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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Value Driven: An Analysis of Attitudes and Values Via BET Programming Past and Present

Rice, Sasha M 01 March 2015 (has links)
This paper explores the general attitudes of African Americans towards the programming disseminated on the BET network past and present (pre-Viacom/post-Viacom). The mass media company Viacom acquired BET from African American founder Robert L. Johnson in 1980. BET under Johnson took pride in its ability to provide sophisticated, value-driven, and positive programming for African Americans. This study looks to see if the cultural values at BET have changed via its programming since Viacom’s purchase. This study utilized social media to survey 100 participants who were born prior to 1984 who identify as African American or mixed African American and are familiar with BET. This paper uses social identity theory to examine the attitudes that the African American participants hold towards BET as they use their value-set to negotiate their social identity via their attitudes with the content shown on BET. This research reveals the importance of viewing cultures as heterogeneous as well as the importance of cultural groups such as African Americans controlling the dissemination of their own cultural messages and images. A paired T-test analysis revealed statistically a significant difference of participant attitudes of BET in the past (1980-1999) and the present (2000-2015). The participants therefore rated BET higher on the average in the past when BET was black owned (pre-Viacom), as opposed to the present now that BET is white owned (post-Viacom).

Understanding of marine environments and sustainability by primary school children in lombok, indonesia

Nusantari, Hani January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Seagrass beds, mangrove forests and coral reefs as a part of marine environments play an important role in the coastal regions. These environments support the coastal communities by providing resources such as food and income. For many years, marine environments have been facing destruction the majority of which is caused by human impact. The lack of knowledge of how to use and manage the marine resources wisely and sustainably is one reason why marine environments are still facing degradation. Primary school children who live in two coastal villages in Lombok Island, Indonesia were questioned about their conceptual understanding of their local marine environments and their ideas about sustainability in these environments. Using an interpretive methodology framework, children and their teachers from Grades 5 and 6 in two primary schools in coastal villages, and elders in the villages were studied and. The data gathered from the children through questionnaires and interviews, and from teachers and elders through interviews. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was used to analyse this data. The children's experiences in their marine environment appear to have strong connection with their knowledge. Their knowledge also developed by interaction with the people in the communities. Children value their local marine environment as a place that provides food for them and their parents teach them to respect it. Long traditions such as dumping waste in the beach or sea has an impact on children from fishing families and creates a contradiction between the positive values they have and negative attitudes they act on. The children are not taught environmental education in the schools since it is not a compulsory subject and teachers lack knowledge about the marine environment. Teachers and elders feel the importance of teaching about the marine environment to their children to give them the knowledge and ability to use the marine resources in sustainable way. For children who are a part of coastal communities, learning about their local marine environment should be made a priority to so they have basic knowledge and understanding in using the marine environment in sustainable ways. Marine environmental education should not only educate children in formal school but also educate people in the communities. The coastal communities as a whole should be working together to achieve the aims of education and conservation. Additionally, the school as a whole needs to support the implementation of marine environmental education.

Tipološki pristup dimenzijama ideološke orijentacije / Typological approach to dimensions of ideological orientation

