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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Customer experiences of resource integration : Reframing servicescapes using scripts and practices

Pareigis, Jörg January 2012 (has links)
It is widely acknowledged that value can be regarded as interactively formed by customers through the integration of a variety of resources. However, it is difficult to find service research that takes these concepts seriously in empirical studies. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to present an empirically grounded understanding of how customer resource integration takes place in practice and how customers experience their resource integration. By collecting data of public transport customers through qualitative diaries, interviews, and video recordings of situated action in addition to a survey, the thesis draws on script and practice theory. The main contribution of the thesis is an empirically grounded model of customer experience of resource integration, which can be summarized in six propositions: (a) customers can acquire four different types of scripts: generic, incongruent, rigid, or transformative; (b) the script types are implicit parts of interactive value practices, which emerge as navigating and ticketing in the empirical context of public transport; (c) the interactive value practices are constellations of the resource integration activities of identifying, sense-making, and using, which customers focus on to varying extents, depending on their acquired script; (d) during or after interactive value formation customers potentially update their scripts; (e) customer processes, other customers, the physical environment, contact personnel, provider processes, and the wider environment all form the context of the service, but can also be resources that the customer integrates; and (f) the customer experience is a holistic evaluation of the interactive value formation and can be understood as consisting of three dimensions: a cognitive evaluation and two affective evaluations, positive activation and positive deactivation. As such, I reframe the notion of the servicescape in order for it to be more attuned to the perspective of interactive value formation and resource integration.

Gaining customer insight : How companies can differentiate themselves using a customer-dominant logic approach on business

Nisstany, Karwan, Knezevic, Sasha January 2017 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to develop a holistic understanding of customers’ value perceptions and experiences within the online apparel industry. In doing so, the authors’ hope to develop managerial guidelines for companies to utilize. This will be done with a customerdominant logic approach. Design/Methodology/Approach As the study aims to understand behavior and perceptions, the authors have used an inductive, qualitative method to gain the deepest possible customer insight. By using a case study, the authors have been able to further understand the given context. Using focus group interviews resonated in the authors aim to understand why the participants reasoned as they did, as they would in a focus group session argue for their standpoint. The interview template was influenced by the theories on value formation within customer-dominant logic. Findings This study strengthens the relevance of CD logic empirically and provides a deeper understanding of customers’ value perceptions and the reasons behind them. Functional elements of value were proven to be important, yet it was the values derived of emotional and life-changing elements that created true value. Based on the findings of this study, the authors have proposed a new term, true value, which refers to a state-of-mind in which a person finds in psychological well-being through the experiences derived from a product or service. Furthermore this study highlights social media’s importance within the given context. Originality/Value Previous research on customer-dominant logic has mainly been on a theoretical level. This research contributes to service research by studying the phenomena through empirical research within the online apparel industry. Furthermore, this research develops managerial guidelines for companies applying customer-dominant logic within the given context. Research Implications/Limitations Awareness of the importance of social media within the online apparel industry can provide insight and assist businesses in shaping marketing strategies. This research was limited by time, demographical group and geographical location. Furthermore, the generalizability of the results is limited to the given context.

Värdesamskapande och värdesamförstörande vid onlineshopping : En kvalitativ undersökning om konsumenters perspektiv på onlineshopping / Value co-creation and value co-destruction in online shopping : A qualitative survey concerning consumers’ perspective on online shopping

Fröberg, Sandra, Elfström, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Compared to traditional in-store shopping, online shopping has several benefits which implies that an increasingly number of consumers are shopping over the internet. Despite the popularity of online shopping, there are also several problems and negative aspects with this consumption approach. Previous service research has to a small extent studied value formation in relation to online shopping. In addition, research on value formation has mostly investigated positive aspects in the terms of value co-creation. On the other hand, the negative aspects of value formation, which are termed value co- destruction, have not been investigated to the same extent. This study is based on the service-dominant logic perspective on value formation where a qualitative research of consumers' experiences of online shopping was conducted. This in purpose to increase the understanding of how consumers co-create and co-destroy value in online shopping, and thus contribute to knowledge development in research on value formation. In order to collect empirical data, semi-structured interviews have been used to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between online shopping and value formation. The results of the study were subsequently analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework. The most important findings of the study are that consumer expectations are central in value formation. When these expectations are fulfilled consumers experience online shopping as value co-creation, but when expectations are not fulfilled it becomes value co-destruction. The findings of this study are in line with previous research on the fact that a congruence regarding which engagements, procedures and understandings that are relevant in a specific interaction implicates value co-creation and that incongruence instead results in value co-destruction. One contradiction to previous research, however, is that incongruent perceptions of praxis in a given interaction are not always negative since the findings from this study shows that consumer expectations have sometimes been exceeded. Hence, value co-creation has occurred despite incongruent perceptions. The study also shows that value-in-exchange is at least as important as value-in-use since many consumers choose online shopping because of cheaper prices. / Jämfört med traditionell handel i butik är onlineshopping förknippat med ett flertal fördelar vilket inneburit att allt fler konsumenter handlar över internet. Trots onlineshoppingens popularitet finns det också åtskilliga problem och negativa aspekter med detta konsumtionssätt. Tidigare tjänsteforskning har i liten utsträckning studerat värdeformering i samband med onlineshopping. Forskning kring värdeformering har dessutom mestadels undersökt positiva aspekter i form av värdesamskapande. De negativa aspekterna av värdeformering, som benämns värdesamförstörande, har däremot inte undersökts i samma utsträckning. Denna studie utgår från det tjänstedominanta perspektivet på värdeformering där en kvalitativ undersökning av konsumenters upplevelser av onlineshopping genomförts. Detta i syfte att bidra till att öka förståelse för hur konsumenter samskapar respektive samförstör värde vid onlineshopping och därmed bidra till kunskapsutveckling inom forskningen om värdeformering. För insamlandet av empiriska data har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts för att få en djupare förståelse kring relationen mellan onlineshopping och värdeformering. Studiens resultat har därefter analyserats i förhållande till det teoretiska ramverket. De viktigaste resultaten från studien är att konsumenternas förväntningar är centrala vid värdeformering. När dessa förväntningar uppfylls upplever konsumenterna onlineshoppingen som värdesamskapande, men när förväntningarna istället inte uppfylls blir det värdesamförstörande. Studiens resultat går i linje med tidigare forskning kring att en kongruens gällande vilka mål, regler och kunskaper som är relevanta vid en specifik interaktion medför värdesamskapande och att en inkongruens istället resulterar i värdesamförstörande. En motsägelse mot tidigare forskning är dock att inkongruenta uppfattningar kring praxis vid en viss interaktion inte alltid är negativa i och med att studiens resultat visar på att konsumenternas förväntningar ibland har överträffats. Därav har värdesamskapande skett trots inkongruenta uppfattningar. Studien visar även på att värde i utbytet är minst lika viktigt som värde i användandet på grund av att många konsumenter väljer onlineshopping till följd av billigare priser.

