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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização da estrutura turbulenta em escoamentos aerados em canal de forte declividade com auxílio de técnicas de velocimetria a laser / Characterization of the turbulent structure in flows aerations in strong slope channel with velocimetry techniques help for laser

Alberto Carlos de Melo Lima 26 March 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho é continuação da linha de pesquisa em escoamentos de alta velocidade, aerados, conduzida no departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento da EESC/USP. O trabalho tem cunho experimental visando elucidar aspectos de enlaçamento de ar pela água, como resultado das flutuações turbulentas do escoamento do líquido. Medidas de vazão de ar e água, perfis de velocidade do escoamento líquido, perfis de concentração de ar no escoamento bifásico, perfis de intensidade turbulenta, comprimentos de jatos no salto sobre o aerador, foram efetuados com o fito de testar modelos que quantificam o enlaçamento de ar. Propostas básicas de quantificação de vazões de ar são apresentadas, fundamentadas em propostas da literatura, que mostram coerência entre vazões medidas diretamente e vazões estimadas. A metodologia desenvolvida no presente estudo permite obter adequadamente as grandezas relevantes para escoamentos aerados de alta velocidade. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, quando confrontados com os da literatura, indicam que há maiores incertezas para as propostas que envolvem principalmente as intensidades turbulentas. / This work is continuation of the research line in high-speed flows, aerations, lead in the Hydraulics Department and Sanitation of the EESC/USP. The work has experimental matrix aiming elucidate at to elucidate aspects of enlacement of air for water, as a result of the fluctuations turbulent of the flow of the liquid. Measures of outflow of air and water, speed profiles of the liquid flow, air concentration profiles in the two-phase flow, profiles of turbulent intensity, lengths of jets on the aerators, had been effected with look if to test models that quantify the enlacement of air. Flows quantification basic proposals of air are presented, based in proposals of the literature, which show coherence between flows measured directly and estimate flows. The methodology developed at study present allows obtaining adequately the important greatnesses for high-speed aerations flows. Regarding the obtained results, when confronted with the of the literature, indicate that exist larger uncertainties for the proposals that involve mostly the turbulent intensities.

Estudo experimental e modelagem numérica do escoamento e do assoreamento em uma armadilha de sedimentos

Leonardo Barra Santana de Souza 06 February 2006 (has links)
Os sedimentos transportados por cursos de água, quando depositados nos reservatórios, podem lhes causar danos, como redução do seu volume de água, prejuízos à navegação, danificação de turbinas e bloqueio de tomadas de água e comportas. Para que medidas preventivas possam ser tomadas nesse sentido, a capacidade de predizer taxas de sedimentação e sua distribuição não-uniforme em reservatórios é muito importante, ainda em sua fase de projeto. Este trabalho compreende a construção e o assoreamento de uma armadilha de sedimentos em laboratório, bem como a utilização de um programa computacional para reprodução numérica do assoreamento. A comparação satisfatória entre resultados experimentais e simulados, tanto para o padrão do escoamento no interior da armadilha quanto para a deposição de sedimentos, permitiu avaliar o programa MIKE 21C como ferramenta útil no estudo e na estimativa do assoreamento de reservatórios / Sediment transport in alluvial rivers may cause serious problems to reservoirs, such as decrease in storage volume, impairment of navigability, damage to hydropower turbines, and blockage of gates and intakes. The capacity of predicting sedimentation and its non-uniform distribution inside reservoirs is very important, still in their phase of planning and design. This work comprehends the construction of a sand trap in a laboratory and its experimental sedimentation, as well as the use of a computational program to reproduce numerically the experiment. The satisfactory comparison between experimental and numerical results, for the flow pattern inside the trap and for the sediment deposition, validated the program MIKE 21C as a useful tool in the study and prediction of reservoir sedimentation

Estudo da estrutura turbulenta em escoamentos gerados por grades oscilantes / Study of the turbulence structure in drainage caused by oscillating grids

