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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká emigrace v západní Evropě, USA a Kanadě; národní vědomí a vztah k vlasti v porovnání s postoji Čechů žijících v hranicích národního státu / Czech Emigration in Western Europe, USA and Canada; National Consciousness and Relationship to Homeland in Comparation with Attitudes of Czechs Living in National State

Feitl, David January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a diversified conception of Czechishness. The main proposition is a comparison of types and aspects of relation to the country in the case of (political) emigrants after 1948 in contrast with the "home-based" non-emigrant Czech population. The thesis will briefly mention also the preceding periods of Czech emigration, the socio-economic situation at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries, the 1950s etc. All this will be put into the context of the historical turning of the Czech lands away from the West, despite the latter being the destination of the post-February emigrants. In this respect the description of social-political events as perceived by the citizens at the time, by the official propaganda and by emigrants is crucial. The image of the West or emigrants as perceived then together with other conclusions will be compared with the basic theories of migration and migration policy. In the section on political emigration legislation of the period incl. its wording will be quoted. The thesis focuses exclusively on emigrants to the West, especially to Western Europe, the USA and Canada, but also to Australia and Israel. It reflects the direction and the main centres of emigration, checks the relevance of information on the numbers of exiled Czechs, their...

Wang Meng a jeho literární dílo inspirované Xinjiangem / Wang Meng and his Writings Inspired by Xinjiang

Čavojská, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Wang Meng, an important figure of modern Chinese literature, is best known as an author experimenting with literary techniques at the turn of the 70s and the 80s. Our paper examines a relatively little-known part of his work inspired by the writer's many-year stay in Xinjiang. Examined proses originate primarily from two collections - In Yili and Hello, Xinjiang. In the analysis of Wang Meng's literary creation we take into account the historical context and we present particular features of the literary image of non-Han culture in the work of a Han writer. We also examine the use of narrative techniques, with particular focus on "stream of consciousness" technique.

Fenomenologie hudby a pojetí temporality ve filozofii E. Husserla / Phenomenology of music and the concept of temporality in the philosophy of E. Husserl

Karipova, Alfiia January 2016 (has links)
This research is dedicated to the connection between phenomenology of music and the temporal conception of Edmund Husserl who influenced new awareness of time in general and musical time in particular. The purpose of the research is foremost to expand horizons and options of musical-philosophical analysis through discovering the alternative understanding of musical perception in author's works especially in his «Vorlesungen zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins». The research consists of five main parts arranged by deductive principle: from the general key points of the subject - phenomenology of music (chapter 1), the role of musical art in studies and heritage of E. Husserl (chapter 2) and principles of phenomenological method as a base of temporality conception (chapter 3) the emphasis gradually shifts towards the research of Husserl's temporality conception which is directly connected to musical art which makes our subject notably actual. Besides that the research raises such questions as the role of the concept of time in music, comparison of Husserl's philosophy and A. Webern's music, importance of sense in composition and others. The fundamental and rare scientific studies of philosophy, musicology, sociology of music and other contiguous subjects in Czech and English languages were...

Mysl a vědomí u zvířat / Animal Mind and Consciousness

Richterová, Klaudie January 2017 (has links)
Název diplomové práce: Mysl a vědomí u zvířat Vedoucí práce: prof. Karel Thein, Ph.D. Vypracovala: Bc. Klaudie Richterová Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce This thesis examines the issue of cognition, mind, and consciousness of living beings other than humans. What complicates the whole issue is the essential inwardness of the conscious experience. We objectivize this inwardness per our aim to know, and thus deprive it of its essence. Thereby, very often, we lose sight of what we want to examine. This problem is related to the theme of speech as a form of communication that plays an ambivalent role here. Speech in the sense of articulated form of communication can easily become a barrier that separates human beings from other living creatures; the so-called less articulated forms of communication may, on the other hand, be an opportunity to overcome this barrier. Part of the thesis thus offers a critical reflection on the scientific research whose focus is on animal abilities, but which forgets to take into account the human element contained in the apparently scientific method. The final part of the thesis deals with modern research of a canine abilities and offers a reflection on the influence of the domestication process on what we call intelligence.

Mysl a vědomí u zvířat / Animal Mind and Consciousness

Richterová, Klaudie January 2017 (has links)
Název diplomové práce: Mysl a vědomí u zvířat Vedoucí práce: prof. Karel Thein, Ph.D. Vypracovala: Bc. Klaudie Richterová Abstract This thesis examines the issue of cognition, mind and consciousness of living beings other than humans. It starts with the attitudes of two contemporary thinkers: Thomas Nagel and Daniel C. Dennett. In connection with their opinions, this thesis examines a certain number of questions: Might there be something like a subjective experience of life or being? How can one know that others have mental states that are like one's own? How important is a fact that nonhuman animals cannot describe their mental states in language? Is it possible to connect the observable characteristics of animals (behavioral or neurological) to consciousness? Nagel assumes that individuals have a proprietary perspective on their own perceptual, cognitive and emotive processes. Dennett argues that consciousness is essentially an illusion created by language, which is why he concludes that consciousness is uniquely human. What complicates the whole issue is the essential inwardness of the conscious experience. We objectivize this inwardness per our aim to know, and thus deprive it of its essence. Thereby, very often, we lose sight of what we want to examine.

