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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in Environmental Economic Valuation and Decision Making in the Presence of an Environmental Disaster

Czajkowski, Jeffrey Robert 30 May 2007 (has links)
The first essay developed a respondent model of Bayesian updating for a double-bound dichotomous choice (DB-DC) contingent valuation methodology. I demonstrated by way of data simulations that current DB-DC identifications of true willingness-to-pay (WTP) may often fail given this respondent Bayesian updating context. Further simulations demonstrated that a simple extension of current DB-DC identifications derived explicitly from the Bayesian updating behavioral model can correct for much of the WTP bias. Additional results provided caution to viewing respondents as acting strategically toward the second bid. Finally, an empirical application confirmed the simulation outcomes. The second essay applied a hedonic property value model to a unique water quality (WQ) dataset for a year-round, urban, and coastal housing market in South Florida, and found evidence that various WQ measures affect waterfront housing prices in this setting. However, the results indicated that this relationship is not consistent across any of the six particular WQ variables used, and is furthermore dependent upon the specific descriptive statistic employed to represent the WQ measure in the empirical analysis. These results continue to underscore the need to better understand both the WQ measure and its statistical form homebuyers use in making their purchase decision. The third essay addressed a limitation to existing hurricane evacuation modeling aspects by developing a dynamic model of hurricane evacuation behavior. A household’s evacuation decision was framed as an optimal stopping problem where every potential evacuation time period prior to the actual hurricane landfall, the household’s optimal choice is to either evacuate, or to wait one more time period for a revised hurricane forecast. A hypothetical two-period model of evacuation and a realistic multi-period model of evacuation that incorporates actual forecast and evacuation cost data for my designated Gulf of Mexico region were developed for the dynamic analysis. Results from the multi-period model were calibrated with existing evacuation timing data from a number of hurricanes. Given the calibrated dynamic framework, a number of policy questions that plausibly affect the timing of household evacuations were analyzed, and a deeper understanding of existing empirical outcomes in regard to the timing of the evacuation decision was achieved.

Teachers' Understandings and Attitudes about Argument and the Effects of an Extended Professional Development

Chappell, Manya L 04 May 2018 (has links)
In this dissertation, the researcher examined teachers' understandings and attitudes about the teaching of argument and how professional development (PD) affected those understandings and attitudes. The teaching of argument is important because argument promotes critical thinking skills, authentic learning opportunities, increased conceptual development, and meaningful discussions about topics that are important to students. The researcher gathered data about 14 teachers’ understandings and attitudes and looked at them as a qualitative case study bounded by their common experience in a PD opportunity during the summer with return visits to PD in the fall and the following spring. The findings include: (1) teachers had little to no previous experience with argument in their own learning or teaching, (2) the teaching of a new strategy, like argument, requires ongoing, systematic PD, and (3) after PD the teachers developed more complex, nuanced understanding of and value for the teaching of argument. These findings were significant in that preservice teacher programs, district PD opportunities, and teacher-led PD learning communities must strategically and intentionally address argument for its power in the 21st century classroom.

Three Essays on Exchange Rates and Fundamentals

Ko, Hsiu-Hsin 09 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Graphic Communications Teachers' Concerns and Beliefs Regarding Their Online Teaching of Graphic Communications Hands-On Classes