Selimović Alija 20 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Ispitivanje prikazano u radu problematizira relacije između ličnosti posmatrane sa tipolo&scaron;ke perspektive i ideologije obuhvaćene preko sistema vrijednosti, dru&scaron;tvenih stavova i religioznih uvjerenja. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 1046 ispitanika (65% žena), starosti 18-74 godine (prosječna starost 32,74 godine). U ispitivanju su kori&scaron;teni sljedeći instrumenti: upitnik ličnosti Velikih pet plus dva (VP+2), &Scaron;varcov upitnik vrijednosti (PVQ), Ajzenkova skala dru&scaron;tvenih stavova, Skala religioznih uvjerenja i Skala polariteta.<br />Klasterizacija upitnika VP+2 dovela je do kategorizacije ličnosti na: hiperkontrolisani, rezilijentni i hipokontrolisani tip. Rezultati su pokazali da se za svaki od tipova ličnosti veže specifičan vrijedonosni profil. Rezilijentni tip ličnosti se uglavnom veže za klaster vrijednosti Otvorenost za promjene (Nezavisnost, Poticaj) i Sopstveno odricanje (Univerzalnost, Dobronamjernost), dok se hipokontrolisani tip uglavnom veže za klaster vrijednosti Samounapređenja (Postignuće, Moć). Oko 40% varijabiliteta vrijednosti može se objasniti preko tipova ličnosti. Dru&scaron;tveni stavovi Etnocentrizam i Liberalizam slabo su povezani sa tipovima ličnosti. Isto je konstatovano i za religiozna uvjerenja i normativno-humanističku orijentaciju. U osnovi,<br />ličnost posmatrana preko tipova ili preko dimenzija, nije se pokazala kao značajan prediktor političkog pona&scaron;anja. Dru&scaron;tveni stavovi i vrijednosti takođe su skromni prediktori političkog pona&scaron;anja, s tim da je prognoza ne&scaron;to bolja u slučaju predikcije glasanja za stranke desnog centra (SDA), gdje je moguće objasniti oko 20% varijanse glasačkog pona&scaron;anja.</p> / <p>This study discusses relation between personality from aspects of typological perspective and ideology determined as system of values, social attitudes and religious beliefs. The research was conducted on sample of 1046 respondents (65% female), aged from 18 to 74 years (average age 32,74 years). The instruments administrated in research were: Big Five plus Two (Velikih pet plus dva, VP+2), Schwartz Value Survey (PVQ), Eysenck&rsquo;s Inventory of Social Attitudes, Religious Beliefs Scale and Polarity Scale.<br />Clustering of Big Five plus Two (VP+2) inventory led to the categorization of personality to overcontrolled, undercontrolled and resilient type. The results showed that specific value profile is related to each type of personality. Resilient type is mostly related to the value cluster Openness to Change (Self direction and Stimulation) and Self-Transcendence (Universalism and Benevolence), while undercontrolled type is mostly related to value cluster Self-Enhancement (Power and Achievement). About 40% variance of values could be explained through personality types. Social attitudes Ethnocentrism and Liberalism are weakly associated with personality types. The same relation could be stated to religious beliefs and normative-humanistic orientation with personality types. Basically, personality operationalized through types or through dimensions either, has not showed as&nbsp;significant predictors of political behavior. Social attitudes and values are modest predictors of political behavior, although the prediction is somewhat better in case of prediction for right-wing parties (SDA), where is possible to explain about 20% of variance of political behavior</p>

Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais : um modelo teórico-explicativo

