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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da radiação UV-B em variantes cromáticas de Gracilaria birdiae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta): crescimento, conteúdo pigmentar, fotossíntese e ultra-estrutura / Effects of UV-B radiation on different strains of Gracilaria birdiae(Gracilariales, Rhodophyta): growth, pigment content, photosynthesis and ultrastructure

Ligia Maria Thomaz Ayres da Silva 05 November 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da radiação UV-B em indivíduos de linhagens de cultivados em laboratório. Foram utilizadas linhagens de gametófitos femininos de coloração vermelha (VMsubES/sub e VMSUBCE/SUB), verde (VD subCE/sub) e marrom-esverdeada (ME subCE/sub), derivados de populações dos Estados do Espírito Santo e Ceará. Dois experimentos distintos foram delineados: exposição à radiação UV-B por 5 horas (curto prazo - 2,01 W.msup-2/sup) e exposição por 3 horas diárias, durante 28 dias (longo prazo - 0,08 W.m-2). Ambos incluíram uma condição controle (sem radiação UV-B). As condições gerais de cultivo foram: água do mar enriquecida com von Stosch à 12,5% sem nitrato; nitrato (0,250mM); 25±1supo/supC; 14L:10E; 70±10µmol.fótons.msup-2/sup.ssup-1/sup; sem aeração. No experimento de curta duração, foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: fotossíntese, composição pigmentar e ultra-estrutura. No experimento de longa duração, foram avaliados: crescimento, composição pigmentar e ultra-estrutura. Curvatura acentuada dos ápices após a exposição prolongada à UV-B e mudanças na coloração foram observadas principalmente em indivíduos da linhagem VMsubES/sub, cujos ápices adquiriram aspecto espiralado, quando cultivados em UV-B. Esses mesmos indivíduos apresentaram menores taxas de crescimento (TCs), quando comparados à linhagem selvagem do Estado do Ceará (VMSUBCE/SUB), sugerindo uma maior sensibilidade à radiação UV-B. Após exposição de 5 horas à UV-B, todas as linhagens apresentaram reduções no rendimento quântico efetivo (∇F/Fm), com exceção de VMSUBCE/SUB, que não apresentou variações nos valores de ∇F/Fm no decorrer do experimento. As linhagens VMsubES/sub, VDSUBCE/SUBe MESUBCE/SUB apresentaram redução nesse parâmetro logo após a primeira hora de exposição à UV-B. Entretanto, esses valores mantiveram-se constantes para a linhagem MESUBCE/SUB ao longo do período experimental. Para a linhagem VDCE, verificou-se uma recuperação de F/Fm nos dois dias subseqüentes, o que sugere a ação de uma fotoinibição dinâmica, ao contrário das linhagens VMsubES/sub e MEsubCE/sub, cuja demora na recuperação caracteriza uma fotoinibição crônica. A linhagem VDSUBCE/SUB apresentou também maiores valores para a saturação luminosa (IK) após a exposição à UV-B, quando comparada às demais linhagens provenientes da população do Estado do Ceará (VMSUBCE/SUB e MEsubCE/sub). Na ausência de UV-B, as linhagens VMSUBCE/SUB e VMES apresentaram maiores valores para a eficiência fotossintetizante (αETR), quando comparadas às variantes cromáticas VDSUBCE/SUB e MEsubCE/sub. Entretanto, após a exposição à UV-B, a linhagem VMSUBCE/SUB apresentou maiores valores de ETR, quando comparada à linhagem VMsubES/sub, porém semelhantes aos observados nas linhagens VDSUBCE/SUB e MEsubCE/sub. Em curto prazo, não foram verificadas alterações nas concentrações de ficoeritrina (FE), ficocianina (FC) e aloficocianina nas diferentes linhagens, quando submetidas à radiação UV-B. Entretanto, um aumento na razão FE/FC foi observado para a linhagem VDsubCE/sub, sugerindo um aumento na proporção de FE, quando comparada à FC. Porém, reduções nas concentrações de ficoeritrina (FE), ficocianina e aloficocianina (AFC) foram observadas para indivíduos da linhagem VMSUBCE/SUB, após a exposição prolongada à UV-B, sugerindo uma possível utilização dessas substâncias no metabolismo celular, uma vez que as ficobiliproteínas, principalmente a FE, atuam como reserva de nitrogênio. Entretanto, as demais linhagens cultivadas em UV-B, apresentaram valores semelhantes de ficobiliproteínas aos verificados no controle. Observou-se um aumento na proporção FE/AFC na linhagem MEsubCE/sub, quando exposta à UV-B por 28 dias, sugerindo um aumento na porcentagem de FE em relação à AFC. Esse provável aumento nas concentrações de FE, em decorrência de sua síntese e reposição, favoreceria a aclimatação dos ficobilissomos a mudanças na irradiância. Concentrações semelhantes de clorofila a e carotenóides foram verificadas para as diferentes linhagens após a exposição à UV-B, independente do tempo de exposição, indicando a ausência de danos ao aparato fotossintetizante e a disponibilidade de pigmentos para o transporte de elétrons. Alterações ultraestruturais ocorreram em todas as linhagens cultivadas em UV-B em ambas condições experimentais. Os efeitos ultraestruturais foram observados principalmente nos cloroplastos, que apresentaram afastamento de tilacóides adjacentes, além da formação de vacúolos internos. Algumas células de indivíduos das linhagens VMSUBCE/SUB (longo prazo) e VDSUBCE/SUB (curto prazo) encontravam-se em avançado processo degenerativo, impossibilitando a visualização de membranas organelares. Observou-se também um maior número de grãos de amido nas linhagens VMsubES/sub e VDSUBCE/SUB cultivadas por 28 dias em UV-B, quando comparadas aos controles. Esse acúmulo de reserva poderia ser interpretado como uma incapacidade em metabolizar essas substâncias para atividades de síntese e reparo, necessárias para a manutenção do indivíduo quando em condições adversas, no caso a exposição à UV-B. Embora a linhagem VMsubES/subVMSUBCE/SUB tenha apresentado uma redução nas ficobiliproteínas, ela apresentou maiores TCs e menores alterações morfológicas. A linhagem MECE, embora tenha sofrido uma redução nas TCs, quando cultivada em UV-B, como as linhagens VDSUBCE/SUB e VMES, estas TCs mantiveram-se constantes ao longo do experimento, enquanto que nas demais linhagens elas diminuíram. A análise geral dos parâmetros avaliados sugere que as linhagens MESUBCE/SUB e VMCEVMSUBCE/SUB estariam aptas a lidar com um possível aumento nos níveis de UV-B incidente. Entretanto, diferenças na composição pigmentar observadas para a linhagem VDSUBCE/SUBsugerem uma menor sensibilidade desta a curto prazo, quando submetida a essa radiação. / não consta

