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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Movimento de malhas e remalhamento de malhas superficiais / Mesh motion and surface remeshing

Igor Prata Soares 08 February 2007 (has links)
Malhas dinâmicas são comumente utilizadas em problemas de simulação sobre dominios cuja geometria varia com o tempo. Sempre que o domínio onde a malha está definida é alterado, as molas são acionadas movimentando os vértices para que estes se conformem com a nova descrição do domínio. Os tipos de molas mais utilizadas são: as longitudinais, as torcionais e as semi-torcionais. Nesta tese uma nova mola é proposta, a mola altura, que além de evitar sobreposição de elementos, é conceitualmente simples e fácel de ser implementada. Outra contribuição desse trabalho é o mecanismo de vértices ativos, que permite economia de processamento durante a resolução da malha dinâmica. Quando a fronteira do domínio sofre grandes alterações, o processo dinâmico pode não ter êxito na correção da malha. Para contornar esse problema, a fronteira deve ser alterada aos poucos. Uma nova estratégia para realizar grandes deformações em pequenos passos é introduzida nesta tese. Em algumas aplicações, o movimento da fronteira da malha pode comprometer células da própria fronteira. A correção da fronteira e um processo delicado, já que em muitos casos ele implica em alterar a descrição do domínio. Um novo método para efetuar a correção da fronteira é apresentado neste trabalho. Ele é baseado em malhas dinâmicas e utiliza um novo conceito de molas, as molas conservativas. Todas as contribuições citadas acima tiveram aplicação prática na industria aeronáutica, sendo utilizadas na implementação de uma metodologia inovadora para acoplar um simulador de escoamento de fluidos tridimensional com uma ferramenta de projeto inverso de aerofólios que roda em um contexto bidimensional. O outro assunto abordado e o remalhamento de triangulações superficiais. Foi proposto um novo método, chamado ANTS (Anisotropic Triangulations on Surfaces) que produz triangulações anisotrópicas de qualidade sobre superfícies descrevendo objetos com geometria complexa. O método ANTS é caracterizado por efetuar o remalhamento diretamente na triangulação inicial, isto é, ele não faz uso de qualquer tipo de parametrização, seja global ou local. O processo de remalhamento é feito por meio de quatro operadores: inserção, remoção e movimento de vértices e alternância de arestas. Os operadores de inserção e remoção de vértices possibilitam controlar a densidade de vértices no domínio, permitindo que nós sejam inseridos em regiões com densidade baixa ou eliminados onde a densidade é alta. A qualidade dos triângulos é controlada por meio dos operadores de movimento de vértices e de alternância (flipping) de arestas. O operador de movimento é utilizado no núcleo do processo de remalhamento. Para evitar que o remalhamento danifique a forma original da superfície, as quinas e os córneres são detectados no inicio do processo e preservados durante o remalhamento. A densidade de vértices sobre o domínio é controlada por uma função de espalhamento. Tal função pode ser passada como entrada para o ANTS ou calculada pelo próprio método. O ANTS foi aplicado com êxito em diversos exemplos gerando malhas de boa qualidade / This thesis intends to make a contribution on the field of dynamic meshes. Dynamic meshes are commonly used in the simulation of problems on domains whose geometry varies in time. Virtual springs are placed in the mesh to rearrange its vertices whenever the domain is changed. The most commonly used types of springs are: longitudinal, torsional and semi-torsional. In this thesis a new type of spring is introduced, the height spring, that is conceptually simple but produces good results. Another contribution of this thesis is the active vertices mechanism, that can improve the CPU processing time of the dynamic mesh. When the mesh domain undergoes large deformations, the proposed dynamic mesh algorithm may fail in correcting the mesh. A solution to this problem is perform large deformations in smal steps. A new strategy for this purpose is presented. Sometimes the motion of the mesh boundary can damage cells on the boundary itself. This is a trick problem to solve since the correction of boundary might change the domain geometry. A new method to correct the boundary cells is also presented in this study. The method is based on the dynamic mesh concept and uses a new type of spring, the conservative spring. All the mentioned contributions had been applied in the aeronautics industry. The techniques developed here has been used to implement an innovative methodology to couple a three-dimensional fluid dynamic solver with a two-dimensional inverse design tool for airfoils. This thesis also deals with remeshing. It is presented the ANTS, a practical method for remeshing anisotropic triangulations on surfaces of complex geometry. The method is capable of performing refinement and coarsening during the same process using the well-known remeshing operators: vertex motion, vertex deletion (by collapsing edges), vertex insertion, and edge flipping. An interesting feature is that vertex motion is used in the core of the process instead of in a post-processing smoothing step. The ANTS uses the input mesh as the geometrical description and works directly on the surface mesh without using any other auxiliary structure (besides the input mesh itself) to preserve the geometrical shape. Moreover, neither global nor local parameterization are applied. Sharp edges and points are identified at the beginning and kept during the process in order to preserve ridges and details. The method has been successfully applied to several examples producing high quality meshes

Cutting rules for Feynman diagrams at finite temperature.