Saldanha, Ricardo Pedrozo January 2012 (has links)
Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais é o tema do presente estudo. Para tanto, foram traçados três objetivos, que culminaram em três estudos. Estudo 1: Traduzir, testar os princípios métricos de validade de conteúdo e de consistência interna do Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Estudo 2: Explorar as associações (relações) entre importantes variáveis dos valores do esporte (Status, Competência e Moral), clima motivacional (ao Ego e à Tarefa) e atitudes (Pró e Antissociais), a fim de avaliar a validade do Modelo Explicativo de Valores e Atitudes no Esporte (MEVAE) de Lee et al. (2008) em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. Estudo 3: Testar a inclusão da variável de Coping no MEVAE, a fim de contribuir para explicar melhor os valores e atitudes em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. O Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul analisou e aprovou o presente estudo sob o número de protocolo 18.193. Resultados do Estudo 1: A fim de atender o primeiro objetivo da tese, inicialmente, procedeu-se uma tradução “duplo cego”. Posteriormente a este procedimento, três juízes avaliadores, examinaram o Inventário através de uma escala de clareza e pertinência. Os resultados (CVCt) foram satisfatórios e indicam que o IVEJ-2 é válido sob o ponto de vista da Validade de Conteúdo (CVCt > 0,80). Após a validação do conteúdo, um estudo piloto foi realizado e constatado os índices de fidedignidade do Inventário ( Status = 0,711;  Competência = 0,785;  Morais = 0,738). A partir destas constatações foi possível realizar o segundo estudo da tese. Resultados do Estudo 2: A amostra foi composta por 1.125 jovens gaúchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) com idades entre 12 e 19 anos ( X = 13,80; dp = 0,40), que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. Cinco instrumentos foram utilizados (QICV; IVEJ- 2; PMCSQ-2; QAE-16; ‘desejabilidade social’). Constatou-se, a partir dos resultados, que os valores são preditoras do clima motivacional. A associação dos valores com a ‘Orientação à Tarefa’ (OT) representa 19,2% da variância, ao passo que com a ‘Orientação ao Ego’ (OE) foi de 9,8%. Os ‘Valores de Status’ (VS) foi preditor positivo da OE e negativo da OT, e os ‘Valores de Competência’ (VC) e ‘Morais’ (VM) foram preditoras positivos da OT e negativos da OE. A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC e VM sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Resultado do Estudo 3: O presente estudo utilizou a mesma amostra do estudo 2. Foi avaliada, além das mesmas variáveis do estudo anterior, a variável ‘Coping’. A partir da inclusão das variáveis de Coping no MEVAE, constatou-se que os valores (VS negativamente), as ‘Ações Agressivas’ (β negativo), ‘Negação’, ‘Ações Diretas’ e ‘Autocontrole’ (β positivos) são preditoras do clima OT (23,7% da variância; p < 0,05), ao passo que os valores (VS positivamente), ‘Ações Agressivas’ e ‘Reavaliação Positiva’ (β positivos) do clima OE (11,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC, VM e ‘Ações Diretas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS e ‘Ações Agressivas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Considera-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos no presente estudo que o Coping é um elemento fundamental a ser considerado no MEVAE no contexto do esporte social. Os resultados dos três estudos (artigos) indicam importantes contribuições para elucidar, a partir do modelo explicativo MEVAE, a relação dos Valores, Coping, Clima Motivacional e Atitudes de jovens que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. / Values and attitudes of young people playing sport in programs for socially disadvantaged children is the subject of this study. So, were outlined three goals for the thesis that culminated in three studies. Study 1: Translate, test the principles of metric content validity and internal consistency of the Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Study 2: To explore the associations (relationships) between important variables the values of sport (Status, Skill and Morale), motivational climate (the Ego and Task) and attitudes (Pro and antisocial), to assess the validity of the Explanatory Model Attitudes and Values in Sport (MEVAE) of Lee et al. (2008) for youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. Study 3: Testing the inclusion of variable MEVAE Coping in order to contribute to better explain the values and attitudes in youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. The Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul has reviewed and approved this study under the protocol number 18.193. Results of Study 1: To meet the first objective of the thesis, we initially conducted a translation "double blind". Subsequent to this procedure, three judges evaluators examined the inventory across a range of clarity and relevance. The results (CVCt) were satisfactory, and indicate that IVEJ-2 is valid from the point of view of content validity (CVCt> 0,80). After content validation, a pilot study was conducted and verified the reliability indices Inventory ( Status = 0,711;  Competence = 0,785;  Moral = 0,738). From these findings it was possible to perform the second study of the thesis. Results of Study 2: The sample comprised 1125 young gauchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) aged between 12 and 19 years ( X = 13,80, SD = 0,40), who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children. Five instruments were used (QICV; IVEJ-2; PMCSQ-2, QAE-16; 'social desirability'). It was found, from the results, the values are predictors of motivational climate. The association of values with the 'Task Orientation' (OT) represents 19,2% of the variance, whereas with 'Ego Orientation' (OE) was 9,8%. The 'Status Values' (VS) was a predictor of positive and negative OE OT, and the 'Values of Competence' (VC) and 'Moral' (VM) were predictive of positive and negative OE OT. The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of variance). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC and VM on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05) and, on the VS 'antisocial attitudes' by OE positively and negatively by OT (p> 0,05). Results of Study 3: This study used the same sample of study 2. We evaluated in addition to the same variables in the previous study, the variable "Coping". From the inclusion of variables in Coping MEVAE, it was found that the values (VS negatively), the 'Aggressive Actions' (negative β), 'Denial', 'Direct Action' and 'Composure' (positive β) predict Climate OT (23,7% of the variance, p <0,05), whereas the values (VS positive), "aggressive action" and "Reassessment Positive '(positive β) climate OE (11,8% of variance, p <0.05). The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of the variance, p <0.05). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC, VM and 'Direct Action' on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05), and the VS and 'Aggressive Actions' on 'antisocial attitudes' positively and negatively by the OE OT (p> 0,05). It is, from the results obtained in this study that the Coping is a key element to be considered in the context of MEVAE social sport. The results of the three studies (articles) indicate important contributions to elucidate, from MEVAE explanatory model, the relationship of Values, Coping, Motivational Climate and Attitudes of young people who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children.

Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais : um modelo teórico-explicativo

Saldanha, Ricardo Pedrozo January 2012 (has links)
Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais é o tema do presente estudo. Para tanto, foram traçados três objetivos, que culminaram em três estudos. Estudo 1: Traduzir, testar os princípios métricos de validade de conteúdo e de consistência interna do Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Estudo 2: Explorar as associações (relações) entre importantes variáveis dos valores do esporte (Status, Competência e Moral), clima motivacional (ao Ego e à Tarefa) e atitudes (Pró e Antissociais), a fim de avaliar a validade do Modelo Explicativo de Valores e Atitudes no Esporte (MEVAE) de Lee et al. (2008) em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. Estudo 3: Testar a inclusão da variável de Coping no MEVAE, a fim de contribuir para explicar melhor os valores e atitudes em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. O Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul analisou e aprovou o presente estudo sob o número de protocolo 18.193. Resultados do Estudo 1: A fim de atender o primeiro objetivo da tese, inicialmente, procedeu-se uma tradução “duplo cego”. Posteriormente a este procedimento, três juízes avaliadores, examinaram o Inventário através de uma escala de clareza e pertinência. Os resultados (CVCt) foram satisfatórios e indicam que o IVEJ-2 é válido sob o ponto de vista da Validade de Conteúdo (CVCt > 0,80). Após a validação do conteúdo, um estudo piloto foi realizado e constatado os índices de fidedignidade do Inventário ( Status = 0,711;  Competência = 0,785;  Morais = 0,738). A partir destas constatações foi possível realizar o segundo estudo da tese. Resultados do Estudo 2: A amostra foi composta por 1.125 jovens gaúchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) com idades entre 12 e 19 anos ( X = 13,80; dp = 0,40), que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. Cinco instrumentos foram utilizados (QICV; IVEJ- 2; PMCSQ-2; QAE-16; ‘desejabilidade social’). Constatou-se, a partir dos resultados, que os valores são preditoras do clima motivacional. A associação dos valores com a ‘Orientação à Tarefa’ (OT) representa 19,2% da variância, ao passo que com a ‘Orientação ao Ego’ (OE) foi de 9,8%. Os ‘Valores de Status’ (VS) foi preditor positivo da OE e negativo da OT, e os ‘Valores de Competência’ (VC) e ‘Morais’ (VM) foram preditoras positivos da OT e negativos da OE. A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC e VM sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Resultado do Estudo 3: O presente estudo utilizou a mesma amostra do estudo 2. Foi avaliada, além das mesmas variáveis do estudo anterior, a variável ‘Coping’. A partir da inclusão das variáveis de Coping no MEVAE, constatou-se que os valores (VS negativamente), as ‘Ações Agressivas’ (β negativo), ‘Negação’, ‘Ações Diretas’ e ‘Autocontrole’ (β positivos) são preditoras do clima OT (23,7% da variância; p < 0,05), ao passo que os valores (VS positivamente), ‘Ações Agressivas’ e ‘Reavaliação Positiva’ (β positivos) do clima OE (11,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC, VM e ‘Ações Diretas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS e ‘Ações Agressivas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Considera-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos no presente estudo que o Coping é um elemento fundamental a ser considerado no MEVAE no contexto do esporte social. Os resultados dos três estudos (artigos) indicam importantes contribuições para elucidar, a partir do modelo explicativo MEVAE, a relação dos Valores, Coping, Clima Motivacional e Atitudes de jovens que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. / Values and attitudes of young people playing sport in programs for socially disadvantaged children is the subject of this study. So, were outlined three goals for the thesis that culminated in three studies. Study 1: Translate, test the principles of metric content validity and internal consistency of the Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Study 2: To explore the associations (relationships) between important variables the values of sport (Status, Skill and Morale), motivational climate (the Ego and Task) and attitudes (Pro and antisocial), to assess the validity of the Explanatory Model Attitudes and Values in Sport (MEVAE) of Lee et al. (2008) for youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. Study 3: Testing the inclusion of variable MEVAE Coping in order to contribute to better explain the values and attitudes in youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. The Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul has reviewed and approved this study under the protocol number 18.193. Results of Study 1: To meet the first objective of the thesis, we initially conducted a translation "double blind". Subsequent to this procedure, three judges evaluators examined the inventory across a range of clarity and relevance. The results (CVCt) were satisfactory, and indicate that IVEJ-2 is valid from the point of view of content validity (CVCt> 0,80). After content validation, a pilot study was conducted and verified the reliability indices Inventory ( Status = 0,711;  Competence = 0,785;  Moral = 0,738). From these findings it was possible to perform the second study of the thesis. Results of Study 2: The sample comprised 1125 young gauchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) aged between 12 and 19 years ( X = 13,80, SD = 0,40), who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children. Five instruments were used (QICV; IVEJ-2; PMCSQ-2, QAE-16; 'social desirability'). It was found, from the results, the values are predictors of motivational climate. The association of values with the 'Task Orientation' (OT) represents 19,2% of the variance, whereas with 'Ego Orientation' (OE) was 9,8%. The 'Status Values' (VS) was a predictor of positive and negative OE OT, and the 'Values of Competence' (VC) and 'Moral' (VM) were predictive of positive and negative OE OT. The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of variance). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC and VM on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05) and, on the VS 'antisocial attitudes' by OE positively and negatively by OT (p> 0,05). Results of Study 3: This study used the same sample of study 2. We evaluated in addition to the same variables in the previous study, the variable "Coping". From the inclusion of variables in Coping MEVAE, it was found that the values (VS negatively), the 'Aggressive Actions' (negative β), 'Denial', 'Direct Action' and 'Composure' (positive β) predict Climate OT (23,7% of the variance, p <0,05), whereas the values (VS positive), "aggressive action" and "Reassessment Positive '(positive β) climate OE (11,8% of variance, p <0.05). The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of the variance, p <0.05). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC, VM and 'Direct Action' on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05), and the VS and 'Aggressive Actions' on 'antisocial attitudes' positively and negatively by the OE OT (p> 0,05). It is, from the results obtained in this study that the Coping is a key element to be considered in the context of MEVAE social sport. The results of the three studies (articles) indicate important contributions to elucidate, from MEVAE explanatory model, the relationship of Values, Coping, Motivational Climate and Attitudes of young people who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children.

Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais : um modelo teórico-explicativo

Saldanha, Ricardo Pedrozo January 2012 (has links)
Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais é o tema do presente estudo. Para tanto, foram traçados três objetivos, que culminaram em três estudos. Estudo 1: Traduzir, testar os princípios métricos de validade de conteúdo e de consistência interna do Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Estudo 2: Explorar as associações (relações) entre importantes variáveis dos valores do esporte (Status, Competência e Moral), clima motivacional (ao Ego e à Tarefa) e atitudes (Pró e Antissociais), a fim de avaliar a validade do Modelo Explicativo de Valores e Atitudes no Esporte (MEVAE) de Lee et al. (2008) em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. Estudo 3: Testar a inclusão da variável de Coping no MEVAE, a fim de contribuir para explicar melhor os valores e atitudes em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. O Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul analisou e aprovou o presente estudo sob o número de protocolo 18.193. Resultados do Estudo 1: A fim de atender o primeiro objetivo da tese, inicialmente, procedeu-se uma tradução “duplo cego”. Posteriormente a este procedimento, três juízes avaliadores, examinaram o Inventário através de uma escala de clareza e pertinência. Os resultados (CVCt) foram satisfatórios e indicam que o IVEJ-2 é válido sob o ponto de vista da Validade de Conteúdo (CVCt > 0,80). Após a validação do conteúdo, um estudo piloto foi realizado e constatado os índices de fidedignidade do Inventário ( Status = 0,711;  Competência = 0,785;  Morais = 0,738). A partir destas constatações foi possível realizar o segundo estudo da tese. Resultados do Estudo 2: A amostra foi composta por 1.125 jovens gaúchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) com idades entre 12 e 19 anos ( X = 13,80; dp = 0,40), que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. Cinco instrumentos foram utilizados (QICV; IVEJ- 2; PMCSQ-2; QAE-16; ‘desejabilidade social’). Constatou-se, a partir dos resultados, que os valores são preditoras do clima motivacional. A associação dos valores com a ‘Orientação à Tarefa’ (OT) representa 19,2% da variância, ao passo que com a ‘Orientação ao Ego’ (OE) foi de 9,8%. Os ‘Valores de Status’ (VS) foi preditor positivo da OE e negativo da OT, e os ‘Valores de Competência’ (VC) e ‘Morais’ (VM) foram preditoras positivos da OT e negativos da OE. A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC e VM sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Resultado do Estudo 3: O presente estudo utilizou a mesma amostra do estudo 2. Foi avaliada, além das mesmas variáveis do estudo anterior, a variável ‘Coping’. A partir da inclusão das variáveis de Coping no MEVAE, constatou-se que os valores (VS negativamente), as ‘Ações Agressivas’ (β negativo), ‘Negação’, ‘Ações Diretas’ e ‘Autocontrole’ (β positivos) são preditoras do clima OT (23,7% da variância; p < 0,05), ao passo que os valores (VS positivamente), ‘Ações Agressivas’ e ‘Reavaliação Positiva’ (β positivos) do clima OE (11,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC, VM e ‘Ações Diretas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS e ‘Ações Agressivas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Considera-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos no presente estudo que o Coping é um elemento fundamental a ser considerado no MEVAE no contexto do esporte social. Os resultados dos três estudos (artigos) indicam importantes contribuições para elucidar, a partir do modelo explicativo MEVAE, a relação dos Valores, Coping, Clima Motivacional e Atitudes de jovens que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. / Values and attitudes of young people playing sport