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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Дунав као саобраћајна артерија и осовина развоја у Републици Србији / Dunav kao saobraćajna arterija i osovina razvoja u Republici Srbiji / Danube as a transport artery and axis ofdevelopment in the Republic of Serbia

Milanković Jelena 26 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду је дата детаљна анализа подручја Подунавља у Републици Србији, који се<br />назива Дунавска осовина. Простор Дунава, тј. Коридора VII има изузетан саобраћајни&nbsp; положај и природне услове за развој и чини део окоснице просторне структуре Србије. На овом подручју је изражена концентрација становништва и агломерација делатности и то посебно на подручју Града Београда, највеће урбане агломерације Србије, али и на подручју Новог Сада, који чини национални секундарни центар. Простор дунавског појаса због свог изузетног&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; узроковао је да има повећану концентрацију производње, капитала, саобраћаја, становништва и насељавања у том делу Србије.<br />Дунавска осовина располаже изузетним потенцијалима за развој пољопривреде, енергетике, индустрије и туризма. Значај и потенцијали реке Дунав за Републику Србију су огромни, али његове предности још увек нису искоришћене, а његова улога осовине развоја није у потпуности потврђена. О природним ресурсима простора око реке Дунав у Европи и неопходности сарадње између подунавских земаља писали су многи, али и закључивали да је њихова искоришћеност недовољна и неадекватна, као и да нема рационалну организацију која би бринула о економским, еколошким, културним, и другим интересима како средње, тако и о интересима целе Еворпе.<br />Основни циљ дисертације је потврђивање потенцијала и могућности које подручје Подунавља пружа Републици Србији, као и постављене хипотезе да је Дунав, односно, Подунавље осовина развоја Републике Србије. Утврђивањем основних природних и друштвених карактеристика дунавског гравитационог подручја и саме реке и њихове анализе приказаће се основни потенцијали овог подручја. Циљ је да се укаже на значај Дунава за регионални развој Србије и да се конкретним решењима предложе најбољи начини за коришћење његових многобројних вредности. Реалним приказом садашњег стања омогућава се и процена будућег дешавања и промена.</p> / <p>U radu je data detaljna analiza područja Podunavlja u Republici Srbiji, koji se<br />naziva Dunavska osovina. Prostor Dunava, tj. Koridora VII ima izuzetan saobraćajni&nbsp; položaj i prirodne uslove za razvoj i čini deo okosnice prostorne strukture Srbije. Na ovom području je izražena koncentracija stanovništva i aglomeracija delatnosti i to posebno na području Grada Beograda, najveće urbane aglomeracije Srbije, ali i na području Novog Sada, koji čini nacionalni sekundarni centar. Prostor dunavskog pojasa zbog svog izuzetnog&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; uzrokovao je da ima povećanu koncentraciju proizvodnje, kapitala, saobraćaja, stanovništva i naseljavanja u tom delu Srbije.<br />Dunavska osovina raspolaže izuzetnim potencijalima za razvoj poljoprivrede, energetike, industrije i turizma. Značaj i potencijali reke Dunav za Republiku Srbiju su ogromni, ali njegove prednosti još uvek nisu iskorišćene, a njegova uloga osovine razvoja nije u potpunosti potvrđena. O prirodnim resursima prostora oko reke Dunav u Evropi i neophodnosti saradnje između podunavskih zemalja pisali su mnogi, ali i zaključivali da je njihova iskorišćenost nedovoljna i neadekvatna, kao i da nema racionalnu organizaciju koja bi brinula o ekonomskim, ekološkim, kulturnim, i drugim interesima kako srednje, tako i o interesima cele Evorpe.<br />Osnovni cilj disertacije je potvrđivanje potencijala i mogućnosti koje područje Podunavlja pruža Republici Srbiji, kao i postavljene hipoteze da je Dunav, odnosno, Podunavlje osovina razvoja Republike Srbije. Utvrđivanjem osnovnih prirodnih i društvenih karakteristika dunavskog gravitacionog područja i same reke i njihove analize prikazaće se osnovni potencijali ovog područja. Cilj je da se ukaže na značaj Dunava za regionalni razvoj Srbije i da se konkretnim rešenjima predlože najbolji načini za korišćenje njegovih mnogobrojnih vrednosti. Realnim prikazom sadašnjeg stanja omogućava se i procena budućeg dešavanja i promena.</p> / <p>The paper gives a detailed analysis of the area of Podunavlje in the Republic of Serbia, which bears the name the Danube Axis. The Danube region, that is the region&nbsp; of the Corridor VII has an exceptional traffic position and natural conditions for development and it makes a part of the essential framework of the spatial structure of Serbia. This region has a pronounced concentration of population as well as agglomeration of economic activities, especially on the territory of the City of Belgrade, the largest urban agglomeration in Serbia, and also on the&nbsp;territory of Novi Sad, which is a secondary national center. Due to its particular significance, the Danube region has an enlarged concentration of production, capital, traffic, population and immigration in that part of Serbia. The Danube Axis has enormous potential for the growth of agriculture, energetics, industry and tourism. The Danube River has enormous significance and enormous potential for the Republic of Serbia. However, its advantages have not yet been taken, and its role as a foundation for development has not yet been fully confirmed. Many people have written about natural resources of the area surrounding the Danube River in Europe and about the necessity of cooperation among the countries along the Danube River basin, but they have also concluded that their exploitation has been insufficient and inadequate, as well as that there has been no rational organization to take care of the economic, ecological, cultural and other interests of Central Europe and of the whole Europe as well. The main goal of the dissertation is to confirm potential and possibilities that the area of Podunavlje offers to the Republic of Serbia, as well as to make a hypothesis that the Danube, that is Podunavlje, provides the basis for the growth of the Republic of Serbia. The establishing of major natural and social characteristics of the Danube gravity zone and of the River itself and their analysis will show the true potential of this&nbsp; region. The aim is to emphasize the importance of the Danube for the regional growth&nbsp; of Serbia and to suggest the best ways of exploiting its numerous assets in the form of&nbsp; concrete solutions. A real portrayal of the present state enables the assessment of future occurrences and future changes.</p>

