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Tungmetallkoncentrationen i ytvatten och mark kring området Knuthöjdsmossen / Heavy metal concentration in surface water and soil surrounding the area of KnuthöjdsmossenBrobäck, Malin, Shakespeare, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Knuthöjdsmossens naturreservat är beläget i Hällefors, Örebro län och är känd för sina unika gölar, fauna och dess sanddyna. Strax intill Knuthöjdsmossens Naturreservat finns en nerlagd industrideponi som var i bruk i början av 1800 talet fram till 1983 vid namnet avfallsupplaget Piteå. Det avfall som deponerades bestod av restprodukter, industriavfall, byggavfall, grovsopor, järnspår och slipspån. Mellan åren 1994-2009 har Bergslagens kommunalteknik utfört ytvattenprovtagningar i området, de har dock upphört, men det finns ett intresse om att återuppta provtagningarna, därtill syftet med denna uppsats; en förstudie om vilken miljöpåverkan avfallsupplaget Piteå har på området Knuthöjdsmossen. Metallkoncentrationer från ytvattenproverna från åren 1994-2009 analyserades samt så insamlades kompletterande jordprover med en XRF-skanner. Resultaten visade på metallkoncentrationer i ytvattnet där zink-, nickel- och koppar bedömdes som höga enligt Naturvårdsverkets riktvärden. Detta styrktes även genom den kompletterande jordskanningen av två områden intill avfallsupplaget Piteå. Även resterande tungmetallekoncentrationer från vattenprovtagningen visade på Tydliga till Mycket stora avvikelser utefter Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder, tungmetallhalterna jämfördes även med resultat från närliggande lokala sjöar som bedöms ha god ekologisk status. Detta gav ett tillräckligt underlag att påstå att avfallsupplaget Piteå har en miljöpåverkan på området Knuthöjdsmossen.
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Forforläckage från åkermark till Kyrkån - en del av Åkerströmmens avrinningsområde.Tierney, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Fosfor är ett näringsämne som alla växter, djur och människor är beroende av. Ett välkänt problem är övergödning som kan leda till döda sjöar och hav med låg biodiversitet. Dessutom är fosfor ett ämne som möjliggör de jordbruksmetoder som vi idag förlitar oss på. Vad händer om denna ändliga resurs blir en bristvara och starkt begränsar produktionen av mat? Det skulle framförallt drabba de redan utsatta och fattiga länderna. Vi ska använda den fosfor som behövs för att bedriva jordbruk men göra vad vi kan för att minska förlusterna. Upp till 70% av fosforförlusterna i Åkerströmmen härstammar från jordbruksmark, där halterna på många ställen är så pass höga att de enligt naturvårdsverkets klassificering benämns som ”extremt höga halter” av fosfor. Åtgärder behövs i detta område, och i många andra liknande områden i Sverige och världen. Fler och bättre åtgärder behövs som inte bara är klimatsmarta utan även ekonomiskt försvarbara.
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Kemisk stabilisering av gruvavfall från Ljusnarsbergsfältet med mesakalk och avloppsslam : Chemical stabilization of mine waste with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residuesHöckert, Linda January 2007 (has links)
<p>Chemical stabilization of mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residues</p><p>Mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet in Kopparberg, Sweden, is considered to constitute a great risk for human health and the surrounding environment. Some of the waste rock consists of sulphide minerals. When sulphide minerals come into contact with dissolved</p><p>oxygen and precipitation, oxidation may occur resulting in acid mine drainage (AMD) and the release of heavy metals. The purpose of this study has been to characterise the waste material and try to chemically stabilize the waste rock with a mixture of sewage sludge and calcium carbonate. The drawback of using organic matter is the risk that dissolved organic matter can act as complexing agents for heavy metals and in this way increase their mobility. An additional study to examine this risk has therefore also been performed.</p><p>The project started with a pilot study in order to identify the material fraction that was suitable for the experiment. When suitable material had been chosen, a column test was carried out for the purpose of studying the slurry’s influence on the mobility of metals along with the production of acidity. To clarify the organic material’s potential for</p><p>complexation a pH-stat batch test was used. Drainage water samples, from the columns,</p><p>were regularly taken during the experiment. These samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, alkalinity, redox potential, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulphate and leaching metals. The effluent from the pH-stat-test was only analyzed on a few occasions and only for metal content and change in DOC concentration.</p><p>The results from the laboratory experiments showed that the waste rock from Ljusnarsberg easily leached large amounts of metals. The stabilization of the waste rock succeeded in maintaining a near neutral pH in the rock waste leachate, compared to a pH 3 leachate from untreated rock waste The average concentration of copper and zinc in the leachate from untreated waste rock exceeded 100 and 1000 mg/l respectively, while these metals were detected at concentrations around 0.1 and 1 mg/l, respectively, in the leachate from the treated wastes. Examined metals had concentrations between 40 to 4000 times lower in the leachate from treated waste rock, which implies that the stabilization with reactive amendments succeeded. The long term effects are, however, not determined. The added sludge contributed to immobilize metals at neutral pH despite a small increase in DOC concentration. The problem with adding sludge is that if pH decreases with time there is a risk of increased metal leaching.</p>
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Kemisk stabilisering av gruvavfall från Ljusnarsbergsfältet med mesakalk och avloppsslam : Chemical stabilization of mine waste with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residuesHöckert, Linda January 2007 (has links)
Chemical stabilization of mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residues Mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet in Kopparberg, Sweden, is considered to constitute a great risk for human health and the surrounding environment. Some of the waste rock consists of sulphide minerals. When sulphide minerals come into contact with dissolved oxygen and precipitation, oxidation may occur resulting in acid mine drainage (AMD) and the release of heavy metals. The purpose of this study has been to characterise the waste material and try to chemically stabilize the waste rock with a mixture of sewage sludge and calcium carbonate. The drawback of using organic matter is the risk that dissolved organic matter can act as complexing agents for heavy metals and in this way increase their mobility. An additional study to examine this risk has therefore also been performed. The project started with a pilot study in order to identify the material fraction that was suitable for the experiment. When suitable material had been chosen, a column test was carried out for the purpose of studying the slurry’s influence on the mobility of metals along with the production of acidity. To clarify the organic material’s potential for complexation a pH-stat batch test was used. Drainage water samples, from the columns, were regularly taken during the experiment. These samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, alkalinity, redox potential, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulphate and leaching metals. The effluent from the pH-stat-test was only analyzed on a few occasions and only for metal content and change in DOC concentration. The results from the laboratory experiments showed that the waste rock from Ljusnarsberg easily leached large amounts of metals. The stabilization of the waste rock succeeded in maintaining a near neutral pH in the rock waste leachate, compared to a pH 3 leachate from untreated rock waste The average concentration of copper and zinc in the leachate from untreated waste rock exceeded 100 and 1000 mg/l respectively, while these metals were detected at concentrations around 0.1 and 1 mg/l, respectively, in the leachate from the treated wastes. Examined metals had concentrations between 40 to 4000 times lower in the leachate from treated waste rock, which implies that the stabilization with reactive amendments succeeded. The long term effects are, however, not determined. The added sludge contributed to immobilize metals at neutral pH despite a small increase in DOC concentration. The problem with adding sludge is that if pH decreases with time there is a risk of increased metal leaching.
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