two materials i.e. white plaster and timber cladding as horizontal panels.
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Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional BuildingPoledňák, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with construction of new mixed-used building in Kuřim at Blanenská street. The relevant estate lies on bulding plot number 2994/27. There aren’t existing buildings. When the proposition for the bulding was being drafted, an extra focus was placed on use of public zone of building. The proposed capacity of bulding consists of 10 living units, with its own internal parking places and basement cells. The mixed-used building has five live floors, there are one underground floor and four above-ground floors. The underground floor is used as parking zone and there are basement cells. The first above-ground floor is used for comercial purposes as a shopping center for public, with its own parking zone. Other above-ground floors are used for living purposes. Living area and public area are separated.
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Rodinné domy z dřevopanelů, stavebně technologická příprava stavby / Family houses based on wooden panels, Civil technical projectDrábek, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of master´s thesis is the construction and technological studies with technological prescriptionts selected family house solved by the construction of structural insulted panels based on wood for the construction of 6 family houses in Česká u Brna. Master´s thesis contains technical report, detailed technological studies, technological prescriptionts of installation of prefabricated icore, time and financial plan of building, detailed time and financial plans selected family houses. Also includes the resolution of wider transport relations, project construction site equipment, catalogue of usedmachinery, object system, balance the deployment of workers, health and safety plan, technical prescriptiont, drawing of construction site equipment, situational and coordinating drawing
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Regeneration potential of selected medicinal plants used to treat human and livestock diseases in Limpopo Province of South AfricaOjelade, Babatube Solomon 16 May 2018 (has links)
MSCAGR ( Plant Production) / Many high valued tree species of medicinal significance in the Limpopo Province,
South Africa exhibit seed dormancy, and also contain aromatic oils which inhibit
rooting of their stem cuttings. These plant species are under pressure due to human
over-exploitation. The main objective of this study was to investigate effects of
rooting hormones on the rooting ability that will help in domesticating some of the
selected high valued medicinal plants, Elaeodendron transvaalense (bushveld
saffron), Brackenridgea zanguebarica (yellow peeling plane), and Warburgia
salutaris (pepper-bark tree). Stem cuttings of these plant species were prepared and
treated with various concentrations (500, 1000 and 2000 ppm) of IBA, IAA and NAA
in different growth media (Natural soil, farm soil and hygromix) at a nursery house.
180 experimental units were sown and arranged in Randomized Complete Block
Design (RCBD), each treatment replicated five times and then monitored for a period
of three months. Data were only obtained from Brackenridgea zanguebarica as other
species dried up two weeks after sprouting. The two variables measured from the
experiments were sprouted stems and number of leaves. The data obtained were
subjected to analysis of variance and least significant difference (LSD) at 5%
probability level was used to compare treatment using STATISTICA software
analysis package. The hormone, hormone concentration, growth media and their
interactions had effect on sprouted stems and number of leaves produced on
Brackenridgea zanguebarica cuttings, with no record of rooting ability. IBA (500 ppm
and 1000 ppm) and control (without rooting hormone) showed high significant results
with natural soil and farm soil in terms of leaf production compared to the hygromix,
which is significantly lower from others. IBA at the various concentrations (500, 1000
and 2000 ppm) and the control gave the highest percentage sprouted stem on both
natural soil and farm soil as compared with other hormones at the same / NRF
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Värdeskapande av koldioxid frånbiogasproduktion : En kartläggning över lämpliga CCU-tekniker för implementeringpå biogasanläggningar i Sverige / Value creation of carbon dioxide from biogas production : A survey of suitable CCU techniques for implementation at biogasplants in SwedenBroman, Nils January 2020 (has links)
