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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diverzita lesní vegetace Českého středohoří / Diversity of forest vegetation in the region of České středohoří

Tydlitátová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The topography of the Milešov part of the České středohoří Mts represents a suitable model for study of spatial distribution of diversity and the effects of ecological factors on species diversity and composition. Near-natural forest vegetation was sampled at eleven hills by stratified-randomly sited relevés. Soil samples were collected in relevés at nine hills also. The soil samples were used for maximal capillary capability, pH, carbon and nitrogen volume analyses. These ecological factors, as well as tree cover, altitude and heat load index, were used for examination of the correlation of ecological factors with diversity, species richness and species composition. Positive relationship between species richness and heat load index and soil reaction was identified. Species diversity (Shannon index) positively correlates with soil reaction also. After partialling out geographic components in the samples, a significant correlation between the heat load index, tree cover and altitude and species composition of the herb and shrub layer was found. Values of alpha and beta components were rated using partitioning of diversity to alpha and beta components at four levels (relevé - aspect - hill - landscape). The beta component at the aspect level and the beta component at the hill level were...

Pohřbené půdy jako odraz vlivu člověka a klimatu na krajinu od svrchního pleistocénu po středověk / Buried Soils as a reflection of Human and Climate influence on Landscape from Upper Pleistocene to Middle Ages

Vejrostová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Přízřenice, Česká Bělá), Slovakia (Bíňa Čata) and The detection of climatic changes within the glacial palaeosols of the Bíňa Čata locality was Přízřenice, made of Phaeozem and Chernozem with intensive anthropogenic influence methods. In the case of medieval alluvial sediments in the Březina floodplain near Česká Bělá,

Adenoidní vegetace a adenotomie z pohledu respirační fyzioterapie / Adenoid hypertrophy and adenodectomy from the viewpoint of the respirotory physiotherapy

Světlíková, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the examination of respiratory and postural changes on examined group of children after adenoidectomy and evaluation, whether it is recommended in post- operative phase to indicate respiratory physiotherapy for the examined children. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the anatomy, etiology and symptomatology, which accompanies adenoid hypertrophy. Furthermore, there is a description of the kinesiology examination and complete methodology of respiratory physiotherapy and more. In the practical part of the thesis there is a statistic analysis of the examination of 20 children after adenoidectomy and control group investigation. Examination content is the thoracic respiratory excursion (breathing amplitude) and orientational examination of lungs function (PEF, FEV 0,5, FEV 0,75 and FEV1) using digital Peak Flow Meter. The part of the thesis i also kinesiology analysis and questionnaire filled up before adenoidectomy and 3 weeks after operation.

Lesní vegetace východního Polabí v polovině 20. století a dnes / Forest vegetation in Eastern Elbe Basin in the mid-20th century and today

Pospíšková, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the shift in vegetation of broadleaf forests in eastern part of the Elbe River Basin between 1958-1968 and 2011-2013. It emphasizes the understorey vegetation. From lowland woodlands in other temperate regions in Europe and North America changes towards eutrophic and mesophytic vegetation are documented, specifically driven by changes in forest management and by atmospheric depositions; in some localities the game impact can be also important. The data were obtained by sampling 190 typological semi-permanent plots, which were precisely located - in 43% the original soil pit was found. The vegetation on study sites shifted towards nutrient-demanding, shade- adapted species, it was partly ruderalized. These changes can be seen on the level of species and communities as well as on phytosociological level. Increase of soil pH and moisture was discovered using Ellenberg indicator values. The number of seedlings and cover of shrubs also increased significantly. Homogenization of sites was significant as well although total number of species and alpha- diversity remained unchanged. These changes are probably caused by changes in forest management and by atmospheric depositions of nitrogen. On subset of plots in game-preserves the vegetation also demonstrated eutrophication but no increase in...

Vliv vlastností povodí vysokohorských jezer v Tatrách na chemizmus vody / Influence of catchment characteristics of high-mountain lakes in the Tatra Mountains on water chemistry

Hynštová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with catchments of the alpine lakes in the High Tatra Mountains. The lakes were subject of a long-term monitoring to detect changes of chemical and biotic composition of lake water induced by acid atmospheric deposition and by its decline. The studied processes required a quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of the catchments. The definition of new catchment parameters or the refining estimated parameters was not allowed without current technical and computing equipment because of the complexity of mountainous terrain. The morphological parameters for 26 catchments were obtained by analysis of the created digital elevation model (DEM) using tools of geographic information system (GIS, software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2). The land cover was detected by Google aerial map (2014). The links between chemical composition (NO3⁻, Σ(Ca2+ +Mg2+ )) and catchment properties based on the specified or refined catchment parameters (slope, portion of an area with a slope <26 ř in the catchment, proportion of different land cover types to the real catchment area) were analysed between the years 1993 and 2012 (respectively 2006). New morphological parameters were derived for the defined catchments. The catchments on the northern and the southern slope were distinguished by...

