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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användarbeteende och CRM-system : En fallstudie om vad som påverkar viljan att använda ett CRM-system inom en arbetsgivarorganisation / User behavior and CRM-system : A case study on factors influencing the willingness to use a CRM System within an employer organisation

Hill, David January 2024 (has links)
I det moderna samhället får Customer Relationship Management och CRM-system en allt större roll och systemanvändare ställer allt högre krav på de system de arbetar i. För att en organisation ska få ut så mycket som möjligt av sitt CRM-system måste användare arbeta i systemen. Det framgår från tidigare forskning att viljan att använda system påverkar användarbeteendet. Därför är det viktigt att studera vad som får användare att vilja använda CRM-system. Detta har studerats i detta uppsatsarbete genom en kvalitativ fallstudie med en tematisk analysmetod vid organisationen Byggföretagen där CRM-systemet heter Tellus. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) och har kompletterats med ytterligare teori. En modifierad UTAUT-modell som har tagits fram genom tidigare forskning visar på att det finns variabler och egenskaper hos dessa variabler som påverkar viljan att använda. Variablerna och egenskaperna som påverkar viljan att använda är: förväntad prestation med egenskaperna förväntat resultat, uppfattad nytta och anpassning till arbetet, förväntad ansträngning med egenskaperna uppfattad användbarhet och komplexitet, social påverkan med egenskaperna sociala faktorer, självbild och subjektiva normer, samt underlättande villkor med egenskaperna underlättande villkor* och upplevd beteendekontroll.Slutsatser som studien kommer fram till är att alla variabler påverkar systemanvändare att vilja använda Tellus. Speciellt framgår att utbildning och engagemang från ledningen som är en del av underlättande villkor samt systemkvalitet som ingår i förväntad prestation påverkar viljan att använda CRM-system mest. Det framgår även att självbilden inte verkar påverka viljan att använda Tellus.

User Adoption of Big Data Analyticsin the Public Sector

Akintola, Abayomi Rasheed January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to investigate the factors that influence the adoption of big data analytics by public sector employees based on the adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. A mixed method of survey and interviews were used to collect data from employees of a Canadian provincial government ministry. The results show that performance expectancy and facilitating conditions have significant positive effects on the adoption intention of big data analytics, while effort expectancy has a significant negative effect on the adoption intention of big data analytics. The result shows that social influence does not have a significant effect on adoption intention. In terms of moderating variables, the results show that gender moderates the effects of effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating condition; data experience moderates the effects of performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating condition; and leadership moderates the effect of social influence. The moderation effects of age on performance expectancy, effort expectancy is significant for only employees in the 40 to 49 age group while the moderation effects of age on social influence is significant for employees that are 40 years and more. Based on the results, implications for public sector organizations planning to implement big data analytics were discussed and suggestions for further research were made. This research contributes to existing studies on the user adoption of big data analytics.

The Use Of Learning Management Systems In Primary Schools : A Qualitative Study Among Teachers In Sweden

Zakre, Kenan January 2019 (has links)
Information and Communication Technology is used in the education field in Sweden toimprove learning quality. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of LearningManagement Systems in primary schools, in the specific context of the role of LearningManagement System (LMS) in learning and teaching processes from teachers‟perspectives. Furthermore, This Thesis aims to explore teachers‟ perceptions of how touse this learning management system which is used in primary Swedish schools.Six teachers from two different primary schools in small municipality in the south ofSweden participated in semi-structured interviews. The theoretical model of UnifiedTheory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) inspired this qualitativeresearch along with the other related past studies. This quantitative model was only usedto sensitize the research process, for collecting and analysing qualitative data in thisstudy.The different elements of the theory such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy,social influence and facilitating conditions along with studies helps in conducting studybasedon qualitative approach for analysing the interviews. The research results indicatethat teachers were content with the usage of this learning management system, but thereis a lack of knowledge regarding this system. The system is helpful in performanceevaluation, planning, communication and overall working for routine tasks. Theresponses of interviews showed that teachers are not trained for using the features ofLearning management system in the way that it is designed for. The findings showed thatteachers require the support from professionals to integrate the system into their routineplanning. Furthermore, they also emphasise on the need to make the system user-friendlywith easy navigation. The findings of this study were compared to previous studies, anda further comparison was carried out regarding how it relates to the determinants andmoderating factors such as peer influence, internal perceptions and motivations, timeconstraints, organisational structure and facilitating conditions. Hence, support andtraining are needed to enhance learning and teaching through this Learning managementsystem.

