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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multivariate joint tail modelling and score tests of independence

Ramos, Alexandra January 2002 (has links)
Probabilistic and statistical aspects of extremes of univariate processes have been extensively studied, and recent developments in extremes have focused on multivariate theory and its application. Multivariate extreme value theory encompasses two separate aspects: marginal features, which may be handled by standard univariate methods, and dependence features. Both will be examined in this study. First we focus on testing independence in multivariate extremes. All existing score tests of independence in multivariate extreme values have non-regular properties that arise due to violations of the usual regularity conditions of maximum likelihood. Some of these violations may be dealt with using standard techniques, for example when independence corresponds to a boundary point of the parameter space of the underlying model. However, another type of regularity violation, the infinite second moment of the score function, is more difficult to deal with and has important consequences for applications, resulting in score statistics with non-standard normalisation and poor rates of convergence. We propose a likelihood based approach that provides asymptotically normal score tests of independence with regular normalisation and rapid convergence. The resulting tests are straightforward to implement and are beneficial in practical situations with realistic amounts of data. A fundamental issue in applied multivariate extreme value (MEV) analysis is modelling dependence within joint tail regions. The primary aim of the remainder of this thesis is to develop a pseudo-polar framework for modelling extremal dependence that extends the existing classical results for multivariate extremes to encompass asymptotically independent tails. Accordingly, a constructional procedure for obtaining parametric asymptotically independent joint tail models is developed. The practical application of this framework is analysed through applications to bivariate simulated and environmental data, and joint estimation of dependence and marginal parameters via likelihood methodology is detailed. Inference under our models is examined and tests of extremal asymptotic independence and asymmetry are derived which are useful for model selection. In contrast to the classical MEV approach, which concentrates on the distribution of the normalised componentwise maxima, our framework is based on modelling joint tails and focuses directly on the tail structure of the joint survivor function. Consequently, this framework provides significant extensions of both the theoretical and applicable tools of joint tail modelling. Analogous point process theory is developed and the classical componentwise maxima result for multivariate extremes is extended to the asymptotically independent case. Finally, methods for simulating from two of our bivariate parametric models are provided.

Lukiolaisten kokonaispersoonallisesta kouluviihtyvyydestä ja sen yhteydestä arvoihin ja humanisaatioon

