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A Brave New C Band ArchitectureGuadiana, Juan M., Uhl, Brecken 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / This paper looks at the migration paradox from a holistic perspective, revisits the Smarter Antenna concept and looks for synergetic solutions. The architecture presented also builds on the momentum of the relentless migration to network technology (that has already transformed telemetry data centers) and pushes it to the vehicle. The results are reduced costs and exciting new functionality, such as better situational awareness for mission conduct and range safety. Spatial and temporal domains are harnessed as aggressively as the frequency domain to enable denser spectral utilization and other exciting benefits. Imagine a Test Range no longer reliant on tracking systems (almost)!
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The effect of dietary protein degradability on the performance of Saanen dairy goatsThornton, John 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goat is a significant domestic animal throughout the world today. With an estimated world goat
population of 590 million goats in 1991 (FAO, 1991 as citied by Haenlein, 1996) it is impossible to
consider the goat as insignificant. The need for milk, and it seems particularly goat’s milk, is obvious
if one considers the increase in dairy goat populations over the past 20 years. Across the globe the
dairy goat population has increased by 52% while in developing and developed countries, there has
been an increase of 56% and 17%, respectively (Haenlein, 2000).
The goat dairy industry in South Africa is still very underdeveloped, yet it holds tremendous potential
for the entrepreneur willing to take the risk and do the job correctly. With the present South African
financial situation the opportunities that exist for exporting value added products to countries with
stronger currencies is a market with extraordinary potential. In New Zealand, the national herd
consists of approximately 16000 dairy goats and 90% of the milk produced is turned to powdered milk
and then exported to the East, a valuable source of foreign currency. In South Africa, the same
potential exists and with some vision and hard work the dairy goat industry can make a valuable
contribution to generating foreign currency.
Research into the protein requirements and particularly protein degradability requirements of dairy
goats is scarce, yet in recent years there has been an increased interest in the effect of protein
supplementation to lactating animals (Mishra & Rai, 1996). In the work of Mishra & Rai (1996) there
were benefits obtained from the use of different rumen degradable proteins for lactating dairy goat
does. The does on the highly degradable protein diet had a better feed intake while the does on the
low degradable protein diet gave a higher milk production. Other research on this field of study has
also delivered positive results with more than one species of lactating animal that had increased
levels of UDP in the diet (Robinson et al., 1991 and Christensen et al., 1993).
Loerch et al. (1995) suggested that improved production by making use of rumen undegradable
proteins would have no effect if crude protein were not a limiting factor in production. Pailan & Kaur
(1995) and Mishra & Rai (1996) did research on lowered CP levels with increased UDP levels in
lactating dairy does. They used of three diets, with the one having a 20% lower CP value but an increased level of UDP (40-45% of total CP). From this work it was concluded that a decreased CP
level and an increased level of UDP is able to sustain production when compared with diets with a
higher CP value.
The current study consists of two trials. In the first trial the effect of weaning age and dietary protein
degradability on the growth of Saanen kids was investigated. In the second trial the effect of dietary
protein degradability on the production of lactating Saanen does was investigated.
Fifty-eight Saanen kids were divided into groups to determine the effect of weaning age (42 vs. 70
days) on animal performance. Within the weaning day treatments, the kids were again divided into
two dietary treatments. One group received a low UDP creep diet (LC) and the other a high UDP
creep diet (HC). The two creep diets were formulated with rumen degradable: undegradable protein
(RDP : UDP) ratios of 70:30 and 60: 40, referred to as LC and HC, respectively. However, the results
from the degradability trial indicated no difference in RDP: UDP ratios for the low and high creep
(72:28 and 73:27 respectively) diets. At 15.66 ± 3.09 kg the kids were taken off the creep diet and
put on the growth diet. At this transition, the kids in each of the 4 established treatments were again
randomly divided into two dietary treatments, a high or a low UDP growth diet, resulting in a total of
eight treatments for the trial. The two growth diets were formulated with RDP: UDP ratios of 70:30
and 60:40, referred to as low growth (LG) and high growth (HG) respectively. Results from the
degradability trial indicated RDP: UDP ratios for the LG and HG of 73:27 and 68:32 respectively. The
growth trial was conducted over 140 days and feed intake, bodyweight change and feed conversion
efficiency were compared for each of the 8 treatments.