Leonardo Barra Santana de Souza 29 May 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho representa o início de uma série de pesquisas que visam o estudo da turbulência e de sua relação com processos de mistura e trocas gasosas entre ar e água, através de experimentos com grades oscilantes. Seu objetivo foi o projeto e a construção de um tanque de grade oscilante, equipamento que gera turbulência com intensidade controlável. Após a construção do tanque, experimentos para medições de velocidade turbulenta foram feitos, com uso de uma técnica de velocimetria a laser. Uma grade de 9x9 barras foi usada na agitação do fluido, com uma amplitude de oscilação de 3 cm, para 4 diferentes freqüências de oscilação. Adquiriu-se 9600 imagens do movimento do fluido, em 6 regiões do tanque, para a obtenção dos campos de velocidade turbulenta, calculados através do software Visiflow e de um programa computacional desenvolvido neste trabalho. Os gráficos criados a partir dos campos possibilitaram a observação do decaimento espacial da turbulência e da região de sua produção. Os campos médios de velocidade mostraram-se bem inferiores aos campos instantâneos, indicando a existência de baixo escoamento médio do fluido. As condições de isotropia e a homogeneidade espacial da turbulência são mais aproximadas à medida que se afasta da grade. A intensidade turbulenta produzida é diretamente relacionada com a freqüência de oscilação. O número de imagens para a obtenção de uma média representativa da velocidade turbulenta neste equipamento parece ser dependente da freqüência de oscilação da grade. Isto aponta para a necessidade de estabelecer corretamente as condições para os cálculos estatísticos em escoamentos turbulentos / This work presents the project and construction of a tank with an oscillating grid, equipment which provides for the experimental studies of turbulence and its relation to mixing processes and gas transfer across fluid interface. Experiments were carried out with the use of digital particle image velocimetry technique, to investigate the properties of the produced turbulence. A grid made of 9x9 square bars was used to stir the water, with a stroke of 3 cm and 4 different oscillation frequencies. A number of 9600 images were acquired, in 6 regions of the tank, for the generation of the turbulent velocity fields through the software Visiflow and a computational program developed in this work. The results showed that the current equipment, with a new concept for the grid oscillation system, can be conveniently useful for studies in this research field. Average velocity fields appeared to be considerably smaller than the instantaneous velocity fields, which leads to the existence of nearly-stationary turbulence in the water volume. Nearly-isotropic turbulence and spatial homogeneity were approximate as the measurements distanced from the grid. The turbulent intensity was directly dependent on the oscillation frequency. The spatial decay of the turbulence and the region near the grid where it is produced could also be observed. The number of images necessary for the calculus of reliable root-mean-square turbulent velocities seems to be dependent on the oscillation frequency of the grid. It results in the necessity of establishing correct statistical analysis of turbulent flows

Sistema de ozonização em esgoto de reator anaeróbio: estudo da hidrodinâmica e das respostas oscilantes de DQO / System of ozonation in effluent of anaerobic reactor: study of the hydrodynamic and of oscillates answers of COD