in programs for socially disadvantaged children is the subject of this study. So, were outlined three goals for the thesis that culminated in three studies. Study 1: Translate, test the principles of metric content validity and internal consistency of the Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Study 2: To explore the associations (relationships) between important variables the values of sport (Status, Skill and Morale), motivational climate (the Ego and Task) and attitudes (Pro and antisocial), to assess the validity of the Explanatory Model Attitudes and Values in Sport (MEVAE) of Lee et al. (2008) for youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. Study 3: Testing the inclusion of variable MEVAE Coping in order to contribute to better explain the values and attitudes in youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. The Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul has reviewed and approved this study under the protocol number 18.193. Results of Study 1: To meet the first objective of the thesis, we initially conducted a translation "double blind". Subsequent to this procedure, three judges evaluators examined the inventory across a range of clarity and relevance. The results (CVCt) were satisfactory, and indicate that IVEJ-2 is valid from the point of view of content validity (CVCt> 0,80). After content validation, a pilot study was conducted and verified the reliability indices Inventory ( Status = 0,711;  Competence = 0,785;  Moral = 0,738). From these findings it was possible to perform the second study of the thesis. Results of Study 2: The sample comprised 1125 young gauchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) aged between 12 and 19 years ( X = 13,80, SD = 0,40), who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children. Five instruments were used (QICV; IVEJ-2; PMCSQ-2, QAE-16; 'social desirability'). It was found, from the results, the values are predictors of motivational climate. The association of values with the 'Task Orientation' (OT) represents 19,2% of the variance, whereas with 'Ego Orientation' (OE) was 9,8%. The 'Status Values' (VS) was a predictor of positive and negative OE OT, and the 'Values of Competence' (VC) and 'Moral' (VM) were predictive of positive and negative OE OT. The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of variance). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC and VM on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05) and, on the VS 'antisocial attitudes' by OE positively and negatively by OT (p> 0,05). Results of Study 3: This study used the same sample of study 2. We evaluated in addition to the same variables in the previous study, the variable "Coping". From the inclusion of variables in Coping MEVAE, it was found that the values (VS negatively), the 'Aggressive Actions' (negative β), 'Denial', 'Direct Action' and 'Composure' (positive β) predict Climate OT (23,7% of the variance, p <0,05), whereas the values (VS positive), "aggressive action" and "Reassessment Positive '(positive β) climate OE (11,8% of variance, p <0.05). The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of the variance, p <0.05). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC, VM and 'Direct Action' on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05), and the VS and 'Aggressive Actions' on 'antisocial attitudes' positively and negatively by the OE OT (p> 0,05). It is, from the results obtained in this study that the Coping is a key element to be considered in the context of MEVAE social sport. The results of the three studies (articles) indicate important contributions to elucidate, from MEVAE explanatory model, the relationship of Values, Coping, Motivational Climate and Attitudes of young people who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children.

