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Low Temperature Electrical Transport in 2D Layers of Graphene, Graphitic Carbon Nitride, Graphene Oxide and Boron-Nitrogen-CarbonMuchharla, Baleeswaraiah 01 December 2015 (has links)
In this work, we have investigated temperature dependent electrical transport properties of carbon based two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials. Various techniques were employed to synthesize the samples. For instance, high quality large area graphene and boron, nitrogen doped graphene (BNC) were grown using thermal catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Liquid phase exfoliation technique was utilized to exfoliate graphene and graphitic carbon nitride samples in isopropyl alcohol. Chemical reduction technique was used to reduce graphene oxide (rGO) by utilizing ascorbic acid (a green chemical) as a reducing agent. Detailed structural and morphology characterization of these samples was performed using state of the art microscopy as well as spectroscopic techniques (for example; Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), UV-Visible spectroscopy as well as Raman Spectroscopy). The low temperature (5 K< T <400 K) electrical transport properties of these materials show substantial difference from sample to sample studied. For instance, CVD grown graphene film has displayed metallic behavior over a wide range of temperature (5 K < T <300 K). At higher temperatures, resistivity followed linearly with the temperature (ρ(T) ~T). A power law dependence (ρ(T) ~ T4) observed at lower temperatures. Where as liquid phase exfoliated graphene and graphitic carbon nitride samples displayed nonmetallic nature: increasing resistance with decrease in temperature over a wide range (8 K < T < 270 K) of temperature. Electrical transport behavior in these samples was governed by two different Arrhenius behaviors in the studied temperature range. In the case of rGO and BNC layers, electrical conduction show two different transport mechanisms in two different temperature regimes. At higher temperatures, Arrhenius-like temperature dependence of resistance was observed indicating a band gap dominating transport behavior. At lower temperatures, Mott's two dimensional-Variable Range Hopping (2D-VRH) behavior was observed.
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Low-Energy Charge and Spin Dynamics in Quantum Confined SystemsRice, William 06 September 2012 (has links)
Condensed matter systems exhibit a variety of dynamical phenomena at low energy scales, from gigahertz (GHz) to terahertz (THz) frequencies in particular, arising from complex interplay between charge, spin, and lattice. A large number of collective and elementary excitations in solids occur in this frequency range, which are further modified and enriched by scattering, interactions, and disorder. Recent advancements in spectroscopic methods for probing low-energy dynamics allow us to investigate novel aspects of charge and spin dynamics in solids. In this dissertation work, we used direct current (DC) conductivity, GHz, THz, and mid-infrared (MIR) techniques to provide significant new insights into interaction and disorder effects in low-dimensional systems. Specifically, we have studied temperature-dependent magnetoresistance (MR) and electron spin resonance (ESR) in single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), intra-exciton scattering in InGaAs quantum wells, and high-field MIR-induced band gaps in graphene.
Temperature-dependent resistance and MR were measured in an ensemble of SWCNTs from 0.3 to 350 K. The resistance temperature behavior followed a 3D variable range hopping (VRH) behavior from 0.3 to ~100 K. A positive MR was observed at temperatures above 25 K and could be fit with a spin-dependent VRH model; negative MR was seen at low temperatures. In the GHz regime, the ESR linewidth for SWCNTs was observed to narrow by as much as ~50% as the temperature was increased from 3 to 300 K, a phenomenon known as motional narrowing, suggesting that we are detecting the ESR of hopping spins. From the linewidth change versus temperature, we find the hopping frequency to be 285 GHz. For excitons in InGaAs quantum wells, we demonstrate the manipulation of intra-excitonic populations using intense, narrow-band THz pulses. The THz radiation temporarily quenches the 1s emission, which is then followed by an enhancement and subsequent decay of 2s emission. After the quenching, the 1s emission recovers and then eventually becomes enhanced, a demonstration of energy storage in intra-exciton states known as excitonic shelving. We show that the diffusive Coulomb scattering between the 2p and 2s states produces a symmetry breaking, leading to a THz-field-induced 1s-to-2s exciton population transfer.