Chowdhury, Usman 13 January 2010 (has links)
The imaginary part of the retarded self energy is of particular interest as it contains a lot of physical information about particle interactions. In higher order loop diagrams the calculation become extremely tedious and if we have to do the same at finite temperature, it includes an extra dimension to the difficulty. In such a condition we require to switch between bases and select the best basis for a particular diagram. We have shown in our calculation that in higher order loop diagrams, at #12;finite temperature, the R/A basis is most convenient on summing over the internal vertices and very efficient on calculating some particular diagrams while the result is most easily interpretable in the Keldysh basis for most other complex diagrams.

On Fractional Realizations of Tournament Score Sequences

Murphy, Kaitlin S. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Contrary to popular belief, we can’t all be winners. Suppose 6 people compete in a chess tournament in which all pairs of players compete directly and no ties are allowed; i.e., 6 people compete in a ‘round robin tournament’. Each player is assigned a ‘score’, namely the number of games they won, and the ‘score sequence’ of the tournament is a list of the players’ scores. Determining whether a given potential score sequence actually is a score sequence proves to be difficult. For instance, (0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 6) is not feasible because two players cannot both have score 0. Neither is the sequence (1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4) because the sum of the scores is 16, but only 15 games are played among 6 players. This so called ‘tournament score sequence problem’ (TSSP) was solved in 1953 by the mathematical sociologist H. G. Landau. His work inspired the investigation of round robin tournaments as directed graphs. We study a modification in which the TSSP is cast as a system of inequalities whose solutions form a polytope η-dimensional space. This relaxation allows us to investigate the possibility of fractional scores. If, in a ‘round-robin’-ish tournament, Players A and B play each other 3 times, and Player A wins 2 of the 3 games, we can record this interaction as a 2/3 score for Player A and a 1/3 score for Player B. This generalization greatly impacts the nature of possible score sequences. We will also entertain an interpretation of these fractional scores as probabilities predicting the outcome of a true round robin tournament. The intersection of digraph theory, polyhedral combinatorics, and linear programming is a relatively new branch of graph theory. These results pioneer research in this field.

Pretty Good State Transfer and Fractional Revival in Double Extended Star Graphs

Sandall, Kellon G. 12 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Much research has been done in the realm of quantum walks over networks of qubits. We primarily study a type of graph consisting of a path with two stars connected to the leaves which we call a Double Extended Star. We find that Pretty Good State Transfer can occur in many ways in a Double Extended Star and that Fractional Revival cannot occur in Double Extended Stars except when the length of the path within is one.

Modélisation 3D automatique d'environnements : une approche éparse à partir d'images prises par une caméra catadioptrique / Automatic 3d modeling of environments : a sparse approach from images taken by a catadioptric camera