L'interprétation de Matthieu 7,6 dans la production scientifique francophone et anglophone des années 1950 à 2000

Martin, Raymond 17 May 2021 (has links)
La présente étude propose une analyse des recherches effectuées entre 1950 et 2000, portant sur le verset six du chapitre sept de l'évangile de saint Matthieu. Ce tour d'horizon tente de répondre à trois questions: (1) Dans quelle grande approche d'interprétation de textes peut-on classer chacune de ces études? (2) À quelle méthode spécifique chaque chercheur a-t-il fait appel pour mener à bien sa recherche? (3) Et finalement, quelles sont les grandes questions que suscite Matthieu 7, 6 et qu'elles sont les différentes solutions proposées par les chercheurs? Pour répondre à ces trois questions, il y a deux préalables: (1) bien définir les trois grandes approches d'interprétation de textes que sont l'approche de l'auteur et son monde, l'approche du texte et son monde et l'approche du lecteur et le contexte de réception ; (2) présenter chacune des méthodes de recherche retenues ces cinquante dernières années pour donner du sens à Matthieu 7, 6.

An exegetical study of Daniel 7-9

Laiu, Florin Gh 11 1900 (has links)
M.Th.(Old Testament)

The interaction of genetic and environmental vascular risk markers in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and their first degree relatives

Mansfield, Michael William January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

The Issues and Perceptions of Muslim Employees Concerning Religious Accommodation in the Workplace

White, Daniel Winfred 01 January 2018 (has links)
Religious accommodation in the workplace has been a growing issue in the business community, partly as a result of an increasing number of religious discrimination cases in the United States. The focus of this qualitative phenomenological study was to investigate Muslims' perceptions concerning religious accommodation using pluralism and religious pluralism as the theoretical frameworks. Data were collected via an online survey of Muslims from different regions throughout the United States with a sample size of 28 participants. Data from the online survey were analyzed using the Moustakas method of phenomenological analysis, which consists of epoché, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and the synthesis of meanings and essences. Results showed the Muslim employees perceived there was a severe lack of religious accommodation provided by their companies. A plurality of the respondents stated their companies did not take any action toward providing them with religious accommodation. Findings also showed prayer to be one of the most important forms of religious expression in the workplace. The implications for positive social change are that companies begin to communicate more effectively with their Muslim employees. With the hope that leaders and public policymakers will implement changes that are beneficial to American society.