From the trial with the Saanen kids it was concluded that weaning dairy goat kids at 42 days of age
when feed intake was 240 g/day resulted in similar growth rates when compared with weaning at 70
days. The two creep diets did not differ in RDP: UDP ratios and thus no conclusion can be made
regarding the influence of the creep diets on the growth of Saanen kids from 20 to 80 days of age.
The two growth diets did in fact differ from one another, in terms of RDP: UDP however, protein
degradability had no influence on the performance of the Saanen kids from 80 to 140 days of age.
Twenty-one lactating Saanen does were randomly assigned to one of three experimental diets. The
treatments had two RDP: UDP ratios and two crude protein (CP) levels. Treatments were formulated
to be 1) RDP: UDP = 70:30, CP = 20 % 2) RDP: UDP = 62:38, CP = 20% and 3) RDP: UDP = 62:38,
CP = 18.3%. In the production trial the does were milked for 120 days, during which milk yield, milk
composition, bodyweight change, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency were compared between
the treatments. In the digestibility and nitrogen metabolism trial, 18 does varying from 84 to 110 days in lactation, were used to compare the experimental diets. Furthermore, the experimental diets were
compared in a degradability and rate of passage trial using cannulated Dohne merino wethers.
Results from the degradability trial indicated that the low UDP, low protein high UDP and high UDP
diets had RDP: UDP ratios of 82:18, 78:22 and 79:21 respectively, and that the dietary protein
degradability did not differ significantly between diets. Results from the production trial indicated that
there was a significant difference in feed intake, dry matter (DM) intake and bodyweight. The does on
the low UDP diet had significantly higher feed intakes and DM intakes and were significantly heavier
at the end of the trial period. As the diets didn’t differ in protein degradability other factors must have
influenced the intakes between diets. Palatability may have influenced feed and DM intake, as the
low protein high UDP and high UDP diets both contained higher levels of fishmeal. No significant
differences in milk production, milk composition or milk production efficiency were observed. Besides
the fact that the diets did not differ in effective protein degradability, large variations in milk production
between animals and low numbers of animals per treatment limited the ability to measure a difference
between the treatments. Results from the digestibility trial varied between diets with the low UDP diet
having a significantly lower digestibility overall than the other two diets. Reasons for the difference in
digestibility could be due to the difference in rate of passage (low UDP = 0.064/hour versus the 0.044-
0.045/hour of the low protein and high UDP diets respectively) and the high ADF value of the low
UDP diet. Because no difference in effective protein degradability existed between the diets it is not
possible to make an accurate conclusion on whether or not the dietary protein degradability had an
influence on production parameters tested in this trial. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidiglik is die bok ‘n belangrike gedomestikeerde dier dwarsoor die wereld. Aangesien die
wereldwye bokpopulasie in 1991 op 590 miljoen geraam is (FAO, soos aangehaal deur Haenlein,
1996), is dit onmoontlik om die bok as onbelangrik te beskou. Die behoefte aan melk, en dan veral
bokmelk, is duidelik as mens die toename in bokpopulasies oor die afgelope 20 jaar in ag neem.
Wereldwyd het die melkbokpopulasie met 52% toegeneem, terwyl dit in ontwikkelende en
ontwikkelde lande met 56% en 17% onderskeidelik, toegeneem het (Haenlein, 2000).
Ten spyte van die feit dat die bokmelk-industrie in Suid-Afrika nog baie onderontwikkel is, is daar
geweldige potensiaal vir die entrepeneur wat bereid is om ‘n risiko te loop en die taak korrek aan te
pak. Binne die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele situasie bestaan daar veral geleenthede om
waardetoegevoegde produkte na lande waarvan die wisselkoers sterker is, uit te voer. In Nieu
Zeeland is die nasionale kudde ongeveer 16000 melkbokke en 90% van die geproduseerde melk
word verwerk na poeiermelk en uitgevoer na die Ooste. In Suid-Afrika bestaan dieselfde potensiaal
en met die korrekte visie en harde werk kan die melkbok-industrie ‘n belangrike bydra lewer om
buitelandse valuta te verdien.