Kaikkonen, S. (Seppo) 03 May 1999 (has links)
Abstract The current theses is concerned with the Upper Secondary School students school contentment as it functions in total personality and its connection to values. Personality is seen as a combination of cognition, emotions and actions. Contentment is the functioning of personality. The three basic components mentioned above appear on all levels of personality: concepts, manners, attitudes, norms and values. Primarily in this reseach, the connection of values is regarded in the relation to the school contentment of the upper secondary school students. The third main task is to examine if contentment can be supported by general ?humane values, i.e. if humanization can improve the contentment in the upper seconday school. Humanization is seen as a process of growing up as a human being. The subjects of this research are 799 second class students of upper secndary schools. The cognitions and life values of upper secondary school students are already getting differentiated. Thus, the part that values play in the school contentment is examined in the current report. The aim is to examine whether school contentment apprears as total personal or whether some component is more dominent than the others. Values are national and universal. The aim is to find general human factors of different values, which would be the basis for building the realization and contentment of total personality. According to the research results, school contentment appears threefold and on layers. The strongest area of contentment is emotions, the weakest cognitions. The emotional area of contentment is an expression of ego, cognitions express clearness and cognitional content and action expresses the realization of cognition and emotions in practice. Thus school contentment is the realization of total personality. Contentment is shown by cognitive clearness, receiving and allowing emotions and the realization of these mental basic areas in actions. Those who are contented with upper secondary school favour politically conservative and universal values. Self realization is limited by the norms and culture of the community. Values dont appear, however, balanced but their components, cognitions, emotions and action are even partly illustrations. Mostly, this is due to social pressure to act in accordance with general permission. Values, too, appear in three parts, so that in all value groups, the main areas are congnitions (human dignity), emotions (tolerance) and action (ethics). School contentment is not much explained by the school progress of the student and the basic education of his or her father. Contentment is equal with girls and boys. It is, in general, similar in all upper secondary schools. About 40% of the upper secondary school students have quite good contentment, one third poor. According to this research, school contentment can be built, with good reason, on general human values. Therefore, the functions of information have to be revealed and the emotions connected with them have to be accepted. The condition for this is that school socialization is built in a general, human direction. The attitude to learning has to be cognitive. Emotions will be connected in time with the meanings of words, with the spontanous experience of the individual, naturally weak. The safegarding of learning abilities and learning equipment is of primary importance. Students themselves look for experiences in the culture they face. Upper secondary school studies have to be scholarly. The personal contentment and action of individuals is made possible by the humane athmosphere of the school community. Humanization is a good basis for contentment. The lack of contentment appears as defensiveness, which would be a suitable theme for further research. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitellään lukiolaisten kouluviihtyvyyttä kokonaispersoonallisuuden toimivuutena ja sen yhteyttä arvoihin. Persoonallisuus nähdään ajattelun, tunteiden ja toimintojen muodostamana kokonaisuutena. Mainitut kolme peruskomponenttia ilmenevät persoonallisuuden kaikilla tasoilla: käsitteissä, tavoissa, asenteissa, normeissa ja arvoissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään lukiolaisten kouluviihtyvyyden suhdetta arvoihin. Kolmas päätehtävä on tutkia, voidaanko viihtyvyyttä tukea yleisin, humaanein arvoin eli voidaanko humanisaatiolla edistää lukioviihtyvyyttä. Humanisaatio nähdään ihmiseksi kasvamisen prosessina. Koehenkilöinä on 799 lukion toisluokkalaista. Tiedot koottiin kyselylomakkeilla. Halutaan tutkia, esiintyykö kouluviihtyvyys kokonaispersoonallisena vai onko jokin viihtyvyyden alueista muita hallitsevampi. Arvot ovat kansallisia ja universaaleja. Erilaisista arvoista pyritään löytämään yleisiä ihmistä koskevia tekijöitä, joiden varaan kokonaispersoonallisuuden todentumista ja viihtyvyyttä voitaisiin rakentaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan kouluviihtyvyys ilmenee kolmijakoisena ja kerroksittain. Vahvin viihtyvyyden osa-alue ovat tunteet, heikoin ajattelu. Viihtyvyyden tunnealue ilmentää itsetuntoa, kognitiot kuvaavat selkeyttä ja ajatuksellista tyytyväisyyttä sekä toiminnot ajattelun ja tunteiden todentamista käytännössä. Kouluviihtyvyys on siis kokonaispersoonallisuuden todentumisen ilmentäjä. Kognitiivinen selkeys, tunteiden saaminen ja salliminen, sekä näiden henkisten perusalueiden realisoituminen persoonallisina aktioina ilmentävät viihtyvyyttä. Lukiossa viihtyvät suosivat oikeistolaisia ja universaaleja arvoja. Toimintayhteisön normisto ja kulttuuri rajaavat itsensä toteuttamista. Arvot eivät ilmene oppilaan mielessä kuitenkaan tasapainoisina, vaan niiden komponentit, kognitiot, emootiot ja toiminta, ovat osin jopa erimerkkisiä. Useimmiten tämä johtuu sosiaalisesta paineesta toimia yleisen suotavuuden suuntaisesti. Tunteet hallitsevat ajattelua liikaa. Myös arvot esiintyvät kolmiosaisina. Kaikissa arvoryhmissä painoalueina ovat kognitiot (ihmisarvoisuus), emootiot (suvaitsevaisuus) ja toiminnot (eettisyys). Koulumenestys ja oppilaan isän pohjakoulutus eivät juuri selitä kouluviihtyvyyttä. Tytöt ja pojat viihtyvät yhtä hyvin. Kouluviihtyvyys on yleensä samanlaista kaikissa lukioissa. Noin 40 % lukiolaisista ilmaisee viihtyvänsä aika hyvin, heikonlaisesti viihtyviä on kolmannes. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan viihtyvyyttä voidaan rakentaa perustellusti yleisten humaanien arvojen varaan. Tietojen funktiot tulee siksi paljastaa ja niihin liittyvät tunteet hyväksyä. Tämä edellyttää koulun sosialisaation kehittämistä yleiseen, inhimilliseen suuntaan. Opittaviin asioihin tulee suuntautua kognitiivisesti. Tunteet liittyvät aikanaan sanojen tarkoitteisiin yksilön oman kokemuksen myötä luonnollisen laimeina. Oppimisvalmiuksien ja oppimisen välineiden turvaaminen on ensisijaista. Opiskelijat itse hakevat elämyksensä kohtaamastaan kulttuurista. Lukiossa on syytä opiskella tieteellisesti. Kouluyhteisön humaani ilmapiiri mahdollistaa yksilöiden persoonallisen viihtyvyyden ja toiminnan. Humanisaatio on hyvä viihtyvyyden perusta. Viihtymättömyys ilmenee defensiivisyytenä, joka olisikin sopiva jatkotutkimuksen aihe.

