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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bridging and relevance

Matsui, Tomoko January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Young children's understanding of varieties of verbal reference

Mitchell, P. L. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Language switching in naming tasks

Meuter, Renata Femmeke Inez January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into certain effects of television camera technique on cognitive processing

Davies, Máire Messenger January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Phonology and orthography in word recognition

Schlapp, Ursula January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

Self report methods for collection of exposure information on back injury risk factors in manual handling tasks

Ryan, Brendan January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Shaping Appropriate Verbal Responses in a Social Situation With a Withdrawn Retarded Adolescent

Thompson, James N. 05 1900 (has links)
"Shaping" or "method of successive approximation" is a procedure which may be applied to increase the frequency of a response which has a low operant level, or it may also be used to bring about responses which have not been previously emitted. In "shaping," the experimenter initially reinforces a response which is within the behavorial repertoire of the subject. Then, the experimenter reinforces only responses which approximate the behavior which is desired. The final behavior is then directly reinforced.

The Effects of Verbal Reinforcement on the Behavior of Mild and Moderate Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Children

Wheat, Darryl G. 08 1900 (has links)
The present study is an effort to investigate some of the pertinent implications, principles, and postulates revealed by learning theorists, specifically McCandless, using mentally retarded children as subjects.

O julgamento da expressividade do professor universitário de enfermagem ministrando aula / The Judgment of the expressiveness of a teacher teaching at a nursing school

Romano, Cristiane da Conceição 31 August 2010 (has links)
A comunicação é um processo que se encontra internamente relacionado com a expressividade. Há profissionais que usam demasiadamente a comunicação e a expressividade, como é o caso do professor, que atua transmitindo informações as quais devem chegar de maneira efetiva aos seus alunos. O objetivo geral do estudo foi investigar a expressividade do professor universitário de enfermagem ministrando aula, por meio do julgamento dos alunos. Trata-se de estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em uma instituição de ensino superior de enfermagem de uma universidade pública. Alunos matriculados (141) nos cursos de bacharelado e licenciatura de enfermagem, distribuídos em três turmas, realizaram a avaliação da expressividade de um professor da instituição, sendo que este possuía experiência profissional, estava em atividade regular e não era conhecido por este alunado. A avaliação da expressividade foi realizada por meio de seis minutos de filmagem de uma aula ministrada por esse professor. Esta mesma filmagem foi avaliada por três experts fonoaudiólogos, especialistas em voz e experientes em expressividade. A pesquisa contou com quatro fases (preparo dos instrumentos, no qual foi utilizado protocolo de avaliação fonoaudiológica e instrumento para os alunos; questionário para avaliação do aluno, adaptado segundo o protocolo de avaliação fonoaudiológica; avaliação da confiabilidade deste protocolo por três experts fonoaudiólogos; filmagem do professor participante a ser avaliado). O resultado mostrou que os experts apresentaram, praticamente, poucas discordâncias entre si em relação à avaliação da expressividade do professor, pois são especialistas e possuem experiência profissional em radio e televisão. Quanto à identificação da expressividade do professor segundo a avaliação de alunos e dos experts, em relação aos elementos: tipo de voz, pitch, esforço vocal, loudness, articulação, expressão facial, gestos e postura corporal, os resultados mostraram que as alternativas escolhidas pela maioria dos alunos foram significativamente maiores que as demais e concordantes com a maioria dos experts. Os elementos \"ênfase\", \"demonstra experiência\" e \"o que chamou atenção no vídeo\" não foram possíveis de comparação, porque não houve equivalência entre os instrumentos utilizados para a avaliação dos experts e dos alunos. O item \"pausa na fala\" não apresentou significância estatística entre a avaliação das respostas dos alunos, quando comparadas aos experts. Quanto às diferenças de avaliações entre as três turmas entre si, estas apresentaram poucas divergências entre elas. Conclui-se que o julgamento do aluno sobre as habilidades expressivas do professor de enfermagem é compatível com a avaliação dos experts fonoaudiólogos, mostrando que os alunos da universidade pública são mais que meros espectadores e pessoas capazes de avaliar, com propriedade, o professor. / Communication is a process that is internally related to expressiveness. There are professionals who use too much communication and expressiveness, as is the case of a teacher, which operates by transmitting information to effectively reach their students. The overall objective of this study was to investigate the expressiveness of a university professor of a nursing school, teaching a class by the means of the assessment of students. This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, performed in an institution of higher education in nursing at a public university. Enrolled students (141) in the nursing major, divided into three classes, carried out the assessment of expressiveness of a teacher of the previously mentioned institution, which whom had professional experience. This teacher was in regular activity and was not known by this student body. The assessment of expressiveness was performed by the means of a six- minute footage of a class taught by this teacher. This same footage was reviewed by three expert speech pathologists, voice specialists and experts in expressiveness. The research included four phases (preparation of instruments, by being the protocol of clinical assessment used and tool for the students; students\' questionnaire to evaluate the teacher, adjusted in accordance with the protocol of clinical assessment, reliability evaluation of the protocol by three expert audiologists; footage of the teacher participant to be evaluated). The outcome has shown that there were virtually very few disagreements between the experts regarding the evaluation of the expressiveness of the teacher, since they are specialists and have experience in radio and television. Regarding the identification of the expressiveness of the teacher according to the evaluation of students and experts in relation to the elements: voice type, pitch, vocal effort, loudness, articulation, facial expression, gestures and body posture, the outcome showed that the alternatives chosen by most students were significantly higher than the others and consistent with most experts. The elements \"emphasis\", \"the showing of experience\" and \"what drew attention in the video\" were not possible to compare, because there was no equivalence between the instruments used for the evaluation of experts and students. The item \"pause in the speech\" hasn\'t shown statistical significance between the assessment of students\' responses, when compared to experts. When considering differences in ratings among the three classes together, this study showed that they differ a little from each other. It has been noticed that the assessment of the student on the expressiveness abilities of the teacher of nursing is consistent with the assessments of speech experts, showing that students at public universities are more than mere spectators but people can properly evaluate the teacher.