Yu, Shuda 03 June 2013 (has links)
La modélisation 3d automatique d'un environnement à partir d'images est un sujet toujours d'actualité en vision par ordinateur. Ce problème se résout en général en trois temps : déplacer une caméra dans la scène pour prendre la séquence d'images, reconstruire la géométrie, et utiliser une méthode de stéréo dense pour obtenir une surface de la scène. La seconde étape met en correspondances des points d'intérêts dans les images puis estime simultanément les poses de la caméra et un nuage épars de points 3d de la scène correspondant aux points d'intérêts. La troisième étape utilise l'information sur l'ensemble des pixels pour reconstruire une surface de la scène, par exemple en estimant un nuage de points dense.Ici nous proposons de traiter le problème en calculant directement une surface à partir du nuage épars de points et de son information de visibilité fournis par l'estimation de la géométrie. Les avantages sont des faibles complexités en temps et en espace, ce qui est utile par exemple pour obtenir des modèles compacts de grands environnements comme une ville. Pour cela, nous présentons une méthode de reconstruction de surface du type sculpture dans une triangulation de Delaunay 3d des points reconstruits. L'information de visibilité est utilisée pour classer les tétraèdres en espace vide ou matière. Puis une surface est extraite de sorte à séparer au mieux ces tétraèdres à l'aide d'une méthode gloutonne et d'une minorité de points de Steiner. On impose sur la surface la contrainte de 2-variété pour permettre des traitements ultérieurs classiques tels que lissage, raffinement par optimisation de photo-consistance ... Cette méthode a ensuite été étendue au cas incrémental : à chaque nouvelle image clef sélectionnée dans une vidéo, de nouveaux points 3d et une nouvelle pose sont estimés, puis la surface est mise à jour. La complexité en temps est étudiée dans les deux cas (incrémental ou non). Dans les expériences, nous utilisons une caméra catadioptrique bas coût et obtenons des modèles 3d texturés pour des environnements complets incluant bâtiments, sol, végétation ... Un inconvénient de nos méthodes est que la reconstruction des éléments fins de la scène n'est pas correcte, par exemple les branches des arbres et les pylônes électriques. / The automatic 3d modeling of an environment using images is still an active topic in Computer Vision. Standard methods have three steps : moving a camera in the environment to take an image sequence, reconstructing the geometry of the environment, and applying a dense stereo method to obtain a surface model of the environment. In the second step, interest points are detected and matched in images, then camera poses and a sparse cloud of 3d points corresponding to the interest points are simultaneously estimated. In the third step, all pixels of images are used to reconstruct a surface of the environment, e.g. by estimating a dense cloud of 3d points. Here we propose to generate a surface directly from the sparse point cloud and its visibility information provided by the geometry reconstruction step. The advantages are low time and space complexities ; this is useful e.g. for obtaining compact models of large and complete environments like a city. To do so, a surface reconstruction method by sculpting 3d Delaunay triangulation of the reconstructed points is proposed.The visibility information is used to classify the tetrahedra in free-space and matter. Then a surface is extracted thanks to a greedy method and a minority of Steiner points. The 2-manifold constraint is enforced on the surface to allow standard surface post-processing such as denoising, refinement by photo-consistency optimization ... This method is also extended to the incremental case : each time a new key-frame is selected in the input video, new 3d points and camera pose are estimated, then the reconstructed surface is updated.We study the time complexity in both cases (incremental or not). In experiments, a low-cost catadioptric camera is used to generate textured 3d models for complete environments including buildings, ground, vegetation ... A drawback of our methods is that thin scene components cannot be correctly reconstructed, e.g. tree branches and electric posts.

Sur quelques fonctionnelles des forêts de branchement multitypes / On some functionals of multitype branching forests

Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Anh 15 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est principalement consacrée à l’étude de quelques caractéristiques d’une population à plusieurs types d’individus qui évolue selon un modèle de branchement multi-type au cours du temps. Autrement dit,chaque individu vit un certain temps et donne naissance, à la fin de sa vie, à un nombre aléatoire d’individus, suivant une loi de probabilité qui ne dépend que de son type, indépendamment des autres individus. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons aux aspects statistiques des mutations et des individus ayant une progéniture donnée dans la population en question.Les problèmes d’énumération de forêts multi-types constituent également une motivation de ce travail de thèse. / This thesis is devoted to the study of some characteristics of a population consisting of individuals of several types which evolve according to a multitype branching model. In other words, each individual lives a certain time and gives birth to a random number of individuals at the end of its life, following a probability law which depends only on the individual’s type, independently of the others individuals. More precisely, we are interested in in the statistical aspects of mutations and the individuals having a given offspring in the population of interest. The problems of enumeration of multitype forests also form a motivation of this thesis’s work.