Husserl a neurofenomenologie: Epoché, interview, praxe / Husserl and neurophenomenology: Epoché, interview, practice

Ježek, Rostislav January 2015 (has links)
Bc. Rostislav Ježek Diploma thesis - Husserl and neurofenomenology: Epoché, interview, practice Abstract The theme of this work is conception of practical usage of epoché in phenomenology, where epoché is carried out by philosopher in his lone meditation, and in the project of neurophenomenology, where epoché is to be found in the situation of interview. The aim of this work is, on the base of reflexion of the general practical framework of epoché, to put a question of the nature of epoché in phenomenology and of possibilities of its usage in neurophenomenology. These question will be anwered during the elaboration of progressive carrying out of epoché of experience of the one, who carries it out. We will see its natural affinity with the common attitude and with neurophenomenological epoché, which otherwise may seem naiv. Then, we will try to show, that Husserl's late theory of transcendental idealismus may be grasped as a conception of the influence, which the epoché exerts upon the experience of the one, who carries it out. At the end, we will try to show, that neurophenomenological research and research of neurophenomenology give phenomenology an oportunity to think deeper about its own methods. We will show, that the conception of dependence of the situation of the practical carrying out of epoché can...

Způsoby vzniku a reprodukce historického vědomí na příkladu spolku Radecký Praha / The creation and reproduction of historical consciousness on the example of the association Radecký Praha

Petrnoušková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis "The creation and reproduction of historical consciousness on the example of the association Radecký Praha" deals with the historical consciousness, its creation and reproduction. The theoretical part defines not only historical consciousness but also pays attention to the related issues, such as collective memory, historical memory, sites of memory, or national identity, due to the fact that the boundaries between collective memory and historical consciousness are often at least unclear. Theoretical part is primarily based on the works of Maurice Halbwachs, Jan Assmann, Miroslav Hroch and Pierre Nora. The empirical part of this study concludes the research of the association Radetzky Prague, which seeks to return the monument of Marshal Radetzky on the Malostranské náměstí. The research tries to describe and understand the ways of creation and reproduction of historical consciousness of its members throughout the analysis of qualitative interviews. Mentioned authors already provide a certain methodological background research. Conclusion contains a summary and a comparison of research results with theses of authors that are dealing with similar themes. This work is not a purely historical or sociological one; it is trying to stay somewhere between historical and sociological...

Anticipační zdroje a jejich interakce při příjmu podání v tenise / Anticipation sources and interaction during the serve return

Reischlová, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
Title: Anticipation sources and interaction during the serve return Objectives: The objectives of this diploma thesis are to explore what kinds of anticipatory resources elite tennis players perceive and which ones they take in consideration when returning the service. Methods: The qualitative type of research was used in this diploma thesis, specifically a case study. Professional tennis players were chosen and their ATP emplacement is from 26th to 163th in the world. Five of the chosen tennis players only train now, two of them train and also play and the other two only play. Their age varies from 25 to 43 years old. A method of review with instruction was used, the review had seven questions and lasted approximately 30-60 minutes during which the players thought in detail of key factors that they use for anticipation the service. The second phase of the research was a transcription of the review, its coding and analysis. Results: In this diploma thesis there is a description of individual themes that point out to other anticipatory resources which tennis players examine during their matches. Tennis players examine contextual and kinematic resources that help them to anticipate the service during the match. It was also found that tennis trainers do not use anticipation and returning the service...

Problém sebevědomí ve filozofii J. G. Fichta. Studie k pragmatickým dějinám lidského ducha / The Problem of Self-consciousness in Fichte's Philosophy. Study in Pragmatic History of the Human Mind

Vrabec, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Submitted essay is an inquiry into J. G. Fichte's early philosophy focused particularly on Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre as a central work of his early period. Interpretation is based on assumption that its principal aim consists in manifestation of the way leading to emergence of our commonsense and ordinary understanding with reference to both world and ourselves. This approach carries Fichte's affilation with tendency inherent to transcendental philosophy of his era not only in its search for the origin of empirical knowledge, but for the origin of aprioristic structures of our experience especially. His transcendentally laden search manifests itself as so called "pragmatic history of the human mind", the principal object of our inquiry. Here we can find an attempt to reconstruct just transcendental, but not "real", temporally sequential, genesis of our mind from original state of feeling to our common representation both about independently existing things and ourselves as free cognizing subjects. Application of this philosophical method allows him to genetically derive and justify basic forms of our experience and its aprioristic components like space, time, substantiality or causality. The first part of essay introduces fundamental principles of Fichte's philosophical system and...

Člověk v prostoru, prostor v člověku. Procházka městem jako manifestace prostorovo-pobytového celku, chápaného za pomoci principu dějinného vědomí / Human in Urban Space, Urban Space in Human

Černá, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis will be focused on relationship of human and space, formed by moment of their encounter. The main aim of work is to express relation between human and space in existential dimension of their mutual formation. This process is continuous and it is embodied in hermeneutical spiral. Result of this Work is the attempt to erase subject-object therminology in the context of relationship of human and space by applying principle of historical consciousness. Concept of lived space is manifested on example of Prague city walk, in which there are human and space mutually formed as a continuously changing complex, not the separate units. Key words human, hermeneutic circle, objectivism, move, principle of historical consciousness, walk, space, subjectivism, memory, relationship

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