An examination of the viability of Title VII as a mechanism to compel racial diversity among the composition of head coaches at NCAA football bowl subdivision institutions

Hatfield, Lance Carlos 15 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the legal strategy of utilizing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to compel change to the racial composition of head coaches at NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision institutions. To accomplish this, the researcher examined the guidelines for bringing a Title VII case, researched statutory requirements and case law precedents, and compiled and analyzed the outcomes of prior employment discrimination cases. In addition, the researcher investigated the proposition that Title VII could do for minority football coaches what Title IX did in athletics for girls and women. Investigation of Title VII procedural guidelines revealed that plaintiffs are disadvantaged when pursuing a claim. This is due in part to the fact that plaintiffs must exhaust administrative remedies prior to filing a complaint with a court. As a result, the Title VII remedy requires a protracted process. In addition, review of salient sport and non-sport cases revealed that courts are highly deferential to employers when evaluating the employers’ proffered hiring criteria. Analysis of prior Title VII case outcomes revealed a significant disparity in plaintiff and defendant success rates. During 1998-2006, plaintiffs succeeded in opposing motions for summary judgment only 1.84% of the time in U.S. District Courts. Plaintiffs were more successful if they were able to get their cases heard by a court. Plaintiffs prevailed in 37.9% of jury trials and in 26.7% of bench trials. It was also determined that Title VII is unlikely to provide results similar to Title IX. This is asserted for two main reasons. First, unlike Title IX, Title VII complaints cannot be filed directly in a court without exhausting administrative remedies. Second, because standing is not an issue in filing a Title IX complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, the investigation of an institution can commence upon the filing of a complaint by an interested party. Thus, a coach or administrator does not have to be directly involved. It was concluded that for these and other reasons, it is unlikely that Title VII litigation can affect change. Minority coach advocates should instead try less adversarial approaches.

Conciliar politics and administration in the reign of Henry VII

Ford, Lisa L. January 2001 (has links)
Since Elton's commentary on the absence of critical study of the early Tudor council in 1964, some progress has been made towards a wider, fuller, more detailed understanding of Henry VII's council and where it fits-or does not-into the development of council under the Tudors. However, the early Tudor council remains something of an enigma. Added to that is recent interest by late medieval historians in just how much power Henry VII exercised in the operation of his councils. Was Henry ruling, or were his bureaucratic counsellors ruling him? A re-examination of the various Elizabethan/Jacobean council extracts, as well as the examination of data contained in a wide variety of primary documents, such as the chamber account books, petitions, privy seal warrants and view books, provides evidence with which to suggest a more precisely defined and better organized council than that previously established for the first Tudor monarch, and also to demonstrate that Henry VII was actively involved in the business of the protean forms of that council, at Westminster or away. This thesis hopefully advances the picture of the conciliar and administrative matrix which was governing under Henry VII, its component parts, including an embryonic privy council, the personnel of that council, the systems through which conciliar business was developed, and the king's position at the head of that council in the most literal sense.

An exegetical study of Daniel 7-9

Laiu, Florin Gh 11 1900 (has links)
M.Th.(Old Testament)

"Queen of Kings": Masculinity and Femininity in the Visual Rhetoric of Cleopatra VII and Augustan Distortions Thereof

Kendall, Allen Alexander 01 August 2019 (has links)
To address every aspect in which Cleopatra VII asserted her right to rule and maintain the favor of her own subjects and of Rome would be far too large a task for anything less than a book-length treatment. Rather than attempt to address multiple issues, this thesis addresses just one aspect of Cleopatra's political strategy to visualize her legitimacy as ruler: namely a combination of masculine and feminine elements in her iconography. This thesis will then follow the same themes in elements of Cleopatra's visual rhetoric was seized upon by the poets of Augustan Rome, who used it to the opposite effect, making her out to be unfit to rule. In the case of Cleopatra's visual rhetoric, the emphasis shifts in different periods, as Cleopatra adapted her rhetorical strategy to her personal circumstances and her intended audience, at times emphasizing certain masculine elements and at other times focusing on feminine. The Roman authors, on the other hand, see Cleopatra's status in ruler as a usurpation of the masculine rule and therefore monstrous and unspeakable. In order to take the queen and fit her into a Roman world view, they make use of various types of women customary to Classical literature to confine her to a role appropriate”from their perspective"for a woman. In every case, however, gender is used to demonstrate Cleopatra's legitimacy, or perceived lack thereof.


