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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení dlouhodobých klimatologických pozorování z Mokrých luk u Třeboně a jiných meteorologických stanic v souvislosti se změnou hydrologického režimu. / Evaluation of long-term climatological monitoring of Mokré louky wetland by Třeboň and of other meteorological stations related to a change of hydrological cycle

KOVÁŘOVÁ, Milena January 2012 (has links)
This study presents a detailed evaluation of long-term climatic data obtained from the meteorological station at Mokré louky wetland by Třeboň. A method for evaluation of dependence of air temperature on precipitation cycle is proposed and applied. The data from Mokré louky are compared with data from other meteorological stations in Czech Republic as well as in Europe and surroundings. The obtained results confirm a strong dependency of solar radiation reaching the Earth surface and dependently also the air temperature on the precipitation cycle. They represent in this way a fresh point of view on reasons for climate change, where the climate change is considered to be caused by a gradual decrease of permanent vegetation and current global desertification of continents.

Kontaminace půd vybranými kovy v důsledku železniční dopravy / Contamination of soils with selected metals due to the railway transport

VONDRUŠKA, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with the determination of metals in soils taken close to the railway. Copper, zinc, nickel and chromium were selected as indicators of the environment contamination. Samples were taken from three localities in South Bohemia. These localities were chosen on the basis of different types of railway tracks (electrified and nonelectrified) and different frequency of train connection. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used for the determination of the metals. An AAS Thermo Scientific iCE 3500 spectrometer served to determine individual analytes. The highest level of copper pollution was detected for samples taken close to the railway with electrified track and with high frequency of train connection. The highest Cu concentration (66.30 mg/kg) was determined in the soil sample from 20cm depth. The highest level of zinc pollution was detected for samples taken in the distance of 3 m from the railway with electrified track and with high frequency of train connection. The highest Zn concentration (641.77 mg/kg) was determined in the soil sample from 30cm depth. The highest concentrations of other metals (Ni and Cr) were detected for the railway with nonelectrified track and with low frequency of train connection. The highest concentrations of Ni and Cr were 21.89 and 54.89 mg/kg, respectively. These concentrations were obtained for samples taken close to the railway.

Změny vegetace vlhkých luk ve Slavkovském lese / Vegetation changes of wet meadows in Slavkovský les

Šimák, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the changes of vegetation of the wet meadows in Slavkovský Les during past decade. It uses data on vegetation gained from 100 permanent plots. By the analysis of the species composition and diversity it aims to elucidate the changes of the wet meadows over the last ten years. It aims to define, which are declining and which are becoming more common. Applied management should have a great impact on the observed vegetation changes so its effect is studied in the thesis as well. The knowledge of the suitable management should lead to conservation of the local biodiversity. The abiotic environmental factors are important as well as they can influence the species composition. These factors were studied by the application of Ellenberg indicator values on the species present in the study. These changes were compared in time and in a combination of time with a management type. Thus, we should be able to say how the environment has changed in the past decade and whether the type of management has any effect on the changes. Furthermore, the thesis explores whether changes in species composition over time may be explained by species traits. The results indicate that the species diversity and composition have indeed changed during the past decade. Apparently, the higher amount of...

VLIV LAND USE NA VYTĚŽENÉ PÍSKOVNY V OBLASTI VESELÍ NAD LUŽNICÍ / Impact of land use on the former sand-pits in the region of Veselí nad Lužnicí