Effects of UV-B Radiation on Egg and Larval Golden Shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas) in Castle Lake, California

Kim, Jai-Ku 01 May 1998 (has links)
I studied effects of UV-B radiation on egg and larval golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas) in Castle Lake, California, USA. To compare egg hatching and survival of larval golden shiner, I exposed eggs and larval fish to three different UV-B treatments, low UV-B (4% UV-B), high UV-B (92% UV-B), and ambient (100% UV-B). The egg experiment was conducted in lake and pond water, whereas proto- and mesolarval stage experiments were conducted in lake water only. High and ambient UV-B radiation affected the hatching rate of golden shiner eggs. The mean hatching rate was 13% lower in high UV-B, and 9% lower in ambient UV-B compared to the low UV-B treatments. The hatching rate, however, was not significantly different between lake and pond treatments. The survival of egg to hatched larval stage was reduced under high and ambient UV- 8 radiation compared to low UV-8 treatment in the lake water experiment. In the pond water experiment, however, the survival of newly hatched larvae was not different among UV-8 treatments. During the experimental periods, no survival difference among treatments was observed for larval stages of golden shiners. Mean amount of UV-8 radiation penetrating an oligo-mesotrophic lake differed from that in an adjoining pond during the summer of 1997. UV-8 radiation in pond water was highly absorbed compared to absorbency in lake water. High concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in pond water were likely responsible for the difference in absorbency of UV-8 radiation.