Values and perceptions in organizations; a study of value orientations and social interaction perceptions in education organizations.

Hodgkinson, Christopher Edward January 1969 (has links)
A preliminary analysis of the concepts of attitude and value is made together with an examination of these concepts in relation to general phenomena of perception. The concept of organizational climate as some form of aggregate of social perceptions is then considered and hypotheses are derived specifying relationships between values and perceptions with in an organizational context. The major hypotheses can be summarized as postulating relationships between values and a) perceptions of social and leadership behaviour, b) organizational role, c) the operationalized concepts of authenticity, inner-direction and other-direction, and d) biographical variables. In addition a number of a prioi explorative propositions were stated and the relationship between organizational climate and the concepts of value congruence and consonance were examined and tested. The instruments used for measuring values and perceptions were respectively modifications of the scales developed by William A. Scott and the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire developed by Andrew W. Halpin and Don B. Croft. In addition a general questionnaire was used for the purpose of collecting biographical data. The research was conducted in the early part of 1968 and involved a randomly selected sample of 40 public elementary schools from seven school districts in the Vancouver metropolitan area. Respondents numbered 68 school administrators and 523 teachers. Findings of the empirical study showed significant relationships between values and perceptions at both the individual and the school level of analysis. Significant value differences were observed between administrators and teachers (e.g. the former valuing creativity and independence less than the latter) which cannot be accounted for simply in terms of biographical variance. This leads to the tentative conclusion that organizational role is a substantial determinant of individual value orientation and the consequences are discussed. The findings also lead to certain doubts being cast upon facets of previous research viz., the importance of the notions of value congruence and consonance as developed by Dante Lupini and the conceptual and methodological validity of the organizational climate concept as developed by Andrew W. Halpin. In sum it can be stated that significant relationships' were found between specified values and the dimensions of organizational climate (e.g. directly between intellectualism and intimacy and inversely between independence and esprit) and some evidence was derived to infer a relationship between value orientation and organizational role. A concluding section examines the implications of the findings and proffers a tentative outline or schema for the investigation and development of a theory of organizational value. / Education, Faculty of / Graduate

An analysis of some of the factors which influence the adoption of values by adolescents

Pearson, Donna May January 1972 (has links)
This study was done to determine if students, classified differently on certain environmental and physical determinants, come from differing value populations. This was done by use of two instruments, the Differential Values Inventory for personal values and the Occupational Values Rating Scale for vocational values. Three schools were used, two public schools and a private religious school. The public schools were situated in different socio-economic areas. The students were rated on each of 5 classifications: socio-economic standing, sex, grade, church attendance and school program. Scores were obtained for each student and were analyzed using the Hotelling T² test which gave confidence intervals for acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses that students classified differently on the above named 5 factors would have the same values. It was found that students, when classified according to regularity of church attendance, sex, school program and grade did create populations which held significantly different values. When students were classified according to socio-economic status there was no significant difference in the values they held. / Education, Faculty of / Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department of / Graduate

Valores e educação : a escola deve educar para valores?