La valeur pour le consommateur d'une pratique de maîtrise de consommation : le cas de l'électricité / The value, for the consumer, of a practice of controlling consumption : the case of electricity

Innocent, Morgane 06 December 2017 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet de comprendre le sens que le consommateur donne à ses actes quand il pratique la maîtrise de sa consommation électrique (MCE), au sein de son foyer. La valeur produite par les différentes activités relevant de la MCE, comme, par exemple, éteindre les appareils en veille, constitue un reflet du sens que le consommateur attribue à cette pratique. Nous nous sommes, dans un premier temps, interrogés sur la nature des sources de valorisation et de dévalorisation qui émergent de la MCE. Nous avons identifié vingt-cinq sources qui sont autant d’appréciations ou de dépréciations de la MCE pour le consommateur. Nous avons ensuite cherché à déterminer comment ces sources sont structurées et nous avons pu déterminer que, dans l’esprit du consommateur, la valeur de la MCE se caractérise selon sept composantes. Quatre sont des composantes de valorisation (environnementale et citoyenne, de gestion du foyer, du bien-être eudémonique et des bénéfices secondaires) et trois sont des composantes de dévalorisation (expérientielle, sociale et associée au manque de connaissance). Nous avons ensuite cherché à comprendre comment la valeur de la MCE émerge de la pratique et quel peut être le rôle des différentes composantes (de valorisation et de dévalorisation) dans la formation de la valeur pour le consommateur et dans la conduite de son action. Nous avons pu confirmer que plus un individu réalise des gestes de MCE, plus il apprécie cette pratique via les composantes de valorisation et moins il la déprécie via les composantes de dévalorisation. Nous avons aussi constaté que le sens de la pratique évolue et s’enrichit quand elle s’intensifie. Deux leviers principaux se distinguent : la valorisation de la MCE au travers de ses conséquences sur la gestion du foyer et le bien-être de type eudémonique qui est retiré de cette pratique par l’individu. Le premier possède une influence très forte sur l’évaluation de la MCE par les consommateurs, et le second, dès lors qu’un individu pratique réellement la MCE, conduit les individus à poursuivre dans cette voie. / This thesis aims to understand the meaning that the consumer ascribes to his acts when one practises electricity consumption control (ECC) inside the dwelling. The value perceived by consumers associated with the various ECC’s activities, as, for example, to switch off devices in sleep mode, constitute a reflection of the meaning the consumer confers to this practice.We wondered, at first, about the nature of the sources of valuation and depreciation which emerge from the ECC. We identified twenty five sources which are so many appreciations or depreciations of the ECC for the consumer. Then, we tried to determine how these sources are structured and we were able to determine that, for consumers, the value of the ECC is characterized by seven components. Four of them are components of appreciation (environmental and citizen, of household management, the eudemonistic well-being and secondary profits). The three other are components of depreciation (experiential, social and associated with a lack of knowledge).Subsequently, we tried to understand how the value of the ECC emerges from the practice itself. We, also, wondered about the role of the various components (of appreciation and depreciation) in the ECC valuation for the consumer and in the conduct of action. We were able to confirm that the more an individual realizes ECC’s gestures, the more he appreciates this practice via the components of appreciation and the less he depreciates it via the components of depreciation. We also noticed that the meaning of the practice evolves and expands when practice becomes intensified. Two main levers set apart: the appreciation of ECC through its consequences on the household management and the eudemonistic wellbeing which is removed from this practice by the individual. The first one has a very strong influence on the evaluation of ECC by the consumers, and the second, once an individual really practises ECC, drives him to continue along this path.

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