Stanovištní nároky hnědých skokanů v období rozmnožování / Breeding habitats of brown frogs

Žáčková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The requirements of true frogs on breeding sites were monitored at 19 locations in the Hradec Králové Region and the Central Bohemia Region and Vysočina Region. Specific sites were selected according to the high variability. Breeding sites are mutually different representation of true frogs, water volume, depth, water and surrounding vegetation. The data of oviposition three different species of czech frogs - moor frog (Rana arvalis), agile frog (Rana dalmatina) and common frog (Rana temporaria) - were collected in the spring months, from the end of March until the end of April, from 2012 to 2015. During this period were collected data from 927 egg clutches of these species. The data were obtained by non-invasive way - measuring of inividual clutches directly on the reproductive site. At each breeding site was also recorded the required parameters of the breeding pond and the surrounding environment (presence of true frogs, the water volume and depth of the pond, the presence and density of aquatic vegetation, surrounding vegetation, air and water temperature, pH value of water, etc.). The results presented in this work confirm that the three species of true frogs have, in some parameters, different standards to select of breeding sites. This clarification of species- specific claims is also...

Vliv pěstování jehličnatých monokultur na diverzitu rostlin / Effect of coniferous monoculture plantation on plant species dversity

Němeček, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
A structure and a function of a monoculture woodland is diferent from the natural woodland condition. This is an influence of a herb layer diversity. The change of the herb layer are mainly distinguishable in the case of tree coniferous monoculture. They are the poorest at all of them viewpoint diverzity. The diversity of the woodland was analysed with an insuffiently consequence. This study get the knowledge about the species composition and the diversity of these monoculture. At the same time get the knowlege about next factores, which change diversity and species composition of stand. As a confirmation of this, coniferous monoculture are numerously and species-compositionally diferent from broadleave monoculture. And more, coniferous trees change the enviroment's condition and the whole biotopes. There are not depend any species of the herb layer at the coniferous monoculture on this studied site of Křivoklátsko.

Historie vegetace Chebské pánve ze sedimentárního záznamu lokality SOOS / History of vegetational development in the Cheb basin from sedimentary record of the SOOS National Nature Reserve

Suda, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Vegetation development in the Cheb basin ( W Czech Republic) recorded in the sediments of the SOOS ational ature Reserve This thesis focuses on palaeoecological research of quaternary sediments in the Soos National Nature Reserve (Cheb basin, NW Czech Republic). Quaternary history of this locality is poorly known, despite it is a valuable and protected area with high natural qualities. The Soos basin is also known for its unique geological record, which is expected to cover information on landscape dynamics at least during the Holocene. A lake existed in the Soos basin enabling accumulation of diatomite and peat sediments of a broad palaeoecological potential. Records were analysed with method of pollen analysis and were dated using 14C. The results of this study bring information about vegetation development in the area of Cheb basin as well as development of lake ecosystem. It also gives a new insight on lake's origin and its age. The accumulation of peat sediments started in the Preboreal period and was continuous at least until the Atlantic following with a hiatus, therefore further detection of vegetation development is impossible. The beginning of diatomite accumulation, as well as the existence of the lake goes back to the Bølling interstadial, according to radiocarbon dating. However, this...

Změny lesní vegetace Šumavy a jejího podhůří během druhé poloviny 20. století / Forest vegetation changes in the Bohemian Forest during the second half of 20th century

Prach, Jindřich January 2012 (has links)
Long-term forest vegetation changes were studied in the Bohemian Forest and its foothills. New vegetation relevés were taken at sites of typological plots established by forest engineers between 1955 and 1980. Data from 158 semi-permanent plots were analysed using modern statistical methods. The data show significant changes and homogenization of the vegetation. Ellenberg indicator values indicate eutrofication. Repeated measurements of soil pH suggest acidification, but the interpretation of these data is complicated by methodological problems. The forests under study exhibit high spatial variability. No main prevailing trend in vegetation changes was found. The changes are considered to be related to sulphur and nitrogen deposition and forest management. The influence of increasing age of forest stands seems to be unimportant. Discussed are not only vegetation changes and their possible causes but also the possibilities and limitations of using such old forestry data in botanical and ecological studies.

Vliv zemědělské činnosti na kvalitu vody ve vodním toku v chráněném přírodním území / The influence of agricultural activities on the stream water quality in natural reservation

NOVOMĚSTSKÁ, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of agricultural activity on hydrochemical parameters of surface waters in connection with the occurence of specially protected species within the surface waters of a monitored area. A model was chosen for the evaluation of the situation - Bedřichovský potok, which is located in Novohradské hory. The river consists of lower and upper sub-waters. Forest management is applied within upper sub-basin, while agricultural management on arable land, meadows and pastures is used in the lower sub-basin. The monitored parameters were indicators of eutrophication of surface waters: Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3-), Phosphate phosphorus (P-PO43-), and conductivity of undissolved material (NL105). The results showed that the agriculture management (especially on arable land) burdens the soil with nutrients and consequently erosion enters the substances, bringing them to the surface and ground water as a result. There was an increase of substances in the water after rain.

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