Habitat fragmentation and woodland amphibians: consequences for distribution, genetic diversity and fitness responses to UV-B radiation

Weyrauch, Shauna L. 30 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of UV-B radiation on plant litter decomposition in a tropical ecosystem on the north coast of the State of Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil / Efeito da radiação UV-B na decomposição da serapilheira em um ecossistema tropical no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo

Marinho, Osmarina Alves 04 December 2017 (has links)
The solar radiation in general and UV radiation in particular has been recognized to stimulate plant litter decomposition through photochemical mineralization of photosensitive organic molecules, such as lignin, facilitating microbial decomposition, with great relevance role in dryland ecosystems where microbial activity is low, however little is known about how photodegradation could influence other ecosystems without moisture limitations and under what conditions may be favored, therefore the mechanisms has not yet been established. Decomposition in tropical ecosystem is a complex process and can be induced by a number of environmental factors with certain differences when compared to arid and semi-arid ecosystems. To assess the mechanisms underlying UV-B photodegradation, we designed a 300 days field experiment at a tropical ecosystem with high levels of annual precipitation and exposure litter to three levels of radiation combined with a biocide treatment. Results show that the removal of UV-B radiation decelerated plant litter decomposition during the later stage compared to litter exposure to full sun, however shaded litter had similar mass loss compared to litter exposed to full sun. Furthermore, differences in the decay constant among radiation treatments due to UV-B effect is independent of lignin loss. Overall, our study suggest that UV-B contributes to the plant litter decomposition through carbon losses, however, had no effect on nitrogen, neither lignin nor cellulose loss. However, more studies are needed in order to investigate the positive and negative effects of UV exposure on microbial activity in tropical ecosystems. / A radiação solar em geral e a radiação ultravioleta (UV) em particular têm sido reconhecida por estimular a decomposição da serapilheira através da mineralização fotoquímica de moléculas fotossensíveis, como a lignina, facilitando a decomposição microbiana, com um papel de grande relevância em ecossistemas áridos onde a atividade microbiana é baixa, no entanto pouco se sabe como a fotodegradação pode influenciar outros ecossistemas como por exemplo os mais úmidos e sob quais condições a fotodegradação é favorecida, portanto os mecanismos ainda não foram estabelecidos. Decomposição em ecossistemas tropicais é um processo complexo e pode ser influenciado por vários fatores ambientais e com certas diferenças quando comparada com ecossistemas áridos e semiáridos. Para avaliar os mecanismos subjacentes à fotodegradação via radiação UV-B, um experimento de campo de 300 dias foi estabelecido em um ecossistema tropical com alto índice de precipitação anual onde a serapilheira foi exposta a três níveis de radiações diferentes, combinada com um tratamento com biocida. Resultados mostram que a remoção da radiação UV-B desacelerou a decomposição da serapilheira durante o último estágio do experimento comparado com a serapilheira exposta a radiação ambiente, no entanto a serapilheira quando sombreada teve perda de massa similar à exposta a radiação ambiente. Além disso, diferenças na taxa de decaimento entre os tratamentos de radiação devido ao efeito da radiação UV-B foram independentes da perda de lignina. No geral, nosso estudo sugere que a radiação UV-B contribui com a decomposição da serapilheira através da perda de carbono, no entanto não teve efeito na perda de massa de nitrogênio, lignina e celulose. Portanto, mais estudos são necessários para investigar o efeito positivo e negativo da exposição à radiação UV-B na atividade microbiana e na decomposição da serapilheira em ecossistemas tropicais.

