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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vidaus audito vaidmuo administruojant ES lėšas / Role of internal audit in administering the EU funds

Grebelienė, Goda 22 January 2007 (has links)
Darbe apžvelgiama Lietuvoje gautos ES finansinės paramos valdymo ir kontrolės sistema, susisteminami pagrindiniai Europos Komisijos reikalavimai kontrolės sistemai, apibrėžiamas Europos Sąjungos finansinės paramos lėšų vidaus audito vaidmuo visoje paramos lėšų kontrolės sistemoje ir analizuojamas vidaus audito pasirengimas tinkamam priskirtų funkcijų įgyvendinimui. Darbe iškelta hipotezė pasitvirtino tik iš dalies. Lietuvos valstybinio sektoriaus vidaus auditas nesuteikia pilnos garantijos, kad Europos Sąjungos paramos lėšos naudojamos teisėtai, tinkamai ir tik finansuotinoms išlaidoms dengti, dėl nepakankamų praktinių įgūdžių, nepakankamo vidaus auditorių skaičiaus, specialiųjų gebėjimų neturėjimo, nemotyvuotos mokymo politikos, netobulo veiklos planavimo. / This job reviews the system of the European Union funds control, the role of internal audit and the internal audit readiness to guarantee that the European Union funds are used legallyand properly. The hypothesis suggested at the beginning of the work proved out only partially. The internal sector of the Lithuanian state sector does not give a full guarantee that the European Union funds are used legally, properly and only in order to reimburse the costs to be financed, due to the lack of efficient practical skills, insufficient number of internal auditors, absence of special capasities, unmotivated training policy, incomplete planning of activities.

Vidaus auditas Lietuvos įmonėse / Internal Audit in Lithuanian Enterprises

Makara, Jelena 20 May 2005 (has links)
Summary Jelena Makara Internal Audit in Lithuanian Enterprises Final work of University magistracy Studies, 76 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, 61 literature references, 4 appendix, in Lithuanian. KEY words: internal audit, internal control, stage, enterprises, Lithuania. The object of research is the internal audit in enterprises of Lithuania. The aim of the research – to analyse the internal audit condition; to investigate produce methods and reasons of absence of internal audit; to give recommendations for improvement of the state and possibility of distribution of internal audit in enterprises of Lithuania. Objectives: * to formulate the definition of the internal audit, by results of theoretical questions connected with the concept of internal audit, definition; * to make the internal audit and the internal control comparative analysis, to define an influence of the internal audit on system of internal control, and to examine conception of internal auditor independence; * to give a classification of the internal audit by it type, and to examine it functions; * to analyse the history of internal audit appearance in Lithuania, and laws of internal audit; * to discover and to analyse stages of realization of internal audit; * to analyse internal audit condition in enterprises of Lithuania, by results of carried out research, and to give recommendations for improvement of condition of internal audit; * to determine reasons of internal audit absence in enterprises... [to full text]

Vidaus kontrolės efektyvumo įtaka audito rizikai / The impact of the internal control efficiency the risk of audit

Raguckaitė, Sigita 26 June 2014 (has links)
Vidaus kontrolė reikšminga ne tik pačiai įmonei, jos būklė svarbi ir auditoriams atliekant auditą. Kaip nurodoma tarptautiniuose audito standartuose siekdamas nustatyti galimų iškraipymų rūšis bei tolimesnių audito procedūrų pobūdį, laiką ir apimtį auditorius turi remtis žiniomis apie vidaus kontrolę. Vidaus kontrolės efektyvumas tiesiogiai daro įtaką audito rizikos įvertinimui. Vadinasi, negalėdamas tinkamai įvertinti įmonės vidaus kontrolės sistemos auditorius gali pateikti klaidingą auditoriaus išvadą, kuria vadovaudamiesi įmonės verslo partneriai gali priimti neteisingus sprendimus. Darbo objektas – vidaus kontrolės efektyvumo įtaka audito rizikai. Darbo tikslas - vidaus kontrolės efektyvumo įtakos audito rizikai nustatymo metodikos tobulinimas. Darbo uždaviniai. Darbo tikslui pasiekti buvo keliami tokie pagrindiniai uždaviniai: atlikti vidaus kontrolės sampratos analizę; palyginti siūlomus vidaus kontrolės modelius ir išnagrinėti vidaus kontrolės elementus; išanalizuoti audito rizikos sampratos interpretacijas bei pagrįsti audito rizikos ryšį su vidaus kontrole; apklausos būdu nustatyti ir išanalizuoti Kauno mieste veikiančių įmonių vidaus kontrolės sistemą; apklausos būdu pagrįsti vidaus kontrolės efektyvumo įtaką audito rizikos nustatymui; remiantis mokslo darbų analize bei empirinio tyrimo gautais rezultatais pateikti vidaus kontrolės efektyvumo įtakos audito rizikai nustatymo metodiką atliekant auditą. Darbo struktūra. Šį darbą sudaro trys dalys. Darbo apimtis - 93... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Internal control is significant not only for the enterprise itself but also for the auditors who audit an enterprise. International standards of audit indicate that an auditor must refer to the results of internal control in order to avoid misrepresentation. The Standards point out to the character of procedures of audit, its time and extent. The effectiveness of internal control makes direct influence on evaluation of risk. Consequently, an auditor having no opportunity to properly evaluate the system of internal control of an enterprise might draw a wrong conclusion. Thus business partners of an enterprise might make incorrect decisions. Object of this study is the efficiency of internal control to the risk of audit. Purpose - the development of the methodology of estimation of the efficiency of internal control to the risk of audit. The goals - to analyse the notion of internal control; to compare the suggested models of internal control and analyse the elements of internal control; to analyse the interpretations of notions of risk of audit and justify the connection of that risk to internal control, to identify and analyse the system of internal control in some enterprises in Kaunas sustaining the results of inquires; to justify the efficiency of internal control to the estimation of audit risk sustaining the results of inquires; sustaining the analyses of scientific works and the results of empirical survey to give the methodology of estimation of the efficiency of... [to full text]