Alhoewel navorsing aangaande die proteien-degradeerbaarheidsbehoeftes van melkbokke skaars is,
bestaan daar die afgelope paar jaar ‘n toenemende belangstelling in die effek van proteien
supplementering aan lakterende diere (Mishra & Rai, 1996). In die werk van Mishra & Rai (1996) is
die voordele om verskillende rumen degraderende proteTenvlakke in lakterende melkbokke te
gebruik, aangetoon. Ooie op ‘n hoogs degradeerbare prote'fen-dieet het beter voerinnames getoon,
terwyl die ooie op ’n laag degradeerbare prote'fen-dieet hoer melkproduksies gelewer het. Navorsing
van hierdie aard op ander lakterende spesies het ook positiewe resultate met ‘n toename in
verbyvloeiprote'ien in die dieet gelewer (Robinson et al., 1991 en Christensen et al., 1993).
Loerch et al. (1995) het voorgestel dat ‘n verbeterde produksie, deur gebruik te maak van
verbyvloeiprote'fn, geen effek sal he as ruprote'fen (RP) nie ‘n beperkende faktor i.t.v produksie is nie.
Beide Pailan & Kaur (1995) & Mishra en Rai (1996) het navorsing gedoen op die invloed van verlaagde RP-vlakke en verhoogde nie-degradeerbare protein (NDP) vlakke in die diete van
lakterende melkooie. Daar is gebruik gemaak van drie diete, waarvan die een dieet ‘n 20% laer RPinhoud,
maar ‘n verhoodge NDP-vlak (40-45% van totale RP) gehad het. Vanuit hierdie werk is die
gevolgtrekking gemaak dat ‘n verlaging in RP-vlak en ‘n verhoging in NDP-vlak dieselfde produksie
kan onderhou, soos met ‘n hoer RP-inhoud.
Die huidige navorsing bestaan uit twee proewe. In die eerste proef is die effek van speenouderdom
en dieet-prote'fen-degradeerbaardheid op die groei van Saanen-lammers ondersoek. In die tweede
proef is die effek van dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid op die produksie van lakteerende Saanen
melkbokke ondersoek.
Agt-en-vyftig Saanen-lammers is verdeel in twee speenouderdom-behandelings, nl. ‘n 42 dae (42) en
‘n 70 dae (70) speenouderdom. Binne hierdie speenouderdom-behandelings is die lammers verder
verdeel in twee dieet-behandelings. Die een groep het ‘n lae NDP kruiprantsoen (LK) en die ander ‘n
hoe NDP kruiprantsoen (HK) ontvang. Die twee kruiprantsoene was geformuleer om rumen
degradeerbare proteien (RDP): NDP verhoudings van 70:30 (LK) en 60:40 (HK) te bevat, maar die
resultate van die degradeerbaarheidsproef het aangetoon RDP: NDP verhoudings van 77:23 (LK) en
78:22 (HK). Die lammers is vanaf die kruipdieet oorgeplaas op ‘n groeidieet by ‘n gemiddelde
lewende massa van 15.99±3.09 kg. Tydens hierdie oorplasing is die lammers van die vier bestaande
behandelings verdeel in ‘n verdere twee dieetbehandelings, nl. ‘n hoe of ‘n lae NDP groei-dieet (LG
en HG onderskeidelik), met die gevolg dat ‘n totaal van agt behandelings in hierdie proef bestaan het.
Die twee groeidiete is geformuleer met RDP: NDP verhoudings van 70: 30 (LG) en 60: 40 (HG)
onderskeidelik, maar die resultate van die degradeerbaarheidsproef het aangetoon RDP: NDP
verhoudings van 78:22 (LG) en 72:28 (HG). Die groeiproef is uitgevoer oor 140 dae en voerinname,
verandering in liggaamsgewig en voeromsettingsdoeltreffendheid (VOD) is vergelyk tussen die agt
Uit die lammerproef is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat boklammers wat op 42 dae gespeen is,
wanneer voerinname 240g/dag is, soortgelyke resultate i.t.v. groeitempo lewer as lammers wat op 70
dae gespeen is. Die twee kruiprantsoene het nie van mekaar in RDP: NDP verskil nie en dus kan
geen gevolgtrekking gemaak word omtrentdie invloed van dieet-protel'en-degradeerbaarheid op die
groei van Saanen boklammers van 20 tot 80 dae ouderdom. Die twee groei diete het van mekaar
verskil in RDP: NDP maar dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid het geen invloed op die groei van die
Saanen boklammers van 80 tot 140 dae ouderdom gehad nie.