Aceitação de um sistema de apoio à manufatura : um estudo de caso na empresa Marcopolo S/A

Gomes, Joneval Zanella January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de desvelar fatores determinantes de aceitação e uso de um Sistema de Informações implementado na área produtiva. O mapeamento destes fatores é obtido a partir das percepções dos operadores de produção. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida na área de fabricação de componentes, das unidades Planalto e Ana Rech, da empresa Marcopolo S/A, encarroçadora de ônibus sediada em Caxias do Sul. Quanto ao método, este estudo pode ser enquadrado como um estudo de caso com caráter descritivo que fez uso de análises quantitativas. As principais ferramentas estatísticas utilizadas na análise dos dados coletados foram: análise de agrupamentos (cluster), análise discriminante, análise fatorial e regressão múltipla. A triangulação dos dados foi executada com coleta de dados por observação pessoal e documental. Os principais resultados obtidos neste estudo foram: a determinação de quatro clusters que compartilham os mesmos perfis de respostas; a redução das variáveis a quatro fatores latentes, correlacionados ao modelo UTAUT proposto por Venkatesh et al. (2003); e a composição de equações preditoras que permitiram evidenciar quais os fatores que mais influenciam nas percepções de importância e satisfação do sistema denominado IMM. / This study aims to reveal determinant factors of acceptance and use of an information system implemented in the production area. Mapping of these factors derives from the perceptions of production workers. This research was conducted in two plants of Marcopolo S/A (Planto and Ana Rech), in its components manufacturing area. Marcopolo S/A is a bus body builder based in Caxias do Sul. This study is considered a descriptive case study with quantitative analysis in terms of research method. The main statistical tools used in data analysis phase were cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression. Triangulation was performed with the data collected by personal observation and documents. Main results of this study were: determine four clusters that share similar profiles of respondents; reduction of latent variables to four factors correlated to the UTAUT model, proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003); and composition of predictive equations to highlight factors that influence the perceptions of importance and satisfaction in a system called IMM.

The use and effectiveness of information system development methodologies in health information systems / Pieter Wynand Conradie.

Conradie, Pieter Wynand January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The main focus of this study is the identification of factors influencing the use and effectiveness of information system development methodologies (Le., systems development methodologies) in health information systems. In essence, it can be viewed as exploratory research, utilizing a conceptual research model to investigate the relationships among the hypothesised factors. More specifically, classified as behavioural science, it combines two theoretical models, namely the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory. The main aim of behavioural science in information systems is to assist practitioners (Le., social actors) in improving business processes and competitiveness, thus the effective use of information systems. A wider view of behavioural science incorporates other social actors (e.g., end users) and organisational actors (e.g., executives). In health information systems, the effective use of information systems is especially relevant Health information systems are vital in the area of health care, since only by having access to pertinent health information, can the correct decisions relating to diagnostics and curative procedures be made. The use of systems development methodologies in health information systems development is therefore crucial, since they can make the development process more effective, while improving software quality. By empirically evaluating the conceptual research model, utilizing a survey as the main research method and structural equation modelling as the main statistical technique, meaningful results were obtained. Focussing on the factors influencing the individual's behavioural intent, it was found that the compatibility of systems development methodologies to the developer's pre-existing software development style is vital. Furthermore, performance expectancy, self-efficacy, organisational culture, policies, customer influence, voluntariness and facilitating conditions, all directly influenced the use of systems development methodologies, with policies and customer influence playing a significant role, especially in relation to health information systems. No significant direct effects or indirect effects could be established for the factors effort expectancy, personal innovativeness and social influence. It appears that individuals working in the health care software development discipline are more autonomous, less influenced by others. Also, the lack of support for the factor effort expectancy may indicate that systems development methodologies have entered a mature state, with less concern on the effort required for use. Furthermore, with regard to effectiveness and the continued use of information systems methodologies, satisfaction had a significant direct effect, with confirmation having a significant indirect effect. Keywords: behavioural science; conceptual research model; direct effect; exploratory research; Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory; indirect effect; Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology; structural equation modelling; survey; systems development methodologies. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

The use and effectiveness of information system development methodologies in health information systems / Pieter Wynand Conradie.