Effect of UV-B radiation on plant litter decomposition in a tropical ecosystem on the north coast of the State of Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil / Efeito da radiação UV-B na decomposição da serapilheira em um ecossistema tropical no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo

Osmarina Alves Marinho 04 December 2017 (has links)
The solar radiation in general and UV radiation in particular has been recognized to stimulate plant litter decomposition through photochemical mineralization of photosensitive organic molecules, such as lignin, facilitating microbial decomposition, with great relevance role in dryland ecosystems where microbial activity is low, however little is known about how photodegradation could influence other ecosystems without moisture limitations and under what conditions may be favored, therefore the mechanisms has not yet been established. Decomposition in tropical ecosystem is a complex process and can be induced by a number of environmental factors with certain differences when compared to arid and semi-arid ecosystems. To assess the mechanisms underlying UV-B photodegradation, we designed a 300 days field experiment at a tropical ecosystem with high levels of annual precipitation and exposure litter to three levels of radiation combined with a biocide treatment. Results show that the removal of UV-B radiation decelerated plant litter decomposition during the later stage compared to litter exposure to full sun, however shaded litter had similar mass loss compared to litter exposed to full sun. Furthermore, differences in the decay constant among radiation treatments due to UV-B effect is independent of lignin loss. Overall, our study suggest that UV-B contributes to the plant litter decomposition through carbon losses, however, had no effect on nitrogen, neither lignin nor cellulose loss. However, more studies are needed in order to investigate the positive and negative effects of UV exposure on microbial activity in tropical ecosystems. / A radiação solar em geral e a radiação ultravioleta (UV) em particular têm sido reconhecida por estimular a decomposição da serapilheira através da mineralização fotoquímica de moléculas fotossensíveis, como a lignina, facilitando a decomposição microbiana, com um papel de grande relevância em ecossistemas áridos onde a atividade microbiana é baixa, no entanto pouco se sabe como a fotodegradação pode influenciar outros ecossistemas como por exemplo os mais úmidos e sob quais condições a fotodegradação é favorecida, portanto os mecanismos ainda não foram estabelecidos. Decomposição em ecossistemas tropicais é um processo complexo e pode ser influenciado por vários fatores ambientais e com certas diferenças quando comparada com ecossistemas áridos e semiáridos. Para avaliar os mecanismos subjacentes à fotodegradação via radiação UV-B, um experimento de campo de 300 dias foi estabelecido em um ecossistema tropical com alto índice de precipitação anual onde a serapilheira foi exposta a três níveis de radiações diferentes, combinada com um tratamento com biocida. Resultados mostram que a remoção da radiação UV-B desacelerou a decomposição da serapilheira durante o último estágio do experimento comparado com a serapilheira exposta a radiação ambiente, no entanto a serapilheira quando sombreada teve perda de massa similar à exposta a radiação ambiente. Além disso, diferenças na taxa de decaimento entre os tratamentos de radiação devido ao efeito da radiação UV-B foram independentes da perda de lignina. No geral, nosso estudo sugere que a radiação UV-B contribui com a decomposição da serapilheira através da perda de carbono, no entanto não teve efeito na perda de massa de nitrogênio, lignina e celulose. Portanto, mais estudos são necessários para investigar o efeito positivo e negativo da exposição à radiação UV-B na atividade microbiana e na decomposição da serapilheira em ecossistemas tropicais.

Effects of UV-B radiation on grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo) leaf physiology and berry composition, framed within the climate change scenario (water deficit, elevated CO2 and elevated temperature) / Etude des effets du rayonnement UV-B sur la physiologie foliaire et la maturation des baies chez la Vigne (Vitis vinifera L. cv Tempranillo), dans le contexte du changement climatique (déficit hydrique, température et taux de CO2 élevés) / Efecto de la radiación UV-B sobre la fisiología de la hoja y la composición de la baya de vid (Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo), en un contexto de cambio climático (déficit hídrico, CO2 elevado y alta temperatura