Een-en-twintig lakterende Saanen-ooie is ewekansig in drie groepe. Die behandelings het twee RDP:
NDP-verhoudings en twee ruprotei'en (RP) -peile ingesluit. Behandelings was 1) RDP: NDP = 70:30, RP = 20% 2) RDP: NDP = 62:38, RP = 20% en 3) RDP: NDP = 62:38, RP = 18.3%. Tydens hierdie
produksieproef is die ooie vir 120 dae gemelk en die melkopbrengs, melksamestelling, verandering in
liggaamsgewig, voerinname en VOD bepaal en vergelyk tussen behandelings. In die verterings- en
stikstofmetabolismeproef is 18 ooie gebruik om die diete te vergelyk. Verder is die diete ook vergelyk
in ‘n degraderings- en deurvloeitempoproef met gekannuleerde Dohne merino hamels.
Dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid waardes verkry uit die degradeerbaarheidsproef het aangedui dat
die bepaalde RDP: NDP verhoudings was 82:18, 78:22 en 79:21 vir die lae NDP, lae prote'fen hoe
NDP en hoe NDP diete, en dat daar geen verskil in dieet-prote'fen-degradeerbaardheid was tussen
die drie rantsoene. Resultate van die produksieproef dui daarop dat daar verskille in voerinname,
droematerialinname, en liggaamsgewig tussen die drie rantsoene was. Die ooie op die laer NDP
rantsoen het ‘n hoe voer en DM inname gehad en was swaarder na 120 dae in die proef as die ooie
in die ander twee behandelings. Redes vir hierdie verskille is nie as gevolg van dieet-proteiendegradeerbaarheid
nie. Die smaaklikheid kon dalk ‘n rol gespeel het omdat dat die twee hoe NDP
rantsoene hoer vlakke van vismeel gehad het. Daar was geen verskil in melkproduksie,
melksamestelling en melkproduksiedoeltreffenheid tussen die drie behandelings. Resultate van die
verteringsproef het tussen die laer NDP-rantsoen en die ander twee rantsoene gevarieer. Die rede
vir die verskil in verteerbaarheid mag wees a.g.v. verskillende deurvloeitempo’s (laer NDP =
0.064/uur teenoor 0.044 - 0.045/uur vir die laeproteien en hoe-proteienrantsoene) en die ADF
waarde wat van die lae NDP rantsoen verskil het van die ander twee rantsoene. Omdat die resultate
van die degradeerbaarheidsproef aangedui het dat daar geen verskil in dieet-proteiendegradeerbaardheid
was nie is dit nie moontlik om ‘n gevolgtrekking te maak random die invloed van
dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid op die produksie van lakterende Saanen melkbokke nie.
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Meat quality parameters of the impala (Aepyceros melampus)Kritzinger, Brian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of age, sex, region and cropping
methodology on the meat quality of impala. Forty impala were cropped during separate
day and night operations at the Mara Agricultural Development Centre. Carcass pH45
(measured in M. longissimus dorsi 45 minutes post mortem) was higher in night cropped
animals (6.67 ± 0.111; P<0.05) compared to the day cropped animals (6.55 ± 0.236).
The ultimate carcass pH (pHu) of animals cropped at night was lower (5.39 ± 0.081;
P<0.05) compared to those cropped in the day (5.45 ± 0.108). Non-linear regression
analysis showed that the rate of pH decline of the night cropped animals was slower
than that of the day cropped animals (P<0.05). The cooling rate of the M. longissimus
dorsi was twice as fast in the night cropped group (P<0.05). Shear force values and drip
losses of the night cropped animals were both lower (19.11 ± 5.675 g/mm2 and 2.93 ±
1.597% respectively; PO.OS) compared to those of day cropped animals (23.42 ± 8.128
g/mm2 and 4.15 ± 2.339%). The results indicate that nighttime cropping has a beneficial
effect on certain meat quality parameters compared to daytime cropping.