Márcio Ricardo Salla 01 December 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho considera o problema de oxidação de matéria orgânica e inorgânica em esgoto sanitário através da ozonização, buscando aprofundar o conhecimento nos aspectos dúbios levantados em pesquisas conduzidas no Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento da EESC (Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos) na USP (Universidade de São Paulo) e também citadas na literatura da área. O projeto que tem cunho experimental utilizou uma coluna de ozonização de seção transversal quadrada de 0,19 m de lado e 2,00 m de altura, formada por duas faces paralelas de acrílico e duas faces paralelas de vidro, onde as bolhas de ozônio ascensionais eram fornecidas por um difusor microporoso instalado na base da coluna. Gerou-se um banco de dados acerca das características hidrodinâmicas das bolhas ascensionais (velocidade ascensional, porcentagem pontual da concentração, diâmetro equivalente e área interfacial específica), além de alguns parâmetros físicos e químicos (ozônio residual dissolvido e gasoso, temperatura, pH, alcalinidade, condutividade, turbidez, cor verdadeira, sulfeto, DQO, série de sólidos e série de carbono), localizados como relevantes ao processo de oxidação de matéria orgânica e inorgânica através da ozonização, variando a vazão de ozônio de 50 a 300 L/h e o nível líquido de 0,30 a 1,80 m. Constatou-se que o valor de todas as características hidrodinâmicas estudadas aumenta com o aumento da vazão de gás ozônio injetado no difusor microporoso. Vale mencionar que a velocimetria a laser não intrusiva foi a ferramenta utilizada na determinação da velocidade bi-dimensional ascensional das bolhas, além de auxiliar na determinação do diâmetro equivalente. Já a porcentagem pontual da concentração das bolhas foi determinada através da contagem de radiação de uma sonda de Césio-137. As análises dos parâmetros físicos e químicos mostraram de forma geral e repetitiva que a redução de pH e alcalinidade não foram influenciadas pela dosagem de ozônio aplicada; que a porcentagem de redução da DQO teve um comportamento oscilatório, ora influenciado ora não influenciado pela dosagem de ozônio aplicada; que a condutividade teve redução nula; e que a turbidez e a cor verdadeira tiveram influência da dosagem de ozônio na eficiência de redução. A observação dos experimentos permitiu inferir que tanto as características físicas como as características de qualidade do efluente influem no tipo de comportamento observado para a DQO em função do tempo de contato. Os comportamentos previstos pela solução de equações básicas geradas para explicar o efeito inibidor de compostos intermediários permitiram obter evoluções monotonicamente crescentes ou monotonicamente decrescentes no tempo, além dos comportamentos oscilatórios da eficiência de redução da DQO observados neste trabalho. Os resultados experimentais das velocidades ascensionais, perfis da concentração das bolhas, diâmetros equivalente e áreas interfaciais específicas, em conjunto com os parâmetros físico-químicos (ozônio residual dissolvido e gasoso, temperatura, pH, alcalinidade, condutividade, turbidez, cor verdadeira, sulfeto, DQO, série de sólidos e série de carbono), formam um banco de dados a ser utilizado nas simulações da coluna de ozonização que virão a decorrer do presente trabalho. As equações governantes aqui apresentadas são merecedoras de estudos posteriores para o entendimento da dinâmica existente nas colunas de ozonização e a busca da otimização de seu uso. / This present work is a study about the oxidation problem of organic and inorganic matter in sanitary effluent by means of the ozonation, trying to improve the knowledge of dubious aspects considered in prior researches conducted in Department of Hydraulic and Sanitation of the EESC (Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos) at USP (Universidade de São Paulo) and also found in specific studies. The project, which has experimental objective, used a column of ozonation of square transversal section of 0.19 m of side and 2.00 m of height with two parallel faces of acrylic and two parallel faces of glass, where bubbles of ozone in ascension were provided by a microporous diffuser installed in the base of the column. A file of data about hydrodynamic characteristics of the bubbles in ascension (velocity in ascension, punctual percentage of the concentration, equivalent diameter and specific interface area) was stored, besides some physical and chemical parameters (waste ozone dissolved and gaseous, temperature, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, turbidity, real color, sulphet, COD, set of solids and set of carbon), important to the process of inorganic and organic matter oxidation by means of ozonation, changing the flow of the ozone from 50 to 300 L/h and the liquid level from 0.30 to 1.80 m. It was noticed that the value of all hydrodynamic characteristics analysed increases when the flow of the ozone injected in the microporous diffuser also increases. It is important to mention that no-indisposition laser velocimetry was used as an instrument to determine the bi-dimension velocity of the bubbles in ascension and to help determine the equivalent diameter, whereas the punctual percentage of the concentration of the bubbles was determined by means of counting Cesium-137 radiation. Analysis of chemical and physical parameters showed in a general and repetitive way that the reduction of the pH and alkalinity was not influenced by the dose of ozone used; the percentage of COD reduction had oscillated behaviour, being or not influenced by the dose of the ozone used. It also showed that conductivity had zero reduction and turbidity and real color here influenced by the dose of the ozone in terms of efficient reduction. The observation of the experiments permitted to infer that both physical and quality characteristics of the effluent influence the type of the behaviour of COD versus contact time. The behaviour expected by the solution of basic equations done to explain the inhibiting effect of intermediate compounds permitted to obtain increasing and decreasing evolutions in time, as well oscillated behaviour of the efficiency of COD reduction observed in this work. The experimental results of the velocities in ascension, the profile of the bubble concentration, equivalent diameter and specific interface area with chemical and physical parameters (waste ozone dissolved and gaseous, temperature, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, turbidity, real color, sulphet, COD, set of solids and set of carbon) organize a file of data to be used in simulations of the ozonation column which will elapse from this present work. Specific equations here presented are worthy of further studies for the understanding of the dynamic present in the ozonation columns and the search of the optimization of its application.