Conradie, Pieter Wynand January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The main focus of this study is the identification of factors influencing the use and effectiveness of information system development methodologies (Le., systems development methodologies) in health information systems. In essence, it can be viewed as exploratory research, utilizing a conceptual research model to investigate the relationships among the hypothesised factors. More specifically, classified as behavioural science, it combines two theoretical models, namely the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory. The main aim of behavioural science in information systems is to assist practitioners (Le., social actors) in improving business processes and competitiveness, thus the effective use of information systems. A wider view of behavioural science incorporates other social actors (e.g., end users) and organisational actors (e.g., executives). In health information systems, the effective use of information systems is especially relevant Health information systems are vital in the area of health care, since only by having access to pertinent health information, can the correct decisions relating to diagnostics and curative procedures be made. The use of systems development methodologies in health information systems development is therefore crucial, since they can make the development process more effective, while improving software quality. By empirically evaluating the conceptual research model, utilizing a survey as the main research method and structural equation modelling as the main statistical technique, meaningful results were obtained. Focussing on the factors influencing the individual's behavioural intent, it was found that the compatibility of systems development methodologies to the developer's pre-existing software development style is vital. Furthermore, performance expectancy, self-efficacy, organisational culture, policies, customer influence, voluntariness and facilitating conditions, all directly influenced the use of systems development methodologies, with policies and customer influence playing a significant role, especially in relation to health information systems. No significant direct effects or indirect effects could be established for the factors effort expectancy, personal innovativeness and social influence. It appears that individuals working in the health care software development discipline are more autonomous, less influenced by others. Also, the lack of support for the factor effort expectancy may indicate that systems development methodologies have entered a mature state, with less concern on the effort required for use. Furthermore, with regard to effectiveness and the continued use of information systems methodologies, satisfaction had a significant direct effect, with confirmation having a significant indirect effect. Keywords: behavioural science; conceptual research model; direct effect; exploratory research; Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory; indirect effect; Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology; structural equation modelling; survey; systems development methodologies. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Smart Devices as U-Learning Tools: Key Factors Influencing Users’ Intention

Aziz, Najibullah January 2015 (has links)
There was a lack of knowledge about the user’s acceptance of smart devices as ubiquitous learning (u-learning) tools at higher education institutions in Sweden. As the mobile technology grows, the demand for mobile devices, particularly smart devices increases as well. With the increase in the usage of smart devices, the higher education institutions provide mobile learning platforms to attract more customers in the competitive industry of education. Thus, understanding the key factors from the perspectives of end-users is important for the institutions to survive in the competitive market. This study explores and explains Behavioral and Continuance intentions of students regarding the acceptance and usage of smart devices (Smartphones and Personal Digital Assistants or PDA) as u-learning tools. Key factors related to the users’ intentions to accept and continue using smart devices as u-learning tools were identified and hypothesized in the Swedish context. Ten hypotheses were suggested based on TAM, UTAUT, and ECT. To achieve the aim and objective of this study, a quantitative approach was chosen, and a survey strategy based on purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used. A web-based questionnaire on five-points Likert Scale was designed to collect the required data. 115 (96 valid) students answered the questionnaire. The collected data were used to conduct statistical operations in SPSS. Five hypotheses were supported, and the other five were not. The findings suggest that Performance Expectancy, Perceived Mobility value, Confirmation, and Satisfaction positively influence both Behavioral and Continuance Intentions of students to accept and continue using smart devices as u-learning tools. According to the findings, Confirmation and Satisfaction from ECT can be included as separate constructs in UTAUT and UTAUT2. Higher education institutions planning to have (and those that already have) learning platforms, compatible with smart devices, can benefit from the findings. Higher education institutions can also design their u-learning platforms according to the Performance Expectancy, Perceived Mobility value, Confirmation, and Satisfaction of the students. / Master program in Strategic-IT Management

Aceitação de um sistema de apoio à manufatura : um estudo de caso na empresa Marcopolo S/A