NOVÁK, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
Sand-pits which were formed especially in the floodplain of the Lužnice River since the 1950s currently constitute important landscape element of the Třeboň Basin. My diploma thesis is focused on the assessment of the impact of land use on the former sand-pits in the region of Veselí nad Lužnicí. Field investigations were carried out from the beginning of June till the end of August 2008. I mapped the land use of this area by using a map key. I put down particular areas {--} agricultural areas, forest areas, water areas, bild-up areas, other areas {--} into map photographs. The total area of the mapped territory was 989 hecteres. The biggest part of the area comprises of forest growths and field-grown plants. Water areas (with the main element of the mapped area {--} a system of former sandpits) formed 23% of the total area. On the bank sof the sand-pits were placed phytosociological relevé, which illustrated littoral vegetation and environment in which this vegetation is located, and what is the influence of human activity on vegetation. I placed 74 phytosociological relevé in this system. I recorded 125 plant species {--} out of these were 104 herb plants and 21 woody species. I recorded 41 nitrophilous, 52 wetland, 16 ruderal and 2 stronngly endangered species. Altogether, 20 water samplings were carried out. Horusice I sand-pit is the richest in nutrient, the poorest in nutrients is Horusice sand-pit.

Podzemní biomasa rákosu obecného (Phragmites australis) na vegetační kořenové čistírně / Below-ground biomass of the common reed (Phragmites australis) in a constructed wetland used for wastewater treatment

MOULISOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
My thesis is a part of the project GACR 206/06/0058 Monitoring of selected heavy metals and risk elements in a wastewater cleaning process in artificial wetlands. The goal is to evaluate temporal and spatial variability of underground biomass of Phragmites australis in the artificial wetland used for wastewater treatment in Slavošovice. The destructive method was used for the sampling. The aboveground biomass was determined from six samples taken at the inflow and six samples at the outflow. The belowground biomass (in 2008) was estimated from two samples taken at the inflow and two samples at the outflow. In 2009, the belowground biomass was determined from six samples taken from the inflow and six samples from the outflow. The analysis of the root structure was determined from 12 samples collected at the inflow and 12 samples of the outflow. The mean total aboveground biomass reached 1039 g.m-2 at the inflow and the 1749 g.m-2 at the outflow. Average total belowground biomass in 2009 reached the inflow 1718 g.m-2 and 1562 g.m-2 at the outflow. The average total length of roots growing from one node to was 284,7 m.m-2 and 324,9 m.m-2 in the inflow and outflow part, respectively. Average specific root length of the inflow was 2589,5 cm.g-1 and the outflow 2956,9 cm.g-1. The average total length of roots reaching the inflow of two kilometers and three kilometers of inflow.

Úloha ochozů volně žijících kopytníků ve vegetaci teplomilných trávníků / The role of trampling trails of wild ungulates in the vegetation of semi dry grasslands

Vacková, Nikol January 2015 (has links)
Animals affect vegetation in many different ways. In this thesis we have focused on the impact of wild ungulates in the Czech Republic (wild boar, red deer, sika deer, roe deer). These animals affect vegetation with grazing, defoliation, defecation, browsing and other activities. We decided to study the effect of browsing. The animal trails are formed by browsing animals. These trails can be easily recognized due to long-term browsing. They are especially caused by trampling, which affects vegetation in many ways. The aim of this study is to determine how the vegetation of dry-grasslands (Festuco-Brometea) responds to long-term trampling caused by wild ungulates. We found that on trails, there is more bare soil, less litter and lower vegetation. In its close proximity, there is also a slightly greater diversity of plants than in control samples. Species like Plantago media which are growing straight on the trail, have adapted to trampling, while smaller shrubs (eg. Rubus, Crataegus), start to appear 2 meters from the trail. Using Ellenberg values, we found out that heliophile species, which grow on the trails and the species in control samples need more moisture and more nitrogen. Using the experiment with transplanted blocks, we learned how vegetation responds to the introduction/exclusion of...

Úprava toku – Luha v Jeseníku n/Odrou / River trainning - The Luha River in Jesenik upon Odra

Tkáč, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
The object of this Master`s thesis is the river training of the Luha river in Jeseník nad Odrou. The thesis is divided into several chapters. In the theoretical introduction, the problems of the sediment flow regime are discussed. Moreover, it deals with the questions associated with the roughness in open channels and adjustment of riparian zones. As a part of the overall proposal of the flow adjustment, the hydraulically most suitable cross section in cunette is proposed. It is done with respect to the desired velocity ratios in the profile. Since the new cunette shape was established, the adjustment of vertical alignment was proposed. The thesis also contains the capacity assessment of the existing channel. Design of adjustment of flood protection measures includes mainly spatial rearrangement and increase the crest of levees with respect to the local conditions. The thesis also suggests the placement of vegetation in the riparian zones. Furhermore, the work deals with problems arising from the flow adjustment considering applicable laws and regulations of the Czech Republic. In the case of project implementation, it is necessary to evaluate these problems independently.