Carroll, Millicent Hope 09 May 2016 (has links)
Previous literature has exposed the impact of concerns and beliefs on a teacher's decision to adopt online teaching methods, and in particular for Graphic Communications teachers, the extent to which their concerns and beliefs influence whether or not they decide to teach online. The potential problem that may exist is that of Graphic Communications teachers' concerns and beliefs are playing a role in impeding their transitioning to teaching in the online environment. The purpose of this study was to examine how teacher concerns and beliefs might be affecting a Graphic Communications teacher's adoption of online teaching. Although there are a multitude of factors that may inhibit Graphic Communications teachers from teaching online, this study sought to document the extent to which teacher concerns and beliefs toward online teaching impact their decision to adopt these practices. This study included a purposeful sample of 79 Graphic Communications educators across the United States and Canada. Data collected from the Graphic Communications Teachers Beliefs Towards Teaching Online (GCTBTTO) survey were analyzed using the Stages of Concern scoring device, simple means, and sample correlation coefficients to examine participant concerns and beliefs towards online teaching and the relationship between their concerns and beliefs. A theme analysis of open-ended responses about teaching online provided further assessment of participant beliefs and concerns towards the innovation. Findings from this study revealed Graphic Communications teachers who had taught online had higher levels of external concerns and stronger beliefs towards teaching online. Graphic Communications teachers who had not taught online had higher levels of internal concerns and average beliefs towards teaching online. T-tests revealed the difference in concerns between the sub-groups of teachers was significant across all stages except Management, where online and non-online teachers had similar management concerns about online teaching. For online teachers, task value and cost beliefs were found to have a moderately strong negative correlation to concerns in the Awareness stage, with no significant relationship between expectancy/ability beliefs and any stages of concern. For teachers not teaching online, task value and cost beliefs had a strong positive correlation with their Collaboration concerns, and expectancy/ability beliefs were strongly positively related to their Refocusing concerns. These findings also revealed that most Graphic Communications teachers do not believe hands-on courses which require manipulation of machinery can be taught online, although online teachers are teaching these types of classes with hybrid methods of instruction. The findings from this study provide implications for change facilitators and their consideration of faculty concerns and beliefs. The recommendations for this study suggest ways in which researchers, educators, and change facilitators can address concerns and beliefs in order to develop new innovative teaching methods for hands-on classes. / Ed. D.

農地地價之動態研究-現值模型之檢驗 / A Dynamic Study of Farmland Prices - a Test of the Present Value Model

張慈佳, Chang, Tz'u Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於了解台灣地區的農地地價是否符合現值模型,是否存在價格泡沫,以及農地做農業使用時是否存在機會成本。經由VAR模式分析之後發現,就本研究的農地資料而言,台灣地區的農地地價並不符合現值模型,而有價格泡沫現象,此一價格泡沫現象又以位於都市近郊的農地較為明顯。至於農地農用的機會成本,在本研究的實證結果中並不顯著,推論可能是我國現行農地買賣有所限制,以及實證資料係取自「核心農家」的農地所致。   價格泡沫現象的存在,推測是現行土地使用規劃與管制不確實所致,策研擬應以落實土地利用規劃與管制為要。另外,由於農地農用之機會成本並不明顯,表示目前的農地地價尚無法反應工、商業的土地需求,故以地價高低為指標的農地釋出政策,宜再審慎考慮。


Hord, Kyle A 01 January 2014 (has links)
The hardware validation of a novel average-value model (AVM) for the simulation of a synchronous-generator/controlled rectifier system is presented herein. The generator is characterized using genetic algorithm techniques to fit standstill frequency response (SSFR) measurements to q and d-axis equivalent circuits representing the generator in the rotor reference frame. The generator parameters form the basis of a detailed model of the system, from which algebraic functions defining the parametric AVM are derived. The average-value model is compared to the physical system for a variety of loading and operating conditions including step load change, change in delay angle, and external closed-loop control, validating the model accuracy for steady-state and transient operation.