Σχεδιασμός και ανάλυση αλγορίθμων για τυχαία εξελικτικά δίκτυα

Ραπτόπουλος, Χριστόφορος 20 October 2009 (has links)
Έστω $V$ ένα σύνολο $n$ κορυφών και έστω ${\cal M}$ ένα πεπερασμένα αριθμήσιμο σύνολο $m$ ετικετών. Ένα γράφημα ετικετών προκύπτει αν αντιστοιχήσουμε σε κάθε κορυφή $v \in V$ ένα υποσύνολο $S_v$ του ${\cal M}$ και στη συνέχεια ενώσουμε όποιες κορυφές έχουν κοινά στοιχεία στα αντίστοιχα σύνολα ετικετών τους. Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή ασχολείται με την εξέταση συνδυαστικών ιδιοτήτων και το σχεδιασμό και ανάλυση αλγορίθμων που σχετίζονται με δυο μοντέλα τυχαίων γραφημάτων που προκύπτουν από την επιλογή των συνόλων $S_v$ με βάση συγκεκριμένες κατανομές. Το πρώτο από αυτά τα μοντέλα ονομάζεται \emph{Μοντέλο Τυχαίων Γραφηματων Τομής Ετικετών} ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$ (\textlatin{random intersection graphs model}) και κάθε σύνολο ετικετών $S_v$ διαμορφώνεται επιλέγοντας ανεξάρτητα κάθε ετικέτα με πιθανότητα $p$. Το δεύτερο μοντέλο ονομάζεται \emph{Ομοιόμορφο Μοντέλο Τυχαίων Γραφηματων Τομής Ετικετών} ${\cal G}_{n, m, \lambda}$ (\textlatin{uniform random intersection graphs model}) και κάθε σύνολο ετικετών $S_v$ επιλέγεται (ανεξάρτητα για κάθε κορυφή) ισοπίθανα ανάμεσα σε όλα τα υποσύνολα του ${\cal M}$ μεγέθους $\lambda$. Τα μοντέλα αυτά μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για να μοντελοποιήσουν καταστάσεις που αφορούν θέματα ασφάλειας σε δίκτυα αισθητήρων, αλλά και για την αναπαράσταση των συγκρούσεων (\textlatin{conflicts}) που δημιουργούνται σε περιπτώσεις διαμοιρασμού πόρων. Ακόμα, μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη μοντελοποίηση κοινωνικών γραφημάτων (\textlatin{social graphs}) στα οποία δυο οντότητες συνδέονται όταν έχουν κάποιο κοινό χαρακτηριστικό. Στο Μοντέλο Τυχαίων Γραφηματων Τομής Ετικετών ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$ μελετάμε καταρχήν το πρόβλημα της ύπαρξης κύκλων \textlatin{Hamilton}. Συγκεκριμένα, αποδεικνύουμε ένα άνω φράγμα για την πιθανότητα επιλογής ετικετών $p$ έτσι ώστε κάθε στιγμιότυπο του ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$ να περιέχει ένα κύκλο \textlatin{Hamilton} με πιθανότητα που τείνει στο 1 καθώς το $n$ τείνει στο άπειρο. Ακόμα, αναλύουμε δυο πιθανοτικούς αλγορίθμους που, για ορισμένες τιμές των παραμέτρων $m, p$ του μοντέλου, καταφέρνουν να κατασκευάσουν ένα κύκλο \textlatin{Hamilton} με πιθανότητα που τείνει στο 1, δηλαδή σχεδόν πάντα. Επίσης, δείχνουμε ότι σχεδόν κάθε στιγμιότυπο του ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$ έχει καλή επεκτασιμότητα (\textlatin{expansion}), ακόμα και για $p$ πολύ κοντά στο κατώφλι συνεκτικότητας του μοντέλου. Στη συνέχεια, δίνουμε βέλτιστα άνω φράγματα (που ισχύουν με πιθανότητα που τείνει στο 1 σε ένα ευρύ πεδίο τιμών των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου) για σημαντικές ποσότητες που αφορούν τυχαίους περιπάτους σ ε στιγμιότυπα του ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$ όπως ο χρόνος μίξης (\textlatin{mixing time}) και ο χρόνος κάλυψης (\textlatin{cover time}). Στο Ομοιόμορφο Μοντέλο Τυχαίων Γραφηματων Τομής Ετικετών ${\cal G}_{n, m, \lambda}$ μελετάμε την ύπαρξη κύκλων \textlatin{Hamilton} σε ένα ορισμένο πεδίο τιμών των παραμέτρων $m, \lambda$ του μοντέλου. Τέλος, υπολογίζουμε με τη βοήθεια της Πιθανοτικής Μεθόδου το κατώφλι ύπαρξης ανεξάρτητων συνόλων κορυφών. / Let $V$ be a set of $i$ vertices and let ${\cal M}$ be a finite set of $m$ labels. An intersection graph is then constructed by assigning to each vertex $v \in V$ a subset $S_v$ of ${\cal M}$ and then connecting every pair of vertices that have common labels in their corresponding label sets. This thesis concerns the study of combinatorial properties, as well as the design and analysis of algorithms on two kinds of random intersection graphs models that arise from different choices of the distribution that we use to construct the sets $S_v$. In the first of these models, called \emph{Random Intersection Graphs Model} ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$, each set of labels $S_v$ is constructed by choosing independently each label with probability $p$. In the second model, called \emph{Uniform Random Intersection Graphs Model} ${\cal G}_{n, m, \lambda}$, each label set $S_v$ is selected equiprobably (and independently for each vertex $v$) among all subsets of ${\cal M}$ of size $\lambda$. These models can be used to abstract situations that concern the efficient and secure communication in sensor networks, but can also be used to model the conflicts that occur in oblivious resource sharing in distributed settings. Moreover, random intersection graph models can be used to model social graphs, in which two entities are connected when they have a common feature. In the Random Intersection Graphs Model ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$, we first study the existence and efficient construction of Hamilton cycles. More specifically, we give an upper bound for the probability $p$ that is needed for almost every random instance $G_{n, m, p}$ of the model to have a Hamilton cycle. We also present two polynomial time, randomized algorithms for constructing Hamilton cycles in a wide range of the parameters $m, p$. Moreover, we show that almost every random instance of the ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$ model is an expander, even for $p$ very close to the connectivity threshold. Finally, we give close to optimal bounds (that hold with probability that goes to 1 for a wide range of the parameters of the model) for important quantities (like the mixing time and the cover time) concerning random walks on random instances of ${\cal G}_{n, m, p}$. In the Uniform Random Intersection Graphs Model ${\cal G}_{n, m, \lambda}$ we study the existence of Hamilton cycles for a ce rtain range of the parameters $m, \lambda$. Finally, by using the probabilistic method we compute the independence number of ${\cal G}_{n, m, \lambda}$.