Carbon dioxide from biogas production is currently considered to be without value and isbecause of this released into the atmosphere in the biogas upgrading process. The residualgas is a potential carbon source and can create value in the biogas manufacturing process.By finding a suitable value-creating process that utilizes carbon dioxide, it can be possibleto provide both economic and environmental incentives for companies to develop theiroperations. This project explored the possibility to create value from this CO2. Through anevaluation of the technical maturity of CCU technologies, a recommendation could be givenat the end of the project. An analysis of technical barriers, such as pollutants in the gas, aswell as barriers in the form of competence and corporate culture were examined in orderto provide a reasoned recommendation. The project mapped which value-creating systemswould be suitable for biogas producers in a Swedish context. This included established methaneand carbon dioxide upgrading techniques currently in use and suitable CCU techniquesthat can interact with the selected upgrading processes and serve as value creators. Based onthis survey, it was then possible to identify common, critical variables for these systems. Thereafter,a recommendation of an appropriate CCU technology could be given depending onthe CO2 composition produced. One conclusion from the study was that carbon dioxide concentrationsfrom the residual gas was often high (approx. 97-98 %) and did not contain anycorrosive or toxic components, and that this largely depends on how the digestion reactor ishandled in the production process. Thus, questions were raised about what the actual limitationsof the CCU are, as they did not seem to be technical. CCU techniques that proved to beof particular interest were pH regulation of sewage plants, CO2 as a nutrient substrate for thecultivation of microalgae, and manufacturing of dry-ice for refrigerated transports. All of thesetechnologies currently have a sufficiently high degree of technical maturity to be installedalready today. Other CCU techniques, such as "’Power to gas”, require a high CO2 concentrationand were discarded as the literature review did not suggest the economic potential forthem as they require additional CO2 upgrading steps. Instead, CCU techniques were chosenthat could be implemented directly with the existing CO2 quality. Furthermore, it was concludedthat one reason why CCU technologies have not been widely implemented is internalbarriers between distributors and manufacturers (or users) of CCU technologies. Thus, theuse of carbon dioxide from biogas production and implementation of CCU technologies canbe promoted by eliminating barriers in companies, such as a lack of both knowledge andfinancial incentives. / Koldioxid från biogasproduktion betraktas i dagsläget som utan värde och släpps ut i atmosfärenvid uppgradering av biogas. Restgasen är en potentiell kolkälla och kan vara värdeskapandeför biogasprocessen. Genom att finna en lämplig värdeskapande process som utnyttjarkoldioxid går det att ge både ekonomiska och miljömässiga incitament till företag att utvecklasin verksamhet. I detta projekt undersöktes möjligheten att skapa värde av denna CO2.Genom en utvärdering av den tekniska mognadsgraden hos CCU-tekniker kunde en rekommendationges vid projektets slut. En analys av tekniska hinder, såsom föroreningar i gassammansättningen,såväl som hinder i form av kompetens och företagskultur undersöktes för attkunna ge en motiverad rekommendation. I projektet kartlades vilka värdeskapande systemsom skulle passa för biogasproducenter i en svensk kontext. Detta inkluderade etableradeuppgraderingstekniker för metan- och koldioxid som används i dagsläget. I projektet undersöktesäven lämpliga CCU-tekniker som kan samverka med de valda uppgraderingsprocessernaoch och agera värdeskapande. Utifrån denna kartläggning kunde det sedan anges vilkagemensamma, kritiska variabler som finns för dessa system. Därefter kunde en rekommendationav lämplig CCU-teknik ges beroende på den producerade CO2 sammansättningen. Enslutsats i projektet var att koldioxid från restgasen ofta var av hög koncentration (ca. 97-98 %)och ej innehöll några korrosiva eller toxiska komponenter, och att detta till stor del beror påhur rötkammaren är hanterad i produktionsprocessen. Således väcktes frågor kring vilka defaktiska begränsningarna för CCU är, då de inte torde vara tekniska. CCU-tekniker som visadesig vara av särskilt intresse var pH-reglering av avloppsverk, CO2 som näringssubstratför odling av mikroalger, samt tillverkning av kolsyreis för kyltransporter. Samtliga dessatekniker har tillräckligt hög teknisk mognadsgrad för att kunna installeras i dagsläget. AndraCCU-tekniker, såsom ”Power to gas”, kräver en hög CO2-koncentration och avfärdades dålitteraturstudien inte talade för den ekonomiska potentialen i dessa eftersom de kräver ytterligareuppgraderingssteg för CO2. Således valdes istället CCU-tekniker som skulle gå attimplementera direkt med den befintliga CO2 kvalitén. Vidare drogs slutsatsen att en anledningtill att CCU-tekniker inte har blivit vida implementerade till stor del är interna hindermellan distributörer och tillverkare (eller utnyttjare) av CCU-tekniker. Således kan användandetav koldioxid från biogasproduktion och implementering av CCU-tekniker främjasgenom att eliminera hinder hos företag. I projektet yttrade sig detta som bristande ekonomiskaincitament och okunskap. Ett ökat användande av CCU-tekniker kan också uppnås genomatt införa lagar och regler som begränsar användandet av föråldrade tekniker som drivs avfossila bränslen, och som kan ersättas av klimatvänliga CCU-tekniker.