Paim, Viviane Catarini 23 March 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação traz como tema principal a questão dos valores em relação ao processo educativo escolar. Seu principal objetivo é analisar a tarefa da escola quanto à educação para valores, frente às transformações sociais e culturais e suas implicações no processo educativo. Para a realização de tal propósito, o método de abordagem será o analítico-interpretativo, sendo que o trabalho dissertativo está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo descreverá a sociedade contemporânea e suas principais transformações no âmbito social e cultural. Por isso, se valerá das contribuições do sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman, no intuito de apresentar as principais características presentes no contexto social, para que, em seguida, se possa compreender o papel da escola inserida nesse contexto. Após a apresentação desse panorama, no segundo capítulo, o trabalho dissertativo terá o intuito de destacar o tema dos valores e, para isso, contará com o aporte teórico do filósofo Max Scheler, apresentando suas ideias centrais acerca de sua teoria dos valores. A partir da descrição da sociedade referenciada por Bauman e da teoria dos valores, formulada por Scheler, no terceiro capítulo, o objetivo será situar e analisar a missão da escola diante das transformações sociais e culturais e seu processo educativo, em especial, frente aos valores. E para a compreensão da missão da escola no contexto hodierno far-se-á a análise do Projeto Político-Pedagógico da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Jardim América do município de Vacaria, no Rio Grande do Sul, porque, através da análise desse documento, é possível compreender e avaliar as metas pretendidas com as ações pedagógicas da Escola, e, além disso, constatar como a respectiva instituição concebe a formação do ser humano, e se, para realizá-la, ela tem a preocupação de educar para valores. À luz dessa análise, por fim, elencar-se-ão alguns valores imprescindíveis, a fim de poder tecer uma relação entre escola, sociedade e valores e compreender que a instituição escolar deve educar para valores. / The present dissertation has as main theme the question of values in relation to the educational process at school. Its main objective is to analyze the task of school on the education for values, compared to the social and cultural changes and their implications in the educational process. To carry out this purpose, the method of approach is the analytical-interpretative, and the dissertation work is divided into three chapters. The first chapter will describe the contemporary society and its major transformations on social and culture scope. Therefore, it will use the contributions of the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, in order to show the main features present in the social context, so that then we can understand the role of schools entered in this context. After presenting this background, the second chapter, the dissertative work has the objective to highlight the issue of values and, to do this, rely on the theoretical philosopher Max Scheler, presenting his central ideas about this theory of values. From the description of society referenced by Bauman and value theory, formulated by Scheler, the third chapter has the objective to situate and analyze the school’s mission face social and cultural transformations and their educational process, in particular, compared to values. And for understanding the school’s mission in today’s context we will analyze the Political Pedagogical Project of the Jardim América State Elementary School, on the city of Vacaria, in Rio Grande do Sul, because through the analysis of this document it is possible to understand and evaluate the desired targets with the pedagogical actions of the school, and also see how the institution sees the formation of human beings, and if, to do it, the school takes care to educate for values. In light of this analysis, finally, we will list some values that are essential, in order to weave a relationship between school, society and values and understand that schools must educate for values.