Constantes de acoplamento de vértices com mésons estranhos e charmosos usando as regras de soma da QCD / Coupling constants of vertices with strange and charming mesons using the QCD sum rules

Bruno Osório Rodrigues 12 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, foram calculados os fatores de forma e as constantes de acoplamento dos vértices mesônicos J/ψ DsDs, J/ψ Ds*Ds e J/ψ Ds*Ds*usando a técnica das regras de soma da QCD (RSQCD) até a ordem 5 da OPE. Estes três vértices estão envolvidos em algumas das numerosas hipóteses que tentam explicar a estrutura interna de alguns mésons charmosos exóticos que começaram a ser observados a partir de 2003. Tais mésons não se encaixam no espectro do charmonium e/ou apresentam números quânticos exóticos dentro do modelo CQM (constituent quark model). Um exemplo é o méson Y(4140), cujo decaimento observado é no par J/ψφ enquanto o esperado seria que tivesse decaimento predominante em mésons com open charm, devido à sua massa. Uma das propostas para se entender este méson consiste em estudá-lo como um estado molecular Ds*ar{D}s*, de modo que seu decaimento seria Y(4140) → Ds* ar{D}s* → J/ψφ. Neste processo, aparecerão os vértices de interação estudados neste trabalho, de maneira que o conhecimento mais preciso de seus fatores de forma e de suas constantes de acoplamento pode beneficiar a compreensão sobre a constituição fundamental do Y(4140) assim como a de outros novos estados como o X(4350), Y(4274) e Y(4660) por exemplo. Foram considerados neste trabalho, todos os casos off-shell possíveis para cada um dos três vértices, obtendo assim dois fatores de forma distintos para o vértice J/ψ DsDs, três para o vértice J/ψ Ds*Ds e dois para o vértice J/ψ Ds* Ds*. Nestes três vértices, os fatores de forma para o caso J/ψ off-shell foram bem ajustados por curvas monopolares enquanto os casos Ds e Ds* foram ajustados por curvas exponenciais, o que está de acordo com o comportamento encontrado em trabalhos anteriores do grupo. Os cálculos das constantes de acoplamento tiveram como resultados: g_{J/ψ Ds Ds} = 5.98^{+0.67}_{ -0.58}, g_{J/ψ D*s Ds} = 4.30_{+0.41}^{-0.35}GeV^{-1} e g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds*} = 7.47^{+1.04}_{-0.71}, resultados estes que estão compatíveis com os trabalhos anteriores que utilizaram as RSQCD para o cálculo das constantes de acoplamento dos vértices J/ψ D(*)D(*). / In this work, the form factors and coupling constants of the meson vertices J/ψ DsDs, J/ψ Ds*Ds and J/ψ Ds*Ds* have been calculated with the QCD sum rule (QCDSR) technique up to dimension 5 of the operator product expansion (OPE). These three vertices are involved in some of the numerous hypotheses that attempt to explain the internal structure of some exotic charmed mesons which began to be observed since 2003. Such mesons do not fit in the charmonium spectrum and/or have exotic quantum numbers within the CQM (constituent quark model). An example is the Y(4140) meson, which decays in the pair J/ψφ while the expected would be a dominant decay in open charm mesons. One of the proposals to understand this meson is to study it as a molecular state Ds*{D}s*, so it would decay as Y(4140)→ Ds* {D}s* → J/ψφ.In this process, the vertices studied in this work will appear, so the more accurate knowledge of their form factors and their coupling constants can benefit our understanding of the fundamental constitution of the Y(4140) as well as other new states as the X(4350), Y(4274) and Y (4660) eg. In this study all possible off-shell cases for each of these three vertices were considered, thus obtaining two different form factors for the vertex J/ψ DsDs, three for the vertex J/ψ Ds*Ds and two for the vertex J/ψ Ds* Ds*. In these three vertices, the form factors for the J/ψ off-shell case were well fitted by monopolar curves, while the Ds and Ds* off-shell cases were well fitted by exponential curves which is in agreement with the behavior found in previous work of the group. The calculations of the coupling constants leaded to the following results: g_{J/ψ Ds Ds} = 5.98^{+0.67}_{-0.58}, g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds} = 4.30^{+0.41}_{-0.35}GeV^{-1} and g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds*} = 7.47^{+1.04}_{-0.71}, these results are compatible with previous QCDSR works for the non strange vertices J/ψD(*)D(*).