Įmonių vidaus kontrolės sistema transformacijų procese: kūrimas, raida, problemos / Corporate internal control system in the process of transformations: formation, development, problems

Kanapickienė, Rasa 08 April 2009 (has links)
Rinkos sąlygomis kiekviena įmonė siekia užimti ir išlaikyti geriausią rinkos dalį. Viena iš priemonių tai pasiekti – efektyvi įmonės vidaus kontrolė. Stiprėjant konkurencijai, sparčiai plėtojantis ir keičiantis technologijoms, taip pat sudėtingėjant verslo projektams bei didėjant verslo įvairovei, įmonės valdymas tampa vis sudėtingesnis. Todėl ir įmonės vidaus kontrolė tampa vis sudėtingesnė problema. Gera įmonės vidaus kontrolės sistema – vienas iš efektyvios tos įmonės veiklos garantų. Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą ir sparčiai augant ekonomikai, organizacijos ieško naujų galimybių, plečiasi veiklos mastas, todėl susiduriama su naujomis rizikos rūšimis. Įmonė, norėdama pasiekti kuo geresnių veiklos rezultatų, turi išnaudoti visus galimus resursus. Tokiomis aplinkybėmis įmonei neturint efektyvios vidaus kontrolės sistemos gali būti sudėtinga įgyti konkurencinį potencialą Europos Sąjungoje. XX a. pab. iš pasaulyje pasklidusių stambių finansinių skandalų: Enron, Worldcom, Ahold ir Parmalat ir kt., matyti, kad neturinčios vidaus kontrolės sistemos įmonės yra pasmerktos žlugti. Šie bankrotai taip pat parodė, kad vidaus kontrolės reglamentavimas yra nepakankamas. Tačiau šiandieninė per pasaulį nuvilnijusi krizė parodė, kad įmonių vidaus kontrolė nesugebėjo atskleisti esminių įmonėms gresiančių verslo rizikų ir sumažinti tiek, kad jos taptų priimtinos. Be to, įmonių valdymo sistemos nesugebėjo skubiai įgyvendinti antikrizinių priemonių. Tai lėmė šios problemos nagrinėjimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the market environment every company is seeking to obtain and maintain the best market share. One of the mechanisms in achieving this goal is an effective internal control of the company. With growing competition, fast development and introduction of new technologies, progressing complexity of business projects, and enlarging business diversity, company management is becoming increasingly more complicated. Consequently, company internal control is becoming a more and more complicated task. A good company internal control system is one of the guarantees of effective company business. Following Lithuanian accession to the EU the economy grows fast and organisations look for new courses of action, expand the scope of their activities and thus face new types of risk. To achieve the best possible results a company must exploit all possible resources. Under such circumstances it may be difficult to acquire a competitive potential in the European Union unless there is an efficient internal control in place. Huge financial scandals of the end of the 20th century, such as Enron, WorldCom, Ahold, Parmalat, etc. made it obvious that companies without an internal control system are destined to die. Moreover, those bankruptcy cases revealed insufficient regulation of internal control. The current global crisis showed that corporate internal control failed to reveal major business risks faced by companies and to minimize such risks to an acceptable level. Likewise, corporate... [to full text]

Vidaus auditas Lietuvos savivaldybėse / Internal Audit in Municipalities of Lithuania