Etudes expérimentales de l'instabilité dynamo : mécanismes de génération et saturation / Experimental studies of the dynamo instability : generation and saturation mechanisms

Miralles, Sophie 11 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’articule autour de plusieurs questions relatives à l’instabilité dynamo dans des écoulements turbulents en métaux liquides. Cette instabilité de conversion d’énergie cinétique en énergie magnétique dans les fluides électriquement conducteurs est à l’origine, par exemple, des champs magnétiques terrestre et solaire. En particulier, nous abordons l’estimation du seuil de l’instabilité, l’influence de l’écoulement et des conditions aux limites ainsi que les mécanismes de saturation du champ magnétique. Ces travaux expérimentaux s’appuient sur deux écoulements turbulents de type von Kármán : en sodium liquide à Cadarache (collaboration VKS) et en gallium liquide à l’ENS de Lyon.Dans un premier temps, l’étude est consacrée à l’analyse de critères permettant d’estimer la distance au seuil de l’instabilité dynamo, à travers la mesure de la réponse magnétique du système à une excitation pour la dynamo auto-entretenue VKS. Ces critères ont été validés dans les configurations dynamos de l’expérience puis appliquées aux configurations non-dynamo.Ensuite, nous illustrons l’influence de l’écoulement sur le champ dynamo à travers l’étude de bifurcations globales. Une bistabilité hydrodynamique, pilotant deux branches dynamos d’amplitude différentes, est décrite ainsi que les liens entre les états magnétiques et hydrodynamiques.Nous portons notre attention sur l’étude des mécanismes de saturation à travers la dynamo semi- synthétique de Bullard-von Karman mettant en jeu un mécanisme d’induction turbulente et un mécanisme de bouclage artificiel permettant l’observation d’une dynamo à faible nombre de Reynolds magnétique. L’instabilité démarre à travers un régime intermittent et sature par la rétroaction des forces de Lorentz sur l’écoulement. Nous donnons les lois d’échelle et le bilan de puissance de ce régime. Un régime d’instabilité sous-critique est aussi introduit et caractérisé.Nous détaillons dans une dernière partie, les techniques de mesure spécifiques aux métaux liquides utilisées et développées au cours de la thèse. / This PhD thesis deals with several problems relative to the dynamo instability in liquid metals turbulent flows. This instability converts kinetic energy into magnetic one in electrically conductive flows. It is the root of the magnetic field of the Earth and the Sun.We address the estimation of threshold of the instability, the influence of the flow configuration and of the electromagnetic boundary conditions as well as the saturation mechanism of the magnetic field. This experimental work rely on two turbulent flows of von Kármán type: in liquid sodium located in Cadarache (VKS collaboration) and in liquid gallium in ENS de Lyon.First we analyze several criteria about the estimation of the distance to threshold of the dynamo instability with the magnetic response of the system to a magnetic excitation for the self sustained dynamo in the VKS experiment. These method have been checked for dynamo configurations and then applied for non-dynamo configurations. Then, we study the influence of the flow on the dynamo field under the action of global hydrodynamic bifurcations. We describe a bistability of the flow which triggers two dynamo branches of different amplitude and the dynamics of the transitions between both hydrodynamic and magnetic states.We then focus on the saturation mechanism with the semi-synthetic Bullard-von Karman dynamo, involving a turbulent induction mechanism and an artificial electronic feedback. This setup allows to observe dynamo action for very low magnetic Reynolds number, far below the natural threshold of the instability.We observe an intermittent regime close to threshold and a fluid saturation by Lorentz force feedback on the flow. We specify the scaling laws and a power budget estimation of this regime. A sub-critical regime is also introduced and characterized.In the last section we detailed several measurement techniques in liquid metals developed and used during the PhD.