A second group of impala was sampled at the Musina Experimental Farm in the
Limpopo Province of South Africa. Live weights of the Mara animals (50.23 ± 9.32 kg)
were higher (P<0.05) than the Musina animals (44.25 ± 10.81 kg). Impala sampled at
Mara had significantly higher dressing percentages than those at Musina (P<0.05).
Impala ewes from both regions had a higher lipid content (P<0.05), but the sex of the
animal had no effect on the remaining chemical parameters. The crude protein content
of impala at Musina (24.88 ± 1.044%) was higher (P<0.05) than the Mara animals (23.80
± 0.840%).
Regional differences (P<0.05) were found in the amounts of phosphorous and calcium in
the meat. Female animals at Mara showed higher proportions (P<0.05) of saturated
(SFA), and mono-unsaturated fatty acids than the male animals. Males from both
regions showed higher proportions (P<0.05) of poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Myristic,
palmitic and stearic acid formed the greatest proportion of the SFA component for males
and females from both regions. Samples of the M. semi-membranosus (SM), M. deltoideus (D), M. longissimus dorsi et
laborum (LO), and M. psoas major (PS) were analysed for citrate synthase (CS) and
phosphofructo-kinase activities. MHC distribution varied significantly between 0, SM and
LD (P<O.05). D expressed more MHC I, and less MHC lIa than the other three muscle
groups. Positive correlations were found between age and MHC I in 0 (r=O.93; P<O.05)
and CS and weight of the animal in D (r=O.76; P<O.05). The enzyme activities and MHC
distribution indicate that energy in the impala is produced to a large extent via oxidative
pathways. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die invloed van ouderdom, geslag, area, en
uitdunmetodes op die vleiskwalitiet van rooibokke te evalueer. Veertig rooibokke is
gedurende afsonderlike dag en nag uitdunningsoperasies by die Mara Landboukundige
Ontwikkelings Sentrum geoes. Karkas pH45 (gemeet in die M. longissimus dorsi 45
minute post mortem) was hoër (P<0.05) in nag-geoesde diere (6.67 ± 0.11) in
vergelyking met die dag-geoesde diere (6.55 ± 0.23). Die finale pH (pHu) van diere wat
in die nag geoes is (5.39 ± 0.08) was laer (P<0.05) in vergelyking met die wat in die dag
geoes is (5.45 ± 0.11). Nie-lineêre regressie analise toon dat die tempo van pH-daling
van die nag-geoesde diere merkbaar stadiger was as die dag-geoesde diere (P<0.05).
Die afkoelings tempo van die M. longissimus dorsi et lumborum was twee keer vinniger
in die nag geoesde groep (P<0.05). Die gemiddelde skeurkragwaarde en drupverlies
was beide laer (P<0.05) vir nag geoesde diere (respektiewelik 19.11 ± 5.67 g/mm2 en
2.93 ± 1.59%) in vergelyking met diere wat in die dag geoes is (23.42 ± 8.12 g/mm2 en
4.15 ± 2.33%). Die resultate toon dat nag-uitdunning 'n voordelige effek op vleiskwaliteit
gehad het, in vergelyking met dag-uitdunning.
'n Tweede groep van rooibokke is gemonster by die Musina Eksperimentele plaas in die
Limpopo Provinsie in Suid-Afrika. Die gewigte van die Mara diere (50.23 ± 9.32 kg) was
hoër (P<0.05) as die van die Musina diere (44.25 ± 10.81 kg). Die Mara groep het hoër
uitslag persentasies (P<0.05) gehad. Vroulike diere in beide areas het 'n hoër vet
inhoud (P>O.05) gehad. Die ru-proteien inhoud van die Musina diere (24.88 ± 1.04%)
was hoër (P<0.05) as die van die Mara diere (23.80 ± 0.84%).
Area verskille (P<0.05) is gevind in die fosfaat en kalsium inhoud in die vleis. Vroulike
diere by Mara het 'n hoër proporsie (P<0.05) van versadigde en mono-onversadige
vetsure in die weefsel as manlike diere gehad. Manlike diere van beide areas het 'n hoër
proporsie (P<0.05) van poli-onversadige vetsure (P<0.05) as die vroulike diere getoon.