Motivação em aprender música na escola : um estudo sobre o interesse

Pizzato, Miriam Suzana January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata da motivação na aprendizagem musical e teve por objetivo investigar as relações entre os níveis de interesse e os níveis de competência, dificuldade e esforço para aprender música na escola. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo utilizando-se dados secundários da pesquisa internacional "Os significados da música para crianças e adolescentes em ambientes escolares e não-escolares" coordenada por Gary McPherson (EUA) e, no Brasil, conduzida no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, sob a coordenação da Profa Dra Liane Hentschke. Fizeram parte da amostra da presente pesquisa 631 alunos de séries finais do ensino fundamental e médio de 11 escolas (públicas e privadas) de Porto Alegre e interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As idades variaram de 11 até 19 anos, sendo 300 meninos e 331 meninas. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se no modelo de expectativa e valor de Eccles et al. (1983), complementado por outras teorias da motivação que discutem as influências do interesse, autopercepção de competência, dificuldade e esforço na motivação para a aprendizagem. Para a análise de dados foram utilizados procedimentos da estatística descritiva e inferencial, tais como análise descritiva, o teste de correlação de Pearson, o teste qui-quadrado e o teste t. Através da análise descritiva foi identificado que 47,7% dos alunos atribuíram alto interesse em aprender música na escola, 16,2%, médio interesse e 35,8%, baixo interesse. A maioria dos alunos da amostra considerou-se com alta competência (80,3%) e baixa dificuldade (77%) para aprender música na escola. Os resultados também mostraram que houve correlações significativas moderadas e fracas entre os níveis dos fatores investigados. Quanto à questão de gênero, as meninas sentem-se mais competentes e acham menos difícil aprender música na escola do que os meninos. E, em relação ao tipo de escola, pública ou privada, há diferença quanto a sensação de esforço exigido. Os alunos da escola pública percebem uma exigência maior de esforço para aprender música do que os da escola privada. Comparando-se as faixas etárias, as diferenças significativas apresentaram-se relacionadas ao interesse, competência e esforço. O maior interesse, a maior competência e o menor esforço foram atribuídos pelos alunos de 14 a 16 anos. Os resultados referentes ao alto interesse neste trabalho são apoiados pela literatura e por pesquisas feitas sobre motivação na aprendizagem musical realizadas em âmbito internacional. Contudo, os resultados relativos ao baixo interesse são discutidos a partir de questões levantadas sobre o senso de competência, dificuldade e esforço percebidos na aprendizagem da música na escola pelos alunos brasileiros. / This research aimed to investigate the relation among the levels of interest and levels of competence, difficulty and in learning music in school. It consisted in a quantitative study based on secondary data of the international research named, "Meanings of Music for Children and Adolescents in Musical schools and Non-school Activities" under the international coordination of Professor Gary McPherson (USA/Australia). In Brazil the research was coordinated by Professor Hentschke in Brazil (Graduate Program In Music of UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Out of the total Brazilian sample of 1848 students, this study used a sample of 631 students from the final series of Fundamental Education and Secondary Education, of 11 schools (public and private) from Porto Alegre other nearby cities. There were 300 boys and 331 girls between 11 and 19 years-old. Eccles et al. (1983) Expectancy-Value Model was used as a theoretical framework of this work, complemented by other theories of motivation that discussed the influences of interest, self perception of competence, difficulty and effort in motivation to learn. For data analysis some statistical tests were applied such as, descriptive analysis, Pearson test of correlation, Chi- Square test and T test. Through descriptive analysis it was identified that 47,7% of the students conferred high interest in learning music in school, 16,2%, medium interest and 35,8%, low interest. The majority of students from the sample was considerated with high competence (80,3%) and low difficulty (77%) in learning music in school. The results showed also that there were meaningful moderated and weak correlations among the levels of investigated factors. As far as gender is concerned, girls feel more competent than boys and think that it is less difficult to learn music in school. Regarding the kind of school, public and private, there is a difference as to the sensation of the effort demanded. Children from public school perceive more effort required to learn music than those from private school. In comparing age groups, the meaningful differences were related to interest, competence and effort. The greatest interest, the greatest competence and less effort were allocated by students between 14 and 16. The results concerning the high interest to learn music found among students are supported by research on motivation for music learning. However the results about low interest are discussed from the questions raised about the level of competency, difficulty and effort perceived by students in Brazil.