Martinez Lüscher, Johann 28 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’effet du rayonnement UV-B sur la physiologie foliaire et la maturation des baies chez la Vigne (Vitis vinifera L. cv Tempranillo), dans le contexte du changement climatique en cours. Dans ce but, des expériences ont été menées en conditions contrôlées en serre, sur des boutures fructifères. Les plantes ont été exposées à trois doses de rayonnement UV-B biologiquement actifs (0, 5,98 et 9,66 kJ.m-2.jour-1), soit à partir de la nouaison, soit à partir de la véraison, et ce jusqu’à la pleine maturité. Le rayonnement UV-B a été appliqué seul ou en combinaison avec d’autres stress abiotiques (déficit hydrique, taux de CO2 et température élevés). L’impact de ces stress sur l’activité photosynthétique, les contenus en pigments et en composés photoprotecteurs, ainsi que sur les activités des enzymes produisant des composés antioxydants, ont été étudiés. La phénologie, les profils d’accumulation des flavonols et des anthocyanes, ainsi que le contenu en acides aminés des baies ont également été analysés, de même que l’expression des principaux gènes régulateurs et structuraux de la voie de biosynthèse des polyphénols. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les effets des UV-B sur la physiologie foliaire peuvent être découpés en deux phases : une première phase transitoire de diminution de l’activité photosynthétique, suivie d’une phase d’acclimatation due à la production de composés photoprotecteurs (flavonoïdes essentiellement) et à l’activité d’enzyme de détoxification des forme actives de l’oxygène (superoxyde dimutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase). Le déficit hydrique, le stress thermique et un taux de CO2 élevé (700ppm, +4ºC) ne modifient pas le processus d’acclimatation aux UV-B ; en revanche on note une interaction positive entre les UV-B d’une part et la tolérance aux températures et au taux de CO2 élevé d’autre part, atténuant les dommages oxydatifs dus à l’induction de sénescence par ces deux derniers facteurs. La maturité des baies est retardée par les UV-B et le déficit hydrique, et ce phénomène et amplifiés lorsque ces deux stress sont appliqués en combinaison ; alors que les hautes températures et un taux de CO2 élevé ont l’effet inverse. Dans ce dernier cas, le UV-B rayonnement atténue les effets du couple température/CO2 élevés. Ces effets sur la phénologie de la Vigne ont pu être reliés à des modifications de l’activité photosynthétique des feuilles. En ce qui concerne la composition des baies, l’augmentation du rayonnement UV-B et le déficit hydrique ont augmenté les concentrations en anthocyanes et en potassium des moûts et diminué leur acidité, ce qui peut s’expliquer en partie par une augmentation du ratio de masse pellicule/pulpe. L’augmentation des teneurs en anthocyanes et flavonols des pellicules observée en réponse aux UV-B a pu être reliée à l’induction de gènes structuraux (CHS, F3’H, FLS, UFGT and GST) et régulateurs (MYBF1 et MYBA1) de la voie de biosynthèse des flavonoïdes. Ces changements quantitatifs étaient toujours associés à des changements qualitatifs, avec une augmentation de la part relative des flavonols mono- et disubstitués, en raison d’une compétition de la flavonol synthase avec les F3’ et F3’5’ hydroxylases pour les mêmes substrats. Une interaction notable a été observée entre le rayonnement UV-B et le déficit hydrique, sur les profils d’hydroxylation des flavonols, ce qui s’explique par le fait que ces deux facteurs agissent sur deux étapes distinctes de la voie de biosynthèse. / The aim of the thesis was to assess the effect of UV-B radiation on grapevine Vitis viniferacv. Tempranillo leaf physiology and grape berry composition, framed within the climatechange scenario. Experiments were conducted under glasshouse controlled conditions withfruit-bearing cuttings. Plants were exposed to three UV-B biologically effective doses (0,5.98, 9.66 kJ m-2 d-1) either from fruit set or veraison to maturity. The combined effects of UVand water deficit, as well as, UV-B and elevated CO2-temperature (700ppm, +4ºC), appliedfrom fruit set to maturity were also tested. Gas exchange, Chlorophyll a fluorescence, lipidperoxidation, antioxidant enzyme activity, UV-B absorbing compound levels and chlorophylland carotenoid concentration were determined in leaves. Berry development was assessedquantitatively (e.g. elapsed time to reach phenological stages). Amino acid, anthocyanin andflavonol concentrations and profiles were analyzed in berries, as well as, transcript profilingof regulatory and structural genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis.The results show that initial down-regulation of photosynthesis was followed by anacclimation, mediated by the accumulation of UV-B absorbing compounds and antioxidantresponse elicitation (flavonoids and antioxidant enzymes). Water deficit and elevated CO2-temperature did not alter UV-B acclimation process, however, UV-B did led to certain degreeof cross-tolerance to elevated CO2-temperature, avoiding the senescence-induced oxidativedamage. Berry technological maturity (ca. 22ºBrix) was delayed by UV-B exposure and waterdeficit, especially when combined, whereas it was hastened by elevated CO2-temperature. Inthe last case, UV-B attenuated the effect of elevated CO2 and temperature. Changes in berryripening rates were associated with changes in photosynthetic performance.UV-B radiation and water deficit induced lower grape must acidity, mediated by increases inrelative skin mass or potassium levels rather than a decrease in organic acid concentration.In addition this increase in relative skin mass may have contributed to higher anthocyaninconcentration in the must. Grape berry skin flavonol and anthocyanin concentration wasincreased by UV-B, mainly due to the up-regulation of the structural (CHS, F3’H, FLS, UFGTand GST) and regulatory genes (MYBF1 and MYBA1) committed to their synthesis.Quantitative changes in flavonol concentration induced by UV-B were always associated withqualitative changes in flavonol profile (i.e. increased relative abundance of mono- anddisubstituted flavonols), as a result of the competition of FLS with flavonoid hydroxylases(F3’H and F3’5’H) for the same substrates. The independent up-regulation of FLS and F3’5’Hby UV-B radiation and water deficit, respectively, resulted in an intaractive effect on theflavonol B ring hydroxylation pattern. Under elevated CO2-temperature anthocyanin-sugaraccumulation was decoupled. However, UV-B partially alleviated this uncoupling by upregulatinganthocyanin biosynthesis and modulating berry ripening rates.UV-B radiation greatly influenced grapevine leaf physiology and berry composition. Theseresponses to UV-B were modulated, to a greater or lesser extent, by other factors linked toclimate change (water availability, atmospheric CO2 levels and temperature).