Pracovník v organizaci jako její dobrý občan / Employee in an organization as a good citizen

Kadleček, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This graduation thesis focuses on the identification of key sources of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) which are present in a chosen organization. The outcome of this work contains a list of factors which have supporting or adverse effect on OCB usage. The thesis also includes recommendations for arrangements of the working environment which would increase the willingness of the employees to exhibit OCB.

Hodnota a postavení sociálních pracovníků z pohledu veřejnosti / Value and Position of Social Workers from Public View

KROUPOVÁ, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
The theoretical part defines the concept of a social worker. This diploma thesis tries to highlight the fifferences between social workers, workers in social services and health and social workers. Another chapter is devoted to social work itself. Many celebrities have influenced social work, and this thesis gives them place. We live in a postmodern era, which affects us at every step. Social work is influenced by postmodernism as we are. Social worker, is aon important element in the whole social work. Social worker takes on different roles. The roles of social workers are devided in this diploma thesis on role according to the minimum standard of education, the role according to the value systém, the role under the Code of Ethics, the Role Competency Based. Perception of social workers pervades the whole diploma thesis. Social perception is related to how we perceive ourselves. Values and value systems shape the individual's attitude to all areas of human life. Attitudes are formed throughout life and are more or less constant. Supervision, which is described in one of the chapters is an important part of the social worker profession. The concept of lifelong education occupies in the lives of social workers a significant place. Law No. 108/2006 Collections on social services, as amended, requires social workers obliged to further education. The aim of this diploma thesis was to identify the position of social workers in society and finf out how prestigious is the profession of social workers. A secondary aim was to determine what features a social worker should have. The practical part was processed using quantitative research strategy. A method of questioning, questionnaire technique ware used. Collection of questionnaires conducted on the territory of Jindřichohradecko from 15 January to 16 March of 2015. The general public were chosen by quota sampling. People residing in the territory of Jindřichohradecko represent it. Professional public was chosen randomly purposeful choice. Professional public was represented by social workers working in the territory of Jindřichohradecko. 5 hypotheses have been established with regard to the objectives of the work. These are specified in detail in the research part of the diploma thesis. Hypotheses were statistically tested and evaluated as follows: Hypothesis 1: There is no difference in perception of the status of social workers in society between those who have experience with the profession of social worker and those who do not have this experience. Hypothesis 1 was confirmed. Hypothesis 2: There is no difference in perception of presentation profession of social workers by the media between professionals and public. Hypothesis 2 was confirmed. Hypothesis 3: There is no relationship between age and evaluation activities of social worker in professional public. Hypothesis 3 was rejected. Hypothesis 4: The level of educational attainment does not affect how the prestige of social worker is perceived from professional public. Hypothesis 4 was confirmed. Hypothesis 5: There is no correlation between high educational attainment and perceptions of the need for higher education of social workers. Hypothesis 5 was rejected. Social worker are present rather negatively. Negative slideshow presentation helps presentation of social work through the media. Prestige social workers are affected by the prestige of social work. The research results showed that the profession of social worker is neither prestigious nor low prestigious profession or rather low prestigious profession. Professional and general public said the three qualities that should have a social worker: empathy, patience and willingness. Benefits of this diploma thesis can be seen in the presentation of public attitudes towards the profession of social workers. This diploma thesis has helped to clarify the weaknesses in this field and noted the timeliness of the issue of prestige social workers.