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High school teenage girls' knowledge and perceptions of the risks of Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in Tshwane, South AfricaChadyiwanembwa, Noliwe 09 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Shona / Introduction
Despite wide spread information and knowledge of HIV and AIDS transmission, High school
teenage girls continued to engage in risky sexual behaviour in Tshwane, a District of Gauteng
Province of South Africa. Age-parity relationships between High school teenage girls and older
men known as “Sugar Daddies” or “Blessers”, who showered High school teenage girls with
money and expensive gifts, were believed to be spreading HIV. High school teenage girls
failed to negotiate condom use due to lack of autonomy, coupled with sexual violence, resulting
in HIV transmission. Consequently, Tshwane became one of the highest HIV burdened cities
in South Africa.
Purpose of the study
This study explored and described the High school teenage girls’ knowledge and perceptions
of the risks of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in
Tshwane, a District of Gauteng Province of South Africa.
The study used a quantitative approach. The data were collected using questionnaires. The
population comprised of all girls aged 15 to 19 at a selected High school. The sample consisted
of 109 girls. Systematic sampling was used. The study was conducted in the school hall of a
selected High school. Data were analysed using SPSS version 23 program.
Generally, the High school teenage girls’ HIV knowledge was very high (84.4%) as compared
to their knowledge on AIDS (3.7%). Only 10.1% of the High school teenage girls knew what
the window period entailed. They were aware of HIV preventive measures evidenced by
abstinence ranking first (1) and had the highest score of five (5). 17.4% of the High school
teenage girls doubted the usefulness of the condom in combating HIV infection. Health care
workers were easily accessible (30.3%). The television was the most available mass media
(92%). The radio was most preferred (31%). High school teenage girls preferred to discuss
HIV related information with their peers and friends (50%). 42% of the High school teenage
girls preferred to discuss sex related topics with parents or guardians. Those who were below
18-years were 7.2 times less likely to have sex. 90% of the 19-year-old girls had had sex.
Therefore, High school teenage girls’ perception of HIV risk was low because they continued
to be involved in concurrent multiple relationships although 90% of those involved were using
Although High school teenage girls proved that they had knowledge of HIV and AIDS, they
still had a low perception of HIV risk because they were involved in concurrent multiple sexual
relationships with older men. / Habedi, Debbie Kgomotso / Kunyangwe vane ruzivo rwechirwere cheshura matongo, vasikana vane makore ari pakati
pegumi nematatu negumi nemapfumbamwe vari kuenderera mberi nekuita unhu unoita kuti
vabatwe nechirwere cheshuramatongo (AIDS). Vasikana ava vari kudanana nevarume vakuru
kuvadarika vamwe masadzimba zvinoita kuti vatapurirwe utachiona hweHIV zvinoita kuti
vasikana vane hutachiona uhwu vawandise muguta reTshwane, mudunhu reGauteng munyika
yeSouth Africa. Vanasikana ava vanopuwa mari nekutengerwa mbozhanhre nenguvo
zvinodhura nekudya tunonaka. Nekuda kwekuti varume vanesimba rehudzvinyiriri
nekuvarwisa, muAfrica, vasikana ava havakwanisi kushandisa makondomu kuzvidzivirira
kubva kuhutachiona hweHIV. Ndosaka guta reTshwane raita mukurumbira munyika yeSouth
Africa nekuti vanasikana vane hutachiona hweHIV vari kuwandisa.