Evolutionary ecology of ultraviolet-B radiation stress tolerance in amphibians

Pahkala, Maarit January 2001 (has links)
<p>During the last decades many amphibian species and populations have experienced declines and extinctions in different parts of the world. Anthropogenic activities are believed to account for these declines, and one of the hypothesized causes has been the increased level of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. </p><p>Although negative effects of UV-B radiation on development of many amphibian species have been demonstrated, a number of potentially critical issues around assessment of amphibian UV-B radiation tolerance have remained unexplored. For instance, next to nothing is known about geographic variation in UV-B tolerance and about possible carry-over effects of early UV-B exposure to later life-stages. Likewise, synergistic effects with other stressors, as well as sublethal effects on growth have received little attention. </p><p>The results from field and laboratory experiments show that <i>R. temporaria</i> and <i>R. arvalis</i> are relatively tolerant to even high levels of UV-B in terms of embryonic survival. However, it was found that even normal levels of UV-B can reduce early embryonic growth. In addition, the effects of early exposure to UV-B became manifested mostly or only after a considerable time-lag (i.e. at metamorphosis). Furthermore, it was found that the sublethal effects of UV-B may become manifested only in combination with other stressors, such as low pH, and this synergism may differ among different populations. No evidence for genetic differentiation in UV-B tolerance was found.</p><p>These findings suggest that even a relatively tolerant species, such as <i>R. temporaria</i>, may be sensitive to increased levels of UV-B radiation, but that this sensitivity may be highly population, environment and trait dependent. The observed carry-over effects over life-stages emphasise the importance of the early life environment on later life fitness.</p>