Ramonienė, Vilma 29 May 2006 (has links)
Final research for Master’s Degree includes: pages-70, illustrations-13, references-61, appendixes-5, language-Lithuanian. The object of the research: Internal audit in Lithuanian Municipalities. The purpose of research: to analyze the essence of the internal audit, to investigate the state of internal audit in municipalities of Lithuania, ascertaining problems of the internal control, as the main object of internal audit in municipalities Objectives of research:  to analyze the conception, purpose and objectives of internal audit;  to analyze the stages of internal audit;  to investigate the state of internal audit in municipalities of Lithuania;  to establish main problems of internal audit and their reasons in municipalities of Lithuania;  to ascertain problems of internal control system evaluation in municipalities and to present possible ways for problem’s solution;  to suggest the internal control system model, which would help for internal auditors to value internal control operation, as the main object of internal audit in municipalities and to clarify better understanding of possible control components and their establishment and evaluation problems;  to evaluate internal control, based on suggested evaluation model, as the main object of internal audit in municipalities. Methods of research: analysis of scientific and standard literature references, questionnaire, logical analysis, comparable analysis, summing-up, assembling... [to full text]

Vidaus kontrolė ir vidaus auditas Utenos apskrities savivaldybėse / Internal control and internal audit in Utena's district local governments

Kondratavičiūtė, Vita 23 January 2008 (has links)
Vidaus kontrolė yra sistema su bendra įmonės kultūra ir individualia kontrolės veikla, kurią atlieka kiekvienas įmonės darbuotojas, vadovams vadovaujant bei vidaus auditui prižiūrint. Tuo tarpu vidaus audito tikslas - prižiūrėti vidaus kontrolės sistemą ir siekti, kad sistema funkcionuotų kuo ekonomiškiau, efektyviau ir rezultatyviau. 2003 metais, priėmus Lietuvos Respublikos vietos savivaldos įstatymo pakeitimo įstatymą, sukurta teisinė bazė nuo 2004 m. sausio 1 d. įdiegti savivaldybėse vidaus ir išorės audito sistemą. Steigiama centralizuota savivaldybės vidaus audito tarnyba. Darbo pagrindinis tikslas - atlikti vidaus kontrolės ir vidaus audito Utenos apskrities savivaldybėse lyginamąją analizę, pateikti išvadas ir rekomendacijas vidaus kontrolės ir vidaus audito sistemų tobulinimui. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo atliktas tyrimas Utenos apskrities savivaldybėse. Nagrinėtos sritys: CVAT darbo organizavimas, SVAT darbo planavimas, vidaus audito atlikimas, vidaus audito ataskaitos, CVAT personalo ištekliai, CVAT darbuotojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas. Pagal vienodus kriterijus atlikus lyginamąją analizę, padaryta išvada, kad daugelyje Utenos apskrities savivaldybių CVAT akivaizdus darbuotojų trūkumas, daugelyje VAT nesuformuotos tarnybos. Atlikto tyrimo gauti rezultatai iš dalies leido patvirtinti darbo pradžioje iškeltą hipotezę “Vidaus kontrolės ir vidaus audito sistemos Utenos apskrities savivaldybėse yra silpnos”. / Internal control is a system with a common enterprise's culture and individual control activity, which is being fulfiled by each worker, directed by the head and supervised by internal audit. Meanwhile, the aim of the internal audit is to supervise control system and try to achieve the system to functionate more economical way, more effective and resultant. In 2003, when was passed the amendment the law of the Republic of Lithuania on local self- government, was introduced legislation to spread internal and external audit system in local governments from 1 January, 2004. Establishing centralized local government's internal audit service. The main aim of the work - to carry out internal control's and internal audit's comparable analysis in Utena's district local governments, to present conclusions and recomendations for inprovement of internal control and internal audit systems. To reach this aim there was caried out research in Utena's district governments. Investigated fields: work organisation of the centralized internal audit service, centralized internal audit service's work layout, internal audit perfomance, internal audit reports, centralized internal audit service's staff sources, centralized internal audit service's workers' qualification improvement. After was made comparable analysis according to same criterions, drawn a conclusion, which says that in many Utena's district governments centralized internal audit service's obvious shortage of workers, in many... [to full text]

Vidaus auditas savivaldybėje / Internal audit in the municipality

Juškevičienė, Sondra 06 June 2005 (has links)
Graduate work of master’s studies of 73 pages, 8 pictures, 2 tables, 70 references, 8 appurtenances. The paper is written in Lithuanian. KEY WORDS: internal audit, internal control, municipality, risk, Europe Union funds. Research object – internal audit in the municipality. Research aim – to examine the internal audit situation, its performance in the municipality, present problems and solutions of internal audit, position to internal audit. Research objectives: • to analyze the internal audit concept, types and the realm of activities, to perform the internal audit theoretical analysis; • to examine the internal audit evolve in Lithuania as well as international regularitions; • to analyze the internal audit situation activities, the internal audit in the enterprise; • to play respondent poll, to evaluate personel position to internal audit work in the municipality; • to analyze the internal audit organization postulates, aims and spreads in the municipality; • to present of internal audition actual the actual boucle betterment in the municipality. Researh methods – analysis of normative documents which regulate internal audit, monograph, logical analysis, describing analysis, contrast analysis, generalization. Researh time – 1995 – 2005 years; October – December of 2004 year accomplished personel of questionnaires research, with the view of see personel position to internal audit in the municipality. The internal audit is very important to Lithuanian it was of Europe... [to full text]

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