In Vitro Investigation of Cell-Free Layer Formation in Microchannels: Dependency on the Red Blood Cell Aggregation and Field of Shear

Gliah, Omemah Rajab January 2018 (has links)
Red blood cells (RBCs) form approximately 40 to 45% of the human blood volume, and their behaviour and characteristics are the main determinant of blood properties, such as viscosity. RBCs are deformable species and stack together under low shear rate to form aggregates or rouleaux. Flowing RBCs migrate away from the wall leaving a cell-depleted layer known as the cell-free layer (CFL). This layer contributes to the blood viscosity and exchange between the RBCs and the target cells: a thinner CFL enhances the exchange process by reducing the diffusion distance. The formation of this CFL, however, is not yet completely understood. The goal of this study is to improve the understanding of the formation of the CFL in the micro-flow. This was accomplished by studying the effects of changing both the flow rate and the microchannel geometry on blood flow in microchannels. In this work, 10% hematocrit human blood suspensions were prepared in native plasma and flowed through poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannels of 100 μm x 34 μm cross-section. Investigation of the flowing cells was performed by using micro particle image velocimetry (μPIV) coupled with a high-speed camera. First, the high-speed camera images were processed with customized Matlab programs to detect and measure the CFL thickness and the RBC aggregates sizes. Second, the blood flow velocity profiles were measured using μPIV in order to determine the actual flow rate, the RBCs’ centerline velocity, and the shear rate. The results showed that the increase in both flow rate and shear rate significantly reduced the CFL thickness and RBC aggregates size. Comparison of the upstream and downstream measurements in the bifurcating microchannel showed that the change in microchannel geometry did not significantly influence CFL thickness and RBC aggregate size, while within the daughter branches, RBCs tended to flow close to the inner wall resulting in an undetectable CFL at the inner wall and in a larger CFL at the outer wall of the branch. These in vitro results quantitatively relate CFL thickness and RBC aggregate size at different shear rates. The findings are of immediate interest regarding the understanding of microcirculation and improved designs of microchips.

Image-based Microscale Particle Velocimetry in Live Cell Microscopy

Tomalik, Edyta January 2013 (has links)
Background: Nowadays, one of the medical problem is rolling cell adhesion. Rolling cell adhesion is a complex process that requires the analysis of the challenging environment such as body fluid and is the process responsible for recruiting the cell to specific organs. In order to explore the rolling cell adhesion, mathematical model is proposed. Different image processing methods are created, such as optical flow - Lucas Kanade algorithm, and other type of methods related to mechanical fluid, namely PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). Aim: The aim of this master thesis is the identification of challenges while using PIV in live cell images and propose the algorithm, which may analyze the rolling cell adhesion problem. Methods: In order to understand properly the rolling cell adhesion problem from biological site, literature review combined with the expert consultation is performed. According to gather information, mathematical model is proposed. Particle Image Velocimetry is explained according to literature review, where at the beginning the expert recommends some books as a primary research. As a result of this research, PIV challenges are identified and generally PIV idea is explained. Then two experiments are performed. The first experiment evaluates detection algorithms and the second one, analyses track algorithm vs. PIV. In order to evaluate the mentioned algorithms, some evaluation method are selected and some criteria are defined. Unfortunately the found methods are not perfect, therefore a new method related to performance evaluation using time series is proposed. Thesis result: The result of this thesis is a proposition of the algorithm, which can be used in the rolling cell adhesion. The algorithm is formed according to the detailed exploration of the rolling cell adhesion and analysis of the selected algorithms related to the image analysis during the theoretical research and experiments.

Image data assimilation with fluid dynamics models : application to 3D flow reconstruction / Assimilation de données images avec des modèles de la dynamique des fluides : application à la reconstruction d'écoulements tridimensionnels