Evolutionary ecology of ultraviolet-B radiation stress tolerance in amphibians

Pahkala, Maarit January 2001 (has links)
During the last decades many amphibian species and populations have experienced declines and extinctions in different parts of the world. Anthropogenic activities are believed to account for these declines, and one of the hypothesized causes has been the increased level of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. Although negative effects of UV-B radiation on development of many amphibian species have been demonstrated, a number of potentially critical issues around assessment of amphibian UV-B radiation tolerance have remained unexplored. For instance, next to nothing is known about geographic variation in UV-B tolerance and about possible carry-over effects of early UV-B exposure to later life-stages. Likewise, synergistic effects with other stressors, as well as sublethal effects on growth have received little attention. The results from field and laboratory experiments show that R. temporaria and R. arvalis are relatively tolerant to even high levels of UV-B in terms of embryonic survival. However, it was found that even normal levels of UV-B can reduce early embryonic growth. In addition, the effects of early exposure to UV-B became manifested mostly or only after a considerable time-lag (i.e. at metamorphosis). Furthermore, it was found that the sublethal effects of UV-B may become manifested only in combination with other stressors, such as low pH, and this synergism may differ among different populations. No evidence for genetic differentiation in UV-B tolerance was found. These findings suggest that even a relatively tolerant species, such as R. temporaria, may be sensitive to increased levels of UV-B radiation, but that this sensitivity may be highly population, environment and trait dependent. The observed carry-over effects over life-stages emphasise the importance of the early life environment on later life fitness.

Pavienis ir kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis skirtingo vystymosi tarpsnio sėjamajam žirniui (Pisum sativum L.) / The single and integrated UV-B radiation and substrate acidity impact on pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) at different development stages

Mikelionytė, Jurgita 14 June 2010 (has links)
Ultravioletinės B spinduliuotės intensyvumo didėjimas ir rūgštėjantys dirvožemiai veikia daugelį augalų fiziologinių ir morfologinių procesų. Yra nemažai atliktų tyrimų apie pavienį šių veiksnių poveikį, tačiau kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis augalams kol kas tyrinėtas mažai. Tyrimų tikslas – ištirti pavienį bei kompleksinį 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV–B spinduliuotės dozių ir rūgštaus substrato (pH 4,8) poveikį skirtingų vystymosi tarpsnių sėjamiesiems žirniams (Pisum sativum L.). Tyrimai vykdyti dviem etapais: pirmame etape tirtas pavienis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis sėjamiesiems žirniams priklausomai nuo vystymosi tarpsnio; antrame - kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis augalams priklausomai nuo vystymosi tarpsnio. Žirniai pasėti į vegetacinius indus su paruoštu neutralaus rūgštumo durpių substratu, o praėjus 10 ir 17 dienų po sudygimo, t.y. lapų vystymosi (BBCH 14-16) ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi (BBCH 21-23) tarpsniais, veikti pasirinktais stresoriais. Penktą poveikio dieną išmatuoti fiziologiniai ir morfologiniai rodikliai: fotosintezės intensyvumas, vandens naudojimo efektyvumas, pigmentų kiekis, žalioji bei sausoji augalų biomasė ir kt. Nustatyta, jog 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV–B spinduliuotė neigiamai veikė tiek fiziologinius, tiek morfologinius sėjamųjų žirnių rodiklius. Lapų vystymosi (BBCH 14-16) tarpsnio žirniai buvo mažiau atsparūs UV-B poveikiui negu šoninių ūglių formavimosi (BBCH 21-23)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / UV-B radiation and acidic soils could pose many direct and indirect effects on plants including the alteration in transpiration and photosynthesis, and the change in growth, development and morphology. The single impact of UV-B radiation and acid substrate on plants has been studied by several research groups. However, integrated UV-B radiation and substrate acidity impact on plants are still little studied. The aim of the study was to investigate the single and integrated 1 and 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B radiation and substrate acidity (pH 4,8) impact on different development stages pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). Researches were performed in two stages: in the first stage the single UV-B radiation and acid substrate effect on sown pea plants was analysed depending on the development stage. In the second stage the integrated UV-B radiation and acid substrate effect on sown pea plants was analysed depending on the development stage. Peas were sown in vegetative pots with prepared a neutral acidity peat substrate. 10 and 17 days after germination, i.e. at leaf development (BBCH 14-16) stage and lateral shoot formation (BBCH 21-23) stage pea plants were exposed to different stressors. On the fifth day of effect the physiological and morphological indices were measured: photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids, fresh and dry biomass, and others. Investigated that 1 and 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B doses had negative affects on both, physiological and... [to full text]


Berry, Nicole Lynn 11 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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