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Bridging the gap between being innovative and deriving sustainable value: Empirical insights into the value creation ability of innovationsSchneider, Malte Hans Georg 30 May 2024 (has links)
This publication-based dissertation, comprising four unique research papers published in peer-reviewed journals, contributes to innovation management theory and explores how organizations can maximize the value of innovations in the new digital normal. It draws insights from 31 cases, 86 semi-structured interviews, and 804 survey participants (excluding pilot studies), employing a diverse range of qualita-tive and quantitative methodologies. The dissertation investigates how organizations can create and cap-ture value from innovations, focusing on contingent and contextual dimensions, capabilities, and leader-ship styles. As a result, it makes four key theoretical contributions. First, it proposes that innovation performance is equifinal but contingent on the configurational approach for each organization (e.g., combinatorial recipe). Alignment between innovation approaches and performance strategies is essen-tial to gain a competitive advantage. Second, it underscores the vital role of middle managers as the crucial link between top management and employees. This middle-up-down management approach combines distinct leadership and communication capabilities to integrate innovations (e.g., innovative work behaviors, digital technologies) into daily working routines, thus facilitating innovation routiniza-tion (e.g., effective innovation implementation). Third, organizations that possess adequate higher-order business model and process efficiency dynamic capabilities evaluate various dimensions (e.g., value, individual, technological, organizational) in their internal and external contextual periphery to deter-mine their action potential. This enables them to assess, reconfigure, and integrate value creation oppor-tunities into their operational capabilities (e.g., business model, processes), leading to improved per-formance when digitally transforming. Fourth, this dissertation conceptualizes the multidimensional (e.g., individual, team, organizational) digital leadership phenomenon, grounding it in the domain of (strategic) leadership theories. Digital leaders constantly oscillate between leading themselves and oth-ers and leading their organizations to create innovative work environments that foster performance. The combined findings of the dissertation call for novel market approaches and adjusted forms of leadership for organizations to thrive in the new digital business landscape. Avenues for further research to enrich the current academic discourse are also presented. If organizations are to enhance their performance (e.g., increase the likelihood of capturing value from their innovations, or deriving a competitive ad-vantage), understanding the underlying mechanisms outlined in this dissertation should help organiza-tions in this endeavor.
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Off-Peak Deliveries from a Business Model PerspectiveALLMÉR, KATARINA, FEYCHTING, SOFIA January 2016 (has links)
With an increasing urban population around the world, the need for urban freight distribution is constantly growing. Many cities face problems with traffic congestion, especially during eak hours in the morning and afternoon. At the same time, the roads are often nearly empty during nighttime. In some cities, like Stockholm, heavy haulage is not permitted to enter the city during the night. This means that carriers are forced to perform these deliveries during the day, which leads to inefficient distribution. To investigate the possibilities to use nighttime hours for deliveries, which could lead to a more efficient distribution system and increased sustainability of the city, a pilot project has been initiated by the City of Stockholm to test off-peak deliveries. Other similar trial projects have encountered difficulties with getting businesses to participate, and the incentives to shift to offpeak deliveries have been unclear. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate what incentives there are for actors within a supply chain to make this shift and the key factors that enable the supply chain to benefit. The thesis is performed as a case study on the pilot project in Stockholm, and uses a business model perspective to analyze how value is created and captured throughout the supply chain. The results show that there is potential for supply chains to increase its total value through offpeak deliveries as a result of increased efficiency, improved delivery reliability and increased utilization of trucks. Pricing models and relative negotiation power between actors have a large effect on how the value is distributed. The main contributors to creating increased value are sufficient delivery volume, compatible processes, and full utilization of trucks. The possibility to use off-peak deliveries for marketing is relatively unexploited and could potentially create more value. / Med en ökande befolkning i städer världen över ökar också behovet av varudistribution istadskärnor. Många städer har problem med trängsel i trafiken, i synnerhet under rusningstid på morgonen och eftermiddagen. Samtidigt är vägarna ofta nästan tomma på natten. I en del städer, som Stockholm, är det förbjudet att köra tung lastbil i innerstaden under natten. Detta betyder att distributörer är tvingade att utföra dessa leveranser under dagtid, vilket leder till ineffektiv distribution.För att undersöka möjligheterna att utnyttja nattens timmar till leveranser, vilket skulle kunna leda till ett mer effektivt distributionssystem och en ökad hållbarhet för staden, har ett pilotprojekt initierats av Stockholms Stad för att testa nattliga leveranser. Andra liknande projekt har stött på problem med att få företag att deltaga, och incitamenten för att flytta leveranser till nattetid har varit otydliga. Därför syftar detta arbete till att undersöka vilka incitament som finns för aktörer inom en försörjningskedja att göra detta byte och vilka huvudfaktorer som möjliggör att kedjan kan dra fördel av det.Arbetet utförs i form av en fallstudie på pilotprojektet i Stockholm, och använder ett affärsmodellsperspektiv för att analysera hur värde skapas och fångas inom kedjan. Resultaten visar att det finns potential för försörjningskedjor att öka sitt totala värde genom nattliga leveranser som ett resultat av ökad effektivitet, förbättrad leveranssäkerhet och ökad nyttjandegrad av lastbilen. Prismodeller och relativ förhandlingsmakt mellan aktörer har en stor påverkan på hur värdet fördelas. De faktorer som bidrar mest till ett ökat värde är tillräcklig leveransvolym, kompatibla processer och hög nyttjandegrad av lastbilar. Möjligheten att använda nattliga leveranser för marknadsföringssyfte är relativt outnyttjat och skulle potentiellt kunna skapa mer värde.
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半導體原物料通路商之策略研究 / Strategy Research for Semiconductor Manufacturing Raw Material Distributors: the Case Study of Topco Scientific Co., Ltd陳建勳, Chen. Chien-Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
(3)個案公司如何作到提升營業利潤及實現公司價值?亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? / 本研究使用吳思華教授的「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析進行個案研究。策略三構面理論主張,規劃企業策略時,可以由下列觀點進行:
(3)事業網路:體系成員、網路關係、網路位置 / 此外,本研究也將探討三構面之間彼此的調整關係。至於四個競技場分析,則是以下列四個不同觀點,分析企業的策略:
(4)異質與同形競技場 / 本研究針對崇越科技的四項重要策略事件,包括成立光電材料部、成立水處理部、IPO、成立中古設備部等,進行策略三構面分析,以及四個競技場分析。藉以研究半導體原物料通路商如何增強價值展現,如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋。茲將各策略事件分述如下所示:
崇越科技成立中古設備部,以成為高科技產業的全方位供應者。崇越科技掌握半導體中古設備的商機,使得營運範疇得以擴展至中古設備的買賣、運送、設備翻新、裝機、零件供應、機台調校、甚至包括製程參數設定。「高科技產業的全方位供應者」的公司願景,也使得崇越科技得以在半導體產業有更明確的定位。 / 經由「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析,確定崇越科技的四項策略事件對於其成長具有重大意義。崇越科技的營運範疇、核心資源、事業網路在各個策略事件之後均有顯著的擴展,而不論是在「價值-效率」、「能耐-結構」、「實力-體系」、「異質-同型」競技場,都可看到崇越科技的具體成長趨勢。因此,崇越科技在四個策略事件中所採行的各項關鍵策略,應可成為半導體原物料通路商在勾勒其未來發展的營運策略時的標竿參考。 / 在本研究的事件描述及三構面調整關係當中,我們可以整理出來個案公司在各個策略事件所運用的關鍵策略,並依研究目的所要探討的主題歸納如下:
4)健全而靈活的財務控管是通路商持續成長、實現公司價值的重要基礎。 / As Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association pointed out, semiconductor industry had been and is of great contribution to Taiwan in the aspects of GDP, foreign currency income, tax income, unemployment rate, government investment achievement, and also subsidiary industry of wafer fabrication. Semiconductor manufacturing raw material distributors play a very important role in semiconductor industrial value chain, who bridging the raw material manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers. Topco Scientific Co., Ltd (TSC) is a leading company of semiconductor raw material distributor in Taiwan and Great China Region. TSC would be the case to be studied on the strategy of its continuous growth. / A successful business model should cover how to enhance “Value Proposition”, how to perform “Value Delivery”, and how to achieve “Value Capturing”. In the study of TSC’s continuous growth, we shall be able to identify the key strategies which were employed in the following three themes:
1. How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition?
2. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery?
3. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? / “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis by Dr. S.H. Wu were applied in this study. The “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory provides the scope of establishing a thorough business strategy, and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploit the business growth in four different points of view. “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory claims the following aspects should be reviewed when establishing the business strategy:
1.Business Domain : product/market, business activities, business geography, business scale
2.Core Resource : physical/non-physical properties, personal/ganizational competence
3.Business Network : network parties, network relationship, network position
Also, the adjustment/correlation of these three aspects should be discussed. The “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploits the status of company’s strategy in four different points of view:
1.Value-Efficiency coliseum
2.Competence-Organization coliseum
3.Power-Networks coliseum
4.Innovation- Authenticity coliseum / This study applied the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis on TSC’s four critical strategic issues including the issues of establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department”, establishing the “Water Treatment Department”, IPO, and establishing the “Used Machine Department”. From which we could conclude how the semiconductor raw material distributors enhancing their Value Proposition, improving their Value Delivery, and achieving their Value Capturing. The briefing of these four issues is as followings:
Issue 1: Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department”
Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” was to extend the TSC’s business model from indent order business to stock sale business. Also, this issue strengthened TSC’s ability of technical service, logistics, and financial management. The success of DUV Resist brought annual revenue of over NTD1.8 billion in 2005. Other major products such as CMP slurry, Epoxy Molding Compound, IC Underfill Material…could also copy the business model of DUV Resist.
Issue 2: Establishing the “Water Treatment Department”
Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” was to create new business in the semiconductor manufacturers’ facility area. TSC built up their engineering capability and also the subcontractor network. The success of separating the water treatment business into pure water and waste water two categories let TSC could have their own brand waste water business. Water treatment business contributed NTD1.5 billion in 2005. Also it brought new business chance like Cleanroom and Chemical Supply System.
Issue 3: IPO
IPO to let TSC has much stronger financial flexibility. The company status has been up rated and could be easier to recruit excellent employees. The financial management capability had been improved and the business network is much stronger.
Issue 4: Establishing the “Used Machine Department”
Establishing the “Used Machine Department” was to address TSC as a Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry. TSC captured the business chance of semiconductor manufacturing used machine off-shore service from which they could extend the business to used machine buy-and-sale, logistics, refurbish, installation, parts sourcing, calibration/tuning, and process parameter setting. The company vision of Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry will lead TSC to exploit the semiconductor industry with a higher and thorough position. / Through the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis we could confirm that the above mentioned four critical strategic issues are of great positive effects to TSC in the sense of Business Domain, Core Resource, and Business Networks. Also we could see the continuous growth trend in the Value-Efficiency, Competence-Organization, Power-Networks, and Innovation- Authenticity coliseums. Therefore, the key strategies applied in these four critical strategic issues could be the bench mark of semiconductor raw material distributors for their further growth.
From the description of these strategic issues and the adjustment/correlation of three aspects discussion, we could conclude the key strategies for a successful business model of semiconductor raw material distributor, and list these key strategies with respect to our three themes of study:
How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition?
1.Expanding the service base and providing the total solutions to customers is very essential to secure the agency rights
2.Maintaining a freely flowing and circumspect human relationship network is a must-do job of distributors.
3.Distributors should take very caution when developing own-brand products, should not damage the relationship with principles.
4.Attending the service quality contest will strongly promote company’s image and improve competence.
In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery?
1.The ability of identifying customers’ needs is proportional to the success of continuous growth of distributors.
2.People are the most valuable assets of distributors.
3.Competitions inside customer’s organization should be handled with care, and should maintain good communications with each departments of customer.
4.Distributor should establish an integrated supporting/subcontractor system.
How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing?
1.Multiple business models are adequate for distributor.
2.Rearranging current service contents to create new business niches.
3.Fully utilize core competence to extend product lines and create new values.
4.Nimble and integral financial management is the foundation of long-term growth and can capture company’s value.
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