Gwaro iri rinoongorora nekutsanangura ruzivo uye maonero evanasikana huipi hwechirwe
cheshuramatongo muguta guru reTShwane, mudunhu reGauteng. Munyika yeSouth Africa. Mafambiro Egwaro
Gwaro iri riri kuongorora nekutsanangura ruzivo nemaonerwo anoitwa hutachiona hweHIV
nechirwere cheshuramatongo nevasikana vari pakati pemakore gumi nemakore matatu
nevanegumi nemakore mapfumbamwe pachikoro chesekonari chakasarudzwa mugutu guru
reTshwane, mudunhu reGauteng, munyika yeSouth Africa. Vasikana vaka pindura mibvunzo
pamusoro peruzivo rwavaiva narwo uye zvakanyangara zvinoita kuti vabatwe nehutachiona
hweHIV. Vasikana zana nevapfumbamwe ndivo vakapindura mibvunzo. Vasikana vakapindura
mibvunza yaiva pamapepa muhoro yepachikoro pavo.
Zvakabuda Muchidzidzo
Zvakaonekwa kuti vasikana vane ruzivo rwechirwere cheshuramatongo asi vane zvimwe
zvinhu zvavasinga nzwisisi pamusoro pechirwere ichi zvekuzvidzivirira. Vasikana havakwanisi
kupa mutsauko wehutachiona (HIV) nechirwere cheshuramatongo (AIDS). Vanasikana
vazhinji vanofunga kuti hutachiona hweHIV hunotapurirwana pakutsvodana uye pakushandisa zvimbuzi. Vasikana vazhinji havakwanisi kutsanangura nguva inogara hutachina hweHIV
mumuviri hwusati hwaonekwa kuti hurimo. Vasikana havana chokwadi chekuti makondomu
anogona kudzivirira hutachiona hweHIV kuti hwusapinda mumuviri nguva dzebonde.
Vadzidzisi vechikoro ndivo vakasarudzwa kuti vane ruzivo rwechirwere cheshuramatongo.
Vasikana havafariri kudzidziswa nezve chirwere cheshuramatongo nevabereki vavo.
Vanofarira kukurukura nezvechirwere ichi nevanhu vezera ravo. Vasikana vasingagari
nevabereki vavo vanoita bonde kudarika vanogara nevabereki vavo uye vanoita bonde
nevadiwa vazhinji vamwe vacho varume vakuru madzisaimba. Vasikana vanotaridza kusatya
kubatwa nechirwere chishuramatongo nemhaka yehunhu wawo hwakashata hweku danana
nevarume vazhinji uye kusashandisa makondomu nguva dzebonde. Mhendero
Zvidzidzo zvinopiwa vasikana zvinechekuita nezvepabonde zvinofanira kuongororwa
zvipamhidzirwe kuti vasikana vagone kuzvidzivirira kuchirwere cheshuramatongo.
Madzimudzangara netelevhizhoni zvino kurudzirwa kudzidzisa mitambo nedzimbo
dzinodzidzisa pamusoro pekudzivirira chirwere cheshuramatongo. Vabereki vanofanira
kudzidziswawo kuti vagone kudzidzisa vana vavo kuti vagone kuzvidzivirira kuti vasabatwa
nechirwere ichi. Vanasikana vanofanirwa kudzidziswa kushandisa makondomu pese
pavanoita bonde. Makondomu anofanira kuiswa pachena paano kwanisa kuwonekwa
nevasikana. / Health Studies / M.P.H. (Health Studies)
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