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Electric field effect in metallic polymersHsu, Fang-Chi 07 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Electrically Conductive Low Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and ApplicationBocharova, Vera 05 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Miniaturization has become a driving force in different areas of technology including microelectronics, sensoric- and bio-technologies and in fundamental science. Because of the well-known limitations of conventional lithographic methods, newly emerging bottom-up approach, utilizing self-assembly of various nanoobjects including single polymer molecules and carbon nanotubes constitutes a very promising alternative for fabrication of ultimately small devices. Carbon nanotubes are attractive materials for nanotechnology and hold much promise to revolutionize fundamental science in a investigation of phenomena, associated with the nanometer–sized objects.It was found in this work that grafted chains of poly(2-vinylpyridine) form a shell covering the carbon nanotubes that makes them dispersible in organic solvents and in acidic water (CNTs-g-P2VP).The positively charged poly(2-vinylpyridine) shell is responsible for the selective deposition of carbon nanotubes onto oppositely charged surfaces. It was established that the deposition CNTs-g-P2VP from aqueous dispersions at low pH is an effective method to prepare ultra-thin films with a tunable density of carbon nanotubes.It was shown that poly(2-vinylpyridine) grafted to carbon nanotubes is a universal support for the immobilization of various nanoclusters at the carbon nanotube's surface. Prussian Blue nanoparticles were selectively attached to the surface of CNTs-g-P2VP.Conducting polymer nanowires are another very promising kind of nanomaterials that could be also suitable for applications in nanodevices and nanosensors. In this work was developed a simple method to control the conformation and orientation of single adsorbed polyelectrolyte molecules by co-deposition with octylamine. A simple chemical route to conductive polypyrrole nanowires by the grafting of polypyrrole from molecules of polystyrensulfonic acid was developed. The dc conductivity of individual polypyrrole nanowires approaches the conductivity of polypyrole in bulk.The conductivity can be described using variable-range hopping model.
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Electrically Conductive Low Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and ApplicationBocharova, Vera 16 December 2008 (has links)
Miniaturization has become a driving force in different areas of technology including microelectronics, sensoric- and bio-technologies and in fundamental science. Because of the well-known limitations of conventional lithographic methods, newly emerging bottom-up approach, utilizing self-assembly of various nanoobjects including single polymer molecules and carbon nanotubes constitutes a very promising alternative for fabrication of ultimately small devices. Carbon nanotubes are attractive materials for nanotechnology and hold much promise to revolutionize fundamental science in a investigation of phenomena, associated with the nanometer–sized objects.It was found in this work that grafted chains of poly(2-vinylpyridine) form a shell covering the carbon nanotubes that makes them dispersible in organic solvents and in acidic water (CNTs-g-P2VP).The positively charged poly(2-vinylpyridine) shell is responsible for the selective deposition of carbon nanotubes onto oppositely charged surfaces. It was established that the deposition CNTs-g-P2VP from aqueous dispersions at low pH is an effective method to prepare ultra-thin films with a tunable density of carbon nanotubes.It was shown that poly(2-vinylpyridine) grafted to carbon nanotubes is a universal support for the immobilization of various nanoclusters at the carbon nanotube's surface. Prussian Blue nanoparticles were selectively attached to the surface of CNTs-g-P2VP.Conducting polymer nanowires are another very promising kind of nanomaterials that could be also suitable for applications in nanodevices and nanosensors. In this work was developed a simple method to control the conformation and orientation of single adsorbed polyelectrolyte molecules by co-deposition with octylamine. A simple chemical route to conductive polypyrrole nanowires by the grafting of polypyrrole from molecules of polystyrensulfonic acid was developed. The dc conductivity of individual polypyrrole nanowires approaches the conductivity of polypyrole in bulk.The conductivity can be described using variable-range hopping model.
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An Investigation Of The Ferromagnetic Insulating State Of ManganitesJain, Himanshu 07 1900 (has links)
Electrical conductance in the ferromagnetic insulating (FMI) phase of manganites has been experimentally investigated. The investigations were performed on single crystals of compositions La0.82Ca0.18MnO3 and Nd0.7Pb0.3MnO3. The nature of electrical conductance is determined to be Shklovskii–Efros variable range hopping (SE–VRH). Further, at high bias levels, non–linear conductance (NLC) is observed. A “hot electron” model, that quantitatively explains the bias and temperature dependence of the NLC, consistent with the SE–VRH nature of electrical conductance, is presented. The limits of validity of the model are discussed.