Ivanova, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This Thesis extends the chemistry of group VII transition metal oxide fluorides, namely ReO3F and MnO3F. The fundamental chemistry of ReO3F has been significantly extended with the development of its high-yield and high-purity synthesis. This has been achieved by solvolysis of Re2O7 in anhydrous HF (aHF) followed by reaction of the water formed with dissolved F2 at room temperature. The improved synthesis has allowed the Lewis acid and fluoride-ion donor-acceptor properties of ReO3F to be further investigated. The Lewis acid-base complex, (HF)2ReO3F·HF, was obtained by dissolution of ReO3F in aHF at room temperature and was characterized by vibrational spectroscopy with aid of quantum-chemical calculations and single-crystal X-ray diffraction at −173 °C. The HF molecules are F-coordinated to rhenium, representing the only known example of an HF complex with rhenium. The study of the fluoride-ion acceptor properties of ReO3F resulted in the syntheses and characterization of the [{ReO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-O)]2−, [ReO3F3]2−, and [ReO3F2]− anions. The [{ReO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-O)]2− anion was obtained as the [N(CH3)4]+ salt by the reaction of stoichiometric amounts of ReO3F and [N(CH3)4]F in CH3CN solvent. The anion was structurally characterized in CH3CN solution by 1D and 2D 19F NMR spectroscopy and in the solid state by Raman spectroscopy and a single-crystal X-ray structure determination of [N(CH3)4]2[{ReO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-O)]·CH3CN. The structure of the [{ReO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-O)]2– anion consists of three ReO3F units linked to each other through dicoordinate bridging fluorine atoms (F) and a central tricoordinate bridging oxygen atom (O3). Calculated vibrational frequencies and Raman intensities of the [{MO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-O)]2− (C3v) and [{MO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-F)]− (C3v) anions (M = Re, Tc) have been used to assign the Raman spectrum of [N(CH3)4]2[{ReO3(μ-F)}3(μ3-O)]·CH3CN. The fac-[ReO3F3]2− and [ReO3F2]− anions have been synthesized by the reactions of ReO3F with CsF and KF in aHF, and by reaction of ReO3F with NOF. Additionally, the [ReO3F2]− anion has been synthesized by the reaction of ReO3F with [NH4]F in aHF. Both anions were characterized by Raman spectroscopy in the solid state and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The calculated vibrational frequencies of the fac-[ReO3F3]2− (C3v) and [(µ-F)4(ReO3F)4]4− (C4v) anions were used to assign the Raman spectra of fac-[ReO3F3]2− and [ReO3F2]−, respectively. The rhenium atoms in the open-chain, fluorine-bridged [ReO3F2]− anion and the monomeric fac-[ReO3F3]2− anion are six-coordinate with a facial arrangement of the oxygen ligands. The fluoride-ion donor properties were established by the reactions of ReO3F with excess AsF5 and SbF5/SO2ClF. Both reactions resulted in the formation of white friable solids, µ-O(ReO2F)(AsF5)∙2AsF5 and [ReO3][Sb3F16]. The [ReO3][Sb3F16] salt is stable at room temperature and decomposes to [ReO2F2][SbF5], when maintained at 45 oC under dynamic vacuum. The µ-O(ReO2F)(AsF5)∙2AsF5, however, slowly decomposes at 0 oC to ReO3F and AsF5. Both products were characterized by Raman spectroscopy in the solid state with aid of quantum-chemical calculations. The vibrational analyses revealed that the geometry of [ReO3][Sb3F16] is consistent with a trigonal pyramidal arrangement of oxygen atoms around rhenium, whereas in µ-O(ReO2F)(AsF5)∙2AsF5, ReO3F interacts with one of the AsF5 molecules through an O-bridge, which represents the first example of such type of bonding. The reactions of µ-O(ReO2F)(AsF5)∙2AsF5 and [ReO3][Sb3F16] with CH3CN resulted in the formation of the white salts, [O3Re(NCCH3)3][PnF6] (Pn = As, Sb), which were characterized by Raman spectroscopy. The reactivity of ReO3F has been extended to the synthesis of a new Re(VII) oxide fluoride, (μ-F)4{[μ-O(ReO2F)2](ReO2F2)2}, which was synthesized by the reaction of 1:3 molar ratio of ReO3F and ReO2F3. The compound, (μ-F)4{[μ-O(ReO2F)2](ReO2F2)2}, a rare example of an O-bridged rhenium oxide fluoride, has been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and solid-state Raman spectroscopy. The vibrational assignments of (μ-F)4{[μ-O(ReO2F)2](ReO2F2)2} were confirmed by 18O-enrichment and quantum-chemical calculations. The improved synthesis of ReO3F has also led to the synthesis and characterization of the novel [XeOXeOXe]2+ cation as its [μ-F(ReO2F3)2]− salt by the low-temperature reaction of ReO3F and XeF2 in aHF. The [XeOXeOXe]2+ cation provides an unprecedented example of a xenon(II) oxide and a noble-gas oxocation as well as a rare example of a noble-gas dication. The crystal structure of [XeOXeOXe][µ-F(ReO2F3)2]2 consists of a planar, zigzag-shaped [XeOXeOXe]2+ cation (C2h symmetry) that is fluorine bridged through its terminal xenon atoms to two [µ-F(ReO2F3)2]– anions. The Raman spectra of the natural abundance and 18O-enriched [XeOXeOXe]2+ salts are consistent with a centrosymmetric (C2h) cation geometry. Quantum-chemical calculations were used to aid in the vibrational assignments of [Xe16/18OXe16/18OXe][µ-F(Re16/18O2F3)2]2 and to assess the bonding in [XeOXeOXe]2+ by NBO, QTAIM, ELF, and MEPS analyses. Ion pair interactions occur through Re–Fμ---Xe bridges, which are predominantly electrostatic in nature and result from polarization of the Fμ-atom electron densities by the exposed core charges of the terminal xenon atoms. Each xenon(II) atom is surrounded by a torus of xenon valence electron density comprised of the three valence electron lone pairs. The positive regions of the terminal xenon atoms and associated fluorine bridge bonds correspond to the positive σ-holes and donor interactions that are associated with “halogen bonding”. The reactions of MnO3F with noble-gas fluorides, KrF2 and XeF6, have been studied as the possible synthetic routes to MnOF5 and MnO2F3. The reaction of MnO3F with KrF2 yielded a red solid, which was isolated as a crystalline solid at room temperature and its crystal structure was assigned to manganese(V) fluoride, MnF5. The crystal structure of polymeric MnF5 consists of MnF6-octahedra which are trans-coordinated through fluorine bridges. The geometrical parameters of MnF5 could not be reliably determined due to unresolved twinning issues. The reaction of MnO3F with KrF2 in the presence of K[HF2] yielded a red-orange solid mixture of K[MnF6] (soluble in HF) and MnF3 (insoluble in HF). The HF solution of the solid mixture was characterized by 19F NMR spectroscopy and the resonance observed in the 19F NMR spectrum was preliminary assigned to [MnF6] by comparison with the chemical shift observed in the 19F NMR spectrum of MnO3F. Additionally, MnO3F was characterized by 19F−55Mn COSY NMR and 55Mn NMR spectroscopies, the latter provided the first 1J(19F−55Mn) coupling constant. The K[MnF6] salt was also characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The resulting octahedral geometry is imposed by symmetry, therefore, the anticipated Jahn-Teller distortion, which would result in D4h symmetry for the [MnF6] anion, could not be observed. The reaction of MnO3F with XeF6 resulted in the isolation of [Xe2F11]2[MnF6] and [XeF5]2[MnF6]. Both salts were characterized by low-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The [Xe2F11]2[MnF6] salt was additionally characterized by low-temperature Raman spectroscopy with the aid of quantum-chemical calculations, whereas the assignment of the known Raman spectrum of [XeF5]2[MnF6] has been improved in the present work. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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