Motivação em aprender música na escola : um estudo sobre o interesse

Pizzato, Miriam Suzana January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata da motivação na aprendizagem musical e teve por objetivo investigar as relações entre os níveis de interesse e os níveis de competência, dificuldade e esforço para aprender música na escola. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo utilizando-se dados secundários da pesquisa internacional "Os significados da música para crianças e adolescentes em ambientes escolares e não-escolares" coordenada por Gary McPherson (EUA) e, no Brasil, conduzida no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, sob a coordenação da Profa Dra Liane Hentschke. Fizeram parte da amostra da presente pesquisa 631 alunos de séries finais do ensino fundamental e médio de 11 escolas (públicas e privadas) de Porto Alegre e interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As idades variaram de 11 até 19 anos, sendo 300 meninos e 331 meninas. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se no modelo de expectativa e valor de Eccles et al. (1983), complementado por outras teorias da motivação que discutem as influências do interesse, autopercepção de competência, dificuldade e esforço na motivação para a aprendizagem. Para a análise de dados foram utilizados procedimentos da estatística descritiva e inferencial, tais como análise descritiva, o teste de correlação de Pearson, o teste qui-quadrado e o teste t. Através da análise descritiva foi identificado que 47,7% dos alunos atribuíram alto interesse em aprender música na escola, 16,2%, médio interesse e 35,8%, baixo interesse. A maioria dos alunos da amostra considerou-se com alta competência (80,3%) e baixa dificuldade (77%) para aprender música na escola. Os resultados também mostraram que houve correlações significativas moderadas e fracas entre os níveis dos fatores investigados. Quanto à questão de gênero, as meninas sentem-se mais competentes e acham menos difícil aprender música na escola do que os meninos. E, em relação ao tipo de escola, pública ou privada, há diferença quanto a sensação de esforço exigido. Os alunos da escola pública percebem uma exigência maior de esforço para aprender música do que os da escola privada. Comparando-se as faixas etárias, as diferenças significativas apresentaram-se relacionadas ao interesse, competência e esforço. O maior interesse, a maior competência e o menor esforço foram atribuídos pelos alunos de 14 a 16 anos. Os resultados referentes ao alto interesse neste trabalho são apoiados pela literatura e por pesquisas feitas sobre motivação na aprendizagem musical realizadas em âmbito internacional. Contudo, os resultados relativos ao baixo interesse são discutidos a partir de questões levantadas sobre o senso de competência, dificuldade e esforço percebidos na aprendizagem da música na escola pelos alunos brasileiros. / This research aimed to investigate the relation among the levels of interest and levels of competence, difficulty and in learning music in school. It consisted in a quantitative study based on secondary data of the international research named, "Meanings of Music for Children and Adolescents in Musical schools and Non-school Activities" under the international coordination of Professor Gary McPherson (USA/Australia). In Brazil the research was coordinated by Professor Hentschke in Brazil (Graduate Program In Music of UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Out of the total Brazilian sample of 1848 students, this study used a sample of 631 students from the final series of Fundamental Education and Secondary Education, of 11 schools (public and private) from Porto Alegre other nearby cities. There were 300 boys and 331 girls between 11 and 19 years-old. Eccles et al. (1983) Expectancy-Value Model was used as a theoretical framework of this work, complemented by other theories of motivation that discussed the influences of interest, self perception of competence, difficulty and effort in motivation to learn. For data analysis some statistical tests were applied such as, descriptive analysis, Pearson test of correlation, Chi- Square test and T test. Through descriptive analysis it was identified that 47,7% of the students conferred high interest in learning music in school, 16,2%, medium interest and 35,8%, low interest. The majority of students from the sample was considerated with high competence (80,3%) and low difficulty (77%) in learning music in school. The results showed also that there were meaningful moderated and weak correlations among the levels of investigated factors. As far as gender is concerned, girls feel more competent than boys and think that it is less difficult to learn music in school. Regarding the kind of school, public and private, there is a difference as to the sensation of the effort demanded. Children from public school perceive more effort required to learn music than those from private school. In comparing age groups, the meaningful differences were related to interest, competence and effort. The greatest interest, the greatest competence and less effort were allocated by students between 14 and 16. The results concerning the high interest to learn music found among students are supported by research on motivation for music learning. However the results about low interest are discussed from the questions raised about the level of competency, difficulty and effort perceived by students in Brazil.