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Electrical characterization of conductive ion tracks in tetrahedral amorphous carbon with copper impurities / Elektirsche Charakterisierung von leitfähigen Ionenspuren in tetraedrisch amorphen Kohlenstoff mit KupferverunreinigungenGehrke, Hans-Gregor 17 June 2013 (has links)
Die Bestrahlung von tetraedrisch amorphen Kohlenstoff (ta-C) mit schnellen schweren Ionen führt zur Bildung von mikroskopischen elektrisch leitfähigen Ionenspuren mit Durchmessern um 10 nm. Dieses Phänomen ist auf das sp² zu sp³ Hybridisierungsverhältnis des amorphen Kohlenstoffes zurückzuführen. Das einschlagende Ion deponiert eine große Menge Energie innerhalb des Spurvolumens, so dass eine Materialtransformation hin zu höheren sp² Hybridisierung stattfindet. Hierdurch wird die elektrische Leitfähigkeit der Ionenspur stark erhöht. Dieser Effekt kann durch die Zugabe von Verunreinigungen wie Kupfer verstärkt werden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die umfassende Analyse des elektrischen Verhaltens von ta-C mit besonderen Augenmerk auf die Auswirkungen von Kupferverunreinigungen und Ionenspuren. Der Effekt von Kupferverunreinigungen auf das wichtige Hybridisierungsverhältnis vom amorphen Kohlenstoff wird vermessen. Darüber hinaus wurden alle Proben elektrisch mit makroskopischen Kontakten im Temperaturbeireich von 20 K bis 380 K analysiert. Mikroskopisch wurden einzelne leitfähige Ionenspuren mit Hilfe von atomarer Kraftmikroskopie betrachtet. Die statistische Verteilung der Spureigenschaften in Kohlenstofffilmen mit verschiedenen Kupferkonzentrationen werden verglichen, um die Spurbildung besser zu verstehen. Die normalisierten durchschnittlichen Spurleitfähigkeiten aus mikroskopischen und makroskopischen Messungen werden verglichen. Hierbei kann die Zuverlässigkeit der beiden experimentellen Methoden bewertet werden und mögliche Fehlerquellen ausfindig gemacht werden. Schließlich wird ein Konzept für eine Anwendung unterbrochener Ionenspuren gezeigt.
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Theory of the Anomalous Hall Effect in the Insulating RegimeLiu, Xiongjun 2011 August 1900 (has links)
The Hall resistivity in ferromagnetic materials has an anomalous contribution proportional to the magnetization, which is defined as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Being a central topic in the study of ferromagnetic materials for many decades, the AHE was revived in recent years by generating many new understandings and phenomena,
e.g. spin-Hall effect, topological insulators. The phase diagram of the AHE was shown recently to exhibit three distinct regions: a skew scattering region in the high conductivity regime, a scattering-independent normal metal regime, and an insulating regime. While the origin of the metallic regime scaling has been understood for many decades through the expected dependence of each contribution, the origin of the surprising scaling in the insulating regime was completely unexplained, leaving
the primary challenge to the last step to understand fully the AHE.
In this dissertation work we developed a theory to study the AHE in the disordered insulating regime, whose scaling relation is observed to be omega_xy^AH is proportional to omega_xx^(1.40∼1.75) in a large range of materials. This scaling is qualitatively different from the ones observed in metals. In the metallic regime where kFl > > 1, the linear response theory predicts that omega_xx is proportional to the quasi-particle lifetime tau, while omega_xy^AH scales as alpha*tau beta*tau^0, indicating that the upper limit of the scaling exponent is 1.0. Basing our theory on the phonon-assisted hopping mechanism and percolation theory, we derived a general formula for the anomalous Hall conductivity (AHC), and showed that the AHC scales with the longitudinal conductivity as omega_xy^AH ~ omega_xx^gamma with gamma predicted to be 1.33 <= gamma <= 1.76, quantitatively in agreement with the experimental observations. This scaling remains similar regardless of whether the hopping process is long range type (varible range hopping) or short range type (activation E3 hopping), or is influenced
by interactions, i.e. Efros-Shklovskii (E-S) regime. Our theory completes the understanding of the AHE phase diagram in the insulating regime.
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Electrical Conduction Mechanisms in the Disordered Material System P-type Hydrogenated Amorphous SiliconShrestha, Kiran (Engineer) 12 1900 (has links)
The electrical and optical properties of boron doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films (a-Si) were investigated to determine the effect of boron and hydrogen incorporation on carrier transport. The a-Si thin films were grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at various boron concentrations, hydrogen dilutions, and at differing growth temperatures. The temperature dependent conductivity generally follows the hopping conduction model. Above a critical temperature, the dominant conduction mechanism is Mott variable range hopping conductivity (M-VRH), where p = ¼, and the carrier hopping depends on energy. However, at lower temperatures, the coulomb interaction between charge carriers becomes important and Efros-Shklosvkii variable hopping (ES-VRH) conduction, where p=1/2, must be included to describe the total conductivity. To correlate changes in electrical conductivity to changes in the local crystalline order, the transverse optical (TO) and transverse acoustic (TA) modes of the Raman spectra were studied to relate changes in short- and mid-range order to the effects of growth temperature, boron, and hydrogen incorporation. With an increase of hydrogen and/or growth temperature, both short and mid-range order improve, whereas the addition of boron results in the degradation of short range order. It is seen that there is a direct correlation between the electrical conductivity and changes in the short and mid-range order resulting from the passivation of defects by hydrogen and the creation of trap states by boron. This work was done under the ARO grant W911NF-10-1-0410, William W. Clark Program Manager. The samples were provided by L-3 Communications.
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