The value, place and method of teaching natural science in the foundation phase

Bosman, Linda 31 March 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The study aims at establishing whether Foundation Phase schooling provides a proper foundation for the promotion of scientific literacy. Natural Science in the Foundation Phase is understood as scientific knowledge, process skills, and values and attitudes, which together should foster scientific literacy. Influential perspectives on learning, and teaching methods appropriate to Natural Science education in the Foundation Phase, are reviewed, and the Natural Science Learning Area in the RNCS discussed in the context of global trends in curriculum development. Finally the findings of an empirical survey on the perceptions of Foundation Phase teachers with regard to Natural Science teaching and learning, are presented. Major findings include the following: (1) Scientific literacy is currently not a curriculum priority in the Foundation Phase, due mainly to meagre time allocation and lack of applicable Learning Outcomes. (2) Although teachers appear predominantly positive towards the Learning Area, significant shortcomings need to be addressed before Natural Science teaching in the Foundation Phase may claim to provide the required basis for promoting scientific literacy. OPSOMMING Die studie poog om vas te stel of Grondslagfase-onderrig `n geskikte basis lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. Natuurwetenskappe in die Grondslagfase word beskou as `n kombinasie van wetenskaplike kennis, prosesvaardighede, en waardes en ingesteldhede, wat gesamentlik wetenskaplike geletterdheid ten doel het. Invloedryke perspektiewe op leer, en gepaste onderrigmetodes vir die effektiewe fasilitering van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase word onder die loep geneem voordat die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring bespreek word binne die konteks van wêreldwye neigings in kurrikulumontwikkeling. Laastens rapporterr die studie die bevindinge van `n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies van Grondslagfase-onderwysers rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer. Belangrike bevinding sluit in: (1) Die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid word nie as kurrikulumprioriteit in die Grondslagfase beskou word nie, soos blyk uit die karige toedeling van tyd en aantal leeruitkomste aan die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea op hierdie vlak. (2) Alhoewel onderwysers se persepsies rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer oorwegend positief blyk te wees, is daar ernstige tekortkominge wat aangespreek moet word voordat Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase die vereiste grondslag sal kan lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

The value, place and method of teaching natural science in the foundation phase

Bosman, Linda 31 March 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The study aims at establishing whether Foundation Phase schooling provides a proper foundation for the promotion of scientific literacy. Natural Science in the Foundation Phase is understood as scientific knowledge, process skills, and values and attitudes, which together should foster scientific literacy. Influential perspectives on learning, and teaching methods appropriate to Natural Science education in the Foundation Phase, are reviewed, and the Natural Science Learning Area in the RNCS discussed in the context of global trends in curriculum development. Finally the findings of an empirical survey on the perceptions of Foundation Phase teachers with regard to Natural Science teaching and learning, are presented. Major findings include the following: (1) Scientific literacy is currently not a curriculum priority in the Foundation Phase, due mainly to meagre time allocation and lack of applicable Learning Outcomes. (2) Although teachers appear predominantly positive towards the Learning Area, significant shortcomings need to be addressed before Natural Science teaching in the Foundation Phase may claim to provide the required basis for promoting scientific literacy. OPSOMMING Die studie poog om vas te stel of Grondslagfase-onderrig `n geskikte basis lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. Natuurwetenskappe in die Grondslagfase word beskou as `n kombinasie van wetenskaplike kennis, prosesvaardighede, en waardes en ingesteldhede, wat gesamentlik wetenskaplike geletterdheid ten doel het. Invloedryke perspektiewe op leer, en gepaste onderrigmetodes vir die effektiewe fasilitering van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase word onder die loep geneem voordat die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring bespreek word binne die konteks van wêreldwye neigings in kurrikulumontwikkeling. Laastens rapporterr die studie die bevindinge van `n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies van Grondslagfase-onderwysers rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer. Belangrike bevinding sluit in: (1) Die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid word nie as kurrikulumprioriteit in die Grondslagfase beskou word nie, soos blyk uit die karige toedeling van tyd en aantal leeruitkomste aan die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea op hierdie vlak. (2) Alhoewel onderwysers se persepsies rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer oorwegend positief blyk te wees, is daar ernstige tekortkominge wat aangespreek moet word voordat Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase die vereiste grondslag sal kan lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

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