Constantes de acoplamento de vértices com mésons estranhos e charmosos usando as regras de soma da QCD / Coupling constants of vertices with strange and charming mesons using the QCD sum rules

Bruno Osório Rodrigues 12 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, foram calculados os fatores de forma e as constantes de acoplamento dos vértices mesônicos J/ψ DsDs, J/ψ Ds*Ds e J/ψ Ds*Ds*usando a técnica das regras de soma da QCD (RSQCD) até a ordem 5 da OPE. Estes três vértices estão envolvidos em algumas das numerosas hipóteses que tentam explicar a estrutura interna de alguns mésons charmosos exóticos que começaram a ser observados a partir de 2003. Tais mésons não se encaixam no espectro do charmonium e/ou apresentam números quânticos exóticos dentro do modelo CQM (constituent quark model). Um exemplo é o méson Y(4140), cujo decaimento observado é no par J/ψφ enquanto o esperado seria que tivesse decaimento predominante em mésons com open charm, devido à sua massa. Uma das propostas para se entender este méson consiste em estudá-lo como um estado molecular Ds*ar{D}s*, de modo que seu decaimento seria Y(4140) → Ds* ar{D}s* → J/ψφ. Neste processo, aparecerão os vértices de interação estudados neste trabalho, de maneira que o conhecimento mais preciso de seus fatores de forma e de suas constantes de acoplamento pode beneficiar a compreensão sobre a constituição fundamental do Y(4140) assim como a de outros novos estados como o X(4350), Y(4274) e Y(4660) por exemplo. Foram considerados neste trabalho, todos os casos off-shell possíveis para cada um dos três vértices, obtendo assim dois fatores de forma distintos para o vértice J/ψ DsDs, três para o vértice J/ψ Ds*Ds e dois para o vértice J/ψ Ds* Ds*. Nestes três vértices, os fatores de forma para o caso J/ψ off-shell foram bem ajustados por curvas monopolares enquanto os casos Ds e Ds* foram ajustados por curvas exponenciais, o que está de acordo com o comportamento encontrado em trabalhos anteriores do grupo. Os cálculos das constantes de acoplamento tiveram como resultados: g_{J/ψ Ds Ds} = 5.98^{+0.67}_{ -0.58}, g_{J/ψ D*s Ds} = 4.30_{+0.41}^{-0.35}GeV^{-1} e g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds*} = 7.47^{+1.04}_{-0.71}, resultados estes que estão compatíveis com os trabalhos anteriores que utilizaram as RSQCD para o cálculo das constantes de acoplamento dos vértices J/ψ D(*)D(*). / In this work, the form factors and coupling constants of the meson vertices J/ψ DsDs, J/ψ Ds*Ds and J/ψ Ds*Ds* have been calculated with the QCD sum rule (QCDSR) technique up to dimension 5 of the operator product expansion (OPE). These three vertices are involved in some of the numerous hypotheses that attempt to explain the internal structure of some exotic charmed mesons which began to be observed since 2003. Such mesons do not fit in the charmonium spectrum and/or have exotic quantum numbers within the CQM (constituent quark model). An example is the Y(4140) meson, which decays in the pair J/ψφ while the expected would be a dominant decay in open charm mesons. One of the proposals to understand this meson is to study it as a molecular state Ds*{D}s*, so it would decay as Y(4140)→ Ds* {D}s* → J/ψφ.In this process, the vertices studied in this work will appear, so the more accurate knowledge of their form factors and their coupling constants can benefit our understanding of the fundamental constitution of the Y(4140) as well as other new states as the X(4350), Y(4274) and Y (4660) eg. In this study all possible off-shell cases for each of these three vertices were considered, thus obtaining two different form factors for the vertex J/ψ DsDs, three for the vertex J/ψ Ds*Ds and two for the vertex J/ψ Ds* Ds*. In these three vertices, the form factors for the J/ψ off-shell case were well fitted by monopolar curves, while the Ds and Ds* off-shell cases were well fitted by exponential curves which is in agreement with the behavior found in previous work of the group. The calculations of the coupling constants leaded to the following results: g_{J/ψ Ds Ds} = 5.98^{+0.67}_{-0.58}, g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds} = 4.30^{+0.41}_{-0.35}GeV^{-1} and g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds*} = 7.47^{+1.04}_{-0.71}, these results are compatible with previous QCDSR works for the non strange vertices J/ψD(*)D(*).