Miristien, palmitien en stearien suur was kwantitatief die belangrikste vetsure in manlike
en vroulike diere van beide areas. Monsters van die M. semi-membranosus (SM), M. deltoideus (D), M. longissimus dorsi
et laborum (LO), en M. psoas major (PS), van die rooibokkarkasse is ontleed vir
sitraatsintase (SS) en fosfofruktokinase aktiwiteite (FFK). MSK verspreiding het
merkbaar varieer tussen 0, SM en LO (P<O.05). 0 toon meer MSK I en minder MSKlia
as die ander drie spiergroepe (P<O.05). Postiewe korrelasies is bevind tussen
ouderdom en MSK I in 0 (r=O.93; P<O.05), asook tussen SS en die gewig van die dier in
o (r=O.76; P<O.05). Die ensiemaktiwiteite en MSK verspreiding toon dat energie in die
rooibok tot 'n groot mate deur die oksidatiewe paaie geproduseer word.
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Mexican American parents' beliefs about their adolescent's mental health and parental use of alternative interventionsPate, Lucila Ramírez 03 June 2010 (has links)
The Mexican American population is the largest and fastest growing Latino
subgroup in the United States. Research has indicated Mexican Americans experience as
many, if not more, mental health problems as other ethnic groups, including anxiety,
depression, agoraphobia, simple phobia, drug and alcohol abuse, and increased rates of
suicide. Mexican Americans, however, are among some of the most underserved by the
mental health community. Little research, however, has focused on parents’ beliefs about
their adolescents’ mental health, their utilization of mainstream mental health services, or
their use of alternative resources for addressing their adolescent’s problems. This is
particularly troubling given Mexican American youth have disproportionately high rates
of substance abuse, delinquency, depression and suicide. Mexican American youth’s
utilization patterns mirror those of adults, with lower rates of utilization than their peers
of other ethnicities, and higher rates of early termination of treatment.
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine a number of topics related to
Mexican American mothers’ perspectives on adolescent mental health, including factors that contribute to problems, steps parents would be willing to take to help their
adolescent, their beliefs about the use of mental health professionals, and their use of
alternatives such as curanderos, priests, or family reliance to address their adolescent
mental health problems. Participants were 27 mothers of adolescents who identify
themselves as being of Mexican descent (Mexican; Mexican American). Mothers who
agreed to participate were interviewed in person using a semi-structured interview
format. The results revealed considerable consistency in the participants’ views
regardless of family history, adolescent problems faced, language spoken, and their
generation in the U.S. The results of this study indicated that the Mexican American
mothers who participated were attuned to adolescent functioning, with a keen sense for
determining whether their adolescent is experiencing problems. The participants were
able to navigate a complex system that involved considering other resources in their
surroundings to address their adolescent’s problems. Overall, participants indicated
positive regard toward the use of family, church, schools, and professionals in helping
their adolescent, while the use of traditional folk healers, such as curanderos, was only
minimally indicated. / text
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Healthcare costs and resource utilization in treated versus untreated chronically infected hepatitis C patientsKim, Yoona Amy 25 September 2014 (has links)
Successful treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) leads to significant benefits in both hepatic and extrahepatic morbidity and mortality. However, treatment is costly and onerous. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the resource utilization and healthcare costs of chronic HCV patients who are treated versus those who are not treated. Patients eligible for this study were Texas Medicaid patients ≥18 and ≤63 years who had evidence of chronic HCV during the identification period (1/1/07-9/30/11) and continuous enrollment throughout the analysis period. High dimensional propensity scoring techniques were used to match treated vs. untreated patients (1:2 ratio). Unadjusted and adjusted analyses compared the healthcare costs and utilization between patient cohorts at 6 and 18 months. For those treated, adherence was measured by proportion of days covered and persistence was evaluated as a gap in medication (of one fill) as determined by refill records. There were a total of 24,032 patients identified with chronic HCV. After high dimensional propensity scoring, there were no significant differences in key clinical and demographic characteristics between treated (n=939) and untreated (n=1878) cohorts. Over 97% of patients had evidence of end stage liver disease at baseline. Based on adjusted analyses of total costs using a generalized linear regression model, the mean difference in costs between the treated vs. untreated patients was $13,960 (SE $458, p<0.001). At 18 months of follow-up, the adjusted mean all-cause costs were $20,834 higher for treated patients (n=456) compared to those untreated (n=849) (p<0.001); however, mean outpatient costs were $1,894 (SE $274) less in treated vs. untreated patients. For those treated, the average HCV medication PDC was 71%, and by the end of 24 weeks, only 42.3% of patients remained on HCV therapy. This study did not show short-term cost offsets, but the sub-analysis following patients for 18 months showed trends in downstream cost offsets. Most patients had advanced liver disease, reducing the chances of successful treatment and averting liver disease sequelae. Earlier identification and treatment could bend the cost curve before these patients reached the more advanced stages seen in this costly cohort. / text