Robinson, Cordelia 18 December 2015 (has links)
D'une part, les équations de Navier-Stokes permettent de décrire les écoulements fluides, la littérature est riche de méthodes numériques permettant la résolution de celle-ci. D'autre part, nous sommes capables de mesurer de manière non-intrusive différentes caractéristique d'un écoulement (champ de vitesse et pression, etc.). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux techniques d'assimilation de données qui combinent les modèles numériques avec les observations afin de déterminer une meilleure approximation du système. Cette thèse s'articule autour de l'assimilation de donnée variationnelle (4DVar) qui est plus précise par construction. Nous avons mené une première application sur la reconstruction de la hauteur et vitesse de la surface libre d'un fluide contenu dans un récipient rectangulaire à fond plat. L'écoulement est modélisé par les équations de shallow water et résolues numériquement. Les observations de l'évolution de la hauteur de la surface libre ont été prélevées par un capteur de profondeur (Kinect). Nous avons comparé les résultats de la reconstruction par 4DVar avec plusieurs version de la méthode d'assimilation hybride 4DEnVar. Enfin, nous avons appliqué la technique 4DVar à la reconstruction volumique de l'aval d'un sillage de cylindre à Reynolds 300. L'écoulement turbulent a été simulé par un code DNS parallèle Incompact3D. La reconstruction a été effectué en combinant tout d'abord des observations synthétiques en trois dimension, puis en combinant des observations de plans orthogonales en stéréo PIV. / In the one hand, flow dynamics are usually described by the NavierStokes equations and the literature provides a wide range of techniques to solve such equations. On the other hand, we can nowadays measure different characteristics of a flow (velocity, pressure, temperature etc...) with non-intrusive Particle Image Velocimetry techniques. Within this thesis, we take interest in the data assimilation techniques, that combine a dynamics model with measurements to determine a better approximation of the system. This thesis focus on the classic variational assimilation technique (4DVar) which ensures a high accuracy of the solution by construction. We carry out a first application of the 4DVar technique to reconstruct the characteristics (height and velocity field) of a uni directional wave at its free surface. The fluid evolution is simulated by the shallow water equations and solved numerically. We use a simple experimental setup envolving a depth sensor (Kinect sensor) to extract the free surface height. We compared the results of the 4DVar reconstruction with different versions of the hybrid data assimilation technique 4DEnVar. Finally, we apply the 4DVar technique to reconstruct the downstream of a three dimensional cylinder wake at Reynolds 300. The turbulent flow is simulated by the high-performance multi-threading DNS code Incompact3d. This dynamics model is first combined with synthetic three dimensional observations, then with real orthogonal-plane stereo PIV observations to reconstruct the full three dimensional flow.

OCT velocimetry and X-ray scattering rheology of complex fluids

Malm, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Optical Coherence Tomography Velocimetry (OCTV) is a technique based on principals developed for medical imaging and is used to measure the velocity as a function of sample depth for a range of complex fluid systems, revealing insight into rheological properties that are otherwise ignored by bulk rheometry methods. The technique fulfils the requirements needed to study a wide range of complex systems, being capable of measuring absolute velocity and velocity fluctuations with high spatial and temporal resolution, as well as in opaque materials. Improvements to the instrumentation behind OCTV are described in detail, with improvements to signal to noise being achieved through better detection and the use of modulation techniques. The technique is also demonstrated in a range of complex fluids including dense suspensions of hard spheres, DNA solutions, polyacrylamide solutions, bacteria and shampoo amongst others. Non-linear flow behaviour is revealed that includes shear banding, wall slip and elastic turbulence. X-ray scattering techniques are also discussed, with results from recent experiments at the Diamond synchrotron being presented. The commercial potential of OCTV is discussed in depth, with analysis of the market of scientific instruments for measuring flow, competitor analysis and a review of relevant intellectual property. Methods to commercialise OCTV are discussed, with licensing to an existing competitor being identified as the means with the least risk and greatest chance of success.


CLAUDIO MARCIO PEREIRA DA CUNHA 09 July 2015 (has links)
[pt] Foi desenvolvido um sistema de mediação de campo completo de velocidade de escoamento de fluidos. A técnica empregada é conhecida como Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). As medidas foram determinadas a partir de imagens de trajetórias de partículas em suspensão no fluido. As imagens foram digitalizadas e processadas automaticamente em um microcomputador. O processamento foi feito por um software dedicado que identifica as trajetórias e calcula as velocidades associadas. Para comparação dos resultados obtidos o sistema desenvolvido foi aplicado a um escoamento cujo perfil de velocidade é conhecido. Foram analisadas as influências nos resultados de características das imagens e de seu processamento. / [en] A system for full field velocity measurement in fluid flows has been developed. The technique employed is known as Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). Velocity measurements have been performed based on images of particles seeded in the fluid. The images have been digitized and automatically processed in a micro-computer. Image processing tecniques have been employed using a dedicated software that identifies particles trajectories and calculates associated velocities. To compare the results obtained, the system developed was applied to test flows with known velocity profiles. A detailed uncertainty analisys developed revealed the influence. On the results. of the image characteristics and processing procedures.

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