African customs and values that can enhance seventh-day adventists missions to South Africans with specific reference to the Zulu cultural heritage

Ndlovu, Herbert January 2018 (has links)
This study was carried out in KwaZulu Natal Free State Conference (KNFC) which is under the umbrella of South African Union (SAU) in South Africa. The objective was to determine how African customs and values consistent with biblical principles can enhance Seventh- day Adventist missions among the indigenous South Africans with reference to the Zulu heritage. The study also sought to investigate how embracing African customs and values consistent with biblical principles in mission endeavors has positive effects on indigenous South Africans’ perceptions of the Seventh-day Adventist church and appreciation of Adventism / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / University of Pretoria / Science of Religion and Missiology / PhD / Unrestricted

The establishment of normal adult reference values for a selected panel of laboratory analytes in South Africa

Smit, Francois Christiaan January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Biomedical Sciences))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019

The role of philosophy in the establishment of a framework of values for educational practice in a pluralist South African society

Mncwabe, Patrick Mandla January 1987 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION in the Department of Philosophy of Education at the University of Zululand, 1987. / One of the great issues of the present time in the Republic of South Africa is the problem of all members of the school-going population securing equal educational opportunities. All pupils basically have the freedom to learn. However, pupils cannot reach their full development when denied equal educational opportunities. Educationt positively acknowledges both the communal factors and the diversity of religious and cultural life-styles and languages of the inhabitants. These diversities in the different cultural groups in South Africa are presently receiving structural prominence. The problem, however, justly raised is whether sufficient prominence is being given to commonalities. Very little binding exists between f the heterogenous cultural groups in the R.S.A. Serious polarisation exists and this is apparent in many fields including education. In education in particular this alienation, distrust and anomalous behaviour is examplified by disruption of school programmes in many ways. The question of how education may fulfil a more constructive binding function in such a heterogenous divided society was therefore a problem necessitating problem solving research. The aim of the study was therefore to discover educationally acceptable values of promoting undestanding for, and empathy towards one another among R.S.A. cultural groups. To seek communal factors in the establishment of identity and individual cultural identity and, finally, to seek the achievement and maintainance of common high standards of educational provision in respect of schools, and other educational institutions, and support services. / Sperry; the Ernst and Ethel Eriksen Trust; and the University of Zululand.

The Value of Canopy Cover: Hedonic Pricing Study in Lakeland, Tennessee

Bridges, Lee Eric 07 May 2016 (has links)
Urban forests have been shown to impact residential property values. This research demonstrates the results of a hedonic pricing study to determine the impact of canopy cover on single family residential property values in Lakeland, Tennessee during the period 2001-2005. The influence of canopy cover was evaluated on the lot within buffers of 100m, 500m, and 1km surrounding the lot. The study shows that canopy cover on the lot was not a significant contributor to property values while canopy cover in the buffers had a significant positive influence on home sales prices. Results also indicate that the increased property values lead to increased municipal tax revenues of 1.2-1.7% for every 10% increase in canopy cover. Results of this study can be used to develop similar processes and analyses leading to subsequent benefit-cost ratios for urban forestry programs while providing guidance on strategic tree retention and replacement efforts.

Social Work Values And Hospital Culture: An Examination From A Competing Values Framework

Evans, Amanda 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to assess the perceptions of social workers employed in Florida hospitals in relation to the core values of their profession and the alignment of those values within the culture of their current work setting. The conceptual framework for the study was from organizational behavior theory specific to culture, values, and trust. The Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 1999) provided a method to distinguish co-existing competing values within an organization. The research findings indicated that 65% of the professional social workers who participated in the study perceived that the core values of their profession are very much in alignment with the written mission statement of their hospital. However, less than half of the respondents (42%) stated the daily business of the hospital strongly reflected the mission statement. The social workers perceived the current culture of hospitals in Florida as being closely clustered among four cultures: clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy. However, they would prefer a stronger clan culture and less of a market culture in the future. A large majority (85%) of all respondents communicated that their work assignments allowed them to demonstrate their professional values on a regular basis. However, only 63% stated that they trusted that their hospital valued the knowledge and skills of their profession.

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