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Medication utilization, adherence and use of relief agents among Texas medicaid patients with persistent asthmaMakhinova, Tatiana Victorovna 10 October 2014 (has links)
Asthma is a prevalent chronic disease with high health care utilization and excessive costs. Adherence to asthma long-term controller medications is one of the key drivers to improve asthma management. The purpose of this study was to investigate how patient characteristics and medication regimens, including adherence, impact asthma-related outcomes, which was represented by the use of quick-relief medications: oral corticosteroids (OCSs) and short-acting [beta]2-agonists (SABAs). Texas Medicaid prescription claims from July 1, 2008 to August 31, 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients aged 5-63 years with a primary diagnosis of asthma (ICD-9 code 493) and four or more prescription claims for any asthma medication in one year (persistent asthma) were included. The primary outcomes were adherence to asthma long-term controller medications estimated by Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) and asthma control defined by the number of OCS and SABA claims. A total of 32,172 patients were included in the study. The majority of the patients were on monotherapy (58.9%), with leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) being most commonly prescribed (65.6%). Among patients on combination therapy (41.1%), fixed dose combinations of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) plus long-acting β-agonists (LABAs) were most commonly prescribed (51.9%). Mean (±SD) adherence to controller therapy was 32.2% (±19.7). Patients on LTRAs were 7.7% more adherent compared to patients on ICS therapy, and patients on fixed dose combination therapy were 4.5% more adherent compared to patients on concurrent therapy, while controlling for covariates (age, gender, race, number of non-study medications) (p<0.0001). The likelihood of having 6 or more claims for SABA in one year was significantly higher for adherent (PDC≥50%) patients (p<0.0001). However, the likelihood of OCS use was significantly higher for nonadherent (PDC<50%) patients compared to those who were adherent (p<0.0001). In conclusion, adherence to long-term controller medications was low among patients with asthma. Healthcare providers should emphasize adherence to controller therapy among patients with asthma. Being adherent is critical in prevention of asthma exacerbations requiring OCS use. As frequent SABA use signals poor asthma control, healthcare providers and patients (both adherent and nonadherent) should be educated/re-educated about SABA inhaler use. / text
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Studies were conducted to determine the suitability of diaminopimelic acid (DAP), lysine and lysine-leucine as bacterial markers, and to compare ruminal, postruminal and total tract protein utilization and bacterial protein synthesis of sorghum grain, corn and barley based diets by beef steers. Six abomasally fistulated steers were fed 81% grain diets with 10.7% crude protein (CP) in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square design. Diaminopimelic acid, lysine and leucine were determined in bacteria isolated from abomasal digesta (two sampling times) and rumen contents, and the ratios were used to estimate percent abomasal bacterial protein. Diaminopimelic acid concentrations in ruminal and abomasal bacteria were positively correlated (r = .40), but correlations between sample sites for lysine and leucine were essentially zero. Correlations between abomasal sampling times for the three amino acid concentrations were positive (mean r = .44). Rankings of percent bacterial protein in abomasal digesta for dietary treatments were similar based on amino acid ratio methods (DAP vs lysine vs lysine-leucine) using bacteria of rumen contents. Digestibility and bacterial synthesis data were based on lysine-leucine ratios from bacteria of rumen contents and chromium oxide ratios (digesta flow marker). Ruminal digestibilities of organic matter (OM), corrected for bacterial OM synthesis in the rumen, tended to be lower (P < .07) for sorghum grain and corn diets than for the barley diet (43, 48 vs 62%, respectively). Mean ruminal and postruminal CP digestibilities were similar (P > .05) for the three diets (-38 and 72%, respectively). Apparent total tract CP digestibility was lower (P < .05) for the sorghum grain diet than for corn or barley diets (61 vs 66 and 68%, respectively). Ruminal digestibility of feed nitrogen was lower for the sorghum grain and corn diets than for the barley diet (27 and 40 vs 69%, respectively). Percent bacterial nitrogen in the abomasum was much higher (P < .05) for the barley diet compared to the sorghum grain and corn diets (72 vs 47 and 53%, respectively). Postruminal digestibility of bacterial nitrogen was lower (P < .05) for the sorghum grain and corn diets compared to the barley diet. It is postulated that the lower apparent digestibility of sorghum grain protein in the total tract is related to a lower extent of feed protein and OM digested in the rumen.