Lesní vegetace Českého krasu mezi režimy tradičního hospodaření a novodobou ochranou / Forest vegetation in the Bohemian Karst between traditional management and modern conservation

Veverková, Alina January 2013 (has links)
Forest understory vegetation in lowland woodlands is coming through systematical changes, which are documented from many regions. Abandonment of traditional coppicing management, nitrogen deposition and effect of high game densities in some regions are considered to be the main key drivers. Changes of seminatural woodland in protected area of Bohemian Karst were studied in this research. The abandonment of traditional management is probably the biggest environmental change in this area. Original data, semi-permanent plots with phytosociological relevés, were surveyed shortly after the last coppicing in the half of twentieth century. These plots were now re-visited. Partial task was to evaluate how important relocation accuracy is. Discovered changes have similar trends as in other lowland woodlands. After abandonment of coppicing, site conditions changed towards more shade and nutrient rich sites. Vegetation shifted to species assemblages of late succession dominated by shade-adapted and nutrient-demanding species. Slight decrease in gama-diversity, increase in alpha-diversity and decrease of beta-diversity indicated taxonomic homogenization was recorded. Re-visiting of semi-permanent plots was evaluated as appropriate tool for this type of research. Spatial heterogenity is partly affecting temporal change,...

Vliv volně žijících kopytníků na vegetaci v opuštěné krajině / Effects of wild ungulates on vegetation in an abandoned landscape

Horčičková, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Wild ungulates are considered one of the major drivers for shaping terrestrial ecosystems, which has been developing since the early Cenozoic. Understanding the effects of ungfulates on vegetation is necessary for qualified knowledge how European landscape looked prior to human habitation and how it would look like without human intervention. Further, such understanding is of practical importance as management information necessary for managing abandoned landscapes. While the present-day wild ungulate European fauna does not contain several large grazers like auroch (Bos primigenius) anymore, the landscape has long been affected by them. It thus possesses historical experience of response to large grazers, which has been further maintained by livestock grazing. Importantly, the European landscape is experiencing a steady increase of populations of deer (Cervidae) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) with major effects of vegetation and landscape structure. While the effects of these present-day dominants have been studied mainly in forest habitats, there is a growing evidence that they both promote species diversity of forest understory and, interestingly, preferably feed in open vegetation and thus can affect broader landscape heterogeneity. The main aim of this thesis is therefore to examine effects of...

Příčiny heterogenity rozvolněných doubrav na Podbořansku / Causes of vegetation heterogeneity of oak forests in Podbořansko region

Procházka, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Thermophilous oak forests are a habitat characterized by a large diversity of vascular plants. In the case of open canopy woodlands, the diversity of the herb undergrowth is enhanced by the significant heterogeneity of the environment. It can be demonstrated for example at the Dětaň Chlum in neighborhood of the Doupovské hory Mts. However, it has not yet been fully known which natural characteristic have the most significant influence on the formation of such a diverse vegetation. One of the possible causes can be found in historical management. Therefore, this work provides some insight into the history of forest management in the Podbořany region based on archival materials such as Historical Forest Survey, Management Plans or Archive Maps. The obtained information is to a large extent surprising. It has been shown that coniferous stands with a long time of timber extraction have dominated the Dětaň chlum in the past. However, this contradicts the assumption that it is an ancient oak coppice, as suggested by the current appearance of vegetation with a high incidence of polycormones in the local nature reserve. To find out the environmental causes of the current heterogeneity of vegetation, I used the CANOCO statistical program to analyze the dependence of my own phytosociological data on selected...

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