Gomes, Joneval Zanella January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de desvelar fatores determinantes de aceitação e uso de um Sistema de Informações implementado na área produtiva. O mapeamento destes fatores é obtido a partir das percepções dos operadores de produção. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida na área de fabricação de componentes, das unidades Planalto e Ana Rech, da empresa Marcopolo S/A, encarroçadora de ônibus sediada em Caxias do Sul. Quanto ao método, este estudo pode ser enquadrado como um estudo de caso com caráter descritivo que fez uso de análises quantitativas. As principais ferramentas estatísticas utilizadas na análise dos dados coletados foram: análise de agrupamentos (cluster), análise discriminante, análise fatorial e regressão múltipla. A triangulação dos dados foi executada com coleta de dados por observação pessoal e documental. Os principais resultados obtidos neste estudo foram: a determinação de quatro clusters que compartilham os mesmos perfis de respostas; a redução das variáveis a quatro fatores latentes, correlacionados ao modelo UTAUT proposto por Venkatesh et al. (2003); e a composição de equações preditoras que permitiram evidenciar quais os fatores que mais influenciam nas percepções de importância e satisfação do sistema denominado IMM. / This study aims to reveal determinant factors of acceptance and use of an information system implemented in the production area. Mapping of these factors derives from the perceptions of production workers. This research was conducted in two plants of Marcopolo S/A (Planto and Ana Rech), in its components manufacturing area. Marcopolo S/A is a bus body builder based in Caxias do Sul. This study is considered a descriptive case study with quantitative analysis in terms of research method. The main statistical tools used in data analysis phase were cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression. Triangulation was performed with the data collected by personal observation and documents. Main results of this study were: determine four clusters that share similar profiles of respondents; reduction of latent variables to four factors correlated to the UTAUT model, proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003); and composition of predictive equations to highlight factors that influence the perceptions of importance and satisfaction in a system called IMM.

Underutnyttjande av vårdens informationssystem : Informationslogistik och samordnad vårdplanering

Brandström, Nina January 2013 (has links)
Förväntad effekt av vårdens elektroniska IT-system är ökad patientsäkerhet, vårdkvalitet och tillgänglighet. Ett första villkor för att kunna uppnå detta är att IT-systemet används. I denna studie granskas ett underutnyttjat IT-system, använt för informationsöverföring mellan olika huvudmän vid samordnad vård- och omsorgsplanering. Granskningen baseras på teorier om hur individers intention och vilja till att använda ett IT-system initieras eller upprätthålls genom omgivningens påverkan. Resultatet visar att IT-användare i den patientnära vården (mikrosystemet) saknar adekvat tekniskt, organisatoriskt (mesosystemet) och ledningsstöd (makrosystemet), vilket kan förklara underutnyttjandet. / Expected impact of electronic healthcare systems is increasing patient safety, care quality and availability. Using the system is essential to achieve this. This study explain the assimilation gap in an electronic healthcare system used in coordinated care planning by theories how individuals’ intentions and willingness to use electronic systems is affected by environmental influences. The result shows that the end users lack technical, organizational, and management support, which can explains the assimilation gap.

Aceitação de um sistema de apoio à manufatura : um estudo de caso na empresa Marcopolo S/A

Gomes, Joneval Zanella January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de desvelar fatores determinantes de aceitação e uso de um Sistema de Informações implementado na área produtiva. O mapeamento destes fatores é obtido a partir das percepções dos operadores de produção. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida na área de fabricação de componentes, das unidades Planalto e Ana Rech, da empresa Marcopolo S/A, encarroçadora de ônibus sediada em Caxias do Sul. Quanto ao método, este estudo pode ser enquadrado como um estudo de caso com caráter descritivo que fez uso de análises quantitativas. As principais ferramentas estatísticas utilizadas na análise dos dados coletados foram: análise de agrupamentos (cluster), análise discriminante, análise fatorial e regressão múltipla. A triangulação dos dados foi executada com coleta de dados por observação pessoal e documental. Os principais resultados obtidos neste estudo foram: a determinação de quatro clusters que compartilham os mesmos perfis de respostas; a redução das variáveis a quatro fatores latentes, correlacionados ao modelo UTAUT proposto por Venkatesh et al. (2003); e a composição de equações preditoras que permitiram evidenciar quais os fatores que mais influenciam nas percepções de importância e satisfação do sistema denominado IMM. / This study aims to reveal determinant factors of acceptance and use of an information system implemented in the production area. Mapping of these factors derives from the perceptions of production workers. This research was conducted in two plants of Marcopolo S/A (Planto and Ana Rech), in its components manufacturing area. Marcopolo S/A is a bus body builder based in Caxias do Sul. This study is considered a descriptive case study with quantitative analysis in terms of research method. The main statistical tools used in data analysis phase were cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression. Triangulation was performed with the data collected by personal observation and documents. Main results of this study were: determine four clusters that share similar profiles of respondents; reduction of latent variables to four factors correlated to the UTAUT model, proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003); and composition of predictive equations to highlight factors that influence the perceptions of importance and satisfaction in a system called IMM.

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