Etude de quelques formes d'expression des émotions et des sentiments dans le contexte des nouvelles formes de communication / Study of some forms of expression of emotions and feelings in the context of new forms of communication

Elouni, Najeh 19 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse met l’accent sur l’expression linguistique des sentiments et des émotions dans un corpus jusque là peu interrogé dans ce type d’études, en l’occurrence les formes de communication instantanée rendues possibles par les nouvelles technologies et qui semblent prédisposées à accueillir de nombreux marqueurs expressifs. Elle déplace le curseur des études sur l’expression linguistique de ces deux catégories affectives du système vers l’emploi, en interrogeant un corpus formé de quatre formes de communication : blogs, forums de discussion, réseau Facebook et plateforme de microblogging Twitter. Le travail ancre la réflexion au niveau cognitif en cherchant à montrer, dans une perspective dynamique, comment se construit ce type de discours dans l’interaction médiatisée. Il aborde ainsi les différentes manifestations linguistiques et extralinguistiques qui chargent ces écrits électroniques d’une dimension émotionnelle ouvrant sur une dimension interactive intense. Il permet une réflexion sur les frontières écrit / oral et sur la naissance d’un nouveau langage expressif propre aux écrits électroniques. Ce langage, résultant de l’immédiateté, la spontanéité, mais également des contraintes techniques inhérentes aux outils médiateurs, favorise une nouvelle mise en discours des émotions et des sentiments en contexte numérique et participe à la construction d’un discours hétérogène associant verbal et non verbalMots-clés : Emotions, sentiments, verbalisation, discours, CMO, contexte, interaction. / This thesis focuses on the linguistic expression of feelings and emotions in a corpus until now little questioned in this type of studies, in this case the forms of instantaneous communication made possible by a new technology and that seems predisposed to many expressive markers. It moves the cursor studies on the linguistic expression of these emotional categories of the system to employment, interviewing a corpus formed by four forms of communication: blogs, discussion forums, Facebook and Twitter. The work anchors reflection cognitively seeking to show, in a dynamic perspective, how to build this type of discourse in mediated interaction. It studies the different linguistic and extra-linguistic manifestations that load these electronic writings an emotional dimension opening on a large interactive dimension. It allows reflection on the written / oral borders and the construction of a new expressive language specific to electronic writings. This language, resulting from the immediacy, spontaneity but also the technical constraints inherent to mediators’ tools, promotes a new discourse of emotions and feelings in this digital context and participates in the construction of a heterogeneous discourse combining the verbal and the non-verbal.Keywords : emotion, feeling, verbalization, discourse, CMO, context, interaction

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