Aspects combinatoires des motifs linéaires en géométrie discrète / Combinatorial aspects of the linear patterns in discrete geometry

Khoshnoudirad, Daniel 17 June 2016 (has links)
La Géométrie Discrète, comme Science de l'Informatique Théorique, étudie notamment les motifs linéaires tels que les primitives discrètes apparaissant dans les images : les droites discrètes, les segments discrets, les plans discrets, les morceaux de plans discrets par exemple. Dans ce travail, je me concentre tout particulièrement sur les diagrammes de Farey qui apparaissent lors de l'étude des primitives discrètes que sont les (m,n)-cubes, autrement dit les morceaux de plans discrets. J’étudie notamment la Combinatoire des droites formant les diagrammes de Farey, en établissant des formules exactes. Je montre alors que certaines méthodes utilisées auparavant ne permettront pas d'optimiser la Combinatoire des (m,n)-cubes. J'obtiens aussi une estimation asymptotique en utilisant la Théorie des Nombres Combinatoire. Puis, concernant les sommets apparaissant dans les diagrammes de Farey, j'obtiens une borne inférieure. J'analyse alors les stratégies déjà mises en place pour l'étude des $(m,n)$-cubes par les seuls diagrammes de Farey en deux dimensions. Afin d'obtenir de nouvelles bornes plus précises pour les $(m,n)$-cubes, une des seules méthodes actuellement existantes, est de proposer une généralisation de la notion de pré image d'un segment discret, à celle de pré image d'un $(m,n)$-cube, avec pour conséquence une nouvelle inégalité combinatoire sur le cardinal des (m,n)-cubes (inégalité qui pourrait même s'avérer être une égalité). Ainsi, nous introduisons la notion de diagramme de Farey en trois dimensions / Discrete Geometry, as Theoretical Computer Science, studies in particular linear patterns such as discrete primitives in images: the discrete lines, discrete segments, the discrete planes, pieces of discrete planes, for example. In this work, I particularly focused on Farey diagrams that appear in the study of the $ (m, n) $ - cubes, ie the pieces of discrete planes. Among others, I study the Combinatorics of the Farey lines forming diagram Farey, establishing exact formulas. I also get an asymptotic estimate using Combinatorial Number Theory. Then, I get a lower bound for the cardinality of the Farey vertices. After that, we analyze the strategies used in the literature for the study of (m, n)- cubes only by Farey diagrams in two dimensions. In order to get new and more accurate bounds for (m, n)- cubes, one of the few available methods, is to propose a generalization for the concept of preimage of a discrete segment for (m, n) - cube, resulting in a new combinatorial inequality. Thus, we introduce the notion Farey diagram in three dimensions

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