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Effects of tallow supplementation on dietary nutrient and minimal amino acid utilization in the laying hen were studied in two experiments. In the first experiment diets contained six levels of animal tallow ranging from 0 to 10%. Percent egg production and egg mass were not significantly affected by tallow. Body weight was significantly increased by 2% tallow was maximum at 6%. Addition of up to 6% fat improved feed conversion without adversely affecting other production characteristics. Metabolizable energy (ME) intake increased from 305.1 to 322.4 kcal/hen/d over the range of 0 to 6% tallow with no further improvement at higher tallow levels. Maximum net energetic efficiency was obtained with 2 and 4% tallow. Ability to digest tallow declined significantly with hen age. Higher tallow ME values were obtained from calorimetry data than from digestibility measurements due to beneficial effects of tallow on digestibilities of fat and protein in the basal diet. No improvement in starch retention was observed with tallow supplementation. In the second experiment, diets containing four levels of protein (15.0, 13.6, 15.0 + methionine and 17.0%) without and with 3% tallow were fed to hens housed in an open cage house or an insulated, evaporatively cooled house. Egg production and egg mass were significantly higher in the insulated house. This study indicates that reducing total protein below the National Research Council (NRC, 1984) recommended level significantly reduced egg production by birds housed in an open house. Supplemental methionine to provide .60% TSAA was required for maximum egg production. Egg production was significantly improved with the low protein diet when 3% tallow was added; however, egg production rate supported by this combination was significantly below that obtained with the 17% protein diet either with or without added tallow. For birds housed in the insulated, evaporatively cooled house the diet based on the NRC amino acid recommendations appeared to be optimal for performance, even with a lower protein level. No additional benefits were obtained in egg production with 3% tallow in any of the diets under these housing conditions.
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Impact of Medicare Part D on Pharmaceutical and Medical Utilization in Arizona's Dual Eligible PopulationSaverno, Kim R. January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to estimate the impact of Medicare Part D on prescription and medical utilization among Arizona's senior dual eligible population.Methods: Generalized estimating equations were used to analyze changes in utilization among dual eligibles (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment (AHCCCS) beneficiaries between the ages of 66 and 80 as of January 1, 2006) relative to a "comparison" group ineligible for Part D (AHCCCS beneficiaries between the ages of 50 and 62 as of January 1, 2006) for the first two years following the implementation of Part D. Medical and pharmacy claims from AHCCCS from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007 were used in this analysis.Results: The dual eligibles and Part D ineligible comparison group were similar in their level and trend of utilization of over-the-counter (OTC) medications and benzodiazepines in the pre-Part D period. Following implementation of Part D, there was an immediate decline in utilization of both OTC medications and benzodiazepines in the dual eligibles relative to the comparison group (p<0.001).Increasing trends for both the dual eligible and comparison group were observed during the pre-Part D period for total prescription utilization, generic medication utilization and antidepressant use. After the implementation of Medicare Part D, utilization of these drug classes was significantly lower among the dual eligibles relative to the comparison group.Trends in physician office visits were similar between the dual eligible group and comparison group for the entire study period. During the first month of Part D, the dual eligibles had a statistically significantly larger increase in physician visits over the previous month relative to the comparison group (p=0.001). The trend in hospitalizations between the two groups significantly differed during the pre-period, precluding meaningful comparisons between the groups for this particular outcome.Conclusion: This study supports the belief that medication use for dual eligible Medicare beneficiaries was disrupted by the transition of outpatient drug benefits from Medicaid to Medicare Part D.
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