Motivação em aprender música na escola : um estudo sobre o interesse

Pizzato, Miriam Suzana January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata da motivação na aprendizagem musical e teve por objetivo investigar as relações entre os níveis de interesse e os níveis de competência, dificuldade e esforço para aprender música na escola. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo utilizando-se dados secundários da pesquisa internacional "Os significados da música para crianças e adolescentes em ambientes escolares e não-escolares" coordenada por Gary McPherson (EUA) e, no Brasil, conduzida no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, sob a coordenação da Profa Dra Liane Hentschke. Fizeram parte da amostra da presente pesquisa 631 alunos de séries finais do ensino fundamental e médio de 11 escolas (públicas e privadas) de Porto Alegre e interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As idades variaram de 11 até 19 anos, sendo 300 meninos e 331 meninas. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se no modelo de expectativa e valor de Eccles et al. (1983), complementado por outras teorias da motivação que discutem as influências do interesse, autopercepção de competência, dificuldade e esforço na motivação para a aprendizagem. Para a análise de dados foram utilizados procedimentos da estatística descritiva e inferencial, tais como análise descritiva, o teste de correlação de Pearson, o teste qui-quadrado e o teste t. Através da análise descritiva foi identificado que 47,7% dos alunos atribuíram alto interesse em aprender música na escola, 16,2%, médio interesse e 35,8%, baixo interesse. A maioria dos alunos da amostra considerou-se com alta competência (80,3%) e baixa dificuldade (77%) para aprender música na escola. Os resultados também mostraram que houve correlações significativas moderadas e fracas entre os níveis dos fatores investigados. Quanto à questão de gênero, as meninas sentem-se mais competentes e acham menos difícil aprender música na escola do que os meninos. E, em relação ao tipo de escola, pública ou privada, há diferença quanto a sensação de esforço exigido. Os alunos da escola pública percebem uma exigência maior de esforço para aprender música do que os da escola privada. Comparando-se as faixas etárias, as diferenças significativas apresentaram-se relacionadas ao interesse, competência e esforço. O maior interesse, a maior competência e o menor esforço foram atribuídos pelos alunos de 14 a 16 anos. Os resultados referentes ao alto interesse neste trabalho são apoiados pela literatura e por pesquisas feitas sobre motivação na aprendizagem musical realizadas em âmbito internacional. Contudo, os resultados relativos ao baixo interesse são discutidos a partir de questões levantadas sobre o senso de competência, dificuldade e esforço percebidos na aprendizagem da música na escola pelos alunos brasileiros. / This research aimed to investigate the relation among the levels of interest and levels of competence, difficulty and in learning music in school. It consisted in a quantitative study based on secondary data of the international research named, "Meanings of Music for Children and Adolescents in Musical schools and Non-school Activities" under the international coordination of Professor Gary McPherson (USA/Australia). In Brazil the research was coordinated by Professor Hentschke in Brazil (Graduate Program In Music of UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Out of the total Brazilian sample of 1848 students, this study used a sample of 631 students from the final series of Fundamental Education and Secondary Education, of 11 schools (public and private) from Porto Alegre other nearby cities. There were 300 boys and 331 girls between 11 and 19 years-old. Eccles et al. (1983) Expectancy-Value Model was used as a theoretical framework of this work, complemented by other theories of motivation that discussed the influences of interest, self perception of competence, difficulty and effort in motivation to learn. For data analysis some statistical tests were applied such as, descriptive analysis, Pearson test of correlation, Chi- Square test and T test. Through descriptive analysis it was identified that 47,7% of the students conferred high interest in learning music in school, 16,2%, medium interest and 35,8%, low interest. The majority of students from the sample was considerated with high competence (80,3%) and low difficulty (77%) in learning music in school. The results showed also that there were meaningful moderated and weak correlations among the levels of investigated factors. As far as gender is concerned, girls feel more competent than boys and think that it is less difficult to learn music in school. Regarding the kind of school, public and private, there is a difference as to the sensation of the effort demanded. Children from public school perceive more effort required to learn music than those from private school. In comparing age groups, the meaningful differences were related to interest, competence and effort. The greatest interest, the greatest competence and less effort were allocated by students between 14 and 16. The results concerning the high interest to learn music found among students are supported by research on motivation for music learning. However the results about low interest are discussed from the questions raised about the level of competency, difficulty and effort perceived by students in Brazil.

Model pro sledování hodnoty služeb podnikové informatiky: systémový/deterministicky chaotický model / Model for monitoring the value of enterprise Informatics: system / deterministic chaotic model

Filippi, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This study deals with the value of ICT services. Enterprise Informatics is a widespread line of business and it is part of every company. There are not only software and hardware resources in enterprise informatics, but also people belong into and work with informatics every day. Currently, there are new trends how to manage enterprise informatics. Based on the same principles as for the business. A prerequisite for effective management is accurate overview of the costs and benefits. For this purpose there is a group of metrics which ensure measuring the amount of inputs, outputs and quality of services. The value of ICT services should be positive. Benefits should be greater than costs. The aim of this work is to create a model for monitoring the value of enterprise Informatics. Model simulate the dynamics of enterprise informatics and describe all important parameters in terms of value. Model should also find out if there are some external or internal factors, which could bring on some random element complicating the process of effective management.

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